“And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all peoples: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” Zechariah 12:3
This is where we are going…
“Who will bring any charge to God’s against those whom God has chosen (elected)?” Romans 8:33
Days of Destiny:
Did you know Muslims have declared November to be anti-islamophobia month?!
Yes, I hear the noise and foment flooding the nations and spilling out over the internet. There is NO rest, NO peace, only speculation and threats. Change has burst forth with the landslide electoral victory of former President Trump. The people have spoken, and the only people who seem bewildered by it are the Left. What a wake-up call. Do not be deceived. We are in a period of great spiritual and political turbulence, fueled by media lies. Unexpected attacks are being planned over the next two months before Mr Trump takes office. Stay alert! They will come from unexpected sources. The darkness is raging everywhere. The Trump Inauguration is on January 20/25. Please bathe these next 2 months In prayer for all governments.
Let God be God an all men liars. Our God reigns, listening to our cries for liberty. My heart is brimming over for I see the mighty Hand of the LORD in our midst. He CALLS us to join others in praying for Salvation and Righteousness to spring forth into millions and billions of hearts. First, we pray for all leaders. Are you upset with the leader of your nation? How do you pray? Refuse to hate. Bring them before the Heavenly Court and leave them there. Use your keys to the Kingdom of God to bind the evil and lose the good. “I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 18:18-20.
Change: The leftist governments in the USA, Canada, and Europe have allowed millions of radical Muslims to immigrate, thinking they will assimilate. These guests hate their hosts and hate everything they represent and are creating kayos. You know what happened in Amsterdam after the soccer game between, Ajax and Israel. The attack on Israelis by 100 young Muslims was all coordinated. Muslims bragged on social media that this pogrom* went according to plan. Two days later in Sweden on the anniversary of Nov 9th 1938, Kristallnacht, (‘night of the broken glass’) Jews were attacked in Sweden and Antwerp Belgium. Other Twitter accounts are demanding French Moroccans to lynch Jews who attend an upcoming football game. Anti-Semitism overtook Germany in 1938. This disease troubles all of Europe and the West. Palestinians are on the move in every foreign land they have entered. Today they target Jews and tomorrow it will be the Christians. We lived through the days when the Palestinians, began chanting and scribbling their slogan on our walls in Israel; “first the Saturday people then the Sunday people…” Just watch a thug trying to steal a child from his father.
SHOCKING! A planned vigil set for Nov 26th to honour Yahya Sinwar, chief mastermind of the October 7th massacres is all ‘go’. Municipal officials said they would not interfere. Flyers advertising the event were spotted last week, using the poppy flower symbol, established by the Royal Canadian Legion as a way to pay tribute to Canadian veterans. It has been placed next to a photograph of the late Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar with the words “Lest We Forget Our Heroes: Vigil For Resistance Leaders.” One advertisement said the event would commemorate “40 days after the Martyrdom of the leaders of Resistance fighting for Palestinian freedom.” What do you think about that Canadians? Fight for your freedom?
Ireland fights reality in anti-Israel choices. In April they decided to recognize Palestinian statehood. Who asked them? Their school textbook teaches Auschwitz was a POW camp and they also teach, that Jesus was born in Palestine not Judea?
Israel has been at war with Hamas for 13 months now and has taken control of 30% of Gaza. 80% of Gaza’s mosques were destroyed. They were used as command centres and weapons depots for Hamas. The Biden Admin. is pressuring Israel to slow down their take over of Gaza, stressing the need for humanitarian aid. This is fake news … on 13th Nov. the US State Dept. said, “Israel did err.” People are not hungry in Gaza. Starving people are not sent menthols, Nutella and cigarettes,
Netanyahu just sent this message to the Iranian people. “There is one thing that Khomeini’s regime fears more than Israel; It’s you, the people of Iran. That’s why they spend so much time and money trying to crush your hopes and curb your dreams. Well, I say to you this: Don’t let your dreams die. … Don’t lose hope, and know that Israel and others in the free world are with you.”
They want to destroy us. Let us never forget, that Iran attacked Israel, a sovereign nation in April with 200 ballistic missiles and in Oct with 181 this year. This is a first in the history of war. What if it was your nation? How would it change your attitude?
Israel now controls the front-line villages in Lebanon. They have destroyed tonnes of stockpiled weapons underground, inside and outside of houses … 10’s more than in Gaza. Israel is destroying all infrastructure built underground for storing digging equipment, huge trucks, tanks and missiles. This week they are eliminating the 2nd line of Hezbulloh’s line of defence moving north toward the Letani river. There can be no talk of a cease-fire until this objective is reached.
This week, Israel took out Hezbulloh’s military leader (Daduk) in Damascus and 10 Iranian commanders with him. They also eliminated Salim Ayyash, the terrorist who detonated 1,000 kilograms of TNT in Beirut in 2005. It killed the Christian Prime Minister of Lebanon, Rafik Hariri and 21 others, opening the way for Hezbulloh’s takeover of Lebanon. Keep praying for all souls in the war-torn lands.
Yemen and Iraq:
Both are sending drones into many cities and sensitive military sites in Israel. The nation is literally ‘under siege’ from all borders.
Why Remember November 11th?
… lest we forget the price that was paid, and why it was paid and continues to be paid! Before you watch this video, I want you to know that the Muslim world has coerced our Nov 11th of Remembrance Day for the fallen soldiers of WWI and WWII. They declared that it is now ‘Shahid’s Day’ in honour of the memory of their holy martyrs who gave their lives slaughtering Jews. What a twist! Do you find this offensive?
United States of America: Prosperity Bank Name: Meridel Rawlings ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number) Personal Acc # 2859742 14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North San Antonio, Texas, 78232
Kindly deposit the following personal checks to my savings account # 08249-5117957 In favor of: Meridel Rawlings, Bank: Royal Bank of Canada Branch: 04130 Bank number: 003 Account number: 08249-5117957 IBAN: CA003547315204130 SWIFT: ROYCCAT2 ABA: 021000021
Portrait of President-elect Donald Trump. Digital photograph, 2016. Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division. https://www.loc.gov/item/2017645723/
Jay joins me in sending you blessings from us in the name of Jesus! Join us in this time of repentance and new beginnings.
“Now at that time Michael the great prince who stands guard over the children of your people, will arise. And there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time; but at that time your people, everyone who is found written in the “Book of Life” will be rescued.”Daniel 12:1
Iranian missiles rained down upon Israel as the New Year was being ushered in. We were on the phone with our son David, during the barrage of over 185 ballistic missiles this week. It takes just 12 minutes for them to travel the 1,000 miles from Iran to Israel. We heard the incessant explosions. It is just unbelievable and we must not get used to this insane behavior. Iran’s second missile attack since April leaves them vulnerable now, to Israel’s retaliation. A senior IDF person, Dr. Gold created ‘the iron dome’ system of defence. He said, “This latest attack and the protection granted to Israel is equal to the miracle of the splitting of the Red Sea.” The LORD God of Israel protects his own. Meanwhile, Israel has done what no other nation has. In one week they decapitated the head of the snake – Hezbulloh. The ground offensive into Lebanon is a gruelling undertaking to ensure a safe return to 100,000 Israelis back to their home in the Northern border areas.
“And after the earthquake a fire and after the fire a sound of a gentle stillness … ; and behold a voice came to him and said, ‘What are you doing here Elijah?” 1 Kings 19:12
The Still Small Voice:
Have you wondered how one person seems to ‘wear’ the ‘will of the LORD’ more easily than another or even yourself? It’s a good question and worthy of an answer.
Perhaps the reason that we do not know or better understand Him is, we do not pay attention to His gentle checks, those delicate restraints and constraints. His is a Still Small Voice! This voice can hardly be heard, it must be felt. I liken it to the steady, gentle pressure upon one’s mind and heart, like a soft morning breeze. It is indeed a small voice, just the whisper of a thought at times, so easily missed. If it is heeded it grows noiselessly clearer to your inner ear. His voice is heard by the ear of love, waiting for His whispers.
There can come a time when love ceases to speak, if not responded to or believed in. His is love, and if you would know Him, and His voice, give constant attention to His touches. He will keep you and I, only IF we hand over the control and give up ‘my’ rulership, listen and constantly obey. To obey often demands we take the lesser place, remain silent when we have answers, or know that we are ‘right’, or want ’to set the record straight’. It takes being led, by our Shepherd, who charters our course, knowing the end from the beginning.
Waiting on God is for the strong of heart, the patient, the hungry soul. “For you LORD alone have the words of eternal LIFE!” John 6:68
So, beloved, in closing; if you would know His voice, this new year, 5785, a year of judgment and blessing, never consider results or possible effects. OBEY even when He asks you to move in the dark. There will spring up in your heart a fellowship with your LORD, to hold you both together even in severest testings and under most terrible pressures. Guaranteed! That is my personal testimony.
We close in love, sending you heaven’s blessings which satisfy;
Jay and Meridel Rawlings.
The shofar is an instrument of war. We are at war friends, and we will win.
Here is Jay blowing the shofar on Rosh ha Shannah, the Day of Blowing!
We are living in supernatural times, hearkening back to Biblical days. Strange and unusual things are happening. We expect the supernatural to continue to unfold throughout Israel and in our own lives. This is why, it is well worth our time and future to always “give a cup of cold water” to anyone in the Name of the LORD. Commune daily. Listen, Hear and Obey the Still Small Voice.
These are in the ‘Days of Repentance’ leading to the Jewish New Year, 5785. These number letters in Hebrew spell, “a year of grace and judgment.” Shillot prayers ask for forgiveness, first from the people who fill our lives and then from the LORD for our offences. Jesus rehearsed this principle. “Leave your gift there before the altar and go. First, be reconciled with your brother and then go and offer your gift.” Matthew 5:24
“LORD Jesus, encourage me to live in such a way today that my life will influence those I meet for tomorrow. Teach me how to pray. Let my prayers for Israel make all the difference. Help us to rejoice in hope and weep with Israel and rejoice with her. We do not despise her enemies, we pity and pray for the lost. “This will be written for the later LAST generation, and a people who have not yet been created will praise the LORD.” Psalm 102:18
Pray that the wrath of the LORD’s enemies will praise Him. Friends, I believe that all things point to the fact that you and I are the last generation. We have been called for such a time as this. Israel is the first of all nations, she is being prepared for rulership. Understanding this principle sheds some light on the most difficult path she must endure and triumph over. Likewise, we must also grit our teeth at times to endure, for neither shall we rule unless we pay the price of fighting for truth and love. This program of struggle, ‘endurance’ is set to shadow all nations.
“And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces …” Zechariah 12:3
Sept 19th 2024. Jerusalem News Service:
Only 14 countries, including the United States, joined Israel in opposing the resolution.
In a resolution yesterday, passed by a 124-14 margin, with 43 abstentions fronted by the Palestinians echoing the July advice of the International Court of Justice saying that the Israeli presence is illegal in the Old City of Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. It demands that the Israeli army and Jewish residents evacuate the pre-1949 line. The Palestinian-fronted resolution passed by wide margin, demands that the Israeli army and Jewish residents evacuate to pre-1949 line within a year.
Lebanon was the only Christian Nation in the Middle East
I visited Lebanon in the fall of 1965. Then it was known as the Paris of the Middle East. I was treated to a 70-course lunch, in a restaurant under a waterfall. Then I worked on a kibbutz in Galilee and visited Egypt. How the world has changed.
I am not sure if you remember but Lebanon was intended as a Christian country, a Christian haven among the Islamic nations that surround them, abutting the proposed Jewish State. Life in Lebanon was good until two things happened. In order to make the two states contiguous, the two borders were joined with a Moslem area in between, then, Yassir Arafat arrived on the scene and the Christian dream was lost. I still remember, visiting the border which was nothing more than a car park-type barrier and we all had photos taken with the open fields of Lebanon behind us. Lebanon is in chaos today. Everyone knows about the mysterious explosions on pagers and walkie-talkies experienced by Hezbollah.
“And Jacob was left alone, and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of day.” Genesis 32:24
United States of America: Prosperity Bank Name: Meridel Rawlings ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number) Personal Acc # 2859742 14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North San Antonio, Texas, 78232
Canada: Kindly deposit the following personal checks to my savings account # 08249-5117957 In favor of: Meridel Rawlings, Bank: Royal Bank of Canada Branch: 04130 Bank number: 003 Account number: 08249-5117957 IBAN: CA003547315204130 SWIFT: ROYCCAT2 ABA: 021000021
I love to hear from you, even if it is to tell me that your version of my SMV is messed up. To ensure your smooth opening, please go to my website: www.stillsmallvoice.tvSign in the box provided with every letter, choose: English or German. Download the app to your computer then open automatically.
“See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to uproot and break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.” Jeremiah 1:10b
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace on the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword [or division between belief and unbelief].
Matthew 10:34.
Friends keep your prayers up. The major ongoing war remains in Gaza, to date, 17,000 terrorists have been eliminated. At present it is an ongoing underground gorilla war. Deadly and cruel!
Preemptive Attack:
At dawn yesterday, 15 minutes before one of our worst attacks, Israel preempted Hezbulloh, with 100 planes taking out 170 targets, and 6,000 launch pads destroyed. This action thwarted Hezbulloh’s plan to take out the main military intelligence base in central Israel. It was a brilliant tactical victory for Israel. Drawing the entire Middle East into this war has not happened. Below: UN-Half Truths:
“…others were tortured, and refused to be released … facing jeers and flogging … chained, stoned, destitute, persecuted and Ill-treated. The world was (IS) not worthy of them. They wandered in caves and holes in the ground.” (tunnels) Hebrews 11:35b-38.
Monday, August 27th, Kaith Firhan Al Quadi, an Israeli Bedouin hostage, 52 years oldwas rescued out of a Hamas tunnel this morning. His 90 year old mother lives in the West Bank, his wife and 11 children are from Rahat. “Life from the dead” is how one ofhis brothers described the rescue. Firhan is a great source of information for Israel. Heis presently undergoing debriefing and examinations in hospital. Hope has been released in Israel!The IDF Spokesman said: “He was delivered home to Israel today by a highly secret complex
intelligence operation in Gaza. A ‘flower’ has been rescued from a tunnel on his 326th day of captivity. We are determined to see the remaining 108 hostages brought home.”
We still have up to 108 lost hostages in Gaza; aged 1 to 82 years. Those previously released were starving, having subsisted on a little rice and white bread. The women were gang raped, beaten and taunted. All suffered from muscle and joint pain due to lack of nutrition and being forced to stay in one position. All had up to 3 kinds of fevers, including tick and from dust. This week the bodies of 6 Israeli men were found in a tunnel, starved, beaten and riddled with bullets. They have been returned to families for descent burials.
Human Sacrifice:
One of the sad aspects of this war is that none, not one of the Moslem countries, indeed any country, despite their verbal or political sympathies, has taken in any refugees from Gaza, except for Canada, and the country is in an uproar over it.
Yahya Sinwar, Hamas leader, masterminded October 7th who surrounds himself with Israeli hostages demanded in the latest hostages-for-ceasefire-and-prisoners deala personal safety guarantee as a new condition. He demands his own personal safety, all the while sending thousands of civilian Gazans to their deaths. Egyptian source. Aug 21,2024 World Israel News
This terrorist mastermind current leader of Gaza, is nowdisguised as a woman hiding in plain sight. He no longer uses electronic devices, but depends upon couriers for information. Pray that he is brought to justice swiftly. i24News Aug. 27th 2024.
War Begins with Media:
The Emmy nominee this month for film in the News & Documentary category is a woman named ‘Bisan Atef Owda’. She claims “Israel occupies every corner of the world.” She documented the Palestinian activist’s experience during the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. The film is nominated alongside its publisher AJ+, an offshoot of the Qatari-owned media conglomerate Al Jazeera, which broadcasts rabidly anti Israel propaganda across the globe. Of course they funded this film. 150 actors and Hollywood leaders are pressing the National Academy of Television Arts to pull this nomination because of the ‘documented ties’ of this woman with the PFLP terror group. (On the terror list of nations in the USA) The nomination may violate the Emmy Awards’ own code of conduct, which says the nominating organization has a “zero tolerance for discrimination, harassment or illegal, dishonest, unethical or otherwise harmful conduct,”
An Israeli documentarist has just released his film covering the aftermath of the Nova Dance festival on the Gaza Border, Oct 6th and 7th. 3,500 youths were present from all ethnic groups of Israeli society. He was on site two days after the disaster and interviews survivors and used footage from their phones. He also used Go-Pro shots taken by the terrorists themselves. (Blurred) Pray that it will SHOUT to the youth of the world, nation by nation to rethink their prejudices.
Crying for Forgiveness:
Major Gen. Aharon Haliva, served in the IDF for 38 years. He is the departing head of the Military Intelligence Directorate.“I take full responsibility for the intelligence failures that led to the October 7th Hamas invasion. I will carry it on my conscience until my last days.” He asked the public for forgiveness.
Israel’s Borders:
Please pray over ALL of Israel’s borders. Druze on the Northern border of the Golan where stuck a deadly blow recently and lost many youths when their soccer field was stuck by a missile from Hezbulloh. Katzrin, a large city in the Golan had 180 missiles lobbed at them this week. Tel Aviv and Nahariah on the sea are also targets of nonstop aggression. East on the border with Jordan, Hamas squads have infiltrated local Arab villages. Tons of arms’ are flooding in from Jordan. There are reports of Iranian militias concentrating on this border.
Drastic changes have swept over Canada. Since 2021,100 churches have been torched, several burned to the ground. The latest was in the little town of Grande-Anse, New Brunswick. Mainline media made NO mention of it. If this and the other churches had been mosques, Politicians and the media would be ringing the hate crimes alarm. But no one cares when it’s just Christian churches … And as Gerald Butts, Justin Trudeau’s best fiend and advisor said, “burning churches is understandable.” David Menies. Tuesday Aug. 14th 24 Rebel News, Canada.
I am showing this clip on Canada, so that when victory comes to not only Israel, America and Canada; we who have prayed for those who persecute us will rejoice! “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has lost its taste (purpose) how can it be made salty? It is no longer good for anything, but to be thrown out and walked-on by people [when the walkways are wet and slippery}!
Matthew 5:13-15
A Drink of Cold Water:
“The Lord Jesus spoke recently; “Will you still resist My love for you. There is no reason to try and hide from Me. Allow Me to remove every false belief system you have within you. Allow Me to renew your mind, soul and spirit with the truth of My love for you. By doing so, you will soar higher in faith than you ever saw possible.”
Barry Wunsch, Red Deer Alberta Canada, Aug. 3rd, 2024.
Miracles Among the Nations:
“Kindly allow me to give you an inside look at what it means to be ‘called out’. We have written a pattern of the light and shade which accompanies the way of faith through our very human lives. What we experienced was remarkable! Why? Because it is the very hard and narrow places in which we find ourselves through being willing to trust our lives into God’s extraordinary responses all along the way. God’s calling does not lift us out of the the pathway of commonsense. Trials can perfect our faith. “ Meridel
Quotes: “I bought your book and gave it to several friends. One reported she enjoyed it and is now encouraged to believe God for her miracles. She was sad when the book ended. This beautiful friend is praying for her daughter to get out of a bad relationship.” P.S. Canada
“In Miracles Among the Nations, I read about your time in a local market where a deaf and dumb Filipino porter carrying sacks of charcoal was marvelously healed. It’s so well-written and is it ever anointed! THANK YOU. Yes sir, that book will sail to the top of the charts in Yeshua’s name!” B. Krachmal, Jerusalem, USA.
Some folks are enjoying our latest book available on Amazon: Why not find out for yourself? Our prayer is that it will leave you thirsty.
Friends wrote:
“Dear Meridel, thank you very, very much for all your prayers for me. Thank you so much for allowing us to be so deeply connected. You are a huge blessing for me. Thank God in the truest sense of the word”B.H. Europe
“I always enjoy your messages and updates, they’re very informative and cover a lot on these last days. I’m 91 years and know ‘senior hood’ is all about bearing fruit for His Kingdom. May the Lord give you both health and strength to carry on the ministry He’s still giving you.” Reyn Rutledge USA
“Out of our intimacy in Jesus, He will bring light into the deep places within us. Many of us have been hurt by others. He is not waiting for us with a belt, but with a ring and a robe.” Barry Wunsch
Jay and Meridel Rawlings
Kindly note the changes in the Greek Account:
Pireaus Bank: Meridel Rawlings
Account No to Meridel: Account: 5528111846351
IBAN: 700172580005528111846351
Add Prosperity Bank USA: now active in both our names.
This Sabbath is called ‘The Sabbath of Comfort’. I think that is lovely. It falls after last week when we ‘remembered’ the destruction of both Temples and waited to see if Iran would attack Israel. I didn’t believe they would. Bullies are also cowards, and Israel sent an ultimatum. May we all give thanks to the God of ALL Comfort. He will see us through. Our goal is to gain the Kingdom of Heaven!
“COME, and let us return [in repentance] to the LORD, for He has torn us, and He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us.” Hosea 6:1
When we take time to reflect, can we say the best things in our lives came out of wounding? Wheat is crushed before it becomes bread. Incense must be one with the fire to release its fragrance. Fields must be cut open with ploughs to receive life-giving seed. What must first happen for our hearts to be open to the love and Word of the Almighty? Often, the sweetest joys in life are the fruits of sorrow, which few of us like to discuss. Human nature needs to be tempered to make it fit to bless the world. Oh, it’s a costly education … that of being a significant blessing. One must suffer, you see God’s thoughts are much higher than our own.
“Blessed [gratefully praised and adored] be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts and encourages us in every trouble so that we will be able to comfort and encourage those who are in any kind of trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-5.
The Beauty of the Moment:
The morning breezes are a little cooler now, with a hint of coming change. Dew is beginning to fall in the stillness of night bringing some relief to our parched land.
Fields are golden. We pray daily against fire. Athens has been plagued this summer, the village next to us had one on each side of the village. We are also seriously taking the call to pray for our nations. The Holy Spirit lays them upon our hearts. Our work is to be faithful. Yes, world news and politics seem so upside down and backwards. We know we are in the time of the “birth pangs of the coming of Messiah.” We call (pray) for law and order in Jesus Name and do what we can wherever we are, to help make a difference. Sometimes that means standing up to bullies and their lies. This takes what my mother called ‘intestinal fortitude; which, in today’s jargon means, ‘it takes guts!’ We also must be wise and know when to be silent, and where to put our time and strength. Jordan Petersen is being made an ‘example’ to all Canadians and the world for being so outspoken.‘Free speech’ no longer exists in my birth nation neither do many other human rights. The MAID program, (Medically Assistance In Dying) has taken the lives of 50,000 Canadians and lowered the permissible age to 12, without parental consent. This is a kind of madness. Then there is President Trump. Alon Musk interviewed him on X this week and it broke the internet with 1,000,000,000,000 views. Not one news outlet in America asked the former President for an interview. His angry neighbours are trying to drive him from his home residence in Florida? At the some time he was summoned with a 10-month prison sentence. Attention: darkness smiles deceitfully in the open with full media coverage and backing. It is all madness, an upside-down world. All the more reason to pull back, stay in the Bible, find solace for our souls and learn how to protect our families and each other!
The Controversy of Israeli History:
My husband Jay was a documentarist in Jerusalem for 50 years, blessed with a fine team including our 4 sons, and a nephew and niece. During that time, he had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Kedar on many occasions. Listen up and smile! Here, Dr. Mordechai Kedar is interviewed by Al Jazeera. He walks away with the show! Of course, I was delighted and couldn’t help smiling and giggling. Truth always wins!
He speaks Arabic, so you will have to be quick to read the English. Well worth it!
A Voice in the Wilderness
Our good friend Rev. John Angliss sent this from England.
“This is Jay. Work means heading 350 meters to our beach and swimming, walking, reading and praying together. I love to look for shells, but this year there are none? We were late this morning and the families with young children had descended. Just watching the mothers in action is a science. One large woman, who appeared arthritic inspite of her age, kept watch over her two beautiful curly-headed boys by standing and screaming, “Come, do this do that!” Painful to listen to.The mother of three on our left by contrast of laid back. They played, built sand castles, jumped in and out of the sea, or raced each other down the beach. She sat back eating an apple. Both lives spoke volumes …
Speaking of little ones: we have 11 grandchildren, and their ages range from 25, 23, 22, 20, 19, 17, 3,1 and 2 months. I’d love to send photos but their parents prefer we don’t, which is understandable. Ten of the 11 have visited us this summer. The 11th is studying physics in Australia.
An Irresistible Invitation:
I got the invitation of a lifetime this week when the phone rang. Three-and-a-half-year-old Ryan was on the line. Now, one of his favourite phrases is, “I have a GOOD idea!” But this time, he began, “Mom Honey …” This name was given to me 20 years ago by David’s son Amitai). Ryan rushed on, “I want you to come and sleep over. You can meet me at the breakfast table. We NEED to talk!”
WOW! I was delighted with the summons and hope it takes place before too long.
What do you suppose the little fellow has on his heart? How profound the little ones can be.
From My Friends:
“My dear friend, It gives me such joy to bless you!! You fight the battles – I merely point and click. You and Jay are heroes to me!!!” Much love, A.C. Canada
“Dear One;
Please do not be overly concerned about me. I am okay. Most importantly, we get to pray GOD’S WILL be done on earth, as it is in heaven. On Sept 11th, when the Twin Towers in NY were attacked, The Holy Spirit said to me: ‘This DAY, the whole world changed …’ On Oct 7th 2023 the Holy Spirit said ‘This is the beginning of the end!’ Not sure how long we will have to wait for JESUS’ return? We occupy till He returns. SHALOM.’” E.J. England
Martin Luther’s hymn – A Mighty Fortress written about 1529, speaks of the amazing strength of our God – in all and every situation.
A mighty fortress is our God,
A bulwark never failing.
Our helper He, amid the flood
Of mortal ills prevailing For still our ancient foe does seek to work us woe
His craft and power are great And armed with cruel hate on earth is not his equal
And though this world,
with devils filled
Should threaten to undo us We will not fear, for God has willed
His truth to triumph through us The prince of darkness grim
We tremble not for him
His rage we can endure
For lo, his doom is sure One little word shall fell him
We send you Comfort, knowing that His kingdom is forever!
United States of America: Prosperity Bank Name: Meridel Rawlings ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number) Personal Acc # 2859742 14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North San Antonio, Texas, 78232
Canada: Royal Bank of Canada Name: Meridel Rawlings Bank Transit Number: 08249 Institution Number: 003 Account Number: 5050638 Address: 6791 Gaetz Ave Unit # 1 Red Deer AB, Canada T4N 4C9
I pray that in these days, each one of you is drawing aside from the hustle and bustle and noise. LISTEN to the Still Small Voice. Yes, it isn’t easy, but nothing worthwhile is. If you show up on a faithful basis, God will show up for you. This week I will share just two of the instructions I heard. Study to be quiet! And later this week, this order: KNOW your enemy!
1. Are you weary of the daily grind, or:
– the continuous giving of your time and space
– the madness of the world at large
– the changes swiftly changing your nation
– perhaps, the undue stress in your interpersonal relationships?
Question: Okay, are you ready for change? Seriously, are you ready to do your part?
Well, allow me to share this marvellous assurance.
“For the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel has said this, “In returning [to Me] and rest you shall be saved, In quietness and confident trust is your strength.” But you were not willing, Isaiah 30:15
2. Know your enemy! That’s very strong. Sadly, our ignorance causes us more pain than anyone or anything else. So let’s do a deep dive here and begin with the biggest threat to our world since Hitler. Go online to find the following.
Hamas leader assassinated!! Amir Tsarfati discusses the shocking details behind the recent deaths of top Hamas and Hezbollah leaders as the Middle East teeters on the brink of all-out war. Israel’s enemies are coordinating plans for a massive retaliatory strike. Could this conflict be the precursor to a prophesied end-times battle? See the video here: https://www.youtube.com/live/_0zqmi07pkE?si=B26t__E5bgEvWQ2f
Still Small Voice Update: My son Chris, who does all of the behind-the-scenes work to post my letter has been ‘on assignment’ in Paris and was too busy to send the letter. But he is back now. We are working to upgrade my website: www.stillsmallvoice.tv Again, your friends will be able to sign up for the letter in English and German, AND The Pay Pal button will work.
We are also working to be present on Twitter – X (by the way, did you know that Elon Musk chose to change the name (Twitter) to X in honour of his son, who was destroyed by the ‘Woke virus’ as he calls it, and become a female. His name was Xaviour. Yes, spelt X A V I O U R. You could pray for this family and the other issues I have touched upon above.
We also work to have a presence on “Tik Tok”. One of my granddaughters demands that I reach out to her generation. You will find me under “Mom Honey” doing one-minute video segments referring to my book, Stain Remover. Please pray for the people and finances needed to accomplish these important changes.
One person can make a great difference in our world. Why not be that person?
Mr. Trump has taken on the poisoned politics of his Woke nation. He took a bullet for it and by God’s grace, he survived to keep fighting! Mr Musk created a site for ‘free speech’ the only one of its kind in this day of ‘Controlled speech’ in what used to be the ‘free’ world. The ‘X’ (Twitter site) has 200,000,000 subscribers. All of the news outlets in America combined, DO NOT reach that many in a month of programming. Mr. Musk is making a difference. He knows the signs of the times and is challenging what few dare to do like the dangers of ‘AI’. Yes, we can ALL do something to make the world a better place, and prayer is the best place of all to begin.
A Note from Jay:
“Even tho we are supposed to be retired, we are grateful to feel re-fired!”
This is a line Jay wrote to Pastor Aaron, his wife Cynthia and the Encounter Church from Brooks Alberta Canada. This town sits in the heart of ‘cowboy country’. Pioneer ranchers Bill and Audrey Martin introduced us to this congregation in the 1980’s. What a joy to know folks remember us and are still praying for us!”
This video was filmed in Tiberias Israel, by David Rawlings.
And so I leave you my friends with the wonderful theme that you have heard from me since 1980 when ‘Fishers and Hunters’ was first published in Jerusalem. It was the time of the ‘fishers’. Sadly, today the Hunters are stalking Jewish souls everywhere. God’s word is yeah and amen. Israel is expecting 30,000 French Jews to return home over the next year.
In closing: Jay reminded me of the years we lived in France with our three small sons. We visited Jewish communities all over Europe. The message? Come home to Israel while you still can, because the Hunters will come. “It was like living on a granite ledge, perched on the edge of a mountainside. That is how hard it was!” If you are interested, you may order “Miracles among the Nations” on Amazon for all of the details.
Always remember when you go to prayer: “Prayer works, even though it may take half a century … don’t ever stop!”
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places.” Ephesians 6:12
United States of America: Prosperity Bank Name: Meridel Rawlings ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number) Personal Acc # 2859742 14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North San Antonio, Texas, 78232
Canada: Royal Bank of Canada Name: Meridel Rawlings Bank Transit Number: 08249 Institution Number: 003 Account Number: 5050638 Address: 6791 Gaetz Ave Unit # 1 Red Deer AB, Canada T4N 4C9
“Things as we have known them are coming to an end!”
Barry Wunsch Canada
We live in amazing times. What matters most is not our geographical location but our spiritual location. Being in the eye of the storm, we can help many. I know you do as the Lord directs. ‘He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings, you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.’”
I am being prompted by the Holy Spirit to “remain here and keep watch!”
During Jesus’s agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, this was His only request of his faithless disciples. How do you respond to that? It’s not easy for sure. The news from Israel, Europe, Africa, Asia and North and South Africa is so distressing that I can no longer watch it. It causes me to tremble and deal with brokenheartedness. I am being led another way, not to look down, but to keep my gaze fixed on the eternal promises of the LORD God Almighty. Perhaps you are experiencing this as well.
Expanding Faith:
Storms cause our faith to grow! Anyone who has or is ‘going through it’ will say YES! Faith is that God given faculty in the Spirit, which must be exercised to bring the unseen into plain view. Storms are caused by conflict of elements, in such an atmosphere, faith roots down refusing to be uprooted, and it’s invisible fruit will be seen in our visible world. This is how the impossible things become possible! Storms disturb the spiritual atmosphere. This video is a little show and tell after a tremendous thunder and lighting storm last week which soaked our parched land. The lightening stuck just 30 meters from us, not 100 as we had calculated, causing me to leap off of the sofa. Listen to the chickens …
Video: Meridel Rawlings showing pink clouds after a thunderstorm.
Israeli News:
There are many excellent news sources. Allow me to introduce you to The Citizens Spokesman. I will no longer try to highlight what is unfolding inside of Israel. We have loved ones amid this furnace and so many friends … we have to stay in touch with the courtroom of heaven and speak His Word. We have to listen, hear and declare His plans for the earth, not mans! Meanwhile: in France, since the October 7 Hamas terror invasion of S. Israel, a major surge of antisemitic attacks is up 1,100%. Many are making Aliyah.
For example, Howard Flower heads up the Aliyah Ministry for the ICEJ globally. He works tirelessly helping Jews in Russia, the Ukraine and the Republics of the former Soviet Union. Since 2014 almost 250,000 Russian-speaking Jews have made Aliyah to Israel, from the Republics of the former Soviet Union. It is an amazing static. The other blessing promised is as Jews make their Exodus, revivals break out in these nations, as promised, in Ezekiel.
Jesus is cleansing what man has dared to call ‘the church.’
The Internet is buzzing with one scandal after the other, I am sure the revelations are shocking to many faithful Christians. The masks are coming off of celebrity Pastors, their accomplices are sickening in the coverups. They have become gods, what an inditement!
I know God is angry about this. Judgement begins gs in the house of God and is falling. Very little sympathy is given to the victim. Jesus railed against this crime. He cares about the wounded and vulnerable.
See Matthew 18: 6-10 and Matthew 5:20. The stand Jesus set for us ALL. so others can stand in fear.
Guilty: Do you have the guts to confess and Repent publicly?
“I sinned grievously, I sexually abused, someone else. I stole from someone something precious, I treated someone horrendously as my possession not a possession of God. That is what I did! I have only seen one man do this.
What about Jesus’ reputation? What is happening today is a move of the Holy Spirit. Jay and I could count on one hand leaders who invited me to give a seminar on sexual abuse and minister healing to their congregants. Rejection is huge!
Stain Remover: Healing the Indelible Stain of Sexual Child Abuse
This is a matter of JUSTICE!
Familiar sexual abuse was the catalyst that brought me into the living revelation of the amazing transforming all-encompassing love of Messiah-Yeshua-Jesus! I was not yet 4 years old! For those who have suffered this miserable curse, please consider my book which walks you through many kinds of sexual abuse in four religions as experiences in my counselling among the nations. I learned to choose life and spent years writing, teaching, and counselling countless victims. Be informed and educated! Help to protect those around you.
“Meridel Rawlings wrote of Pastor Eloyse’s biblical knowledge and spiritual skill, used under the authority of the Almighty God to define and deliver her from criminal minds that locked her in the prison of incest. Having been traumatized by her grandfather, who was a pastor, her father who repented, and her uncle who didn’t repent, Rawlings said, “I called out their names (familiar spirits) and demanded in the Name of the Living God that the “evil will” of each one leave my life.” Her Doctoral thesis examined families of incest from four different faiths.
Meridel Rawlings Ph.D., Stain Remover: Healing the Indelible Stain of Child Sexual Abuse (Mevasseret Zion, Israel: Still Small Voice, 2021), 159, 160. https://stillsmallvoice.tv Email: meridel.rawlings@gmail.com Ruth Olsen Denver Colorado USA
Eyes to See!
“I give you eyes to see Me, above all others. “ As you look into the lives of those around you, (those who are washed in My blood, seeking to do My will}, you will see many aspects of Me in them.” Jay Rawlings, Haifa 1978
I thank you for your prayers for Jay my husband, who is believing to overcome blindness in his left eye and very limited sight inches right. Thank you.
Thank you for your responses:
Dear Meridel, Thank you for ‘Still Small Voice’. The Lord’s voice is very strong right now as we take time to enter into the stillness with Him. I can only say, ‘Todah rah bah’ – Bless the name of the Lord.
I have listened to the video your daughter-in-law Shelly made. She can certainly speak to the younger generation. Much needed here in the West. J.W. Canada
Man’s Sword Against His Brother
Shelly and Daniel Rawlings’ latest release is a 34-page document explaining what has gone terribly wrong in Israel. A subscription is required to access this information. Go to: https://chooselovenotfear.world
Miracles among the Nations: The latest book is available on Amazon.
I will be 90 thanks to God! I am still busy in the house and garden. Life is a great gift. After reading your book about The Miracles Among the Nations I feel quite familiar with you. This book is such an eye-opener; a treasure! I was so fascinated reading chapter after chapter. You have been blessed so much by being faithful to what the Lord told you to do.” Ruth Moos, Hamburg Germany.
Ella is the voice of the IDF to Israel’s Muslim and Arab communities. She decided to enlist in the IDF after watching Al Jazeera as a child. She wanted to report the truth in Arabic and in addition to being a decorated soldier, she is quite a star of social media
Beloved friends, our call is to spend time listening to what the Spirit of God is saying. Let us work to be still and know our God that our faith will birth exploits.
May Our Beloved entrust us with His secrets. May we be found faithful.
United States of America: Prosperity Bank Name: Meridel Rawlings ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number) Personal Acc # 2859742 14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North San Antonio, Texas, 78232
Canada: Royal Bank of Canada Name: Meridel Rawlings Bank Transit Number: 08249 Institution Number: 003 Account Number: 5050638 Address: 6791 Gaetz Ave Unit # 1 Red Deer AB, Canada T4N 4C9
In these days, knowing the scriptures helps us to ‘think’ out of the box. Our survival depends upon wisdom, knowledge, and truth from heaven’s perspective. Man does not have the answers. That is not an overstatement. In and outside of Israel people are perplexed, confounded and angry by the savagery of Oct 7th. The world has largely ignored Israel’s greatest ongoing tragedy to date. The country is clearly divided into two camps. One blames the political and military leadership for negligence which caused the disaster, coupled with how the army handled the invasion. The other religious, citizens are largely non-involved, especially by refusing to agree for their sons to serve in the IDF. How can that one attitude alone help to cement a fractured people? One side pays with their lives, the other is paid to sit in Yeshiva? What is your answer? Now an exhausted and depleted nation faces ongoing war in the North with 200,000 Israeli refugees from north and south within their own nation. They need you to stand with them before God as they plead for mercy, because Israel is at war, within and without!
“There is hope for your future,” says the Lord, “and your children will return to their own land. I have heard Ephraim crying in sorrow …” Jeremiah 31:17-19.
After you view this work, please read and consider this word:
“Israel – woe to their enemies who have infiltrated this nation. I will show you the traitors in this government going after Netanyahu. Their coup will not work, he was placed there by Me. All the enemies of My land, your next attack and move will fail. Israel is Mine. I’m the protector of that land and My people. You will not have the war you wanted. You will regret your next moves against them. I will expose who paid you and helped you plan these attempts to overthrow My land and My chosen son who is in charge of it. Do you hear Me, Washington? You will not have what you planned and paid for. Israel is My nation, not yours to decide who gets it or can rule over it. You don’t have that kind of power so back off. If you don’t, judgment will hit you even harder and more shame and embarrassment will come upon you. Israel is Mine and any enemy that tries to destroy it will be destroyed.”
Julie Green, given June 20th 2024.
It will be difficult for Israelis to hear this because of the deep mistrust of their present government and Prime Minister. But this word also speaks of betrayal on a national scale. Bear that in mind as you go to prayer.
Aliyah and its effects:
My first book, Fishers and Hunters was all about Aliyah, and how we were called to go physically to Jewish Communities around the world and warn them very lovingly to return home to Israel. Yes, the end-time return of the Jewish people home to Israel is a mystery. The effect this creates within the nations they exit from is also a pause for reflection and amazement. We witnessed this when 1,500,000 Russian Jews poured out of the former USSR in the 1990s into Israel. Revival burst forth in the former Soviet States. Aliyah and revival go together.“But we see through a glass darkly”Jesus said.
History traces indelible patterns over time that repeat themselves. Before and during WW11 when European Jews were fleeing to their homeland, in Canada, the Latter Rain Revival broke out In the Canadian West. After the war, revival helped to rebuild the soul of the broken German nation into a powerhouse for good. So we have to pray and listen! It was Charles Spurgeon (150 years ago), who said that at an election you ‘tip out one lot of sinners and elect another’. For the first time, we are seeing religion impact voting decisions. Europe under the heavy influence of the World Economic Forum has voted right. The people have spoken and leaders are scrambling especially in France, Yes there has been a large French Aliyah for several decades now. Watch for revival, it comes in the shadow of revolution.
United States of America: Prosperity Bank Name: Meridel Rawlings ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number) Personal Acc # 2859742 14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North San Antonio, Texas, 78232
Canada: Royal Bank of Canada Name: Meridel Rawlings Bank Transit Number: 08249 Institution Number: 003 Account Number: 5050638 Address: 6791 Gaetz Ave Unit # 1 Red Deer AB, Canada T4N 4C9
The Hebrew year we are in is 5784, which means: the prison doors open for Joseph.
We give thanks today for the IDF, rescuing 4 hostages last week, which makes 7 living, safely snatched from Hamas. We pray for the remaining 120. I am reminded of a vision my brother-in-law Keevin had during a prayer meeting. He saw Jesus walking the miserable streets of Gaza weeping for His peoples, both Jew and Arab. Many hungry frightened Gazans are being murdered by brutal Hamas today.
“What one nation on earth is like Your people Israel, whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people and to make a name for Himself, and to do great and awesome things for Yourself and for Your land, before Your people whom you have redeemed for Your self from Egypt, from nations and their gods.?” 2 Samuel 7:23
A large fire seen after missiles launched from Lebanon hit Safed, northern Israel, on June 13, 2024 from Jerusalem Post article https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-806072 (credit: David Cohen/Flash90)
Intense war has broken out on Israel’s Northern Border. Israel took out a senior military Hezbollah leader. The result is that now, missiles are falling into Israel as far south as Safad and Haifa Bay. It must have been a precision-guided missile that took out an Iron Dome Station, worth $100,000,000.??? Hundreds of thousands of acres of land have been burned.
Israel has cut off the finances coming into Rafa from Sinai by closing the tunnels into Egypt. The UN Commission of Inquiry in Geneva has slapped both Hamas and Israel with condemnation of sexual violence. They also demanded that Israel use starvation as a weapon. The lies fall to the ground because Hamas is a lawless terrorist organization. Israel is a democracy following the rule of law.
The future of all democracies is not only very sad, but bleak. Let’s take a moment to contemplate the suffering caused by the Israel-Hamas War, which historically hearkens back to WW11. The world did nothing then because the victims were Jews. On Oct 7th this nightmare was blasted on media all over the world by a proud Hamas. Only days later they denied what they had done, slaughtering civilian Israelis of all ages. You know they plundered, stole, murdered, burned, raped, and took hostages.
Hamas also sacrifices their own Gazan population, by stealing food shipments, and completely consuming their civilian populations with their military infrastructure and weapons of destruction.
This ongoing war is between a modern world and a backward death-cult, because of the favor and backing Hamas receives globally. Who speaks up for Israel’s rights? This conflict has the potential to shred what is left of so-called democracies. Why do I say this?It is the lack of empathy to human suffering that is highly concerning. How can one be so blind to human suffering that facts are completely ignored and as a result human suffering is completely ignored? The proof is that entire nations refuse to believe the victims of the vicious Oct 7th attacks that weaponised sexual violence as a weapon of war along with plundering, stealing, mutilation, murder and kidnapping by Hamas and civilian Gazan neighbours?
This war is giving the world an opportunity for moral clarity. Think of the nations involved, USA, Canada, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Qatar and Europe to realize what the governments involved are up to. This death cult Hamas, knows only how to seed violence and fear, to break down and destroy leaving nothing but charred lives in its path. Why the concerted global effort to destroy Israel?“Civilian deaths are a necessary sacrifice?” Said Yaya Sinwar, leader of Hamas.
God gave us life, and why is the world now supporting this death cult Hamas? Their death plans are to impose this deadly doctrine from New Zealand, and Asia onto Canada. We must speak out for our children to have the right to LIFE! We have to fight against this madness. Israel understands this danger is looming over our nations! Just as the tentacles of Iran have systematically destroyed the Levant or half of the Middle East; Hamas has revealed yet a new level of horror by first brainwashing their children over generations of time. They have chipped away at human values bringing us to the despair we find ourselves in today. The world supports radical madness simply because they are anti-Semitic. Young Palestinians marching in the capitals of the world have no shame. Their governments have no stomach for confrontation, and so allow this. By both of these actions, the murder and mutilation of innocents is supported.
Hamas proudly shared their disgusting footage globally of October 7th, 8th and 10th. No one spoke out and they got away with it. They normalized brutality and today there is no consensus. We need to eliminate Hamas and they cannot be rewarded by giving them a State. Why do the leaders in the West want them to stay? Have you seen how Hamas murders their people for stealing food, the food that was sent into Gaza for starving civilians? Hamas first killed fundamental values in their society. They lack shame, priding themselves in bestiality and depravity. It works overtime to destroy innocence and compassion. We must not despair and never forget dear friends, that our Father is still ultimately in control.
“The triumphing of the wicked is short.” Job 20:5
If Israelis continue to fight Hamas, it will continue to be bloody. If you and I fight against Hamas by letting our voices be heard, no matter how small and insignificant we feel we are, it will also cause ripples of truth. Use your voice, no matter who you are and where you live. Do not put up and shut up with the madness. Beseech heaven to hear your cries for justice on the earth.
“The weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses … destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Yeshua, Christ, Messiah!”2 Cor. 10:4,5
Time to pray and not faint my beloved. Pray out what you know, pray in the spirit. If you have a representative in your government, call them, let them know your thoughts and follow it up with a letter. After all, that is why they are in office. Tell your friends to do the same. Speak out at your parent-teacher meetings, and in your bible studies and prayer meetings. Educate those around you. Write articles for your local paper, or church paper. Speak out. If your radio or TV stations give you space to comment, do so! Do not be silent.
If you are aware of the unjust suffering of the children around you investigate with wisdom. If you know that a wife, husband or child is abused by someone in the family or neighbourhood, you are culpable IF you don’t speak out. Use your head, get sound advice and move quietly with God’s blessing and great wisdom. If you want to know how to be healed of sexual abuse allow me to recommend my book, Stain Remover, Healing the Indelible Stain of Sexual Abuse by Dr. Meridel Rawlings, available on Amazon.
“Congratulations Jay and Meridel on the release of your new book. I pray it will be a great success and a great blessing to the readers! I’m so happy for you, May God continue to make you and Jay a voice in your senior years.” R.R. USA
United States of America: Prosperity Bank Name: Meridel Rawlings ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number) Personal Acc # 2859742 14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North San Antonio, Texas, 78232
Canada: Royal Bank of Canada Name: Meridel Rawlings Bank Transit Number: 08249 Institution Number: 003 Account Number: 5050638 Address: 6791 Gaetz Ave Unit # 1 Red Deer AB, Canada T4N 4C9
The cover photo this week is of Prophet Kim Clement. I am sharing his precise prophecies of world events given ten years ago. Please listen with your spirit. Who can deny, ‘these days are dark?’ Everywhere we turn we are assaulted by terrible news in not just one nation, but many nations. I find it overwhelming. Not wanting to send you a negative word, I have decided to skip most of the news and set our sights on the sovereignty of the LORD God! The hour is late. Evil progresses at an alarming rate. These prophecies counter the negative daily news.
“The LORD will make you the head [leader] and not the tail [follower]; and you will be above only, and you will not be beneath, IF [conditional] you listen and pay attention to the Commandments of the LORD your God, which I am commanding you today to observe them carefully.” Deuteronomy 38:13
“I was first to say to Zion,’ Listen carefully, here they are [the Jews who will be restored to their own land.]’” Isaiah 42:27a
“ The latter glory [at the 2nd coming of Messiah] of this house will be greater than the former,” says the LORD of hosts, “and in this place I shall give the ultimate peace and prosperity,” declares the LORD of hosts.” Haggai 2:9
When praying for Israel, it is important to understand that she has been chosen to sit at the head of the nations. Yes, like other nations, she has failed miserably. Pay attention: Israel is always first, but then watch as the same scenario begins to play out in other nations. Israel is a prophetic barometer of unfolding history.
I am going to share with you a few amazing prophecies given 10 years ago. They are just coming to pass in this day. Pay close attention. Again, the Holy One, our Messiah is wooing His own nation back to Himself. Listen carefully and be amazed. These words concern Israel and the USA. Ask for Holy Spirit’s understanding.
Jay and I have made a short video to introduce our latest book: Timeless Secrets
Vol11. Miracles Among the Nations.Go to Amazon and order your copy today. Tell others. Amazon address:
Meridel’s introduction to her new book:
Jay’s introduction to his new book:
Good News from Greece:
The Greek Prime Minister announced this week, “My government will not permit anti-Israel university protests.” Greece will DEPORT foreign students who participated in anti-Israel university protests. 9 foreign nationals are set to be deported following their involvement in unlawful protests at Athens Law School. The students were arrested and charged with ‘disturbing the peace, damaging property, trespassing, violating laws on weapons and flares.’ Students from the UK and EU member states, who were detained on May 14th, have been deemed un-wanted aliens and a threat to public order and national security. Greek City Times
Action 4 Canada.com
I urge you to find the website “Action 4 Canada.com” with lawyer Tanya Gaw. Canada is implementing 15-minute cities, many kinds of medically assisted deaths and easy immigration for radical Muslims and Palestinians. Hearing is believing.
Not Such Hidden Heroes; By Sara Lamm
At the beginning of the war with Hamas, I noticed a new trend on social media. Jewish influencers began posting the phrase #WouldYouHideMe. “Would you hide me?” The pre-October 7th version of me would have thought, “Who do Jews need to hide from?” It wouldn’t seem obvious in the 21st century, in a modern and “inclusive” world. But of course, we all know the answer to this question now. In a world where anti-Semitism is on the rise (that’s an understatement) and, in general, there is an increasingly liberal and violent undercurrent in world politics – even in America – it’s not such a crazy thing to wonder. Would you hide someone else? When you are different from them religiously, politically, or value-wise – would you still have the backs of others? In an ideal world, the modern State of Israel solves this question. Jews did not have Israel to “hide” them during the Holocaust. But they certainly do today. The reality, however, is that not every Jewish person lives in Israel. Not everyone who supports Jews or is being “cancelled” for their pro-Israel, pro-America sentiment can come to hide here either. It’s not practical, at least until the Messiah comes.
So, that leaves us with a new question to answer. What value system do you need to have to metaphorically hide someone else, to stand up against evil, to protect the people around you no matter how different from you they might be?
Who does that? Throughout history, remarkable individuals have risked everything to save others. Though separated by thousands of years, the stories of Oskar Schindler and the prophet Obadiah share a powerful message: it’s of paramount importance to stand up against evil and help others, no matter who they are or where they come from.
In Jewish history, Obadiah stands tall as a remarkable figure. Born an Edomite in the 8th century BC, he embraced Judaism and became a righteous convert, rising to great spiritual heights. Though concise (only 21 verses long), his prophecy contains a timeless message. In the Book of Obadiah, he prophesies against Edom, foretelling the ultimate justice that will befall these descendants of Esau.
The prophet warned: “Because of the violence you did against your brother Jacob, shame shall cover you, and you will be cut off forever.” Obadiah 16.
Erie: boasts: “We are at war with Israel.”
From a Christian in Erie: “I must first say that we have enjoyed hearing your ‘mellow’ voice and astute observations for several years now – thank you and please continue!!
An observation – the 2024 Eurovision Song Contest was recently held in Malmo Sweden amid much strife about the Israeli / Palestinian issue. The Irish contestant was ‘Bambie Thug’, a self-proclaimed witch along with her warlock sidekick (a new low in portraying a national image!!), whereas the Israeli contestant, Eden Golan appeared in an almost angelic dress. Both Ireland and Israel along with twenty-four other countries presented their respective songs – but it is in the voting that an interesting observation seems to appear – and it is concerning this point your thoughts would be most appreciated.
My point is that on a national basis (for Ireland at least) and reflected in the total of all nations in the Eurovision – there appears to be a major disconnect between the official national juries and that of the public! Is it that we (the public at large) are being herded down a path not of our choosing by the imposed will of the elites through national channels? But maybe the public is not buying into all of their thinking and plans at least when it comes to witches and warlocks when compared with angels – namely Israel?” D & O, V. Cork Erie
Intercessors in Scotland:
“My heart breaks every time I see the news from Israel & Gaza & elsewhere, too. We are living in the ‘dangerous times’ mentioned by the apostle Paul and extremely prophetic days as Jay mentioned in last week’s video, World Terror. Sending you our love & blessings from ‘bonnie’ Scotland.” B & S. N. Scotland.
“If you say, ‘We knew nothing of it,’ Surely He who fathoms hearts will discern [the truth]. He who watches over your life will know it, And He will pay each man as he deserves.” Proverbs 24:12
Communicating with heaven on a daily basis is what keeps us praise-filled,
joyful and strong in the LORD Jesus, Israel’s Messiah.
“… My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” Psalm 45:1
This week, I am happy to announce that our book Timeless Secrets Vol. 2, Miracles Among the Nations is now available on Amazon. This week the photo above is none other than the cover of our latest book. Please tell your friends and family and church and any social groups you belong to how to get this book. It is as real as your next breath. We write about the excitement of following Messiah by faith. His whispers to our hearts led Jay and I together into many challenges. We had few answers, some thought we were presumptuous, radical, crazy, or religious! But, we had determined to listen and trust and obey no matter what life threw at us.
This book is different! We take you with us to many nations around the globe, be it the slums or a national leader’s home, in answer to the promptings of the Still Small Voice. It’s one thing to say, “I believe in God” and quite another to move from one foreign nation to another in obedience, and not only keep body and soul together but make a difference. I doubt that you have read anything like these hard facts of life through the prism of faithful obedience. Try it, I am sure you will be not only challenged but inspired and encouraged.
YouTube video goes here:
Purchase your copy of the book – Miracles Among the Nations today! Please share this link with your family and friends. Buy it on Amazon:https://a.co/d/6lhPwvh
Israel is fighting for her life on every level. We have just enjoyed a visit from our Grandson from Jerusalem. He was so grateful to have a very few days of rest and refreshed. Thank you for your ongoing prayers and intercessions for Israel and her people. The global war for truth and life is raging!
Canada: From Daniel & Shelly Rawlings
Social Credit System and Digital ID Now in Canada??!
Dear Subscriber, We have an important update to share with you!
New Video Alert: Social Credit System and Digital ID Now in Canada!
Our latest video briefly explores the recent implementation of the social credit system and digital ID in Canada. These changes could have significant implications for privacy and freedom.
If you find our content valuable and want to support our efforts, please consider donating to our channel. We rely on your generous contributions to continue our work. Visit our official website for donation options and more ways to support us. Support Us Here: givesendgo.com/chooselove
Additionally, don’t forget to: Like our video to help it reach more people. Subscribe to our channel for the latest updates. Share this video with friends and family. Comment on the video with your thoughts. We appreciate your feedback!
Canada is now the most expensive nation on earth; unfortunately with less and less freedom for her people.
“So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8: 31,31
Between 17,000, 000. and 20,000,000. Deaths have occurred as a result of the Covid vaccine. Watch Shelly and Daniel Rawlings: Choose Love Not Fear. Stay informed.
Every week, God willing, for the next 40 weeks, Jay and I will introduce each chapter in Miracles Among the Nations. Stay tuned!
United States of America: Prosperity Bank Name: Meridel Rawlings ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number) Personal Acc # 2859742 14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North San Antonio, Texas, 78232
Canada: Royal Bank of Canada Name: Meridel Rawlings Bank Transit Number: 08249 Institution Number: 003 Account Number: 5050638 Address: 6791 Gaetz Ave Unit # 1 Red Deer AB, Canada T4N 4C9
“Hear this, you who trample down the needy, and do away with the poor of the land … I shall make that time like a time of mourning for an only son [who has died.]” Amos 8: 4,10e.
Our cover photo this week was taken on Israel’s 76th Independence Day.
The people in the photo are lying down because of missiles coming into Israel from Hamas that day. How tragic it all is. Our Prime Minister is under fire from within the nation because of the reality of never ending pain the people have had to endure since Oct 7th 2023. He is wanted by the International Court. I
quote: “There is no comfort. There is life, but the wound will remain until the end of our lives. Our War of Independence has not yet ended – it continues even now.” Unquote
I cannot apologize for the heaviness of my last few Still Small Voice letters. Let us HEAR what the Spirit is saying. Let us heed the warnings. History has much to teach us all, past, present and future. My generation, called the silent generation, along with the younger generation and their children today are having to face the unimaginable! Many of you are asking “How do I pray in these dark days?”
Daniel and Shelly Rawlings produce a hard-hitting weekly blog. Here is a personal word about the Israel Shelly grew up in and the contrast to the Israel of today.
Subject: The Most Heartbreaking National Memorial Day in Israel’s History
To: therealchooselove.gmail.com
The Most Heartbreaking National Memorial Day in Israel’s History
Dear subscribers,
Yesterday was the most heartbreaking national Memorial Day in Israel’s history. Every year, in Israel, we take a day to remember the fallen soldiers and victims of terror attacks that occurred over the years. I will never forget the first time I lost a family member to an attack like that. I was 4 at that time.
This year, I could feel the shattered energy all over my body. Thousands of mothers crying to the heavens, trying to understand why their child was the one. Thousands of women, children, elderly, and men who were tortured, raped, killed, and kidnapped. Innocent people who met their gruesome and horrific demise. People who waited, and no one came to save them for more than 8 hours. Thousands of families who have yet to comprehend what has happened to them. Thousands who have become refugees in their own country.
A whole country in anguish. Too traumatized to even realize what has happened to them. Just trying to get by, just trying to survive. Not to mention the subject that is barely being discussed: dozens of people who took their own lives because life became too unbearable to handle.
All thanks to the unresolved events of October 7th and the ongoing war. So many parents and family members have no clue about the whereabouts of their loved ones. Shattered, broken, no escape, nowhere to hide. The government has yet to start a commission of inquiry. Yet to investigate the events, yet to display any kind of justice to its people or give anyone peace of mind.
The country is still at war, missiles still falling, whole cities evacuated, leaving very few behind to live inside a battlefield. Even on the news, the reporter is vague, not telling a mother in grief the entire truth, even though she admits she knows it!
Absolute torture. I can’t even imagine what the families of the victims are going through. Cemeteries were full of conflict, full of anger. Ministers of the Knesset who came to the cemeteries to say a few words were kicked out by aggravated masses. The families know, the public knows, everyone knows by now. It’s becoming more prevalent that there are traitors from within, and they’re all around us.
Dr. Jay Rawlings spells out the day of TERROR in the following video. It is prophetic and was created by Israel Vision 9 years ago. View it because it is worth your time, more so today than ever before. Many of us are living with compromises that we never imagined possible, at the time this warning was first given.
Also making their contribution are sons, David and Chris Rawlings, who produce a family version of Israel Vision. You may view it on israelvision.com
A response to the film, Screams Before Silence,
This powerful film was presented on May 3rd Still Small Voice.
“Liebe Meridel: The movie “Screams before Silence” was very impressive and powerful, but at the same time I had to protect myself so that all the horror wouldn’t weigh too heavily on my heart. It’s hard to believe that something like this could happen. It doesn’t get any more demonic than that. I am so sorry that so many Jews had to go through this terror. The traumas were probably programmed. It is my deepest concern and prayer that of these people may come to believe in the living God and his Son, the Messiah, through this event. Surely the Almighty is waiting for His chosen people.” M.S. Switzerland. To see my blog on the film click here:https://stillsmallvoice.tv/2024/05/03/still-small-voice-watch-pray-and-speak-up/
The Military Operation in South Gaza:
The news out of Gaza is an eye opener. Over 800,000 Gazans were moved by Israel out of harms way before the Rafa operation. This was accomplished in less than 4 weeks. The enormous list of Gazan casualties was faked by Hamas and the WHO who have publicly said as much! Lies, lies, lies.
Israel has lost a staggering 282 soldiers to date and thousands have undergone amputations, leaving them with mutilated bodies. In spite of this horrifying fact, rocket fire continues from Rafa into South Israel and from Hezbulloh in the North.
Recently, the IDF found the bodies of three Israeli hostages. The father of the daughter expressed his profound relief. He is relieved now that her body lies in the family grave plot. “She can no longer be hurt.” He said sadly.
The IDF has uncovered 700 tunnel shafts in Rafa, 50 lead into Egypt. There may still be up to 120 living hostages? Hamas boasts 30 IDF soldiers among them? They could be anywhere in the Middle East. The Sinai is controlled my Bedouin tribes who smuggle drugs, slaves and weapons into and out of Gaza. Where is the Egyptian government? Where is the Egyptian intelligence in this?
In closing, on the confirmation of the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in Sunday’s helicopter crash, Israelis breathed a sigh of relief. This person, a virulent
Keep up your prayers for a beleaguered people, Israel. We thank you!
Every blessing from Jay and Meridel Rawlings.
And in closing: YES, I sent this before, but we dream of Eden!
“For just as the body is one and yet has many parts, and all the parts, though many, form one body, so it is with Messiah – Christ … But God combined the [whole] body giving greater honour to that part which lacks it so that there would be no division or discord in the body, but that the parts may have the same concern for one another. And if one member suffers, all the parts share in the suffering …” 1 Corinthians 12: 12, 24, 25, 26.
Friends, remember Israel right now in prayer, wherever you are. At sunset last night, May 12th, sirens sounded throughout the entire nation of Israel. The Day of Remembrance is now. I wept and interceded as I watched this very moving photo tribute to the IDF. We Israelis, a family, a nation, are so closely knit together whether in the nation or outside. Israel remains inside of us all for better and for worse. When one falls we all die just a little more. Let this tribute speak to your soul.
This week I heard this saying: ONLY LISTEN IF YOU WILL HEAR:
“Behold, [listen carefully], I will send for many fishermen,” says the LORD, “and they will fish for them; and afterward I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them from every mountain and from every hill and out of the clefts of the rock.”Jeremiah 16:16
TJVN (The Jewish Voice News) @TJVNEWS. Tonight May 9th 2024
Breaking News: There is an incident of rioters trying to break into a hotel in Athens, Greece where a group of Israelis are staying. The local police forces are trying to take over.
This “Emergency” Aliyah Conference was held May 1st/24 in Jerusalem. Since 1971, when we first carried scriptures to the Jewish Community in the then Soviet Union, we have been fishing or encouraging Jewish Communities to return home to Israel. In 1980 Jay presented the film we co-produced, Apples of Gold to Jewish and Christian Communities all over North America. In one synagogue in America, the well-known Rabbi brought his entire congregation to resettle in Israel. You can read about some of these adventures in my first book, Fishers and Hunters and again in MiraclesAmong the Nations, 580 pages. Our son Chris, is presently working to post it to Amazon this coming week. You can even learn more about our fishing efforts in the volume which I am editing just now entitled, Israel Our Odyssey. The films and documentaries Jay created were an enormous help in this fishing enterprise. They were purchased and used globally by Israel’s Foreign Ministry.
On October 7th, 2023 a death knell was sounded to Israel first, and then the whole world. Did you hear it? Are you hearing it today in this letter? Jews are no longer safe, except in Israel where they are fighting for their very existence. Talk about a MYSTERY! The nations have left us, but The God of Israel will never leave us or forsake us! It is now time for the Hunters. 71% of the worldwide Aliyah to Israel right now are Russian speakers, but this will change quickly.
This is coming to you after the fact, and thank you for your love and continued prayers and help to Israel. Real change is needed. But change is hard. Humans resist change. Take the example of the Jews in Europe before the Holocaust. Grave warnings came from several directions but most Jews clung to the delusion that they were safe. The same thing is occurring today. Even though there are grave warnings throughout the Diaspora, the Jews of the West are far, far away from the understanding that the swelling worldwide anti-Semitism is not going to go away. It’s time to go home!
Not only is the rise of anti-Semitism becoming a tsunami, but Jews themselves are blaming Israel for making trouble for them in their adopted countries, they fall into the trap of “keep quiet and it will be alright.” If Israel doesn’t take Hamas out, the fate of Jews globally is sealed. I believe Israelis have never felt this deep freeze from their brethren before. Surely the Jews of Europe felt left and forgotten by all during the Holocaust.
For History Buffs:
If interested: at the end of my letter, Islamist Dr. Mordechai Kedar will give you an education into Islam’s role in this ongoing war because of their vows for JIHAD.
From Howard Flower: head of Aliyah for the ICEJ
“Most Jewish people get squeamish when I speak about the above passage re: Fishers and Hunters and so I researched it very deeply. And yes, it means just exactly what it says.
I have a copy of your book on my desk Meridel. You stopped by my table at one of Feasts of Tabernacles Celebrations sponsored by ICEJ in Jerusalem, and gave me a copy which I have read cover to cover several times. Thank you for that. People listen to you and Jay when you talk about Aliyah because you have the anointing and calling. And I do too. Blessings, Howard.” May 7th 2024
Howard Flower heads up ALIYAH globally for the ICEJ.
Monday the 6th of May, was Yom ha Shoah,Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel.
Several Holocaust Survivors survived Oct. 7th, onslaught against their kibbutzim.
An Israeli Remembers …
“Choose Love Not Fear” by Shelly & Daniel Rawlings
This following piece will be thought-provoking, and soul-searching for us who inquire of the LORD and pray into each passing day. Please make the information here a matter of prayer. Shelly is an investigative journalist and dares to speak out the thoughts of many, who have little or no courage to do so.
I had two responses to this film posted in last week’s Still Small Voice. One brave praying woman in Canada and one Christian gentleman in the USA. Thank you both!
“Dear Meridel, It is hard to comprehend the atrocities perpetrated on the Jewish people on October 7 even after seeing the video. It was so demonic. I hope that Prime Minister Netanyahu will not succumb to the pressure of the Biden regime to back off from finishing the task of clearing out Hamas. God be with you and Jay for being the voice of Israel here in North America. Many blessings Reynold R.” USA
Hear Young IDF soldiers sing.
Enjoy your life and friends. it is the only one you have here! Make it count.
With every blessing to you from Jay and Meridel Rawlings.
Photo: Jay and Meridel celebrate 56 years of marriage.
United States of America: Prosperity Bank Name: Meridel Rawlings ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number) Personal Acc # 2859742 14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North San Antonio, Texas, 78232
Canada: Royal Bank of Canada Name: Meridel Rawlings Bank Transit Number: 08249 Institution Number: 003 Account Number: 5050638 Address: 6791 Gaetz Ave Unit # 1 Red Deer AB, Canada T4N 4C9
The days are severe. Thank you for your prayers. I begin with two eye-opening scriptures.
“ … Amalek was the first of the [neighbouring] nations [to oppose Israel after they left Egypt]. But his end shall be his destruction.” Numbers 20:24
“Nor do they [terrorists] lie beside the fallen heroes of the uncircumcised, who went down to Sheol with their weapons of war, whose swords were laid [with honors] under their heads. The punishment for their sins rested on their bones, (DNA) for the terror of these [so-called] heroes was once in the land of the living.” Ezekiel 32:27
My advisers and I discussed the film, Screams Before Silence. Do we send it to you or not? These souls had NO voice. The film was produced by the former head of Facebook. These first-hand witnesses of Oct. 7th are speaking out. I urge you to listen well. It will help to clear away the noise and confusion. Evil is Evil. Our world reflects this spirit day after day. May Jesus our Messiah hear our prayers for change, and may we be alert with oil in our lamps – be Light bearers and speak for those who cannot.
Please click the “Watch on YouTube Link below. There is an age restriction so we cannot show the video here.
Psychological Warfare:
These messages were sent directly to the family members of some of the hostages. There is no depth to the demonic depravity of Hamas.
This psychological torture of an Israeli family by Iranian agents who sent them this message. Their daughter was an IDF soldier taken captive in the Gaza Strip. “This death wreath is to be placed on your loved one’s grave … “ According to Israel’s Bet security agency. World Israel News Staff April 8th 2023
The sister of Liri Albag, kidnapped from the Nahal Oz IDF base by Hamas terrorists, said the family was also devastated by the delivery of a floral wreath, which was clearly meant to be placed on a grave.
@HonestReporting. Congratulations to @AP (America’s Associated Press) for winning a Picture of the Year award. How does it feel to do so on the back of Palestinian photojournalists who infiltrated Israel on Oct. 7 and took photos like the one below of Shani Louk’s dead body in a Hamas pickup?
I chose not to send this ‘popular’ photo, of 2023, it was just to evil for words.
Aliyah: by Howard Flower in Russia
Covid could not stop Aliyah and neither can this terrible war halt the flow of Jews coming home to Israel. God’s plan is unfolding according to the ancient Prophets. If Aliyah continues at this rate, the year 2024 will see over 22,000 Russian speakers and 28.380 total immigrants to Israel.
From One Israeli living in the North:
“The lion roars! I am waiting … can we handle this? Yet the remnant returns despite trouble on every side. Hezbollah increases its attacks on the North. Nevertheless, we feel so protected and sleep better than ever!”
I have been encouraged to suggest you read Psalm 35 as a prayer over Israel. One reader said: I took out the word “me” or” I” and replaced it with “Israel” and it was very specific and relevant. When others ask me how to pray for Israel that is what I tell them to do.
We leave you with this beautiful song because we are sure it will speak to you.
Love in Messiah, Jay and Meridel Rawlings.
For donations in Europe, please send them here: UBS Payable to: Meridel Joy Rawlings Account # 23311815267.0 IBAN: CH87 0023 3233 1181 5267 0 BIC:UBSWCHZH80A
For donations in America, please send them here: Prosperity Bank Payable to: John or Meridel Rawlings ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number) Personal Acc # 2859742 14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North San Antonio, Texas, 78232
This is a very short letter of thankfulness. This week was one of unsettled weather across the earth. Fierce sand storms from the Sahara filled our skies with darkness due to the sand. See the photo above. At the same time, our family in Helsinki Finland had a snowstorm.
Snowstorm in Finland
Let us all take a moment to rejoice with the whole house of Israel, in the midst of their Passover holidays. Let us also rejoice in that we are joined together because of Messiah. One God, One people, One family.
“This is the [remarkable degree of confidence which we as believers are entitled to] have before Him; that if we ask anything according to His will [that is consistent with his plans and purpose] He hears us.” 1 John 5:14
I begin with this magnificent piece, please watch it with your Bible in hand and take notes as you choose.
A Touch of History:
Golda Meir was and continues to be considered a Mother to her People Israel.
In 1970 Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir was interviewed on British Thames Television. Her responses and her ability to explain are outstanding. Oh, that she was here today.
This song is taken from the Passover Seder, the lyrics are part of a prayer that is so appropriate this year “The LORD’S blessings is what kept our fathers and what keeps us surviving. For, not only one arose and tried to destroy us, rather in every generation they try to destroy us. The Keeper of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. We have been saved, yet again! Sung by Yaakov Shwekey and Yonatan Razel who arranged the music.
And hum along with this joyous song of remembrance, past and present.
“So we have the prophetic word made more certain. You do well to pay [close] attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and light breaks through the gloom and the morning star arises indoor hearts.” 2 Peter 1:19, Numbers 24:17
With love from Jay and Meridel Rawlings.
My Canadian PayPal account is not working.
For donations in Europe, please send them here: UBS Payable to: Meridel Joy Rawlings Account # 23311815267.0 IBAN: CH87 0023 3233 1181 5267 0 BIC:UBSWCHZH80A
For donations in America, please send them here: Prosperity Bank Payable to: John or Meridel Rawlings ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number) Personal Acc # 2859742 14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North San Antonio, Texas, 78232
A Blessed Passover season to my readers who love this Eternal Feast.
My letter is lengthy, I had no way to download the information in digital form. Maybe it is for the better, as you may want to return to this again and again.
Please take your time, read a little at a time if it is too much, but it is vital!
“God brought Israel out of Egypt. Israel has strength like the wild ox …
He will devour his adversaries. Blessed of God is he who blesses you and cursed of God is he who curses you.” Numbers 24:8a, 9b.
Warfare: Moses initiated the first Passover. He prepared his people and they had to be obedient by faith, not fully aware of what was coming. Can you picture the fathers and sons painting the doorposts and lentils of their homes with the blood of the lamb they just sacrificed for their family? A tough scene for sure, some 4,000 years ago. It had to leave an indelible memory.
The Eternal Covenant is Eternal: I keep trying to picture that last night in Egypt. They were instructed to stay inside, the lamb was roasted, the feast prepared and eaten. They were ready for the word any moment. Outside all over Egypt, the Death Angel was visiting all firstborn, both mankind and animals. How severe was the cost of generational and personal sin brought home to each family. It also speaks of the cost of the Hebrews freedom which foreshadowed the giving of the Eternal Covenant, the Blood Covenant displayed 2,000 years later in the heart of Jerusalem, when the Lamb of God, Yeshua, Jesus was sacrificed for all of mankind.
The Miracle in the Middle of the Night: Standing at his bedroom window in the heart of Jerusalem, David, our son watched three missiles hit and burst into flame as they hurtled downward crashing to the earth. He and his family joined their neighbours in the bomb shelter at 2 a.m. on April 14th as the Iranians continued to wage war over the entire country. Iran launched over 300 drones and missiles aimed at Israel. Astonishingly, 99% were intercepted and destroyed before reaching their targets by Israel, the US, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the UK, and France. Most were neutralized before entering Israeli airspace. Yes, only minor injuries were reported. A 7-year-old Bedouin girl was seriously wounded by shrapnel. An Israeli military Base sustained minimal damage. This outcome is nothing short of miraculous. David sent the following article.
Divine Intervention:
Dr. Judith Lazarovitch Stugim worked in the Israel Defence Industry and made this letter available. Dr. of physics, M. Abitbol is identified as the person who sent this letter to Rabbi Hananal Etrog, Head of the Sheba Hebron Yeshiva.
He wrote: “I am a Doctor of Physics and worked for several years in the Defence Industry in Israel. The defence projects are still cutting edge in the State of Israel. I wanted to share with the Rabbi, something I feel. On Saturday night April 13th 2024 and in the early hours of April 14th 2024, something here happened on the scale of the Biblical splitting of the Red Sea.”
“Absolutely everyone acted as one man in overall unity. The likelihood that everything worked out does not exist in complex systems like the Defence Systems that were employed against the Iranian attack. They have never been tried out before, only in the State of Israel. I took a pencil and dived into the calculations to check out the likelihood that such a result would materialize. The range and number of events that had to be dealt with, when each missile or UAV is handled independently, (there is human error or some deviation of one action, not offset by other successful actions) doubles the chance of making a mistake.”
When I examine on a scientific level, what happened here, it simply cannot happen.” In the face of the Iranian attack, the fact that 99% of all missiles would be intercepted does NOT exist in complex systems. After calculating the probabilities on a scientific level this simply cannot happen.The miracle is sharper than the 6-Day War and Independence War of 1948.”
“With all the high technologies, we expected a breach in the Defense of the skies of the State of Israel. Even if we got 90% protection it would be a miracle! What happened, is that everyone, yes, everyone, the pilots, the system operators and the technology operators acted as one man at one moment in total unity. If this is not an act of God, then I no longer know what a miracle is.”
“The managers of the Defense Industries guarantee no more than 90% success. In short, THE RESCUE FOR THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL THAT TOOK PLACE THIS NIGHT WAS SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE NATURALLY. I believe that this miracle saved the lives of many people in Israel. If the Defence System had failed to intercept a number of cruise missiles, the result would have dragged us into a very complex campaign. I bet that next time it will not work like this without Divine supervision. The simple proof of what I said is that the managers of the Security Industries who develop and manufacture these systems guarantee no more the 90% success!”
“When Israel came out of Egypt, Judah became His sanctuary, and Israel His dominion. Tremble O earth, at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the God of Jacob (Israel)…” Psalm 114:1, 7.
“We love Him because He first loved us.” 1John 4:19
“The King will answer and say to them, ‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me.” Matthew 25:40, Proverbs 19:17
I know that so many of you are helping Israel in any way possible, beginning with prayer. Others have helped to make it possible for the 200,000 displaced families in Israel and soldiers to celebrate the Passover with a wonderful feast and joy Thank you! We chose to bless through: Yad Ezra vey Shumalit and Meir Panim.
Stunning Prophecy re Israel and Terrorism: Delivered April 5th 2014 by Kim Clement.
“There is a veil that is being torn … rent! Hear the sound, says the Spirit. The sound of fear, the sound of detriment. There is mischief in the Upper regions of India and Pakistan, where they found the one that terrorized the nations, Osama. They are plotting, planning, putting together pieces, taking them apart, putting them together, something so unique, that the Princes of Persian and in the Balkan territories, the activity of demonic power and principalities, is at high alert. They plot, they plan.”
God says, “I have kept the nations wondering.”
They said, “We know, we have the intelligence we have equipment, we have the best! “
God says: “What do you have? Look how they plot and plan against Israel, India, Canada, Great Britain, listen … the Scandinavian territories… Estonia what are you doing? There are those praying and demonic powers are terrorized. Now in the month of April, I WILL OPEN, I will expose. I will catch them Myself! And terrorism shall take a turn.”
But, they shall say, “Now, we have them!”
The LORD says, ‘But do you really? For I hear the prayers of My saints, there are Daniels that are praying and fasting this very hour. Therefore the battle in the heavenlies is raging and will rage for another 18 days. Look to the 14th of April, shiftings are taking place. I AM THE RULER OF THE UNIVERSE, and one prayer of a saint can move My Hand and it has!’ says the LORD.’” Delivered by Tim Clement 10 years ago. The world saw the outworking of this word on April 14th 2024, 10 years later to the very day.
An invitation to worship: Prayer by Kim Clement
“Father of Lights, shape our future with Your Light, shape our children with Your Light. You have my promise time and time again. I will remember you in sickness and in health. I will remember you whether rich or poor. I will remember you …
The Israelites forgot him, they were cultivating the Land, enjoying the freedom, but there was no mana from heaven. Their vineyards were yielding new wine, the children were growing, but there was no cloud by day nor fire by night. They forgot You but You have my promise.
We will always honor You, we will always remember You and LORD we pray that You would remind us daily, of the wondrous grace that You have given to us. And we do we have a future. It is a future so fair, so far, so certain…and we have hope!”
Sweet Friends, I had so much prepared, so many multimedia clips, and “news” but this IS the good news. You will be surfing your own news services. Let us hear what the Spirit of our God has said and is saying to the world in these momentous days. During the attack Israel prayed Psalm 20. Now is the time to keep Israel in prayer for the perfect will of the Father to come to pass, far beyond our imagination.
You can watch Kim Clements’s Prophecy video here: Start at 8:47 mins.
Thank you for your prayers, we are small, but Our God Triumphs!
Hallelujah! He is Risen!
With the love of Messiah, Jay and Meridel Rawlings.
“He will call upon Me, and I will answer Him, I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and I will let him see My salvation.” Psalm 91:15
My Canadian PayPal account is not working.
For donations in Europe, please send them here: UBS Payable to: Meridel Joy Rawlings Account # 23311815267.0 IBAN: CH87 0023 3233 1181 5267 0 BIC:UBSWCHZH80A
For donations in America, please send them here: Prosperity Bank Payable to: John or Meridel Rawlings ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before account number) Personal Acc # 2859742 14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North San Antonio, Texas, 78232
Welcome. Let me take you on my morning walk down through the olive groves to the beach. I never fail to return home energized and encouraged. See my video clip at the end. Today during my time in the Bible, this jumped out at me, pushing me to think.
“Every good thing given and every perfect gift from above; comes down from the Father of lights [the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens]. It was of His own will that He gave us birth [as His children] by the word of truth so that we would be a kind of first fruits of His creatures [a prime example of what He created to be set apart to Himself – sanctified, made holy for His divine purposes]. “ James 1:17a, 18.
The thought that Abba in Heaven chose my birth was not new to me. Yes, our conception was in His Will. He chose us, and He asks us to CHOOSE Him, How simple is that? That ‘choosing’ of course brings us to the blood covering of Yeshua Jesus. Blood has been demanded as a cover for sin from the beginning with Abel. It is no different today. But there is so much more in this walk of faith. This truth is a cornerstone of faith. I call this seed thought! See the opening photo. That seed of life, will and thought, in the word of God brings our spiritual transformation; allowing us to live and stretch up to the light. Hopefully, as we mature, we will bear much fruit. How to begin? Well, here it comes.
“Understand this, my beloved brothers and sisters. Let everyone be quick to hear [be a careful thoughtful listener], slow to speak, [a speaker of carefully chosen words and], slow to anger [patient, reflective, forgiving];”James 1:19.
Jesus spent His entire ministry teaching us how to live this life. Perhaps the hardest lessons come when we are in contact with others that smudge and fudge. The hardest of all for me is religious hypocrisy. Well, Jesus suffered it continually. He is the finest example of speaking the truth, not throwing dirt and losing ground. Pun intended! Jesus observed: “It is not what goes into the mouth of a man that makes him unclean and defiled, but what comes out of the mouth; this makes a man unclean and defiles [him].” Matthew:15:11-20.
Strong words indeed! Defile is a noun. ‘It is the act of making something foul, dirty or unclean.’ For example, Humankind’s destruction and defilement of the natural environment is seriously endangering the continuation of life on this planet.
Defilement or uncleanness can be an infected intestine, an infection in the bone, running sores on the skin, or … those nasty little jabs and critical words that FIRST pierced themselves into our conscious thoughts. We put them on someone else, using our God-given gifts of speech. Sadly, these poisonous words can grow and increase within me and you, over time. They set up a rottenness that defiles and try to stay hidden within. May each one of us repent of our negative, even hurtful thoughts and words. You can STOP this program NOW! Repent and forsake! We must again choose to return to the blessed WILL of our Father. This is the essence of Jesus: “doing the will of My Father.”
Iran’s Attack on is Israel Imminent:
Iran has stopped hiding behind its proxies.
Head of the IDF says, “We are prepared and ready for any scenario.”
The head of US Defence visits Israel as I write.
President Biden said, “IF Israel needs to respond to Iran, we are with them.”
Hamas divulges: “We cannot find 40 hostages, to meet Israel’s proposed cease-fire!” Shocking … can we believe them? They continue to do NOTHING supported by the UN and most nations.
The Gaza war is not over. There are 3,000 Hamas operatives embedded among the 1.5 million Gazans in Rafa. Israel is in a gorilla war. It is not won by large armies. Israel is regrouping and changing tactics. Our work is to pray and help in any way we can.
How to Pray:
It is time to pray and not to faint. Israel is facing perhaps what they always knew was coming. Let’s pray as David did.
To your willing heart and faith, add determination and courage. We will triumph over and over in prayer, throughout our entire lives. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being a human being guided and directed by the Living God. And when we fall, repent, get up and come back. Starting again.
Please, go to 1 Samuel: chapter 17:v 28, “Eliab his oldest brother heard what he (David) said to the men: and his anger burned against David and he said: …I know your presumption [over confidence and the evil of your heart; …”
David responded, “What have I done now?” v. 29.
A little brother deals with his elder brother. A good example of defilement in Eliab’s thought life. Think of the world today in an uproar to save Hamas and paint Israel as the enemy of all People. Who is the Goliath here?
When you Pray, pray the scriptures:
“David went out alone to meet Goliath: Then David said to the Philistine,’ You come to me with a sword, spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted. This day, the LORD will hand you over to me … so that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel and that this entire assembly may know that the LORD does not see with the sword or with the spear for the battle is the LORD’s and He will hand you over to us.’” 1 Sam 17:v 46a, 47.
I also suggest Psalm 2, Psalm 83, and Hebrews 11.
Enjoy Ishay Ribo and Omer Adam. These popular young Israelis, combine their great talents on this beautiful song which is equally a prayer and a cry.
In closing dear friends: The will of the Father for us after 50 years in Israel, was to bring us to this beautiful haven to live. Two months after we left Israel, all hell broke out. The LORD showed us many things, but not the war. Yes, it was very hard back in 2022 to be willing to give over our wills in this matter. Our lives had been lived in and for Israel. But, after many struggles, Jay and I finally could agree that God was in this. Now we could move forward, we could see this as the leading of the LORD, and still we did not understand the full impact of this instruction.
“Because your loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You. So will I bless You as long as I live; …” Psalm 63:4
We have been sequestered away to rest, enjoy our 80’s and our work now is to pray and fight in the heavens for the Father’s Will to come to pass for Israel our beloved. His WILL is perfect! That profound secret is found in listening to the Still Small Voice, repenting often and working to obeying always!
Here is a video I took with my dogs down at the beach near our house sending Shabbat Shalom greetings to you all!
Since this newsletter has been written on Friday 12th of April. The latest news is that Iran attacked Israel with over 300 missiles, drones and ballistic missiles on Saturday night April 13th till early Sunday morning. See the latest news here:
Please keep praying for the peace of Jerusalem and the safety of Israel and her peoples.
Love from Meridel and of course, Jay Rawlings.
For donations in Europe, please send them here: UBS Payable to: Meridel Joy Rawlings Account # 23311815267.0 IBAN: CH87 0023 3233 1181 5267 0 BIC:UBSWCHZH80A
For donations in America, please send them here: Prosperity Bank Payable to: John or Meridel Rawlings ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before account number) Personal Acc # 2859742 14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North San Antonio, Texas, 78232
Ich möchte meine Leser segnen, indem ich diesen Brief an den Messias Jesus ausrichte. Ich lerne immer wieder aus seinem Leben, und ich vertraue darauf, dass dies auch Eure Erfahrung ist, wenn ihr weitergeht.
Harte Lektionen:
Wir waren alle schon einmal hier. Der Versucher wartet nur darauf, jeden anzugreifen, welcher Jesus als HERRN bekennt! Besonders in den dunklen Zeiten, wenn wir uns abgeschnitten, schwach, allein und verzweifelt fühlen. In diesem Moment müssen wir unsere Augen zum Himmel WENDEN und auf das Wort und die LIEBE unseres Abba-Vaters und Jesus vertrauen. Das ist unsere Geheimwaffe, unser hoher Turm, unser Versteck, unsere Stärke und unser Schild. Haltet durch! Die Antworten werden kommen, wenn wir bereit sind zu WARTEN und still zu sein.
Jesus war nach seinem Fasten verzweifelt hungrig. Satan, der Versucher, wartete darauf, ihn anzugreifen: “Es steht geschrieben …”. So antwortete Jesus auf jede Versuchung. Das allein zeigt uns, wie wichtig es ist, das Wort Gottes zu kennen und es in unserem Herzen zu bewahren, damit wir nicht gegen den Himmel sündigen. “… es steht geschrieben. Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Brot allein, sondern von einem jeden Wort, welches aus dem Mund Gottes kommt.” Deuteronomium 8:3, Matthäus 4:4
Nachdem er das Wort Gottes missbraucht und verdreht hatte, genau wie Satan es mit Eva getan hatte, und es mit dir und mir immer noch tut, antwortete Jesus erneut: “…es steht geschrieben. Du sollst den Herrn, deinen GOTT, nicht auf die Probe stellen.” Deuteronomium 6:16, Matthäus 4:7
Dann reizten er Jesus mit Lügen und der Vorstellung, er könne die Königreiche dieser Welt kontrollieren und beherrschen, wenn er Satan anbetete. Jesus antwortete: “…es steht geschrieben: Du sollst Gott, den HERRN, anbeten und Ihm allein dienen.” 5. Mose 6:13, Matthäus 4:10
Die Versuchung führte zum Hochverrat
“Da ging einer von den Zwölfen, welcher Judas Ischariot hiess, zu den Hohenpriestern und sprach: Was wollt ihr mir geben, wenn ich euch Jesus ausliefere? Und sie wogen dreißig Silberlinge ab.» Matthäus 26,14-16 Exodus 32:32. Sacharja 11:12.
WARUM 30 Silberstücke? Das fragt Ihr. Weil das der übliche Preis für einen Sklaven war. Exodus 21:32,
Judas belügt Jesus
Während er das Passahfest mit seinen 12 Jüngern leitete, sagte Jesus: “Der Menschensohn wird gehen, wie es von ihm geschrieben steht; aber wehe dem Menschen, durch welchen der Menschensohn verraten wird!
Und Judas, der Verräter, sprach: “Ich bin es doch nicht, Rabbi?”, und Jesus sagte zu ihm: “Du hast es selbst gesagt”. Psalm 41,9, Matthäus 26,25.
Ich hoffe, wir haben uns alle Zeit genommen, um zu Jesus zurückzukehren und alles zu bereuen, was wir nicht bekannt haben. Selbstverblendung ist die absolut schlimmste Krankheit. Sein Blut reinigt von aller Sünde. Wenn ich mich an den Tod und die Auferstehung von Jeschua Jesus erinnere, kann ich nun bezeugen: «Ich weiß, wie es ist, wieder zum Leben erweckt zu werden. Ich möchte Euch sagen, wie dankbar ich für meinen Ehemann und meine jahrzehntelangen Freunde bin, und natürlich auch für meine neuen Freunde. Ihr habt mein persönliches Leben und das Leben von Familienmitgliedern enorm verändert. Vielen Dank für Ihre Briefe, Gebete und Liebesbekundungen, ich bin wirklich eine gesegnete Frau.”
Dieses Wochenende wird von allen gefeiert, welche nach dem Gregorianischen Kalender leben. Das Hebräische Pessachfest fällt auf den 22. April, und wir planen, es mit unseren Familienmitgliedern zu feiern. Nach dem Griechischen Religiösen Kalender ist Ostern auf den 5. Mai datiert.
Ein Wort von Josh
Jay und Josh waren im März in Israel. Sie sind gerade zurückgekehrt: “Mama”, sagte Josh, “wir sind mit El Al geflogen, nur mit Israelis an Bord. Du weißt doch, dass sie beim Landeanflug auf den Flughafen Ben Gurion immer klatschen! Nun, dieses Mal war nur Stille zu hören. Ich war völlig überrascht. Es gab keine Warteschlangen oder Hektik am Flughafen. Aber bei der Rückkehr von Israel nach Athen, wieder mit El Al, klatschten alle! Traurig, aber ich denke, das bringt es auf den Punkt.
Ein Wort von Jay
“Josh und ich haben eine Notfallreise nach Israel unternommen und sind erst vor wenigen Tagen zurückgekehrt. David, unser ältester Sohn, war schwer an einer Lungenentzündung erkrankt und litt unter schwerer Kurzatmigkeit und vollständiger Erschöpfung, obwohl er in ärztlicher Behandlung war. Zum Glück begannen seine Symptome nachzulassen, sobald wir bei ihm waren. Er sagte: “Euer Besuch ist von lebenswichtiger Bedeutung, mehr als ihr je wissen werdet!”
Natürlich haben wir sofort für ihn gebetet und tun dies auch weiterhin. Jetzt freuen wir uns über die Gebetserhörung. Außerdem kam der Besuch gerade zur rechten Zeit, denn so wir konnten viele Familienmitglieder und Freunde Israels ermutigen, trösten und stärken. Sie leiden tagtäglich unter dem Druck des andauernden Krieges. Die Stimmung im Lande ist gedrückt, obwohl man die Menschen für ihren unbeugsamen Geist loben muss. Wir wurden 1969 zum ersten Mal nach Israel berufen, es war unsere “ersten Liebe.“
Einer der bewegendsten und denkwürdigsten Besuche, welche wir hatten, war Joshs Armeekumpel Dothan. Er und seine Frau Sivan haben sich freiwillig gemeldet, um bei der Identifizierung, der am 7. Oktober von der Hamas Ermordeten, zu helfen. Sie setzten ihre Computerkenntnisse ein, um bei der Identifizierung der verstümmelten Leichen zu helfen. Wir beten für ihre emotionale und geistige Genesung.
David und ich setzten uns für Israel Vision ein. Siehe: israelvision.com
Beide, David und Josh, konnten sich mir beim monatlichen Gebetstreffen von Men in Ministry in Jerusalem anschließen, welches etwa fünfzig Gemeinschaften in Israel dient. Ich war so dankbar, dass es weitergeht, stärker denn je. Ich habe 1981 bei der Gründung geholfen. Bitte vernachlässigt uns nicht Euren Gebeten, für uns als gemeinsame Familie. Wir scheinen alle so verletzlich zu sein. Danke, dass Ihr unsere treuen Freunde seid.” Liebe Grüße, Jay
Daniel und Shelly erstellen einen Forschungsblog für Israel. Für alle, die daran interessiert sind: chooselovenotfear.world
Für Spenden in Europa senden Sie diese bitte hier: UBS Zahlbar an: Meridel Joy Rawlings Konto # 23311815267.0 IBAN: CH87 0023 3233 1181 5267 0 BIC:UBSWCHZH80A
Falls Ihr möchtet, könnt ihr in Nordamerika spenden: Prosperity Bank ABA # 113 122 655 (bei Überweisungen diese Nummer vor die Kontonummer setzen) Personal Acc # 2859742, zahlbar an: John oder Meridel Rawlings 14402 US Highway 281N, San Pedro North San Antonio, Texas, 78232
Foto oben von Jonny Gios: https://unsplash.com/@supergios
Hören Sie sich diese schöne Chormusik von Morten Lauridsen an
I desire to bless my readers by centring this letter on Messiah Jesus. I keep learning from HIs life, and I trust this is also your experience as you walk on.
Tough Lessons:
We have all been here to one degree or another. The tempter waits to attack each person who confesses Jesus as LORD! Especially, in those down times when we are feeling cut off, weak, alone and desperate. In that moment, we must TURN our eyes to heaven, trusting in the Word and in the LOVE of our Abba Father and Jesus. This is our secret weapon; our high tower, our hiding place, strength and shield. Hang on! The answers will come if we are willing to WAIT and be still.
Jesus was desperately hungry after His fast. Satan the tempter waited to attack. “It is written …” Is how Jesus replied to every temptation that alone tells us how important it is to know the Word of God and hide it in our hearts, so that we do not sin against heaven. “… it is written. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.” Deuteronomy 8:3, Matthew 4:4
After misusing and twisting the Word of God, exactly as Satan did to Eve and continues to do to you and I, Jesus again responded: “…it is written. You shall not test the LORD your God.” Deuteronomy 6:16, Matthew 4:7
Then teasing Jesus with lies and the idea of control and authority over the kingdoms of this world if He worshipped Satan. Jesus responded: “…it is written. You shall worship the LORD God and serve Him only.” Deut.6:13, Matthew 4:10
Temptation led to High Treason:
‘Then one of the twelve who was called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What are you willing to give me if I hand Jesus over to you?
And they weighed out thirty pieces of silver.”
Matthew 26:14,15,16. Exodus 32:32. Zechariah 11:12.
WHY 30 pieces of silver? You ask. Because that was the going rate for a slave. Exodus 21:32,
Judas lies to Jesus:
While leading the Passover Feast, with His 12 disciples, Jesus said: “The Son of Man is to go, just as it is written of Him; but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had never been born.”
And Judas, the betrayer, said, “Surely it is not I, Rabbi?”
Jesus said to him, “You have said it yourself.” Psalm 41:9, Matthew 24: 25.
I trust we have all taken quiet time to come back home to Jesus and repent of anything that we have not confessed. Self-blindness is the absolute worst disease. His blood cleanses from all sin. Remembering the death and resurrection of Yeshua Jesus I can now testify, “ I know what is is to be resurrected back to life. Let me say, how grateful I am for my husband and friends of many decades, and my new ones of course. You have made a huge difference in my personal life and the lives of family members. Thank you for your notes and prayers, and acts of love. I am indeed a blessed woman.
This weekend is celebrated by all of those living by the Gregorian calendar. The Hebrew Passover falls on April 22nd and we plan to celebrate it with family
members. The Greek Religious Calendar dates Easter on May 5th.
A Word from Josh:
Jay and Josh were in Israel this March. They have just returned.
“Mom,” Josh told me, “We flew El Al, with only Israelis on board. You know they always clap upon a descent into Ben Gurion Airport! Well, this time, there was only silence. I was taken by total surprise. There were no lines or hustle and bustle at the airport. But, upon return to Athens from Israel, again on El Al, everyone clapped! Sadly I think this sums it all up.”
A Word from Jay:
“Josh and I made an emergency trip to Israel and returned just days ago. David, our eldest son was very ill with pneumonia and developed serious shortness of breath and complete fatigue, he was under a Drs care. Thankfully as soon as we arrived, his symptoms began to fade. He stated, “Your visit is of vital important to me, more than you will ever know!”
Of course, we immediately prayed for him and continued to do so. Now we are rejoicing in answered prayer. In addition, it was such a timely visit as we were able to encourage, comfort and strengthen many family members and Israeli friends. They are suffering day in and day out under the pall of an ongoing war. The atmosphere in the country is depressed, although the people must be commended for their indomitable spirit. We were first called to Israel in 1969, our ‘first love’.
One of the most touching and memorable visits we had was with Josh’s army buddy Dothan. He along with his wife Sivan, volunteered to help identify those massacred by Hamas on October 7th. They used their computer skills to help identify the mutilated bodies. We pray for their emotional and spiritual recovery.
David and I did a stand-up for Israel Vision. See: israelvision.com
Both David and Josh were able to join me for the monthly Men in Ministry prayer meeting in Jerusalem, serving some fifty ministries in Israel. I was so grateful to see it continue, stronger than ever. I helped start back in 1981. Please do not neglect your prayers for us as a corporate family. We all seem so vulnerable. Thank you for being our faithful friends.” Love, Jay
Daniel and Shelly are producing an explorative blog for Israel. For those who may be interested, go to: https://chooselovenotfear.world
“And in His Name the Gentiles (all the nations of the world) will hope.”
Isaiah 42: 1-4
Rejoicing in the knowledge and experience in His superb LOVE!
Jay and Meridel Rawlings
My Canadian PayPal account is not working.
For donations in Europe, please send them here: UBS Payable to: Meridel Joy Rawlings Account # 23311815267.0 IBAN: CH87 0023 3233 1181 5267 0 BIC:UBSWCHZH80A
For donations in America, please send them here: Prosperity Bank Payable to: John or Meridel Rawlings ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number) Personal Acc # 2859742 14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North San Antonio, Texas, 78232
Photo at top by Jonny Gios: https://unsplash.com/@supergios
“The heavens are telling of the glory of God, and the firmament is declaring the work of His hands.” Psalm 19:1
I send blessings to you this day in the Name Above all Names. I have penned a few thoughts on The Face of God. Hope you not only enjoy but recall your own journey of discovery. The first time I ever saw Him, I experienced His loving Presence. I felt warmed and swaddled (wrapped) in a blanket of liquid love. My chilled life, at 2.5 years was warmed from the inside out. I have never been tempted to look elsewhere for the love that will not let me go, for I have seen and continue to experience the Face of God.
Last night I waved Jay and Josh off as they flew to Jerusalem. Our eldest son David, has been fighting a very nasty virus. It is a heavy time, as Ramadan began on Friday and Israel faces a multi-front war inside and out. The month ahead is ominous. The Feast of Esther begins on March 22nd despite the ongoing threats. We watch as history repeats itself.
History teaches us that every succeeding generation declines as its morality degenerates. This process takes time, but atrophy inevitably sets in when true morals go out. World powers are brought to their knees when their people throw morality out the window. A healthy family life is the backbone of any stable society, as is the glue of upholding moral standards.
“I had a conversation with a young neighbour in his 40s who assured me “God could not possibly display anger because he is above human emotion.” This person does not know the Bible. Arguing is fruitless, he has not realized that he was created in God’s likeness. Pause, think of that. Nothing originates with us, it is all a gift.
Very few people take much notice of God’s words to us in the Bible. Fewer desire to read or study the Old Testament, which is as living as the New! Both are eternal, everlasting Covenants. Unbelievers are just not interested and the majority of Christians think it is all for yesterday. Israel couldn’t possibly be relevant at this time. The prophetic books of the Bible have been preserved for our day because they are about to be fulfilled in this generation. We are living in the End Times, believe it or not. Many of these prophecies have been dormant for millennia, but get ready, Israel is the key to their fulfilment. That may be impossible for many of you to believe if you have cancelled Israel and Jerusalem. Things are unfolding very quickly. Jesus gave a warning. “Don’t think I have come to do away with the Law and the Prophets. I have not come to annul their contents but to fulfil them.”Matthew 5:17
The Face of God
How does one catch glimpses of God’s face? Every response is subjective. What’s yours?
I see Him all around me, in my physical world; in the seasons, weather, family history, world history, and the many kind souls I have worked with along with tribal people in their various habitats. I have lived a privileged life, and often see the face of God. HOW?
in the perfect peace of a sleeping baby.
in the wind whispering over olive groves, turning them into masses of shimmering silver.
in the kindness of a local farmer bringing oranges and eggs to my door.
in the steady ebb and flow of the sea, reminding me of the One who set its bounds.
in the patience of my husband when I interrupted him at work…
in the incessant buzzing bees going about their business gathering nectar.
in dew drops clinging to grasses as they turn to a sea of shining diamonds at sun up.
in the perfume of flowers.
in the faithful beating of my own heart day in and day out.
in the massive displays of clouds.
in the spontaneous joy and laughter of children at play.
in joyful family times when at last, we can all be together.
in my dogs who are delighted to see me. Am I as welcoming to Jesus and others?
in the fearsome size, sound and intense colours of the Northern lights filling the night skies.
when our home was in the path of a raging forest fire?
Have you heard the silence of the immense Northern wilderness? It can be frightening.
Have you lived through an erupting volcano, earthquake, hurricane, war or plague?
He has kept my husband, sons and me through all of that as we lived in many nations.
Have you been beaten, put down verbally or molested physically or sexually and lived long enough to see how the life of the abuser ended?
Only man seeks to control, destroy and tear apart himself and his fellow man. He is a predator, a destroyer. Our societies no longer protect the unborn, children and Old people. Man in the hands of darkness works to destroy the natural order of things… unless he is favoured to encounter the LIVING REALITY of the Almighty God.
Could this awesome Creator possibly be angry with mankind in charge of this world? What causes Him to be angry? Let us never forget: He is the God of Justice and Truth. What does that mean? He will not hold His peace forever. Because of something we label as Sin, the scales are tipped away from mercy. What is sin? Sin is: willful ignorance, hypocrisy, greed, stubbornness, selfishness, cheating, lying, murder … man’s hard heart grieves God.
Death is the manifestation of separation from this life, the cessation of breath. It is our Creator’s prerogative to take that breath at any moment. Breathing is a gift that most of us take as ‘our’ right. God keeps the score sheet of our murmuring and complaining, the taking of offences, and self-centeredness. Our choices define us. Multitudes live on the negative side of life.
The Bible clearly tells us that the wages of sin is death, mine and yours. We all live on borrowed time and continue under the illusion of being “in charge.” It’s time to seek Him and He promises that we fill find Him; if we earnestly search for Him with all of our heart.
I asked Jay, “When did you see the Face of God.”
“I helped the midwife deliver Josh, and remember theawesome moment of stillness until he drew his first breath,” he concluded, “and I saw His face when you came back to life.”
Let us learn what it truly means to; “Kiss the Son, lest He become angry, and you perish in the way, for His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!” Psalm 2:12 Amplified I suggest you read all of Psalm 2.
Our Great God and Father has brought this generation to this appointed time. He is finished being ignored as an un-entity, when every good and perfect gift is from Him hand.
Daniel’s prophecies line up with the Book of Revelation. The day at hand. I suggest you put
Isaiah 24 – 27, Jeremiah 24, Ezekiel 36 – 38 on your study list.
Lest you despair: take courage and memorize this promise:
“After these things, I looked and this is what I saw: a vast multitude which no one could count, from every nation and from all the tribes and peoples and languages standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes with palm branches in their hands; and with in a loud voice they cried out, saying: Salvation to our God who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.” Revelation 7:9.10.
If you desire to bless the work of Still Small Voice, I will continue doing what I love, which is blessing others.
My PayPal donations have been closed. You may donate to me ONLY at this Bank Address:
Payable to: Meridel Joy Rawlings
Account # 23311815267.0
IBAN: CH87 0023 3233 1181 5267 0
Every blessing to you and your household. Love from Meridel Rawlings.
I have decided to take a little more time for myself, family and my garden. Look for the Still Small Voice next month. Thank you for being there, faithful in your prayers.
Now for a little light heartedness:
– “Old age comes at a bad time.” (Ed Sullivan)
– “The older I get, the better I used to be.” (Lee Trevino)
– “Nice to be here? At my age, it’s nice to be anywhere.” (George Burns)
– “You spend 90 percent of your adult life hoping for a long rest and the last 10 percent trying to convince the Lord that you’re actually not THAT tired.” (Princess Grace)
– “Old people shouldn’t eat Health foods. They need all the preservatives they can get.” (Bob Hope)
-“At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At age 40, we don’t care what they think of us. At age 60, we discover they haven’t been thinking of us at all.” (Ann Landers)
Painting by Shelly Bandel Rawlings.
-“I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a lot more as they get older, and then it dawned on me — they’re cramming for their final exam.” (George Chaplin)
The picture above: “On Oct 7th, out of the deadly attack by Hamas, just nearby, 47 babies were born in the underground maternity unit at Soroka hospital, all the while under an intense missile fire by Hamas. Observant women and Bedouin live in close proximity in Israel’s Negev.”
To My Dear Friends:
Today marks 5 months since the beginning of the war. Yesterday President Biden called for a ‘ceasefire”. Hamas sees the pressure mounting against Israel from all quarters, and they just sit back and wait. They don’t need to negotiate. The whole world is with them against Israel. It is an impossible situation. We call for your prayers more than ever before. Please stay alert and learn the facts and the truth about what is going on between Israel, Hamas and the USA. Much of world media on the war is ‘clouded.’ Join me, determined to uncover the facts on the ground concerning this conflict. First, let us remember what the LORD God spoke through His Prophets. He is continually moving behind the scenes in history shaping prophecy for Israel and His Body. Father God has predetermined: “The people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits.” Daniel 11:32
Since October 7th Israel has lost 597 soldiers in action. Ramadan begins on Monday, March 10th until April 8th, a very sensitive month because of threats by Fundamental Islam. In Gaza, Israel is preparing more areas to evacuate Khan Unis and has dropped leaflets over the civilian populations. In Israel, Israel has assured the Palestinian population of the security and safety of all Muslim holy sites in Israel during this month. Because of threatened attacks, Israel is warning its public to be aware at all times. Hamas threatens that,” war will explode on Israel’s borders and within the country.” I am sure you are praying for the hostages and the Palestinians, all are helpless.
Here is a 2-minute history lesson: Origins of the Palestinians.
Meet Lucy:
She is Israel’s only Muslim-Israeli journalist. Her voice is as powerful as it is clear and true to both of her people. Give her your time, she is a woman to be reckoned with and helps us to understand how utterly complicated the situation here has always been.
Now What about Hamas?
The scriptures I have chosen below were spoken by Obadiah over Edom in Bible times when they rejoiced at Israel’s great misfortune and brokenness. Not only that, they profited from her losses then, just as Hamas is doing today worldwide. Now we know that the UN support Hamas. The world has gone mad. Today this scripture shouts out the Hamas agenda perfectly. Hamas continues to refuse to give the names of the LIVING hostages to Israel but demands a cease-fire. How ridiculous it all is. Obadiah lived from 607 to 586 BC when Jerusalem was attacked by Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon, which led to the Babylonian exile. This prophecy can also apply to any of Israel’s enemies. Take note!
“Do not rejoice over the sons of Judah in the day of their destruction.”Obadiah12b
“Do not speak arrogantly in the day of their distress.” 12c
“Yes, you, do not look with delight on the day of their ruin and do not loot treasures in the day of their ruin.” 13:b
“As you have done it shall be done to you in retribution; your evil dealing will return on your own head.”15b.
“Because just as you drank on my holy mountain … so shall all the nations drink continually [one by one of My wrath.] So shall all the nations drink and swallow [the full measure of punishment.]”16.b Amplified
Israel Faces War Escalating on 7 Fronts.
First, let’s look inside Israel; on her seams, – those Arab Palestinian population areas that border internal Israel. For example, East Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria. There are some radical Islamic villages and towns in the north as well. They also attack local Arab Christians. Then there is continual conflict on Israel’s borders; Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. Jordan is bordered on the north by Syria, to the east by Iraq, with Saudi Arabia on the east and south and to the west by Israel. ISIS is reportedly alive and well according to sources in Kurdistan. (TBN) Apparently, ISIS survived in the Iraqi desert that borders Jordan. They are entrenched once again in Syria and active in Lebanon. We sense war on the horizon everywhere. Not a happy report and certainly not what anyone wants to hear or read. (The LORD has never given me popular tasks throughout my life, having given over 30 years to a work for sexually abused children and adults.)
“You (Israel) are My battle-axe and sword, with you I will shatter nations and destroy many kingdoms. With you I will shatter armies …” Jeremiah 51:20-24
Israel Defence Forces Spokesman.
Mosab Hassan Yousef son the Founder of Hamas.
Hamas is calling for Ramadan this year to be a bloodbath everywhere worldwide.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher…” Isaiah 55:8,9.
In the secret, in the quiet place, In the stillness, you are there In the secret, in the quiet hour I wait only for you. ‘I need to know You more.’ I want to know you. I want to hear your voice. I want to touch you. I want to see your face. I am reaching for the highest goal, That I might receive the prize Pressing onward, pushing every hindrance out of my way, ‘Cause I want to know you more In the secret, in the quiet place, In the stillness, you are there. Author Unknown
In closing, I encourage you to take time to go aside and meet With the Friend who will never leave us or forsake ALL mankind. Individually, I have the choice to follow or forsake Him! That profound choice is mine alone. Quieten down on the inside … Commune.
With love and prayers from the Rawlings Family, Meridel Rawlings.
We no longer have an address in Canada. PayPal has cancelled my account. If you choose to bless us, our bank details are as follows. Thank you.
“… obwohl ihr mir Schaden zufügen wolltet, hat der Herr es zum Guten gewollt, um das jetzige Ergebnis herbeizuführen: das Überleben von vielen Menschen.” 1. Mose 50:20
Geisel Update: Von den 253 nach Gaza entführten Personen befinden sich noch 134 lebende Geiseln bei der Hamas. 31 von ihnen sind verstorben. Die meisten ihrer Identitäten sind nach wie vor unbekannt: die neueste Meldung ist die gestohlene Leiche eines IDF-Soldaten, welcher am 7. Oktober getötet wurde.
Im Gegensatz Russland: Russland war einer der einzigen Orte außerhalb des Nahen Ostens, der Hamas-Terroristen und Houthi-Dschihadisten willkommen hieß. Heute rufen Hamas und Fatah, welche die politische Einheit des palästinensischen Volkes bilden, zur Versöhnung auf. Das ist ein erbärmlicher Scherz.
Systematische sexuelle Übergriffe durch Hamas-Terroristen: Am
7. Oktober verübte die Hamas “brutale sexuelle Übergriffe, welche systematisch und absichtlich durchgeführt wurden”, heißt es im ersten offiziellen Bericht, welcher die sexuelle Gewalt an diesem Tag detailliert beschreibt. “Der Angriff der Hamas umfasste gewalttätige Vergewaltigungen, welche von Drohungen mit Waffen begleitet wurden, und in einigen Fällen auf verletzte Frauen abzielten. Viele der Vergewaltigungen wurden als Gruppe, unter Beteiligung von gewalttätigen Terroristen, durchgeführt. Oft wurde die Vergewaltigung vor Publikum – Partnern, Familie oder Freunden – verübt, um den Schmerz und die Demütigung aller Anwesenden zu verstärken”, heißt es in dem 39-seitigen Bericht, welcher von der Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel, einem Dachverband regionaler israelischer Vergewaltigungskrisenzentren, verfasst wurde.
Sexuelle Gewalt fand auf dem Nova-Musikfestival und in den Gemeinden nahe der Grenze zu Gaza statt, auf den Armeestützpunkten, die angegriffen wurden, sowie bei der fortgesetzten Misshandlung von Geiseln, welche noch immer in Gaza festgehalten werden. Die Aktionen richteten sich gegen Frauen, Mädchen und Männer. In den meisten Fällen wurden *die Opfer nach oder sogar während der Vergewaltigung getötet”, heißt es in dem Bericht. Das wahre Ausmaß der sexuellen Übergriffe wird möglicherweise nie bekannt werden, da die meisten Opfer und Zeugen getötet wurden.
Shari Mendes, welche bei der Identifizierung der Leichen half, untersuchte viele verstümmelte Leichen, darunter Frauen, deren Brüste entweder abgetrennt oder erschossen, und deren Genitalien verstümmelt waren. “Es schien sich um eine systematische Genitalverstümmelung einer Gruppe von Opfern zu handeln”, sagte sie.
“Chaim Otmazgin, ein Freiwilliger des ZAKA-Notfalldienstes, wurde zitiert, welcher beschrieb, dass er viele der Leichen teilweise bekleidet vorfand, mit “schweren Blutungen im Becken und der Zerstörung der Geschlechtsorgane”. Andere Rettungskräfte beschrieben, dass sie Messer und andere Gegenstände gefunden haben, welche in die Genitalien eingeführt wurden”.
All diese erwähnten Dinge stehen in dem Bericht, welcher den Entscheidungsträgern bei der UNO vorgelegt werden soll. Er lässt keine Möglichkeit offen, dass er geleugnet oder ignoriert wird. Die Terrororganisation Hamas hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, dem Staat Israel mit zwei klaren Strategien zu schaden: Geiselnahme von Bürgern und sadistische Sexualverbrechen”, sagte AARCI-Chefin Orit Sulitzeanu. “Es ist nicht länger möglich, zu schweigen. Es ist unmöglich, am Rande zu stehen.” Pesach Benson, TPS 21/24. Februar.
Eine Warnung des HERRN: “Ein beunruhigender Krieg kommt in den Norden. Es wird keine Nahrung, kein Wasser und keinen Strom geben. Wir müssen uns auf solche Tage vorbereiten. Es geht nicht darum, in Panik zu verfallen, sondern gute Beziehungen aufzubauen – den Nachbarn in der Krise zu helfen. (Israel ist ein Beispiel dafür.) Unsere Berufung ist es, Gott zu lieben und dann unseren Nächsten! “Pastor Gary Aley von der englischen Shabbat-Gemeinde in Jerusalem, berichtete von einem Gebetstreffen der Männer. Er fuhr fort: “In Philipper 4 dankt Paulus zunächst für all die Menschen um ihn herum, welche ihm so viel Kraft gegeben haben. Freut euch im HERRN allezeit, und ich sage noch einmal: FREUT EUCH!” Das schrieb er, als er im Gefängnis war und eine schwere Zeit hatte. Er freute sich mit seinen Mitgefangenen. Die Botschaft konzentrierte sich auf das Wesen der Liebe Gottes: Sein langes Leiden, seine Güte, Treue und Sanftmut. Er hält den Bund mit seinen Kindern und seinem Land und sogar mit der Erde selbst!»
Prophezeiung von der dunklen Seite: Noah Harrari, genannt “der Prophet” oder Sprecher des Weltwirtschaftsforums WEF, prophezeite neulich im Fernsehen seinen eigenen Untergang. “Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass Trump wiedergewählt wird. Wenn das der Fall ist, wird das der Todesstoß für das WEF und seine globale Agenda sein”, sagt er.
Erinnerung: “Der Name des Herrn ist ein starker Turm, die Gerechten laufen dorthin und sind in Sicherheit. Sprüche 18:10
Die Taktik des Satans: Ich beziehe mich auf die hebräischen Schriften in 1. Mose 3: Eva benutzte schnell den Namen des HERRN, des allmächtigen Gottes, als sie auf seine Fragen antwortete, aber sie übertrieb. Dann hörte sie ihm zu und brachte ihn nicht zum Schweigen! ANMERKUNG: Satan weigerte sich, diesen Namen zu benutzen, welcher über allen Namen steht, und nannte den Allmächtigen einfach Gott. Dann verdrehte er seine Worte und verwandelte sie in eine Lüge. Bis heute handelt er mit Halbwahrheiten. Die Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) steht kurz davor, die Zukunft der Welt zu verändern, indem sie eine neue und veränderte Bibel hervorbringt, ebenso wie in China. Jetzt ist unsere Stunde gekommen, die Wahrheit AUSZUSPRECHEN und den NAMEN des HERRN zu benutzen! Die Kirche entscheidet über das Schicksal der Nationen. Wir alle haben eine Stimme, nutzt sie ohne Angst.
Initiator für Veränderung:
Von unseren Eltern und Großeltern lernend, entdeckten Jay und ich das Geheimnis des Gebens. Inspiriert vom Geist des HERRN arbeiteten wir daran, überall dort, wo wir uns befinden, Veränderungen zu bewirken. Wir versuchen, das, was wir haben, von ganzem Herzen zu geben: Zeit, Energie, Gabe, Geschenke und Geldmittel. Es war schlicht so einfach. Das Ergebnis über viele Jahre hinweg ist eine tiefe Zufriedenheit. Wenn wir zurückblicken, hat es uns nie an etwas gefehlt. Einer unserer Söhne sagte, als er ein Kind war, er sei “arm”, obwohl ich unseren Jungs beigebracht habe, dass wir reich sind, weil wir die Freiheit haben, das Leben so zu leben, wie wir leben wollen. Heute ist er einer der größten Geber, und ich habe das Privileg es zu wissen. Hier ist ein tiefgreifender Eckpfeiler der biblischen Wahrheit. “Denn also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, dass er seinen eingeborenen Sohn gab, damit jeder, der an ihn glaubt, nicht verloren geht, sondern ewiges Leben hat.” Joh.3,16
Vergesst nie, dass Vater Gott das Muster vorgegeben hat. Versucht Euch daran zu erinnern, wie viel uns allen gegeben wurde, zuerst das LEBEN und dann einander. Bewusste innere Einigkeit ist das erste Prinzip, und dann mit denen, welchen wir zusammenleben, ist das zweite wesentliche Element beim Aufbau des Reiches Gottes.
“Sage den Kindern Jisrael (den Söhnen Israels), dass sie mir freiwillige Gaben bringen sollen; du sollst Gaben für mich annehmen von jedem, dessen Herz ihn dazu bewegt.” 2. Mose 25:2
Rabbi’s Machlis Frau Henny, welche in Jerusalem für ihre beispiellosen Taten der Freundlichkeit bekannt war, erteilte ihrer Tochter eine tiefgründige Lektion, welche das Wesen des wahren Reichtums veranschaulichte. Sie sagte: “Wenn du 100 Dollar hast und 10 Dollar an einen Bedürftigen gibst, wie viel hast du dann noch?” Eure intuitive Antwort könnte 90 Dollar sein, aber Frau Machlis lehrte: “Im Grunde genommen bleiben dir nur 10 Dollar.” Das mag zunächst verwirrend erscheinen, doch ihre Erklärung offenbart eine tiefe Wahrheit. Die verbleibenden 90 Dollar werden für den täglichen Bedarf oder andere vergängliche Dinge ausgegeben. Aber die 10 Dollar, die man für wohltätige Zwecke spendet, sind eine ewige Investition in die Menschheit und in die eigene Spiritualität.” Das hebräische Wort für Spende, terumah, leitet sich vom Wort ram ab, welches erhöht bedeutet. Dies unterstreicht die Botschaft, dass unser eigenes Leben durch den Akt des Gebens angehoben und aufgewertet wird. Wenn wir anderen etwas geben, erhalten wir tatsächlich etwas. Geben ist nicht nur ein einseitiger Akt, bei dem wir uns von unseren Besitztümern trennen. Stattdessen ist es eine erhebende Erfahrung, welche unser Leben bereichert und einen bleibenden Wert in unserem Handeln besiegelt.
Rabbi Mirvis, ehemaliger Oberrabbiner der Vereinigten Gemeinden des Vereinigten Königreichs, erzählt eine Geschichte über einen Besucher im Haus des Geschäftsmanns und Philanthropen Mayer Amschel Rothschild, welcher ihn kühn fragte: “Was sind Sie wert? Könnten Sie bitte klarstellen, was Sie besitzen?” Unbeeindruckt von der Dreistigkeit der Frage, holte Rothschild ein Buch mit der Aufschrift “Tzedakah” (Wohltätigkeit) hervor und begann, einige Zahlen zu berechnen. Verblüfft bemerkte der Besucher: “Sie haben meine Frage wohl missverstanden. Ich habe nicht nach Ihren wohltätigen Spenden gefragt, sondern eher nach Ihrem persönlichen Reichtum.»
Rothschild antwortete mit Klarheit: “Ihre Frage ist mir nicht entgangen. Als Sterblicher ist meine Zeit auf der Erde endlich, das einzige Vermögen, das ich ins Jenseits mitnehmen kann, sind meine guten Taten. Was ich wirklich ‘besitze’, sind nicht die materiellen Dinge, welche ich hinterlasse, sondern die Wohltätigkeiten und Handlungen der Freundlichkeit, welche ich austeile. Dies ist das einzige Vermächtnis, welches Bestand haben wird.'”
Israel hat 12.373 Lastwagen mit Hilfsgütern nach Gaza geschickt:
Gebetsalarm von einem jüdischen Gläubigen in Nordisrael:
1. Die Straßen zur Nordgrenze sind gesperrt.
2. Andere Straßen, welche seit dem 7. Oktober für die nationale Einheit genutzt werden, sollen geschlossen werden. Die Einheit der Nation ist bedroht.
3. Die Evakuierten von der südlichen und nördlichen Grenze müssen nun die Hotels verlassen, welche ihnen als Zufluchtsort zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Die Regierung hat für ihre Unterbringung und Betreuung bezahlt. Sie können bereits im März nach Hause zurückkehren und sollen dies bis Juli tun. Sie erhalten auch eine Entschädigung für ihre Verluste. Falls sie sich unsicher fühlen, wollen nicht alle zurückkehren. Die Hotels sind für die Feiertage bereits Jahre im Voraus ausgebucht. Pessach ist dieses Jahr am 22. April. Die Hotels müssen für die kommenden Gäste aufräumen und renovieren. Wenn sich die Evakuierten weigern, in ihre Häuser an den Grenzen zurückzukehren, wohin sollen sie dann gehen? Gerade heute erfährt man in den Nachrichten, dass der Iran der Hisbollah befohlen hat, ihre Bombenangriffe und die Gewalt gegen Israel zu verstärken.
4. Die Uneinigkeit unter den Familien den Geiseln wächst. Die Gruppe, welche die Regierung unter Druck gesetzt hat, die Geiseln um jeden Preis und so schnell wie möglich freizulassen, wird militant und entwickelt sich in Richtung einer neuen politischen Partei. Eine kleine Gruppe hat sich abgespalten und erklärt, sie wolle nicht darauf bestehen, dass die IDF zur Rettung der Geiseln eingreift und bei dem Versuch möglicherweise stirbt. Sie sind der Meinung, dass man von den Eltern der Soldaten nicht erwarten kann, dass sie ihre Söhne und Töchter für die Rettung von möglicherweise toten Menschen opfern. Die Wut zwischen diesen beiden Gruppen eskaliert in Hass und Straßenkämpfen.
5. Ein weiteres Thema war die humanitäre Hilfe, welche in den Gazastreifen fließt. Die Geiseln leben von 1 Pita pro Tag, ohne medizinische Versorgung und Betreuung, in Käfigen in feuchten Tunneln mit wenig Luft. Währenddessen erhalten unsere terroristischen Gefangenen in Israel volle medizinische Unterstützung, drei Mahlzeiten am Tag mit Rindfleisch und Fisch, Wärme und Betten. Einige in der Regierung und viele Familienangehörige der Geiseln fordern, dass diese Versorgung am ägyptischen Tor endet und das Essen in den israelischen Gefängnissen reduziert wird.
Diese Themen spalten die Nation, und die wunderbare Einheit, welche in den letzten vier Monaten offensichtlich war, erodiert. Sie schaffen offene Tore für Satan. Ja, unser HERR ist allmächtig, aber unsere Gebete laut auszusprechen, muss unsere Berufung sein. Betet für einen Geist der Bussfertigkeit. Damit sich etwas ändert, ist dies unerlässlich! Gruppen aus unseren Gemeinden, welche in die von den Terroristen angegriffenen Gebiete im Süden reisen, müssen in die Offensive gehen und offen über Jeschua und seine Erlösung sprechen. Das Beten in anderen Zungen ohne Unterlass bricht Festungen. Das ist elementare Kriegsführung. Wir, das Volk Israel, werden einen Bürgerkrieg nicht überleben. Orith Cunningham
Meine lieben Freunde, der HERR Jesus selbst möge Euch und die Euren in diesen unsicheren Tagen aufrichten, stärken und beruhigen. Wir Rawlings sind jeden Tag auf Gebetswache, und senden dies mit der Liebe und dem Frieden des Messias.
Meridel Rawlings
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“… although you intended me harm, the LORD intended it for good, so as to bring about the present result: the survival of many people.”Genesis 50:20
Hostage Update: Of the 253 people abducted to Gaza, 134 living hostages remain with Hamas. 31 of them are deceased. Most of their identities remain unknown: the latest includes the stolen body of an IDF soldier killed on Oct 7th.
Contrary Russia: Russia has been one of the only places outside of the Middle East welcoming Hamas terrorists and Houthi Jihadists. Today Hamas and Fatah who make up the political entity of the Palestinian people are calling for reconciliation. It is a pathetic joke.
Systematic sexual assaults by Hamas terrorists: On October 7th, Hamas committed “brutal sexual assaults, systematically and deliberately carried out” states the first official report released, detailing that day’s sexual violence. “Hamas’s attack included violent acts of rape, accompanied, by threats with weapons, and in some cases, targeted towards injured women. Many of the rapes were carried out as a group, with the participation of violent terrorists. Often the rape was perpetrated in front of an audience — partners, family or friends — in a manner intended to increase pain and humiliation of all present,” said the 39-page report, written by the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel, an umbrella of Israel’s regional rape crisis centres.
Sexual violence took place at the Nova Music Festival, and in the communities near the Gaza border, on the army bases that were attacked, as well as continuing abuse of hostages still held in Gaza. The actions targeted women, girls and men. In most cases, the victims were killed after, or even during the rape,” the report said. The true scope of the sexual attacks may never be known because most of the victims and witnesses were killed.
Shari Mendes, who helped identify bodies, examined many mutilated bodies, including women whose breasts were either severed or shot and whose genitalia were mutilated. “This seemed to be a systematic genital mutilation of a group of victims,” she said.
Chaim Otmazgin, a volunteer for the ZAKA emergency response service was quoted describing finding many of the bodies partially clothed with “severe bleeding in the pelvis and the destruction of sexual organs.” Other rescue workers described finding knives and other objects inserted into genitalia.
“The report, which will be submitted to the decision-makers at the UN. It leaves no possibility of its being denied or ignored. The terrorist organization Hamas has chosen to harm the State of Israel with two clear strategies – taking citizens hostage and using sadistic sex crimes,” said AARCI head Orit Sulitzeanu. “It is no longer possible to remain silent. It is impossible to stand on the sidelines.” Pesach Benson, TPS Feb 21/24.
A Warning from the LORD: “A troubling war is coming in the North. There will be no food, water or electricity. We must prepare for such days. The issue is not to panic but rather to build good relationships – help neighbours in crisis. (Israel is exemplary.) Our call is to love God and then our neighbour! “ Pastor Gary Aley of the Shabbat English Congregation in Jerusalem shared from a men’s prayer meeting. He went on: “In Philippians 4, Paul first gives thanks for all of the people around him who had been such a strength. ‘Rejoice in the LORD always and again I SAY REJOICE!’ This was written when he was in prison having a hard time! He rejoiced with fellow prisoners. The message focused on the nature of God’s love: His long-suffering, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness. He keeps Covenant with His children and His land and even the earth itself!”
Prophecy from the Dark Side: Noah Harari, called ‘the prophet’ or spokesperson of the World Economic Forum prophesied his doom on TV the other day. “It’s likely Trump will be reelected. If so, it will be a death blow to WEF and its global agenda!”
Remember:“The Name of the LORD is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe!” Proverbs 18:10
Satan’s Tactics: They are written in Genesis 3. Eve was quick to use the name of the LORD God Almighty when answering his queries, but she exaggerated. Then, she listened to him and didn’t shut him up! NOTE: Satan refused to use that Name, which is Above All Names and simply calling the Almighty – god. Then he twisted His words, turning them into a lie. Until today, he deals in half-truths. AI, (Artificial Intelligence) is on the horizon to change the future of the world by producing a new and altered Bible, as is China. Now is our hour to SPEAK out the Truth and be counted. The church decides the fate of the nations. We all have a voice, use it without fear.
Initiator for Change:
Learning from our parents and grandparents, Jay and I discovered the secret of giving. Inspired by the Spirit of the LORD, we worked to initiate change wherever we find ourselves. We try to give what we have with a whole heart, time, energy, giftings and funds. It was just that simple. The result over many years is a deep satisfaction. Looking back, we never lacked. One of our sons said, as a child, he was ‘poor’ even tho I taught our boys that we were rich because we were free to live the lives we desired to live. Today he is one of the biggest givers I have the privilege of knowing. Here is a profound cornerstone of Biblical truth. “For God so loved, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Never forget, Father God set the pattern. Try to remember how much we all have been given, first, LIFE and then each other. Unity of purpose within is the first principle and with those we live with is the second essential in building the Kingdom of God.
“Tell B’nei Yisrael ( The sons of Israel) to bring Me gifts; you shall accept gifts for Me from every person whose heart so moves him.” Exodus 25:2
Rabbis Machlis’ wife, Henny, renowned in Jerusalem for her unparalleled acts of kindness, conveyed a profound lesson to her daughter, illustrating the essence of true wealth. She said: “If you have $100 and you give $10 to someone in need, how much do you have left?” Your intuitive answer might be $90, but Mrs. Machlis taught, “In essence, you retain only $10.” While this might initially seem perplexing, her explanation reveals a deep truth. The remaining $90, she pointed out, “will be spent on daily necessities or other transient things. However, the $10 given to charity is an everlasting investment in humanity and in one’s spirituality.” The Hebrew word for contribution, terumah, is derived from the word ram which means elevated. This underscores the message that our own lives are uplifted and elevated through the act of giving. When we give to others we are receiving. Giving is not merely a one-way act of parting with our possessions. Instead, it’s an uplifting experience, enriching our lives and sealing lasting value in our actions.
Rabbi Mirvis, former Chief Rabbi of the United Congregations of the UK, tells a story about a visitor to the home of businessman and philanthropist Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Boldly he inquired, “What are you worth? Could you please clarify what you possess?”
Undisturbed by the audacity of the question, Rothschild retrieved a ledger labelled ‘Tzedakah’ (charity) and began to calculate some numbers. The visitor, puzzled, remarked, “It seems you misunderstood my question. I didn’t ask about your charitable contributions, but rather about your personal wealth.”
Rothschild replied with clarity, “Your question was not lost on me. As a mortal, my time on earth is finite, the only assets I can carry into the hereafter are my acts of kindness. What I truly ‘possess’ are not the material things I will leave behind, but the charity I distribute. This is the only legacy that will endure.’”
Israel sent 12,373 trucks of aid to Gaza: Since October 21st.
Prayer Alert from a Jewish Believer in Northern Israel:
1. Roads to the Northern border are closed.
2. Other roads used for national unity since Oct 7th are to be closed. The unity of the nation is threatened.
3. Evacuees from the southern and northern borders must now leave the hotels they were given for refuge. The government paid for their accommodations and support. They can return home as early as March and are to complete that move by July. They are being compensated for their losses as well. Feeling unsafe, not everyone wants to return. Hotels have been booked for the holidays, years in advance. Passover this year is on April 22. Hotels need to clean up and renovate for their in coming guests. If the evacuees refuse to return to their homes on the borders, where will they go? Just today the news tells us Iran has ordered Hizubbah to step up their bombings and violence into Israel.
4. Dissension among the families of the hostages grows. The group that pressured the government to free the hostages at any price and as soon as possible is becoming militant, moving in the direction of a new political party. A small group has split off and are stating: that they do not want to insist on the IDF going in to save the hostages and possibly dying in the attempt. They don’t feel that they can continue to expect the parents of the soldiers to give their sons and daughters up to save who might be dead bodies. The anger between these two groups escalates into hatred and street fights.
5. The next issue was the Humanitarian Aid pouring into Gaza. The hostages live on 1 pita a day, with no medical supplies nor care, in cages in damp tunnels with little air. Meanwhile, here in Israel, our terrorist prisoners receive full medical support, three meals a day with beef and fish and warmth and beds. Some in the government and many of the hostages’ families are demanding that this supply stop at the Egyptian gate and food be reduced in the Israeli prisons. The disagreements are within governmental discussions and prison guards.
These issues are splitting the nation and the wonderful unity that was apparent in the last 4 months is eroding. They create open portals to Satan. Yes, our LORD is all powerful but voicing our prayers aloud must be our call. Pray for a spirit of repentance. For change to occur, this is essential! Groups from our congregations that travel south to the areas attacked by the terrorists, need to go on the offensive and talk openly about Yeshua and His Salvation. Praying in other tongues without ceasing breaks strongholds. This is elementary warfare. We the people of Israel, will not survive a civil war. Orith Cunningham
My dear Friends, the LORD Jesus Himself, establish, strengthen, and settle you and yours in these uncertain days. We Rawlings are on our prayer watch every day, sending this with Messiah’s Love and Peace.
Meridel Rawlings
Please note that my PayPal donations are not working right now because of a technical error. We are fixing the problem. In the meantime, you can donate to the bank account below. Thank you!! Greek Bank Account Rawlings Meridel IBAN: GR64 0171 1240 0061 2414 2784 851 BIC: PIRBGRAAXXX
This Hebrew year 5784, represents the prison door being opened to Joseph. In prayer I heard, year of open doors. People are being set free from imprisonment and enslavement. Be diligent, sober minded and aware of the issues as you intercede for our world! Be encouraged! The winds of change are blowing. PRAY!
“Oh, that You would bless me … and keep me from harm.” 1 Chronicles 4:6
“The eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, on all those who long for his kindness. As high as heaven is above the earth so His kindness is great to those who fear Him. The kindness of the Lord is forever to those who fear Him, His righteousness for the children’s children.”
Psalm 33:18, Psalm 103:11 Hebrew Bible
Yesterday the IDF was able to rescue 2 hostages held in Rafah. An extremely delicate operation was required to extract two men from a 2nd floor apartment. Still criticism only grows including from President Biden. Today 134 hostages remain in Gaza; while 31 are confirmed dead.
9 year old hostage: Emily Hand, in the covering photo was freed after 50 days. Upon release, she only spoke in a whisper as her captors threatened her with death by knife if she made any noise. Her Irish Dad, Thomas, described waking Emily up often when she has nightmares. “She once had a dream that she was escaping from Gaza and running back to her kibbutz. She uses code words for terrorists, certain objects and situations that remind her of her ordeal. She’s very good, making progress and is recovering. The rest of us are broken now.” See Emily in the covering photo above.
Music must always be our safe space: Social media influencer, Montana Tucker was invited to walk the red carpet at the Grammy Awards last night. Her grandmother was a survivor of the Holocaust, and Montana was struck by how similar Grandma’s stories resembled the attack of Oct 7th. She chose to wear an Israeli designer gown. In a live interview with i24 news today she said, “Many thanked me for wearing the large yellow ribbon with the message bring them home. I was very nervous but it got a lot of attention and I believe opened eyes. Lots of people didn’t even know what, bring them home means? Others said, ‘Thank you!’ I think most people are afraid to do something, they don’t want to risk their career or business. But because I was given a global audience, I wanted to make a statement. I used my liberty as the world has been largely silent. This is about humanity not politics. I hope I can keep using my platform and encourage others to speak out. Even if you are reaching out to just one person, telling them the truth about Israel, don’t stop, we need you. Keep it up, it can grow.”
David and Eli were army buds years ago in Givati, a combat unit.
The Underground World of War: Israeli Brigadier General Dan Goldfus took foreign journalists to Khan Yunis to witness the extent of the most recent tunnel discovery
What about those truckloads of medicines that we saw going into Gaza after Hamas demanded 1,000 times the medication Israel provided for the hostages? In this video you will see boxes of Israeli medicines thrown on the floor.
Brothers in Arms: Mark Knofler music and lyrics, and IDF film footage.
You must copy and paste this to YouTube
Prime Minister Netanyahu said Feb.7/24 “Hamas’s terms for accepting a hostage release deal were delusional and anyone would refuse them.”
US President Biden said Feb.8/24 “I’m pushing very hard now to deal with this hostage ceasefire. There are a lot of innocent people who are serving and a lot of innocent people who are in trouble and dying. its gotta stop.” Did you know that the USA hit 85 sites in Iraq and Syria this week? All linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corp including Hamas. Is Biden being pressured by the US State Depart?
France: “Oct 7th is the worst atrocity in the 21st century. We are 68 million and stand with Israel and the Palestinians.“ Prime Minister Macron.
Argentina: “President Javier Milei arrived in Israel pledging to move Argentina’s Embassy to Jerusalem. Taking office two months ago this signals a major shift in his nation’s foreign police towards the USA and Israel, after having backed Arab counties for decades.” Etgar Lefkovits, Feb 6/24 Jerusalem News Service.
Why People are Rethinking Their Place in Canada: “ According to Israel’s Diaspora Ministry, and The World Zionist Organization: In Canada antisemitic incidents have increased 800% since Oct 7th.” J. Roberts, Feb. 3/23. Jerusalem Post.
Lost in Trans Nation:
I recommend this book. “A child psychiatrist’s Guide Out of Madness.” By Miriam Grossman, MD forward by Dr. Jordan B. Pedersen
Grossman asserts: “No child is born in the wrong body; it’s their emotional lives that need healing. Whether one are facing a gender identity battle at home or want to prevent one, this book will guide you and your loved ones out of the madness.”
“The assault against parents and our children is real, so you need to be prepared and educated. ‘Lost in Trans Nation’ is a must for all parents to arm them with the ammunition they need to “be proactive and get educated, feel prepared” warns Grossman. “Be confident to discuss trans, nonbinary, or whatever your child brings to the dinner table. it could be one or all of the following threats. ‘Trans is as common as red hair,’ or, I’’m not your son,’ or ‘I’m not your daughter,’ or ‘do you prefer a live son? or ‘do you prefer a dead daughter?’
Grossman says, “No family is immune and, learn to fight what many families describe as the most difficult challenge of their lives. Parents will learn what to say and how – at home, at school, and if necessary, to the police if they appear at your door.” <calito@action4canada.com>
From the Desk of David Hathaway, England: Feb. 2024 “Ministering in Poland to war refugees from the former Russian ’Soviet’ Empire. I felt it was the beginning of the fullfillment of Hudson Taylor’s prophecy of 1889. The world-famous missionary to China was home on furlough in England and when saw this vision.
“I see a great war that encompasses the world. I saw this war recess and then start again, actually being two wars. (World War I and II.) After this I saw much unrest and revolts that will affect many nations. I saw in some places spiritual awakenings. In Russia I saw there will come a general all-encompassing, national spiritual awakening, so great that there could never be another like it. From Russia, I saw this awakening spread to many European countries. This all-out awakening, was followed by the second coming.’”
Please feel free to share my letter with anyone you think might be interested.
This comes from our home to yours in Blessing, asking for your prayers.
“nothing worthwhile is accomplished without prayer.”
“You (plural) shall serve the LORD your God and He will bless your (singular) bread and your water.” Exodus 23:25
I am so grateful to hear back that many of you are leading prayer groups. Some of your quotes are included. All are welcome. The fight continues and we are all battle weary, to say nothing of the people of Israel. I hope this letter will lift you and give you renewed fuel for prayer at this unique time in history. It is packed with wonderful articles. Take your time, and share on screen with your prayer groups and churches. Share the knowledge, increase the call to pray.
“King of the nations
The LORD is near to all who call on Him.
And He will wipe every tear from their eyes; and there will be
No more death; there will no longer be sorrow and anguish,
crying or pain; for the former order of things has passed away.”
Rev. 15:3b, Psalm 145:18a, Rev 21:4
Prayer has to be our first priority. Israelis are defending themselves with their lives and homes. It is costing everything and the nation hangs on as the infrastructure of Hamas is being dismantled. Families of the hostages were just assured the government is doing all it can to secure the release of all 136 souls.
INCASE YOU FORGOT? A video by David Rawlings – www.israelvision.com
World Education Day. Jan. 24th. Hatred ultimately led to October 7th; a result of the PA and UNWRA refusing to remove hatred from their schoolbooks. Impact-se (https://www.impact-se.org/ could change that and is prepared to teach the next and following generations of Palestinians to respect the other. We need the world to demand along with us, that Impact-se is the way to teach their children.
UNITED NATIONS Release: The U.S.A., Canada, Australia, Italy, U.K., and Finland said they will suspend the transfer of funds to UNRWA following reports on the involvement of 12 of the agency’s employees in the Hamas’ October 7 massacre. It has been proven over and over again that this agency promotes hate literature which teaches Palestinian children to hate the Jews and kill them.
Update: Secret Hamas Doc – Psychological Warfare: Jan 30/2024
Israeli forces in Gaza recently found a secret document written by a senior Hamas official detailing the terrorist group’s psychological warfare strategy against the Israeli public. As you read this, they are ALL lies. The document orders:
1. – photos and videos of the Israeli hostages continue to be published “due to the psychological pressure they create.”
2. – singles out Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant as a target for psychological attack.
3. – emphasizes the importance of maintaining the narrative that Israeli Prime.
4. – they pushe the idea that IDF ground operations will not create the conditions necessary for the return of the rest of the hostages.
5. – it says the social divide in Israel is as an issue to focus on, and increases pressure around the issue of the hostages.
Sinwar is believed to be hiding in the Hamas stronghold of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, where he has reportedly surrounded himself with a large number of living hostages. Mohammed Deif, the head of Hamas’s “military wing,” is also believed to be holed up there.
On Oct. 14, IDF International Spokesperson Lt. Col. Richard Hecht told journalists that Sinwar and his entire command team “are in our sights. Yahya Sinwar is the face of evil. He is the mastermind behind this, like [Osama] bin Laden was [with the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks]. He built his career on murdering Palestinians when he understood they were collaborators [with Israel]. That’s how he became known as the butcher of Khan Yunis,” Joshua Marks. United with Israel
The Israeli army is dismantling Hamas’s military capabilities in Khan Yunis, in the south and is beating back their forces in the west. 2/3rds of Hamas terrorists in Khan Yunis have been killed; that is 20-30% Hamas terrorists killed and 48-60% wounded. The IDF has struck 3,320 targets and 400 tunnel shafts in Khan Yunis, 150 of which have been destroyed. Among other findings, is a major rocket-making factory and the offices of senior Hamas officials, including Sinwar.
A Word to the European Parliament:
Member of Knesset Boaz Bizmuth had prepared a speech to the European Parliament but instead spoke his mind.
Oded Rahav, a man of peace, speaks out “Humanity is at a crossroads”
NOTE: You can use each of these articles in your prayer warfare.
Here are some of your notes to me:
“Shalom. How grieved you and your nation must be. We stand with you in this struggle to understand life. We are shocked to see these lovely young men and women cut down in their prime. I am leading the church prayers on Sunday. The Lord Jesus said to pray for two countries in war; Israel and Ukraine. You have given me help to pray. Terry (her husband) said, ‘when are you coming here?’ He doesn’t forget the fun we had with you both. Lots of love and blessings in Messiah.”
C.T. England.
“I am really glad to hear how the Rawlings family have teamed up to come to Israel’s assistance during this mind-boggling time we are living in now. Well done!!
I know you listen to the Holy Spirit and He will bring healing and peace in this trouble we are going through. The eye of the storm is the best place to be.’”
H. F. Russia.
“It is so sad what is happening in Israel. I am so sorry. I pray for protection and wisdom. Fortunately our Lord knows everything and his plan is the best plan for your country. All the same we are praying.” M. S. Switzerland.
God Shows Up
I believe this story was told in a Toronto synagogue.
That’s it for this week friends. Do your best for the LORD who never slumbers nor sleeps and keeps watch over us all. Share your thoughts and prayers. They are welcome.
But Zebulon was a people who risked their lives to the point of death.”
Judges 5:4,18.
“How the mighty have fallen!” 2 Samuel 1:25
It is a time of utter sadness in Israel. In one day this week, we lost 24 soldiers in Gaza. I quote David as he begins his lament over the death of Jonathan and his enemy Saul. The photo above shows the faces of 21 of our sons who fell together this week. The entire nation mourns as the war grinds on. The desperate plight of the hostages has everyone’s attention as well. IDF surveillance has been unable to find them. Many of their family members stand at the Gaza border fence, crying out over loudspeakers; calling them by name over loudspeakers, assuring them they are NOT forgotten!
At times like these, we lean into the LORD. He has given us many names by which to perceive His character and purposes in the earth. I especially love,EL-ELOHE. It rolls off one’s tongue and means, God, the mighty God of Israel. It is especially important to speak it forth when addressing Him in these days of war. Another name I love is YESHUA or Salvation. We who believe in the Messiah understand Him as our personal Salvation.
“The LORD is my strength and my song. And he has become my Salvation; This is my God and I will exalt Him.”Exodus 15:2
Your messages: I love hearing from YOU: The following came in.
“Far be it from You to strike the righteous with the wicked … shall not the judge of all the earth do right?” Exodus 18:25 M. England
“We still pray every Thursday from 2:00 to 3:00 pm for Israel at the prayer centre in our church. I have had such a burden for the hostages because they think they have been forgotten. I know their captives tell them this. We have been praying God would send them dreams, visions and encouragement by His Holy Spirit. We pray; ‘wisdom, discernment protection and courage for the IDF as well as the ruling government.” N. Canada
And this: “Maybe I’m mistaken but haven’t the Palestinians made the claim that the Jewish people never lived in the land of Israel? Correct me if I’m wrong.” W. USA
I appreciate your questions and wish more of my readers would be as brave. Yes, unfortunately, the vast majority of Palestinians claim this. If you want good historical information go to Prager University. They have produced 5,000 historical clips each 5 minutes long. Meridel
“Then the righteous will answer him, “LORD, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me.’”
Matthew 25: 38, 39, 40.
Quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King:
“I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world… as a marvellous example of what can be done… how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality. I solemnly pledge to do my utmost to uphold the fair name of the Jews.”
I Meridel, want to thank every one of you who has prayed for Israel and also have encouraged and stood with the Rawlings Family for over 55 amazing years now. We bless you as you are brought to our remembrance. Very soon now, Miracles Among the Nations will be ready for you to order on Amazon. It is a saga that covers the years of our lives from 1969 to 1976. We travel to every continent with our small children and walk through the open doors given to us. It closes as we leave Europe for our home in Israel. Jay has a 3rd volume to follow this, Israel Our Odyssey. Stay Tuned. Our sons are talking about making it into a film script or TV series. Who knows where it will all end?”
Will you thank the LORD with us for the encouraging and most treasured gift of faith and hope! We are empowered to reach out in new ways to help and lift up many lives.
Every single day let’s make space to contemplate or better yet desire to just ‘be’ present with the LORD in loving communion, listening for HIS thoughts! I read the Word first, this way I am lighting a candle which ignites His Presence within. This does not just happen, especially when we live active lives. Settle down and your intellect will draw your will into the LORD. Choose to draw closer to the Source of love. He is our strength and inspiration. With blessings from our home to you and yours.
“The most important aspect of faith is hearing the voice of God.”Mother Theresa
One of the greatest things each of us possess is our testimony. In this week’s letter, you will meet many living witnesses of October 7th in Israel. They cannot cease from praying and believing for victory to emerge from this madness of Israel fighting Hamas. The agony of war has turned a switch inside of Israel, causing the people, as a whole to lay down their lives for one another in amazing ways. This unfolding truth was reinforced deep within when I came to this startling realization. This painful birthing process going on in the very heart of Israel is what I wept and agonized over from April to August just months before the war. I thought at the time, I was just heartbroken because of the fractured relationships on every level in the nation. No. Abba was preparing to birth a people for HIMSELF! Warfare is being waged in prayer and a brutal gorilla war on the ground. May we all be found faithful and receptive, listening, watching and praying.
“Can you discover the depths of God?
Can you discover the limits of the Almighty?
They are high as the heavens, what can you do?
Deeper than Sheol, what can you know?
We speak, God’s wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom …
Which God predestined before the ages to our glory.
To make plain the plan of the mystery,
hidden in the mind of God throughout the ages.
[the unity of Jews and Christians as one].”
Job 11: 7,8, 1 Corinthians 2:7, Ephesians 3:9.
“When I gather the house of Israel from the nations
and I manifest my Holiness in them in the sight of the nations,
then they will live in their own land which I gave to My servant Jacob.
They will live in it securely; and they will build houses,
plant vineyards an live securely when I execute judgment
on all those around them who despise them.
Then they will know that I am the LORD their God.”
Ezekiel 29: 25,26.
“Israel was not created in order to disappear. Israel will endure and flourish.
It is the child of hope and the home of the brave.
It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success.
It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom.”
President John Kennedy
My dear friends, yes, every family member in Israel, no matter what age is weary with this terrible war. From the survivors of Oct 7th with no hope of returning to their ruined homes and 90,000 refugees from the Northern border, and the hostages it is a crucial moment. I haven’t mentioned the sorrowing widows, parents and children for the fallen, so please do not give up reading God’s promises back to Him, and standing in the gap for Israel, a despised people by the world. See the scripture above; “all those who despise them”. This conflict is more important and far-reaching than any of us could possibly imagine.
Grim Facts:
To date: 194 soldiers have fallen.
Fighting continues all across Gaza.
9,000 Hamas fighters silenced, 5,000 remain, and all Hamas commanders have fled.
136 hostages remain in Gaza and there is no proof of life.
Soldiers have found Chinese and North Korean weapons on the Egyptian/Gaza border. Now, Israel will work to stop the munitions trade over the Southern border. The Rafa Crossing is also called the Philadelphia Corridor, a 9-mile area filled for decades with stockpiles of weapons. Egypt battles Muslim Brotherhood who smuggle weapons into Gaza and are also a threat to Egypt. The city of Rafa is split between Israel and Gaza. It is a highly populated area with dense populations of refugees who have fled the Northern strip.
*Note: Did you watch the film, Esau and the Palestinians? One person responded. I welcome your questions. Truth is tough to take. We have never been against these people. We are against Evil. The film expertly explains in light of the Bible, that there is a tragic dark spirit they are born under that is perpetuated. Jesus can change that. Pray.
The meaning of the name Kibbutz Nir Oz is: magnificent meadow; or a mighty ploughed field. It was once home to 400. It and other kibbutzim on the Southern border were founded by the Aliyah from South America. Soon after the founding of the State of Israel in 1948. Young people from Jewish youth groups came to Israel with the sole intention of building agricultural communities which is the central ethos of Kibbutz life. It is their descendants, their children and grandchildren who were slaughtered like lambs, when on Oct 7th thousands of Hamas operatives attacked in full force. Approximately 3,000 descended by land, sea and air, assaulting and destroying all in their path. 1,200 Israelis were killed, raped and mutilated. What is left of this area has to be levelled to the ground. On October 7th, from this kibbutz, 1 in 4 were killed; 1 in 17 taken hostage.
Jimmy Miller:“One of the baby bottles of baby Kifir Bibas was found. He was stolen at 9 months with his brother and Mother. Weeks ago, Hamas announced to the world, these boys were killed by Israeli bombs? I, Meridel, dreamt 2 months ago that their hair was dyed black, and a big Palestinian woman took them south to hide them.”
Note: Happy birthday to little Kfir Bibas who was one on his 100th day of captivity. Ariel, Shiri and Yarden Bibas were kidnapped from Kibbutz Nir Oz. There is not one person with a heart who did not cry at the sight of Shiri’s agonized face grasping those two little “Gingies”. The real world has begged for their release, but either their captivity is considered too good a hostage or, God forbid, they are no longer alive. I know your hearts are breaking too. The baby has spent 1/4 of his life in captivity. *Press on the above picture and it will come up on Youtube.
Sharon Aloni:“My daughter and I were taken hostage for 52 days, my husband is still a hostage. Every day Hamas told us,‘You have been forgotten’”
Mor Belasen. “At 6:30 on a Sat morning our whole life changed with nothing we can do about it. Nothing will ever be the same again. My brother Johnny texted and said stay inside. Another friend wrote to say they have been badly shot. We have not heard from them since. They were injured and maybe dying in a safe room 50 meters away and we could do nothing. We were locked in until 4 p.m. The soldiers came around 4:30 and we walked to a big shelter the kibbutz had and counted survivors.”
Amit Tov Vahaba: “I feel we are still living in Oct 7th, we are never going to sit again on the same balcony, sharing our coffee. Today, we sense the overwhelming absence of life. That day we ran to the safe room with our kids. Terrorists came in and out of the house, screaming with happiness. They stayed in my house, all the time, I was locked in the safe room with my family. My dog was trying to bark. I had to hold his mouth shut. The terrorists shot at the door of the bomb shelter. Later, we could hear them spilling gas, they bombed the house and then set it on fire. We were breathing in the smoke. We couldn’t even see each other. I told my husband, I am going to suffocate, I would rather be shot. I opened the window, and heard the gun shots of a crazy war, we decided to stayinside.”
Amit Tov: “… so many of our families are not whole. Israel is doing all they can, but the world needs to do more. Wives need their husbands and old folks need to end their lives here, they came and believed the Zionist vision and they end up hostages in Gaza?
I can imagine I could ever come back here, I would be unable to sleep at night. I don’t know many people from Nir Oz who will return. It’s not because we are scared, but we have been violated in so many ways for 40 years and so many are no longer alive.”
* Note: The villages and kibbutzim both in the south and north are still under daily rocket fire, by Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
Rabbi Doron:“My son, an IDF soldier was taken hostage. We feel the love and embrace of Israelis and people all around the world. We have no idea what condition he is in, so we need this support. Israel cannot leave Gaza until everyone comes home. It’s only on going pressure on Hamas that will bring our families home. Please pray for Daniel ben Shalom Sharon Doron to be returned asap.”
Thomas Hand: Watch the interview with a father whose 12-year-old daughter was taken hostage. She could only whisper upon her return to Israel. She strokes her Daddy’s cheek when be becomes emotional.
Sgt Maya – Sky Ryder Unit: “We were 30 girls, when the terrorists saw us approaching Nir Oz we shot back, throwing grenades. They killed my commander, we kept shooting, and ran to a room and locked ourselves in. I realized my head, chest and leg were bleeding. We stayed locked in for 7 hours. We heard Hamas shooting, yelling, celebrating, so happy. We were still in our pyjamas and had only 3 bullets left, so we just waited, We all knew something was insane. When I was recovering I wanted to return to my team, my people on the front lines. I am glad for the girls we did save but I wish we could do more and now it’s our time to do more.”
Colonel Markovitch: “Yes, it is a tragedy. We salute you and your team for your bravery and courage. You saved lives on Oct 7th. Maya you are a woman, a combat soldier who fought against the dark obscurity of Hamas. It shows one thing, we must fight. We must continue to fight. You are an example of resilience, strength and inspiration. All soldiers have a strong spirit. Ben Gurion said a long time ago; ‘We have planes, but the difference is the pilot in the cock pit of the plane,’ Maya is that example. Our IDF men and women are the back bone of Israel, the real Iron Dome … I see them as the eyes of the future. Unfortunately the war is not over.”
Sr. i24 news correspondent, Jonathan Regev:“ Khan Unis, is 2 kilometer from this kibbutz. The terrorists telephoned Gazan civilians: ‘the fence is open, come in and steal.’
It was a very big failure on Israel’s part. We need to ask how this happened? These people deserve an answer. We were told for years and years this could not happen. The fence was breached and no army was here. Where was the army? So people were stuck down. Israel needs an answer to know this never happens again. An unwritten pact here in Israel is that the IDF is here for the people. Israelis give everything to their nation. But, the army was NOT here for them. Israeli citizens give and give … this social contract was shattered. The government was very quiet after this tragedy. Then three full weeks later, still there was no official statement to mark the beginning of Israel’s military engagement.
There are still plenty of tunnels from which Hamas operates. In the North, Hamas now operates without commanders for they are dead or have fled. There are no short cuts in fighting terror. It is the Israeli people who have stopped this Evil from getting further into Israel. The broken trust between the citizens and the state is something that is going to is difficult to rebuild. It may take generations. They were promised that someone would always be there and NO ONE was there. It will take years and years for this land to recover if ever. It was never an easy place to live but such a thing had never happened.”
Medical Extortion: Essential medication has been delivered to Qatar who delivered it to the Red Cross who delivered it to Hamas who hopefully delivered to the surviving hostages? They have been without any medication for over three months. Hamas demanded that any and all medication intended for the hostages be multiplied by one thousand, yes one thousand. In other words, the medicine for colitis, asthma, heart disease and high blood pressure is multiplied by one thousand. The international community complied? Still, we have no idea who is dead and who is alive; where our people are and what their medical condition is or whether they will ever come home?
Parasha ha Shuvah:
I am sure that you are familiar with the custom of Jews globally reading the exact same weekly Bible portion. This week the Torah portion is Exodus 10 (Bo). We read about the last of the 10 plagues God brought upon the Egyptians. Our son Chris noted that during Moses last encounter with Pharaoh, he asked Moses to bless him . The prophetic portion is in Jeremiah. It reveals God’s promise to save us from our enemies.
* It’s time to pray, to help and not faint. Please consider what you have read, will you pray for the Israelis home by home; grandparents, fathers, mothers, children, soldiers, leadership. Father have mercy, thank you for your promises over this persecuted land.
War in the International Criminal Court:
South Africa, of all nations, was obviously bribed to accuse Israel of genocide and take Israel to this court. Just remember, from antiquity laws were created to destroy Israel. There was Pharaoh, Esther, Herod, the Romans, Hitler and again today we have Hamas supported by radical Muslim nations. History repeats itself. For years Iran has called for the annihilation of Israel. “From the river to the sea …” is the rallying cry for genocide by Yemen, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon and Gaza along with ignorant rioters all across the globe. This refers to the total genocide of Israel. Truth has been turned upside down.
Here is a note from my friend who translated my SMV into German. She works as much as is possible with her demanding time restraints. She writes:
“Here is the new translation of your letter. As always, I am very impressed by the content. Yes, it is an urgent time to pray. We are in dangerous and challenging times. Who knows where it will all lead?” M.S. Switzerland.
Shabbat Shalom from the Rawlings family. We are currently working with Chris who is giving us some weeks from Finland. He has stood with me in the creation of the Still Small Voice from the beginning. He made my website: www.stillsmallvoice.tv and helped edit my books and get them printed. Now he is working with his brother Josh, and doing a final edit on Miracles Among the Nations, with his Dad. It will soon be available.
Our eldest sons David and Chris have resurrected Israel Vision TV for their generation. Kindly encourage them in their quest to produce films and stories about people making a difference in Israel.
Please support the work of Israel Vision TV at the GoFundMe website that my son Chris has set up. Click the image below to view the video and support the work on GoFundMe. Thank you!
Esau and the Palestinians: Yes, we are all living through perplexing days. It is always time to pray. This week I want to share with you the documentary entitled: Esau and the Palestinians. It gave me new insights into the 4,000 year old roots of this present raging war in Gaza, which is reverberating among the nations. The noise is deafening. We know, The Eternal One will always have a people Israel, this we know. I guess what troubles me is the willful ignorance globally. It aims at destroying Israel.
Disclaimer: In the film we are presented with the producers interpretation of how Israel will be protected from the antiChrist and the Second Coming.
The International Criminal Court:
South Africa has taken Israel to the ICC with accusations of genocide. Former head of the Supreme Court will stand in Israel’s defence. Pray for truth to prevail. Israel a moral army and has taken precautions to save civilian life. Yes, the loss of any innocent soul is a tragedy. Yes, we expect ugly accusations ignoring Israel’s very careful execution of military strategy. They have extensive proof in film footage of Hamas’ military use of hospitals, health clinics, schools, kindergartens, Islamic Mosques, Gazan homes plus UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) facilities in which to stage strategic warfare against Israel, build weapons factories, and weapons depots. We pray for heavenly armies to confuse the enemy. May the final be by Divine intervention.
“The gates of your land are opened wide to your enemies; fire consumes the bars across your gates. Draw water for a siege! Your shepherds are asleep.”
Nahum 3:13b,14a,18a.
Jerusalem Post Jan 9th 2024 by Allgemeiner
“Angry anti-Israel protesters in New York City took to the streets of lower Manhattan, where they blocked access to drivers on four bridges. This led to hundreds of arrests and a miserable commute for thousands. They blocked traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, Williamsburg Bridge, and Holland Tunnel for over two hours Monday morning. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) said 325 people were arrested, with many facing misdemeanor charges.”
“First the Saturday people and then the Sunday people!” This phrase was and is a favorite of radical Muslims wanting to rid the world of Jews and Christians.
Canada’s National Post:
“Since at least New Year’s Eve, the Toronto police have assisted in overseeing daily closures of the bridge (Avenue Road), reportedly to preserve the safety of “demonstrators” and “counter-demonstrators. Men clad in keffiyehs have led Muslim prayer services right in the middle of roads approaching the bridge. Crowds carrying Palestinian flags and placards comparing Zionism to Naziism have blockaded streets and intersections surrounding the overpass. Demonstrators have set off red and green smoke bombs and kept up a steady stream of honking and bullhorn-amplified chants of “free, free Palestine.”
“Due to public safety concerns, the Avenue Road Bridge will be closed,” read the Toronto Police’s most recent update, issued early morning Jan 10th 2024.”
I saw the film footage. The police just stood around watching … doing nothing?
A Canadian volunteering in Israel speaks:
“I volunteered for 3 months and help serve hungry soldiers. These guys are the best of the best, every day may be their last. I love them and am so proud to stand with them. You must understand in this fight, these brave men and women of the IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) stand between us and Hamas! We Canadians just don’t get how serious this war is. The stakes are higher than most people in North America image or care to know. These soldiers are fighting not only for Israel, but for us in America and Canada. They’re the last line of defence before the terrorists come for us. The Palestinian Authority says once they liquidate the Jews, they’re coming for the Christians and by that they mean North America. They want to set up a world wide Muslim caliphate … and they mean business!
The hardline Hamas terrorists want to die for the cause. Martyrdom is the only guarantee of eternal life with Allah. Hamas is a Hebrew word that appears 60 times in the Old Testament. The word is Semitic in origin even though the terrorists mistranslate it to mean Resistance Movement. The original meaning of Hamas is found in Hebrew and means violence, destruction and false witness. War is a way of life here that I have experienced 24 hours a day since my arrival. It changes your world view and causes you to rethink your reason for being here at such a time as this. It also causes you to think where you would spend eternity if today was your last day on earth, as it unfortunately will be not only for some IDF soldier, but also for the terrorists in the tunnels beneath Gaza and civilians. We in the West get caught up with ’the stuff’. Most of us do; but to die with the all the toys means nothing if we haven’t left behind more than we’ve taken. To put it another way, ….we have no idea how well off we are in the free world.
‘The Jews are liberated, but we are not free’ is a line I read the other day visiting Yad Vashem, the National Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem. Yad Vashem literally means ‘a memorial and a name. In the Hall of Names, every Jewish victim of the Holocaust in Europe is being added and recorded as they are still being identified. The museum itself is massive and as you walk through it builds the story from 1933-1945. To see it is to live through it and it breaks your heart. I stood beneath that dome filled with photographs of holocaust victims. It makes you cry.
I truly hope you understand. Israel does not want you to ask for a ceasefire. A ceasefire will only give the enemy time to reload.
I leave you with a question in closing. ‘Why is it that Israel is the only nation in the world that has to defend itself for defending itself?’” Lorne
I hope this has brought you new understanding of the roots of this hatred between these two brothers. Send me your comments. Thank you to those who write. Its
Great to hear your news too. Thank you for the encouragement I so many ways.
Every blessing,
Meridel Rawlings
“The most important thing is to hear God’s voice.” Mother Theresa
But it is a blessed time in God’s time clock. The Still Small Voice whispered into my heart: 2024 is a year of OPEN DOORS! I thank my Heavenly Father for His Presence!
“Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning.” Ps. 30:5
I love to watch the sunrise every morning, as the black of night gives way to the light.
“All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you pay attention to the voice of the LORD your God.”Deuteronomy 28:2
“Israelis have been overwhelmed by the incredible people of every faith who have come to volunteer, console, support or just show up. It has been so heartwarming to receive friends from as far afield as Australia, New Zealand and the USA or as Turkey, the UK and Europe. This expression of love by people of all ages has had a profound effect on all of us, an effect that often counteracts the demonstrations of hate. Thank you.” Sheila Raviv
It’s lovely that the holidays bring us news from family and friends far and wide:
“Your Christmas Message with the Gethsemane picture contains such a deep exegesis. You ended with: “What shall I give HIM this holy season? Will it be my heart? [Micah 5:2]. This is a good motto for us in 2024!” W and I.
The USA:
“I sent the Man of the Year article about Israeli soldiers (see SMV Dec.31st 2023) to all of our pastors and much of my family. Of course, I have been praying and watching – limited media here in America – I know so much is incorrect. The testimonies of the hostages have been appearing. I am asking God: “Open the doors and give them eyes to see, open the eyes of the IDF to see what they are not seeing.” I am so happy you ‘came back’ (from death) and also for where God has placed you both. Lancaster Pa. Pastor Abby King.
What’s New in the USA?
“America’s ‘Gen Z’ does not like Israel! They do not know history. These numbers one day may put Israel in danger in the decade ahead. Israel is a country and culture of people who celebrate LIFE not DEATH. In this current battle, the truly oppressed ones are the Israeli people, surrounded by seas (nations) of hostility.” US Actor and comedian Bret Gilman
“Beware of a marriage between the religious and political spirit.”
Cindy Jacobs prophesied that a year ago at this time. This is exactly what our last elections brought when Likud and Shas, (two right-wing parties) came to power. Question: One of the first laws the new Knesset changed was to permit ministers with police records and past convictions to hold ministerial positions. Are Israelis paying a price for this today, now in the midst of this terrible urban guerrilla war? This week, the Israeli government sat with the heads of the military-IDF. The meeting ended when dissension by government members caused an impasse. Meanwhile, Israel is waging this war on 6 fronts with Iran, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, the Palestinian Authority and the Houthis. As you have read above, there is no peace in the heart of Jerusalem.
We have 200,000 homeless, in hotels with no possibility of returning to their bombed and shattered homes in both the South and North. At this point, the survivors are left to fall between the cracks. Every Israeli is stretched to the breaking point. There are 136 living hostages in Gaza, 23 have been murdered. Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome stalks every Israeli and Palestinian. The harsh realities of this awful war are everywhere. I see it as a perfect opportunity for the LORD to come on the scene. Pray for it. This 60 Minutes: interview with Yarden Roman-Gat: https://youtu.be/ixynqr-88gE?si=H_tsO-iOC7z_s_H7
My letter to the secretary of our Synagogue Bible Study Group:
“We watch the tragic consequences of neglect by those who should have been the first to
understand the power of this disease … of ‘unexplainable hatred’ which exploded during the First Intifada in the 1980’s. It is … exhausting. I cannot imagine what you are all experiencing and yes we have family in Israel. Everyone knows someone affected by Oct 7th with its deaths and hostages, along with men on the front lines
Our youngest son Daniel, now 37, father of two little boys, reminded us recently; “At the age of 12, I remember Dad and David editing footage of Palestinian summer camps for kids. (Palestinian Media Watch) I was as chilled by the hard facts, then, as I am now. Everyone swallowed the Peace lie around the ‘peaceful’ Oslo Accords, I, watched the newscasts on TV and cried when Israel armed the PA army.
For years, we documented the madness on many levels in the PA, starting with the Mufti. He clearly emphasised, “There is no historical proof that Jews ever lived here?” That is called willful blindness. Israel Vision’s programs went global. I wonder who took it seriously? We could sense what was coming. Where will it all end? How desperately sad for every Grandparent, parent, child and grandchild in Israel and the Jewish Community in the Diaspora.” Meridel Rawlings
Jesus taught“… What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight;
what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops.
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body
but cannot kill the soul. Instead, be afraid of the
One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
Matthew 10: 27,28
The WAR in Canada. Bill C-4: See the explanation of Bill C-4 in this video.
Sunday, January 14th is the Third Annual Sexuality Sunday. Action for Canada
Is your church too spiritual to address this topic? Beware! Christian counsellors could land in prison for up to 5 years. If caught teaching sexuality to your children in light of Biblical truth, in your home, you could also end up in prison. This is the law under the present Criminal Code of Canada.
My life’s work is in this field. I know: that sexual malpractice can destroy one’s soul.
Over decades I was taken into the broken lives of men, women, boys, girls, and the lgbtq community. I saw many leave their brokenness behind to enjoy lives renovated by the mercy of our Saviour. Very few Church doors were welcoming. Only brave individuals who knew the power of Redeeming love opened their homes, or rented halls and ballrooms where I could teach and work. My advice:“Bend low, the sword of the Lord is coming in judgment. Stop lying, be honest! To survive, honour God! Do you understand that mankind has now passed over a Divine timeline!”
Greetings from “Change Action Nepal”:
“We see epidemics, natural disasters, political instability, discrimination and violence against women. The economic crisis makes the situation for children worse. We hold firmly to the HOPE brought into this world by a child and woman. A child who taught us to pray in the secret place to our Father who is unseen, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on each as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10. Sent by our adopted daughter India Ghale.
I, am adding this verse to the above greeting from Nepal.
“Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother, “this child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken again, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed …” Luke 2:34.
The film we produced is on Israel Vision YouTube channel:
Books: Honor Thy Father??? and Stain Remover, by Dr. Meridel Rawlings. Amazon
Let us all continue in prayer:
I am asking you to PRAY for Israel in the command form. This harassed nation is being trapped inside and out. As you know, there is a great global offence against Israel. The word Jew and Israel, elicits global antisemitism and abuse.
Remember:Only those who love us truly define us.
Do you know what Gabriel is referring to in the writing of truth? Daniel 10:21
Check it out. This is how you pray for Israel.
Every blessing to you and your generations in 2024.
They go to war knowing that the lives of their friends and families depend on them.
I read the following article and said to myself, I have to share this with my friends. It touched me so deeply because it explains why we Israelis have the power to stand up and be counted! Thank you for having been there for us for over 50 years.
In a year when the civilized world is stuck in a state of retreat, he is fighting back.
Under Biden’s leadership, America has been invaded by hordes of millions of migrants, and Europe continues to stagger under an endless wave of migration from the Muslim world. That’s why American and European cities are being torn apart by rioting mobs supporting Hamas.
But after Israel was invaded on Oct 7, it fought back. The men on the front lines are not the politicians or the generals, they’re among the 360,000 reservists activated in a nation with a Jewish population of 7 million who left behind their homes, families and jobs to go and fight.
The Israeli military was unprepared for both Oct 7 and a call-up of this size. The soldiers were fed, clothed, and equipped by the people. While the media reports on the fighting, the truly incredible unreported story is how civilian volunteers have become the supply and support (the ‘tooth-to-tail’) of the Israel Defense Forces or the IDF.
In a small country, volunteers have been bringing food every day, they have provided clothes, shipped in body armour and even showed up with washing machines on pickup trucks to do the laundry. Some civilian volunteers have been wounded and even killed while delivering food. Israeli housewives have formed the Baking Battalion to make cookies, a cooking school that produces meals for the troops and restaurants operate free food trucks. Others have stepped in to harvest crops and run the shops of the reservists who have been called up to serve in Gaza.
When the government and the leaders failed, the ordinary Israelis stepped up.
Some armies call themselves the “people’s army”: IDF soldiers really are. They’ve gone into Gaza knowing that the country stands behind them, not as an ideal, but as an everyday reality. Israel is a small country and everyone knows someone who died, came under attack, is among the 200,000 who left their homes to be out of range of the terrorist attacks, or in the ranks of those who are fighting or who have already fallen in defence of their nation.
Israel today reminds me of New York City after September 11 where for a brief shining moment everyone except the worst leftists pulled together against a common enemy. That spirit may well pass in Israel as it did in America, but while it lasts, it is something to admire and emulate.
Islamist mobs rampage around Manhattan and our elites celebrate Hamas, but the Israelis woke up after one terrible day and decided that they wouldn’t take it anymore. They rejected the dogma that fighting doesn’t work and they went to war. And far more than their own country is riding on the outcome. Nation after nation has surrendered to the Jihad, appeased it, and accepted the lie that Islamic terrorists can’t be defeated and fighting back only radicalizes them.
America accepted Islamic terrorism as the new normal, and now we’ve accepted Muslim mobs smashing up our cities as the new normal. What new horror will we accept next?
The Israeli soldier is in the field fighting against this corrosive mainstreaming of evil. He is at war not only with the reality of Islamic terror but the idea that we are defenceless against it. That is why we all have a stake in what happens thousands of miles away. Gaza is not a territory: it’s a state of mind. There are Gazas in the ‘no-go zones’ of England and France, forming in Michigan and emerging in New York City. It is not a question of whether our war will come, but when.
For now we can still pretend that a 7th century madman’s book doesn’t affect us.
American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq all too often had to ask why they were there, no Israeli soldier in Gaza ever has to ask that question. Such questions end when the war comes home.
We’ve become used to wars that are abstractions, and geopolitical policy decisions to change a regime or protect the international order, but that’s not what wars are like in Israel.
It’s a one-hour drive from the hyper dense Tel Aviv metropolitan area to Kibbutz Be’eri where Islamic terrorists carried out some of the worst atrocities on Oct 7. The thousands of Jihadis, some on pickup trucks with mounted machine guns, had orders to keep going until they reached Tel Aviv. They didn’t get that far, but they did make it to Sderot, a town of 27,000 and they attacked Yad Mordechai just down the road from the city of Ashkelon.
It’s a six-hour trip along Israel. On the narrowest points, it’s walkable. In wartime, there is no ‘over there’ in Israel, it’s all ‘over here’. IDF soldiers are not fighting for international order or to nation build anything: they’re traveling hours to the north to protect their homes.
The Biden administration, the international community and the rest of the foreign policy ‘blob’ are obsessed with nation building in Gaza. They keep demanding a ‘day after’ plan from Israel. Conspiracy theorists claim that the lack of a ‘day after’ plan proves that Israel intends to expel all the Arab Muslim settlers from Gaza. The truth is that Israel doesn’t care about the same nation building nonsense that failed in every single Muslim country it’s been tried in 30 years.
When the madman across the street just butchered your family, you don’t plan out a rehab program or discuss his prison sentence while exchanging fire with him. That sort of madness is reserved for international foreign policy experts with no clue or skin in the game. The same goes for the obsession with “proportionate responses” or “winning the hearts and minds” of Hamas.
Instead of the nonsense that wasted so many of our lives, Israel is focused on winning the war.
Buried in the CNN and MSNBC reports, which are virtually indistinguishable from Al Jazeera’s Hamas propaganda barrage of bombing videos, is the fact that Israeli soldiers accomplished what the Biden administration’s military experts believed was impossible in record time.
Secretary of Defense Austin had urged Israelis to use his fight against ISIS in the Iraqi city of Mosul as a model. The fighting in Mosul took 9 months and led to over 1,000 casualties among the anti-ISIS coalition. Two weeks after the beginning of ground operations, Israel was in the heart of Gaza City. Now, IDF leaders say they’re close to having operational control over the north.
As of now, 164 IDF soldiers have fallen in the fighting against over 8,000 Hamas terrorists. Those approximate, but improve on, the casualty rates of American forces fighting against ISIS (then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq) and Iranian militias during the peak of the 2007 ‘Surge’. But the Israelis don’t have any Muslim allied forces fighting alongside them in urban battles.
Oct 7 heavily damaged the myth of the IDF, but the myth was always based on a misconception of what the Israel Defense Forces are. The IDF has its origins in groups of volunteer guards who were trained by Major General Orde Wingate, a devout Christian Zionist highly unpopular within the British military, in the unconventional doctrines that he would apply in WWII. The IDF is excellent at offensive operations, but poor at defensive ones except when individual soldiers launch desperate last stands of the kind that helped turn the tide in a few crucial battles.
The strength of the IDF has never been in its generals, though like the U.S. military, it had some capable old-school celebrity generals, now long gone, but in the character of the average fighting man. Strategy and leadership are crucial, but the IDF was built on the resilience of the ordinary soldier. Nations don’t make peoples and generals don’t make armies: its people who make nations and armies. That’s as true in Israel as it is in America.
Unlike the Islamic Jihadists they are battling, IDF soldiers don’t go to war fueled by meth or promises of 72 virgins, they go knowing that the lives of their friends and families depend on them. The politicians and the generals may fail them, but they do what needs to be done.
In Gaza now, they make beds among the rubble, put in earplugs and try to sleep while bombs and bullets shatter the night, and then, when it is time, they rise and fight. They are not superhuman or infallible: only ordinary men who know what is at stake. But they don’t know everything that is at stake. They see only their homes and the children they said goodbye to.
What they don’t see is a thousand year Jihad, the rafts bringing invaders to Europe and planes carrying them to America. They see only their small corner of the sky and earth to protect, but they are fighting a small battle that will shape the outcome of the greater civilizational war.
That is why the IDF soldier is Front Page Magazine’s ‘Man of the Year’. In a year of defeatism, he is still fighting. Even though all the experts say he should stop, he does not give up.
Those of us who see the big picture are often prone to despair, but the Israelis never look at big pictures. Israelis, unlike American Jews, have little interest in the big questions because, also unlike American Jews, they are religious in a mostly matter-of-fact way. When they look in the mirror, they don’t see insecurity, they see a fallible human being and when they look at the sky, they don’t see existential questions, they see G-d. That is why they have hope, not woke.
These are important because they not only encourage us to hope but tell us how.
The IDF soldier is the reflection of a nation that has learned to live in the face of impossible threats by focusing on what needs to be done today. That lack of vision is a weakness but also a strength. We too can turn from worrying about tomorrow and ask what we can do today.
The ordinary Israeli is in the field, or making cookies, washing khaki clothes and harvesting crops. He does not think about the unlikelihood that a nation of millions can survive the hatred of over a billion fanatics who believe that their only path to paradise is through genocide. He or she does what needs to be done, without despair or rage, but with the inner strength of purpose.
Israel is a nation at war with our enemies. The Islamists and leftists, the professional racists and deranged woke armies march through the streets of our cities calling for Israel’s destruction. It is not only a physical war, but a spiritual war, a cultural war and a moral war. It is a war that encompasses all of us, our homes, our families and our futures, but at the moment only one group of men is fighting that war, not just with words or elections, but with bullets.
Their fight gives us hope. Their fight shows us how to fight. Their fight shows us the future.
This article lays out WHY such a life and death struggle!
Silent Horror Unveiled: Inside the Grueling Mission of ZAKA Volunteers Collecting Remains After Hamas Massacre
Each day brings with it a fresh understanding of what happened on Oct 7th in South Israel along the Gaza border. What remains is a SILENT HORROR. Why do I trouble you? We are fighting for survival and we are beseeching you to pray for JUSTICE to come out of this massacre. Thank you.
Jay and Meridel Rawlings, Box 47554, Ermioni, Griechenland 210 51
Unser himmlischer Vater IST die Liebe. Jesus IST Sein Geliebter. Der Heilige Geist IST der Geist der Liebe.
Möge Jesus uns in dieser Zeit der weltweiten Ausbeutung, des Verlustes, des Krieges und des Kummers Frieden bringen. Ich habe eine Kopie dieses ungewöhnlichen Gemäldes ausgewählt, weil es zeigt, wer Jesus auf Erden war und für uns heute IST. Hier sehen wir einen Engel, welcher ihn in diesen letzten einsamen Stunden im Garten stärkt, während Satan im Schatten lauert. Jesus stand seiner letzten Prüfung gegenüber und fühlte sich verlassen und allein. Im Olivenhain war alles still. “Vater, wenn du es willst, lass diesen Kelch an mir vorübergehen”, flehte Jesus. Seine Antwort war ein furchtbares Schweigen. Was für eine ernste Lektion in Gehorsam und Treue.
Schauen wir zurück auf die Nacht seiner Geburt, welche von der Stille der Himmelswache überschattet war. Die Heilige Familie, von der Welt «ungesehen», wurde allein gelassen und für die Welt als bedeutungslos betrachtet. Die berühmten Hirtenfelder von «Bethlehem-Ephratha» (der Ort, an welchem die Lämmer für die Tempelopfer aufgezogen wurden), explodierten im Klang und Licht der himmlischen Pracht. Hirten, welche von der Gesellschaft verschmäht wurden, kamen demütig und beteten an. Herodes, König der römischen Provinz Juda, fürchtete sich vor diesem Kind.
Frage: “Was soll ich ihm in dieser heiligen Zeit schenken?” Wird es mein Herz sein?» Micha 5:2
Update der Familie Rawlings
2023 war ein Jahr der Veränderung mit einem großen ‘V’. Jay und ich genossen Weihnachten 2022 mit Chris, Terhi, Noam 24, und den eineiigen Zwillingen Youni und Liam 16 jährig. Sie überhäuften uns mit jeder Art von Freundlichkeit und Güte, einschließlich eines Konzerts, bei welchem der großartige 500-stimmige Knabenchor auftrat in der “Weißen Kathedrale”, von welcher aus man den Hafen von Helsinki überblickt. Die berühmten “Cantores Minores” wurden von Terhis ältestem Bruder, Professor Hannu Norjanen, dirigiert. Ihr schönes finnisches Haus hat eine eingebaute Sauna. Das Zusammensein mit ihnen war das beste Geschenk für Jay und mich.
Wir flogen für knapp eine Woche zurück nach Griechenland, bevor wir nach Jerusalem zurückkehrten. Monatelang hatte der HERR mit uns beiden, Jay und mir, darüber gesprochen, Israel zu verlassen. Es war eine schwierige Umstellung, nachdem wir uns 50 Jahre lang, mit totalem Engagement und Mitwirkung in der Nation, Israel hingegeben hatten, und Bürger geworden waren. Wir verliebten uns in Israel und gaben der Nation unser Bestes. Unsere Söhne waren genauso engagiert, aber sie waren noch sehr jung, als wir ankamen. David und Josh dienten in den Kampfeinheiten der IDF (israelischen Armee). Wir alle haben viele Kriege und den nicht enden wollenden Terror miterlebt. Jedoch was heute geschieht, ist das Schlimmste überhaupt! Die Realität ist entsetzlich und beinhaltet eine intensive psychologische und satanische Kriegsführung, welche auf jede Seele in der Nation angewendet wird, und auch alle erreicht, welche für Israel beten. Ich bin sicher, dass Ihr über die Nachrichten auf dem Laufenden seid. Habt Ihr die Tatsache erkannt, dass “die großen Jungs” nicht wollen, dass Israel gewinnt? Die IDF-Soldaten an der Front sehen dem sicheren Tod durch die Hand von Verbrechern, Lügnern und bösen Manipulatoren in die Augen. Die dunkle Seite triumphiert zurzeit, und wird von der UNO und der Welt unterstützt und sogar geschützt. Die Palästinenser im Gazastreifen haben seit 1953, nachdem sie vorher von Ägypten regiert wurden, keinen einzigen Tag mehr in Freiheit verbracht. Sie sind die ersten Opfer der Hamas. Wir beobachten und beten. Der Herr spricht zu uns in der Heiligen Schrift und in unseren Träumen. Wir lieben es, mit dem Heiligen Geist zu arbeiten, so traurig es im Moment auch ist.
“Wenn zwei sich einig sind…” Jay und ich haben nach 55 Jahren Ehe gelernt, nichts zu tun, WENN wir nicht einer Meinung sind. Schließlich konnten wir uns darauf einigen, den Vertrag für den Verkauf unseres Grundstücks in Jerusalem zu unterzeichnen. Glücklicherweise zu diesem Zeitpunkt. Im April begannen wir, das Medienzentrum und unser Haus zu räumen. Joshua kam zu uns, um uns bei der schweren Arbeit und den unendlichen Herausforderungen zu helfen. Die Familie, welche unser Haus gekauft hat, fragte uns: “Wie könnt ihr einen so schönen Ort verlassen, seid ihr Propheten?”
In der Zwischenzeit, im April, sprach der Herr zu Daniel und Shelly, nach Kalamata an der Südküste Griechenlands zu ziehen. Shelly hatte eine Offenbarung, welche ihnen half, diese Entscheidung zu treffen. Als sie sich überlegten, ein kleines Haus in Israel zu mieten, fragte sie den Besitzer: “Haben Sie einen Luftschutzkeller?” Er antwortete: “Nein.” Sofort sah sie sich selbst, Ryan und das neue Baby Gabriel, während eines Raketenangriffs unter einem Tisch kauern. (Seit dem 7. Oktober sind mehr als 2.000 Raketen aus dem Gazastreifen, dem Libanon und dem Jemen in Israel eingeschlagen). Dan und Shelly fassten schnell Mut und zogen um. Kalamata liegt wunderschön am Meer und ist auf drei Seiten von Bergen umgeben. Die Stadt ist berühmt für ihre großen Olivenbäume. Sie blickt auf eine 4.000-jährige Geschichte zurück, und hat heute einen blühenden Hafen, ist eine Universitätsstadt und hat ein florierendes Handelszentrum. Eine interessante Tatsache ist, dass Kalamata auch ein NATO-Stützpunkt ist. Israelische Ausbildner instruieren NATO-Piloten und lehren sie das Fliegen mit den Jets.
Meridel: (Jay schreibt) In diesem Jahr wurde sie durch die schmerzliche Realität der finanziellen Belastungen und des allgemeinen Leids der Israelis herausgefordert und verändert. Mit der Gabe des “Sehens” wurde es zu einer unendlichen und schmerzhaften Realität. Ich bin sicher, Ihr habt es in ihrem Blog Still Small Voice gespürt. Sie schreibt und liest es mir dann vor, und wir überprüfen es gemeinsam. Danke, dass Ihr für Israel gebetet habt, und mit uns in Kontakt geblieben seid in diesen seelisch niederschmetternden Zeiten. Wir wussten, dass die Dinge schlecht stehen, wegen der Korruption in hohen Positionen, aber wir haben diesen schrecklichen Krieg nicht kommen sehen. Meridels Herz hatte einfach keine Kraft mehr, und am 31. Juli gab es auf. Zum Glück rief sie: “Jay, ich kann nichts sehen…” und starb dann. Ich rief sofort den Namen Jeschuas an und band den Geist des Todes. Ihre ehemalige Klassenkameradin, welche 63 Jahre alt ist, Irene Bredlow, und ein weiterer Hausgast schlossen sich mir an. Ihr Puls war weg, zusammen mit ihrem Geist, ihre Augen wurden blau. Wir hörten nicht auf, im Namen Jesu zu schreien. Das ist die absolute Wahrheit. Wir hatten fast alle Anforderungen für den endgültigen Auszug erfüllt. Acht Tage später flogen wir zurück nach Griechenland. Wir haben jetzt unsere Aufenthaltsgenehmigung erhalten. Nach unserer Rückkehr schickte uns Chris diesen Segen: «Meine Hoffnung und mein Gebet ist, dass ihr nun beginnt, eure goldenen Jahre mit euren Kindern zu genießen. Ihr habt beide viel Leid ertragen müssen, was euch beide stark und fähig gemacht hat, anderen zu helfen.»
Jay gewöhnt sich nun langsam an ein viel ruhigeres Leben und kann etwa 9 Monate im Jahr schwimmen. Nur 500 Meter von unserem Haus entfernt, breitet sich am Fuße unserer sanft abfallenden Talstraße, ein wunderbarer Strand von 1 bis 2 km Breite aus. Das Plätschern der Wellen ist von unserer Terrasse aus zu hören. Wir haben Oliven und Obstbäume gepflanzt.
Daniel und Shelly haben sich inzwischen in ihrer eigenen Wohnung eingerichtet und lieben ihren Wohnort. Sie sind sehr gastfreundlich und treffen sich jede Woche am Schabbat zum Essen mit einer Gruppe israelischer Eltern und ihrer Kinder, welche erst kürzlich aus Israel gekommen sind. Shelly erstellt einen Videoblog auf Hebräisch. Daniel dreht Videoclips für ihre verschiedenen Unternehmungen und bietet seine medialen Fähigkeiten an, wann immer er angesprochen wird. Auch Immobilien haben ihr Interesse geweckt. Ryan hat so viele verschiedene Interessen und verkündet: “Ich habe eine sehr gute Idee?” Gabriel ist stimmgewaltig und macht sich auf witzige Art und Weise bemerkbar. Nachdem er die jungen Eltern in Aktion gesehen hatte, meinte der große Bruder David: “Daniel & Shelly sind die besten Eltern …”.
Joshua wird schnell zum Landwirt. Er liebt das Land, und während ich schreibe, ist er damit beschäftigt, die Olivenbäume zu beschneiden. Wir verwenden den “Abfall” nachts im Kamin und machen aus den Zweigen und Blättern Kompost. Wir sehen, wie die Einheimischen alles verwerten. Ein Höhepunkt in diesem Jahr war, mit den Enkeln in die Berge zu fahren, um unseren Freund Petros zu besuchen. Er ist Hirte und entstammt einer langen Stammeslinie von Hirten, soweit er zurückdenken kann. Es hat uns allen viel Spaß gemacht, mit den neugeborenen Lämmern zu spielen und sie an unseren Daumen nuckeln zu lassen. Josh hat gute Freunde gefunden und spricht Griechisch. Er machte die Planung und überwachte die Gestaltung, den Bau und die Fertigstellung des Erdgeschosses und des Grillplatzes im klassischen griechischen Stil. Deshalb machen unsere Kinder mit ihren Ehefrauen und Enkelkindern das Haus jetzt zu einem Urlaubsziel. Wir haben hier schon alle gesehen, außer Adi und Amitai, und wir hoffen, dass sie an Weihnachten mit David kommen werden. Die Zeit mit der Familie steht an erster Stelle. Die Töchter von Josh, 24, 20 und 18 Jahre alt, sind im Juli vor unserer Haustür gelandet und haben sich sofort wie Einheimische eingelebt. Sie lieben Griechenland. Maya absolviert ihr letztes Jahr des Osteopathie-Studiums in London. Sophia ist im 2. Jahr ihres Physikstudiums in Kopenhagen. Cecilia beendet die High School in London. Sie ist mit ihrem Vater in das Geschäft mit den Jogginganzügen eingestiegen. Gemeinsam haben sie die Designs und das Geschäftsmodell entwickelt. Die Mädchen sind eine Freude für Josh und ich weiß, dass er auch ein Trost für sie ist.
Chris wurde dazu veranlasst, Israel Vision neu zu starten, bevor der Krieg am 7. Oktober ausbrach. Es ist jetzt ein privater, gemeinnütziger Dienst für Familien, der von Chris und David geleitet wird. Es gibt eine Pay Pal Taste auf der Seite, der Webseite: israelvision.com. Er hat eine Go Fund Me, eine Spende Kampagne für die Familien der 240 Geiseln, welche in Gaza entführt wurden, eingerichtet. Zusammen mit Israel Vision und Still Small Voice haben wir 5.000 Euro gespendet. Das entspricht: CD$ 8.500. oder 20.000 israelischen Schekels. Es wird einigen Familien der Geiseln helfen. Wir segnen alle, welche gespendet haben. Vielen Dank! Chris hat seine Familie in diesem Herbst zu einem Urlaub mitgebracht. Traurigerweise hat Terhi im Februar ihre Mutter verloren. Youni ist ein wertvoller Basketballstar in der High School, und Liam ist ein begeisterter Fischer und hat die gleiche Begabung zum Zeichnen wie sein Vater. Beide planen, den nächsten Sommer bei uns zu verbringen. Noam hat einen BA-Abschluss in Wirtschaft und Finanzen von der Universität Amsterdam und arbeitet in Helsinki. Er und seine Verlobte Heidi werden im September 2024 heiraten. Wir segnen sie und hoffen, dabei sein zu können.
David und Adi, Amitai und Liyah leben im Herzen von Jerusalem. Sie sind alle sehr mit den Kriegsanstrengungen beschäftigt. Liyah macht eine Pause, um ihre Cousinen in London zu besuchen. Sie und Shelly (Israelis) sind verrückt nach der Weihnachtszeit! Adi leitet eine Jerusalemer Tanztruppe, welche durch Israel reist und Veranstaltungen organisiert, bei welchen die Einheimischen mittanzen, und für einen kurzen Moment das Leid des Krieges, vergessen können. David erstellt Videoberichte für Israel Vision; derzeit ist er durch seinen sterbenden Computer daran gehindert, aber wir glauben alle an ein Upgrade für ihn. Gott sei Dank ist Israel Vision wieder da. Unsere Söhne arbeiteten mit ihrem Vater an diesem Projekt. Noam arbeitete mit Großvater Jay, welcher der Gründer und Geschäftsführer war. Siehe: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@israelvisiontv https://www.youtube.com/@israelvision5344
Jay feiert diesen Februar seinen grossen, runden 80. Geburtstag. Einige von Euch werden sich daran erinnern, wie uns geholfen wurde, einen “kleinen Esel” zu kaufen, eine Honda von 2009. Wir haben ihn verschenkt, als wir weggingen. Die Söhne und ich haben ihn kürzlich ermutigt, einen neuwertigen BMW der Serie 2 aus dem Jahr 2016 zu kaufen, welcher nur 43.000 Kilometer hat und sehr sparsam ist. In Kanada (1969) fuhr er eine Corvette Stingray. Als er “einberufen” wurde, stieg er auf einen Waffenträger aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, einen Toyota, einen Muldenkipper, usw. um! Während anderen Zeiten gingen wir zu Fuß oder reisten mit Nahverkehrszügen, Bussen, Straßenbahnen, Lastwagen, Auslegerkanus, Fähren und Billigflügen. Seine Sehkraft und sein Gehör sind inzwischen zu einer ernsthaften Herausforderung geworden, und wir möchten, dass er seinen Ruhestand genießen kann. Wir bitten Euch um Eure Gebete. Er hofft auch, wieder mit der Malerei beginnen zu können.
Meridel (Jay schreibt) ist in ihr 82. Lebensjahr hineingerutscht. Ihr Geburtstag brachte ihr so viel Liebe, viel Lachen und drei Torten! Ich habe sie in meinem neuen Karren nach Kalamata gefahren, wo sie drei Tage lang Spaß mit der Familie hatte. Einige Familienzitate:
“Alles Gute zum Geburtstag für die einzigartige Königinmutter“. Adi. “Alles Gute zum Geburtstag für das Licht unserer Familie. Alles Liebe für dich und Jay.” Shelly. “Mom Honey” (der Name, welchen Amitai wählte, als er noch ein kleines Kind war), “Du bist die aufmerksamste, fürsorglichste und mutigste Oma, welche ich mir wünschen kann. Ich wünsche dir das Allerbeste für dieses Jahr. Bis bald, junge Dame!” Amitai.
Wir haben aufs Neue die Realität Jesu erfahren. Es war eine Umstellung, außerhalb des Sturms zu leben, welcher ständig über Israel schwebt. Das Leben dort war alles verzehrend, aber wir haben den Auftrag, täglich im Gebet wache zu halten. Jeden Morgen liebe ich es, den Sonnenaufgang zu beobachten, welcher die Dunkelheit Stück für Stück vertreibt. Das tröstet mich, und erinnert mich daran, dass unser Vater immer noch das Sagen hat.
Dieser lange Brief wird mit unseren liebevollen Gebeten und Gedanken gesendet. Danke für das, WER Ihr für uns seid. Gottes reichen Segen für eine sinnvolle und zärtliche Weihnachtszeit mit ruhigen Momenten, und ein gesegnetes neues Jahr.
Jay and Meridel Rawlings. Box 47554, Ermioni, Greece. 210 51 December 2023.
Our heavenly Father IS Love. Jesus IS His Beloved. Holy Spirit IS the Spirit of Love.
May Jesus bring Peace to us at this time of world exploitation, loss, war, and sorrow. I chose a copy of this unusual painting because of Who Jesus was on earth and IS to us today. Here we see an angel strengthening Him in those last lonely hours in the Garden, while Satan lurks in the shadows. Jesus faced His last ordeal feeling forsaken and alone. All was quiet in the olive grove. “Father if it be your will, let this cup pass from me.” Jesus pleaded. His answer was an awful silence. What a severe lesson in obedience and faithfulness.
Let’s look back to the night of His birth; overshadowed as it was in the quietness of Heaven’s watch. The Holy Family ‘unseen’ by the world was left alone, and considered of no consequence to the world. The famous Shepherd’s fields, *Bethlehem-Ephrathah (the place where lambs were raised for Temple sacrifices), exploded with the Sound and Light of heavens splendor. Shepherds, spurned by society, came humbly and worshipped. Herod, King of the Roman Province of Judah became afraid of this baby.
Question: “What shall I give Him this holy season?” Will it be my heart? *Micah 5:2
The Rawlings Family Update:
2023 was a year of change with a capital ‘C’.Jay and I enjoyed Christmas 2022 with Chris, Terhi, Noam 24, and identical twins Youni and Liam 16. They showered every kindness upon us, including a concert to hear the magnificent 150-voice boys choir performing in the ‘White Cathedral’, which overlooks the Port of Helsinki. The famous ‘Cantores Minores’ was conducted by Terhi’s eldest brother Professor Hannu Norjanen. Their beautiful Finnish home has a built-in sauna. Being together was the best gift to Jay and I.
We flew back to Greece for less than a week before returning to Jerusalem. For months, the LORD had been dealing with us both Jay and I about leaving Israel. It was a difficult change after 50 years of total commitment and involvement with the nation of Israel, becoming citizens. We fell in love, giving the nation our all. Our sons were just as involved, being very young when we arrived. David and Josh served in IDF fighting units. We have all lived through many wars and the never ending terror. Yet what is going on today is the worst ever! The reality is horrifying and involves Intense psychological, satanic warfare being applied to every soul in the nation and reaching all who pray for Israel. I am sure you are abreast of the news. Have you discerned the fact that ‘the big boys’ don’t want Israel to win? The IDF men on the front lines face certain death at the hands of thugs, liars, and evil manipulators. The dark side triumphs at present, backed and protected by the UN and the world. Palestinians in Gaza have never had a day of freedom since before 1953 when ruled by Egypt. They are the first victims of Hamas. We watch and pray. The Lord speaks to us in scripture and in our dreams. We love to work with the Holy Spirit, as sad as the moment is.
“If two agree together…” Jay and I have learned after 55 years of marriage, to do nothing IF we do not agree. Finally, we were able to agree to sign the contract for the sale of our Jerusalem property. Fortunately at that time. We began to empty the media centre and our home in April. Joshua joined us to help with the heavy lifting and unending challenges. The family who bought our home queried: “How can you leave such a beautiful place, are you prophets?”
Meanwhile, in April, the LORD spoke to Daniel and Shelly, to move to Kalamata on the southern coastline of Greece. Shelly had an epiphany, which helped them make the decision. When they were considering renting a small house in Israel, she asked the owner, “Do you have a bomb shelter?” He replied, “No.” Instantly she saw herself, Ryan and the new baby Gabriel, squatting under a table during a missile attack. (More than 2,000 missiles hit Israel from Gaza, Lebanon and Yemen since Oct 7th.) Dan and Shelly quickly gathered courage and moved. Kalamata beautifully situated on the sea is ringed by mountains on three sides. It is famous for its large olives. Built on 4,000 years of history; today it is a thriving seaport, a university town and a flourishing commercial center. An Interesting fact is that Kalamata is also a NATO base. Israeli instructors train NATO pilots to fly jets.
Meridel: (Jay writes.) This year, she was challenged and changed by the painful reality of the financial strains and general suffering of Israelis. With the gift of ‘seeing’, it grew into an unending painful reality. I am sure you felt it in her Still Small Voice blog. She writes and then reads to me, and we proof it together. Thank you for praying for Israel and staying in touch with us in these soul crushing times. We knew things were bad, because of corruption in high places, but we did not see this horrendous war coming. Meridel’s heart just ran out of strength and on July 31st, it gave out. Fortunately, she called out, “Jay I can’t see…” and then faded away. I immediately called out in the Name of Yeshua and bound the spirit of death. Her former classmate of 63 years, Irene Bredlow joined with me as did another house guest. Her pulse was gone, along with her spirit, and her eyes turned blue. We refused to stop crying out in the Name of Jesus. That is the absolute truth. We had almost completed all of the requirements of closing down. Eight days later we flew back to Greece. We now have our residency. Upon our return Chris sent us this blessing;“My hope and prayer is that you will now begin to enjoy your golden years with your children. You both have endured many hardships which has made you both strong and able to help others.”
Jay is now slowly adjusting to a much quieter life and can swim about 9 months of the year. Just 500 meters from home a wonderful beach 1 or 2 km wide spreads itself out at the foot of our gently slopping valley road. The sound of lapping waves is heard from our patio. We have olives and planted fruit trees.
Daniel and Shelly are settled into their own apartment now and love their location. They are the heart of hospitality and have arranged to meet every week for a meal with a group of Israeli parents and their kids on Shabbat who have recently arrived from Israel. Shelly creates a video blog in Hebrew. Daniel makes video clips for their various enterprises and offers his media gifts whenever approached. Real estate has also caught their interest. Ryan has so many different interests, and announces: “I have a very good idea?” Gabriel is vocal and makes his powerful little presence felt in comical ways. After watching these young parents in action big brother David commented, “Daniel & Shelly are the best parents …“
Joshua is fast becoming a farmer. He loves the land, and as I write, is busy pruning the olive trees. We use the ‘slash’ in the fireplace at night and make compost with the branches and leaves. We see how the locals make use of everything. A highlight this year was taking grandkids up the mountains to visit our friend, Petros. He is a shepherd from a long line of shepherds as far back as he can remember. What fun it was for us all to play with the newborn kids and let them suckle our thumbs. Josh has made good friends and is speaking Greek. He planned and oversaw the design, construction and finishing of the downstairs and barbecue, done in classic Greek style. Consequently, our kids and their wives and grandchildren are now making it a holiday destination. We have seen everyone except Adi and Amitai and we hope they will make it this Christmas with David. Family times are preeminent. Josh’s daughters, 24, 20 and 18 landed on our doorstep in July and settled in immediately like locals. They love Greece. Maya is completing her last year of Osteopathy in London. Sophia is in her 2nd year of Physics in Copenhagen. Cecilia is finishing high school in London. She has gone into the sweatsuit business with her Dad. Together they developed the designs and business model. The girls are a joy to Josh and I know he is also a comfort to them.
Chris was led to restart Israel Vision before the war broke out on Oct 7th. It is now a private nonprofit family ministry run by Chris and David. There is a Pay Pal button on the site. www.israelvision.com He set up a GoFundMecampaign for families of the 240 hostages taken into Gaza. Between Israel Vision and Still Small Voice, we have given away 5,000 Euros. That equals: CD$ 8,500. or 20,000 Israeli shekels. It will help some of the families of hostages. We bless everyone who gave. Thank you.
Chris brought his family for a holiday this fall. Sadly, Terhi, lost her Mother this February. Jouni is a valuable basketball star in high school and Liam is an ardent fisherman and has a sketching gift like his Dad. Both plan to spend next summer with us. Noam completed a BA in business and finance from Amsterdam University and works in Helsinki. He and his fiancé Heidi are to marry in September 2024. We bless them and hope to be present.
David and Adi, Amitai are Liyah live in the heart of Jerusalem. They are all very busy with the war effort. Liyah is taking a break to visit her cousins in London. She and Shelly (Israelis) are crazy about Christmas! Adi heads a Jerusalem dance troupe that are traveling around Israel creating events for locals to dance along, and forget the grief of war for a brief moment. David is creating video reports for Israel Vision; he is hindered at present, due to his dying computer, but we are all believing for an upgrade for him. Praise God Israel Vision is back. Our sons worked with their Dad. Noam worked with Grandpa Jay who was Founder and CEO. See : YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@israelvisiontv and https://www.youtube.com/@israelvision5344
Jay, celebrates his big 80th this February. Some of you will remember how we were helped to ‘buy a little donkey’, a 2009 Honda. We gave it away when we left Israel. The sons and I recently encouraged him to buy a 2016 BMW series 2 in mint condition, easy on gas with only 43,000 kms. In Canada (1969) he drove a Corvette StingRay. When ‘called out’, he graduated to a WW2 weapons carrier, Toyota, dump truck, etc you name it! Other times, we walked or travelled on local trains, buses, trams, trucks, out-rigger canoes, ferries, and cheap flights. His eyesight and hearing, have become a serious challenge now and we want him to enjoy his retirement years. We ask for your prayers. He also hopes to get back to painting.
Meridel (Jay writes)has motored on into her 82nd year. Her birthday brought so much love, lots of laughs and 3 cakes! I drove her to Kalamata in my new chariot for 3 days of fun with family. Some family quotes”
“Happy Birthday to the one and only Queen Mother.” Adi. “Happy Birthday to the light of our family. Love to you and Jay.” Shelly. “Mom Honey,” (The name chosen by Amitai when a tiny tot), ”You are the most attentive, caring, and daring Grandma I could ever ask for. I wish you the very best this year. See you soon young lady!” Amitai We have experienced afresh the reality of Jesus. It has been a change to live outside of the storm that perpetually hovers over Israel. Life there was all consuming, but we are charged to keep a daily prayer watch. Every morning I love to watch the sunrise, dissipating the darkness degree by degree. It comforts me, reminding me Our Father is still in charge.
This long letter is sent with our loving prayers and thoughts. Thank you for WHO you are to us. Every blessing for a very meaningful and tender Christmas season with quiet moments and a blessed New Year.
“For with You is the fountain of life, and in Your Light, we see light.” Ps 36:9
“Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above. It comes down from the Father of Lights [the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens.]”James 1:17
Hanukkah, The Festival of Lights, is a time of miracles. Hanukkah lights are being lit in Israeli homes, and inside of war-torn Gaza wherever the IDF soldiers are. Hanukkah reminds us of the history of the Maccabean wars. A brave godly father and his 5 sons stood up against evil, fighting for years for the liberty of Israel.
The war rages. Two senior Hamas intelligent officers were eliminated. Dozens of Hamas ‘Nekbah’ (the top fighting unit) operatives surrendered to the IDF. They were caught running away. They gave up and were taken into Israel, for interrogation. We are nearing the point when Hamas will have to surrender or die. You must know that all of the humanitarian aid Israel is sending into Gaza at this time has been snatched by Hamas. Gazans are becoming braver and are speaking out against Hamas. An old Gazan woman interviewed dared to say, “They will shoot us if we get in the way while they take all the food and fuel to their homes.” Hamas IS losing control. Keep praying and give thanks.
Light in Darkness:
The Hamas leadership and army will be taken out. This war is costing Israel her best military leaders. In the IDF is different from other armies. The leaders go before their men. To date 90 IDF have fallen, among them, the son of former Chief of Staff of the IDF Gadi Eisenkot, who serves as an observer on the War Cabinet.
The Ongoing Struggle:
Now, I am going to touch upon the sexual atrocities by Hamas. The world has kept silent. On October 7th, sickening sexual depravity was perpetrated against the innocent of all ages, men and women, children and babies (Including hostages.)
I want to open up the spiritual roots of this satanic sexual fixation and mutilation by Hamas. The roots go all the way back to Jacob-Israel’s struggle with the angel.
Israel’s call all through scripture until today is one of struggle. The Bible tells us in a hidden way, the real cost of Jacob’s name change to Israel. He struggled with the ‘messenger’, an angel? His hip was put out of joint, and consequently, he limped the rest of his life. For an unusual insight and understanding of what took place in that confrontation, I refer you to this explanation by Rabbi Pesach Wolicki.
“ We read of the famous struggle between Jacob and a ‘man’ the night before Jacob’s much-anticipated encounter with his brother Esau. The man turned out to be an angel. During the struggle, Jacob’s hip joint was dislocated, causing him to emerge from the confrontation with a limp.
As a result of this incident, Jews are forbidden from eating the ‘thigh muscle’ of an animal, known as the sciatic nerve. Why did the “man” just happen to strike Jacob at this exact spot on his body? The location of the wound is obviously significant enough that it results in a commandment relating to that specific limb of the body.
Why, is his (the Angel’s) attempt to “uproot Jacob and his progeny”, Why did the angel strike Jacob’s hip? What was he trying to do? The Hebrew word for “hip” used here is yerech. Yerech usually refers to a hip or thigh. Interestingly, the word yerech also has another meaning, namely, it is used in many verses in the Bible as a euphemistic reference to the loins, the reproductive organ of man.
Here are a few examples:
“The descendants (yotzei yerech, of Jacob numbered seventy in all; Joseph was already in Egypt.”Exodus 1:5
“He had seventy sons (yotzei yerech,) 9f his own, for he had many wives.” Judges 8:30
In these verses offspring or descendants are referred to as yotzei yerech, literally, “those who emerge from the thigh.” See also Genesis 46:26
Based on this, I would like to suggest that the angel of Esau who wrestled with Jacob was attempting to cut off Jacob’s ability to reproduce, to destroy his future.
The prohibition against eating the sciatic nerve (thigh muscle) serves as an eternal reminder that, although Jacob and his offspring can be maimed by Esau – (Amalek – Destroyer) although Israel may often limp through history because of oppression at Esau’s hand. Their future is never in doubt. Esau’s angel missed the mark: Jacob’s ability to reproduce, Jacob’s future, was not destroyed. Jacob’s offspring, the nation of Israel – through our special covenant with God – is eternal and supernatural.”
Brave Women Speak Out:
I warn you that the interviews with these courageous women are grim. They give explicit details of the sexual atrocities perpetrated on Oct. 7th.
The UN Agency for gender equality and Women’s Empowerment, released Nov. 25th was its first statement about the gender-based violence carried out on Oct 7; 50 days after they took place. A week later on Dec 1st, the agency condemned for the first time ever the Hamas terrorist attacks.
One Muslim Israeli Woman Speaks:
Lucy Aharish is an Israeli journalist and broadcaster, probably the most representative Israeli possible. She grew up in Dimona, was the only Moslem in school, dressed as Queen Esther on Purim and wore blue and white on Independence Day (Yom Ha Atzmaut.) She is a proud Moslem who married a Jew and is a wonderful proponent of the Jewish state. As a journalist, she interviewed a Hamas leader and accused him even then of atrocities. Her monologue, recorded in her home, is worth five minutes of your time.
Soldiers asking for Prayer:
The Israel Defence Forces in Gaza are heroes; confronting this cruel, depraved enemy entrenched among the civilian population. Sadly, it is apparent that 80% of Palestinians in Gaza are Hasmas-niks. To date, we have lost 90 IDF men, after 2 months of unprecedented challenges. The IDF is manoeuvring through Intense urban warfare and a dark underground system of 800 tunnels in 500 miles of Hamas strongholds. This is urban warfare never seen in modern history.
Prayer requests from soldiers in the IDF:
missing fellowship in the congregation.
Waning spiritual discipline
– strength to pray for the salvation of the enemy
– wisdom to share the Gospel in my unit
– shine the light and do the right things for the Lord
– lacking peace of mind and soul
– pray for our families, wives and children without husbands and dads
very intense warfare, exhausting and busy
need concentration and wisdom to heal and comfort as we deal with grief; losing friends who are kidnapped or severely injured and friends lost in the battle
special help to fight in the winter cold and rain
God is bringing His Israeli people together in the midst of the suffering. He is El Elyon, God of Heaven and Earth. We have nothing to fear. We must all pray realizing how much power we have been given from Heaven. Evil knows the power of our prayers and how it can change everything. Thank you for keeping your watch! There is mighty power and strength is standing up and saying NO. Watch, our God turn this war around for great good for Israelis AND Gazans. IF you are unsure, pray using the Bible.
A Blessed Hanukkah to every Jewish family in Israel and around the world.
“Avenge the vengeance of Your servant’s blood
From the wicked nation.
For the triumph is too long delayed for us,
And there is no end to the days of evil.”
From the Prayer Book
138 souls remain hostages, two children a 10-month-old and 4 year old.
Prayers for the hostages went up around the world for 49 days. That night Oct 24th 2023, was the first of six nights of ceasefire, 120 women and children were returned Many recording artists created their own version of BringThem Home, each beautiful. This particular rendition is a prayer by Shmuel Lemmer. His audience of Holocaust Survivors each hold a photograph of a hostage. Look for his performance at the end.
“For just as the new heavens and the new earth, which I make will remain and endure before Me,” declares the LORD, “So your off spring and your name will remain and endure.” Isaiah 66:22
On the 6th day of the ceasefire, Israel demanded the return of 17 women and 2 little red-headed boys. Hamas said they are dead and blamed Israel. At 5:48 a.m. on Friday, Dec 1st, Hamas lobbed rockets into south Israel. They took responsibility for a terror attack at an East Jerusalem bus stop; 3 Israelis were shot to death, 8 wounded.
This is their way of reminding Israel that Hamas is strong inside of Israel.
Mashallah their leader sits in the lap of luxury in Qatar. This tiny Sheikdom was the major negotiator of this ceasefire along with America. Yahya Sinwar current head of Hamas was convicted by Israel in 1989 for the murder of 44 Palestinians. He spent 12 years in Israeli prisons and was released in a prisoner swap. He lives like a rat in the tunnels of Gaza. He is a cruel, twisted, individual who heads approximately 30,000 fighters in Gaza. He planned the Oct 7th attack, killing 1,200 Israelis. Hamas is a robot-like group that live to destroy Israel. Scripture says in Genesis 12;3. “Blessed are they who bless you O Israel, and cursed is he (every individual) who curses you.” Hate kills. The Bible does not tell us to bless Israel because they are good. They are no different to you or me. BUT The Lord God Almighty gave Israel an Eternal Everlasting Covenant! Hamas respects nothing and no one and that is how they can punch the apple of God’s eye. They have no fear of the Living God.
The other day Daniel spoke with his Dad: “When I was 12, I helped out on a film shoot in the 1990’s, which exposed the brain washing of young boys and girls in Palestinian summer camps. They were raised up to hate Israel and to love and make heroes of those who slaughtered Jews. That was when the suicide bombers were blowing up our buses. (He took 3 buses every day to get to school.) Remember I told you, that this generation will grow up to be the worst killers ever. Sadly it is a fact and we are all dealing with it today.”
President Herzog said, “We are dealing with Satan.” Now that is a strong statement for the President of any nation! But, he has it right. The head of the IDF said exactly the same thing in so many words. The real Enemy of our souls has been around from the beginning and is out to absolutely destroy all that God has purposed for Israel, for your life and the life of all mankind.
All of Israel is waking up to the fact that this is not only physical but psychological and spiritual warfare. We see the move of the Holy Spirit in surprising ways in Israel, especially among the army boys, and religious boys who want to serve in the army.
We see it in the unity of the people. We see it in the coming together of the various religious communities. We see it in the ‘servant attitude’ that is upon the people. We see the powerful fruit of suffering that can be produced no other way it seems. I just received this list of global antisemitic incidents. It is a shocking eye-opener. Amazingly, Jews are returning home in record numbers from all over the world because of these attacks. Many Christians are also involved.
The term brother’s keeper is only found in Genesis 4:9 after Cain killed his brother. God confronted Cain and asked, “Where is your brother?”
Cain lied. “I do not know.” and belligerently retorted: “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
“For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another. Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brothers were righteous.” I John 3:11, 12.
I received this following shocking expose minutes ago from Howard Flower who heads up the Aliyah Desk for the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. The details were compiled by the Israel-Anti Defamation League. I know you will take this to heart, and be a watchman for your family, community, church and greater jurisdiction. Thank you for standing on your watch.
In loving concern from; Jay and Meridel Rawlings.
Global Antisemitic Incidents In the Wake of Hamas’ War on Israel- ADL Blog
Within Israel, ADL addresses issues of racism, discrimination and hate, while educating the Israeli public about the dangers of rising antisemitism.
Published: 29th November 2023
Since the October 7th Hamas massacre of over 1,200 people in Israel, Hamas supporters and other antisemitic actors have threatened and targeted Jewish and Israeli individuals and institutions worldwide.
Below is a select list of antisemitic incidents outside of Israel with an apparent connection to the events in Israel, as well as several country-specific statistics.
Country Statistics:
Argentina: Since Oct. 7, there have been around 200 reported antisemitic incidents.
Australia: According to the Executive Council of Australian Jewry there has been a 591% increase in antisemitic incidents since Oct. 7.
Austria: According to the Jewish Community of Vienna, from October 7 to October 19, there were 76 antisemitic incidents since Oct. 7, a 300% increase.
Brazil: According to the CONIB, which tracks antisemitism in Brazil, there have been 467 antisemitic incidents since Oct. 7, a 961% in comparison to the previous year.
France: According to the Minister of Interior, since October 7 there have been 1518 antisemitic incidents and over 600 arrests.
Germany: According to RIAS, the NGO which records antisemitic incidents in Germany, from October 7 to November 9, there were 994 incidents – an average of 29 per day – a 320% increase, compared to the rate of incidents in 2022.
Netherlands: According to the Dutch NGO antisemitism monitor, CIDI, from October 7-November 6 there has been an increase of 818% compared to the average 1 month period of the prior 3 years.
South Africa: According to the South African Jewish Board of Deputies, there were 41 antisemitic incidents in the month of October, a significant increase compared to prior years.
UK: According to the Jewish community’s security organization, CST, from since October 7, there have been 1563 antisemitic incidents across the UK, the highest ever total reported to CST across a 47-day period.
11/27 Montreal, Canada
A Molotov cocktail was thrown at the Jewish Community Center.
11/27 Genoa, Italy
A rabbi was threatened with a screwdriver by a man who shouted, “Go away, you dirty Zionist f..k.”
11/25. Temuco, Chile
The Temuco synagogue, the oldest in the country, was vandalized with Nazi symbols and the phrase “genocidal zionists”.
11/21. Basel, Switzerland
“Free Palestine” and “Zionism = Terrorism” were painted on the Jewish cemetery.
11/20. Helsinki, Finland
Men of Middle-Eastern background shouted “Death to Jews” and “Free Palestine” outside the synagogue at a time when parents were picking up their children from the Jewish school inside.
11/2. Vienna, Austria
“Jew should die” and a swastika were written on flyers of kidnapped Israelis.
11/19. Berlin, Germany
A display case with Jewish items at a municipal office in the Tiergarten was smashed.
11/16. Ljubljana, Slovenia
The entrance of the Jewish Community Center was spray painted with a “Star of David = Swastika”.
11/15. Yerevan, Armenia
The Mordechai Navi synagogue was set on fire causing minor damage.
11/14. Mexico City, Mexico
The restaurant Masala & Maiz posted antisemitic slogans on their Instagram page.
11/13 Brussels, Belgium An optician chain, owned by a French Jew, was spray painted with “Free Gaza,” “Assassin,” and “complicit in genocide.”
11/13/23. Milan, Italy
A mezuzah was torn off the doorpost of a Jewish person’s apartment and a knife was stuck into the wood in its place.
11/13/ 23. Lima, Peru
Antisemitic cartoons, including those with Nazi comparisons, were published in La Republica, a major newspaper in Peru.
11/12/23 Montreal, Canada
A Jewish school in Montreal was shot at, the second time in under a week the school has been targeted with gunfire.
11/13/23. Erfurt, Germany
Letters of solidarity with Israel that had been put up on the New Synagogue were burned by two men from Libya.
11/13/23. Barcelona, Spain
“Hitler was Right!” was painted on the entrance to a public school where several Israeli families send their children.
11/13/23. London, UK
A demonstrator in an anti-Israel march yelled, “Hitler knew how to deal with these people.”
11/11/23. Furstenwalde, Germany
A Protestant church put up a sign in a display case in front of the church, proclaiming “We Protect Jewish Life”. Vandals smashed the glass and removed the sign.
11/11/23. London, UK
A woman at a small anti-Israel protest inside Victoria Station shouted, “Death to all Jews!”
11/10/23. Melbourne, Australia
Anti-Israel demonstrators protested in a park across from a synagogue and fights ensued with pro-Israel demonstrators.
11/9/23. Montreal, Canada
Bullets were fired at the doors of two Jewish schools.
11/9/23. Copenhagen, Denmark
The Chief Rabbi of Denmark was shoved and spit on as he exited a tram.
11/9/23. Berlin, Germany
Someone threw eggs at a Kristalnacht demonstration and yelled “Free Palestine.”
11/9/23 Mainz, Germany
A man was arrested after throwing fireworks at a synagogue, where Kristallnacht was being commemorated, and shouting “Free Palestine.”
11/8/23 Brazil
A plot was disrupted by Hezbollah operatives to attack Jewish and Israeli targets in Brazil by Brazilian Federal Police.
11/8/23. Villingen, Germany
The Star of David on a memorial to deported Jews was smashed.
11/7/23. Montreal, Canada
There was an attempted firebombing targeting the local office of the Canadian Jewish organization Federation CJA and the Congregation Beth Tikvah synagogue in West Island.
11/7/23 Siegen, Germany
A school was vandalized with graffiti, including “Kill all Zionists!”, a crossed out Star of David with “Child murderer.”
11/5/23. Volos, Greece
“Jews = Nazis” and a Star of David = swastika were painted on the wall at the entrance to a Jewish family’s home.
11/4/23. Villeurbanne, France
“Death” and Stars of David were painted on a kosher restaurant.
11/4/23. Berlin, Germany
Posters advertising a commemoration ceremony for Kristallnacht, the 1938 Nazi pogrom, were torn down by men, who shouted “Free Palestine.”
11/4/23. Malmo, Sweden
Anti-Israel protesters burned an Israeli flag in front of the Malmo synagogue.
11/3. Copenhagen, Denmark
Protesters at an anti-Israel march chanted, “Palestine is occupied, it must be solved with Jihad.”
Paris, France
“Jews Out” and “No Jews Allowed” was painted on a storefront and on the sidewalk.
Haarlem, Netherlands
Stickers with “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the Gas” and “Hamas, Hamas, Zionists to the Gas” were stuck on walls.
11/2. Strasbourg, France
“A good Jew is a dead Jew” and “Death to Jews” and swastikas were painted on a kindergarten wall
Gelsenkirchen, Germany
“Child murderer Israel” and “Free Palestine” were painted on a memorial to a synagogue destroyed in November 1938.
Zurich, Switzerland
“Achtung Jews” and Stars of David were painted on a school.
London, UK
“Gaza” was painted on the entrance to a Holocaust research center.
11/1. Paris, France
A group of teenagers on the subway were filmed singing: “F— the Jews and F— your mother, Long live Palestine, Yeah Yeah, F— the Jews and the grandmothers, We are Nazis and proud”
Poggibonsi, Italy
A sign with “Death to Jews” and a swastika was glued to a lamppost along a bike path.
Lisbon, Portugal
“Blood” was written on the wall of the Jewish Community Center.
10/31 Vienna, Austria
“Hitler” and a swastika were painted on the wall of a Jewish cemetery.
Gothenburg, Sweden
“Kill Jews” was painted on a wall.
Küsnacht, Switzerland
“F— Jews” and a swastika were painted on a sidewalk.
10/30. Paris, France
Almost 80 Stars of David were painted on apartment buildings and banks in Paris and its suburbs.
10/29. Vienna, Austria
Graffiti reading: “From the river to the sea” and “Free Gaza From German and Austrian guilt” was painted on university walls.
Hannover, Germany
Stickers with “Israel murders”, “Free yourself from the cult of guilt”, “Free Palestine. End Israeli occupation” were put on a Holocaust memorial.
Genoa, Italy
A theater was exhibiting a collection of Jewish items in its lobby and the window close to the exhibition was broken.
Makhachkala, Russia
Hundreds of rioters stormed the airport, looking to attack Jews who had arrived on a flight from Tel Aviv.
10/28. Nurenberg, Germany
“Child murderer” and a Star of David were spray-painted on an Israeli restaurant.
Nalchik, Russia
A Jewish cultural center was burned and “Death to Jews” was painted on the building.
Johannesburg, South Africa
Posters showing images of hostages from Israel were torn down and shredded by protestors, including some with Hamas flags, who gathered outside the Beyachad Jewish community center on Shabbat.
10/26. Zurich, Switzerland
“Death to Jews” was painted on a school.
Caracas, Venezuela
A sign at an anti-Israel march contained antisemitic slogans, including Zionism = Nazism and Gaza = Warsaw Ghetto.
10/25. Argentina
The Argentine Federal Police arrested an individual who posted on social media a threat to “go to a Jewish school and shoot as many kids as I can.”
Bilon, Germany
A Holocaust memorial plaque was spray-painted with green paint.
The Hague, Netherlands
Palestinian flag stickers were pasted on to a Holocaust memorial.
10/24. Tann, Germany
A memorial stone, marking the location of a synagogue destroyed during the 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom, was splashed with red paint.
Wolfenbuettel, Germany
“Jewish pigs” was painted on a Green Party office in Germany, two days after its chairman Omid Nouripour gave an impassioned speech against antisemitism at a rally in Berlin.
10/23. Chemnitz, Germany
Two Arabic-speaking men punched a man who had an Israeli flag phone cover.
Hamburg, Germany
At an anti-Israel demonstration, a teenager of reported Arab origin was filmed shouting, “I want Adolf Hitler back, that’s my opinion. I’m for Hitler, for gassing the Jews.”
Thessaloniki, Greece
A mural at a Holocaust memorial was defaced with “Jews = Nazis” and “Free Palestine.”
Pretoria, South Africa
EFF party leader Julius Malema said the following during a protest outside the Israeli Embassy: “Cyril Ramaphosa was made president by the money donated to him by the Jewish people behind this embassy. Jewish who are not progressive. That’s why he can’t say anything.”
10/22. Bologna, Italy
A “Hitler will see you again in hell” sign was held at an anti-Israel demonstration.
10/21. Toronto, Canada
Pro-Hamas rally organizers “Toronto4Palestine” harassed diners at Jewish-owned Cafe Landwer and demanded a boycott of the “Zionist Cafe.”
Milan, Italy
Anti-Israel protesters shouted “Open the borders so we can kill the Jews.”
Managua, Nicaragua
Graves and a menorah in the Jewish cemetery were vandalized with Nazi and pro-Palestinian symbols.
Warsaw, Poland
A woman at an anti-Israel demonstration held a sign, “Keep the world clean,” with an image of a Star of David in a trash can.
Barcelona, Spain
Anti-Israel protesters converged on an Israeli-owned hotel, tore down the European flags above its entrance and replaced them with Palestinian flags.
London, UK
At an anti-Israel demonstration, a man waved a black flag, similar to an ISIS flag, and shouted repeatedly, “Islamic State” and “cursed of Allah are the infidels and Jews.” Also at the demonstration were multiple signs that equated Israel with the Nazis.
10/20. Vienna, Austria
Two men tore down an Israeli flag at the entrance to a synagogue, while a woman with them imitated shooting a machine gun.
Lyon, France
The Duchère synagogue was vandalized with “Victory to our brothers in Gaza,” spray-painted by two hooded individuals in the middle of the night.
Alice Bel Colle, Italy
“Killing Jews is not a crime” was painted on a wall along the main entrance to the town.
10/19. Sao Paulo, Brazil
A car belonging to a member of the Jewish community was vandalized with slogans.
Paris, France
Two men doused an apartment door with gasoline and set it on fire. The targeted apartment was the only one in the building with a mezuza on the doorframe.
Strasbourg, France
A teenager was arrested after scraping a knife against the metal gate of the main synagogue.
10/18. Concepcion, Chile
“Free Palestine. Overthrow Zionism” was spray-painted on the city’s synagogue.
Berlin, Germany
Molotov cocktails were thrown at the Kahal Adass Jisroel synagogue.
Melilla, Spain
Pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched to the synagogue in Melilla, Spain, and shouted “assassins.” Police rushed to the scene to secure the synagogue.
10/17 Calgary, Canada
A man threw eggs at the Holocaust Memorial Monument and at passing vehicles while shouting antisemitic slogans.
Ancenis-Saint Géréon, France
The car of a Jewish family was vandalized with a swastika and the graffiti, “Jew.”
Grenoble, France
A Jewish family’s apartment was broken into and “Free Palestine” and antisemitic graffiti were painted on walls, including death threats to Jews and swastikas.
Moirans, France
A 17 year-old made antisemitic death threats against a fellow high school student during class and was arrested by police.
Giessen, Germany
Two men went to an apartment where an Israeli flag was flying from the balcony and demanded that it be removed. When the Israeli resident refused, he was physically attacked, had antisemitic slogans shouted at him, and his flag and phone were stolen.
Anti-Israel rioters vandalized and burned down the historic el-Hamma synagogue.
The influential Yeni Akit daily newspaper published an op-ed calling on the Turkish government to strip Turkey’s Jews of their citizenship.
Vienna, Austria.
A man broke the window of a kosher butcher shop and shouted, “Allahu Akhbar!”
10/16. London, UK
A Jewish primary school was vandalized overnight by someone who splashed red paint on its doors and windows.
10/15. Netherlands, Amsterdam
“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” – a call for Israel’s destruction – was chanted by thousands at a demonstration in Amsterdam.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A post reading “Jews are the cancer of the world” was hung in the neighborhood of Ipanema.
10/14. London, UK
During a large pro-Palestinian demonstration, chants of “Khaybar Khaybar ya yahud” were heard in various locations.
Glasgow, Scotland
A Pro-Palestinian protester told Jews on the street, “Don’t forget where you went in 1940. Ha! Don’t forget where the Jews went in 1940.”
10/13. British Columbia, Canada
A home of a local Rabbi was pelted with eggs and had a Nazi symbol drawn on a window.
Berlin, Germany
Apartment buildings where Jews live were marked with Stars of David.
Florence, Italy
At the University of Florence, “Star of David = swastika” graffiti was spray-painted on a wall.
10/12. Geneva, Switzerland
The antisemitic slogan, “Khaybar Khaybar, oh Jew, the army of Mohammed will return,” was chanted at an anti-Israel demonstration.
10/11. Bogotá, Colombia
The Israeli Embassy was vandalized with antisemitic graffiti, including slogans that equated Zionism with Nazism, “Against Zionism” with the “s” converted to a swastika, and a Star of David equated with a swastika.
Berlin, Germany
Antisemitic slogans, including “Kill Jews,” and swastikas were painted on the remains of the Berlin Wall.
10/10. Mirandola, Italy
“Viva Hamas” and swastikas were spray-painted on a music school.
Porto, Portugal
The synagogue in Porto was vandalized with “Free Palestine” and “End Israel Aparteid” (sic).
Sydney, Australia
“Gas the Jews” was shouted during a pro-Palestinian protest outside the Sydney Opera House.
10/9/2023 London, UK
A kosher restaurant in London had its windows broken and anti-Israel graffiti was spray-painted nearby.
10/8/2023 Bogota, Colombia
Vandals spray-painted graffiti with swastikas on the columns of the building housing the Israeli embassy.
Marburg, Germany
In a café, two men were talking about the terrorist attacks on Israel. One said that it was great that guys on scooters had taken the IDF by surprise. The other replied, “Yes, even their money can‘t help the Jews anymore.”
Madrid, Spain
“Free Palestine” and a crossed-out Star of David were spray-painted on a synagogue in Madrid.
“In the face of unspeakable tragedy, we remember. Lives cut short, worlds forever broken, solely because of their unwavering Jewish faith. Their loss is an ache that knows no measure. We may never truly grasp the why, but we pray, with tears and pain in our heart, for a world where such sorry is extinguished, and these holy souls are reunited with us.” Shulem Lemmer
Photo at the top by Austin Crick: https://unsplash.com/@austin_nft
My dear friends who pray: Allow me to quote from Paul’s first letter. Greece was divided into two Roman provinces. The northern region was called Macedonia and the southern, Achaia. Thessalonica was an important seaport and was the capital city of Macedonia. They welcomed Paul with open arms. “We give thanks for you brothers and sisters, because your faith is growing ever greater, and the unselfish love of each one of you toward one another is continually increasing.” Thessalonians 1:3
This kind of agape-love, means, ‘brotherly love’; caring for one another. Jesus said: “You will know them by their love.” That is the true sign of a believer. Many times we have given thanks here for the strength of the Greek Orthodox Church. that has faithfully preserved the church for 2,000 years. Many of the believers who have befriended us, pray for Israel, “Because, Jesus was a Jew!” Are you watching the unfolding events in the Middle East? If you are a prayer warrior … you are! Do you realize this cease-fire was demanded by the perpetrator Iran? Hamas’s release of a few hostages is an emotional ploy to gain world sympathy. It is not good for Israel in the long run. Let me explain. Israel will do anything to save lives. They are a moral army, who go to great lengths to save lives, whether Jew or non-Jew. Hamas is using this ‘ceasefire’ to regroup and restock supplies. Israel was winning, so they had to stop it with the help of the nations. Right now, hundreds of trucks are going into Gaza from Egypt to resupply them with what they need. No, everything will all go to Hamas, the Palestinian people’s needs have never mattered to them. Yes, we are so grateful to see one complete Israeli family reunited and a father hug his little 9-year-old son and the elderly ladies. But what about ALL of the other hostages? And why are there NO details of the others locked inside? What about those who have died? Hamas has broken the Geneva Convention over and over again. They move now with the world’s backing led by the UN. Israel is releasing 150 convicted prisoners, in exchange for 12 or 13 Israelis a day for 4 days. There seems to be no end to the suffering Israel is being put through. Where there were riots non-stop this summer, today, we see servant people. Israelis are standing shoulder to shoulder helping out in any way they possibly can. This has always been the secret of Israel’s strength, and look how they are calling upon the Name Above All Names! Make no mistake, this wicked war against Evil is using every means possible to discourage every household in the nation. The Palestinians in Gaza have been victimized for years now as well.
I am reminded of the chaos that reigned when we were in Israel from April to August this year. Just seeing the glum, desperate faces of the people on the streets and in the stores, was heartbreaking. There were riots every night against the proposed reforms of this ultra-orthodox government. There is so much that will be dealt with that went on behind the scenes when this bloody conflict is over. Israel was asleep at the switch on every level. I believe the grief cost me, my old life. But all praise to the LORD Jesus who heard the prayers of Jay and my best friend Irene and Ilana. What the enemy stole, He gave back. I am alive and well. Hallelujah.
Everything changed on October 7th, the last day of the ‘great’ Feast of Tabernacles-Simchat Torah. (the joy of Torah) 1,200 souls were ripped and torn out of their families and homes. Over 300 IDF soldiers died trying to rescue them. It was hell on earth, and quite frankly still is. From the sidelines, our call is to prayer, 24/7. I am sure you are also waking in the night to heart-wrenching dreams and thoughts of what the hostages are facing non-stop. There is no rest, by design of this vicious enemy. Israel’s Ambassador to Italy said it all with regard to this 4-day cease-fire, and the exchange of hostages.“It is a deal with the devil.” Iran is the arch-controller. They arm their proxies to orchestrate it all. Hamas is a puppet, and disobedient at that! How powerful ‘darkness’ must feel? My heart quakes. But we have consolation. “For I know that my Redeemer lives and He shall stand at last on the earth.” Job 19:25. Job lived to experience overwhelming restoration, and by God’s grace, so will Israel. “AM ISRAEL HAI! THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL LIVE!”
With love and prayer; Meridel Rawlings. P.S. I wrote this to my Granddaughter Liyah: “How can I send a little something for Christmas? She responded: “Mom Honey, (her and her brother’s name for me) you are so sweet but I really don’t need or want anything.What you can do is mail me a nice Christmascard, I’ve never had one before.” Love, Liyah. Her address is: Liyah Rawlings, Ha Malka St #2. Jerusalem, Israel 9362729 Would you consider making this 19-year-old Israeli happy by such a simple act? She applied to go into a top front-line fighting unit with the IDF but was turned down. Thank God she was, or she would be in Gaza today. She is presently serving the 2nd of two years. teaching 7 autistic children. Liyah is a gifted teacher, and real changes are seen in her students. She plans to go on and get a degree in special education. Tell her who you are. Thank you so much. Meridel.
Israel is in the throes of tremendous physical and spiritual change. They are having to rethink everything. This war will not only change the landscape, of nations, it will change Israel. It has abruptly forced her into a new chapter of her prophetic journey into the last days. It is all about coming home.
But, first, a praise report from Greece; 38% drought ridden, we live in this area. We have prayed for rain, believing and hanging on for change. We woke up this morning to a mist filled valley, and heavy clouds over the sea. The rain is presently pouring down, softly and steadily. It is the soaking kind and that is exactly what we need. We can’t just ask for rain, and not pray for the Greek Orthodox peoples of Greece. Our task is to also believe for the government and minorities here. Yes, Israel of course is our first call, because we are all the SALT of our nations.
Now I will simply share from my time in the Word this morning. The Bible, has so many depths-deeper than the ocean. One can never finish understanding. Let us begin:
“They will fall by the edge of the sword, their infants will be dashed in pieces and their pregnant women will be ripped open.” Hosea 11:16
Instead of sword, use the words, rockets, automatic guns, grenades, knives and go-pro cameras on the Hamas helmets. 22 communities were pillaged in South Israel on October 7th leaving 1,400 souls not only dead but mutilated in indescribable ways. Yes, Israel was asleep at the switch. Faith in their High tech, military intelligence and government were shaken to the core! Yes, a terrible reminder a reality check which is calling the nation to ‘come home’ back to God’s safety plan.
“Yet, I have been the LORD your God since you became a nation. (In Egypt and again in the Holy Land in 1948.) And you were not to know any God except Me.O Israel, return [in repentance] to the LORD your God. You have stumbled and fallen [visited by tragedy] because of your sin.” Hosea 14:1
We couldn’t take such tough truth, if it was not also wrapped up in mercy. Yes, our God is a God of mercy. Jesus came to show us the heart of Father-God. Pay attention to His hatred of hypocracy, and misuse of the scriptures. Especially by the leaders, those who taught Bible. He was filled with mercy for anyone who believed, cried or called thus touching Him. Take courage for your own life and the lives of your household and beyond. We are the keys in His hand to open locks.
“My companions are kindled together [for my nation of Israel.]” Deut. 29:23
Picture dry kindling carefully placed to start a fire. Strike a match and it bursts into flame. Just watch what God is doing in and through Israel.
“For I am God not man, the Holy One in your midst [ who will not revoke my covenant.] I will not come in wrath nor enter the city [in judgment]. They will walk after the LORD [in obedience and worship.] Who will roar like a lion. He will roar [summoning them]… and His sons will come (home) trembling from the West.” Hosea 11:8-10 Note: It is God who is roaring through His people here.
Many things are happening simultaneously? When Israel declared war on Oct 7th, hundreds of thousands of men showed up, countless volunteers among them. A hunger for God burst forth and thousands of secular boys requested their own ritual-fringed garment, only worn by the orthodox. It looks something like a light sleeveless undershirt, with the tassels hanging out as a sign of holiness. They wanted this assurance of protection. These tassels (tizitz) are prayer reminders. It is a sign of the heart attitude of return and coming home to Abba.
The other amazing development was also movement in the opposite camp among orthodox young men, formerly kept at a distance from secular Israel and the IDF. Today, thousands have forsaken their study halls to join the IDF. They are asking to serve in any servant capacity that will assist the war effort. This has never happened in Israel’s modern history. Tired of being kept ‘out’ of modern Israel by their religious superiors This is their cry to come home.
Thirdly, Aliyah continues. Jews are returning from the 4 corners, including the US. Howard Flower in St Petersburg recently affirmed that 300 French Jews made their way to Israel. Defying human logic, they choose to come home. YES, the LORD God of Israel is moving His children to review His Eternal Covenant with them. He has never left them. Israel is the missing key unlocking the door to this mystery.
The end of the puzzle is found in the words of the prophets.
“Afterward the sons of Israel will return (come home) [in deep repentance] to David their king – the Messiah and they will come trembling to the LORD and to His goodness and blessing in the last days.” Hosea 3:5, Jeremiah 30:9, Ezekiel 34:24.
Yes, of course we mourn the loss of every innocent civilian, be they internationals, Israelis or Palestinian. We pray. Now is the time for Gazan’s to finally have a way opened for them to find a new path to life. In this matter, Israel is no different. Pray for it. As for the hostages, there are no assurances of anything. We pray.
Lest we, living outside of Israel lift our heads in pride, let all of my readers ask:“What is the state of my nation today?” Israel is the first fruits of everything heaven does. Never forget that. Thank you for trying to understand how the Almighty is working with this people. No, Israel is not the church, it is something apart, and yet we know that one day there will be one fold. Messiah said so. We will all come home to Him. You have your work set out for you, which is intercessory prayer. I bless you for your overwhelming response. Thank you to my helpers, Jay Rawlings, Chris Rawlings and Myrtha Schumacher.
Love from Meridel Rawlings
Children’s star (and the boy himself) Yahely Watson (the son of Ariel Watson), in an exciting cover to rescue the kidnapped Israelis. We wish you a speedy return. Yahlee Watson (Cover by Rami Kleinstein)
Israel befindet sich in den Geburtswehen eines gewaltigen physischen und geistigen Wandels. Sie müssen alles neu überdenken. Dieser Krieg wird nicht nur die Landschaften der Nationen verändern, er wird auch Israel verändern. Er hat Israel abrupt in ein neues Kapitel seiner prophetischen Reise in die Endzeit gezwungen. Es geht alles darum, nach Hause zu kommen.
Doch zunächst ein Lobpreisbericht aus Griechenland: 38 % der Bevölkerung sind von Dürre betroffen. Wir haben um Regen gebetet, geglaubt und auf eine Veränderung gehofft. Heute Morgen wachten wir in einem nebelverhangenen Tal auf, und über dem Meer hingen schwere Wolken. Zurzeit regnet es in Strömen, sanft und gleichmäßig. Es ist eine Art Durchnässung, und das ist genau das, was wir brauchen. Wir können nicht nur um Regen bitten und nicht für die griechisch-orthodoxen Menschen in Griechenland beten. Unsere Aufgabe ist es, auch für die Regierung und die Minderheiten hier zu glauben. Ja, Israel ist natürlich unsere erste Berufung, denn wir alle sind das SALZ unserer Nationen.
Jetzt möchte ich einfach von meiner Zeit im Wort Gottes von heute Morgen berichten. Die Bibel hat so viele Tiefen – tiefer als der Ozean. Man kann sie nie zu Ende verstehen. Lasst uns beginnen:
“Sie werden durch die Schärfe des Schwertes fallen, ihre Säuglinge werden zerschmettert und ihre schwangeren Frauen aufgerissen.” Hosea 11:16
Verwendet anstelle von Schwert die Worte Raketen, automatische Gewehre, Granaten, Messer und Go-Pro-Kameras auf den Helmen der Hamas. Am 7. Oktober wurden 22 Gemeinden im Süden Israels geplündert, wobei 1.400 Menschen nicht nur getötet, sondern auf unbeschreibliche Weise verstümmelt wurden. Ja, Israel hat mit offenen Augen geschlafen. Der Glaube an seine High-Tech, seinen militärischen Geheimdienst und seine Regierung wurde bis ins Mark erschüttert! Ja, eine furchtbare Mahnung, ein Realitätscheck, welcher die Nation dazu aufruft, zu Gottes Sicherheitsplan “heimzukehren”.
“Doch ich bin der Herr, dein Gott, seit du ein Volk geworden bist. (In Ägypten und wieder im Heiligen Land im Jahr 1948.) Und ihr solltet keinen anderen Gott kennen als mich. O Israel, kehre (in Bussfertigkeit) zum Herrn, deinem Gott, zurück. Du bist wegen deiner Sünde gestrauchelt und gefallen (von der Tragödie heimgesucht). Hosea 14:1
Wir könnten eine so harte Wahrheit nicht ertragen, wenn sie nicht auch in Barmherzigkeit verpackt wäre. Ja, unser Gott ist ein Gott der Barmherzigkeit. Jesus ist gekommen, um uns das Herz von Vater-Gott zu zeigen. Achtet auf seinen Hass gegen Heuchelei und den Missbrauch der Heiligen Schrift. Besonders von den Führern, denjenigen, welche die Bibel lehrten. Er war voller Barmherzigkeit für jeden, der glaubte, weinte oder rief und ihn so berührte. Fasst Mut für Euer eigenes Leben und das Leben Eurer Familie und darüber hinaus. Wir sind die Schlüssel in seiner Hand, um Schlösser zu öffnen.
Stellt Euch vor, dass trockenes Anzündholz sorgfältig gelegt wird, um ein Feuer zu entfachen. Zündet ein Streichholz an, und es geht in Flammen auf. Beobachtet einfach, was Gott in und durch Israel tut.
“Denn ich bin Gott und nicht ein Mensch, der Heilige in eurer Mitte (der meinen Bund nicht aufkündigt). Ich komme nicht im Zorn und komme nicht in die Stadt (zum Gericht). Sie werden dem HERRN folgen (im Gehorsam und in der Anbetung). Der brüllen wird wie ein Löwe. Er wird brüllen (und sie herbeirufen) … und seine Söhne werden zitternd aus dem Westen (heim)kommen.”
Hosea 11:8-10 Hinweis: Es ist Gott, der hier durch sein Volk brüllt.
Viele Dinge geschehen gleichzeitig? Als Israel am 7. Oktober den Krieg erklärte, erschienen Hunderttausende von Männern, darunter unzählige Freiwillige. Ein Hunger nach Gott brach aus, und Tausende säkularer Jungen forderten ihr eigenes rituell gesäumtes Gewand, das nur von den Orthodoxen getragen wird. Es sieht aus wie ein leichtes, ärmelloses Unterhemd, aus dem die Quasten als Zeichen der Heiligkeit heraushängen. Sie wollten diese Sicherheit des Schutzes. Diese Quasten (tizitz) sind Gebetserinnerungen. Sie sind ein Zeichen für die Herzenshaltung der Rückkehr und Heimkehr zu Abba.
Die andere erstaunliche Entwicklung war auch eine Bewegung im entgegengesetzten Lager unter den orthodoxen jungen Männern, die früher auf Distanz zum säkularen Israel und zu den IDF (israelische Armee) gehalten wurden. Heute haben Tausende von ihnen ihr Studium aufgegeben, um dem IDF beizutreten. Sie bitten darum, in jeder hilfreichen Funktion zu dienen, welche die Kriegsanstrengungen unterstützt. Das hat es in der modernen Geschichte Israels noch nie gegeben. Sie sind es leid, von ihren religiösen Vorgesetzten aus dem modernen Israel “herausgehalten” zu werden. Dies ist ihr Schrei, um nach Hause zu kommen.
Drittens: Die Alijah geht weiter. Juden kehren aus allen vier Ecken zurück, auch aus den USA. Howard Flower in St. Petersburg bestätigte kürzlich, dass sich 300 französische Juden auf den Weg nach Israel gemacht haben. Der menschlichen Logik zum Trotz haben sie sich entschieden, nach Hause zu kommen. JA, der Herr, der Gott Israels, bewegt seine Kinder, um seinen ewigen Bund mit ihnen nachzuprüfen. Er hat sie nie verlassen. Israel ist der fehlende Schlüssel, welcher die Tür zu diesem Geheimnis öffnet.
Das Ende des Rätsels findet sich in den Worten der Propheten.
“Danach werden die Söhne Israels (in tiefer Reue) zu ihrem König David – dem Messias – zurückkehren (heimkehren), und sie werden zitternd zum HERRN und zu seiner Güte und seinem Segen kommen in den letzten Tagen.”
Hosea 3:5, Jeremia 30:9, Hesekiel 34:24.
Ja, natürlich trauern wir um jeden unschuldigen Zivilisten, egal ob es sich um Ausländer, Israelis oder Palästinenser handelt. Wir beten. Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, dass sich für die Menschen im Gazastreifen endlich ein Weg zu einem neuen Leben auftut. In dieser Angelegenheit ist Israel nicht anders. Betet dafür. Was die Geiseln anbelangt, so gibt es keine Zusicherungen. Wir beten.
Damit wir, die wir außerhalb Israels leben, nicht hochmütig unser Haupt erheben, möchte ich alle meine Leser fragen: “Wie steht es heute um mein Land?” Israel ist die erste Frucht von allem, was der Himmel tut. Vergesst das nie. Danke, dass Ihr versucht zu verstehen, wie der Allmächtige mit diesem Volk arbeitet. Nein, Israel ist nicht die Kirche, sie ist etwas Besonderes, und doch wissen wir, dass es eines Tages eine einzige Herde (Gemeinde) sein wird. Der Messias hat es gesagt. Wir werden alle zu ihm nach Hause kommen. Ihr habt Eure Aufgabe, nämlich das Fürbittegebet. Ich segne Euch für Eure überwältigende Reaktion. Danke an meine Helfer, Jay Rawlings, Chris Rawlings und Myrtha Schumacher.
Please pray for Israeli Army to find the kidnapped hostages in Gaza. Meridel had a dream they were being kept in the tunnels underneath the hospitals in Gaza.
You can support our GoFundMe campaign to help the families of kidnapped Israelis here: https://gofund.me/337091c5
“ And God said to Abraham, “do not be distressed over the boy or your slave.
Whatever Sarah says, do as she tells you to do, for it is through Isaac that offspring shall be continued for you.”
“And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, ‘making merry.’ [mocking, making sport] Isaac. And Sarah said to Abraham, “Drive out this handmaid and her son, for the son of this handmaid shall not inherit with my son, with Isaac.” But the matter was very evil in the eyes of Abraham, concerning his son. And God said to Abraham, “Be not displeased concerning the boy and concerning your handmaid; whatever Sarah tells you, hearken to her voice, for in Isaac will be called your seed.” Hebrew Bible Genesis 21:9-12
The root of the word often translated as sport, mocking or making merry, is related to the root word abuse even murder. Some Rabbis teach that Ishmael, Hagar’s son had murder in his heart and his ‘sport’ of Isaac had a sexual connotation even murder. Others say he was a very good marksman and he was shooting arrows at Issac, many years his junior. Whatever he was up to, Sarah saw his ‘evil intent’.
Abraham had NOT heeded the word of the Lord regarding Isaac. “And Abraham said to God, “Oh that Ishmael [my firstborn] might live before You!”
But God said,” No, Sarah your wife shall bear you a son indeed and … I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant and with his descendants after him.” Genesis 17: 18,19. Amplified Bible
When there is a fundamental divide between husband and wife if can be devastating for all involved. This was certainly the case then and continues to be a bone of contention experienced by Jews and Arabs, down the generations until today. This schism is the Biblical source of heartache and agony today and I dare say, the reason for the murderous attack on Israel’s Southern communities, leading Israel to stand up and take authority to wage war against Hamas. This ongoing conflict is a matter of life and death. Israel is fighting for her very existence.
This suggestion of Sarah’s was very evil in Abraham’s eyes. Wow, that’s strong. It must have been a terrible confrontation. Abraham was a man of awesome kindness and love. Hearing such a thing went against every fiber of his being. But God made it very clear that in this argument, Sarah was right; Ishmael had threatened Isaac. The proper response then and today is not lovingkindness, but banishment. I am sure this is difficult for most Christians to read. Israel is under the Abrahamic Covenant until Father God sees fit to change that. Isaac is Abraham’s true heir. He was Abraham’s future, and so Abraham and Sarah must do whatever is necessary to protect Isaac. Ishmael must be expelled from Isaac’s home, however unpleasant that will be for Abraham. It cut across the flesh and yes it was very very painful. I doubt that he ever got over it.
This sad state of affairs has visited the Jews continually for the last 150 years in light of Jews returning to the Land of Promise. The descendants of Ishmael – the Muslim Arabs – have repeatedly refused to live in peace with Jews, now Israelis since the State of Israel was reborn in 1948. Israelis are the descendants of Isaac. The significant majority of the Arabs from Gaza, Judea and Samaria have made their unfortunate choice to support Hamas and other terrorist groups that seek to murder and remove Israelis from Israel to create a Muslim state. This is the bad news. I haven’t even touched upon the hostile neighbors that surround Israel, waiting for their clues from Iran before attacking. Israel is presently fighting a 24/7 war on 4 fronts. I haven’t touched upon the marching Palestinians in world capitals and across the major campuses of American Universities. Then there is the anti-Semitism fueled by major media broadcasters. Israel cannot win this war unless the Almighty steps in.
Now good news is also found in the Bible: “There is hope for your future says the LORD. Your children will come back to their own country… Ephraim said, “After I turned away from You, I repented…” Jeremiah 32:17,19a.
During our 50 very eventful years in Israel, we had many experiences. At one time while interviewing the Imam of the Golden Dome, he said to Jay on film; “There is no history of Jews ever having been here.”
That is a lie. You see, entire Arab lands have chosen to believe this lie. For them, the Bible is only a figment of the Jewish imagination. They do not consider the place of the Christian faith. The stark contrast with these facts is the worship times we had with Christian Palestinian congregations in the West Bank, and Northern Israel. They are a terribly persecuted minority. Also, we experienced the thunderous wonder of worship in the Holy Spirit with Israeli Jews and Arab Believers in Jesus in Tel Aviv and Haifa. You must partake of it to believe! This is the only answer for our future. Tremendous changes are a foot for all people in this region. Please pray to understand this divine miracle of unity, not created by man’s design but from the heart of the Father.
it was Sarah, not Abraham, who protected Isaac from his brother and ensured there would be a Jewish future. Sarah was right, like it or not. Let us find the strength to follow in her footsteps!
Many Christians pride themselves in being under the Abrahamic Covenant, but are they true brothers to the Jews? That is also the call of the Arabs believe it or not. Truth is stranger than fiction. It is desperately difficult to stand up and tell the truth. The Spirit of Discernment will make all the difference as we open to it in our daily lives. Heeding it could even save our lives in the days ahead. That has been our family’s cooperative experience more than once, traveling among the nations and living in Israel with two sons serving in fighting units of the Israel Defense Forces.
Oct 7th marked one month since the massacre in South Israel. 1,400 private citizens, and 300 IDF soldiers, were snuffed out that morning. This is how It was observed. Thank you for being a soldier and keeping your watch, no matter where you are. Guard your life, put on the full armor of God, protect yourself from wounding. I end with this very encouraging video. The LORD God of Israel answers the cries of His people. Enjoy.
Meridel talks about the work that she has done over the years with both Israelis and Palestinians. “People don’t know what to do, but we can pray” for the current situation. #bringthemback #hamasisisis
You can support our GoFundMe campaign to help the families of kidnapped Israelis here: https://gofund.me/337091c5
This week, my Still Small Voice touches upon Thanksgiving, the olive harvest and prayer. Let’s begin with the Pilgrims and early pioneers of North America. Like all of us, they still had a choice in tough times. These hearty souls decided in the midst of extreme hardship, famine and loss of life to pause and to give thanks to the Almighty. Yes, still many perished. No, it wasn’t easy but it was the Godly response that moved the Hand of God to provide the miracles that they needed to sustain them in the days, weeks, months and years ahead. Today the doomsday thinkers and naysayers are calling for a worldwide depression and financial collapse. Jerusalem, on the other hand, is suffering increased deadly attacks yet faithful ones in the midst of her give praise and worship to the Almighty continually. That is inspiring and in line with the Word of God … Give thanks always!
Most of you will be aware of the two deadly bombing attacks yesterday at two of Jerusalem’s entrances, the main bus station and a bus stop. The opponent of all that is LIFE is hard at work. Darkness and ignorance want everyone to be afraid to enter Jerusalem. What a travesty! This hearkens back to the dark years of the early 1990s when buses went up in flames and babes were shot out of their mother’s arms in playgrounds. We were afraid in those days. Our youngest son Daniel was riding 6 buses a day to get to school. Once inside of Jerusalem he decided to ride his skateboard; it was safer than public transport. Please pray for those injured and for those who lost loved ones. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
For it is good to sing praises to our God, for He is gracious and lovely; praise is becoming and appropriate. The Lord is building up Jerusalem; He is gathering together the exiles of Israel.He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds [curing their pains and their sorrows].
Ps. 34:18; Isa. 57:15; 61:1; Luke 4:18. Psalm 147: 1-3 AMPC
The Olive Harvest
Local scenes of harvesters in the fields remind us of Biblical narratives. The olive tree has been held in very high esteem for millennia. We have Greek friends whose families have lived on the same lands for a thousand years. They watch over a 3,000-year-old olive tree which continues to thrive. What an inspirational sight. This tree is held in high esteem and is so special that it has entered the tree registry of the Greek government. We live surrounded by olive groves with many ancient giant trees among them, dating back perhaps a thousand and many hundreds of years. The personal attention and knowledgeable care given to olive orchards here are the most attentive we have seen anywhere in Europe. Producing golden oil is not only an inherited way of life in Mediterranean nations, but it is also central in their diet. Olive oil is used for cooking, medicines, cosmetics and holy anointing oil.
Harvest time photos:
“He stepped down into the vaulted treasure-chamber of his father, a spacious room, where gold and bronze lay piled, and raiment in coffers, and fragrant olive oil in plenty”
Home, The Odyssey
Stone oil jars dating back to 6,000 BC were discovered in Jericho. Bas-reliefs on Egyptian tombs of the pharaohs attest to the wide use of olive oil in cosmetics, medicinal ointments, fuel for lighting and religious rituals. Ancient Crete was a paradise of olive trees. Amphorae (stone jars) almost six feet tall were used for storing oil. The Knossos palace stored as many as 250,000 gallons. They were exported to the Middle and Late Egyptian Empires. Severe earthquakes in 1450 BC ended it.
The Greeks used olive oil in religion, sports and health. Today modern Greeks consume almost the same amount of oil per capita as in ancient times – five gallons per person per year. This makes Greece the leading consumer of olive oil in the world.
Consecrated Oil:
Olive oil is considered a gift of God in the many regions where it is used for religious sacraments. Consecrated oil is in fact olive oil.
“The LORD spoke to Moses saying, ‘Take principal spices of pure myrrh, sweet cinnamon, sweet cassia … and olive oil: … it shall be an holy anointing oil. And you will anoint the tabernacle … and Aaron and his sons. Speak to the children of Israel saying, This shall be a holy anointing oil unto me throughout your generations. [forever]’”
Exodus 30: 22-31
Messiah-Anointed One:
All of the kings of Israel were called Messiah, because they were anointed with holy oil. We read over and over in scripture how the Spirit of God moved and anointed in miraculous ways in the lives of believers from ancient times. Yeshua-Jesus lived his life led by the Holy Spirit. His last words were that we be endured with power from on high. We all need to be filled daily with the Holy Spirit, speaking, praying and worshipping in other tongues. We cannot meet the needs presented to us without His power and gifts. He is our comforter, teacher and healer. Of course, He never speaks of Himself, but of the ONE who sent Him. You and I need His anointing today more than ever. We are facing formidable forces. We are not to be overwhelmed, but to overcome evil with good.
I hope you enjoy the photos of our peek into the Greek olive harvest. In many cases, Harvest time here is a family affair. Every available person ceases their daily activity to gather in the fields. We saw everyone from Grandmothers to teens all working together to bring in the abundance of fruit before the winter rains, which have just begun. Nothing is wasted in this harvest. The fruit is picked and taken to the local grist mills. The many leaves that fall in the process are gathered into sacks for fodder fed to the large flocks of sheep and goats in the area.
The Art of Prayer:
Many requests are pouring in for deliverance prayer.
a 17-year-old hooked on marijuana
A son diagnosed with stage-4 brain cancer
A son with an incurable stomach disorder
A couple married 64 years facing separation to different facilities due to illness
A believing family of leaders facing great hostility “the war is on …”
An octogenarian who keeps falling
wars and rumours of wars
Famous octogenarian David Hathaway writes:
‘“The Holy Spirit showed me years ago that the WHOLE of the former Soviet countries would experience a massive revival, this has been and still is being fulfilled in an even greater way than even I foresaw in my vision decades ago.
But God’s promise to me is clear, God has set before me an open door for Central Asia and no man can shut it! Preparing to begin, I have had this same problem before, unbelief, criticism, and people who even question what and why.”
What open door has the Father set before you? I pray we will all be found faithful.
We Rawlings as a family are grateful for His mercies are new every morning.
Love from Meridel Rawlings
Gmail: meridel.rawlings@gmail.com
Donate to us directly:
Royal Bank of Canada
Branch 04130
Account: 547 3152 in favor of John & Meridel Rawlings
The Honkers are here! Can you hear the roar of their giant trucks around the world, including Jerusalem? Do the Truckers have a voice? They are calling for a return to LIFE, and their voices are being heard around the world. They are ushering in the spring thaw in the Spirit, so to speak. The deep significance of what is taking place before our eyes are first of all based on the spiritual principle of self-determination. A spring thaw begins when the ice of a fierce Canadian winter begins to melt. Well, I believe, it began in our capital Ottawa. Spring brings with it the hope of a ‘new life’.
On February 14th, 2022, Israelis are scheduled to descend on our parliament the Knesset in Jerusalem with big trucks to HONK our protest over the continual “State of Emergency” we are forced to continue living in. We will be there with our cameras.
A car part of the Israeli “Convoy” (Credit: AMIR COHEN/ REUTERS, https://www.haaretz.com)
For the past two years, our governments have told us who we are, what we can do, and where we are allowed to go.
When any government takes control of a particular area of civilian life, they never give it back. Case in point, after 9/11 new security measures were installed in every airport worldwide. 11 years later have any of these restrictions been lifted? So too with the COVID pandemic.
God has always used the foolish things of the world to confound the wise.
I am not saying the truckers are foolish, nor am I even suggesting that our leadership is wise. But we are watching this Divine principle being used once again to move mountains. Throw open the windows of your soul, give God a shout of Praise and speak out for FREEDOM! You have something to say. Remember, change starts with the individual. Your change starts with YOU!
This is Meridel Rawlings for Still Small Voice in Jerusalem.
P.O. Box 84156 Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 Israel Office: + 972 2 533 0382
The LORD spoke to me yesterday: “All borders are under attack! “
“…to the Jew first” (Romans 1:19) Shares the truth of Israel. Watch Jerusalem first and then similar events will unfold in your area… We get to experience them first. 2,600 years ago the prophet Ezekiel, sitting in exile in Babylon saw Gog, a nation to the North attack “the people who are gathered from the nations … who live at the (centre) navel of the world. [Israel]” (Ezekiel 38:12).
Some scholars say Gog is Russian, others Turkey. Interesting that Israel’s arch-enemy Hamas, becoming a buddy of Turkey and working out of Syria as well. The Prophet was describing Israel today. Israel is the navel of the earth. We stand front and center in world history today. The Abraham Accords is prospering. The United Emirates is under attack by Yemen. Why are Arabs killing the Arabs who stand with Israel in 2022? Saudi Arabia have turned against Hamas because Hamas supports Yemen and the Houthis? This week the Houthis fired missed not only at the UAE but also Israel, vowing to destroy us. It is just a little piece of Part the madness in 2022. Israel has vowed to help the Emirates.
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!”
Isaiah 24:12
So, Mr Putin is visiting his good friend Mr Chi. How cosy. Meanwhile, pause and consider your own borders your country and your life. Take a moment right now to pray over your borders! Israel has never ceased to be attacked from the moment the first Jews struggled back here in 1880 from Lithuania. Yet we are in God’s plan.
Now, all nations are feeling this sense of deep insecurity. The shaking is within and without. Our currencies are devalued by 10% and yet the prices continue to rise. Yet I am greatly encouraged. He can turn everything to my good if we trust and obey. Believe it.
We are confident that our warfare is not carnal but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. Let us continue to beseech heaven to strengthen those who put their lives on the line against injustice. My prayer for Canada is that the truckers will see change issue forth from the bowels and heart of Ottawa. The head of this nation is sick! Instead of the heavy-handed bastion frozen leadership let LIFE issue forth. Canada needs a miracle. Israel needs miracles and we all have a part to play in taking our nations back into justice and truth.
It is time to pray and worship as never before. I want to praise my LORD for answered prayer. Fasting is never easy, but we see the results. Meeting the LORD daily in the quiet place is the secret of my life, His presence changes everything. Hiding the Eternal Word of truth in mind and heart makes one a formidable foe to the enemy.
If you want change, wake up, get up and find your way back into the heart and love of your God. Let Him soothe your entire life, heart, and mind. My prayer is that YOU will open to His encouragement. We all must come back to our first love.
“Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down …”
Isaiah 64;1a
The Hebrew word for rend is ‘qara’ meaning to tear open, to rip and split apart. When He moves no one can say a word. All nonsense will cease, He has ruled in the past, He continues to rule today, and He will rule tomorrow. Praise His Name!
Enjoy your relationship with Him this weekend, with yourself and your family.
Every blessing for Jerusalem.
Meridel Rawlings
For those who have time to read a little more:
Our world of constant turmoil, terror attacks, lies and stress is a global one. As is the inflation of food prices up 15%, across the board in Israel, electricity 5% and gasoline 6%. Salaries remain unchanged. One euro equals 4 shekels. One US $ 3.2 shekels. A loaf of bread is now 20 to 30 shekels.
Amnesty International, formerly a bastion of truth, have changed into one of the premier inciters to hatred, lies and deceit, against Israel, calling Israel an APARTAD State. They promote anti-Semitism in the guise of being Anti-Israel. Their statement this week should be taken to the international court, for insisting Israel is an Apartad State. This lie gains them even greater financial support. FACT: 2021 was the most anti-Semitic year in history.
Yosef Haddad is an Arab Israeli spoke out his response to the lie.
“How dare you claim that I, an Arab-Israeli who served along with Jewish soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces and managed hundreds of Jewish employees, live under an apartheid regime? How can anyone say our society is living under an apartheid regime when among us you will find doctors, judges and even lawmakers? How can you say Samer Haj-Yehia (and Arab) lives in an apartheid regime when he is the head of the biggest bank in Israel? Amnesty International has already broken the record for hypocrisy, but to compare Israel to an apartheid regime is not only a distorted lie but an insult to all those South Africans who actually lived through apartheid. It is contempt for and cynical exploitation of the concept. “
Basic History for the uninformed:
Before Israel, there was a British mandate.
Before the British Mandate, – the Ottoman Empire.
Before the Ottoman Empire, – the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt.
Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, – the Ayubid-Kurdish Empire.
Before the Ayubid Empire, – the Crusader Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, – the Umayyad and Fatimid Emirates.
Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, – the Byzantine Empire.
Before the Byzantine Empire, there were the Sassanid-Persian Empire.
Before the Sassanid-Persian Empire, – the Byzantine Empire.
Before the Byzantine Empire, the Roman Empire.
Before the Roman Empire, – there was the Jewish Hasmonean State.
Before the Jewish Hasmonean state, – the Hellenistic Seleucid Empire.
Before the Hellenistic Seleucid empire, – the empire of Alexander the Great.
Before the empire of Alexander the Great, – the Persian Empire.
Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire.
Before the Babylonian Empire, – the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah.
Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, – the Kingdom of Israel.
Before the kingdom of Israel, – the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, – an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian state.
For those who have supported Amnesty International, why not rise up and send your support to Israel. There is always Jerusalem Vistas our media wing and Still Small Voice working to bring Life to those who have been sexually abused.
I begin with our thank you for your warm greeting cards and letters.
Let us continue to build the Kingdom of God together in 2022! Be encouraged. The # 20 means Redemption. The # 22 means The Light or Glory of the Almighty. So, let us expect change for the better.
Photo: Shelly, Daniel, Meridel and Jay. With Board approval, our young people have stepped up into much of the work of Jerusalem Vistas. We will mentor and do some camera work. It’s a new day!
To Begin …
It is Friday the 7th as I write. The wind is catching the noise of the muezzin’s fiery sermon being delivered in a mosque located just over the hill in a very hostile village. You can hear the hatred in their forceful proclamations. I am glad I don’t understand the hate-filled lies and threats. Father have mercy upon us all. Hatred is so crippling.
Yes, we have very dear Palestinian friends who call us family. Last week we enjoyed a holiday meal within their village. Our friend Magid, Arabic for Miracle, proudly told of his daughters’ accomplishments. One studies law at the Hebrew University, another business and accounting and the third, is in medicine. They are proud prospering people who stand tall.
One distraught friend in Canada wrote recently: “Where are you G-d? What are you doing?” The evil in Canada is so strong it breaks into everything. Certainly, can’t watch the news …and then there is Covid?”
Today we find loss and the accompanying discouragement in every village, city, and nation. Only THE Living God can lift the dark suffocation off of us all. I am calling to Him, join me, friends. I am asking for profound CHANGE!
Second by second, we are moving into the year 2022. I am sick of hearing about man’s agenda. What is God’s agenda? He is still on the throne! I encourage myself in the LORD, He is my Light and my Salvation … there is nothing to fear.
“… the diviners see long visions and tell false dreams; they comfort in vain. Therefore, the people wander like sheep, they are afflicted and suffer because there is no shepherd.”
Zechariah 10:2
This morning Matthew 9:36 jumped from the page of my bible into my heart.
“When He saw the crowds, He was moved with compassion and pity for them because they were dispirited and distressed like sheep without a shepherd.”
Matthew 9:36
Israel is hit hard too, going into our 3rd year of turmoil. We are losing our middle class. Can you believe it; today 27% of our people are living BELOW the poverty line. It is getting harder and harder to put food on the table. Thank goodness Daniel and Shelly and Ryan are living with us because we pool our resources to keep the lights on and food on the table. Israel is not what it appears. What choices do you and I really have anymore?
How do we move forward? These are my humble suggestions to:
Fling away everything that pulls you down. Refuse to succumb to the fear and hysteria and ‘conspiratorial thinking’ of today, herd mentality and the madness.
STOP what you are doing and ask for change.
Let us each one, determine to return to the God of our Salvation, but first there has to be a light turned on inside of us. Stand up, be present in mind and body. Repentance leads to the center of HIS pathway, HIS will and way!
Ask to be protected and guided from heaven. Choose it put your name on it.We are NOT orphans. We are NOT without HOPE! Ask Jesus to help you right now.
ASK for courage and strength and be quiet.
Receive it. My son and husband remind me, “You have not because you ask not.” The hardest thing sometimes is to ask for help. This is a weakness, affecting sones relationship to Father God who does not want anyone to perish.
Do not beg! Ask! Obedience will be required daily. OPEN your heart and mind and arms to receive all that God sends. Reject evil.
LIVE in Psalm 91:5 and 6 “You will not be afraid of the terror of right, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, or of the destruction (sudden death) that lays waste at noon.”
Note: the ancient Aramaic / Hebrew dictionary describes ‘destruction’ as ‘Qeter’, meaning the spirit of death. I have had health issues myself lately and have prayed this deliverance prayer and even the doctors see I am better.
“Arise [from spiritual depression to a new life], shine, [be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the LORD], for your light has come. And the glory and brilliance of the LORD has risen upon you.
[Zech 8:23]
For in fact, darkness will cover the peoples; But the LORD will rise upon you. [Jerusalem] and His glory and brilliance will be seen on you.
[Is 60:19-22; Mal 4:2; Rev 21:2,3]. Isaiah 60:1,2
Please encourage yourselves in the LORD dear ones. We can do all of the above and prosper in these savage times. Let us rise up and strengthen those around us. Please write or call me if you wish.
News about CAN in Kathmandu Nepal: January 5th, 2022.
“Some things have changed a bit in Change Action Nepal, due to the government rules and regulations, it is getting harder. We keep working to give some hope and freedom to those who are unheard. We are in court again, Time was very crucial and hectic due to this latest trafficking case. The victim, we rescued has to appear a fourth time in court to give testimony. Right now we are receiving death threats from the perpetrator’s network. It is a bit excruciating right now, but we still believe that God is with us. His grace and wisdom protect us. Let’s see what happens? Do not forget us, please. Thank you for your support and your prayers. God Bless you all.”
Indira Ghale
CAN Administrator Chris Rawlings January 5th 2022:
“God led us in 2017 to address the sex trafficking issue in Nepal. At that time we founded Change Action Nepal and had it legally registered with the government in Nepal. I am happy to say we have been able to turn The Change Action Nepal website over to Indira’s team in Nepal. She asked if she could use the PayPal that I set up for donations coming to the website. I said, YES. Now it’s fully operational by Nepalis and that is the way it should be. Hopefully are freed up for other things.
Thanks for all of the support, Mom, Indira and you were the pioneers, then Dad made the movie with David and Daniel and I. Thank you also for our lawyer, and Janice and Paul Chobaniuk in Canada who head up the CAN work there. I know we all felt honoured to work alongside these incredibly brave Nepali people. Many thank you especially to the unsung heroes our donors. Praise God!”
I will not trouble you with any bad news coming out of Israel. We are so hated everywhere; it is a mystery that is going to unfold in blessing for us as a people. Anti-Semitism has always resulted in a blessing for the Jews and for Israel. You will see, God is going to do wonders right here in His way and His time.
On a sad personal note:
On December 25th, 2021, my eldest brother Donovan Robert Oriel Fowler was called home to heaven. We remained very close all of our lives. We enjoyed that oneness of Spirit, that is special to twins. He was a man of faith and action. Don, whom we called Oriel (my light is from God) was given a tremendous send-off by his three sons, Michael, Bruce and Stephen and family. To watch his very touching Memorial please go to https://www.livingstones.ab.ca/live/ under “Donovan Fowler”, you will be blessed.
Photo: Meridel and Donovan
He had tremendous compassion for the compromised and underprivileged.
The Rawlings send blessings to each and everyone reading this letter. Continue to stand strong wherever you are. Because we believe, we know something of the miraculous power of prayer. Let God arise, His enemies are scattered!”
From our home here in hills of Benjamin to yours:
Meridel Rawlings and family
Photo: Donovan Fowler
Our snail mail is no longer safe here in Israel, I am sad to inform you that our letters have been sliced open, or never even arrived. Should you want to give and choose not to use Pay Pal here is my Canadian bank information. They receive checks from the UK and the US and I am sure Europe as well. Thank you.
“He who sits in the heavens shall laugh.” Psalm 2:4
“Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.” Psalm 143:8
27 generations ago her family lived in the Land of Sinim, Hebrew for China. Photo credit: Laura Ben David
Aliyah is one of the Reasons Israel is Absolutely Unique
Let’s take a look at the rising number of Jews making Aliyah, returning to Israel. My husband Jay says that there are two reasons: they are drawn by the Spirit of God or they are pushed by hardship and persecution. Nothing stops the Almighty from unfurling His ancient prophecies in and through man’s folly. He strides through the nations, fulfilling the words of the prophets. Of all Israelis living here today, one third arrived as new immigrants.
Being drawn by God’s Spirit, we landed in 1969. God’s truth grew within us as we studied what the prophets taught about the Jews returning home from the four corners of the globe, echoed by Jesus. Our work got off the ground after our first trip into the Soviet Union in 1971. We joined a tour group covertly carrying Bibles, Hebrew scriptures and primers for the Jews locked inside. By 1984 the gates were almost closed, less than 900 Jews returned from Russia. God spoke to my husband to create the documentary Gates of Brass. He worked in collaboration with 100 Huntley Street Canada. It was a powerful tool used by Jews and Christians in a global movement to pressure the Soviets to “Let My People Go!” History attests: 2,000,000 Jews returned from the North.
Aliyah for Ethiopian Jews
Ethiopia is in the grips of kayos. Yet again history is unfolding. Israeli President Herzog has asked the government to rescue 5,000 vulnerable Jews. They are trapped and threatened in this bloody civil war that is advancing on the capital Addis Ababa as I write.
Aliyah and Christians
Howard Flower Aliyah Director for the International Christian Embassy wrote: “The ICEJ lead those who have never ceased to stand with Israel in encouraging Christians to help bring Jews home. One of our most recent projects was with the Benai Menashe. Christians helped us to work with Israel in an airlift from northern India. They flew across the Red Sea and sang their ancient song of Miriam and Moses. It has been passed down from mother to daughter for 27 centuries including when they lived in China during the Han Dynasty.
While flying over the Red Sea the women broke into Miriam’s song of deliverance!
Aliyah a Pattern for Resettlement of Refugees Globally
A member of our Synagogue Bible Study group wrote: “I am proud to be a part of the Jewish people. First and foremost, is my coming to Israel to fulfilling the act of Aliya. I came because I felt that the establishment of the State of Israel was the most important event in the history of the Jewish people since the destruction of Jewish society here in Biblical times. It seemed to me that any young person who was able to make “Aliya” was privileged to be a part of the rebirth of Israel.”
Aliyah is a Central Theme in Prophetic Scripture
Aliyah is a theme in scripture from before the captivity in Babylon and will endure right into the millennium. Is that not amazing? I encourage you to do your own Bible study.
This is the flight route taken by the Benai Menasheover the Red Sea. They sang as they crossed over. El Al Airplane route and map.Photo Credit: Laura Ben David
Professor Chuck Greenblatt wrote Nov.1st, 2021: “The Rawlings with camera in hand, conduct interviews and questionnaires with new immigrants from the States, the UK and Canada in comparison to those of the Soviet Union. Has Aliya been a spiritual exercise?”
Jay has just written a discourse on the inestimable importance of Aliya, which could be a powerful asset to help other nations tackle the refugee phenomena worldwide. Pray for it.
Shifting Shadows in Israel
These last two years have shaken the world and every household in it. One of the last things Mr Netanyahu did before leaving office was to freeze all documents concerning COVID for 20 years.WHY? Dr Kobi Haviv said this week on Israel’s Channel 13 News: “95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people account for 85-90% of hospitalizations. The effectiveness of the vaccine is declining and disappearing.” Our God is the true Rock in this sea of madness. He makes away where there is none. We are His lamps set in dim places. I am not ashamed to belong to the Great Creator. I love His Instruction book – the Bible. We who believe in Him are proof of His love. His NAME is written within our DNA; yes, found in every cell of the body. Whether we believe Him or not, He believes in us! Click on the photo. Meet the Israeli scientist who discovered the Divine Name in human DNA.
Israeli scientist, Dr Isaiah Rubinstein, finds God’s name, YHWH, in our DNA.
Israel’s First Budget in 3 Years True! Mr Bennet’s gov’t just passed the budget. Our new leaders grow in unity. Vitriol is lessening in the opposition, many question some of Mr Netanyahu’s actions. Christians are surprised. Don’t be, sadly, he did not care for the interests of the common man. Our middle class is disappearing. WHY?
In Rome, on Nov 5th, the Vatican Press released this statement: “It is absolutely necessary to reactivate direct dialogue in order to achieve a two-state solution, with the help of more vigorous effort on the part of the international community.” It is anti-Bible.
Saudi Arabia Birthplace of Islam: “Let there not be two religions in Arabia,” said Muhammed on his death bed, according to historian Bernard Lewis, referring the Jews. There are no synagogues, churches or even openly organized prayer gatherings for any non-Muslim faith in the country. Rabbi Jacob Herzog is launching his own Jewish outreach in Saudi Arabia, perhaps the first in a millennia. His congregation will be Jewishcontractors, businessmen, diplomats and people serving in the armed forces. Times of Israel.
Netflix, Israel haters twist history:
A whopping 89% of Netflix’s new “Palestinian Stories” were directed by anti-Israel activists promoting the BDS series. It completely misrepresents Israel. Matan Peleg CEO of Im Tirtzu, a pro-Israel watchdog organization said: “It is disgraceful that Netflix is featuring propaganda films whose sole goal is to slander and delegitimize the only democracy in the Middle East. If Netflix wants to tell the Palestinian story, it should start by contacting the thousands of bereaved Israeli families who are victims of Palestinian terrorism.”
“Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who has it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”
Joseph Stalin
Sexual Abuse is never out of style! My book Stain Remover is absolutely CURRENT! Quotes from my readership:
“Keep up the good work, we need the tip of the arrow out front! You are and have been hitting the Mark!” R. C.Vancouver Island Canada
“In my view, your imaginative writing style is that of a storyteller. It blends beautifully to reading aloud to others. I pray that you be granted that door, which no man can close according to Rev. 3 so that many will be healed! Bless your courageous heart.” H.B Canada
“We bought two copies and are promoting Stain Remover far and wide. The first copies were damaged. We returned them to Amazon immediately and they were replaced with perfect ones. ” Pastors Bill and Audrey
Martin, Brooks AB Canada
“I read it with much emotion as some stories grieved me deeply and set of memories, thoughts and feelings. I am going to read it again soon. I am still processing an issue or two your book brought back to me. My mother is still with me at age 97, I have an unresolved issue with her. I need to read it again.” G.E. Minister USA
RED ALERT! I have received reports of Amazon sending out faulty copies of Stain Remover. If this has happened to you, RETURN the book immediately & COMPLAIN!!! It will be swiftly replaced at no extra cost. I apologize for Amazon.
France: The Secret is OUT
Over the last 70 years, facts have recently emerged in world media that, 216,000 known children were sexually abused by 3,200 priests and nuns in France. Solid reform helps, Regret does very little. Pope Francis asked for “forgiveness”. Pray with me for change.
Cuba: Good News
“The entire congregation says: Blessed are you forever! We have resumed congregational meetings for the first time since COVID began. We hope you can be with us ministering here about your Stain Remover. In Cuba, we are waging a great battle begging Father God for the family since the gov’t wants to establish new Familycodes.” D.D. Pastor/Editor Cuba
“If you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what a weak man is capable of!” Prof Jordan B Peterson
FaceBook, Whose Face?
Quote: “FaceBook is far more dangerous than anyone knows. FaceBook products harm children, stoke division and weaken our democracy. They will not make changes because they have put astronomical profit before people.FaceBook knew Instagram was driving some teenagers to suicide and did nothing to prevent it.” WhistleBlower Francis Hauger, US. Senate Hearing. Nov. 2021
Did you know? FaceBook is non-gender specific; last week they deleted a line of designer clothing for “Boys and Girls”? Now you know why!
Did you know? America’s new laws NO longer register the sex of a child at birth?
Did you know? In the US it is now written into law that men can menstruate.
Your Response to Still Small Voice
I want to thank those who respond to my letter with prayer and also finances. We work to support our NGO in Nepal with your gifts. We are still believing to build a Safe House for girls who have survived trafficking. Please help us. Share my letter.
“Dear Meridel, We so enjoy reading Still Small Voice every month. I usually read it over several times to take it all in. You give me a sense of what is happening in Israel and the world situation today.” Thank you. I want to help with the Safe House.” G. R. Switzerland
“I always enjoy your letter. Every evening I pray for the family and ministries and of course for the Peace of Jerusalem and the many ministries that are serving our God.” K.L. – UK
In closing, we all make our world what it was, is and will become.
“Hän, joka istuu taivaassa, nauraa” psalmi 2:4 RK “Ilmoita minulle tie, jota minun tulee kulkea, sillä sinun puoleesi minä ylennän sieluni.” psalmi 143:8 RK [Englanninkielinen käännös ilmaisee hieman toisin: Näytä minulle tie, jota minun tulee kulkea, sillä sinun haltuusi luotan elämäni.]
Valokuvassa tohtorit Jay ja Meridel Rawlings nauttimassa auringonlaskun vuosista.
Alija on yksi niistä syistä, jotka tekevät Israelista täysin ainutlaatuisen Katsotaan yhä lisääntyvää alijan tekevien, Israeliin palaavien juutalaisten määrää. Aviomieheni Jay sanoo, että siihen on kaksi syytä: heitä vetää Jumalan Henki tai heitä työntävät vaikeudet ja vaino. Mikään ei estä Kaikkivaltiasta käärimästä auki ikiaikaisia profetioita ihmisen järjettömyyden keskelläkään. Hän askeltaa halki kansakuntien tuoden profeettojen sanat täyttymykseen. Nykyään täällä elävistä israelilaisista yksi kolmasosa on uusia maahanmuuttajia.
Jumalan Hengen vetäminä saavuimme tänne vuonna 1969. Jumalan totuus kasvoi meissä sen myötä, että opiskelimme profeettojen opetuksia juutalaisten paluusta maailman neljältä kulmalta. Sitä Jeesuskin toisti puheissaan. Työmme lähti liitoon tehtyämme ensimmäisen matkamme Neuvostoliittoon vuonna 1971. Liityimme mukaan ryhmään, joka vei salaa Raamattuja, heprealaisia Kirjoituksia ja alkeisoppikirjoja maan rajojen sisään lukituille juutalaisille. Vuoteen 1984 asti portit olivat kutakuinkin kiinni; alle 900 juutalaista palasi Neuvostoliitosta. Jumala puhui aviomiehelleni dokumenttifilmin Gates of Brass (Vaskiportit) tekemisestä; se palkittiin myöhemmin julkisilla tunnustuksilla. Jay teki yhteistyötä kanadalaisen 100 Huntley Street -järjestön kanssa. Tuo dokumentti oli voimallinen työkalu, jota juutalaiset ja kristityt käyttivät maailmanlaajuisessa liikkeessä, joka painosti neuvostoliittolaisia päästämään Jumalan kansan lähtemään. Historia todistaa: kaksi miljoonaa juutalaista palasi kotiin pohjoisesta maasta.
Etiopianjuutalaisten alija Etiopia on kaaoksen kynsissä. Jälleen kerran historia toteutuu. Israelin presidentti Herzog on pyytänyt hallitusta pelastamaan 5 000 haavoittuvassa asemassa olevaa juutalaista. He ovat uhattuina ja loukussa verisen kansalaissodan edetessä kohti maan pääkaupunkia Addis Abebaa tätä kirjoittaessani.
Alijan tehneitä kristittyjä (Valokuva: Laura Ben David)
Alija ja kristityt Howard Flower, Kansainvälisen kristillisen suurlähetystön alija-johtaja kirjoitti: ”ICEJ on johtanut niiden toimintaa, jotka eivät milloinkaan ole lopettaneet seisomista Israelin rinnalla. ICEJ rohkaisee krisitittyjä auttamaan juutalaisten tuomista kotiin. Yksi viimeaikaisista projekteista koskee Bnei Menashea. Kristityt auttoivat meitä tekemään yhteistyötä Israelin kanssa Pohjois-Intiasta tulleen lennon tiimoilta. Lentäessään yli Punaisen meren tulijat lauloivat muinaista Mirjamin ja Mooseksen laulua, jota on siirretty äideiltä tyttärille 27 vuosisadan ajan; myös sinä aikana, jona he elivät Kiinassa Han-dynastian valta-aikana.
El Alin lentokone ja kartta. Valokuvaaja Laura Ben David.
Alija – eri puolilta maailmaa saapuvien pakolaisten asuttamisen malli Eräs synagogamme raamatturyhmän jäsen kirjoitti: ”Olen ylpeä ollessani osa juutalaiskansaa. Ennen muuta tuloni Israeliin on alijan täyttämistä, toteuttamista. Tulin, koska koin Israelin valtion perustamisen olevan tärkein tapahtuma juutalaiskansan historiassa sitten juutalaisen yhteiskunnan raamatullisina aikoina täällä tapahtuneen tuhoamisen. Minusta näytti siltä, että jokaiselle alijan tekemään pystyvälle nuorelle ihmiselle oli etuoikeus olla osana Israelin uudelleensyntymistä.”
Professori Chuck Greenblatt kirjoitti 1.11.2021: ”Kamerat käsissään Rawlingsit haastattelivat tulijoita ja tekivät kyselyitä uusille Yhdysvalloista, Britanniasta ja Kanadasta tulleille maahanmuuttajille verraten heitä Neuvostoliitosta tulleisiin. Onko alija ollut hengellinen harjoitus?”
Jay on juuri kirjoittanut tutkielman alijan äärettömän suuresta merkityksestä. Se voisi toimia vahvana keinovarana, jolla auttaa toisia maailmanlaajuisen pakolaisilmiön kanssa kamppailevia kansakuntia. Rukoilettehan sen puolesta.
Israelin yllä häilyvät varjot Viimeksi kuluneet kaksi vuotta ovat järisyttäneet maailmaa ja sen jokaista perhekuntaa. Yksi hra Netanjahun ennen virastaan lähtöä toteuttama seikka oli jäädyttää kaikki koronaa koskevat asiakirjat 20 vuodeksi. MIKSI? Tri Kobi Haviv sanoi tällä viikolla Israelin televisiossa kanava 13 uutisissa: ” Vakavasti sairastuneista potilaista 95 % on rokotettuja. Täysin rokotetut ihmiset muodostavat 85 – 90 % sairaalapotilaista. Rokotteen teho vähenee ja katoaa.”
Meidän Jumalamme on todellinen kallio tässä hulluuden meressä. Hän avaa tien sinne, missä sitä ei ole. Meidät on asetettu lampuiksi valottomiin paikkoihin. En häpeä kuulua Suurelle Luojalle. Rakastan Hänen opaskirjaansa – Raamattua. Me, Häneen uskovat, olemme todisteita Hänen rakkaudestaan. Hänen NIMENSÄ on kirjoitettuna omaan DNA:hamme; kyllä, se löytyy kehomme jokaisesta solusta. Me joko uskomme Häneen tai emme, Hän uskoo meihin. Klikatkaa valokuvaa ja näette, miten israelilainen tiedemies löysi jumalallisen nimen kirjoitettuna ihmisen DNA:han.
Israel sai ensimmäisen budjetin kolmeen vuoteen Totta se on. Hra Bennetin hallitus antoi hiljattain budjettiesityksen. Uudet johtajamme osoittavat enenevää yhtenäisyyttä. Opposition myrkyllisyys vähenee, monet kyseenalaistavat hra Netanjahun toimia. Kristityt ovat hämmästyneitä. Älkää olko. Surullista kyllä, hän ei välittänyt tavallisista ihmisistä. Meidän keskiluokkamme katoaa. MIKSI?
Roomassa marraskuun 5. päivänä Vatikaanin lehdistöjulkaisussa oli toteamus: ”On täysin välttämätöntä aloittaa jälleen suora vuoropuhelu, jotta saavutetaan kahden valtion ratkaisu kansainvälisen yhteisön voimakkaampien pyrkimysten avulla.” Tämä on vastoin Raamattua.
Islamin syntypaikka Saudi-Arabia
”Älköön Arabiassa olko kahta uskontoa.” sanoi Muhammed kuolinvuoteellaan historioitsija Bernard Lewisin mukaan. Muhammed viittasi juutalaisiin. Tuossa maassa ei ole synagogia, kirkkoja tai edes avoimesti järjestettäviä rukouskokouksia ei-muslimeille. Rabbi Jacob Herzog on laatinut oman juutalaiskampanjansa Saudi-Arabiaan. Se lienee ensimmäinen vuosituhanteen. Hänen seurakuntansa suuntaa työtään tuossa maassa asuville rakennuttajille, liikemiehille, diplomaateille ja asevoimissa palveleville henkilöille. Näin kirjoittaa The Times of Israel.
Netflix, Israelia vihaavien vääristeltyä historiaa Huikeat 89 % Netflixin uudesta sarjasta ”Palestinian Stories” oli Israel-vastaisten aktivistien ohjaustyötä. He promosivat myös BDS-sarjoja. Israel esitetään täysin väärässä valossa. Israelia puoltavan, mediaa tarkkailevan Im Tirtzu -järjestön johtaja Matan Peled totesi: ”On häpeällistä, että Netflix esittää propagandafilmejä, joiden ainoa päämäärä on panetella Israelia ja kiistää Lähi-idän ainoan demokratian olemassaolon oikeutus. Mikäli Netflix haluaa kertoa palestiinalaistarinan, sen tulisi ottaa yhteyttä niihin tuhansiin riistettyihin israelilaisperheisiin, jotka ovat palestiinalaisten terrorin uhreja.”
”Koulutus on ase, jonka teho on riippuvainen siitä, kenen käsissä se on ja keneen se on suunnattu.”
Joseph Stalin
Seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö ei ole milloinkaan poissa! Kirjani Stain Remover on hyvin AJANKOHTAINEN!
Lukijoiden kommentteja ”Jatkakaa hyvää työtä; me tarvitsemme ulospäin suuntautuvaa keihäänkärkeä! Olette osunut ja yhä osutte napakymppiin!” R.C. Kanada, Vancouverin saari
”Mielestäni Teidän mielikuvituksellinen kirjoitustapanne on kertojan tapaa. Se sopii hyvin luettavaksi toisille ääneen. Rukoilen, että Teille aukeaa ovi, jota kukaan ihminen ei voi sulkea – kuten Ilmestyskirjan 3. luku sanoo – ja niin monet parantuvat! Siunaan Teidän rohkeaa sydäntänne.” H.B. Kanada
”Ostimme kaksi kappaletta ja suosittelemme kirjaa Stain Remover eri tahoille. Saamamme kappaleet olivat vioittuneet, mutta palautimme ne Amazonille ja ne korvattiin välittömästi moitteettomilla kappaleilla.” Pastorit Bill ja Audrey Martin, Brooks AB Kanada
”Luen kirjaanne tunteet pinnassa, sillä muutamat tarinat murehduttivat minua ja toivat esiin muistoja, ajatuksia ja tunteita. Luen kirjan vielä uudelleen lähiaikoina. Prosessoin yhä muutamaa tai muutamia seikkoja, joita kirjanne palautti mieleeni. Äitini, joka on 97-vuotias, elää yhä. Ja minulla on ratkaisemattomia asioita hänen kanssaan. Minun täytyy lukea kirja vielä uudelleen.” G.E. pappi Yhdysvallat
HUOMAUTUS Olen saanut viestejä, että tilaajille on lähetetty viallisia versioita kirjasta Stain Remover. Jos näin on tapahtunut teidän kohdallanne, niin PALAUTTAKAA sellainen kappale välittömästi Amazonille kera VALITUKSEN!!! Saatte pikaisesti tilalle toisen ilman lisämaksua. Pahoittelen heidän puolestaan.
Ranska – salaisuus on tullut julki Yli 70 vuoden ajalta tosiasioita on hiljattain tullut ilmi maailman mediassa. Ne kertovat 216 000 nimeltä mainitsemattoman lapsen joutuneen seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön uhreiksi 3 200 papin ja nunnan toimesta Ranskassa. Tuntuva muutos auttaa; pahoittelu saa aikaan hyvin vähän. Paavi Franciscus pyysi ‘anteeksiantoa’. Rukoilkaa kanssani muutosta.
Kuuba – hyviä uutisia ”Koko seurakunta sanoo: Ikuinen siunaus tulkoon Teille! Olemme pitäneet seurakuntakokouksia ensi kertaa sitten koronan alkuaikojen. Toivomme, että voitte tulla luoksemme pitämään opetuksia kirjastanne Stain Remover. Me täällä Kuubassa käymme suurta taistoa rukoillen Isää Jumalaa perheen puolesta, koska hallitus haluaa aikaansaada uudet, perhettä koskevat koodit.” D.D. pastori ja päätoimittaja, Kuuba
”Jos luulette kovien miesten olevan vaarallisia, niin odottakaapa vain kunnes näette, mihin heikko mies pystyy!”
Professori Jordan B Peterson
FaceBook – kenen kasvot? Lainaus: ”FaceBook on paljon vaarallisempi kuin kukaan tietää. FaceBook tuottaa vahinkoa lapsille, edistää jakautuneisuutta ja heikentää demokratiaa. He eivät tee muutoksia, koska ovat sijoittaneet tähtitieteellisiä etuja ihmisten saataville. FaceBook tiesi, että Instagram ylläpiti sellaista, mikä ajoi muutamia nuoria itsemurhaan. Eikä se tehnyt mitään tämän estämiseksi.” Pelin poikki viheltänyt ilmiantaja Francis Hauger, Yhdysvalloista, senaatin kuulemistilaisuudessa marraskuussa 2021.
Tiesittekö? FaceBook on sukupuolineutraali; viime viikolla sieltä poistettiin design-vaatemerkki ”Boys and Girls” (Pojat ja tytöt). Nyt tiedätte syyn siihen!
Tiesittekö? Amerikan uudet lait eivät enää rekisteröi lapsen sukupuolta syntymän yhteydessä.
Tiesittekö? Yhdysvalloissa lakiin on nykyään kirjoitettuna, että miehet voivat menstruoida.
Teidän viestejänne Pienelle hiljaiselle äänelle Haluan kiittää niitä, jotka vastaavat kirjeisiini rukouksin ja taloudellisella tuella. Aherioimme tukeaksemme kansalaisjärjestötyötämme Nepalissa lahjoitustenne varassa. Uskomme yhä pystyvämme rakentamaan turvakodin tytöille, jotka ovat selviytyneet ihmiskaupasta. Autattehan meitä. Jakakaa kirjeitäni toisillekin.
”Parahin Meridel, nautimme kovasti saadessamme lukea joka kuukausi Pieni hiljainen ääni -kirjeitä. Luen kirjeen tavallisesti useaan kertaan käsittääkseni kaiken. Te annatte minulle tuntuman Israelin tapahtumiin ja nykyiseen maailmantilanteiseen. Kiitos. Haluan auttaa turvatalon suhteen.” G.R. Sveitsi
”Nautin aina kirjeistänne. Joka ilta rukoilen perheenne ja palvelutyönne puolesta. Ja pyydän tietysti myös rauhaa Jerusalemille ja niille monille hengellisille järjestöille, jotka palvelevat meidän Jumalaamme.” K.L. Britannia
Päätteeksi totean: me kaikki teimme ja teemme maailmamme sellaiseksi kuin se oli, on ja tulee olemaan.
Der Herbst ist im Anmarsch. Die verzweifelt trockenen, heißen Tage sind vorbei. Die Sonne ist sanfter, die Abende kühler und lockerer, das Laub fällt langsam zur Erde. Flauschige weiße Wolken bringen nicht nur das Versprechen, sondern auch den Duft des kommenden Regens. Inzwischen haben wir den größten Teil des Septembers in Israel mit Feiern verbracht, ungeachtet all der schlechten Nachrichten. Das ist es, was ich an der jüdischen Nation liebe. Es spielt keine Rolle, was der Rest der Welt tut. Wir haben einen Leitfaden, die Bibel, und wenn wir dem folgen, sind wir gesegnet! Ich liebe den Vers Psalm 23: “Du deckst vor mir den Tisch im Angesicht meiner Feinde …”. Und wenn Abba (Papa) einen Tisch für uns deckt, dann ist dies immer wieder ein FEST!
Das Laubhüttenfest in Israel zu feiern ist definitiv eine Erfahrung für eine “Auszeit”. Ich empfehle es jedem sehr, unabhängig von Alter, Rasse oder Religion. Der Allmächtige ruft uns auf, “herauszukommen” und zu spielen. Zuerst muss man sich dafür entscheiden, alle Sorgen dieses Lebens beiseite zu legen. Wir bemühen uns ganz bewusst, unseren Schöpfer des Himmels und der Erde zu würdigen. Derjenige, der die Sehnsüchte eines jeden menschlichen Herzens kennt, ruft uns auf, für eine Weile wegzukommen. Wir verbringen Zeit mit Ihm, der Familie und Freunden. Ich hoffe, Ihr konntet über die Internetverbindungen der Internationalen Christlichen Botschaft daran teilnehmen. Sukkot (Laubhüttenfest) ist eine Zeit, in der wir “Ushpizin”, das heisst besondere Besucher, einladen. “Wenn man isst und trinkt, muss man auch den Fremden, die Waisen, die Witwen und andere unglückliche Bedürftige speisen. Wer aber die Türen seines Hauses verschließt und mit seinen Kindern und seiner Frau isst und trinkt, aber die Armen und die verbitterten Seelen nicht speist – das ist nicht die Freude an einer Mitzwa, sondern die Freude an seinem Bauch.” Mischna Tora, Gesetze der Feste 6:18.
Euer Nachrichtenfilter
Ich muss gestehen, dass die Nachrichten überall so trostlos sind, dass ich einen Sicherheitsabstand einhalte. Das entbindet mich aber nicht von der Verantwortung, unter der Führung des Heiligen Geistes zu beten. Er ist immer «im Bilde», was meine Aufmerksamkeit und Zeit braucht. Wie gestärkt sind wir, denn “…die Waffen unseres Kampfes sind nicht fleischlich, sondern mächtig durch Gott, zur Zerstörung von Festungen.” 2. Korinther 10,4.
Der Geist Gottes vertraut uns, dass wir diese Waffen nicht nur kennen, SONDERN sie auch empfangen und im täglichen Leben einsetzen. Dies sind Kriegswaffen für den geistlichen Bereich. Sie sind göttlich und mächtig, und wenn sie im Gehorsam, im Glauben und in Gottes Zeitplan eingesetzt werden, werden sie die Zerstörung finsterer, dunkler Festungen herbeiführen. Das ist geistliche Kriegsführung, Freunde, nichts für schwache Nerven.
Als ich heute aufwachte, sang ich den Refrain aus diesem alten Kirchenlied: Gott führt seine lieben Kinder weiter. “… manche durch das Wasser, manche durch die Flut, manche durch das Feuer, aber alle durch das Blut … “
Ich denke, wir müssen unsere Herzen öffnen, um auf die anerkannten Propheten zu hören. Ihr könnt die Elijahstreams.com nutzen und die gesalbten Gäste genießen. Ich höre Barry Wunsch aus Red Deer, Alberta, Kanada, und Robin Bullock. Was Barry für Kanada sieht, ist schlichtweg umwerfend … aber ich hatte vor 46 Jahren eine unglaubliche dreitägige Heimsuchung, die mir das Gleiche damals zeigte. Ich schrieb darüber in einem meiner Briefe in diesem Jahr, und insgesamt hat nur ein/e Leser/in geantwortet.
The amazing truth about fellowship with the Still Small Voice, that blessed presence of the Holy Spirit in and through us brings LIFE! We listen to Him BUT He also listens to us. Take courage dear friends. Take courage!
Die erstaunliche Wahrheit über die Gemeinschaft mit der Still Small Voice (stillen kleinen Stimme), diese gesegnete Gegenwart des Heiligen Geistes in und durch uns, bringt uns LEBEN! Wir hören auf ihn, ABER er hört auch auf uns. Habt Mut, liebe Freunde. Habt Mut!
“Ich liebe den HERRN, denn er hat meine Stimme und mein Flehen erhört. Er hat sein Ohr zu mir geneigt, darum will ich ihn anrufen mein Leben lang.” Psalm 116:1,2.
Was machen wir mit der Geschichte von heute?
“Was die Regierung uns vorschreibt über unsere Medizin und unsere Ernährung, wären unsere Körper so in Ordnung, wie unsere Seelen es jetzt sind”.
Thomas Jeffersons Aufzeichnung des Staates Virginia aus dem Jahr 1782.
Für viele von uns ist es eine Zeit der Rückbesinnung auf den Januar 2020, als die Welt von der Corona-Krone-Epidemie heimgesucht wurde. Habe ich mich so sehr verändert … Familie, Freunde, Land? Das ist eine Krone, die ich niemals tragen möchte. Wir machen einfach weiter und verweigern uns den dunklen Gedanken, die um uns herumschwirren. Ja, unser Land hat sich verändert, oder sollte ich sagen, ich bin mir der Kontrolle jetzt bewusster als zuvor. In Israel wird jetzt verlangt, dass alle den ‘Booster’ nehmen, sonst … Wir bleiben im Glauben und in der Hoffnung und haben nie aufgehört zu arbeiten oder Pläne zu machen. Wir haben die ‘Auszeit’ genutzt, um unser Leben auf realistischere Weise in den Griff zu bekommen. Unsere unmittelbare Familie ist dadurch näher zusammengerückt. Ich glaube, wir sind auch bessere Zuhörer und sicherlich bessere Anbeter geworden. Beten ist eine Lebenseinstellung. Die Gemeinschaft mit anderen ist lebenswichtig.
Das Leben ist für viele Menschen in Australien und Kanada trostlos. Viele Freunde und Angehörige stehen vor sehr schwierigen Herausforderungen. Eine Freundin schrieb: “Hallo Meridel, in unserer näheren Umgebung gibt es zwei Ärzte, die vom Arbeitsplatzverlust bedroht sind. Hier können wir nicht ins Fitness, Eissporthalle, die Sportanlagen, Restaurants oder Bars gehen. Wir können nicht in eine andere Provinz reisen. Jedes Gesetz wird ausgehebelt. Werden wir auch unser Recht zu kaufen und zu verkaufen verlieren?”
Das siegreiche Abraham-Abkommen
Sieg ist der Klang, der aus den Arabischen Emirate kommt, weil sie sich entschieden haben, mit Israel zusammenzuarbeiten und Handel, Technologie und unsere vielen Segnungen zu teilen. Vater Abraham hat viele Söhne.
Der Hass feuert die Palästinenser an
Genau zur gleichen Zeit nehmen die Terroranschläge der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde in Israel zu. Wir hören von palästinensischen Müttern, welche bei den Beerdigungen ihrer Kinder echte Freude zeigen. Tote Kinder, die bei Terroranschlägen gegen Israel gestorben sind, werden als glorreiche “Märtyrer” für die Sache dargestellt. Wollen diese Mütter nur den Schein wahren? Die von Itamar Marcus gegründete Palestinian Media Watch hat diese Krankheit seit Beginn der Terrorkampagne der PA – der zweiten Intifada – im Oktober 2000 aufgedeckt. Die Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde fördert dies unter anderem dadurch, dass sie die Aussagen der Eltern immer wieder in den offiziellen Medien der PA verbreitet. Die Mutter eines toten 13-Jährigen nannte ihren Sohn bei dessen Beerdigung einen Märtyrer: “Heute ist der Hochzeitstag meines Sohns Omar. Es gibt keine Tränen und kein Bedauern. Omar verlässt uns, und wir sind alle glücklich, weil er glücklich und ruhig in die Gärten des Vergnügens geht.” (Offizielle PA-TV-Nachrichten, 28. August 2021) Anmerkung: Der Koran lehrt, dass in diesen Gärten 72 dunkeläugige Jungfrauen warten, zusammen mit Tischen voller Essen.
Die Mühlen der Justiz mahlen langsam.
Auch in Israel wird es nie langweilig. Malka Leifer, die ehemalige australische Direktorin einer religiösen jüdischen Schule in Melbourne, Australien, ist endlich vor Gericht gekommen. Es gelang ihr, den Vorwürfen der Pädophilie und des sexuellen Missbrauchs von etwa 70 Mädchen an der Schule, deren Leiterin sie war, zu entgehen. Ihre Auslieferung nach Australien wurde 7 Jahre lang von Yaakov Litzman, einem Mitglied der Likud Partei, behindert. Er wird auch hier in Israel wegen Behinderung von Gerichtsverfahren angeklagt. Jetzt ist sie in Australien und muss sich den abscheulichen Anklagen stellen.
Anti-Israel – der neue Antisemitismus
Die “Weltkonferenz gegen Rassismus, Rassendiskriminierung,
Fremdenfeindlichkeit und damit zusammenhängende Intoleranz”, wurde von den Vereinten Nationen (UNO) gegründet, nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg und dem Holocaust. Ihr Auftrag war die Finanzierung von Forschung über Rassismus, und internationale Veranstaltungen zu arrangieren, welche von der UNESCO organisiert werden, um rassistische Ideologien und Verhaltensweisen zu bekämpfen. Rabbi Jeremy Rosen.
Israel hat seine diplomatischen Erfolge gefeiert, welche den Rückzug von 34 Ländern von einer Veranstaltung der Vereinten Nationen zum 20. Jahrestag der berüchtigten Durban-Konferenz brachte. Die derzeitige “Durban-Konferenz” ist ein Hassfest von solchem Ausmaß, dass man das Gefühl haben könnte, eine Wiederholung der Wannsee-Konferenz zu sehen, auf der Hitler die Endlösung skizzierte.
«Dieser Generator von Antisemitismus, Antijudaismus und Anti-Israel ist eine Schande» Ich habe oft meine Überzeugung zum Ausdruck gebracht, dass wir diese Zeiten in unserer heutigen Welt wieder erleben werden und uns wehren müssen. Vielleicht möchtet Ihr die Originalworte des Rabbiners lesen: http://jeremyrosen.com/2021/09/durban-disgrace-4.html
Ein Überblick über das Buch «Den Makel löschen»
Für alle, die sich nicht trauen, das Thema sexueller Missbrauch im Elternhaus anzusprechen, habe ich einen kurzen Überblick über mein Buch hinzugefügt, welche mir eine liebe Freundin gesandt hat. Ich möchte Euch ermutigen, es zu lesen, wenn Ihr euch um eure Familie, eure Gemeinde, eure Kirche, eure Schule, euer College, euren Arbeitsplatz, euer örtliches Fitnessstudio, eure Bar und eure Bibliothek kümmert. Ich ermutige Euch, einige Bücher von «Den Makel löschen» zu kaufen und sie an strategische Orte hinzulegen. Vielleicht seid Ihr nicht persönlich von diesem Fluch betroffen, aber glaubt mir und den Statistiken, viele Menschen in Eurer Umgebung sind es. Dies ist ein Buch mit einer guten Nachricht, die weitergegeben werden muss.
“Der HERR ist gut zu denen, die auf ihn warten, zu denen, die ihn suchen. Darum sehnt sich der HERR danach, euch gnädig zu sein, und er wartet in der Höhe, um sich eurer zu erbarmen. Denn der HERR ist ein Gott der Gerechtigkeit, wie gesegnet sind alle, die sich nach ihm sehnen.” Jesaja 30,18
Ich freue mich immer von EUCH zu hören! Mit Segenswünschen von unserem Haus zu Eurem. Meridel und Männer
Abschließend ein großes Dankeschön an alle christlichen Freunde, welche sich im Gebet für Israel einsetzen und es unterstützen. George Soros hat Millionen an sein Zielpublikum ausgegeben, nämlich für führende Christen, die Israel lieben. Dies ist ein riesiger ‘Desinformations-Trick’. Als Ergebnis seiner dunklen Kampagne ist die Unterstützung junger Menschen für Israel um fast ein Viertel zurückgegangen. Das ist es, wofür er bezahlt hat: um Israel zu schaden.
Lasst uns beten, dass sein böser Plan nicht aufgeht. Lasst die wahren Christen aufwachen, damit sie die Wahrheit in dieser Angelegenheit erkennen und weiterhin zu uns stehen!
Zum Schluss noch etwas von meiner israelischen Freundin Sheila Raviv: “Hier ist eine wunderschöne internationale Interpretation von “Amen” von der Internationalen Christlichen Botschaft in Jerusalem. An unsere lieben Freunde Jay und Meridel und alle Gründer dieser geliebten Institution, die immer wieder ihre absolute Loyalität zu Israel bewiesen hat, vielen Dank!
Meridel Rawlings knows that adults who were sexually abused as children can be left scarred and crippled. Parts of their lives often remain locked up or frozen. The stress of keeping the abuse a secret can have devastating effects on the physical body and mind. A few of the damaging results can be; panic attacks, self-mutilation, low self-esteem, anxiety, anti-social behaviours, high blood pressure, childlessness, insomnia, and eating disorders, to name a few. pg.375
What is Incest?
Interestingly the Bible is the first document to ever state that cohabitation was to be reserved for the marriage bed. This standard was unheard of in ancient cultures. Boys and girls, and slaves were openly used for sexual gratification. You will find these Biblical laws in the Book of Leviticus chapter 18. The Bible describes ‘incest’ as illicit sexual activity between family members, no matter their ages. In our promiscuous societies today, people laugh at such laws. Incest carries with it a death sentence. An offender is no longer stoned to death, but he or she becomes the ‘walking dead’ unless rescued. Thank God, today INCEST is a criminal offense worldwide!
Some of us understand that INCEST is the epitome of evil. It can be likened to the ancient practice of child sacrifice in the ancient world. The innocent child who is sexually abused dies; because that child no longer exists. Something ‘other’ has replaced the innocence. Today we think nothing of the 120 million aborted babies, worldwide this year alone. See Gen. 19:30-38; 1 Kings 11:7, 33 Our hearts are hardened to the shocking facts of sexual exploitation nation to nation, a multi-billion dollar industry. The majority of us just ignore it.
Allow me to introduce you to Dr. Meridel Rawlings, a professional person, who writes, teaches, and films on the subject of incest and its consequences. She does not leave you hanging, she writes from experience, assuring us, “There is freedom to be found and fought for in my book ‘Stain Remover.’” It is available on Amazon. Here, you come face to face with the awful ongoing reality of this sexual disease in one’s generations. You may be the person in your family who will begin to bring about change and healing in your own. Is that too awful a thought?
Meridel says: “Always, remember it takes time to heal. Healing from the ‘inside out’ is a long and delicate process. Remember, we were deconstructed to be ‘the thing’ another person wanted. We were lied to and groomed. Yet, all that time, a war wages within one’s soul. I knew it was wrong and I hated my abusers and never for a second believed them but I got caught anyway. I also learned to run and hide. Sadly, I learned the art of SILENCE which was killing me. It took me years to come to the realisations that the sexual abuse I first suffered as a baby, and throughout my childhood was not my fault. That must sound ridiculous to you. Slowly, I began to learn the scenarios, the religious and familiar cover-ups, schemes, networks, deviated personalities, all were lies! Understanding dawned upon my troubled mind slowly and surely. This is deep internal work. Who could I go to discuss the things on my mind? I never felt I was crazy. I KNEW I was not! Thank God I was created a very determined person. However, every decision I made was because of this abuse. It marked me. I was stained. My trust factor was broken. I was popular, but no man got to first base with me. I could tolerate friendship but nothing else.’”
“As a 3-year-old child, I immediately told my mother about the abuse. To her credit, she tried without success, to get real help. But the love and teaching from my mother and her family grounded me spiritually in prayer and the Word. Pg. 162 163 From childhood I received love, genuine human kindness, and goodness. They were successful farmers and community orientated; sweet, kind, trustworthy and lots of good fun. Healings came slowly by degrees, but it took years. I gave my life to Jesus as a very young child of four years, and have never experienced any love to equal His before nor since. He is my Messiah, a God of the fatherless. I experienced this blessing and spiritual understanding very early in my life but have never wanted to let go of it.” How blessed is the one whom You choose, and bring near to Your house. Lamentations 3:5
“Formal education opened me to the world at large. Getting out of our home at age 17 was the first release. I felt comfortable in most situations, after where I had lived, life took on new meaning. Being a nurse, working in psychiatry, then studying and writing my Doctoral thesis on ‘Sexual Abuse in the home of a Rabbi, A Pastor and a Muslim’ brought plenty of insight and healing. Shame and fear makes and keeps us, victims, quiet victims. Fear and pride in adulthood can keep us firmly bound to the abuser’s agenda. I had more low self-esteem than pride but it is just the other face of pride. I never felt that I was a beautiful girl, which apparently I was.’” See page 169
Meridel describes the confusion, timidity, and overwhelming unwanted memories and physical symptoms that came from being terrified by the abusers in her religious family. She also suffered tremendously knowing that her siblings were also being preyed upon. pg. 158-159 Physical symptoms including coldness, nervousness, inability to speak up, compliance, sorrow, anxiety, and secret thoughts were constant. Worst of all, never able to share her true thoughts of how she read people became a prison.
She relates; “I could see right through people and developed an incredibly strong gift of discernment from childhood. I was terrified and at the sometime hated the abusers in my family. Grandpa was a beloved pastor if you can believe it even to this day. My Dad was outside of the religious fold. He could not stand the family religion of cat and mouse. And my uncle presented himself as super sophisticated. I detested how he used all people. More difficult to come to grips with was the ‘cover up’ by the paternal side of the family. It was not an approachable subject ever!” pg. 158-159
Rawlings received a very marked deliverance from Pastor E. Badgett, as a 49-year-old while on a speaking engagement in the USA. She said, “This deliverance cut me free from the ‘evil will’ or ‘control’ of my abusive Grandfather, Father and Uncle. Their covenant of evil woven over my life was completely broken at that time. The deep cleansing and powerful deliverance were more painful than childbirth. I experienced physical, emotional, and mental agony and vomited with the pain. This was followed by complete physical exhaustion and I had to rest.”
Quote, “I was desperate for relief from the mental torment and recognise that Pastor Badgett had the authority of God’s Spirit upon her to break the binding terror of incest. From that day forward, I never looked back. Daily I continued to take back my God-given will from each abuser, as weak as I was. And I used the keys of success given by Messiah in Matthew 18:28 Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. In the highest authority in the universe, I decreed and banished each ‘evil will’ out of my life. Daily, I prayed, ‘Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.’”
“Life began to flow back into me. The life that comes from above, not from any man devised therapy or drug. I could now begin to think independently, stand up for myself, and write. I even began to speak out. This process cannot be hurried because of the deep painful memories and emotions that are released while declaring and claiming the victory in this intense spiritual warfare. From that point on I moved into full-time work in this field, and have never look back.” Pg. 160 161
Rawlings said; “One has to want to get free, and pay the price required. What price, you ask? Total self-exposure and honesty is the price, taking full responsibility for your own life and what you have done with it and at the same time trusting the LORD G-d to come to your aid. My healing came by degrees. The torment was gone. It was replaced with quiet confidence and joy that has never left.” pg.165 166
“Daily, when something ‘came up’ I learned to take back that part of my will that had been stolen by my abusers. When shame, grief, or anger surfaced I dealt with the thoughts that fed that emotion immediately. Fear left me, as I demanded time after time that the source of my agonies be loosed from the ‘evil will’ of an abuser. I drove the darkness out of every aspect of my fractured life. This brought healing in surprising ways. Last of all an immense frozen sea of sorrow that had filled my soul began to thaw out from my depths and dry up. Now, slowly the desire to forgive my Dad worked its way into my hardened heart. I wanted to forgive, to reach out. In an encounter, Jesus challenged me to put on my Dad’s big military boots. I refused three times before I became willing. As a child, I had hated the sound of his heavy foot-fall when he marched around the house controlling us all. Now I was to humbly learn what my Dad had undergone to cause him to become so crippled internally. Over, years, I sought my father out. The day finally came when I could gently confront him in private. He was a sick man by then and repentance came as a great relief to us both. It turned everything around. pg. 302, 303. He told me of the sexual abuses he and his siblings endured from their pastor father for years. After that memorable day, my ability to want to trust grew. Consequently, a greater respect and appreciation also grew in all of my relationships with the men in my life.” pg. 170-171
Sexual Abuse is a Criminal Offense!
Pastor E. Badgett taught Meridel the wisdom involved in creating a legal document outlining the abuse perpetrated against her. Meridel followed through and used it with her uncle who remained unapproachable. She made two copies of her ‘written testimony’ which is a legal document and signed and sealed both. They were sent registered mail, one to her uncle, the other to herself, bearing the same date and time of the post office. This legal document detailed the particular persons involved, the encounters, locations, dates, and words spoken along with the places, and dates. pg.286, 292. He never acknowledged receipt of it. But with her husband’s support, she confronted her uncle in his home when he was 85 years old. He refused to acknowledge his guilt and even then turned on her made excuses and then attacked her. That is why you must have a covering, a lawyer, a doctor, a brother, a husband, to stand with you. Never face this kind of enemy alone. Her uncle was not in the same spiritual state as her Dad was. Pg. 315
For 30 years Rawlings created seminars in Europe entitled: The Dynamics of Forgiveness in Relation to Sexual Abuse. Powerful religious leaders wanted her to ‘agree that one must always forgive no matter what the offender does.’ Meridel knew that a victim could offer forgiveness, but in like manner according to the Biblical pattern, so also the abuser must acknowledge his guilt to receive that forgiveness. Forgiveness is a two-way street. So often a sexually abused child wants to forgive. But God laid down principles and the offender, as well as the offended party, must accept that forgiveness, or the transaction remains void. The child of course will find release, but not the perpetrator. Sadly, powerful religious leaders could not agree that abusers should be confronted and brought to account. It was just asking too much, especially in the religious institutions where positions and personages are protected. As is typical, those evangelical religious heads, closed their doors to her. At that time, other leaders in this European city saw her gifting and gave Meridel a platform and office in a Roman Catholic Cathedral. The priest even supplied her with many priests who became her clients. Pg. 287- 289
Meridel teaches and offers the knowledge of the gift of deliverance she received through the expertise of Pastor Badgett. Her teaching and counseling work for healing from child sexual abuse began in Drug Houses in Switzerland. Stain Remover opens with the true story of Lara, severely disabled because of inordinate years of suffering. She came to the first Healing for the Family Seminar and was given back her life. Lara, today a Grandmother, lives in the generosity of loving-kindness; a force for good.
Meridel’s favorite teaching sessions are with children. She explains, “they are so honest and surprisingly delightful!” Her powerpoint ‘Small Talk’ begins by showing little ones how to avoid unwanted touching. Meridel also loves the ‘Questions and Answers’ sessions on this topic. Answering questions is like shooting an arrow directly to the target. It is a great way to meet the participant right where he or she is. There are mountains of misinformation out there. Healing is entirely possible. In every venue, she gave hours of her time to one on one counseling.
We go on to live as the joy of life springs forth.
Drs. Jay and Meridel, with their four sons participating in the media work, have established and registered a non-profit organization, Change Action Nepalin Kathmandu Nepal, and Canada. Nepali adopted daughter Indira Ghale, and her team are the ‘boots on the ground’. Indira is a wise and fearless leader who spends her life rescuing sexually trafficked boys and girls in Nepal. CAN rents a ‘safe house’ and works to protect and keep children in school. One can donate $230 which pays for every aspect of a full year of schooling. Donate at www.changeactionnepal.org. pg. 368 371
Meridel looks forward to returning to Nepal in the near future with one of her sons. They will encourage and strengthen Indira and her team. The prayer is that enough funds will be forthcoming to allow them to purchase land and a house outside of Kathmandu where the CAN family will have a place to live and grow in safely. They need to grow their own food. Perhaps you would like to help? Contact: Email: meridel.rawlings@gmail.com
Compiled by Ruth Olsen, Denver Colorado USA
Meridel Rawlings Ph.D., Stain Remover: Healing the Indelible Stain of Child Sexual Abuse. Amazon. It is well worth your time.
Epätoivoisen kuivat ja kuumat päivät ovat ohi. Syksy tekee tuloaan. Aurinko on lempeämpi, illat viileämpiä ja leppoisampia, lehtiä leijuu pehmeästi alas maahan. Pörröiset, valkoiset pilvet eivät vain lupaile, vaan tuovat tuoksun tulevasta sateesta. Israelissa suurin osa syyskuuta kului juhlaa viettäen – kaikista huonoista uutisista huolimatta. Juuri sitä rakastan tässä juutalaisvaltiossa. Ei väliä, mitä muu maailmaa tekee. Meillä on opaskirja, Raamattu, ja sitä noudattaessamme olemme siunattuja! Pidän kovasti psalmin 23 sanoista: ”Sinä katat minulle pöydän minun vihollisteni nähden.” RK. Ja kun Abba kattaa meille pöydän, käsillä ei ole mitään JUHLAA vähempää!
Lehtimajanjuhlan viettäminen Israelissa on todellakin kokemus ”aikalisän” aikana. Suosittelen sitä kovasti kaikille ikään, rotuun tai uskontoon katsomatta. Kaikkivaltias kutsuu meitä astumaan ulos arjesta ja leikkimään. Ensiksikin, meidän on pantava pois kaikki tämän elämän huolet. Teemme tietoisen, kaikkein suurimman ponnistuksen arvostaa Taivaan ja Maan Luojaa. Hän, joka tuntee jokaisen ihmissydämen kaipaukset, Hän kutsuu meitä astumaan pois arjesta hetkeksi. Vietämme aikaa Hänen kanssaan, perheen ja ystävien kanssa. Toivon, että saatoit liittyä joukkoon Jerusalemin Kansainvälisen Kristillisen Suurlähetystön internetyhteyden välityksellä. Lehtimajanjuhla on aikaa, jolloin kutsumme ushpizineja, erityisvieraita. ”Kun syöt ja juot sinun on ravittava myös muukalaista, orpoa, leskeä ja muita kovaonnisia vaivaisia. Mutta se, ken lukitsee pihansa oven ja syö ja juo yhdessä lastensa ja vaimonsa kanssa, eikä ravitse köyhää ja katkeroitunutta sielua – tällainen ei ole mitzvan [käskyn, ohjeen] iloa, vaan oman vatsan iloa.” Mishna Tora 6:18, juhla- aikoja koskevia lakeja.
Uutisten suodattaminen
Minun on myönnettävä, että uutiset kaikkialla ovat niin synkeitä, että pidän turvaetäisyyttä. Se ei vapauta minua vastuusta rukoilla Pyhän Hengen johdatuksen mukaan. Hän on aina valveilla sen suhteen, mihin huomioni ja aikani on tarpeen kohdistua. Miten varustettuja me olemmekaan: ” sillä meidän sota-aseemme eivät ole lihallisia, vaan ne ovat voimallisia Jumalan avulla kukistamaan linnoituksia.” 2. kirje korinttilaisille 10:4 RK.
Jumalan Henki on antanut tehtäväksemme ei vain tietää ja tuntea nämä hengelliset
sodankäyntiaseet, VAAN vastaanottaa ne ja käyttää niitä jokapäiväisessä elämässämme. Ne ovat hengellisen maailman sodankäyntiaseita. Ne ovat jumalallisen voimakkaita, kun niitä käytetään kuuliaisuudessa, uskossa ja Jumalan aikataulutuksessa. Silloin ne kukistavat maahan pahan voimien linnoituksia. Tämä on hengellistä sodankäyntiä, joka ei sovi arkailijoille.
Heräsin tänään laulaen vanhan hymnin ”God leads His dear children along” kertosäettä: ”Jumala johdattaa rakkaita lapsiaan vaelluksella… muutamia veden halki, toisia tulvan halki, joitakin tulen halki, mutta kaikkia veren kautta…”
Uskon, että meidän on tarpeen avata sydämemme kuuntelemaan luotettavia profeettoja. Heitä löytyy sivuilta Elijahstreams.com. Vierailijoina voideltuja henkilöitä. Kuuntelin Barry Wunschia Red Deerin Albertasta, Kanadasta ja Robin Bullockia. Barryn Kanadaa koskeva näky on kerta kaikkiaan järisyttävä… mutta 46 vuotta sitten sain kolme päivää kestäneen näkyvierailun, joka näytti tuon minulle jo silloin. Kirjoitin siitä yhdessä tämän vuoden kirjeessäni – ja peräti yksi sielu vastasi siihen viestillä.
Yhteys, läheisyys pienen hiljaisen äänen kanssa, siis siunatun Pyhän Hengen läsnäolo meissä ja meidän kauttamme antaa ELÄMÄÄ! Kuuntelemme Häntä, MUTTA Hänkin kuuntelee meitä. Hyvät ystävät, olkaa rohkeita. Olkaa rohkeita!
Minä rakastan Herraa, sillä hän kuulee anomiseni äänen ja on kallistanut korvansa puoleeni. Siksi minä huudan häntä avuksi kaikkina päivinäni [niin kauan kuin elän]. Psalmi 116:1-2 RK
Mitä teemme nykyhistorian suhteen?
”Mikäli hallitus määräisi meille lääkkeemme ja ruokavaliomme, meidän kehomme olisivat sellaisessa kunnossa kuin sielumme nyt ovat.”
Thomas Jeffersonin muistiinmerkintä Virginian osavaltiosta
Monien meistä on aika pohtia ja palata ajatuksissamme tammikuuhun 2020, kun maailma joutui koronaepidemian, kruunun kouriin. Olenko muuttunut paljonkin… entä perhe, ystävät ja maa?
Koronan aiheuttamaa kruunua minä en milloinkaan halua käyttää. Me vain jatkamme ja sinnittelemme; kieltäydymme ympärillämme kieppuvista synkistä ajatuksista. Kyllä vain, maamme on muuttunut, vai pitäisikö sanoa: olen nyt aiempaa tietoisempi harjoitetusta kontrollista. Israelia vaaditaan ottamaan tehosterokote tai… Me pysymme uskossa ja toivossa emmekä ole lopettaneet työntekoa tai suunnitelmien laatimista. Hyödynsimme ”aikalisän” saadaksemme elämämme järjestykseen realistisemmalla tavalla. Se on tuonut meidät perheenä lähemmäksi toisiamme. Uskon, että olemme parempia kuuntelijoita ja varmasti parempia ylistäjiä. Rukoileminen on elämäntapa. Yhteenkuuluvuus toisten kanssa on ensiarvoisen tärkeää.
Elämä on ankeaa monille Australiassa ja Kanadassa. Hyvin rankat haasteet vaikuttavat moniin ystäviin ja rakkaisiin. Eräs ystävä kirjoitti: ”Hei Meridel, piirissämme on kaksi lääkäriä, joita uhkaa työpaikan menetys. Täällä emme voi mennä treenisalille, luistinradoille, stadioneille, ravintoloihin tai baareihin. Emme voi matkustaa toiseen maakuntaan. Jokaikinen laki on joutunut höyryjyrän alle. Menetämmekö myös oikeutemme ostaa ja myydä?”
Voitokas Aabrahamin sopimus
Voittoa on Arabiemiraateista kaikuva ääni, joka koskee heidän valintaansa seistä Israelin rinnalla ja olla osallisia kaupankäynnistä, teknologiasta ja monista meidän siunauksistamme. Isä Aabrahamilla on monia poikia.
Viha on palestiinalaisviranomaisten käyttövoima
Aivan samaan aikaan palestiinalaisten terrorihyökkäykset ovat lisääntymässä Israelissa. Kuulemme palestiinalaisäitien käyttäytyvän aidon iloisesti lastensa hautajaisissa. Lapset kuolivat suorittaessaan terroritekoja Israelia vastaan, ja heidät esitetään kunniakkaina, oman asian puolesta kuolleina marttyyreinä. Pitävätkö nämä äidit yllä ulkokuorta? Itamar Marcusin perustama palestiinalainen Media Watch -toiminta on paljastanut tätä sairasta menettelyä palestiinalaisviranomaisten terrorikampanjan alusta lähtien, siis toisesta intifadasta, vuoden 2000 lokakuusta lähtien. Yksi palestiinalaisviranomaisten tavoista edistää terroria on levittää oman virallisen mediansa lähetyksissä toistuvasti vanhempien kommentteja. Erään 13-vuotiaana kuolleen äiti kutsui poikaansa marttyyriksi tämän hautajaisissa. ”Tänään on [minun poikani] Omarin hääpäivä. Ei ole kyyneleitä eikä surua. Omar lähtee pois, ja me kaikki olemme onnellisia, koska hän pääsee onnellisesti ja rauhallisesti nautintojen puutarhoihin.” (Viralliset palestiinalaisviranomaisten uutiset 28. elokuuta 2021.) Huomaattehan, että Koraani opettaa, että noissa puutarhoissa marttyyria
odottavat 72 tummasilmäistä neitoa sekä juhlapöytien ruoat.
Oikeuden pyörät jauhavat hitaasti
Israelissa ei ole pitkäveteisiä hetkiä. Malka Leifer, entinen Melbournessa Australiassa toimivan
uskonnollisen juutalaiskoulun naisrehtori joutui viimein oikeuteen. Hänen onnistui väistellä syytteitä pedofiliasta ja noin 70 tytön seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä johtamassaan koulussa. Hänen luovutustaan takaisin Australiaan Likud-puolueen jäsen Jakov Litzman onnistui pitkittämään seitsemällä vuodella. Myös Litzman on syytettynä täällä Israelissa oikeusprosessin pitkittämisestä. Leifer on nyt Australiassa ja joutuu vastaamaan kammottaviin syytteisiin. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-23/malka-leifer-committed-to-stand-trial/100486900
Israel-vastaisuus – uusi Israel-vastaisuus
Toisen maailmansodan ja holokaustin jälkeen Yhdistyneet kansakunnat perusti toiminnan World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance eli maailmankonferenssin rasismia, rotuerottelua, ksenofobiaa ja siihen liittyvää suvaitsemattomuutta vastaan. Sillä oli mandaattina rahoittaa rasismitutkimusta ja järjestää kansainvälisiä tapahtumia UNESCO:n välityksellä tarkoituksena taistella rasistisia ideologioita ja käytöstä vastaan. Tämä antisemitismin, juutalais- ja Israel-vastaisuuden generaattori on häpeäpilkku. Israel juhli diplomaattisia saavutuksiaan, joiden avulla 34 maata vetäytyi Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien tapahtumasta, jota vietettiin pahamaineisen Durbanin konferenssin 20-vuotisjuhlan tiimoilta. Nykyinen Durbanin konferenssi on sellaisten mittasuhteiden vihajuhla, että voisi kokea katselevansa uusintaa Wannseen konferenssista, missä Hitler hahmotteli ”lopullisen ratkaisun”.
Olen usein tuonut julki uskovani, että elämme uudelleen noita aikoja nykyisessä maailmassamme. Ja meidän on taisteltava vastaan. Linkin kautta voitte lukea erään rabbin alkuperäiset sanat: http://jeremyrosen.com/2021/09/durban-disgrace-4.html
Vilkaisu kirjaan Stain Remover
Niitä herkkä ja arkoja varten, jotka kohtaavat seksuaalista hyväksikäyttöä kodeissaan, olen lisännyt yhteenvedon kirjastani Stain Remover (Tahranpoistaja). Tuon yhteenvedon lähetti minulle välittävä sielu nimeltä Ruth Olsen. Rohkaisen jatkamaan ja lukemaan kirjan. Jos välität perheestäsi, yhteisöstäsi, seurakunnastasi, koulustasi, oppilaitoksestasi, työpaikastasi, treeniseurastasi, kuppilastasi ja yleisestä kirjastostasi. Kehotan ostamaan muutamia kappaleita kirjaa Stain Remover ja jättämään joihinkin noista paikoista. Et ehkä itse ole joutunut kyseisen kirouksen vaikutuspiiriin, mutta usko minua ja tilastoja, monet ympärilläsi kyllä ovat. Tämä kirja on hyvä uutinen, ja sitä on tarpeen jakaa muillekin.
Siksi Herra odottaa, että voisi olla teille armollinen, ja sen tähden hän nousee armahtaakseen teitä, sillä Herra on oikeuden Jumala. Autuaita ovat kaikki, jotka häntä odottavat! Jesaja 30:18
Kuulen ja luen aina hyvin mielelläni viestejä TEILTÄ! Siunauksia meidän kodistamme teidän koteihinne.
Ja vielä lopuksi viesti israelilaiselta ystävältäni Sheila Ravivilta: ”Tässä kaunis, kansainvälinen versio laulusta ”Amen” Jerusalemin Kansainvälisen Kristillisen Suurlähetystön sivuilta. Kiitos teille rakkaat ystävät Jürgen ja Vesna, Tim ja Martha, Jay ja Meridel sekä kaikki perustajajäsenet, jotka rakastatte järjestöä, joka on osoittanut kerta kerran jälkeen uskollisuutta Israelia kohtaan.”
Osa Ruth Olsenin tiivistelmästä kirjasta Stain Remover
Meridel Rawlings tietää, että lapsina seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön kohteiksi joutuneet voivat pysyä aikuisinakin haavoitettuina ja rampoina. Osa heidän elämästään jää usein lukkiutuneeksi tai jäätyneeksi. Hyväksikäytön salaamisesta aiheutuvalla stressillä voi olla tuhoisia vaikutuksia fyysiseen kehoon ja mieleen. Noita vahingollisista tuloksia voivat olla: paniikkikohtaukset, itsensä vahingoittaminen, heikko itsetunto, pelokkuus, epäsosiaalinen käyttäytyminen, korkea verenpaine, lapsettomuus, unettomuus ja syömisongelmat.
The desperately dry hot days are over. Autumn is on its way. The sun is gentler, the evenings cooler and leaves letting go, slowly waft down to the earth. Fleecy white clouds bring not only the promise but the scent of coming rain. Meanwhile, most of September in Israel was spent celebrating, regardless of all the bad news. That is what I love about the Jewish nation. It doesn’t matter what the rest of the world does. We have a guidebook, the Bible, and when we follow it, we are blessed! I love that Psalm 23 says: “You set a table before me in the presence of my enemies …”. And when Abba sets a table for us it is nothing short of a FEAST!
Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles in Israel is definitely an experience in ‘time out’. I highly recommend it for everyone regardless of age, race or religion. The Almighty calls us to ‘come away’ and play. First, one has to choose to lay aside all the cares of this life. We consciously make a supreme effort to appreciate our Maker of heaven and earth. The One who knows the longings of every human heart calls us to come away for a while. We spend time with Him, the family, and friends. I hope you could join in through the International Christian Embassy’s internet connections. Succot is a time when we invite “Ushpizin” special visitors. “When one eats and drinks, one must also feed the stranger, the orphan, the widow, and other unfortunate paupers. But one who locks the doors of his courtyard, and eats and drinks with his children and wife but does not feed the poor and the embittered soul—this is not the joy of a mitzvah, but the joy of his belly.” Mishneh Torah, Laws of the Festivals 6:18
Your News Filter
I must confess, the news everywhere is so grim that I keep a safe distance. That does not absolve me of the responsibility of prayer as led by the Holy Spirit. He is always ‘up on’ what needs my attention and time. How fortified we are because “…the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.” 2 Corinthians 10:4
We are trusted by God’s Spirit to not only know about BUT receive and use these weapons in everyday life. These are weapons of war in the Spirit realm. They are divinely powerful and when used in obedience, faith, and God’s timing will bring down the destruction of sinister dark fortresses. This is spiritual warfare friends, not for the faint in heart.
I woke up today singing a chorus from that old hymn: God leads His dear children along. “… some through the water, some through the flood, some through the fire but all through the blood… “
I think we need to open our hearts to listen to accredited prophets. You can avail yourself of Elijahstreams.com and enjoy the anointed guests. I listen to Barry Wunsch of Red Deer Alberta Canada and Robin Bullock. What Barry sees for Canada is nothing short of mind-blowing… but I had an unbelievable 3-day visitation 46 years ago that showed it to me then. I wrote about it in one of my letters this year and a grand total of one soul responded.
The amazing truth about fellowship with the Still Small Voice, that blessed presence of the Holy Spirit in and through us brings LIFE! We listen to Him BUT He also listens to us. Take courage dear friends. Take courage!
“I love the LORD because He hears my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I shall call upon Him as long as I live.” Psalm 116:1,2.
What are we doing with today’s History?
“Was the government to prescribe
to us our medicine and diet,
our bodies would be in such
keeping as our souls are now,”
Thomas Jefferson’s 1782 note of the State of Virginia.
For many of us, it is a time of reflection back to January 2020 when the world came under the throes of the Corona-19 “crown” epidemic. Have I changed all that much … family, friends, country? This is one crown I never want to wear. We just keep on keeping on; refusing the dark thoughts that swirl around us. Yes, our country has changed, or should I say, I am more aware of the control now than I was before. Israel is now demanding that we all take the ‘booster’ or else … We stay in faith and hope and have never stopped working or making plans. We used the ‘time out’ to come to grips with our lives in more realistic ways. It has drawn our immediate family closer. We are better listeners too I think, and certainly better worshippers. Prayer is a way of life. Fellowship with each other is vital.
Life is bleak for many in Australia and Canada. Very tough challenges affect many friends and loved ones. One friend wrote: “Hi Meridel, there are two doctors in our circle, threatened with job loss. Here we can’t go into gyms, rinks, the stadium, restaurants or bars. We can’t travel to any other province. Every law is being steamrolled. Will we also lose our right to buy and sell?”
The Victorious Abraham Accords
Victory is the sound coming out of the Arab Emirates over their choices to stand with Israel and share commerce, technology, and many other blessings. “Father Abraham has many sons”.
Hatred fuels the P.A.
At exactly the same time terror attacks from the P.A. are on the rise in Israel. We listen to Palestinian mothers acting genuinely joyous at the funerals of their children. Dead children who died committing acts of terror against Israel are presented as glorious “Martyrs” for the cause. Are these mothers just keeping up appearances? Palestinian Media Watch founded by Itamar Marcus has been exposing this sickness since the beginning of the PA terror campaign – the second Intifada – in October 2000. One of the ways the PA promotes this is by broadcasting the parents’ statements repeatedly in official PA media. The Mother of a dead 13-year-old called her son a martyr at his funeral: “Today is [my son] Omar’s wedding day. There are no tears and no sorrow. Omar is leaving, and we are all happy because he is happily and calmly going to the Gardens of Pleasure.” [Official PA TV News, Aug. 28, 2021] Note: The Koran teaches that those gardens have 72 dark-eyed maidens waiting along with banqueting tables of food.
The wheels of justice grind slowly.
Never a dull moment in Israel either. Malka Leifer, the former Australian Headmistress of a religious Jewish school in Melbourne Australia has finally come to justice. She managed to avoid the allegations of pedophilia and sexual abuse of some 70 girls in the school where she was headmistress. Her extradition back to Australia was hampered for 7 years by Yaakov Litzman a member of Likud. He is also being charged here in Israel with hampering Court proceedings. She is now in Australia and facing heinous charges.
Anti-Israel – the new Anti-Semitism
The “World Conference against Racism Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance”, was founded by the United Nations, after the Second World War and the Holocaust. Its mandate was to fund research on racism and to arrange international events organized through UNESCO to combat racist ideologies and behaviours.
Rabbi Jeremy Rosen
Israel celebrated its diplomatic achievements that brought about the withdrawal of 34 countries from a United Nations event marking the 20th anniversary of the infamous Durban Conference. The current “Durban Conference” is a hatefest of such proportions one could feel that one is watching the replay of the Wannsee Conference where Hitler outlined the Final Solution.
“This generator of anti-Semitism, anti-Judaism and anti-Israel is a disgrace. I have often expressed my belief that we are reliving those times in our world today and have to fight back. You may choose to read the Rabbi’s original words.” http://jeremyrosen.com/2021/09/durban-disgrace-4.html
An Overview on Stain Remover
This is for the faint of heart, when approaching the subject of sexual abuse in the home, I have added a short overview of my book sent to me by a caring soul Ruth Olsen. I encourage you to go ahead and read it. If you care for your family, community, church, school, college, workplace, local gym, bar, and library – your community library. I encourage you to purchase copies of Stain Remover and strategically place a copy in one or more of these places. You may not have personally been affected by this curse, but trust me and the statistics show that many living right around you have. This is a book of good news and needs to be shared.
“The LORD is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him. Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice, how blessed are all those who long for Him.” Isaiah 30:18
In closing, a great thank you to all of the Christian Friends who stand up for and pray and support Israel. George Soros has spent millions of his own fortune over the last several years. His target audience is Christians who love Israel. It is a huge ‘disinformation ploy’. The support of young people for Israel has fallen by almost a quarter. That is his payback. Let us pray that his evil scheme comes to naught. Let the true Christians wake up and discern the truth in this matter.
Finally, from my Israeli friend Sheila Raviv: “Here is a beautiful international rendition of “Amen” from the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem. To our dear friends Jay and Meridel and all the founders of that loved institution that has proven time and again, their total loyalty to Israel, thank you!
Myös Jay toivottaa yhdessä minun kanssani teille kaikille hyvin erityistä, onnellista ja suloista uutta vuotta.
”Ja he vaeltavat Herran jäljessä. Hän ärjyy kuin leijona — niin, hän ärjyy, ja vavisten tulevat lapset mereltä päin.” [Englanninkielinen käännös ilmaisee hieman toisin:.. tulevat lapset lännestä.] Hoosea 11:10 Raamattu 1933/1938
Haluan aloittaa kirjeeni ihmeellisillä uutisilla juutalaisten paluusta Israeliin eri kansakunnista. Heitä palaa sieltä enemmän kuin milloinkaan aiemmin. Vilkaiskaapa näitä tilastoja, jotka tulivat aivan hiljattain Howard Flowerilta, joka johtaa Jerusalemin kansainvälisen kristillisen suurlähetystön alija-työtä. Yksi sen tärkeimmistä ponnistelun kohteista on aina ollut avustaa Israelia tuomaan omat juutalaiset poikansa ja tyttärensä kotiin. Katsokaa juutalaisten palaajien määrien enentymistä kaikkialta maailmasta. Kaikki lukumäärät ovat lisääntyneet! Venezuelasta 50 % enemmän, Argentiinasta 70 % enemmän, USA:sta 88 % enemmän, Ranskasta 137 % enemmän ja Britanniasta 64 % enemmän.
Itse uskon tämän olevan suurin profeetallinen merkki nykymaailmalle. Jeesus sanoi: ”Suuren torven [shofarin] soidessa hän lähettää enkelinsä neljälle ilmansuunnalle kokoamaan kaikkialta, maan kaikista ääristä ne, jotka hän on valinnut.” [Englanninkielinen käännös ilmaisee hieman toisin: kokoamaan kaikkialta…hänen valitun kansansa.] Matteus 24:31
Isä Jumala on uskollinen kirjoitetulle sanalleen – Raamatulle. Tämä kutsu on hyvin rakas meidän sydämillemme. Jay ja minä nuorten poikiemme kanssa olimme pioneereja (ihmisten) kalastajia 1970-luvulla. Vierailimme silloin juutalaisten luona jokaisessa maanosassa ja kannustimme heitä palaamaan kotiin. Myöhemmin autoimme juutalaisyhteisöjä ja kristittyjä järjestöjä tuomaan juutalaisia kotiin Jayn tekemien historiallisten filmien Apples of Gold (Kultaomenoita) ja Gates of Brass (Vaskiportit) välityksellä. Ensimmäinen kirjani Fishers and Hunters (Kalastajia ja metsästäjiä) kertoo jonkin verran noista vaiheista.
Mitä Rosh Hashana 5782 merkitsee profeetallisesti?
Tästä vuodesta tulee jakso, jolloin härän voima tai väkevyys annetaan niille, jotka kantavat HÄNEN läsnäolonsa kunniaa ja kirkkautta [gloriaa], siis Jumalan palvelijoille. Jumalan Henki asuu ja oleskelee meissä ja meidän kauttamme uudessa voimassa ja ilossa Hänen kunniakseen. Lukekaa IV Mooseksen kirjan luvun jakeet 7:1-5.
Sisäänpäin, omaan sisimpään katsomisen ja katumuksen päivät huipentuvat Jom Kippuriin eli suureen sovituspäivään. Kiitän päivittäin siitä, ettei minun täydy todistaa viattoman eläimen teurastamista omien syntieni sovittamiseksi. Pidän muinaista temppeliä teurastuspaikkana, josta virtasi loppumattomia verivirtoja alas Kidronin laaksoon. Daavid laati täydellistä ylistystä ja palvontaa ilmestysmajassa ennen Salomonin temppeliä.
”Mutta juhlan viimeisenä, suurena päivänä Jeesus seisoi ja huusi ja sanoi: “Jos joku janoaa, niin tulkoon minun tyköni ja juokoon. Joka uskoo minuun, hänen sisimmästään on, niinkuin Raamattu [Kirjoitukset ovat sanoneet] sanoo, juokseva elävän veden virrat.” Johannes 7:37-38
Suosikki juhlien joukossa on ilontäyteisen lehtimajanjuhlan eli sukkotin aika. Meillä on tapana pystyttää hatara rakennelma puutarhaan, kuin leikkimökki, jossa on kangasseinät ja katto puunoksista. Näemme iltaisin tähtien tuikkivan katon läpi, ja lämpiminä iltoina nukummekin siellä. Se on näytä ja kerro -muistutus siitä, KUKA itse asiassa pitää kaiken yllä ja KUKA odottaa kutsua sisälle hauraaseen elämäämme oleskellakseen meistä jokaisen kanssa. Tekee nöyräksi ottaa aikaa pohdiskelulle, miten heikkoja olemme ilman sitä ”juttua”. Eläminen tukahtuu.
Perheet ja ystävät kokoontuvat aina yhteen viettämään tätä juhlaa satokauden aikana. Granaattiomenat ovat kypsiä ja täynnä rubiininpunaisia siemeniä, jotka edustavat Jumalan Sanaa. Jos niitä jättää puuhun, kuori repeää ja sinkoilee siemeniä maahan ympäriinsä. Heprean sana oohfarratzata merkitsee esiinpuhkeamista; se on siis esimerkki siitä, mitä Sanan tulisi olla meidän elämässämme.
Afganistanin pakolaiset
Viisikymmentä vuotta sitten Jay ja minä sekä 2,5-vuotias poikamme David lensimme Manilasta Hong Kongiin. Seuraavana päivänä syntyi toinen poikamme James Christian. Hänen kolmantena elinpäivänään lensimme Rangooniin, Myanmariin, Burmaan vaiheessa, jolloin siellä kärsittiin sotilasvallankaappauksesta. Chrisin viidentenä elinpäivänä lensimme Kalkuttaan, mistä jatkoimme junalla kolmannessa luokassa New Delhiin. Matkustimme maata pitkin linja-autossa Pakistaniin, Afganistaniin ja Iraniin, aina Turkkiin asti. Istanbulista lähdimme Orient Express -junalla läpi Balkanin ja Itävallan Luxemburgiin asti. Se oli todella ainutlaatuinen kaukomatka, josta voitte lukea Jayn kirjoittamasta julkaisua odottavasta kirjasta nimeltä Miracles Among the Nations (Ihmeitä kansakuntien keskuudessa). Tuolloin, siis keväällä 1971, Neuvostoliitto piti komentoa Kabulissa. Muistan, miten he murskasivat puskutraktoreilla amerikkalaisten protestanttikirkon Kabulissa. Tuolloin Yhdysvallat kai tuki Al-Quaidaa? Historia on kummallisempaa kuin fiktio; ja surullista kyllä, se toistaa itseään. Muutamat tämänhetkisistä talebanjohtajista palvelivat tuolloin Kabulissa. Nykyisen talebanjohtajan entinen presidentti Barack Obama vapautti Kuuban Guantamon vankilasta vankienvaihtosopimuksen puitteissa!!
Kelataanpa eteenpäin 50 hyvin surullista ja tuhoisaa vuotta, niin päädytään siihen, mitä vihollisen aliarvioiminen maksaa. Amerikan pisin, 20 vuotta jatkunut sota on synnyttänyt autioitumista, tuhoa ja vaaraa kuoleman vaaniessa Afganistanissa nykyään. Kiina, Venäjä, Pakistan ja Kanada ovat maita, joilla on yhä suurlähetystönsä Kabulissa toisten siellä nykyisin olevien 14 suurlähetystön joukossa. Televisiossa näytetään kauheita videopätkiä siitä, miten amerikkalaiset ja heidän afganistanilaiset tukijansa ovat hirviömäisten talebanien armoilla. Missä on Amerikan tunto syyllisyydestä? Kylmäävän pahaenteistä. Moinen ei lupaa hyvää kenellekään. Mihin mahtuu Jerusalem yhdessä Kabulin radikaalien talebanien kanssa?
Israelin tulevaisuus?
Radikaali islam valuu yli Temppelivuoren ja kaikkialle Jerusalemissa. Muutamia päiviä sitten EMRI-televisio raportoi näin: ”Palestiinalainen islamoppinut sheikki Issam Amira kehotti talebaneja julistamaan kalifaatin sekä valloittamaan ja vapauttamaan Jerusalemin.”
Toipuuko Israel Netanjahun aikaisista harhautuksen vuosista? Esimerkkeinä niistä: Kiina ottaa haltuunsa Haifan ja Askelonin satamat lokakuun 1. päivästä lähtien seuraaviksi 25 PITKÄKSI VUODEKSI. Naapurustossamme huipputarkat kamerat jäljittävät liikkeemme 24 / 7 käyttäen kasvojentunnistusteknologiaa. Rajoillamme ei ole liikennettä sisään tai ulos. Rukoilkaa Israelin puolesta. Se, mitä näette ei ole mitä oikeasti saatte, valitettavasti.
Profeettojen tulisi vuodattaa kyyneleitä
Meillä on tarpeen olla erottelukykyä ymmärtääksemme ajat, joissa elämme. Ja ymmärtääksemme ketä ja mitä kuunnella. HERRA antoi tämän sanan Jaylle vuonna 1976, ja se on toteutunut monen monta kertaa elämissämme. ”Kun toiset nauravat, te kyynelehditte, ja kun te kyynelehditte, toiset nauravat.” Nähdä Jumalan Hengen silmin ja toimia kuuliaisesti on taitoa vaativaa.
”Kulkekaa minun jalanjäljissäni!”
Vaikuttaa siltä, että vaellamme aina epätahdissa maailman suhteen, mutta pyrimme pysyttelemään läheisessä kosketuksessa päämajan – taivaan! – kanssa. Nämä ovat kyllä ihmetyksen päiviä. On suuren katumuksen ja hengellisen sodankäynnin aika. Pyhän Hengen ajoituksen oppiminen on elintärkeää. Elokuun puolivälissä olin täysin murtunut tietyn päiväjakson ajan. Minun oli vietettävä aikaa yksityisessä anomisessa ja esirukouksessa. Tuntui kuin sydämeni oli murtunut. Luonnollisessa elämässä ei ollut mitään syytä, mutta kannoin taakkaa monen päivän ajan, kunnes se haihtui pois. Vasta nyt ymmärrän. Taivas etsiimaanpäältä niitä, jotka ovat halukkaita seisomaan muurinaukossa tuhoisina aikoina. Nämä ovat päiviä, jolloin ihmistä pidetään vaakakupissa ja hänet havaitaan puutteelliseksi, vajavaiseksi. Kovin monet maailmanjohtajat ovat kuin tyhjiä kuoria. Miten rajua ja järkyttävää ensiksikin heidän maittensa kansalaisille ja toisillekin, koska globaali ote kaikista väestöistä tiukkenee.
”Minun kansani joutuu häviöön, sillä se on taitoa vailla. Koska sinä olet hyljännyt taidon, hylkään minä sinut,” Hoosea 4:6 [Englanninkielinen käännös ilmaisee hieman toisin: Minun kansani tuhoutuu tiedonpuutteen vuoksi: koska olet(te) hylännyt / hylänneet tiedon, minäkin hylkään sinut / teidät.]
Rukoukseni juutalaisten ja kristittyjen puolesta, siis kansojen keskellä olevan liiton kansan puolesta on, että he toimisivat vaikuttavasti ja tilanteita muuttavasti. Ensiksikin meidän on kaivattava ja haluttava Jumalan läsnäoloa ja meidän on oltava halukkaita noudattamaan Hänen periaatteitaan ja totuuttaan.
Nouse, ole kirkas, sillä sinun valkeutesi tulee, Jesaja 60:1[sinun valkeutesi on tullut]. Tämä on rukoukseni vuonna 5782.
Korona ei ole hävinnyt… rokotus tai ei; virus jatkaa kasvuaan. Miten täydellinen biologinen ase se onkaan jokaisen elämän katkaisemiseksi. Mikä täydellinen kaava jakaakaan ne, jotka ottavat rokotteen niistä, jotka valitsevat olla sitä ottamatta. Mikä täydellinen järjestelmä saavuttaa kohtuuton kontrolli ja rahavaroja. Kukaan meistä ei halua myöntää, että meille on valehdeltu, jopa että meitä on puijattu, jos niin halutaan ilmaista! Pfizer on todennut avoimesti, että Israel on heidän laboratorionsa koronan suhteen. Mitä he tekevät saamallaan tiedolla? Tämä ei ole onnellinen tarina, ei rokotetuille eikä rokottamattomille. Nykyään on rokottamattomille mahdotonta lähteä Israelista tai päästä maahan.
”Israelin koronaan kuolleiden uhrien määrä oli 500 viime elokuussa.” raportoi maan terveysministeriö.
Israel on ryhtynyt erittäin ankariin toimenpiteisiin kurittaakseen rokottamattomia eristämällä heidät yhteiskunnasta. Rokottamattomilta on kiellettyä uiminen julkisissa uima-altaissa tai ajo-opetuksen ottaminen. Eräs ystävä rukoili: ”Mitä Sinä teet puolestani Jeesus?” Tämä nainen oli rohkea ja meni paikalliseen terveyspäivystykseen pyytämään verikoetta. (Hän on eläkkeelle jäänyt sairaanhoitaja.)
Muutamia tunteja myöhemmin päivystyksen hoitaja soitti ja kysyi, milloin kävijä oli sairastanut koronan. ”Olin hyvin sairas joulukuussa 2019.” ”No, sinulla on ollut korona ja olet kehittänyt vasta- aineita. Pidämme huolta siitä, että saat vihreän koronapassin.” Hänellä on siis nyt lupa liikkua vapaasti yhteisössään lähes kahden vuoden jälkeen.
Työpaikat Israelissa
Opettajat, lääkärit, sairaanhoitajat ja lähihoitajat pääsevät työpaikoilleen JOS heillä on esittää asiakirjatodiste siitä, että heidät on rokotettu koronaa vastaan tai että he ovat toipuneet viruksesta tai että heiltä saadaan negatiivinen virustesti viimeksi kuluneiden 72 tunnin ajalta.
Viranomaiset ovat myös paljastaneet, että lokakuun 1. päivästä lähtien vihreän koronapassin järjestelmä, jolla rokotetut ja viruksesta toipuneet pääsevät useimpiin julkisiin paikkoihin, on voimassa seuraavat kuusi kuukautta toisen tai kolmannen rokotusannoksen jälkeen. Mitäpä sitten?
Australiasta tullut tuore viesti
”Olen yksi niistä monista ammattitaitoisista sairaanhoitajista, joita yritetään painostaa ottamaan rokote. En ole siihen valmis, enkä lainkaan halua sitä. Menetän työni syyskuun 30. päivän jälkeen. Rukoilkaa puolestani.” K.E.
Koronaan on kuollut 4,5 miljoonaa ihmistä koko maailmassa. Päätän näihin sanoihin:
”Olkaa raittiit, valvokaa. Teidän vastustajanne, perkele, käy ympäri niinkuin kiljuva jalopeura, etsien, kenen hän saisi niellä.” 1. Pietarin kirje 5:8
”… sillä meidän sota-aseemme eivät ole lihalliset, vaan ne ovat voimalliset Jumalan edessä hajottamaan maahan linnoituksia.” 2. kirje korinttilaisille 10: 4-5
Kallisarvoiset ystävät, rukoillaan:
”Tapahtukoon sinun tahtosi myös maan päällä niin kuin taivaassa.”
Meridel Rawlings
Meridel Rawlings Ph.D. Box84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 Israel
Jay joins me in wishing all of you a very special, happy and sweet New Year.
“They will follow the Lord; he will roar like a lion. When he roars, his children will come trembling from the west.“ Hosea 11:10
I want to begin with this amazing news of Jews returning to Israel from the nations as never before. Look at these statistics, just in from Howard Flower who heads up ‘Aliyah” for the International Christian Embassy – Jerusalem. One of their main thrusts has always been to help Israel bring her sons and daughters home. Just look at the increases of returning Jews from across the world. All are up! Venezuela: 50%, Argentina: 70%, USA: 88%, France: 137%, Britain: 64%
I personally believe this to be the greatest prophetic sign to the world today. Jesus said: “The great trumpet [Shofar] will sound, and he will send out his angels to the four corners of the earth, and they will gather his chosen people from one end of the world to the other.” Matt. 24:31
Father God is faithful to his written Word – The Bible. This call is very dear to our hearts. Jay and I with our young sons were pioneer fishers, in the 1970’s when we visited and encouraged Jews on every continent to return home. Latterly, we helped the Jewish and Christian Communities bring Jews home via Jay’s historic films, Apples of Gold and Gates of Brass. Fishers and Hunters my first book tells a little of the story.
What does Rosh Hashana 5782 mean prophetically?
It is to be a year when the strength or power of an ox will be given to God’s servants to carry the glory of HIS Presence. God’s Spirit will tabernacle in and through us in new strength and joy for His glory. See Numbers 7:1-5
The days of introspection and repentance culminate on Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement. I give thanks everyday that I don’t have to witness the slaughter of an innocent animal to atone for my sin. I see the ancient temple as a slaughter house with endless rivers of blood flowing down the Kidron valley. David perfected praise and worship in the tabernacle, before Solomon’s Temple. “On the last day, that great day of the feast Jesus stood and cried out, “If anyone thirsts let him come to me and drink. He that believes in Me as the scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” John 7:37
Our most favorite celebration is the joyous Feast of Tabernacles or Succot. Our custom has been to build a flimsy structure in the garden, like a play house with cloth sides and tree branches for a roof. We see the stars peeking through at night and we even sleep there on warm evenings. It is a ‘show and tell’ reminding us WHO is actually in charge of everything and WHO waits to be invited into our fragile lives to “tabernacle” with each of us. It is humbling to take time to ponder just how weak we all are without the “stuff” that chokes so many of our lives. Family and friends always join in celebration at this harvest season.The pomegranates are ripe and filled with ruby red seeds that represent the Word of God. If left on the tree, its skin will burst spewing seeds into the surrounding ground. “Oohfarratzata” in Hebrew means ‘breaking forth’, an example of what the Word should be in our own lives.
Afghanistan Refugees
Fifty years ago, Jay and I, and son David 2.5, flew from Manila into Hong Kong. The following day our second son, James Christian was born. On his 3rd day we flew into Rangoon, Myanmar, Burma at the time, which was in the throes of a military coup. On Chris’ 5th day we flew on into Calcutta where we caught a 3rd class train to New Delhi. We travelled overland by bus into Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran on to Turkey. From Istanbul we caught the Orient Express train up through the Balkans and Austria to Luxembourg. It truly was the journey of a life time and you will be able to read about it is Jay’s upcoming book “Miracles Among the Nations”. At that time, spring 1971, the USSR was running the show in Kabul. I remember, they bulldozed down the American Protestant Church in Kabul. The US was backing Al Qaida back then? History is stranger than fiction and sadly keeps repeating itself. Some Taliban leaders today served in Kabul at that time. The current leader of the Taliban was releasedfrom Cuba’s Guantanamo Bay prison by former President Barack Obama in a prisoner swap deal!!
Fast forward fifty very sad and destructive years and we have arrived at the cost of underestimating one’s enemy. America’s longest 20 year war bred desertion, destruction, danger as death stalks Afghanistan today. China, Russia, Pakistan and Canada are among the 14 remaining Embassies in Kabul today. The horrific T.V. clips show Americans and their Afghan sponsors at the mercy of the monstrous Taliban today. Where is America’s culpability? It is chillingly sinister. It does not bode well for anyone. Where does Jerusalem fit with the radical Taliban in Kabul?
Israel’s Future?
Radical Islam is salivating over the Temple Mount and all of Jerusalem.
Just days ago, “Palestinian Islamic scholar Sheikh Issam Amira called upon the Taliban to declare a Caliphate and conquer and liberate Jerusalem”. EMRI TV
Will Israel recover from the Netanyahu years of deception? Example: China takes over our Haifa and Ashkelon ports as of Oct 1st for the next 25 LONG years. In our neighborhoods, high definition cameras trace our movements 27/7 using face-recognition technology. There is no inward or outward movement on our borders. Pray for Israel. What you see is not what you get, unfortunately.
The Prophets should be weeping.
We need ‘discernment’ to know the times in which we live and who and what to listen to. The LORD gave this word to Jay in 1976 and it has come to pass many many times in our lives. “When others are laughing, you will be weeping, and when you are weeping, others will be laughing.” To see with the eyes of the Spirit of God and act in obedience is an art.
“Walk in My footsteps!”
We always seem out of step with the world but strive to stay in close touch with headquarters – Heaven! These are the “Days of AWE” all right. It’s a time for great repentance and spiritual warfare. Learning the timing of the Holy Spirit is vital. In mid-August I was completely broken for a period of days. I had to spend time in private supplicating and interceding. I felt like my heart was breaking. There was no reason in the natural, but I carried the burden for days until it lifted. Only, now I understand. Heaven searches the earth for those who will stand in the gap in devastating times. These are days when man is held in the balance and found wanting. So many world leaders are like empty shells. How drastic and tragic for their citizens first and others because of the tightening global grip on all populations.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you .” Hosea 4:6
My prayer is for Jews and Christians, the people of the Covenant among the nations to make the difference. First, we must desire God’s Presence, and willingly partaker of His principles and truth.
“Arise shine, for your Light has come…” my prayer this 5782.
COVID never left … vaccine or no; it continues to grow. What a perfect bio-weapon to disrupt every life. What a perfect scheme to divide those that take the ‘jab’ from those who choose not to. What a perfect system to conquer inordinate control and finances. What none of us want to acknowledge is that we have been lied to, even duped if you will! Pfizer have stated openly that Israel is their ‘laboratory’ for COVID. What are they doing with the information they receive? This is not a happy story, for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated alike. Today it is impossible to leave Israel and no entry is permitted for the unvaccinated.
“Israel’s COVID death toll was 500 this August. Health Ministry
Israel has taken draconian measures to discipline the unvaccinated, isolating them from society. For example, the unvaccinated are forbidden to swim in public pools, or take driving lessons. A friend prayed: “What are You going to do for me Jesus?” She felt encouraged to go to the local Emergency and ask for a blood test. (She is a retired nurse.) A few hours later the nurse called and demanded. “When did you have COVID?”
“I was very ill in December of 2019.”
“Well, you have had COVID, and have developed antigens. We will see that you get the Green Passport.”
So now she is being permitted to move in society after almost two years.
The Workplace in Israel:
Teachers, doctors, nurses and caregivers, will only be granted entry to their workplaces IF– they have documentation showing they are vaccinated against COVID-19 or have recovered from the virus or test
negative for the virus within the past 72 hrs.
Officials also revealed that, starting October 1, the “Green Passport” system which allows entry to most public places to the vaccinated or recovered, will only apply for six months following either the second or third dose. Then what?
This just in from Australia:
“I am a career nurse just one of many others who are being bullied into taking the vaccination. I am not ready for it, nor do I want it at all. I will lose my job after the 30th September. Pray for me.” K.E.
W.H.O. –4.5 million have died of COVID worldwide.
In closing, “ Be sober and self-controlled. Be watchful. Be on the alert because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goes about seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8
“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:4,5.
My dear friends: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Meridel Rawlings
Meridel Rawlings Ph.D., Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 Israel.
Näinä päivinä valtaisat metsäpalot Kanadassa, Kaliforniassa, Turkissa, Australiassa, Marokossa, Kreikassa ja Siperiassakin ovat usein uutisissa, kun yhä kuumemmat ja kuivemmat olosuhteet muuttavat elävät puut sytykkeiksi. Israelissa Jerusalemista länteen sijaitseva kukkula-alue syttyi liekkeihin kolmen tahallaan sytytetyn maastopalohyökkäyksen vuoksi elokuun puolivälissä. Israelin suurimpiin lukeutuva maastopalo pyyhkäisi alueen kymmenen kylän läpi. Ne oli evakuoitava. Yli 2 500 hehtaaria metsää haihtui savuna ilmaan noilta kukkuloilta. Ihmiset menettivät kotejaan ja yksi harppuja valmistanut työpaja tuhoutui. Arviolta 10 000 munivaa kanaa kuoli osuuskuntakanalan sytyttyä tuleen. Tarvittiin lähes 1 500 palomiestä Israelista, Kreikasta, Italiasta ja Ranskasta työskentelemään hellittämättä 52 tunnin ajan, ennen kuin he lopulta onnistuivat sammuttamaan eri tulipesäkkeet. Hadassa-sairaala Ein Keremissä oli vaarassa.
Tuolla alueella kasvaa pinjoja, eukalyptuspuita, tammia, pistaasipuita, johanneksenleipäpuita ja muutakin kasvillisuutta. Tuhat vuotta sitten rakennetuille viljelyterasseille on istutettu kasvamaan myös viiniköynnöksiä sekä oliivi- ja viikunapuita. Linnut ja kauriiden kaltaiset suuret villieläimet pakenivat palavalta elinalueiltaan ympäröiviin metsiin. Pienemmät eläimet menehtyivät.
Mark Hobsonin vuonna 1989 ottama valokuva maalauksesta Palopakolaisia.
Annathan tämän maalauksen puhutella. Minua sen tutkistelu liikuttaa joka kerta. Kohtasin metsäpalon ensi kertaa Disneyn filmissä Bambi. Ajattelen, että meille kaikille on luontaista tuntea vahvaa empatiaa kärsiviä, avuttomia eläimiä kohtaan, jotka tuhoutuvat ihmisen laiminlyöntien johdosta. Se ja metsien tuhoutuminen aiheuttavat minulle syvän menetyksen tunteen. Näen kauneutta ja toivoa siinä, että ajan myötä metsät kasvavat uudelleen, ja luonnolliset lajit palaavat.
Mutta tällä hetkellä näkymä on tuskallinen. Ilmassa leijuu savua, joka odottaa talvisateiden tulevan pesemään sen pois. Israelin ensimmäinen metsänhoitajana toiminut nainen, Nurit Hibsher sanoi: “Jopa metsänpohjan peittävä tuhka voi olla hyödyllinen mineralisaation ja uudiskasvun prosessien kannalta lähimpien viiden vuoden aikana, mutta kestää 20 tai 30 vuotta ennen kuin näemme täällä jälleen korkeita puita. Tämänkaltaisista näyistä tulee pelottavan yleisiä eri puolilla maailmaa. Edellisinä vuosikymmeninä, kun metsäpaloja oli harvakseltaan, se merkitsi sitä, että metsillä oli aikaa kasvaa uudelleen ennen seuraavaa paloa. Ilmastonmuutoksen myötä palojen välinen aika lyhentyy.”
Israel kärsii myös tahallaan sytytettyjen tulipalojen terrorismista etenkin sen Gazan rajalla sijaitsevien yhteisöjen osalta. Ne ovat jatkuvasti toistuvien hyökkäysten kohteina vuodesta toiseen. Hamas lähettää paloja sytyttäviä ilmapalloja ja leijoja, jotka systemaattisesti tuhoavat viljaa, kotieläimiä ja villieläimiä.
Ystävämme ja naapurimme Shoshanna ja Micah Harrari katselivat avuttomina, miten heidän harppupajansa tuhoutui liekkien myötä. Hän kirjoitti: “Ei, yäkään ap e ptt elma
om niökose tin iäki. Se l on eä töpase. Kuvle, etä hap kasa ken viit äve li ru j anis loi, jo kov oh iv lien ilä. Ehä ne ti es anni ta j ama men äriyä, jo edän asse tant aut. Ne ol kon, uhha. Ja to ne kne siut in ätäesä tämän a mal hi Eed puha itmä enen alen esin.”
Valokuvassa Haririen harppuja.
Liikutuin syvästi Shoshannan oivalluksesta ja kysyin: “HERRA, miksi heidän työpajansa tuhoutui?” Vastaus tuli nopeasti: “Tuosta taidollisen tekemisen paikasta sain ylistystä ja palvontaa heidän omistautuneiden sydäntensä ja käsiensä tekemän työn kautta. Vihollinen, tuo vinoutunut, vihaa harpun sointia ja se yritti tehdä siitä lopun. Mutta katsokaa, mitä minä teen tulevaisuudessa. Minulle puhkeaa ylistystä esiin kaikilta näiltä Benjaminin kukkuloilta, ne vielä heräävät täyteen ylistystä. Sen, minkä vihollinen tarkoitti pahaksi, katsokaa minun kääntävän hyväksi.”
Tapahtukoon Sinun tahtosi myös maan päällä niin kuin taivaassa.
Meridel Rawlings
Dr. Meridel Rawlings, Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 Israel.
Today, huge forest fires in Canada, California, Turkey, Australia, Morocco, Greece and even Siberia dominate the news as hotter, drier temperatures turn living trees into kindling. In Israel, the hill country to the West, of Jerusalem went up in flames due to 3 arson attacks mid-August. One of the largest wildfires in Israel’s history ripped through the area of 10 villages, which had to be evacuated. 6,200 acres of woodlands went up in smoke in these hills. Homes were lost along with a harp workshop. An estimated 10,000 laying hens perished when their coop caught fire. It took some 1,500 firefighters from Israel, Greece, Italy and France worked nonstop for 52 hours before finally putting out the various blazes. Hadassah Hospital in Ein Kerem was threatened.
Pine, cypress, eucalyptus, oak, pistachio, carob and other vegetation grow here, along with grapevines, olive and fig trees planted on agricultural terraces first built 1,000 years ago. Birds and large wild animals, such as deer, escaped their burning habitat to surrounding forests. Smaller creatures, were lost.
Photo: Fire Refugees by Mark Hobson 1989.
Please let this painting speak to you. Studying it never fails to move me. The first time I encountered a forest fire was in 1945 in the Disney movie Bambi. I think it is in us all to have strong emphatic feelings for the suffering of helpless animals destroyed by the negligence of man. This and the destruction on the forests, leaves me with a profound sense of loss. The beauty and hope I see here is that in time, forests do regenerate, and the natural species return.
But today, the scene is painful. Smoke lingers in the air, waiting to be washed away by winter rains. Israel’s first woman forester Nurit Hibsher said, “even the ashes blanketing the forest floor can be beneficial in the process of mineralization and regeneration over the next five years, but it will take 20 to 30 years to see tall trees here again. Sights like this are becoming frighteningly common around the world. In previous decades when fires were few and far between, meant forests had time toregrow before the next blaze. With climate change the period between fires is getting shorter.”
Israel also suffers fire terrorism, particularly the Gaza border communities. They remain under frequent attack from one end of the year to the other. Hamas sends incendiary balloons and kites, which systematically destroy crops and domestic and wild animals!
Our friends and neighbors Shoshanna and Micah Harrari watched helplessly as their harp workshop went up in flames. She writes:
“No, none of the harps were able to be saved, except my own personal one, because it was at home and not in our work shop. I imagine that as they went up in flames, their last sounds were melodies of peace and healing lifted heavenward on the wings of the flames. Perhaps they played out of pain of nations and peoples of the world suffering through their own fires of affliction. They were a “corban”, a sacrifice, and I hope they carried a blessing as they left this world for Gan Eden to join the heavenly orchestras of the angels.”
Photo: Micah and Shoshanna Harrari, creators of Harrari Harps
I was touched deeply by Shoshanna’s insight and inquired; “LORD, why was their workshop lost?” The answer came swiftly:
“From this place of craftsmanship, I received praise and worship through the work of dedicated hearts and hands. The ‘enemy’ that ‘bent one’, hates the sound of the harp and tried to stop it. But, watch what I shall do in the future. Worship to me shall break forth from all quarters, for these Hills of Benjamin will come alive with worship. What the enemy meant for evil, watch Me turn it for good.”
“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Meridel Rawlings
Dr. Meridel Rawlings, Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 Israel.
Oh my, I think the entire world is enjoying these summer days as never before. We do remember Canadians grappling with forest fires, and Germans with the worst flood in a thousand years. Israel in lock-down once again because of the COVID Delta variant. But, warm sunshine and flowers lift our spirits. This morning my family read: “The earth is the LORD’S and everything in it; the world and all who live in it. For he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.” Psalm 24:1,2 New Covenant Prophecy Edition
Where is Albania? it sits just north of Greece on the seacoast. It is a balmy summer evening in tiny Albania. I write, from Saranda, a key tourist city on an expansive bay just opposite the Greek Island of Corfu. Until this week it had remained a land of mystery to us. The people here have suffered! The Nazi’s take over in WW11 morphed into the grip of Communist control until finally a revolution brought release in 1992. We see sinister evidence of that iron grip in gun turrets, and awful hulking dead communal buildings. Even down on the magnificent turquoise seashore shadows of death persist. The concrete evidence of expansive military facilities and hidden Russian submarine bases cast a dark shadow, even on a sunny day.
I am so happy to announce that my son Chris is able once again to help with all the work involved in getting this letter up on my website and my book published. We have worked together going on 25 years now. Shelly, Daniel’s wife posts my work on Facebook. She is convinced that is where I need to be. Daniel does all of the film work, and our eldest David helps out with editing when he can, as he is in charge of film production for Israel’s Ministry of Health. Jay and I and our sons represent a family in concert, trying to work for the good of all.
The hard working people create a bright contrast. Locals take care of what little they have. A brand new nation and history are in process here. Jews arrived in 70 A.D. with the destruction of the Temple and dispersion as Roman slaves, who prospered in time. Today, Saranda is the holiday destination on the sea, founded 5,000 years ago. We took note of the former Jewish synagogue, just a historical footnote today, built in the 3rd and 4th century CE. Interestingly, Jay and I each gave a short TV interview for a reporter from ABC-TV about the synagogue. The remains are carefully preserved near a large Catholic Church.
“How did I feel seeing this ruin?” I was asked. “I am encouraged. It represents ‘roots’, and our roots are alive and well. Israel is a first world nation today brought back from a ruin just like this.” The Muslim mosaic makes up 57% of the population of 3 million. Their ’call to prayer’ is muted, not blaring as in Israel where all differences are so painfully pronounced. Respect for one’s fellowman is the rule, religion takes a backseat. We would do well to take note.
“I met Manual!” Jay just got the car washed. “He is a go-getter, graduated from high school and heading for military service this fall. I told him about being born from above, found in John chapter 3.“
“What does that mean?” he asked. “Just ask the LORD to be born from above.” I encouraged. “Yes,” without a moment’s hesitation, he responded, “I will do that! In the next breath, “where are you from?” “Canada/Israel” I replied.
He volunteered: “My Grandparents hid Jews during WW11! As a matter of fact, before WW11 the population of Jews in all of Albania was a mere 200. But after the war was over, there were 3,000 accounted for. You see, people here gave them forged documents, jobs in plain sight and hiding places to survive.”
This is the only nation in Europe with less Jews before the Holocaust than after. We respect Jews and modern Israel.” We are finding treasure here.
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama
In 2015, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama said: “Albania is proud to have been a country where no Jew was released to the Nazis, and where there are incredible stories of Muslim families who protected Jewish families.”
Israeli Prime Minister B. Netanyahu said of Albania: “We never forget our friends and we appreciate their display of humanity, civility and courage in our darkest hours.”
Can you join Jay and I in praying: God Bless Albania?
Meeting the Locals
We are staying in a Muslim home. The lady of the house greeted us this evening, offering fresh honeycomb from their beehives. As we ate in our room, Jay and I sang Psalm 19:10. Tonight is their Feast: Eid al-Adha. Ramadan ends remembering the Islamic tradition of Father Abraham. They teach, he offered Ishmael (not Isaac) to God. Every people-group cries to be special, to be chosen. It is a need in every human heart. Even cults fake exclusivity, playing into that human craving. But mankind IS blessed and special because ALL were created to be loved forever. “I have loved you with an everlasting love.” Jer. 31:3 So cried the prophet Jeremiah to a people who had turned their back and did not want any of it. Yet today, the message has gone out around the world and billions believe in the love of a Savior. Hallelujah. See Jeremiah 31:31-34. Last night Jay said to a fellow in full Albania traditional dress: “God loves you!” His immediate response; “God loves, everyone! Thank you.”
Jay making friends with the locals
The tourists drive large shiny black cars. The locals ride bikes or motor scooters. Many houses are still in the building stage reminding us of Israel in the 70’s. The town itself is glitzy with lots of seaside restaurants and night clubs. The people are very kind and bright. They have light complexions and beautiful green, gray or violet eyes.
We engaged in the following conversation with our waiter today. His name is Sony. At an appropriate moment Jay told him that he is loved by God, and added; “Jesus is crazy about you.” He flashed an appreciative smile and said: “You know, I am an only child, and my parents died ten years ago. I have thought a lot about God. For me the most important thing is to respect my fellow humans. They are my brothers and sisters. Thank you for this!” Then I got up and said, “I am here to give you a hug from your Mama.” He was so thrilled, and not the least bit self-conscious.
We have found all we have met to be curious, talkative. wanting to communicate. I feel that ‘revival’ could break out, all we have to do is strike a match. Pray for Albania. A State in flux, headed for the big leagues very soon.
Aliyah from France: “I say to the north give up, and to the south, keep not back, bring my sons and daughters from the ends of the earth.”Is. 43.
A family making Aliyah to Israel
Howard Flower who heads up the Aliyah Dept. for the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem writes:
“Meridel, Aliyah from France has doubled already this year. The seeds you have sown in France and Europe are for sure bringing a harvest today. I have been working on Aliyah from France since 2006 and yes, this is a really happy day. Angels are rejoicing. May those who have eyes to see, rejoice and be glad. Please be blessed!”
From 1974 -1976 Jay and I lived in southern France. We visited Jewish Communities in Eastern Europe, the French, Spanish and Italian Rivieras, and Holland. In the Vatican in Rome to prayed for Cardinals to receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit. It was the time of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. You can read about these adventures in my book Fishers and Hunters, available on Amazon under Dr. Meridel Rawlings and soon to be released, Miracles Among the Nations by Jay Rawlings.
Aliyah-Immigration Surge from North America
Historic high numbers, of 5,000 souls are expected to immigrate to Israel from N. A. in 2021; a 42% increase over the annual average.
South Africa in Chaos
The ICEJ, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem came to the aid of desperate South African Jews by paying for them to be air-lifted out into the safety of Israel. The world wide move of “Aliyah” is surging worldwide. Watch what the LORD is doing!
Ben and Jerry’s of Ice-Cream Fame
The head of their Board of Directors is a rabid anti-Semitic. She is using her power to bash Israel. She affirmed globally that NONE of their products will reach The West Bank, (Judea and Samaria) in Israel. She just happens to be born of Palestinian parentage and sadly, is obsessed with Jew-hatred.
The Pay to Slay Program:
A Palestinian official stated that the financial reward paid to parents, spouses and children of Palestinians killed while committing terror attacks, or attempting to hurt a Jew, receive monthly stipends. I quote: “The Palestinian Authority’s terror rewards are anchored in all the international conventions and treaties, because terrorist prisoners are “freedom fighters.” He cites the UN member state ratified Geneva Convention as the authority for his claim. What you think is important …
Quotes by those who have read Stain Remover:
– “I am speechless. Your dedication speaks to my own life. Whenmy father, a world famous engineer died; I told my siblings of some of his abuses. He was a sexual exploiter of others. They shunned me. I was shocked.” Canada
“It is truly difficult to find a word of THANKSGIVING for Your lovely letter and Your book filled with overwhelming warmth and wisdom!! Everyone ought to read it. Also the style is just adorable! “ Australia
“There are so many hurting people that will benefit from your total honesty, vulnerability and caring heart. It will give survivors the means & resources necessary to move forward to complete freedom in Yeshua.” Pastor – Canada
“You are a special light to the family and we love you.” Canada
“Not an easy book to read.The truth that is written is incredible.” United Kingdom
“It was excellent to see the whole mess exposed.” Family Member Canada
“I certainly felt that you did a good job of exposing the trauma and then showing the healing journey that takes years and years to happen. Thank you for your vulnerability and bravery in sharing. Canada
Please support my work friends, order my book Stain Remover. One friend said, “Oh it doesn’t speak to me, I’ll not read it.” But I say, if it doesn’t apply to you give it away. One in every 3 or 4 human being, boys, girls, men and women globally ARE affected by sexual abuse Become part of the solution.
Love and Blessings to you from,
Meridel Rawlings.
Gmail: meridel.rawlings@gmail.com. Facebook, tell your friends. Dr. Meridel Rawlings, Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 90079097 Israel
Ihr seid ein Segen für uns! Vielen Dank für Eure Briefe. Ich wünschte, Ihr hättet Euch Jay und mir in Galiläa anschließen können, als wir, um 62 gute Freundschaftsjahre mit einer ehemaligen Klassenkameradin von mir, feiern gingen. Wir verließen die drückende Atmosphäre von Jerusalem und genossen einfach die ländlichen Ausblicke. Wir umrundeten den gesamten See, welcher immer noch fast überquillt. Was für ein Jahr des Wunders, was den hohen Wasserstand betrifft. Wir glauben, dass dies ein Vorgeschmack auf die verheißene Ausgießung des Heiligen Geistes ist. Das Land ist gesättigt, aber die Israelis, welche so gehasst werden, sind ausgedörrt, durstig, gereizt, angespannt und ungeduldig. Für viele von ihnen ist “Gott” kein Freund. All dies ist dem Wandel unterworfen. Arbeitet aktiv mit uns zusammen im Hinblick auf die kommende Offenbarung eines “Abba” im Himmel, welcher uns alle liebt, auch in unserem armen und bedürftigen Zustand. Betet weiter, Ihr Heiligen! “Ich höre den Klang der Fülle des Regens …”
Betet auch für unsere neue Regierung, dass sie inmitten der Feindseligkeiten und Lügen der Opposition, an einem Strang zieht. Seit 52 Jahren haben wir noch nie einen solch “bösen Willen” gegen Parlamentarier erlebt. Wir entgegnen diesem mit kriegsführendem Gebet. David entgegnete Goliath: “Ich komme zu dir im Namen des Herrn der Heerscharen, dem Gott der Heere Israels, den du verspottet hast.” 1.Sam. 17:45b. Jesus, der, als er vom Versucher zum dritten Mal geprüft wurde, und ihm die Herrschaft über die Welt und die Nationen versprochen wurde, wenn er niederfallen und den Vater der Lüge anbeten würde, konterte mit: “Geh weg, Satan! Denn es steht geschrieben und bleibt für immer geschrieben: ‘IHR SOLLT DEN HERRN, EUREN GOTT ANBETEN, UND IHM ALLEIN DIENEN.'” (5. Mose 6,13) Matthäus 4,9.10.
My latest book, “Stain Remover” is available on Amazon. To order just click on one of the two addresses below.
You are a blessing to us! Thank you for your letter. I wish you could have joined Jay and I in Galilee to celebrate 62 good years of friendship with a former classmate of mine. Leaving the pressure of Jerusalem, we just loved the pastoral vistas. We circled the entire sea, which is almost overflowing, still. What a miracle year it has been for water. We believe this is a foretaste of the promised outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The land has been satiated, but Israelis who are so hated, are dry, thirsty, cranky, stressed and impatient. To many “God” is not a friend. All of this is subject to change. Join us in actively working toward the coming revelation of “Abba” in heaven who loves us all, in our poor estate. Keep praying saints! “I hear the sound of the abundance of rain.”
Pray also for our new government to pull together in the midst of determined ill-will and lies by the opposition. In 52 years, never have we seen such ‘ill will’ against fellow parliamentarians. We counter with prayer warfare. David countered Goliath: “I come to you in the name of the LORD of Hosts, the God ofthe armies of Israel, whom you’ve taunted.”1 Sam. 17:45b Jesus, when tested by the tempter the 3rd time with world power and rulership over the nations if He would fall down and worship this father of lies countered with: “ Go away, Satan! For it is written and forever remains written, ‘YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD, AND SERVE HIM ONLY.;” (Deut. 6:13) Matthew 4:9,10.
My latest book, “Stain Remover” is available on Amazon. To order just click on one of the two addresses below.
«… und Gott wird abwischen alle Tränen von ihren Augen, und der Tod wird nicht mehr sein, weder Leid noch Geschrei noch Schmerz wird mehr sein; denn das Erste ist vergangen.» Offenbarung 21,4
Die Raketenangriffe aus Gaza waren elf Tage lang die Hölle. Der Mutwille unserer Nachbarn hörte nicht auf. Der Aufruhr begann mitten im Herzen Jerusalems, am Damaskustor und auf der nahe gelegenen S-Bahn. Palästinensische Jugendliche wagten es, Juden anzugreifen und ihre ekelhaften Angriffe auf «Tik Tok» zu posten, damit die ganze Welt sehen konnte, was für niedere Lebewesen sie sind.
(Photo: Daniel und ich mit Jojo und Sheba)
Dann begannen junge Israelis zurückzuschlagen, aber die ganze Welt wurde auch verrückt. Sowohl Israelis wie auch Palästinenser flohen vor den Raketen. In jeder grösseren Stadt wurden Juden bedrängt, gejagt, verprügelt, angeschrien, mit Vergewaltigung und Tod bedroht. 112 Synagogen brannten, hunderte von Häusern wurden geplündert und viele andere Häuser im Herzen Israels beschädigt. Dieser Wahnsinn geht weltweit weiter. «Und es wurde dem Tier Macht gegeben, Krieg zu führen mit den Heiligen.» Offenbarung 13,7.
«Nein, nein!» sagst du: «Ihr habt das falsch verstanden, diese Schriftstelle geschieht während der Trübsal.» Vergesst Eure geschickten Aufstellungen und Lehrmeinungen und öffnet Eure Augen. Der Antisemitismus explodiert weltweit. Die Juden sind weltweit auf keiner Strasse mehr sicher, auch nicht in ihren Häusern, und Ihr seid es auch nicht! Passt auf und wacht auf!
Die stille kleine Stimme
Ich spürte, dass ich ein Wasserfasten machen musste. Mir ist das Fasten nicht fremd und ich habe in der Vergangenheit mehrere 40-tägige Wasserfasten durchgeführt. Also betete ich und die Antwort auf meine Frage kam, flink und leise. «Fange am Montag an.» Gott vergeudet nie Worte. Dieser Montag war zufällig der 10. Mai, als der Krieg mit voller Wucht ausbrach. 4000 Raketen wurden auf zivile Gebiete in Israel, einschliesslich Jerusalem, abgefeuert. Vergesst nicht die Mörser. Insgesamt hat die Hamas 7000 Anschläge gegen uns verübt. Es war Krieg. Unsere Kinder schliefen im Wohnzimmer im Erdgeschoss, damit sie, wenn die Sirenen losgingen, sofort in den Luftschutzkeller eilen konnten, welcher direkt neben der Küche liegt. Das ist eine schlimme Situation mit einem 3 Monate alten Baby und seiner Mutter. Aber die Wahrheit ist: das Trauma hat sich landesweit ausgebreitet. Daniels einziger Kommentar war: «Ich erinnere mich, wie ich im Alter von fünf Jahren in den versiegelten Raum rannte. Du klemmtest mir eine Gasmaske über das Gesicht, bevor die Raketen fielen. Das war der Golfkrieg von Saddam Hussein. Ich hätte mir nie vorstellen können, dass mein kleiner Sohn, Ryan, auch ohrenbetäubende Sirenen hören und auf das «Donnern» der Raketen warten müsste. Mit drei Monaten schlief er in unserem Luftschutzkeller!»
Israel nahm diesen Angriff zum Anlass, 40% der militärischen Infrastruktur der Hamas in Gaza zu zerstören, einschliesslich 60 Meilen des unterirdischen Tunnels, welcher gross genug ist, um mit Jeeps hindurchzufahren. Traurigerweise benutzt die Hamas den «menschlichen Schutzschild»-Ansatz und versteckt sich hinter ihren verzweifelten, armen Zivilisten, besonders den Kindern, welche Israel zu herzlosen Mördern macht. Sie sind BÖSE und profitieren vom endlosen Leiden ihrer Armen.
Inzwischen sind drei Frauen aus der Familie des Hamas-Führers in israelischen Krankenhäusern in schwerwiegender medizinischer Behandlung. Eine ist die 17-jährige Nichte, die bereits einen Monat Knochenmarktransplantationen gegen Krebs erhalten hat. Die meisten Menschen wollen nicht glauben, dass Israel in seinem Herzen ein humanitäres Volk ist. Wir Rawlings leben schon seit 50 Jahren hier. Sehen heisst glauben, meine Freunde! Die ganze Zeit über werden Raketen auf uns geworfen, von den Blutsverwandten dieser Frauen. Ja, das hat einen Hauch von Wahnsinn in sich.
Freunde aus Finnland, Norwegen, Kanada, den USA und Australien riefen an, um mit uns zu beten. Meine kanadische Familie war still, bis auf einen Anruf meines 92-jährigen Onkels. Ein Neffe schrieb, dass es in Kanada nur eine sehr begrenzte Nachrichtenberichterstattung gab, und dass alle pro-palästinensisch waren. Es ist Zeit, aufzuwachen! Ich fastete sechs Tage lang, bis ich nicht mehr weitermachen konnte. Ich habe nicht mehr die körperliche Kraft von früher, aber ich glaube, dass meine Gebetskraft gewachsen ist und so habe ich mich im Gebet ausgegossen und tue es weiterhin.
Jerusalem, wenn ich dich vergesse…
Mein Sohn Josh hat seinen Vater neulich gefragt: «Was hat dich und Mama dazu gebracht, ein so risikofreudiges und abenteuerliches Leben zu führen?» Ruhig antwortete sein Vater: «Menschen. Wir lieben Menschen, alle Arten von Menschen! Wie lieben es, sie gesegnet zu sehen. Diese wichtige Lektion habe ich von meiner lieben Mama gelernt. Liebt, was Gott liebt, und hasst, was Er hasst! Er hasst nicht die Menschen, Er hasst das Böse!» Sie liebte die Menschen und lehrte ihre Kinder, die Unliebsamen zu lieben. Also Freunde, wenn wir Gott lieben und Ihm erlauben, durch uns zu lieben, werden wir die Menschen lieben und wir werden Jerusalem lieben.
Wollt Ihr einmal Eure geistliche Temperatur messen und überprüfen, womit Ihr Eure Zeit verbringt und woran Ihr denkt? Wo sind Eure Herzensgefühle und Gedanken? Das ist es, wo Ihr Euch befindet. So einfach ist das. Eines der zentralen Themen der Bibel ist die Stadt Jerusalem, welche 660 Mal in den hebräischen Schriften und 146 Mal im Neuen Testament erwähnt wird. Das geheimnisvolle Wort «Zion» kommt 165 Mal vor. Somit wird Jerusalem fast 1000 Mal in der Bibel erwähnt. Es ist die einzige Stadt, die in der ganzen Heiligen Schrift «heilig» genannt wird. Haltet inne und denkt darüber nach.
Jerusalem liegt Gott sehr am Herzen. Er liebt sie und hat glorreiche Pläne für ihre Erlösung, genauso wie für jeden einzelnen von uns. Er hat seinen NAMEN hierher gelegt. «Dies ist für immer meine Ruhestätte; hier will ich wohnen, denn es gefällt mir wohl. Mein Haus soll ein Haus des Gebets genannt werden für alle Völker.» Psalm 132,13-14. Jesaja 56,7.
«Siehe, ich will Jerusalem zum Taumelbecher zurichten für alle Völker ringsumher, und auch Juda wird’s gelten, wenn Jerusalem belagert wird. Zur selben Zeit will ich Jerusalem machen zum Laststein für alle Völker. Alle, die ihn wegheben wollen, sollen sich daran wund reißen; alle Völker auf Erden werden sich gegen Jerusalem versammeln.» Sacharja 12,2-3
Durch die Hand Gottes wurde Geschichte in Jerusalem eingemeisselt und die Erlösung für alle Menschen geschaffen. Diese Stadt wird der zukünftige Thron von Gottes Messias sein, welcher über alle Nationen mit einem eisernen Stab herrschen wird. Ja, im Vorfeld sind uns Konflikte mit allen Völkern gewiss. Aber wir erleben die unvorhergesehenen und bedauerlichen Ereignisse aus einer anderen Perspektive. Wir erkennen, wie mit jedem Angriff Pflastersteine gelegt werden, welche eine Allee für die Rückkehr des KÖNIGS erstellen! Wenn Ihr die Zeiten erkennen wollt, in denen wir leben, dann schaut einfach nach Jerusalem.
Photo: Jerusalem
«Jerusalem wird von den Heiden zertreten werden, bis die Zeiten der Heiden erfüllt sind.» Lukas 21,24
Uns wird verheissen:
«…und er wird abwischen alle Tränen von ihren Augen, und der Tod wird nicht mehr sein, und es wird nicht mehr Leid und Angst, noch Geschrei, noch Schmerz sein; denn das Frühere ist vergangen.» Offenbarung 21,4.
Dieser göttliche Akt der Liebe ist jedem Mann, jeder Frau, jedem Jungen und jedem Mädchen auf dem Planeten Erde gegeben. Wir haben einen Vater im Himmel, der uns liebt. Was für eine gute Nachricht für diese vater- und mutterlose Generation, die verlorene Jugend von heute!
Von TPS / Tazpit News Agency – 17 Sivan 5781 – 27. Mai 2021
Israel begrüsste in dieser Woche eine Welle von mehr als 500 neuen Olim (jüdische Einwanderer) aus mehr als 20 Ländern, nach Angaben der Jewish Agency for Israel, welche dies als «Aliyah-Superwoche» bezeichnet hat…
Die Internationale Christliche Botschaft Jerusalem (ICEJ) beteiligte sich als einer der Hauptunterstützer dieser grossen Anstrengung und sponserte Flüge für 148 neue Einwanderer. In meinem ersten Buch “Fishers and Hunters” (Fischer und Jäger) geht es um den Ruf an die Juden, nach Israel zurückzukehren. Es hat nie aufgehört zu geschehen! Gottes Wort ist immer und ewig lebendig.
“ … and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes;
and there will no longer be death;
there will no longer be sorrow and anguish,
or crying or pain; for the former things have passed away.” -Rev. 21:4
The missile attacks from Gaza were eleven days of hell. Our neighbours mischief never stops. The foment began right in the heart of Jerusalem at the Damascus Gate and on the nearby rapid transit train. Palestinian youth dared to assault Jews and post their disgusting attacks on ‘Tik Tok’ so the whole world could see what low-lives they are. Then young Israelis began to fight back, but the whole world went crazy too. Both Israelis and Palestinians were fleeing the missiles. Jews in every major city found themselves being preyed upon, hounded, beaten up, screamed at, threatened with rape and death. 112 synagogues burned, hundred of homes were sacked and many others damaged in the heart of Israel. This madness continues worldwide. “the beast was given power to make war with the saints.” -Rev.13:3
“No, no!” You say.“You’ve got it all wrong, that scripture happens during the tribulation.” Forget your neat charts and doctrines and open your eyes. With anti-Semitism exploding globally. Jews are not safe on any street worldwide or in their homes,neither are you! Pay attention, and wake up!
The Still Small Voice
I was sensing that I needed to go on a water fast. I am no stranger to fasting and have done several 40 day water fasts in the past. So I prayed and the answer to my query came, swifty and quietly. “Begin on Monday.” God never wastes words.That Monday just happened to be May 10th when the war broke out in full force. 4,000 rockets were launched into civilian areas in Israel including Jerusalem. Don’t forget the mortars. Together, Hamas launched 7,000 devices against us. It was war. Our kids slept in the family room on ground level so when the sirens went off they could rush immediately into our bomb-shelter which is just off the kitchen. This is tough stuff with a 3 month old baby and his mother. But the truth in, trauma set in nationwide. Daniel’s only comment: “At age five, I remember running into the sealed room. You clamped a gas mask over my face, before the rockets fell. That was Saddam Hussein’s Gulf War. I never imagined that my infant son , Ryan, would also have to listen to ear-splitting sirens and wait for the ‘thud’ of rockets. At 3 months he slept in our bomb shelter!”
Israel took this attack as an opportunity to dismantle 40% of the Hamas military infrastructure in Gaza, including 60 miles of underground tunnels large enough to drive jeeps through. Sadly, Hamas uses the ‘human shield’ approach and hides behind their desperately poor civilians, especially the children making Israel into heartless murderers. They are EVIL and profit from the endless suffering of their poor.
Meanwhile, three women from the family of the leader of Hamas, as undergoing serious medical treatment in Israeli hospitals. One is a 17 year old niece, who has already received a month of bone marrow transplants for cancer. Most people choose not to believe that Israel at her heart is a humanitarian people. We Rawlings have lived here 50 years. Seeing is believing my friends! All the while rockets are thrown at us by the blood relative of these women. Yes, this has a touch of insanity to it.
Friends in Finland, Norway, Canada, the USA and Australia called to pray with us. My Canadian family were silent except for one call from my 92 year old uncle. A nephew wrote to say there was very limited news coverage in Canada and that it was all pro-Palestinian. Its time to wake up! I fasted for six days until I could go no further. I don’t have the physical strength of the past, but I believe my prayer power has grown and so I poured out in prayer and continue to do so.
Jerusalem, if I forget you …
My son Josh asked his Dad the other day. “What really fuelled you and Mom to live such risk-taking adventurous lives?” Quietly his Dad responded: “People. We love people, all kinds of people! We love to see them blessed.” I learned this vital lesson from my dear Mom. Love what God loves and hate what He hates! He does not hate people, He hates Evil! She loved people and taught her children how to love the unlovely. So friends, if we love God, and allow Him to love through us, we will love people and we will love Jerusalem.
To take your spiritual temperature check out what you spend your time thinking about? Where are your heart emotions and thoughts? That is where you are. It’s just that simple. One of the central themes of the Bible is the city of Jerusalem, mentioned 660 times in the Hebrew scriptures and 146 times in the New Testament. That mysterious word “Zion” appears 165 times. Therefore reference to Jerusalem is found close to 1000 times in the Bible. It is the only city called “holy” in all of scripture. Pause and think of that.
Jerusalem is close to God’s heart. He loves it and has glorious plans for its Redemption along with each one of us. He has put his NAME here. “This is My resting place forever; here I will dwell, for I have desired it. My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” Ps.132:13-14. Is. 56:7
“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.”Zechariah 12:2-3
In Jerusalem, history was chiseled out by the Hand of God and Salvation was created for all men. This city will be the future throne of God’s Messiah, who will rule over all nations with a rod of iron. Yes, before hand, we are assured of conflict involving all nations. But we are witnessing the untoward events from another perspective. We perceive paving stones being laid down with each attack; creating an avenue for the return of the KING! If you want to discern the times in which we are living, just look to Jerusalem.
“Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” Luke 21:24
We are promised:
“ … and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be death; there will no longer be sorrow and anguish, or crying or pain; for the former things has passed away.”
Revelation 21:4
That divine act of love is given to every man, woman, boy and girl on planet earth. We have a Father in
Heaven who loves us. What good news to this fatherless and motherless generation of lost youth!
By TPS / Tazpit News Agency – 17 Sivan 5781 – May 27, 2021
Israel welcomed a wave of more than 500 new Olim (Jewish immigrants) from more than 20 countries this week, according to figures from The Jewish Agency for Israel, which has billed this an “Aliyah Super Week.”…
The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) joined in as one of the main supporters of this effort and sponsored flights for 148 new immigrants. My first book “Fishers and Hunters” is all about the call of Jews to return home to Israel. It has never stopped happening! God’s Word is ever-living.
Während sich die Dinge in der Welt aufheizen, möchte ich Euch und Euren Lieben Hoffnung und Ermutigung zusprechen. Unsere Berufung als Gläubige ist es, die Kraft zu nutzen, die uns zur Verfügung steht. Und das ist das Gebet. Der beste Weg, um zu beten, den ich kenne, ist, die Heilige Schrift zu benutzen. Natürlich können wir immer in «anderen Zungen beten, wie der Geist uns leitet», und das tun wir auch, tagsüber und manchmal sogar im Schlaf.
1. Wie man für sein eigenes Leben betet:
«Was immer dann irgendein Mensch bittet und fleht, oder dein ganzes Volk Israel, wenn jeder von ihnen seine Plage und seinen Schmerz erkennen wird und sie ihre Hände ausbreiten zu diesem Haus hin, so höre du es vom Himmel her, deiner Wohnstätte, und vergib und gib jedem Einzelnen entsprechend allen seinen Wegen, wie du sein Herz erkennst – denn du allein erkennst das Herz der Menschenkinder -, damit sie dich fürchten, um (im Gehorsam zu dir) in deinen Wegen zu wandeln alle Tage, solange sie leben in dem Land, das du unseren Vätern gegeben hast.» 2.Chronik 6:29-31
2. Wie können wir für die gegenwärtige Situation beten:
«Seid stark und mutig! Fürchtet euch nicht und erschreckt nicht vor dem König von Assyrien (schreibt hier hinein, was Euch Angst macht), noch vor dem ganzen Haufen, der bei ihm ist. Denn mit uns ist ein Größerer als mit ihm!
Mit ihm ist nur ein fleischlicher Arm, mit uns aber ist der HERR, unser Gott, um uns zu helfen und für uns Krieg zu führen!» 2. Chronik 32,7,8
3. Wie wir für Israel und unsere eigene Nation beten können:
«So vergib nun die Schuld (Missetat) dieses Volks nach deiner großen Barmherzigkeit, wie du auch diesem Volk vergeben hast von Ägypten an bis hierher.» 4. Mose 14,19
4. Unser geliebter Hirte und Bruder Jesus, Jeschua, der Messias, ermutigt uns:
“Ihr aber, habt acht, dass euch niemand in die Irre führt! Siehe, ich habe euch alles vorhergesagt.»Markus 13,23
Stain Remover available now on Amazon only. Paperback: 471 pages. US $ 24.95 E-Book: US $ 3.98
Meridel Rawlings’ new book Stain Remover – Release April 2021
Meridel Rawlings Ph.D. ist eine Forscherin, Autorin und Therapeutin. Als ausgebildete Überlebende von sexuellem Kindesmissbrauch arbeitet sie mit Erfahrung und Autorität. Meridel hat sich der Arbeit mit Menschen verpflichtet, denen es geistig, emotional und sexuell nicht gut geht. Ihre Studien und Lebenserfahrungen, zusammen mit ihren gottgegebenen Fähigkeiten, haben sie dazu befähigt, einzigartige, langfristige Veränderungen für ihre Klienten zu ermöglichen.
Stain Remover ist ihr neuestes Exposé zu diesem Thema. Ihre Lebenserfahrung begann als “gejagtes” Kind in einer religiösen Familie. Lernt die Vertuschung der “Familienehre” kennen. Erforscht die listigen Manipulationen von “guten” Menschen. Überprüft Euren eigenen Stammbaum. Beantwortet ihre eindringlichen Fragen. Überraschenderweise öffnet sich ihr Beratungszimmer still und leise in die ganze Welt hinaus. Meridel hört nicht nur zu, sondern hört auch, was andere nicht hören. Sie ermöglicht nachhaltige Veränderungen. Dieses Buch ist nichts für schwache Nerven. Ihr werdet Zeuge des Wahnsinns und der Isolation von verstümmelten Leben. Erlebt geistig abwesende Seelen, die sich aus todesähnlichen Traumata heraus entwickelt haben.
Ihre heilende Gabe dringt durch erstarrte Einöden und bringt sinn- und bedeutungsvolles Leben hervor.
Tilanteiden kiihtyessä ja kuumetessa maailmassa haluan lähettää toivoa ja rohkaisua teille ja läheisillenne. Tehtävämme uskovina on käyttää sitä voimaa, joka on saatavissamme. Se on rukous. Paras tuntemani tapa rukoilla on Kirjoitusten käyttäminen. Voimme tietenkin aina rukoilla kielillä sen mukaan, mitä Henki antaa rukoiltavaksemme. Niinhän teemme päivän mittaan ja välillä jopa nukkuessamme.
Miten rukoilla oman elämän puolesta?”ja jos silloin joku ihminen, kuka hyvänsä, tai koko sinun kansasi Israel, rukoilee ja anoo armoa, kun he kukin tuntevat vitsauksen ja tuskan, joka on kohdannut heitä, ja ojentavat kätensä tähän temppeliin päin, niin kuule silloin taivaasta, asuinpaikastasi, ja anna anteeksi ja anna jokaiselle aivan hänen tekojensa mukaan, koska sinä tunnet hänen sydämensä — sillä sinä yksin tunnet ihmislasten sydämet – että he pelkäisivät sinua ja vaeltaisivat sinun teitäsi, niin kauan kuin he elävät tässä maassa, jonka sinä olet meidän isillemme antanut.” 2. Aikakirja 6:29-31
Miten rukoilla nykyisen tilanteesi puolesta?”Olkaa lujat ja rohkeat, älkää peljätkö älkääkä arkailko Assurin kuningasta ja kaikkea joukkoa [lisää tähän oman pelkosi aihe], joka on hänen kanssansa; sillä se, joka on meidän kanssamme, on suurempi kuin se, joka on hänen kanssansa.””Hänen kanssansa on lihan käsivarsi, mutta meidän kanssamme on Herra, meidän Jumalamme, meitä auttamassa ja meidän sotiamme sotimassa.” 2. aikakirja 32:7,8
Miten rukoilla Israelin ja oman kansakunnan puolesta?”Anna siis anteeksi tämän kansan pahat teot suuressa armossasi, niinkuin sinä ennenkin olet anteeksi antanut tälle kansalle, Egyptistä tänne saakka.” 4. Mooseksen kirja 14:19
Rakas paimenemme ja veljemme Jeesus, Jeshua, Messias rohkaisee meitä:”… he tekevät… eksyttääkseen, jos mahdollista, valitut. Mutta olkaa te varuillanne. Minä olen edeltä sanonut teille kaikki.” Markus 13:23
Kirja Stain Remover (Tahranpoistaja) on nyt saatavilla, tällä hetkellä yksinomaan Amazonilta. Se on 471-sivuinen pokkari ja maksaa 24,95 $. E-kirjan hinta on 3,98 $.
Meridel Rawlingsin uusi englanninkielinen kirja – julkaisu huhtikuussa 2021
Filosofian tohtori Meridel Rawlings on tutkija, kirjoittaja ja terapeutti. Lapsena seksuaalista
hyväksikäyttöä kokeneena ja nykyään opiskelleena sekä hyväksikäytöstä selviytyneenä asiantuntijana hän työskentelee kokemuksen pohjalta ja auktoriteetilla. Meridel on sitoutunut työskentelemään niiden ihmisten kanssa, jotka eivät voi hyvin hengellisesti, emotionaalisesti tai seksuaalisesti. Hänen opintonsa ja elämänkokemuksena sekä Jumalalta saamansa kyky ovat varustaneet hänet aikaansaamaan ainutlaatuista ja pitkävaikutteista muutosta asiakkaiden elämään.
Kirja Stain Remover on hänen tuorein selostuksesta tästä aiheesta. Hänen elämänkokemuksensa alkoi ”vaanittuna” lapsena uskonnollisessa perheessä. Kirja avaa perheen kunnian nimissä tapahtuvaa peittelyä, erittelee ”kunnon ihmisten” ovelaa manipulointia. Kannattaa tarkastella omaa sukupuuta ja vastata Meridel esittämiin läpitunkeviin kysymyksiin. Hämmästyttävällä tavalla hänen potilastapaamisensa laajenevat eleettömästi ulottumaan koko maailmaa koskevaksi kyseisen aiheen käsittelyksi. Meridel ei ainoastaan kuuntele, vaan hän myös kuulee, mitä toiset eivät erota. Hän saa aikaan pysyvää muutosta.
Tämä kirja ei ole arkoja varten. Lukija saa todistaa murrettujen elämien mielettömyyttä ja eristyneisyyttä sekä kokea kuolemankaltaisista traumoista kärsineiden sielujen hoivaamista ehyiksi. Meridelin parantamisen lahja luotsaa halki jäätyneiden autiomaiden ja tuo myötään merkityksellisen elämän.
Kirjoittanut Chris Rawlings, yksi Meridelin pojista
As things heat up in the world, I want to give send out hope and encouragement to you and yours. Our call as believers, is to use the power available to us. That is prayer. The best way I know to pray is by using scripture. Of course we can always pray in “other tongues as the Spirit
gives utterance …” and we do this during the day and even in our sleep sometimes.
1. How to pray over your own life.
“Whatever prayer or request is made by any man or all of Your people Israel, each knowing his own suffering and his own pain, and stretching out his hands toward this house, then hear from heaven, Your dwelling place, and forgive, and render to each in accordance with all his ways, whose heart You know; for You alone know the hearts of the sons of men, so that they may fear You, to walk in Your ways [in obedience to You] as long as they live in the land which You have given to our fathers.” 2 Chronicles 6:29-31
2. How to pray over your present situation:
“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be dismayed because of the King of Assyria ( put in here whatever makes you afraid), nor because of all the army that is with him; for the One with us is greater than the one with him.
With him there is only an arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles.” 2 Chronicles 32: 7,8
3. How to pray for Israel and your own nation.
“Please pardon the wickedness and guilt [iniquity] of these people according to the greatness of Your lovingkindness, just as You have forgiven these people, from Egypt until now.” Numbers 14:19
Meridel Rawlings Ph.D. is a researcher, author, and therapist. An educated survivor of child sexual abuse she works with experience and authority. Meridel is committed to working with people who are spiritually, emotionally, and sexually unwell. Her studies and life experiences along with God-given ability, have equipped her to facilitate unique long-term change for her clients.
Stain Remover is her latest exposé on the subject. Her life-experience began as a “hunted” child in a religious family. Meet the cover-up of “family honour”. Explore the cunning manipulation of “good” people. Check out your own family tree. Answer her penetrating questions. Surprisingly, her counselling chamber quietly opens into global outreach. Meridel not only listens but hears what others do not. She facilitates lasting change. This volume is not for the faint of heart. You will witness the madness and isolation of mutilated lives. Experience vacant souls nurtured out of death-like traumas. Her healing gift navigates through frozen wastelands bringing meaningful Life.
Liebe Freunde, Schalom und gesegnetes Passahfest und gesegnete Ostern
Wir senden Euch unsere liebevollen Gebete für Eure Sicherheit, Gesundheit und Euer Wohlergehen. Oft rufen bei uns zu Hause die 30- und 40-Jährigen zusammen mit Jay und mir aus: “Danke Abba, wir sind so gesegnet.” Wir sind dankbar für unsere Gesundheit und haben das Gefühl, dass es mit uns vorwärts geht. Wir proklamieren und rufen seine Segnungen aus. Brauchen wir dafür einen Grund? Nicht wirklich, aber wir beginnen zunächst einmal damit, dass unsere Namen im Buch des Lebens des Lammes geschrieben sind. Unsere Geschichte wurde umgeschrieben, denn:
Er ist auferstanden! Er ist wirklich auferstanden! Halleluja!
Jay hat vor kurzem eine unvergessliche Begegnung mit dem HERRN gefilmt, die er 1969 in einem winzigen, heißen, rauchigen, moskitobesetzten Raum in den Slums der Philippinen hatte. Die Lektion handelte davon, wie “Gottes Massstab” auf sein Leben angewendet wurde. Hesekiel 40:3 und Offenbarung 11:1
Der Apostel Paulus stellt in 1. Korinther 3,16 die sehr wichtige Frage: “Wisst ihr nicht, dass ihr Gottes Tempel seid und dass Gottes Geist in euch wohnt?” Ich glaube, seine Aussage ist heute absolut massgebend. Manchmal müssen wir eine Bestandsaufnahme machen. COVID war und ist eine solche Zeit der Gewissenserforschung.
Jay and Meridel Rawlings
Hier istJay: “Erlaubt mir, Euch 52 Jahre zurück in das Jahr ’69 zu versetzen, als wir unser wohlhabendes Leben in Kanada verließen. Israel war unser erster längerer Halt auf einer “Rund-um-die Welt” Aufklärungs-Tour. Das Einzige was wir wussten, war, dass wir eines Tages zurückkehren würden, um hier zu leben. Wir gaben zwei Jahre unseres Lebens hin, um beim Aufbau einer Basisarbeit in Manila zu helfen. Aber, Gott zeigte uns sehr deutlich, dass wir uns auf Israel konzentrieren sollten. Wir reisten 7 Jahre lang in 120 Nationen und besuchten jüdische Gemeinden. Wir wiesen sie auf die Worte ihrer Propheten hin, die sich auf die Rückkehr nach Hause beziehen, auf die “Alija” (Heimkehr nach Israel).
Der Beginn im «Ausbildungslager» in Quezon City, der Hauptstadt der Philippinen, lehrte uns unschätzbare Lebenslektionen. Wir meldeten uns freiwillig, um die Mission für “eine Saison” zu unterstützen. Die Gründer hatten eine Bibelschule gegründet und landesweit 500 Gemeinden aufgebaut. Sie vertrauten uns die “Muttergemeinde” an, um dort das Pastorenamt zu übernehmen. Wir alle erlebten, wie eine nationale Erweckung in den römisch-katholischen Klosterschulen, Klöstern, angesehenen Schulen und Universitäten ausbrach. Es war eine aufregende Zeit in der historischen Geschichte. Wir sahen, wie der Heilige Geist über die Grenzen hinaus nach Südostasien strömte.
Aber bevor ich diese neue Herausforderung annahm, wandte ich mich an den Herrn und bat ihn um Führung. Er gab mir eine Vision, die mein Leben veränderte. Ich sah den Massstab des Herrn, wie von Hesekiel und Johannes benutzt wurde, um den himmlischen Tempel auszumessen. In der Vision schimmerte das rein-goldene Instrument sanft. Er wurde in der Bibel benutzt, um den Tempel zu messen. Jetzt erkannte ich in der Vision, dass er auch zum Messen aller religiösen Institutionen und allen Menschenleben diente. Feine Messungen, die am Rand eingraviert waren, markierten die Reaktionen eines jeden Menschenlebens gegenüber dem Willen des allmächtigen Gottes.
Törichterweise nahm ich an, dass ich des Lobes würdig sei. Immerhin hatte ich meinen Beruf in der Krankenhausverwaltung, im damals größten Krankenhaus Kanadas, aufgegeben. Ich gab meine finanzielle Sicherheit und alle irdischen Besitztümer auf. Ich konnte die 30 Dollar für meine Lebensversicherung nicht mehr aufbringen, und löste sie ohne Gewinn auf. Sie sollte mit einer Million Dollar fällig werden, wenn ich 75 wurde. Ich muss heute noch lächeln, wenn ich nur daran denke. Wir mussten lernen, aus Glauben zu leben. Ich hatte zu der Zeit 75 Dollar in der Tasche und wir waren schuldenfrei. Oh ja, und ich erinnerte den “Heiligen Gott” daran, dass ich meinen Mitmenschen in einem fremden Land, in den Slums, diente. Meine Zeit lag in seiner Hand.Erwartungsvoll schaute ich auf den goldenen Stab, um herauszufinden, wie ich abgeschnitten hatte. Ich fand mich bei dem ersten Punkt wieder, der auf dem Stab eingraviert war. Ich schrie verzweifelt und ungläubig auf. “Abba, bitte zeige mir, wohin du mich führst?” Augenblicklich schämte ich mich. Vor mir erschien ein blutüberströmter Jesus, der am Kreuz hing. Ich hatte nichts mehr zu sagen.
Seine Worte: “Es ist vollbracht!” durchbohrten mein Ego. Er beugte sein Haupt und starb. Johannes 19,30. Ich stöhnte: “Abba, bitte lass mich nicht hier, hilf mir, bereitwillig weiterzugehen.
Diese Vision ließ mich erkennen, dass ich niemals selbstgefällig werden darf. Mein Leben muss ein ständiges Ausliefern an den Willen Gottes sein. Für einige von Euch mag diese einfache Wahrheit wie eine Selbstverständlichkeit klingen. Aber sie erlaubte mir, mein Leben in der Beziehung zu seinem Leben zu sehen. In diesen vielen Jahren hat Er mir nie das Gefühl gegeben, dass Er mich verurteilen würde. Aber Er hat eine Art, mich in den schlechten Zeiten zu ermutigen, weiter vorwärts zu preschen. Ich sehne mich danach, immer sicher in Seinem Willen zu bleiben. Seine Pläne haben sich im Vergleich zu meinen eigenen als viel tiefgreifender erwiesen. Die Lektion? Niemals aufhören, lernbereit zu sein.
Wir kehrten zurück, um genau diese Kirche 50 Jahre später zu besuchen. Meridel und ich waren hocherfreut zu erfahren, dass aus dieser einen Gemeinde über 100 Gemeinden entstanden sind. Ich war so ermutigt. Eines Tages werden wir, mit Freude, im Himmel die lieben Menschen entdecken, die gesegnet und gestärkt wurden, weil wir es wagten, zu vertrauen und zu gehorchen.
Wir erinnern Euch, liebe Freunde, dass Meridel und ich HOFFEN, dass Ihr die Freude des Heiligen Geistes spürt, wenn Ihr mit uns in unserem Lebenswerk aus Zion zusammensteht. Danke, dass Ihr in Euren Gebeten und an Euren monatlichen Spendenplänen für 2021 festhaltet. Ich bitte um Hilfe bei der Anschaffung von zwei Laptops, unseren “Werkzeugen des Schreibhandwerks”. Unsere derzeitigen sind buchstäblich abgenutzt. Jede Hilfe, um Ersatz zu beschaffen, wird sehr geschätzt. Meridel bekommt Elektroschläge von ihrem und die Tasten “a”, “d”, “e”, “s” und die Leertaste sind durchgescheuert. Danke! Jay
«Hallo zusammen», hier ist Meridel. Wenn ich schreibe, denke ich an viele von Euch persönlich. Einige von uns korrespondieren nun schon seit Jahren zusammen. Wir sind ermutigt hier in Israel. Das Land ist OFFEN! Es gibt Licht am Ende des Tunnels, trotz des tragischen Verlustes von 6.000 Seelen durch COVID. Wir beten, dass unser Land offen und sicher bleibt.
Am 23. März finden in Israel die nationalen Wahlen statt. Wir beten für eine Veränderung. Die Mittelklasse wurde systematisch dezimiert. Die Reichen werden reicher und die Armen werden ärmer. Wir brauchen einen Führer für den einfachen Mann. Bitte betet in die Gedanken des Vaters hinein, auch nachdem die Auszählung der Stimmen erfolgt ist.
Meine Söhne lassen mich auf mehr Sichtbarkeit hinarbeiten. Ich habe sogar meinen ersten eigenen Facebook-Post gemacht. Ich habe gerade vier kurze Segmente über «Bitterkeit» gedreht, ein sehr passendes Thema für Pessach, wenn wir den «Widerspruch der Sünder» betrachten, den Jesus ertragen musste. Die Wahrheit ist, dass wir nie vergessen dürfen, auf das «Zentrum» von Gottes Botschaft in der ganzen Schrift zu achten. Es ist kein anderer als sein leidender Knecht, der Messias und unser kommender König! Sie sind ein und dasselbe. Unser Gebet ist, dass Israel die Wahrheit in dieser Angelegenheit sieht.
Israel’s Schlagzeilen verkünden folgendes: Israel hat gerade die erste Implantation einer künstlichen Hornhaut erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Der Patient ist eine Person namens “Jamal”. Ich nehme an, er ist ein Araber, blind geboren. Nachdem er blind war, kann er jetzt sehen. Diese israelische Technologie könnte Millionen Menschen das Augenlicht bringen.
Die Israel Antiquities Authorities hat die erstaunlichen Nachrichten ihrer jüngsten Entdeckungen in der Wüste Judäas veröffentlicht. Bibelfragmente wurden unter den schillernden Artefakten gefunden, darunter auch Teile der Bücher von Nahum und Sacharja, in griechischer Sprache.
Durch diese Schriftfragmente hören wir Gottes Geist aus dem Staub zu unserer Nation sprechen.
“Dies sind die Dinge, die ihr tun sollt: Ein jeder rede die Wahrheit zu seinem Nächsten; vollzieht das Urteil der Wahrheit und des Friedens in euren Toren: Und keiner von euch soll sich Böses ausdenken in seinem Herzen gegen seinen Nächsten, und keinen falschen Eid lieben; denn alle diese Dinge sind mir verhasst, spricht der Herr.” Sacharja 8:16,17
Zu guter Letzt: Bitte unterstützt uns beim Bau eines sicheren Unterschlupfs (Haus) in Nepal. Keine Spende ist zu klein, aber auch keine ist zu groß. Was für eine wunderbare Möglichkeit, das Leben junger Menschen ohne Eltern nachhaltig zu verändern. Wir danken Euch.
“Freue dich sehr, o Tochter Zion! Jauchzet, ihr Töchter Jerusalems! Siehe, dein König kommt zu dir: Ein Gerechter und ein Retter, demütig und reitet auf einem Esel, einem Fohlen, dem Fohlen einer Eselin.” Sacharja 9,8
“Siehe, er kommt mit den Wolken, und jedes Auge wird ihn sehen, auch die, die ihn durchbohrt haben. Sein Anblick wird alle Völker der Erde in Schrecken und Trauer versetzen. Ja, so wird es sein, Amen.” Offenbarung 1,7
Trotzdem, komm Jeschua Ha Messias, Jesus der Messias.
Liebe Grüße von Meridel Rawlings.
Thrilling finds have been uncovered by the Israel Antiquities Authority in the Judean Desert
Dr. Meridel Rawlings, Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097, Israel
Kallisarvoiset ystävät! Shalom ja siunattua pesachin ja pääsiäisen aikaa!
Lähetämme rakkaudellisia rukouksia toivottaen teille turvallisuutta, terveyttä ja menestystä. Usein kodissamme kolmi- ja nelikymppisemme huudahtavat yhdessä Jayn ja minun kanssani: ”Kiitos Abba, olemme niin siunattuja.” Olemme kiitollisia terveydestä, ja koemme kulkevamme eteenpäin. Julistamme ja ylistämme Hänen siunauksiaan. Tarvitsemmeko siihen syytä? Emme oikeastaan, mutta otetaan vaikka aluksi se seikka, että nimemme ovat kirjoitettuina Karitsan Elämänkirjaan. Meidän elämänhistoriamme on uudelleenkirjoitettua, koska:
Hän on ylösnoussut! Hän on totisesti ylösnoussut! Hallelujaa!
Jay filmasi hiljattain sen unohtumattoman kohtaamisen HERRAN kanssa, joka hänellä oli vuonna 1969 pikkuruisessa, kuumassa ja savuisessa sekä moskiittojen täyttämässä slummissa Filippiineillä. Oppiaihe koski Jumalan mittaruo’on määriä hänen elämässään. Hesekiel 40:3 ja Ilmestyskirja 11:1
Apostoli Paavali esittää hyvin tärkeän kysymyksen Korinttilaiskirjeessä 3:16 ”Ettekö tiedä, että te olette Jumalan temppeli ja että Jumalan Henki asuu teissä?” Uskon hänen toteamuksensa olevan täysin relevantti nykyäänkin. Joskus meidän on tarpeen tarttua mittaruokoon. Korona on ollut sellainen itsetutkistelun vaihe.
Jay and Meridel Rawlings
Jayn puheenvuoro Saanhan viedä teidät 52 vuoden taa vuoteen 1969. Jätimme silloin taaksemme vauraan elämämme Kanadassa. Israel oli ensimmäinen pidemmän ajan pysähdysetappimme ”partiolaismatkallemme” maailman ympäri. Tiesimme palaavamme sinne elääksemme maassa. Annoimme kaksi vuotta elämästämme ruohonjuuritason avustustyöhön Manilassa. Mutta Jumala teki hyvin selväksi, että meidän tuli keskittyä Israeliin. Matkustimme seitsemän vuoden aikana yli 120 kansakunnassa vieraillen juutalaisyhteisöissä. Osoitimme heille profeettojen sanat, jotka koskivat kotiinpaluuta, alijan tekemistä.
Aloitus ”intensiivikurssilla” Quezon Cityssä, Filippiinien pääkaupungissa, antoi meille äärettömän arvokkaita oppeja elämää varten. Toimimme yhden kauden vapaaehtoisina avustustyöntekijöinä eräässä lähetysjärjestössä. Sen perustajat olivat vakiinnuttaneet raamattukoulun ja istuttaneet viitisen sataa seurakuntaa eri puolille maata. He luottivat käsiimme ”äitiseurakunnan” pastorin työn hoitamisen. Me kaikki koimme kansakunnanlaajuisen herätyksen puhkeamisen roomalaiskatolisissa konventeissa, luostareissa, arvokkaissa kouluissa ja yliopistoissa. Se oli huikeaa historian aikaa. Katselimme, miten Pyhä Henki läikkyi yli rajojen ja siirtyi Kaakkois-Aasiaan.
Mutta ennen tämän uuden haasteen hyväksymistä käännyin HERRAN puoleen johdatusta pyytäen. Hän antoi minulle näyn, joka muutti elämäni. Näin Herran mittaruo’on, jota Hesekiel ja Johannes käyttivät mittaamaan taivaallisen Temppelin. Tuossa näyssä puhdasta kultaa oleva väline loisteli himmeästi. Olin tottunut mittailemaan Raamatun Temppeliä. Tajusin tuosta näystä, että mittaruoko mittaa kaikki uskonnolliset instituutiot ja ihmiselämät. Tarkan yksityiskohtaiset mittaukset merkittiin kohdilleen, ja ne kuvasivat jokaisen ihmiselämän luovuttautumista Kaikkivaltiaan Jumalan tahdolle.
Typerästi oletin olevani kiittelyn arvoinen, olinhan jättänyt hallintotyöni Kanadan tuolloin suurimmassa sairaalassa. Luovuin taloudellisesta turvallisuudesta ja kaikesta maallisesta omaisuudesta. Minulla ei ollut varaa 30 dollarin henkivakuutukseen ja lopetin sen saamatta mitään. Eläkettä oli määrä kertyä miljoonan dollarin verran täyttäessäni 75 vuotta. Nykyään hymyilen jo pelkästään sitä ajatellessani. Meidän oli opittava elämään uskonvaraisesti. Minulla oli tuolloin taskussani 75 dollaria ja olimme vailla velkaa. Kyllä vain, muistutin ”Pyhälle”, että olin palvelemassa kanssaihmisiäni vieraassa massa, slummissa. Vaiheeni olivat Hänen käsissään.
Odottavin mielin katsoin kultaista mittaruokoa tietääkseni millaisen arvomitan saisin. Mitä? Näin olevani ruo’on aivan ensimmäisellä mittatasolla. Huudahdin epätoivoisena ja epäuskoisena. ”Abba, näytä mihin olet viemässä minua?” Välittömästi tunsin itseni nolostuneeksi. Edessäni oli verinen Jeesus ristiinnaulittuna riippumassa ristillä. Minulla ei ollut mitään sanottavaa. Hänen sanansa: ”Se on täytetty.”lävistivät egoni. ”Hän kallisti päänsä ja antoi henkensä.”Johannes 19:30
Tuo näky sai minut toteamaan, ettei minun tule koskaan muuttua omahyväiseksi. Elämäni täytyy olla jatkuvaa taipumista, suostumista Jumalan tahtoon. Muutamille teistä tämä yksinkertainen totuus saattaa kuulostaa itsestäänselvältä. Mutta saanen katsella omaa elämääni suhteessa Häneen. Näiden monien vuosien aikana Hän ei milloinkaan ole saanut minua tuntemaan itseäni tuomituksi, vaan Hän on aina rohkaissut minua jatkamaan uutterasti eteenpäin pysähdysaikoinakin. Toivon todella pysyväni turvassa Hänen tahdossaan. Hänen suunnitelmansa ovat osoittautuneet hyvin syvällisiksi omiini verrattuna. Oppimäärä? Älä koskaan lakkaa luovuttautumasta.
Palasimme vierailemaan tuohon samaiseen seurakuntaan 50 vuotta myöhemmin. Meridel ja minä saimme iloksemme kuulla, että sen pohjalta oli muodostettu yli 100 seurakuntaa. Tulin kovin rohkaistuksi. Eräänä päivänä Taivaassa saamme iloisina löytää nuo rakkaat ihmiset siunattuina ja vahvistuneina, koska uskalsimme luottaa ja totella.
Muistutamme teille rakkaat ystävämme, että Meridel ja minä TOIVOMME teidän tuntevan Pyhän Hengen mielisuosiota seistessänne rinnallamme täältä Siionista käsin tehtävässä elämäntyössa. Kiitos, että pidätte meidät rukouksissanne ja kuukausittaisten lahjoitusten piirissa vuonna 2021. Pyydän apua kahden läppärin ostoon. Ne ovat meidän työkalujamme tässä kirjoitusammatissa. Meridel saa sähköiskuja laitteestaan, jonka koskettimet a,d,e, s ja välilyönti ovat reiällisiksi kuluneita.
Kirjoittaessani ajattelen monia teitä henkilökohtaisesti. Muutamat meistä ovat olleet kirjeenvaihdossa kanssamme vuosien ajan. Täällä Israelissa olemme rohkaistuneita. Maa on AUKI! Tunnelin päässä on valoa, huolimatta siitä, että 6 000 sielua menetettiin koronalle. Rukoilemme, että maa pysyy avoimena ja turvallisena.
Israelin vaalit pidettiin 23. maaliskuuta. Rukoilemme muutosta. Keskiluokkaa on systemaattisesti vähennetty. Rikkaat rikastuvat ja köyhät köyhtyvät. Tarvitsemme johtajan, joka ajattelee tavallista ihmistä. Rukoilettehan Isän tahdon toteutumista vaalituloksen laskennankin jälkeen.
Poikani ovat saaneet minut työskentelemään kohti suurempaa näkyvyyttä. Tein peräti jo ensimmäisen Facebook-postaukseni ihan itse. Olen juuri nauhoittanut neljä lyhyttä klippiä aiheesta
”katkeruus”, mikä on varsin sopiva aihe pesachiin, juutalaiseen pääsiäiseen liittyen ajatellessamme sitä syntisten taholta tullutta vastustusta, jota Jeesus joutui kärsimään. Totuuden nimessä, älkäämme koskaan unohtako pitää silmällä Jumalan ”keskitaitetta” kaikissa Kirjoituksissa, joka ei koske mitään muuta kuin Hänen kärsivää Palvelijaansa, Messiasta ja takaisin tulevaa Kuningastamme! Yksi ja sama. Rukouksemme on, että Israel näkee totuuden tästä asiasta.
Israelissa etusivun uutinen on tämä: ihmisen silmään on menestyksellisesti istutettu keinotekoisesti valmistettu sarveiskalvo. Potilas on nimeltään ‘Jamal’, ja oletan hänen olleen syntymästä saakka sokea arabi. Aiemmin hän oli sokea ja nyt hän pystyy näkemään. Tämä israelilainen teknologia voi antaa näön miljoonille.
Israelin antiikkiviranomaiset – The Israel antiquities Authorities – on julkaissut hämmästyttäviä uutisia tuoreista löydöistä Juudean erämaasta. Raamattukatkelmien joukossa oli häikäiseviä teelmiä, mm. osia kreikankielisistä Naahumin ja Sakarjan kirjoista.
Kuulemme Jumalan Hengen puhuvan kansakunnallemme pölystä esiin tulleiden Kirjoitusten katkelmien kautta.
”Näitä te tehkää: Puhukaa totta toinen toisellenne. Tuomitkaa porteissanne oikein, tuomitkaa rauhan tuomio. Älkää hautoko mielessänne pahaa toinen toisellenne, älkääkä rakastako väärää valaa. Sillä kaikkia näitä minä vihaan, sanoo Herra.” Sakarja 8:16-17
Ja vielä lopuksi, vaikkeikaan vähäisenä seikkana: seisottehan rinnallamme turvatalon rakentamiseksi Nepaliin. Mikään lahjoitus ei ole liian pieni, eikä mikään liioin liian suuri. Mikä ihana tapa vaikuttaa pysyvästi nuorten, vailla vanhempia olevien elämään. Kiitos.
Iloitse suuresti, tytär Siion riemuitse, tytär Jerusalem, sillä sinun kuninkaasi tulee sinulle! Vanhurskas ja auttaja hän on, on nöyrä ja ratsastaa aasilla, aasintamman varsalla. Sakarja 9:9
Katso, hän tulee pilvissä, ja kaikki silmät saavat nähdä hänet, niidenkin, jotka hänet lävistivät, ja kaikki maan sukukunnat vaikeroitsevat hänen tullessansa. Totisesti, amen. Ilmestyskirja 1:7
Joten: saavu Jeshua HaMeshiah, Jeesus Messias.
Rakastavin terveisin Meridel Rawlings
Thrilling finds have been uncovered by the Israel Antiquities Authority in the Judean Desert
Dr. Meridel Rawlings, Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097, Israel
Dear Friends, Shalom, and a blessed Passover and Easter.
We send our loving prayers for your safety, health, and prosperity. Often, in our home, the 30 and 40-year olds join Jay and I in exclaiming, “Thank you Abba, we are so blessed.” We are grateful for our health and feel we are moving ahead. We proclaim and exclaim His blessings. Do we need a reason? Not really, but to begin with, our names are written in the Lambs Book of Life. Our history has been rewritten because:
He is Risen! He is Risen indeed! Hallelujah!
Jay recently filmed an unforgettable encounter he had with the LORD back in 1969, in a tiny hot smokey, mosquito filled-room in the slums of the Philippines. The lesson was about how “God’s Measuring Rod” applied to his life. Ezekiel 40:3 and Revelation 11:1
The Apostle Paul, asks the very important question in Corinthians 3:16 “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” I believe his statement is totally relevant today. Sometimes we need to take stock. COVID has been such a time of soul searching.
Jay and Meridel Rawlings
Jay here: “Permit me to take you back 52 years to ’69 when we left our prosperous life in Canada. Israel was our first lengthy stop on a “round the world” scouting trip. The one thing we knew was that one day we would return here to live. We gave two years of our lives to helping a grassroots work in Manila. But, God made it very clear that we were to focus on Israel. We traveled for 7 years to 120 nations visiting Jewish communities. We pointed them to the words of their Prophets concerning returning home, making “aliyah”.
Beginning in “boot camp” in Quezon City, the capital of the Philippines, taught us invaluable life-lessons. We volunteered to assist the mission for “a season.” The founders had planted a Bible school and raised up 500 churches nationwide. They trusted us to pastor the “mother church”. We all experienced a national revival spring forth in the Roman Catholic convents, monasteries, prestigious schools, and universities. It was a thrilling time in history. We watched this movement of God spill into South East Asia.
But, before accepting this new challenge, I turned to the LORD for guidance. He gave me a vision that changed my life. I saw The Lord’s Measuring Rod, usedby Ezekiel and John to measure the heavenly Temple. In the vision, the pure golden instrument gleamed softly. It was used to measure the Temple in the Bible. Now I realized in vision that it was also measuring, all religious institutions and human lives. Delicate measurements etched along the side marked the yieldedness of each human life to the Will of Almighty God.
Foolishly, I assumed that I was worthy of praise. After all, I had left my profession of Hospital Administration in Canada’s largest hospital at the time. I gave up my financial security, all earthly possessions. I could not afford the $30. for my life insurance policy and cashed it in gaining nothing. It was to mature at a million dollars when I turned 75. I smile today just thinking about it. We had to learn to live by faith. I had $75.00 in my pocket at the time, and we were debt-free. Oh, yes, and I reminded the “Holy One” that I was serving my fellow man in a foreign land, in the slums. My times were in His hands.
Expectantly I looked at the goldenrod to find out how I scored. What? I found myself at the very first point etched on the rod. I cried out in despair and disbelief. “Abba, please show me where you are taking me?” Instantly I felt ashamed. There before me was a bloodied Jesus hanging crucified on the cross. I had nothing to say.
His, words, “It is finished.” pierced my ego, He bowed His head and died. John 19:30 I moaned, Abba, please don’t leave me here, help me to be willing to move on.
That vision made me realize that I must never become complacent. My life must be one of continual yielding to the Will of God. For some of you, this simple truth may sound self-evident. But it allowed me to see my life in relation to His. Over these many years, He never made me feel condemned. But He has a way of encouraging me to keep on pressing forward in the down-times. I do desire to stay safe in His will. His plans have proved so profound in comparison to my own. The Lesson? Never stop Yielding.
We returned to visit that very church 50 years later. Meridel and I were delighted to learn that over 100 congregations were birthed from that one. I was so encouraged. One day in Heaven will we joyfully discover the dear people blessed and strengthened because we dared to trust and obey.
We are reminding you our dear friends that Meridel, and I HOPE you sense the pleasure of the Holy Spirit when you stand with us in our life’s work out of Zion. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers and in your monthly donation plans for 2021. I am asking for help to purchase two laptops, our “tools of the writing trade”. Our current ones are literally worn out. Any help to get replacements will be greatly appreciated. Meridel gets electric shocks from hers and the ‘a’, ‘d’, ‘e’,’s’ keys and space bar are worn through. Thanks. Jay”
“Hi, everyone Meridel here. When I write I think of many of your individually. Some of us have corresponded for years now. We are encouraged here in Israel. The country is OPEN! There is light at the end of the tunnel, in spite of the tragic loss of 6,000 souls to COVID. We pray the country will remain open and safe.
Israel’s National elections are on March 23rd. We pray for change. The middle-class has been systemically decimated. The rich get rich and the poor get poorer. We need a leader for the common man. Please pray into the mind of the Father, even after the count is in.
My sons have me working toward greater visibility. I even made my first Facebook post myself. I have just filmed 4 short segments on “bitterness”, a very appropriate topic for Passover when we consider the “contradiction of sinners” that Jesus had to endure. The truth is may we never forget to pay attention to God’s “centerfold” in all of scripture. It is none other than His suffering Servant, Messiah, and our coming King! They are one and the same. Our prayer is that Israel will see the truth in this matter.
Israel’s breaking news is this: they have just successfully completed the first implant of a manmade cornea. The patient is a person named ‘Jamal’. I presume he is an Arab, blind from birth. Whereas he was blind, now he can see. This Israeli technology could bring sight to millions.
The Israel Antiquities Authorities have released the amazing news of their most recent discoveries in the Judean desert. Bible fragments were among the dazzling artifacts found including parts of the books of Nahum and Zechariah in Greek.
We hear God’s Spirit speaking to our nation out of the dust through the fragment of scripture. “These are the things that ye shall do; Speak every man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates: And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor, and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the Lord.” Zechariah 8:16,17
Last, but not least, please stand with us to build a safe house in Nepal. No offering is too small, and neither is any too large. What a wonderful way to make a lasting difference in young lives without parents. Thank you.
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; He is just and having salvation, Lowly and riding on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey.” Zechariah 9:8
“Behold, he comes with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” Revelation 1:7
Even so, come Yeshua Ha Messiah, Jesus the Messiah.
Love from Meridel Rawlings.
Thrilling finds have been uncovered by the Israel Antiquities Authority in the Judean Desert
Dr. Meridel Rawlings, Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097, Israel
Wenn ich das Wort «Maske» erwähne, was kommt Euch in den Sinn?
Ist es eine Fangfrage?
Masken waren mir nicht fremd, denn als Krankenschwester trug ich, im Operationssaal, oder bei der Arbeit mit ansteckenden Krankheiten, eine Maske. Das Tragen einer Maske gehörte einfach zum «Dienstanordnung».
Heute tragen alle Menschen schon seit über einem Jahr Masken. Ich kaufe die billigsten und gängigsten in unserem örtlichen Supermarkt. Es stört mich nicht, dass meine Masken identisch mit den meisten anderen sind. Ich setze meine Maske auf, wenn ich das Haus verlasse, um meiner täglichen Routine nachzugehen; unbeeindruckt davon, sie tragen zu müssen. Wenn ich nach Hause komme, stecke ich sie in meine Tasche.
Kürzlich hatten meine Söhne und ich eine Situationsbesprechung und sie äusserten sich folgendermassen: «Mit der Veröffentlichung deines neuesten Buches wirst du eine grössere Präsenz in den sozialen Medien benötigen».
Ich fühlte mich unwohl mit dieser Aussage, und darum war meine Antwort negativ. Ich konnte ihnen zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht sagen, «warum». Jedes Mal, wenn dieses Thema zur Sprache kam, wurde ich von einer irrationalen Angst befallen. Dies war für mich beunruhigend. Warum hatte ich Angst vor den so genannten «sozialen Medien»? Ist das in der heutigen Zeit nicht der Weg nach vorne? Unsere letzte Diskussion liess mich «über die Kante in den Panikmodus rutschen». Da wurde mir klar, dass ich mich zurückziehen und mir Zeit nehmen musste, um Antworten zu finden.
Als ich zur Ruhe, kam erinnerte ich mich daran, dass ich als junger Mensch extrem zurückhaltend und schüchtern war. Entsprechend dieser Kriterien wählte ich meine Freunde aus. Ich genoss zwar die Kameradschaft sowohl mit Männern wie auch mit Frauen. Bei unseren Zusammenkünften wurde ich jeweils gebeten, meine «humorvollen» theatralischen Unterhaltungen mitzubringen. Ich tat dies, indem ich zuerst eine Maske aufsetzte. Auf mysteriöse Weise verwandelte ich mich dann in eine Komödiantin, die viel Unsinn erzählte. Ich war überrascht, dass durch das Tragen einer Maske, mein Gefühl von Freiheit und Selbstvertrauen wuchs. Von meinen Freunden angestachelt, liess ich mich gehen und genoss den Moment. Diese Art Humor brachten uns zum Lachen, wie es nur eine Komödie fertig bringt. Für diese wenigen magischen Momente schwebte ich auf den Wellen der Freude und des Humors. Im Nachhinein fragte ich mich: «Ist das die Art von Wirkung, welche Drogen und der Alkohol haben, um andere aufzulockern?»
Welche Dynamik war tief in mir am Werk? Was war das Geheimnis dieser neu gefundenen «joie de vivre» (Lebensfreude)? Weshalb konnte das Tragen einer Maske in mir einen solchen Unterschied bewirken? Ich überlegte mir dieses Phänomen sorgfältig. Woher kam diese emotionale Befreiung, welche ich so geniessen konnte?
Als Kind wurde ich gezwungen, jederzeit wachsam zu sein. Bald wurde ich zu ernsthaft und fühlte mich für alles verantwortlich. Warum? Seht, ich arbeitete hart daran, «nicht wahrgenommen» zu werden. Das war mein Bestreben in all den Jahren, in welchen ich aufwuchs. Ich strengte mich an, meine Gefühlsregungen und Gesichtszüge im Zaum zu halten. Das war aber nur in Anwesenheit ganz bestimmter Familienmitglieder der Fall. Ganz gleich, wie die Dinge aussahen, ich wusste, dass ich nicht sicher war. Angst beherrschte mein Leben und hielt mich ständig wachsam und hyperalarmiert. Ich versuchte, mich von “ihnen” fernzuhalten, indem ich daran arbeitete, unauffällig, ja sogar unsichtbar zu sein. Für mich war es unabdingbar, von diesen wenigen (Personen) übersehen zu werden. Das IST normal, wenn man innerhalb der eigenen Familie mit Missbrauch konfrontiert wird.
Ich muss meine Söhne daran erinnern: “Ich kann mir nichts Schlimmeres vorstellen, als dass Leute meine Post lesen? Warum?” Ich antworte: “Ich habe mich ein Leben lang bemüht, nicht im Rampenlicht zu stehen. Still Small Voice ist der perfekte Titel für meine Website. www.stillsmallvoice.tv”. Meine Söhne zucken mit den Schultern und flüstern verzweifelt: “Mutter!” Diese Aussage bewegen mich, daran zu arbeiten, die Angst vor dem «ausgestellt sein» zu überwinden.
Um also ganz auf «das Thema Maske” zurückzukommen …
Jetzt verstehe ich, warum es mir als Teenager Spaß gemacht hat, die Maske aufzusetzen. Das fadenscheinige Ding gab mir ein falsches Gefühl von Privatsphäre und Schutz. Mich sicher zu fühlen, durch diese spontanen komischen Einlagen, schenkten mir Entspannung. Vernünftig erklärt heisst das, die Maske bot mir eine “schützende Hülle”. Ja, das klang damals genauso irrational wie heute. Immerhin war Humor damals die beste Medizin und ist es immer noch!
«Also, welchen Unterschied hat die COVID-Maske in Euer Leben gebracht, wenn überhaupt?»
Fühlt Ihr Euch hinter der Maske isoliert?
Ärgert Ihr Euch an dem Befehl, «eine Maske tragen zu müssen?»
Glaubt Ihr, dass die Maske Euch schützt, so wie ich sie früher unter anderen Umständen getragen habe?
Gebt Ihr mehr aus für eine einzigartige oder für besondere Masken?
Habt Ihr das Gefühl, Eure Maske hebt Euch von anderen ab?
Hilft sie Euch dabei, Euer Bedürfnis, “besonders” zu sein, in dieser “Pandemie der Personenlosigkeit” zu definieren?
Oder ist die Maske eine echte Barriere?
Von was hält sie Euch ab, zu tun?
Wie wäre es, freundlich zu sein?
Wie würdet Ihr die Bewältigungsfähigkeiten der Maske in diesem Bereich einschätzen?
1 – 10?
Vielleicht ist dies die wichtigste Frage, welche wir uns alle stellen müssen: «Wie kann ich meine Gutherzigkeit, welche in mir wohnt, nach aussen strahlen lassen?» Gott sei Dank kann ich heute sagen: «Ich bin derselbe Mensch, ob mit oder ohne Maske. Ich lächle weiterhin meistens jeden an, dem ich begegne.» Ich freue mich, wenn sie zurücklächeln, egal ob kleine Kinder oder Erwachsene.
Woher weiß ich, dass sie lächeln?
Auch ihre Augen lächeln mich an! Manchmal sprechen wir sogar miteinander.
Kun sanon sanan ”maski”, mitä tulee mieleesi? Onko tämä kompakysymys? Ei. Minulla maskit olivat tuttuja, olenhan sairaanhoitaja. Käytin maskia leikkaussalissa tai työskennellessäni tarttuvien tautien parissa. Maskin käyttäminen oli yksinkertaisesti normaalia menettelyä.
Nykyään kaikki maailman ihmiset ovat käyttäneet maskia yli vuoden ajan. Ostan halvimpia ja yleisimmin käytössä olevia paikallisesta supermarketista. Minua ei häiritse, että omani ovat samanlaisia kuin useimmilla muilla. Panen maskin kasvoille lähtiessäni kotoa hoitamaan jokapäiväisiä rutiineja, eikä minuun vaikuta sen käytön pakollisuus. Sujautan sen taskuun kotiin palattuani.
Hiljattain pojillani ja minulla oli tuotantopalaveri ja he ilmoittivat: ”Kun tuorein kirjasi nyt on julkaistu, sinun on tarpeen olla enemmän läsnä sosiaalisessa mediassa.”
Tunsin oloni ahdistuneeksi, ja vastauskommenttini oli kielteinen. En kertonut heille syytä, koska tuossa tilanteessa en voinut tarkoin osoittaa alkusyytä. Aina kun kävimme samaa keskustelua ylleni tulvi irrationaalinen pelko. Se oli huolestuttavaa. Miksi minä pelkäsin ns. sosiaalista mediaa? Eikö se ole kaiken kaikkiaan nykymaailman tapa toimia menestyksellisesti? Asiasta käymämme viime keskustelu aiheutti minulle luisumisen paniikkimoodiin. Silloin totesin, että minun oli vetäydyttävä ja otettava aikaa vastauksien löytämiseen.
Hiljentyessäni muistin olleeni nuorena tuskallisen yksityinen ja arka. Valitsin ystäväni tarkoin; minulla oli tovereina sekä poikia että tyttöjä. Ollessamme koolla minua pyydettiin tarjoamaan sisäpiirin viihdettä. Niin tein laittamalla ensin kasvoilleni maskin. Mystisesti muutuin hölynpölyä pursuavaksi ilveilijäksi. Minua hämmästytti, että maskin laittamisella tunteeni vapaudesta ja itsevarmuudesta lisääntyi. Ystävieni yllyttämänä päästin vapaalle ja heittäydyin hetkeen. Ilveilyni saivat meidät kikahtumaan naurusta, kuten vain koominen, huojentava purkaus voi. Noiden harvojen taianomaisten hetkien ajan olin korkealla riemullisten huumoriaaltojen harjalla. Jälkikäteen ihmettelin itsekseni: ”Tällainenko vapauttava vaikutus huumeilla ja alkoholilla on muutamiin?”
Mikä dynaaminen voima työskenteli syvällä sisälläni? Mikä oli tämän uuden, löytyneen joie de vivre –tunteen, elämänilon salaisuus? Miten maskin käyttäminen voisi vaikuttaa jotain muuttaen? Tarkastelin tätä ilmiötä tarkoin. Miksi koin emotionaalista vapautusta?
Lapsena minun oli ollut pakko olla valppaana – koko ajan. Minusta kasvoi pian liian keskittynyt, liian intensiivinen ja tunsin oloni liian vastuulliseksi. Miksi? Sen vuoksi, että näin kovasti vaivaa, ettei minua huomattaisi. Se oli pyrkimykseni kautta kaikkien kasvuvuosien. Pyrin pitämään tunteeni ja kasvonilmeeni tiukoissa ohjaksissa. Sellainen oli tilanne tietenkin vain tiettyjen perheenjäsenten ollessa läsnä. Tiesin, etten ollut turvassa, näyttipä tilanne millaiselta tahansa. Pelko hallitsi elämääni ja sai minut olemaan hyvin varuillani sekä erittäin valppaana. Pyrin pitämään etäisyyttä ”niihin” ja pinnistelin ollakseni huomaamaton, jopa näkymätön. Omasta puolestani oleminen ”niiden muutamien” huomiota vailla oli ehdottoman välttämätöntä. Tämä ON normaalia, jos joku omassa
perheessään kohtaa hyväksikäyttöä.
Minun oli muistutettava pojilleni, etten voinut kuvitella mitään pahempaa kuin ihmisiä lukemassa sähköpostejani. Miksi niin? Olen jo viettänyt yhden elämänajan tyytyväisenä ja pysyttelemällä poissa parrasvaloista. Pieni hiljainen ääni on täydellisen sopiva nimi omille nettisivuilleni, www.stillsmallvoice.tv.
Pojat kohauttelivat harteitaan ja huoahtivat epätoivoisina ”Äiti!” Teen työtä päästäkseni yli tästä näkyvillä olemisen pelosta.
Palataan takaisin aiheeseen maski. Nyt ymmärrän miksi sen sujauttaminen paikoilleen oli teini- ikäisenä kivaa. Tuo hatara vempain antoi minulle väärän tunteen yksityisyydestä ja suojasta. Turvassa olemisen tuntemus sinkosi minut luomaan spontaania, koomista helpotusta. Järkevästi ottaen maski tarjosi minulle suojaavan piilovarustuksen. Kyllä, moinen vaikutti ja vaikuttaa yhtä irrationaaliselta aikoinaan kuin nykyäänkin. Olihan huumori parasta lääkettä silloin ja sitä se on yhäkin!
Entä miten koronamaski on muuttanut elämääsi, vai onko mitenkään? Tunnetko itsesi eristetyksi maskin takana? Ärsyttääkö sinua määräys maskin pakollisesta käyttämisestä? Uskotko maskin pitävän sinut turvassa, kuten minä aikoinaan uskoin eri olosuhteissa. Maksatko enemmän ainutkertaisista ja erityisistä maskeista? Onko sinulla tarve tuntea oman maskisi erottavan sinut muista? Auttaako se sinua määrittelemään tarvetta olla erityinen tässä persoonattomassa pandemiassa? Vai onko maski todellinen estävä muuri? Mitä tekemästä se estää sinua? Mitä vaikkapa ystävällisyyden suhteen? Miten arvioisit selviytymistaitojasi sillä saralla asteikolla 1-10?
Ehkä kaikkein tärkein kysymys, joka meidän tulee itsellemme tehdä, on tämä: ”Miten sallia sisälläni olevan hyvyyden loistaa ulospäin?” Onneksi kaikeksi voin nykyään todeta olevani sama henkilö maski kasvoilla tai ilman sitä. Hymyilen yhä mahdollisimman paljon lähes kaikille kohtaamilleni. On palkitsevaa, kun he hymyilevät takaisin, niin lapset kuin aikuisetkin. Mistä tiedän heidän hymyilevän? Heidän silmänsä vastaavat hymyyni, niin lasten kuin aikuistenkin. Joskus peräti juttelemme.
Meridel Rawlings
Laulun sanat: Minä luotan Sinuun. Heikko sanokoon: olen vahva Herran väkevyydessä.
When I say the word “mask” what comes to your mind? Is it a trick question? No.
I was no stranger to masks because as a nurse, I wore a mask in the operating theatre, or when working with contagious diseases. Wearing a mask was simply considered, “protocol”.
Today, all people in the world have worn masks for over a year now. I purchase the cheapest most common ones at our local supermarket. It doesn’t bother me that mine are identical to most others. I put my mask on, when I leave the house to go about my daily routine; unaffected by having to wear it. I slip it into my pocket upon returning home.
Recently, my sons and I had a production meeting and they announced: “With the publishing of your latest book, you will need a greater presence on “social media.”
I felt uneasy and my response was negative. I did not tell them why, because at the time, I couldn’t put my finger on, “why”? Whenever we had this discussion; I was flooded by irrational fear. It was troubling. Why was I afraid of so called, “social media”? After all, isn’t this the way forward in today’s world? Our last discussion caused me ”to slip over the edge into panic-mode. It was then I realized I had to pull back, and take time to find answers.
When I was quiet, I remembered, that as a young person, I was painfully private and shy. I chose my friends well; enjoying camaraderie with both males and females. At get-togethers, I’d be asked to bring the “in house” entertainment. I did so by first putting on a mask. Mysteriously I morphed into a comedian, full of nonsense. I was surprised that by wearing a mask my sense of freedom and confidence grew. Egged on by my friends, I “let go”, embracing the moment. My antics kept us in stitches, as only comic relief can do. For those few magical moments, I crested high on the joyful wave of humor. Afterward I wondered to myself, “Is this the kind of effect drugs and or alcohol has in loosening others up?”
What dynamic was deep at work within me? What was the secret of this new found “joie de vie”? How could wearing a mask make any difference? I considered this phenomen carefully. Why the emotional release I enjoyed?
As a child, I had been forced to be watchful, at all times. I soon grew to be too focused, too intense and felt too responsible. Why? You see, I worked hard ’not to be noticed’. That was my quest all through those growing up years. I strived to keep a tight reign on my emotions and facial features. That of course, was only in the presence of certain family members. No matter how things appeared, I knew I was not safe. Fear ruled my life, making me ever vigilant and hyper-alert. I tried to keep my distance from “them” by working to be unremarkable, even invisible. For me, being ignored by these few, was imperative. This IS normal if one faces abuse in their family.
I have to remind my sons, “I can’t think of anything worse than people reading my mail? What for?” I respond. “I have lived a lifetime, content to stay out of the limelight. Still Small Voice is the perfect title for my website. www.stillsmallvoice.tv” They shrug their shoulders and in exasperation whisper, “Mother!” I am working to overcome this fear of exposure.
So to come all the way back to “the subject of “the mask” … Now, I understand why slipping it on, as a teenager was fun. The flimsy thing gave me a false-sense of privacy and protection. Feeling safe, propelled me to create spontaneous comic relief. I rationalise, the mask provided me with a “protective covering”. Yes, that sounded as irrational back then as it does today. After all, humor was the best medicine back then and still is!
“So, what difference has the COVID mask brought to your life, if any?” Do you feel isolated behind your mask? Do you chafe under the order of having to “wear a mask”? Do you believe it keeps you safe as I once did under different circumstances? Do you spend more on unique or special masks? Do you need to feel, your mask sets you apart from others? Does it help define your need to be “special” in this “person-less pandemic’? Or, is the mask a real barrier? What does it stop you from doing? How about, being friendly? How would you rate your coping skills in this area; 1 – 10?
Maybe this is the most important question we each need to ask ourselves. “How do I allow the goodness that is on the inside of me to shine out?” Thank goodness, today, I can say, “I am the same person with or without my mask in place.” I continue to smile at most everyone I encounter. It is gratifying when they smile back, small children and adults, alike. How do I know they are smiling? Their eyes are smiling back at me! Sometimes we even speak.
As far back as I can remember, I have always loved a good view. Something in me needs to “see out”. I discovered the creative living world that surrounds us all. The beauty of nature speaks and blesses me. Growing up on the vast expanse of the Canadian Prairies, I was fascinated by the response of vast wheat fields to playful summer breezes. The standing grain moved in what resembled gentle rolling waves as if keeping rhythm to some unseen orchestra. To the west, the massive dark navy blue snow capped Rockies created awe. These experiences and others beckoned me to explore the world far beyond the veranda and garden of our little white clap board house.
Today, the ability “to see” begins with the fear or respect of God. To me it is the beginning of wisdom. With so many demi-gods strutting about today, we are left wanting. Finding that quiet moment helps to ease our current state of isolation. It helps me to remind myself that I am still part of my Creator’s spectular world. Its beauty begins with the Infinite all the way down to the finite. His fingerprints are seen everywhere.
This morning I took a photo of our blooming almond tree. Its sweet scented snowy blooms and brand new leaves speak of spring and God’s Eternal promises to His nation and people Israel. Yes, we continue to arrive home to Zion from the far flung corners of the earth, Iran, China, Ethiopia, even America … And this is important for you because God is no respecter of persons. If you are in Covenant with Him, then you too can rest in the fact that He will also keep His Word to you personally. Yes, especially in the hard times. Our God is faithful and true to His creation and His creatures, because we are all part of what is!
It was all brought home so forcefully on January 26th when Daniel and Shelly Rawlings little son was born in Jeusalem. We saw him at three days of age and the only word I could utter was, “exquisite”! What a special joy to have a newborn at home. i am all for intergenerational families.
“And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God.” Revelation 21:10
God’s word gives us special depth perception. It enables us to look back on yesterday, cherish today and yes, pursue eternity with wisdom. I take note of the private relationships highlighted throughout scripture. Beginning with Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Jesus and His disciples including the “notable” women. Hopefully we’re not so quick to judge as we gain clues into what makes these individuals tick. Yet, to some, the Bible can be quite annoying. Yes, it digs into the thoughts and intents of all human hearts. Like a mirror it causes self-reflection. It can expose how full of contradiction and complexity we are. Have we not all schemed, lied, cheated, been greedy and lustful? Yet don’t we dare to hope and even pray for change? We are a contradiction in terms. Yet God is so miraculous because He chooses, if invited, to breech the distance between heaven and earth, to come to you and I. What a mystery His love is. Yes, it comes from another realm!
“And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the strength of Messiah may rest upon me.’“ 2 Cor. 12:8-10
What Happened to Freedom and Unity?
Two hundred and thirty-two years ago George Washington became the first President of the USA. At that time he said: “The propitious smiles of heaven can be expected upon a nation that regards the eternal rules of order and right that heaven itself has ordained. A nation is united in shared values and common hopes.”
The prophet Daniel speaks of the man who “will succeed through craftiness and deceit, become swelled with pride, and destroy many people just when they feel the most secure.” Dan. 8:23-25
We are also warned: “Whoever hates his brother is a murderer.” 1 John: 3:15
Mr. Biden is systematically turning America into a police state by the ruling elite? He is their hand holding the pen. Big tech is on board monitoring freedom of speech. Big Brother is preparing the way toward world government. The World Economic forum met in Switzerland last month to launch the big “reset”. Hate speech and lies dominate lazy media outlets. All the while, COVID deaths continue to climb globally as lockdowns continue, schools stay shut and the world population is expected to put up and shut up.
Israel in Crisis
Israel is hermetically sealed. Our International Airport is closed. Little movement is permitted internally. We are told that the pandemic will continue well into 2022. We may even need a third shot to counter the various viral strains that the China virus has now morphed into. But now it is termed, the South African, Brazilian, Californian or Korean virus but never the China virus. Why? Did you know that the so-called Spanish flu of 1917 came from … that’s right, China! Keep an eye on China. Look up “China In Focus” on YouTube. Let their ex-pats tell you what is going on. They will open your eyes.
Here in Israel, “The Pfizer” vaccine was distributed to 80% of Israel’s most vulnerable population in January. Data released by Israel’s Health Ministry it is highly effective in providing immunity. It is now being given to everyone 35 and younger. Tragically children are coming down with COVID. This week we lost a two month old baby.
Despite Israel’s offer to assist the Palestinians with vaccine doses, Arab terrorists have mounted a series of shootings, stabbings and car-ramming attacks against the very ones reaching out to them. This week 5,000 doses were distributed to medical workers in East Jerusalem. Meanwhile the PA contracted with Russia for the vaccine and still waits.
Alternative-Preventative Therapies
Over 38,400 doctors and scientists worldwide have signed “The Great Barrington Declaration” which mainly says the western world’s approach to the early treatment of COVID is doing more harm then good. America’s Frontline Doctors work around the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine and zinc as an effective pre-treatment of COVID. One of our Board Members was treated this way and made a full recovery. COVID-19, is likely spoken of in Matthew where Jesus warned of “famines and pestilences,” … which ushers in “the beginning of sorrows.” Matt. 24:7,8.
Religious Unrest
Recently, two leading ultra-Orthodox Rabbis died of COVID within hours of each other. Their funerals drew 30,000 mourners during our 3rd and strictest lock down. It was futile for the police to urge these religious crowds not to attend. But 30% of all COVID deaths over the past year took place this January. Police attempting to enforce regulations in some ultra-Orthodox areas met with extremely violent attacks. Our death toll is now over 5,000. Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
A bus is set alight by an ultra-Orthodox mob in the city of Bnei Brak, January 24, 2021, a city near Tel Aviv. Photo: Israel Police
Israel led the world in reaching their “at risk” population in January with the two shots of vaccine. BUT FaceBook removed a post by Mr. Netanyahu on Jan. 25, 2021, citing he violated the media giant’s privacy policies. He posted a call asking the public to help provide details for everyone age 60 and above so that they could reach as many people at risk as possible.
Question: We have many shut-ins in all of our neighbourhoods. Can we not speak up for them? We are not informers, but we are our brother’s keeper. How many people around the world would be thrilled to have already received their immunisation? Instead of encouraging the world by our efficiency, Israel is shunned and condemned. Face Book, a non-governmental watchdog organization said: “Following the violation of these rules, we removed the post and temporarily suspended Mr. Netanyahu.” Israel said the initial complaint was filed by a university professor and a private citizen. Welcome to our new reality.
Abdol-Hamid Masoumi-Tehrani is a former ayatollah who was removed from office by the Iranian government. He spent five years in jail because of his objections to the regime. He fearlessly risked a Zoom call last week with Israeli reporter Ohad Hemo, saying, ”Our regime is dictatorial, we have no problem with Israel.” He sees beyond today and dreams of praying in Jerusalem. What a heart! Pray for him and the millions of Iranians that he represents. King Solomon prayed this prophetic prayer at the dedication to the Temple: “Whatever prayer and supplication be made by Your people Israel, each man knowing the affliction of his own heart and spreading forth his hands toward this house; then hear in Heaven your dwelling place and forgive, and act, and give to every man according to his ways whose heart you know; for You and You only know the hearts of all the children of men.” 1 Kings 8:38,39 Amplified
The Palestinian Authority
The never ending pride of the PA surfaced recently when outgoing US Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman laid a plaque at the American Embassy in Jerusalem. The Ambassador dared to equate America’s founding back to Judaeo-Christian values. He said “I hope that this plaque will prompt all those who read it to think of the Judaeo-Christian values upon which America was founded and how those values were inspired by ancient Jerusalem and its inhabitants.” Well, the outraged PA has threatened to file a complaint against Friedman in international courts.
A warning to Mr. Biden.
Puritan Prophecy about Canada 1776
To bring further perspective to the vision I shared about Canada in my January letter I enclose the next two wonderful insights.
“Around 1776 this prophecy was given by the Puritan Reformers, when the British Empire Loyalists turned north to settle in Canada in order to remain under British rule. When zealous Americans sought to persecute them because of this decision, the Spirit of the Lord spoke through their prophets saying, “Do not hinder these people. Let them move to Canada. Do not seek to incorporate the land of Canada into America. I am in the independence of America from Britain, and will mightily use this country. But Canada has been reserved by me for the last days for a special work.’” Billie Brim Ministries
Dr. Yonggi Cho on Canada
“Five years ago I visited Canada (1979) and travelled from Montreal to Vancouver by car. I was preaching from town to town, and while I was speaking, I felt somewhat depressed. The Holy Spirit spoke in my heart that God was going to raise up tremendous churches in Canada and that Canada would be used as a missionary sending country, and that Canada would open the way for Jesus Christ to return to this earth.
“I was afraid to confess that but when I was praying … the Spirit of the Lord impressed my heart to say it. I was afraid because I already thought that America was far greater than Canada. If ever God would use any country, He should use America instead of Canada because America is a … country with greater resources and more population. But again and again God spoke to my heart that He was going to use Canada.” Dr. Yonngi Cho 1984 church growth seminar in Sackville, Nova Scotia, Canada.
The latest letter from our daughter Indira in Kathmandu.
Dear Mama and Papa:
Thank you so much for being my real parents in God’s kingdom. We are planning to buy our own property to run the safe house as paying rent is very difficult and the place always becomes too small as we have many demands even this pandemic time. With ou ten girls, we also have two young girls recently rescued and one woman with two children. Luckily we have reached more than 2000 families with humanitarian support. We are able to support some of the sick with medications.
Mama currently we are working on the court case against a trafficker who sold more than 250 young girls to India. His wife is still running the brothel in India. This case is in courts so dear mama and papa please ask you people to pray that we will win the case and send him to jail. Love, Indira.
I have asked Indira to find a piece of property and send us the particulars . I pray God’s people will help us raise the funds to buy it.. Jay joins me in sending our thankfulness and blessing you at this difficult time.
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“The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9
Eyes that See
I received this encouraging note from an 82 year old living alone.
“Change is everywhere. Will life ever go back to “normal”? Church has been closed since August. Our Israeli dance classes are gone as is choir practice, Friends no longer meet in my home for Bible studies. I am not lonely and feel so blessed to live in my own home with one credit card I pay off monthly. I had this thought the other day. God does not practise social distancing. I know He loves me so much and yes, there are still things in my life that I am working on. His love is more than I can comprehend. I am so grateful. I pray for you and your family and ministries every single day. I love you …“ M.V.
Use your KEYS
I close with this prayer for you. “Father in Heaven, may Your Spirit open our eyes to see beyond our own homes and temporal circumstances. Please lead us forward into active duty. We are willing to reach unafraid into the invisible realms in Your Holy Authority, Yeshua, Messiah. He gave us the keys to Your Kingdom and our work is to bring it down to earth. Thank you for the mystery of the blood covenant. Teach us today to rise up and stand against evil. We can call out the lies for what they are. Teach us to bind and forbid the evil, sending it away. Then You tell us to Permit or loose Your Will in what ever situation we address. This is our inheritance And yes, even though we don’t feel like it, we are saints!” Amen.
“And the key of the house of David I will lay upon his shoulder; he shall open and no one shall shut; he shall shut and no one shall open.” Isaiah 22:22 Amp.
“… He who has the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” Revelation 3:7
“And I give unto you the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind [or forbid] on earth will be bound [or forbidden] in heaven and whatever you loose [or permit] on earth will be loosed [or permitted] in heaven.” Matthew 16:19
Soweit ich mich erinnern kann, habe ich eine schöne Aussicht immer geliebt. Etwas in mir muss «hinausschauen» können, Ich habe die kreative und lebendige Welt entdeckt, welche uns alle umgibt. Die Schönheit der Natur spricht mich an und segnet mich. Aufgewachsen in der Weite von Kanadas Prärien, war ich fasziniert von der Reaktion riesiger Weizenfelder auf eine sanfte Sommerbrise. Das stehende Getreide bewegte sich in sanften, rollenden Wellen, als würde es der Rhythmus eines unsichtbaren Orchesters beibehalten. Gegen Westen hin sorgten die massiven, dunkelblauen und schneebedeckten «Rocky Mountains» für ehrfürchtiges Staunen. Diese und andere ähnliche Erfahrungen lockten mich, die Welt jenseits der Veranda und des Gartens unseres kleinen, weissen Dachschindelhauses zu erkunden.
Heute beginnt für uns die Fähigkeit zu «sehen» mit der Ehrfurcht und dem Respekt vor Gott. Für mich ist das der Anfang der Weisheit. Bei so vielen Halbgöttern, welche heute herumstolzieren, mangelt es bei uns um das Verlangen danach. Das Finden dieses ruhigen Moments hilft uns, den gegenwärtigen Zustand der Isolation zu erleichtern. Es hilft mir, mich daran zu erinnern, dass ich immer noch ein Teil der spektakulären Welt meines Schöpfers bin. Seine Schönheit beginnt mit dem Unendlichen bis hinunter ins Endliche. Seine Fingerabdrücke sind überall zu sehen.
Heute Morgen habe ich ein Foto unseres blühenden Mandelbaums gemacht. Seine süss duftenden, schneebedeckten Blüten und neu spriessenden Blätter sprechen vom Frühling und Gottes ewigen Verheissungen an seine Nation und sein Volk Israel. Ja, wir kommen weiterhin nach Hause in Zion, aus den entlegensten Winkeln der Erde, Iran, China, Äthiopien, sogar Amerika … Und das ist wichtig für Euch, weil Gott kein Ansehen der Person kennt. Wenn Ihr im Bund mit Ihm seid, dann könnt auch Ihr Euch darauf verlassen und darin ruhen, dass Er sein Wort auch für Euch persönlich halten wird. Ja, und das besonders in schweren Zeiten. Unser Gott ist treu und wahrhaftig zu seiner Schöpfung und seinen Geschöpfen, weil wir alle Teil davon sind!
Am 26. Januar wurde Daniel und Shelly Rawlings ein kleiner Sohn in Jerusalem geboren, und es war so gewaltig, als sie ihn nach Hause brachten. Wir sahen ihn im Alter von drei Tagen und das einzige Wort, was ich aussprechen konnte, war «wunderbar»! Was für eine besondere Freude, ein Neugeborenes zu Hause zu haben. Ich bin total für generationenübergreifende Familien.
«Und er trug mich im Geist auf einen grossen und hohen Berg, und zeigte mir die Heilige Stadt Jerusalem, welche von Gott aus dem Himmel herabgekommen ist». Offenbarung 21,10
Gottes Wort gibt uns eine speziell tiefe Wahrnehmung. Es ermöglicht uns, auf gestern zurückzublicken, das Heute zu schätzen und ja, der Ewigkeit mit Weisheit nachzuspüren. Ich nehme die privaten Beziehungen zur Kenntnis, welche in der gesamten Schrift hervorgehoben sind. Beginnend mit Adam und Eva, Abraham und Sarah, Jesus und seinen Jüngern, einschliesslich ihrer «bemerkenswerten» Frauen. Hoffentlich sind wir nicht zu schnell im Beurteilen, wenn wir Hinweise darauf erhalten, was diese Personen zum Ticken bringt. Dennoch kann für einige die Bibel manchmal ziemlich nervig sein. Ja, sie greift in die Gedanken und Absichten aller menschlichen Herzen ein. Wie ein Spiegel verursacht sie uns eine Selbst-Reflektierung. Sie kann uns zeigen, wie wir voller Widerspruch und Komplexität sind. Haben wir nicht alle intrigiert, gelogen, betrogen, waren gierig und sind lustvoll gewesen? Jedoch wagen wir es nicht, zu hoffen und oder sogar für Veränderung zu beten? Wir sind doch ausdrücklich ein Widerspruch. Doch Gott ist so wunderbar, weil Er sich entscheidet, wenn Er eingeladen wird, die Distanz zwischen Himmel und Erde zu überwinden, um zu Euch und zu mir zu kommen. Was für ein Geheimnis ist seine Liebe. Ja, sie kommt aus einem anderen Königreich!
«Er aber antwortete mir: Meine Gnade genügt dir; denn die Kraft wird in der Schwachheit vollendet. Viel lieber also will ich mich meiner Schwachheit rühmen, damit die Kraft Christi auf mich herabkommt». 2.Korinther 12,9
Was ist mit der Freiheit und Einheit passiert?
Vor 232 Jahren wurde George Washington der erste Präsident der USA. Damals sagte er: «Das gnädige Lächeln des Himmels kann von einer Nation erwartet werden, welche die ewigen Regeln der Ordnung und des Rechts achtet, die der Himmel selbst bestimmt hat. Eine Nation ist in gemeinsamen Werten und Hoffnungen vereint».
Der Prophet Daniel spricht von dem Mann, der «durch List und Täuschung Erfolg hat, sich vor Stolz brüstet, und viele Menschen zerstören wird, wenn sie sich am sichersten fühlen» Daniel 8,23-25.
Wir werden auch gewarnt: «Wer seinen Bruder hasst, ist ein Mörder». 1.Joh. 3,15.
Herr Biden verwandelt Amerika systematisch in einen Polizeistaat der herrschenden Elite? Er ist der Stift, welcher ihre Hand hält. Der grosse Techniker ist an Bord und überwacht die Redefreiheit. «Big Brother» bereitet den Weg zur Weltregierung vor. Das Weltwirtschaftsforum traf sich letzten Monat in der Schweiz, um den grossen «Reset» zu starten. Hassreden und Lügen dominieren in den Medienaussprüchen. Währenddessen steigen die COVID-Todesfälle weltweit immer noch an, obwohl die Lockdowns andauern, die Schulen geschlossen bleiben, und von der Weltbevölkerung erwartet wird, sich damit abzufinden und den Mund zu halten.
Israel in der Krise
Israel ist hermetisch abgeriegelt. Unser internationaler Flughafen ist geschlossen. Wenig Bewegung ist im Landesinneren erlaubt. Man sagt uns, dass die Pandemie bis weit ins Jahr 2022 andauern wird. Vielleicht brauchen wir sogar eine dritte Impfung gegen die verschiedenen Virusstämme, in die sich das China-Virus jetzt verwandelt hat. Aber jetzt heisst es, das südafrikanische, brasilianische, kalifornische oder koreanische Virus, aber nie das China-Virus. Warum eigentlich? Wusstet Ihr, dass die sogenannte Spanische Grippe von 1918 aus … genau, China kam! Behaltet ein Auge auf China. Schaut Euch «China in Focus»auf YouTube an. Lasst Euch von den Ex-Pats (im Ausland lebende Personen) erzählen, was dort vor sich geht. Sie werden Euch die Augen öffnen.
Hier in Israel wurde der Impfstoff von «Pfizer» im Januar an 80% der am meisten gefährdeten Bevölkerung Israels verteilt. Die Daten, welche vom israelischen Gesundheitsministerium veröffentlicht wurden, zeigen, dass der Impfstoff sehr effektiv ist und Immunität verleiht. Der Impfstoff wird nun an alle Personen unter 35 Jahren ausgegeben. Tragischerweise erkranken immer mehr Kinder an COVID. Diese Woche haben wir ein zwei Monate altes Baby verloren.
Trotz Israels Angebot, die Palästinenser mit Impfstoff zu unterstützen, haben arabische Terroristen eine Reihe von Schiessereien, Messerstechereien und Auto-Rammattacken gegen diejenigen verübt, welche ihnen die Hand reichen. Diese Woche wurden 5’000 Dosen an medizinisches Personal in Ost-Jerusalem verteilt. Inzwischen hat die PA (Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde) einen Vertrag mit Russland über den Impfstoff abgeschlossen und wartet immer noch.
Alternativ-vorbeugende Therapien
Über 38’400 Ärzte und Wissenschaftler weltweit haben die «The Great Barrington Declaration» unterzeichnet, die vor allen besagt, dass der Ansatz der westlichen Welt zur Frühbehandlung von COVID mehr schadet als nützt. Amerikas Ärzte, mit direktem Kontakt zu Patienten, arbeiten daran, um die Wirksamkeit von Hydroxychloroquin und Zink als eine effektive Vorbehandlung von COVID zu prüfen. Eines unserer Vorstandsmitglieder wurde auf diese Weise behandelt und erholte sich vollständig. COVID-19, wird wahrscheinlich in Matthäus erwähnt, wo Jesus vor “Hungersnöten und Seuchen” warnte, … was “der Anfang der Endzeit-Wehen»” einleitet. Matt. 24:7,8.
Religiöse Unruhen
Vor kurzem starben zwei führende ultra-orthodoxe Rabbiner, innerhalb von wenigen Stunden an COVID. Ihre Beerdigungen zogen 30.000 Trauernde während unserer dritten und strengsten Abriegelung an. Die Polizei versuchte vergeblich, diese religiösen Menschenmassen zurückzudrängen und zu bewegen, nicht daran teilzunehmen. Aber 30% aller COVID-Todesfälle des letzten Jahres fanden in diesem Januar statt. Der Versuch der Polizei, in einigen ultra-orthodoxen Gegenden Vorschriften durchzusetzen, stieß auf extrem gewalttätige Angriffe. Die Zahl der Todesopfer im Zusammenhang mit COVID liegt jetzt bei über 5.000. Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Ein Bus wird von einem ultra-orthodoxen Mob in der Stadt Bnei Brak, einer Stadt in der Nähe von Tel Aviv, in Brand gesetzt, 24. Januar 2021. Photo: Israelische Polizei
Israel führte die Welt an, indem sie ihre «gefährdete» Bevölkerung mit den zwei Spritzen Impfstoff im Januar erreichen konnte. ABER FaceBook entfernte einen Beitrag von Herrn Netanjahu am 25. Januar 2021 mit der Begründung, er habe die Datenschutzrichtlinien der Mediengiganten verletzt. Er hatte einen Aufruf gepostet, in dem er die Öffentlichkeit bat, ihm dabei zu helfen, die Daten aller über 60-Jährigen zu übermitteln, damit sie so viele Risikopersonen wie möglich erreichen können.
Frage: Wir haben viele Eingeschlossene (in ihren Wohnungen wegen des Lockdowns) in unseren Vierteln. Können wir uns nicht für sie einsetzen? Wir sind keine Denunzianten, aber wir sind die Hüter unseres Bruders. Wie viele Menschen auf der Welt würden sich freuen, wenn sie bereits geimpft wären? Anstatt die Welt durch unsere Effizienz zu ermutigen, wird Israel gemieden und verurteilt. FaceBook, eine nichtstaatliche Überwachungsorganisation, sagte: “Nach dem Verstoß gegen diese Regeln haben wir den Beitrag entfernt und Herrn Netanjahu vorübergehend suspendiert.” Israel sagte, die ursprüngliche Beschwerde wurde von einem Universitätsprofessor und einem Privatmann eingereicht. Willkommen in unserer neuen Realität.
Abdol-Hamid Masoumi-Tehrani ist ein ehemaliger Ayatollah, der von der iranischen Regierung seines Amtes enthoben wurde. Er verbrachte fünf Jahre im Gefängnis wegen seiner Einwände gegen das Regime. Letzte Woche riskierte er furchtlos ein Zoom-Gespräch mit dem israelischen Reporter Ohad Hemo und sagte: “Unser Regime ist diktatorisch, aber wir haben kein Problem mit Israel.” Er sieht über das Heute hinaus und träumt davon, in Jerusalem zu beten. Was für ein Herz! Bitte betet für ihn und die Millionen von Iranern, die er vertritt. König Salomon betete dieses prophetische Gebet bei der Einweihung des Tempels: «Was immer dann irgendein Mensch von deinem ganzen Volk Israel bittet und fleht, wenn jeder von ihnen die Plage seines Herzens erkennen wird, und sie ihre Hände ausbreiten zu diesem Haus hin, so höre du es im Himmel, in deiner Wohnstätte, und vergib und greife ein und gib jedem Einzelnen entsprechend allen seinen Wegen, wie du sein Herz erkennst – denn du allein erkennst das Herz aller Menschenkinder». 1.Könige 8,38-39
Die Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde
Der nicht enden wollende Stolz der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde kam kürzlich zum Vorschein, als der scheidende US-Botschafter in Israel, David Friedman, eine Gedenktafel an der amerikanischen Botschaft in Jerusalem anbrachte. Der Botschafter wagte es, die Gründung Amerikas wieder mit den jüdisch-christlichen Werten gleichzusetzen. Er sagte: «Ich hoffe, dass diese Gedenktafel alle, die sie lesen, dazu anregen wird, an die jüdisch-christlichen Werte zu denken, auf denen Amerika gegründet wurde, und wie diese Werte vom alten Jerusalem und seinen Bewohnern inspiriert wurden». Nun, die empörte PA hat gedroht, eine Klage gegen Friedman vor internationalen Gerichten einzureichen.
Eine Warnung an Mr. Biden:
Puritanische Prophezeiung über Kanada 1776
Um der Vision, die ich in meinem Januar-Brief über Kanada mitgeteilt habe, eine weitere Perspektive zu geben, füge ich die nächsten beiden wunderbaren Einsichten bei.
“Um 1776 wurde diese Prophezeiung von den puritanischen Reformatoren gegeben, als sich die Loyalisten des Britischen Empires nach Norden wandten, um sich in Kanada niederzulassen, und unter britischer Herrschaft zu bleiben. Als eifrige Amerikaner versuchten, sie wegen dieser Entscheidung zu verfolgen, sprach der Geist des Herrn durch ihre Propheten und sagte: “Hindert diese Leute nicht. Lasst sie nach Kanada ziehen. Versucht nicht, das Land Kanada in Amerika einzugliedern. Ich bin für die Unabhängigkeit Amerikas von Großbritannien und werde dieses Land mächtig gebrauchen. Aber Kanada ist von mir für die letzten Tage, und für ein besonderes Werk reserviert worden.” Billie Brim Ministries
Dr. Yonggi Cho über Kanada
«Vor fünf Jahren besuchte ich Kanada (1979) und reiste mit dem Auto von Montreal nach Vancouver. Ich predigte von Stadt zu Stadt, und während ich sprach, fühlte ich mich irgendwie bedrückt. Der Heilige Geist sprach in meinem Herzen, dass Gott in Kanada gewaltige Gemeinden aufrichten würde, und dass Kanada gebraucht werden würde als Land, das Missionare aussenden wird, und dass Kanada den Weg bereiten würde für die Rückkehr Jesu Christi auf diese Erde».
«Ich hatte Angst, das zu bekennen, aber als ich betete … überzeugte der Geist des Herrn mein Herz, es zu sagen. Ich hatte Angst, weil ich schon dachte, dass Amerika viel größer ist als Kanada. Wenn Gott jemals irgendein Land gebrauchen würde, sollte er Amerika statt Kanada gebrauchen, weil Amerika ein … Land mit größeren Ressourcen und mehr Bevölkerung ist. Aber immer und immer wieder sprach Gott zu meinem Herzen, dass Er Kanada gebrauchen will».
Dr.Yongi Cho 1984 Gemeindewachstumsseminar in Sackville, Nova Scotia, Kanada
Der neueste Brief von unserer Tochter Indira aus Kathmandu, Nepal
Liebe Mama und lieber Papa:
Vielen Dank, dass ihr im Reich Gottes meine richtigen Eltern seid. Wir planen, unser eigenes Grundstück zu kaufen, um ein «sicheres» Haus zu führen, da es sehr schwierig ist, Miete zu zahlen, und wir immer weniger Raum zur Verfügung haben, und weil wir viele neue Anfragen erhalten, sogar in dieser Pandemiezeit. Neben unseren zehn Mädchen haben wir neu auch zwei junge Mädchen, die kürzlich gerettet wurden, und eine Frau mit zwei Kindern aufgenommen. Glücklicherweise konnten wir mehr als 2000 Familien mit humanitärer Unterstützung erreichen. Wir sind in der Lage, einige der Kranken mit Medikamenten zu unterstützen.
Mama, derzeit arbeiten wir an dem Gerichtsverfahren gegen einen Menschenhändler, der mehr als 250 junge Mädchen nach Indien verkauft hat. Seine Frau betreibt immer noch ein Bordell in Indien. Dieser Fall ist jetzt vor Gericht, also liebe Mama und lieber Papa, bitte fordert eure Freunde und Bekannte auf, dafür zu beten, damit wir diesen Fall gewinnen und der Mann ins Gefängnis geschickt wird. In Liebe, Indira.
Ich habe Indira gebeten, ein Grundstück zu finden, und uns die näheren Angaben zukommen zu lassen. Ich bete, dass Gottes Volk uns helfen wird, die Finanzen für den Kauf aufzubringen.
Jay schliesst sich mir an und zusammen senden wir Euch unsere Dankbarkeit und unseren Segen in dieser schwierigen Zeit.
Unterstützung für Change Action Nepal:
IHR könnt einen Unterschied machen!
Um eine Spende zu machen: www.changeactionnepal.org
Um den Film zu sehen:
«Denn des HERRN Augen schauen alle Lande, dass er stärke, die mit ganzem Herzen bei ihm sind». 2. Chronik 16,9
Augen, die sehen
Ich erhielt diese ermutigende Notiz von einem 82-jährigen Mann, der allein lebt.
“Veränderung ist überall. Wird das Leben jemals wieder “normal” werden? Die Kirche ist seit August geschlossen. Unsere israelischen Tanzkurse sind weg, ebenso die Chorproben, und unsere Freunde treffen sich nicht mehr in meinem Haus zum Bibelstudium. Ich bin nicht einsam und fühle mich so gesegnet, in meinem eigenen Haus zu leben, und eine Kreditkarte zu besitzen, mit welcher ich die monatlichen Rechnungen bezahlen kann. Neulich hatte ich diesen Gedanken. Gott praktiziert keine soziale Distanzierung. Ich weiß, dass Er mich so sehr liebt, und ja, es gibt immer noch Dinge in meinem Leben, an denen ich arbeiten will. Seine Liebe ist grösser, als ich begreifen kann. Ich bin so dankbar. Ich bete jeden Tag für Euch und Eure Familie und Euren Dienst. Ich liebe Euch …” M.V.
Wendet folgende Schlüssel an
Ich schliesse mit diesem Gebet für Euch: “Vater im Himmel, möge Dein Geist unsere Augen öffnen, um über unsere eigenen Häuser und zeitlichen Umstände hinaus zu sehen. Bitte führe uns vorwärts in aktive Aufgaben. Wir sind bereit, ohne Angst in die unsichtbaren Bereiche hineinzugehen, in Deiner Heiligen Autorität, Jeschua, dem Messias. Er hat uns die Schlüssel zu Deinem Königreich gegeben und unsere Aufgabe ist es, dieses Reich auf die Erde zu bringen. Danke für das Geheimnis des Blutbundes. Lehre uns heute, aufzustehen und dem Bösen entgegenzutreten. Wir wollen die Lügen als das bezeichnen, was sie sind. Lehre uns, das Böse zu binden und zu verbieten und es wegzuschicken. Denn Du sagst uns, dass wir Deinen Willen in jeder Situation, die wir ansprechen, zulassen oder lösen sollen. Das ist unser Erbe und ja, auch wenn wir uns nicht danach fühlen, wir sind Heilige!” Amen.
«Und ich will die Schlüssel des Hauses Davids auf seine Schulter legen, dass er auftue und niemand zuschließe, dass er zuschließe und niemand auftue.» Jesaja 22,22
«… Der den Schlüssel Davids hat, der öffnet, sodass niemand zuschließt, und zuschließt, sodass niemand öffnet». Offenbarung 3,7
«Und ich will dir die Schlüssel des Reiches der Himmel geben; und was du auf Erden binden (oder verbieten) wirst, das wird im Himmel gebunden (oder verboten) sein; und was du auf Erden lösen (oder erlauben) wirst, das wird im Himmel gelöst (erlaubt) sein». Matthäus 16,19
Niin kauan kuin voin muistaa olen aina pitänyt hyvistä näköaloista. Jonkin minussa tarvitsee ”nähdä ulos”. Löysin meitä kaikkia ympäröivän luovan, elävän maailman. Luonnon kauneus puhuu minulle ja siunaa minua. Koska kasvoin Kanadan preerioiden avarilla lakeuksilla, minua kiehtoi laajojen vehnäpeltojen vastaus leikkiville kesätuulille. Pystyt viljan tähkäkorret liikkuivat lempeitä, vyöryviä aaltoja muistuttavina muotoina kuin pysytellen jonkin näkymättömän orkesterin tahdissa. Lännessä päin olevat tummat, laivastonsiniset Kalliovuoret lumihuippuineen saivat aikaan ihailevaa kunnioitusta. Nämä kokemukset ja muutkin viittoilivat minulle kutsuen tutkimaan maailmaa paljon laajemmalti kuin vain pienen valkoisen vuorilaudoitetun talomme verannan ja puutarhan osalta.
Nykyisin kyky ”nähdä” alkaa Jumalan pelkäämisestä tai Jumalan kunnioittamisesta. Minulle se on viisauden alku. Monia puolijumalia tepastelee nykyään ympäriinsä ja me jäämme puutteenalaisiksi. Hiljaisten hetkien löytäminen auttaa keventämään tämänhetkistä eristyksen tilaa. Se auttaa minua muistuttamaan itselleni, että olen yhä osa Luojani loisteliasta maailmaa, jonka kauneus ulottuu äärettömästä aina rajalliseen asti. Hänen sormenjälkensä ovat nähtävissä kaikkialla.
Tänä aamuna otin valokuvan kukkivasta mantelipuustamme. Sen suloiset, tuoksuvat ja valkoiset kukinnot ja upouudet lehdet puhuvat keväästä ja Jumalan ikuisista lupauksista omalle kansakunnalleen ja Israelin kansalle. Kyllä, meitä saapuu jatkuvasti kotiin Siioniin maapallon kaukaisilta kulmilta: Iranista, Kiinasta, Etiopiasta, jopa Amerikasta… Ja se on tärkeää teidän kannaltanne, sillä Jumala ei katso henkilöön. Jos olet liittosuhteessa Hänen kanssaan, voit levätä sen tosiasian varassa, että Hän pitää sanansa myös sinulle henkilökohtaisesti. Kyllä, etenkin vaikeina aikoina. Meidän Jumalamme on uskollinen ja luotettava omalle luomakunnalleen ja omille luoduilleen, sillä me kaikki olemme osa olevaista!
Kaikki tämä tuli vahvasti tajuntaamme tammikuun 26. päivänä, kun Daniel ja Shelly Rawlingsin pieni poika syntyi Jerusalemissa. Näimme hänet kolmen päivän ikäisenä ja pystyimme saamaan suustamme vain sanan ”ainutlaatuinen”. Mikä erityinen ilo onkaan saada vastasyntynyt kotiin. Minä kannatan kovasti monisukupolvisia perheitä.
”Ja hän vei minut hengessä suurelle ja korkealle vuorelle ja näytti minulle pyhän kaupungin, Jerusalemin, joka laskeutui alas taivaasta Jumalan tyköä, ” Ilmestyskirja 21:10
Jumalan sana antaa meille erityisen syvyyshavaintokyvyn. Se mahdollistaa meille eiliseen katsomisen, tämän päivän vaalimisen ja kyllä, iäisyyden viisaan tavoittelemisen. Panen merkille kautta Kirjoitusten esiintyvän yksityissuhdetta korostavan seikan. Alkaen Aatamista ja Eevasta, Aabrahamista ja Saarasta, Jeesuksesta ja hänen opetuslapsistaan, joihin kuului myös vaikuttajanaisia. Toivottavasti emme ole kovin nopeita tuomitsemaan, antamaan arviota oivaltaessamme, mikä sai nämä ihmiset toimimaan. Siltikin Raamattu voi olla joidenkin mielestä varsin kiusallinen. Niin, se kaivautuu koko ihmissydämen ajatuksiin ja aikeisiin. Peilin lailla se aiheuttaa itsetarkastelua. Se saattaa paljastaa, miten täynnä ristiriitoja ja monisärmäisyyttä olemme. Emmekö kaikki ole juonitelleet, valehdelleet, petkuttaneet, olleet ahneita ja himoinneet? Emmekö siltikin uskalla toivoa ja jopa rukoilla muuttuvamme? Olemme varsin ristiriitaisia. Siltikin Jumala
on hyvin ihmeellinen, koska Hän valitsee – mikäli saa kutsun – kattaa välimatkan taivaan ja maan välillä; Hän tulee luoksemme, sinun ja minun. Millainen mysteeri Hänen rakkautensa onkaan. Kyllä, se on peräisin aivan toisesta valtapiiristä!
“Ja hän sanoi minulle: “Minun armossani on sinulle kyllin; sillä minun voimani tulee täydelliseksi heikkoudessa. Sentähden minä mieluimmin kerskaan heikkoudestani, että Kristuksen voima asettuisi minuun asumaan.” [lepäisi ylläni] 2 Kor 12:9-10
Mitä tapahtui vapaudelle ja yhtenäisyydelle?
Kaksisataa ja kolmekymmentäkaksi vuotta sitten George Washingtonista tuli Amerikan Yhdysvaltojen ensimmäinen presidentti. Hän sanoi tuolloin: ”Taivaan suotuisien hymyjen voi olettaa olevan kansakunnan yllä, joka kunnioittaa ikuisia järjestyksen ja oikean sääntöjä, jotka itse taivas on säätänyt. Kansakunta on yhtenäinen jaettujen arvojen ja yhteisten toiveiden puitteissa.”
Profeetta Daniel puhuu miehestä: ”…hän menestyy, onnistuu oveluudella ja petoksella ja paisuu ylpeydestä, ja tuhoaa monia kansoja, juuri kun ne tuntevat olonsa hyvin turvallisiksi.” [Suora käännös englanninkielisestä, koska suomenkielinen versio poikkeaa melko paljon siitä.] Daniel 8:23-25
Meitä myös varoitetaan: “Jokainen, joka vihaa veljeänsä, on murhaaja; 1. Joh:3:15
Hra Biden on järjestelmällisesti muuttamassa Amerikkaa poliisivaltioksi, jonka johdossa on hallitseva eliitti. Hän on sen kynää pitelevä käsi. Suurteknologian edustajat ovat mukana päätöstahoissa valvomassa sananvapautta. Iso Veli valmistelee parhaillaan tietä kohti maailmanhallitusta. World Economic Forum, maailman talousfoorumi, tapasi Sveitsissä viime kuussa laittaakseen liikkeelle big resetin, suuren asetusarvojen uudelleen säätämisen. Vihapuhe ja valheet ovat valloillaan rennoissa mediatiedotteissa. Samaan aikaan COVID-kuolemien määrä yhä lisääntyy maailmanlaajuisesti liikkumisrajoitusten ollessa voimassa: koulut pysyvät suljettuina ja maailman väestön edellytetään kestävän ja pysyvän vaiti.
IIsrael kriisissä
Israel on hermeettisesti suljettu. Kansainvälinen lentokenttämme on suljettu. Maan sisällä sallitaan hieman liikkumista. Meille kerrotaan pandemian jatkuvan hyvinkin vuoteen 2022 asti. Meidän täytyy ehkä ottaa kolmaskin rokote, jotta olisimme vastustuskykyä viruksen eri muunnoksille, joiksi tämä kiinalainen virus nyt on varioitunut. Nyt sitä tosin nimitetään etelä-afrikkalaiseksi, brasilialaiseksi, kalifornialaiseksi tai korealaiseksi virukseksi, vaan ei koskaan kiinalaiseksi. Miksi? Tiesittekö muuten, että ns. espanjantauti, vuoden 1917 influessa tuli … aivan oikein – Kiinasta! Pitäkää silmällä Kiinaa. Katselkaa YouTubesta Kiinaa käsittelevä video: ”China in Focus”. Sallikaa sikäläisten, maasta pois lähteneiden kertoa, mitä on meneillään. He saavat silmänne avautumaan.
Täällä Israelissa ”Pfizerin” rokotetta on annettu 80%:lle Israelin väestöstä kaikkein haavoittuvimmille tammikuussa. Israelin terveysministeriön julkistamien tietojen mukaan rokote tuottaa hyvin tehokkaasti immuniteettia. Nyt rokotus annetaan jokaiselle 35-vuotiaalle ja sitä nuoremmille. Järkyttävää kyllä, lapsia sairastuu COVIDiin. Tällä viikolla menetimme kaksikuukautisen vauvan.
Vaikka Israel tarjoutuu avustamaan palestiinalaisia rokoteannoksilla, arabiterroristit ovat järjestäneet sarjan ampumisia, puukotuksia ja autoilla tehtyjä törmäyksiä juuri niitä vastaan, jotka ovat tuomassa heille apua. Tällä viikolla jaeltiin 5 000 rokoteannosta Itä-Jerusalemin lääkintähenkilöstölle. Samaan aikaan palestiinalaisviranomaiset solmivat Venäjän kanssa sopimuksen rokotteesta ja he odottavat yhä.
Vaihtoehtoisia ennaltaehkäiseviä terapioita
Yli 38 400 lääkäriä ja tiedemiestä eri puolilta maailmaa on allekirjoittanut julkilausuman nimeltä The Great Barrington Declaration – Great Barringtonin julkilausuma (suomeksi https://gbdeclaration.org/great-barrington-declaration-finnish/). Heistä monet sanovat länsimaiden lähestymistavan COVIDin varhaiseen käsittelyyn aiheuttavan enemmän vahinkoa kuin tuottavan hyvää. Amerikan eturivin lääkärit työskentelevät ja tutkivat hydroksiklorokiinin ja sinkin tehokkuutta COVIDin esihoitoina. Yksi hallituksemme jäsenistä sai tuollaista hoitoa ja toipui täysin. Juuri COVID-19 -viruksesta puhutaan luultavasti Matteuksessa, missä Jeesus varoitti ”tulee ruttoa ja nälänhätää” (Luukas 21:11), jotka ovat ”synnytystuskien alkua [surujen, ahdistusten alkua]”. Matteus 24:7-8
Uskonnollisia levottomuuksia
Hiljattain kaksi ultraortodoksirabbia kuolivat COVIDiin parin tunnin erotuksella toisistaan. Heidän hautajaisiinsa tuli 30 000 surijaa Israelin 3. kategorian, siis tiukimpien liikkumisrajoitusmääräyksien ollessa voimassa. Poliisin oli turha kehottaa uskonnollisia ihmisjoukkoja olemaan osallistumatta. Vaikka viimeksi kuluneen vuoden mittaan COVIDin aiheuttamista kaikista kuolemista 30% tapahtui viime tammikuussa. Poliisin yritykset saattaa pakolla voimaan määräykset muutamilla ultraortodoksien asuinalueilla sai vastaansa erittäin väkivaltaisia hyökkäyksiä.
Israelin kuolleitten lukumäärä on tällä hetkellä yli 5 000. Valokuva: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Ultraortodoksien väkijoukon tuleen sytyttämä bussi Tel Avivia lähellä olevassa Bnei Brakin kaupungissa tammikuun 24. päivänä 2021. Valokuva: Israelin poliisi
Israel oli johtava maa maailmassa riskissä olevien kansalaisten saavuttamisessa kahdella rokotuskerralla tammikuussa. MUTTA FaceBook poisti Netanjahun tammikuun 25. päivänä lähettämän viestin, kertoen hänen loukanneen mediajätin noudattamia yksityisyyttä koskevia menettelytapoja. Netanjahu oli lähettänyt viestin, jossa hän pyysi väestöä auttamaan yli 60- vuotiaitten tietojen saannissa, jotta voitaisiin saavuttaa mahdollisimman monia riskiryhmän ihmisiä.
Kysymys: Meillä on monta koteihinsa suljettua ihmistä naapurustossamme. Emmekö voi puhua heidän puolestaan? Emme ole ilmiantajia, vaan olemme veljiemme vartijoita. Miten monta ihmistä eri puolilla maailmaa olisi innoissaan, jos olisi jo saanut immuniteettisuojansa? Sen sijaan, että kannustaisimme maailmaa tehokkuudellamme, Israelia vieroksutaan ja tuomitaan. FaceBook, tämä kansalais- ja vahtikoirajärjestö totesi: ”Näiden sääntöjen rikkomisen seuraamuksena poistimme viestin ja jäädytämme väliaikaisesti hra Netanjahun viestinnän.” Israel kertoi, että alkuperäinen valitus oli yliopistoprofessorin ja erään yksityisen kansalaisen lähettämä. Tervetuloa uuteen todellisuuteemme.
Abdul-Hamid Masoumi-Tehrani on entinen ajatolla, jonka Iranin hallitus poisti virasta. Hän vietti viisi vuotta vankilassa, koska oli ilmaissut vastalauseita hallitustaan kohtaan. Viime viikolla hän otti riskin ja antoi rohkeasti haastattelun israelilaiselle journalistille Ohad Hemonille Zoom- lähetyksessä. Hän sanoi: ”Meidän hallituksemme on diktatorinen, eikä meillä ole ongelmaa Israelin suhteen.” Hän näkee tätä päivää kauemmas ja unelmoi rukoilemisesta Jerusalemissa. Millainen sydän! Rukoilkaa hänen puolestaan ja hänen edustamiensa miljoonien iranilaisten puolesta.
Kuningas Salomo lausui tämän profeetallisen rukouksen Temppelin vihkijäisissä. ”…niin kuule silloin taivaasta, asuinpaikastasi, ja anna anteeksi ja tee niin, että annat jokaiselle aivan hänen tekojensa mukaan, koska sinä tunnet hänen sydämensä – sillä sinä yksin tunnet kaikkien ihmislasten sydämet – ” I kuningasten kirja 8:38-39
Palestiinalaisviranomaisten päättymätön ylpeys tuli esiin hiljattain väistyvän Yhdysvaltain Israelin- suurlähettilään David Friedmanin sijoitettua laatan Yhdysvaltojen suurlähetystön seinään Jerusalemissa. Suurlähettiläs uskalsi samaistaa Amerikan perustamisen ja juutalais-kristilliset arvot. Hän totesi: ”Toivon, että tämä laatta kehottaa kaikkia sen lukevia ajattelemaan juutalais- kristillisiä arvoja, joiden varaan Amerikka perustettiin sekä sitä, miten noita arvoja innoittivat muinainen Jerusalem ja sen asukkaat.” No, raivostuneet palestiinalaisviranomaiset ovat uhanneet tehdä valituksia kansainvälisiin oikeusistuimiin Friedmania vastaan.
Varoitus hra Bidenille
Kanadaa koskeva puritaanin profetia vuodelta 1776
Antaakseni lisäperspektiiviä tammikuun kirjeessä jakamalleni näylle liitän tähän nämä kaksi seuraavaa, ihanaa oivallusta.
Vuoden 1776 tienoilla puritaanien reformaattori antoi tämän profetian, kun Brittien maailmanvaltakunnan lojaalit kannattajat suuntasivat kohti pohjoista asettuakseen asumaan Kanadaan tarkoituksena pysyä brittihallinnon alaisuudessa. Kiihkeitten amerikkalaisten pyrkiessä vainoamaan näitä ihmisiä tuon päätöksen vuoksi, Herran Henki puhui heidän omien profeettojensa kautta ja sanoi: ”Älkää estäkö näitä ihmisiä. Antakaa heidän muuttaa Kanadaan. Älkää yrittäkö liittää Kanadan maa-alueita Amerikkaan. Minä ole Amerikan itsenäisyyden takana Britanniasta vallasta, ja minä tulen väkevästi käyttämään sitä maata. Mutta Kanada on varattu minulle lopunaikojen päiviksi erityistä työtehtävää varten.” Billie Brim Ministries
Tri Yonggi Chon Kanadaa koskevat sanat
”Viisi vuotta sitten vierailin Kanadassa (1976) ja matkustin Montrealista Vancouveriin autolla. Saarnasin monessa kaupungissa matkan varrella ja puhuessani koin oloni jokseenkin masentuneeksi. Pyhä Henki puhui sydämelleni, että Jumala vielä nostaisi esiin mahtavia seurakuntia Kanadaan, ja että Kanadaa vielä käytettäisiin lähetystyöntekijöitä lähettävänä maana, ja että Kanada vielä avaisi tietä Jeesuksen Kristuksen paluulle maan päälle.”
”Pelkäsin tunnustaa julkisesti tätä, mutta rukoillessani… Herran Henki ilmaisi sydämelleni, että se
tuli sanoa. Olin peloissani, koska olin ajatellut Amerikan olevan paljon Kanadaa suurempi. Jos Jumala milloinkaan käyttäisi jotain maata, Hän tulisi käyttämään Amerikkaa Kanadan asemesta, koska Amerikka on… maa, jolla on suuremmat resurssit ja enemmän väestöä. Vaan uudelleen ja uudelleen Jumala puhui sydämelleni, että Hän vielä käyttäisi Kanadaa.”
Tri Yongi Cho pitämässään seurakunnan kasvuseminaarissa Sackvillessä, Nova Scotiassa, Kanadassa.
Rakkaat Mama ja Papa! Kiitos hyvin paljon, että olette oikeat vanhempani Jumalan valtakunnassa. Suunnitelmissamme on ostaa oma kiinteistö, jossa pitää turvataloa. Vuokran maksaminen kun on hyvin vaikeaa ja tilat käyvät aina liian pieniksi, sillä meillä on paljon haasteita myös tänä pandemian aikana. Kymmenen tytön lisäksi meillä on kaksi nuorta tyttöä, jotka pelastettiin hiljattain sekä yksi nainen ja hänen kaksi lastaan. Onneksi olemme saaneet vietyä avustustarpeita yli 2 000 perheelle. Pystymme avustamaan muutamia sairaita lääkintätarpeilla.
Mama, viime aikoina olemme tehneet työtä oikeustapauksen tiimoilta. Siinä syytetään ihmissalakuljettajaa, joka myi yli 250 nuorta tyttöä Intiaan. Hänen vaimonsa pyörittää yhä ilotaloa Intiassa. Tämä juttu on oikeudessa, joten rakas Mama ja Papa, pyydättehän väkeänne rukoilemaan, että voitamme jutun ja mies lähetetään vankilaan.
Rakkaudella Indira
Olen pyytänyt Indiraa etsimään kiinteistön ja lähettämään sitä koskevat tiedot. Rukoilen, että Jumalan omat auttavat meitä keräämään varat sen ostoon… Jay lähettää yhdessä kanssani kiitolliset ja siunaavat ajatuksemme tänä vaikeana aikana.
Change Action Nepalin tukeminen: SINÄ voit saada aikaan muutosta! Lahjoittaminen: www.changeactionnepal.org Video:
”Sillä HERRAN silmät tarkkaavat kaikkea maata, että hän voimakkaasti auttaisi niitä, jotka ovat ehyellä sydämellä antautuneet hänelle.” 2. Aikakirja 16:9
Näkevät silmät
Sain tämän rohkaisevan viestin eräältä yksin asuvalta 82-vuotiaalta. ”Muutosta on joka puolella. Palautuuko elämä koskaan ”normaaliksi”? Seurakunta on ollut suljettuna elokuusta lähtien. Meidän israelilaisten tanssien ryhmämme on lopetettu, samoin kuoroharjoitukset. Ystävät eivät enää tapaa raamattutunneilla. En ole yksinäinen ja koen olevani kovin siunattu eläessäni omassa kodissani ja omatessani luottokortin, jolla maksan kuukausittain. Sain tämän ajatuksen eräänä päivänä: Jumala ei harjoita sosiaalisten välimatkojen pitämistä. Tiedän Hänen rakastavan minua hyvin paljon ja kyllä vaan, elämässäni on yhä seikkoja, joita työstän. Hänen rakkautensa on enemmän kuin pystyn käsittämään. Olen hyvin kiitollinen. Rukoilen teidän ja perheenne ja hengellisen työnne puolesta joka ainoa päivä. Rakastan teitä… ”M.V.
Päätän kirjeen tähän rukoukseen teidän puolestanne:
”Taivaallinen Isä, avatkoon Sinun Henkesi silmämme näkemään etäämmälle kuin omat kotimme ja väliaikaiset olosuhteemme. Johdatathan meitä eteenpäin toimimaan aktiivisesti tehtävissämme. Haluamme kurottautua pelotta näkymättömiin ulottuvuuksiin Sinun pyhässä auktoriteetissasi, Jeesus Messias. Annoit meille avaimet Valtakuntaasi ja Sinun työtäsi on tuoda se alas maan päälle. Kiitos veriliiton salaisuudesta. Opeta meitä tänään nousemaan esiin ja vastustamaan pahaa. Voimme kutsua valheita sellaisiksi, joita ne ovat. Opeta meitä sitomaan ja estämään pahaa, lähettämään se tiehensä. Sillä Sinähän käsket meitä sallimaan tahtosi tapahtumisen, sen päästämisen irti, jokaiseen tilanteeseen, johon puutumme. Tämä on perintömme, ja vaikka emme niin koekaan, olemme pyhiä!” Aamen.
”Ja minä panen Daavidin huoneen avaimen hänen olallensa; ja hän avaa, eikä kukaan sulje, ja hän sulkee, eikä kukaan avaa.” Jesaja 22:22
”… jolla on Daavidin avain, hän, joka avaa, eikä kukaan sulje, ja joka sulkee, eikä kukaan avaa: Ilmestyskirja 3:7
”Minä olen antava sinulle taivasten valtakunnan avaimet, ja minkä sinä sidot [tai kiellät] maan päällä, se on oleva sidottu [tai kielletty] taivaissa, ja minkä sinä päästät [tai sallit] maan päällä, se on oleva päästetty [tai sallittu] taivaissa.” Matteus 16:19
”Tulkoon sinun valtakuntasi, tapahtukoon sinun tahtosi myös maan päällä niin kuin taivaassa.”
Rakastavin ja siunaavin terveisin Jerusalemista Meridel Rawlings
Ein gesegnetes 2021 wünsche ich allen und jedem Einzelnen, der diesen Brief liest. Was ermutigt uns in diesem neuen Jahr? Für mich ist es dieses Gefühl von neuen Möglichkeiten.
«Die Dinge werden besser laufen ….»
«Ich werde dieses Jahr voran kommen ….»
«Ich werde einige der Dinge erledigen, die in meinem Herzen verborgen sind.»
«Ich werde meine Rechnungen bezahlen, irgendwie.»
«Ich werde besser sein ….»
«Wie ist es mit Dir?» Ich bete, dass Du das optimistisch und hoffnungsvoll auffassen kannst.
Kann es wirklich sein, dass ich vor einem Jahr noch nie von COVID-19 gehört habe? Ich ging meinem täglichen Leben ohne Maske oder Desinfektionsmittel nach. Wenn ich meine Freunde sah, umarmte ich sie, küsste meine Enkelkinder und teilte die Sabbat-Mahlzeiten mit der Familie. Ich habe in einem überfüllten Lebensmittelgeschäft eingekauft und ein paar Freunde gesehen, als ich durch die Gänge ging? Ah, das waren die guten alten Zeiten.
Wir haben die erste, zweite und sogar dritte Welle der Pandemie überlebt. Tragischerweise sind mehr als eine Million geliebte Menschen von uns gegangen. Millionen wurden in Richtung Armut getrieben und es scheint nur noch schlimmer zu werden. Unsere Gottesdienste und Feiertage wurden uns geraubt, wir wurden eingesperrt und es wurde uns sogar verboten, geliebte Menschen zu besuchen. Jetzt sind wir in den dunkelsten und kältesten Wochen des Jahres. Die Pandemie tobt weiter. Ja, wir werden es überleben und das Überleben ist gut. Aber wenn Ihr seid wie ich, wollt Ihr mehr als nur überleben. Ihr wollt gedeihen. Gedeihen passiert jedoch nicht einfach so. Die Wurzeln müssen ausgegraben, bewässert und genährt werden. Dann strecken sie sich, maximieren das Sonnenlicht und blühen. Ich möchte gedeihen und ich weiss, dass Ihr das auch wollt. Möge der Herr uns allen helfen.
Pst… Empfange das Geschenk: Ich liebe es, wenn der Heilige Geist zu mir spricht. Ich wurde heute mit der folgenden Anweisung geweckt. «So geh nun, mein Volk, in deine Kammern und schließe die Tür hinter dir zu! Verbirg dich einen kleinen Augenblick, bis der Zorn vorübergegangen ist!» Jesaja 26,20
«Wirf all deine Last (Sorgen) auf den Herrn! Er wird dich sicher halten.» Psalm 55,23. Ihr fragt: «Was ist also das «Geschenk, das wir erhalten werden?» Bittet um Trost. Der Heilige Geist ist unser Lehrer, aber wir brauchen einen sanften und ruhigen Geist, speziell in dieser heutigen Zeit. Sanftmütig heisst nicht schwach. Der heftige Kampf, der wütet ist der des HERRN. Lassen wir den Geist Gottes Kriegsengel herbeirufen, um den Krieg zu führen, und wir werden der Art und Weise zustimmen, wie er sich bewegt. «Einem festen Herzen bewahrst du den Frieden, den Frieden, weil es auf dich vertraut.»Jesaja 26,3 «Im Stillhalten und Vertrauen liegt eure Kraft.» Jesaja 30,15.
Kriegs-Geister: Empörung ist ein starkes Wort, was folgendes bedeutet: Ärger oder Verdruss, hervorgerufen durch das, was als unfaire Behandlung empfunden wird. Ähnliche Wörter sind Ressentiments, Anstoss, Beleidigung oder Bedrängnis. Ich höre von Freunden, die plötzlich der Empörung von Freunden und Kollegen gegenüberstehen, wegen ihren politischen Ansichten. Die Kontroverse betrifft das politische Durcheinander in Amerika, welches weitreichende Auswirkungen auf die gesamte Welt hat. Spaltung ist das Werk des Teufels. Hütet Euch vor der Falle, welche Eure negativen Reaktionen Euch persönlich bringen können. Zieht Euch von Nachrichten und anderen offenen Türen zurück, welche Euch Stress verursachen.
Normalerweise braucht es nicht viel, bis wir beleidigt sind. Um einen Geist der Ruhe zu bewahren, ist mehr erforderlich, als nur den Fernseher auszuschalten. Wir müssen unsere Gedanken genau beobachten. Arbeitet daran, zielgerichtet zu sein, gebt anderen ihren rechtmässigen Platz, aber behaltet gleichzeitig euren. Es braucht Anstrengung, um Beleidigungen und stressige Neuigkeiten loszulassen. Haltet Eure Belastung so leicht wie möglich. Bleibt dankbar. Versucht Euch zu erinnern: «Auch dies wird vergehen.»
Die grösste Disziplin des Lebens: Vielleicht besteht die grösste Disziplin im Leben darin, negative Gedanken daran zu hindern, in unseren Geist einzudringen. Jeder Mensch muss lernen, seinen eigenen inneren Kampf zu gewinnen. Satan ist gerissen genug, um gegen den Allmächtigen zu schimpfen. Was können wir sterblichen Menschen erwarten? Ich beanspruche die Bedeckung des Blutes des Messias? «Denn gestürzt wurde der Ankläger unserer Brüder, der sie bei Tag und bei Nacht vor unserem Gott verklagte.» Offenbarung 12,10
«Der HERR sah, dass auf der Erde die Bosheit des Menschen zunahm und dass alles Sinnen und Trachten seines Herzens immer nur böse war.» 1.Mo.6,5
«Warum toben die Heiden und ersinnen die Völker Nichtiges? Die Könige der Erde lehnen sich auf, und die Fürsten verabreden sich gegen den HERRN und gegen seinen Gesalbten. Der im Himmel thront, lacht; der Herr spottet über sie.» Psalm 1,2,4
Eine äusserst beunruhigende Vision: Ja, die Welt, die wir kannten, ist verschwunden. Wird sie zurückkehren? Ich bezweifle es! Wir hören von unheimlichen Plänen für den «Neuen Reset» (Zurücksetzung) und verwerfen das Meiste als Unsinn. Aber so geht das nicht meine Freunde. Bereits im 1975 habe ich folgendes erlebt, und ich denke, es ist an der Zeit, das jetzt zu teilen. Noch nie zuvor hatte ich eine solche Erfahrung gemacht, weder vorher noch nachher. Ich beschreibe sie so, als wenn man gleichzeitig in zwei Welten leben würde. Wir reisten durch Kanada, vom Westen nach New York. Ich war sehr gegenwärtig, konnte aber in eine neue Welt sehen, die kommen würde:
«Ich sah wie eine Hand erschien. Sie hielt einen grossen Farbpinsel. Dann sah ich eine Wandkarte von Kanada, wie wir sie früher in unseren Klassenzimmern hatten. Während ich zusah, übermalte diese Hand eifrig Kanada, und zwar rot, von Küste zu Küste. Ich hörte diese Worte: «Aber mein Blut wird es zuerst bedecken.» Ich beobachtete, wie die Dunkelheit über die Gedanken und Herzen der Menschen hereinbrach. Die spirituelle und geistige Wolke verwandelte sich schliesslich in eine physische Dunkelheit. Ich sah, wie überall in Kanada die Lichter ausgingen. Die Leute wurden überwacht, festgehalten und angewiesen, daheim zu bleiben. Keine Kommunikation war erlaubt. Ich sah, wie Leute nachts auf ihren Bäuchen über kalte Stoppelfelder krochen, um heimlich geliebte Menschen zu treffen. Jedes Wort wurde geflüstert. Die Dunkelheit war so widernatürlich, dass sie in die Seele eindrang. Es war so schlimm, so beunruhigend, so schrecklich, dass ich diese Erfahrung für 47 Jahre unter Verschluss hielt. Ich habe Dinge gesehen, die ich nicht erwähnen kann.»Zu jener Zeit erzählte ich meinem Mann Jay, was ich sah und erlebte, so wie es sich ergeben hatte. Es war absolut schrecklich und ich wollte vergessen, was ich gesehen hatte. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass sich diese Geschehnisse auf diese Weise schnell auf uns zu bewegen. Es ist Zeit aufzuwachen und wachsam gegenüber den finsteren Kräften zu sein, welche im Hintergrund nach der globalen Kontrolle greifen. Der einzige Beweis für einen prophetischen Traum, eine prophetische Erfahrung oder ein prophetisches Wort, ist, wenn es sich erfüllt. Oh, glaubt mir, ich bete, dass dies sich nie erfüllt! Von 1971 bis 1991 investierten Jay und ich Gebet, Finanzen, Zeit und Mühe, um Juden in der Sowjetunion zu besuchen. Unser einziger Zweck war es, sie freizusetzen. Wir haben vor Ort und persönlich gesehen, was für ein verkehrtes und schreckliches System der Kommunismus war und immer noch ist. Aller Augen sind im Moment auf Amerika gerichtet. Aber unser ruhiger «netter» Nachbar im Norden ist bereits in den Sumpf der Falle gesunken. Der Drache ist so willkommen. Unsere Aufgabe ist beten und überwinden.
Israel unser Heimatland: Israel hat während mehreren Monaten im 2020, das Abraham Friedensabkommen mit fünf arabischen Nationen ausgehandelt und abgeschlossen, im Moment, wo in den USA grosse politische Veränderungen stattfinden. Die Friedenspartner sind die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, Bahrain, Sudan, Marokko und das asiatische Königreich Buthan. Indonesien, die bevölkerungsreichste muslimische Nation, könnte vielleicht die nächste sein.
Israel ist sehr effizient bei der Verteilung des Impfstoffs und immunisiert mehr Bürger als jede andere Nation auf der Welt. Nur 20% der Araber aus Ostjerusalem meldeten sich, weil sie die Lügen der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde fürchten und sagen «Israel wird sie vergiften».
Foto: Unsere Gesundheitsklinik, 5 Minuten von unserem Haus entfernt
Israelische Technologie: Die Welt hat gegen eine Trinkwasserkrise gekämpft, da viele Bevölkerungsgruppen Schwierigkeiten haben, Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser zu erhalten. Das israelische Unternehmen «Watergen» hat eine Lösung gefunden, welche Euch umwerfen wird. Diese israelische Firma hat das Unmögliche erreicht und rettet damit Leben! Sie haben einen Weg gefunden, um Wasser aus der Luft aufzufangen. Diese Erfindung wird in Afrika und an anderen Katastrophenorten, wie zum Beispiel bei Erdbeben, eingesetzt.
Araber und Israelis: Im letzten Jahr haben sich 1000 Mitglieder der arabischen Bevölkerung Israels der IDF (israelischen Armee) angeschlossen, eine Zahl, die mehr als doppelt so hoch ist wie in den letzten Jahren. Die Israel Defence Forces (israelische Armee) war schockiert, als sie sogar Anfragen von Arabern erhielten, welche in Nachbarländern leben, und von denen einige als Feinde eingestuft wurden, und die offensichtlich abgelehnt werden mussten. «Ungefähr 700 möchte-gern-Freiwillige meldeten sich aus arabischen Ländern, wie dem Libanon und Syrien, möglicherweise als Teil des Wandels, durch welchen die Region gerade durchläuft. Wir konnten diese Nachfrage nicht glauben.» sagte Yakir Benzion, United With Israel.
Antisemitismus: Antisemitismus entspringt CNN-Ansagern aus den Zungen. Deutschland und Frankreich fordern die Rückkehr Israels an die Grenzen von 1967. Durch die Abwahl von Mr. Trump wird Israel jetzt natürlich schlecht gemacht und gehasst. Wie können wir das bekämpfen? Lehrt Eure Kinder und Enkelkinder entsprechend. Die Prager Universität ist eine wunderbare Lehrplattform. Lernt aus der Geschichte, nicht aus falschen Nachrichten.
Eure Briefe und E-Mails: Amerika: Ein Freund schrieb per E-Mail: «Seit dem Vorfall im Kapitol am 6. Januar und der Sperrung von Trumps Konti durch Twitter und Facebook, herrscht im spirituellen Bereich eine Schwere. Früh am Morgen eine ruhige Zeit mit dem Herrn zu verbringen, hilft, den Tag mit einer hoffnungsvollen Perspektive zu beginnen. Tagsüber rufe ich oft zu Ihm. Das zieht mich näher zu Ihm. Leider sind zwei meiner Freunde, welche ich seit 25 Jahren kenne, neuerdings Trump-Hasser. Wir drei pflegten unser Bibelstudium, Gebet und Gemeinschaft zusammen, und das ist sehr traurig. Ich verwickle sie nicht in politische Gespräche, sondern bitte Gott, sie weiterhin zu lieben und dem Feind nicht zu erlauben, unsere Freundschaft zu zerstören. Gott ist nicht überrascht von dem, was passiert ist. Unsere Hoffnung und unser Vertrauen in den kommenden Tagen sind in Ihm.» J.M.
Von einem christlichen Leiter in Amerika: Unsere Nation muss komplett überprüft werden. Es fällt mir schwer, die Wende in Bezug auf Ethik und Moral zu beobachten. Jemand, der klüger ist als ich, hat es so erklärt:
Die neue Ethik und Moral sind:
Was verurteilt wurde … wird jetzt gefeiert.
Was gefeiert wurde … wird jetzt verurteilt.
Diejenigen, die sich weigern zu feiern … sind jetzt verurteilt.
Glücklicherweise wird dieses neue Denken nicht von allen angenommen. Wir beten dafür, dass der Heilige Geist ein weiteres grosses Erwachen über Amerika ausgiesst, damit weiterhin Seelen errettet und die Wahrheit besser erkannt werden kann.
Kanada: Die Klage einer Grossmutter: «Wir alle müssen mit der Pandemie umgehen. Für mich ist es am schwierigsten, von meinen Enkelkindern abgeschnitten zu sein. Das bricht mir mein Herz. Ich habe sie kurz in der Kirche gesehen, aber sie versuchen nicht einmal mehr, mich zu umarmen. Mein Kopf weiss warum, aber mein Herz weint. Ich hasse diese Pandemie. Sie beraubt so viele von uns. Es macht mich wütend, also bete ich den Zorn durch Gebet aus. N.B. Kanada
Finnland: Die jüngsten Ereignisse sind definitiv sehr beunruhigend und deuten auf noch schwierigere Zeiten hin. Ich bete jeden Tag für Amerika, welches von allen Ebenen der Gesellschaft und von China attackiert wird. Wir müssen gerade jetzt glauben, dass der Herr die Kontrolle hat. C.R.Schweiz: Ein Geschäftsmann wurde von Jerusalem berührt. Wir haben das Lied «Jerusalema* gehört und lieben es. Jemand verfasste die Wörter in Zulu und eine Tanzgruppe machte daraus eine DVD. Während der Pandemie wurde es weltweit mit mehr als 250 Millionen «Likes» berühmt. Dies geschah, weil Millionen von Menschen ihren Kopf und ihr Herz nach Jerusalem wandten. Eines Tages wird der König dort wohnen. Wir warten und beten für den Frieden Jerusalems. R.B.
Jerusalem aus Gold:
Israel: Bitte ändert meine Adresse. Ich habe mich von Google-Verbindungen getrennt. E.E.
Nepal Bericht: Ich freue mich sehr, Euch diesen Monat noch einmal für die solide Unterstützung von «Change Action Nepal» und Indira zu danken, welche die Rettungs- und Pflegearbeit dort leitet. Eure liebevolle Freundlichkeit wird sehr geschätzt. DU kannst einen Unterschied machen!
«Ein kleines Kind soll sie leiten». Wir sollen nicht kindisch sein, sondern kindlich.
Es ist nie zu spät, um umzukehren und Busse zu tun. Jesus missgönnt uns nichts und ermutigt uns mit Liebe.
«Frieden hinterlasse ich euch, meinen Frieden gebe ich euch; nicht, wie die Welt ihn gibt, gebe ich ihn euch. Euer Herz beunruhige sich nicht und verzage nicht.» Johannes 14,27
2020 ist hinter uns. Jetzt sind wir im 2021, Ihr habt die Wahl glücklich zu sein!!!
Toivotan siunattua vuotta 2021 joka ikiselle tätä kirjettä lukevalle. Mikä tässä uudessa vuodessa rohkaisee meitä? Minulle sellainen seikka on tunne mahdollisuudesta. ”Asiat kyllä menevät parempaan päin…” “Pääsen tänä vuonna eteenpäin.” “Saatan valmiiksi muutamia niistä asioista, jotka olen työntänyt sydämeni syvyyteen.” “Maksan laskuni, jollain keinolla.” “Teen paremmin, olen parempi…”
Entä Sinä? Toivottavasti luet tämän optimistisena ja toiveikkaana.
Voiko olla totta, että vuosi sitten en edes ollut kuullut koronasta? Elin arkielämääni ilman hengityssuojainta ja käsidesiä? Halasin ystäviäni heidät tavatessani, annoin suukon lapsenlapsilleni ja söin yhdessä perheen kanssa sapattiateriaa. Tein ruokaostokset väenpaljouden keskellä kaupoissa ja tapasin muutamia ystäviä hyllyjen välissä kävellessäni. Oi, ne olivat vanhoja hyviä aikoja.
Olemme selvinneet ensimmäisestä, toisesta ja jopa kolmannesta pandemia-aallosta. Traagista kyllä, yli miljoona rakasta läheistä on menetetty. Miljoonat ovat joutuneet lähes köyhyyteen, ja tilanne näyttää vain pahenevan. Jumalanpalvelukset ja lomat siepattiin meiltä, puhumattakaan rajoituksista liikkumisen rajaamisen ja rakkaiden luokse tehtävien vierailujen suhteen. Elämme parhaillaan vuoden pimeimpiä ja kylmimpiä viikkoja. Pandemia jatkaa jylläämistään. Kyllä, selviämme hengissä, ja eloonjääminen on hyvä juttu. Mutta jos olet kaltaiseni, haluat enemmän kuin vain selviytyä hengissä. Haluat kukoistaa, olla rehevä. Kukoistusta ei kuitenkaan ole noin vain. Sen juuria tarvitsee muokata, kastella ja ravita. Silloin ne leviävät, käyttävät maksimaalisesti auringonvaloa ja voivat hyvin. Haluan kukoistaa ja tiedän sinunkin haluavan. HERRA auttakoon meitä kaikkia.
Shh… ota lahja vastaan: Kerrassaan rakastan Pyhän Hengen puhetta minulle. Tänään minut herätettiin seuraavalla ohjeistuksella: ”Mene, kansani, kammioihisi ja sulje ovet jälkeesi. Pysy piilossa hetken aikaa, kunnes viha [suuttumus] on mennyt ohi, ” Jesaja 26:20 RK
”Heitä taakkasi [huolenaiheesi] HERRAN huomaan, hän pitää sinusta huolen.” Psalmi 55:23 RK Kysyt, mikä sitten on tuo lahja, joka meidän tulee ottaa vastaan? Pyydä lohdutusta. Pyhä Henki on opettajamme, mutta meidän tulee olla nöyriä ja hengeltämme hiljaisia etenkin tänä historian aikana. Nöyrä ei ole heikko. Meneillään oleva raivoisa taistelu kuuluu HERRALLE. Annetaan Jumalan Hengen koota taisteluenkelit suorittamaan sotiminen, ja ollaan yhtä mieltä tavasta, jolla Hän valitsee liikkua. ”Sille, jonka mieli on vakaa, sinä takaat rauhan, rauhan, sillä hän turvaa sinuun.” Jesaja 26:3 ”…hiljainen luottamus on teidän voimanne…” Jesaja 30:15 RK
Sotivat henget Suuttumus on vahva sana, joka merkitys on: kiukku tai ärtymys, jonka on saanut aikaan epäreiluksi nähty menettely. Samankaltaisia sanoja ovat paheksunta, pahastuminen, loukkaantuminen tai ahdinko. Luen viestejä ystäviltä, jotka saavat osakseen närkästystä ystävien ja kollegoiden taholta poliittisten katsantokantojensa vuoksi. Vastakkainasettelu johtuu Amerikan poliittisesta sotkusta, joka tuo myötään laajakantoisia jälkivaikutuksia koko maapallolle. Jakaantuneisuus on paholaisen työtä. Ole varovainen ansan suhteen, jonka kielteinen reagointi voi tuoda sinulle henkilökohtaisesti. Ota etäisyyttä uutisiin ja muihin avoimina oleviin oviin, jotka aiheuttavat sinulle stressiä.
Voimme helposti tulla loukkaantuneiksi; yleensä sen aiheuttaa hyvin pieni seikka. Rauhaisan, levollisen hengen säilyttäminen vaatii enemmän kuin television sammuttamisen. Meidän on pidettävä tarkoin vahtia ajatuselämämme suhteen. Pidä huolta siitä, että jatkat vain kohti päämäärääsi; anna toisille heidän oikeutettu sijansa, mutta pidä samaan aikaan kiinni omastasi. Vaatii työtä päästää irti loukkauksista ja stressaavista uutisista. Pidä kuormasi mahdollisimman keveänä. Pysy kiitollisena. Yritä muistaa: ”Tämäkin menee ohitse.”
Elämän suurin oppiaihe Ehkäpä elämän suurin oppiaihe on kieltää negatiivisten ajatusten tunkeutuminen mieleen. Jokaisen ihmisen on opittava voittamaan omat sisäiset kamppailunsa. Saatana on ovela ja kyllin ylpeä yllyttääkseen meitä Kaikkivaltiasta vastaan. Mitäpä me kuolevaiset voimme odottaa? Minä anon Messiaan veren suojaa. ”sillä meidän veljiemme syyttäjä on heitetty ulos, hän joka yöt ja päivät syytti heitä meidän Jumalamme edessä.” Ilmestyskirja 12:10 RK
”Ja HERRA näki, että ihmisen pahuus / häijyys oli suuri maan päälle, ja että jokainen kuvitelma ja aie kaikessa ihmisen ajattelussa oli jatkuvasti ainoastaan paha / häijy.” I Moos 6:5 Amplified Bible, suora suomennos
”Miksi kansakunnat vehkeilevät ja kansat punovat turhaan juonia? Maan kuninkaat nousevat ja hallitsijat kokoontuvat yhteen HERRAA ja Hänen Voideltuaan vastaan. Hän, joka istuu valtaistuimella taivaassa nauraa; Herra pilkkaa heitä. ”Psalmi 2:1.2.4 New Covenant Prophecy Edition, suora suomennos
Erittäin huolestuttava näky Kyllä, tuntemamme maailma on mennyttä. Palaako se? Epäilenpä sitä! Kuulemme hyvin pahaenteisistä suunnitelmista, jotka tähtäävät New Reset -suunnitelmaan (uusi järjestelmäasetus), ja sivuutamme ne pötynä. Ei niin hyvät ystävät. Vuonna 1975 sain seuraavan kokemuksen ja uskon ajan koittaneen sen jakamiselle. En ollut kokenut sellaista aiemmin enkä sen jälkeen. Kuvailen sitä elämisenä kahdessa maailmassa samaan aikaan. Olimme matkalla Kanadan halki lännestä New Yorkiin. Olin täysin läsnäoleva, mutta saatoin nähdä uuteen, tulossa olevaan maailmaan.
Näin käden, joka ilmestyi esiin. Se piteli suurta sivellintä. Sitten näin Kanadan kartan, sellaisen, joka tavallisesti oli luokkahuoneissa. Sitä katsellessani tuo käsi maalasi kiireellä Kanadaa punaiseksi rannikolta rannikolle. Kuulin nämä sanat: ”Mutta ensin minun vereni verhoaa.” Katselin, miten pimeys laskeutui ihmisten mieliin ja sydämiin. Hengellinen ja henkinen pilvi muuttui lopulta fyysiseksi pimeydeksi. Näin valojen sammuvan joka puolella Kanadaa. Ihmisiä tarkkailtiin, heitä rajoitettiin ja heidän käskettiin pysyä sisällä. Minkäänlaista yhteydenpitoa ei sallittu. Näin ihmisten ryömivän yöaikaan yli kylmien sänkipeltojen tapaamaan salaa rakkaitaan. Jokainen sana kuiskattiin. Pimeys oli niin kieroutunutta, että se tunkeutui sieluun asti. Näky oli niin väkevä, niin huolestuttava, niin hirveä, että suljin tuon kokemuksen pois 47 vuodeksi. Näin asioita, joita en voi mainita.
Kerroin silloin samanaikaisesti aviomiehelleni Jaylle, mitä näin ja koin tapahtuvan. Se oli kerta kaikkiaan hirveää ja halusin unohtaa näkemäni. Mielestäni tapahtumat etenevät nopeasti tuohon suuntaan. On aika havahtua ja olla varuillaan niiden pahojen voimien suhteen, jotka kulissien
takana tarraavat kiinni ottaen haltuunsa koko maailmaa kattavaa kontrollia. Ainoa todiste profeetalliselle unelle, kokemukselle tai sanalle on sen toteutuminen. Voitte uskoa minun rukoilevan, ettei tämä koskaan toteudu! Vuodesta 1971 vuoteen 1991 Jay ja minä panostimme rukousta, varoja, aikaa ja vaivaa siihen, että kävimme vierailemassa Neuvostoliitossa elävien juutalaisten luona. Ainoa päämäärämme oli nähdä heidän vapautuvan. Näimme kasvotusten ja henkilökohtaisesti millainen nurinkurinen ja hirveä järjestelmä kommunismi oli ja yhäkin on. Kaikkien katseet kohdistuvat tällä hetkellä Amerikkaan. Mutta meidän hiljainen ”kiva” pohjoinen naapurimme on jo uponnut liejumottiin. Lohikäärme on kovin tervetullut. Meidän työnämme on rukous ja selviytyminen.
Israel, kotikontumme Monien kuukausien mittaan vuonna 2020 Israel avasi suhteita Abraham Accords Peace Agreementilla eli Aabrahamin rauhansopimuksilla viiteen arabivaltioon suurten poliittisten siirtymien tapahtuessa Yhdysvalloissa. Rauhankumppaneita ovat Yhdistyneet Arabiemiraatit, Bahrain, Sudan, Marokko ja aasialainen Bhutanin kuningaskunta. Indonesia, maailman väkirikkain muslimikansakunta, saattaa olla seuraavana.
Israel on hyvin tehokas rokotusten jakamisessa. Se on immunisoinut suhteellisesti enemmän kansalaisia kuin mikään muu kansakunta maailmassa. Ainoastaan 20% Itä-Jerusalemin kansalaisista erottautui joukosta, sillä heitä pelottavat palestiinalaisviranomaisten valheet, jotka sanovat: ”Israel myrkyttää teidät.” Valokuvassa terveyskeskus viiden minuutin matkan päässä kodistamme.
Israelilainen teknologia Maailma on taistellut juomavesikriisiä, kamppaileehan moni väestö puhtaan juomaveden saannista. Israelilaisella yrityksellä nimeltä ”Watergen” on ratkaisu, joka saattaa lyödä ällikällä. Tuo israelilainen yritys on yltänyt mahdottomaan ja se pelastaa ihmishenkiä! Yritys on kehitellyt laitteen, joka nappaa vettä ilmasta. Keksintöä on käytetty Afrikassa ja katastrofialueilla, kuten esimerkiksi maanjäristysalueilla.
Arabit ja israelilaiset Viime vuonna tuhat henkilöä Israelin arabiväestöstä astui Israelin puolustusvoimiin. Lukumäärä on enemmän kuin kaksinkertainen viimeksi kuluneisiin vuosiin verrattuna. Israelin puolustusvoimat järkyttyi saadessaan anomuksia naapurimaissa eläviltä arabeilta. Siis maista, joista osa luokitellaan vihollisiksi; itsestään selvää, että yritykset täytyi torjua. ”Noin 700 näistä halukkaista vapaaehtoisista ottivat yhteyttä arabimaista, Libanonista ja Syyriasta; ehkäpä osana sitä muutosta, jota alue parhaillaan on läpikäymässä. Emme voineet uskoa kysynnän määrää.” sanoo Jakir Benzion United with Israel -järjestöstä.
Antisemitismi Antisemitismiä virtaa CNN-kanavan reporttereiden huulilta. Saksa ja Ranska vaativat Israelia palaamaan vuoden 1967 (aselepo)linjoille. Herra Trumpin poissiirtymisen myötä Israelia tietenkin lytätään ja vihataan. Miten taistella sitä vastaan? Lapsianne ja lastenlapsianne kouluttamalla. Prahan yliopistolla on hieno opetusportaali. Oppikaa historiasta eikä valheuutisista.
Saamiani kirjeitä ja sähköposteja Eräs ystävä Amerikasta kirjoitti: ”Tammikuun 6. päivän Capitol-rakennuksen välikohtauksen jälkeen ja Twitterin sekä Facebookin suljettua Trumpin tilit, täällä on hengellisesti painostava ilmapiiri. Hiljaisen hetken viettäminen Herran kanssa auttaa aloittamaan päivän toiveikkain näkymin. Päivän mittaan huudan usein Hänen puoleensa. Se vetää minut lähemmäs Häntä. Surullista kyllä, kaksi läheisintä ystävääni yli 25 vuoden ajalta ovat Trumpin vihaajia. Me kaikki kolme pidimme raamattupiiriä, rukoilimme ja kokoonnuimme yhteen; nykyinen on hyvin ikävää.
En ottanut politiikkaa puheeksi heidän kanssaan, vaan pyysin Jumalaa yhä rakastamaan heitä ja olemaan sallimatta, että vihollinen tuhoaa ystävyytemme. Jumala ei ole hämmästynyt tapahtuneesta. Toivomme ja luottamuksemme tulevina päivinä on Hänessä. J.M.
Eräältä kristilliseltä johtajalta Amerikasta: Kansakuntamme tarvitsee täydellisen peruskorjauksen. Minun on vaikeaa katsella tapahtunutta etiikan ja moraalin käännettä. Joku minua viisaampi on selittänyt sen tällä tavalla: Uutta etiikkaa ja moraalia on:
Se, mikä oli tuomittua, paheksuttua… sitä juhlitaan nyt.
Se, mitä juhlittiin… on nyt tuomittua, paheksuttua.
Ne, jotka kieltäytyvät juhlimasta… heidät tuomitaan, heitä paheksutaan nyt!
Onneksi tätä uutta ajattelutapaa eivät kaikki ole omaksuneet. Rukoilemme ja pyydämme Pyhää Henkeä vielä vuodattamaan herätyksen Amerikan ylle, niin että sieluja pelastuu ja että totuus (paremmin tunnettuna, ymmärrettynä) tulee omaksutuksi.
Kanada: Isoäidin valitus. ”Olemme kaikki alttiina pandemialle. Minulle vaikeinta on olla erotettuna lapsenlapsistani. Se särkee sydämeni. Näin heidät pikaisesti kirkossa, mutta he eivät enää edes yritä halata minua. Pääni tietää syyn, mutta sydämeni itkee. Vihaan tätä pandemiaa. Se ryöstää meistä kovin monia, se tekee minut kiukkuiseksi, joten rukoilen kiukun ulos rukouksen kautta. N.B.
Suomi Viimeaikaiset tapahtumat ovat kerta kaikkiaan huolestuttavia ja ne viittaavat tulevaisuudessa koittaviin vaikeampiin aikoihin. Rukoilen joka päivä Amerikan puolesta, joka on hyökkäysten kohteena yhteiskunnan kaikilla tasoilla ja Kiinasta. Meidän on vain uskottava, että hallinta on HERRALLA. C.R.
Sveitsi Eräs liikemies tuntee myötätuntoa Jerusalemia kohtaan. Hän kertoo kuulleensa laulun: ”Jerusalema” ja pitäneensä siitä. Joku oli kirjoittanut siihen zulunkieliset sanat, ja eräs tanssiryhmä teki aiheesta DVD-levyn. Pandemian aikana siitä on tullut tunnettu ja se sai yli 250 miljoonaa like-klikkausta. Niin tapahtui, koska miljoonat ihmiset käänsivät päänsä ja sydämensä kohti Jerusalemia. Eräänä päivänä Kuningas vielä oleskelee siellä. Odotamme ja rukoilemme Jerusalemille rauhaa R.B. Jerusalem of Gold:
Israel Muutattehan osoitetietoni. Olen poistanut tietoni kaikista Google-yhteyksistä. E.E.
Nepal-raportti: Olen innoissani voidessani kiittää teitä jälleen tässä kuussa antamastanne tuntuvasta tuesta Change Action Nepal -toiminnalle ja Indiralle, joka johtaa siellä pelastus- ja hoivatyötä. Teidän rakastavaa laupeuttanne arvostetaan siellä kovasti. SINÄ voit toimia muutosta aikaansaaden! Lahjoituksia voi tehdä tämän sivuston kautta: www.changeactionnepal.org Linkki filmiin: https://youtu.be/0mOU01NRf9k
“Pieni poikanen niitä paimentaa.” Meidän ei tule olla lapsellisia vaan lapsenomaisia. Koskaan ei ole liian myöhäistä katua. Jeesus ei suhtaudu meihin nuivasti vaan kannustaa meitä rakastaen.
”Rauhan minä jätän teille: minun rauhani – sen minä annan teille. En minä anna teille, niinkuin maailma antaa. Älköön teidän sydämenne olko murheellinen älköönkä peljätkö.” Johannes 14:27
Vuosi 2020 on takanamme. Nyt on vuosi 2021; olla onnellinen on sinun valintasi!!!
“A little child shall lead them.” We are not to be childish, but child like.
It is never too late to repent. Jesus begrudged us nothing and with love encourages us. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you, not as the world gives, Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither be afraid.” John 14:27
2020 is behind us. This is 2021, to be happy is your choice!!!
A blessed 2021 to each and every soul reading this letter.
What is it about the New Year that encourages us?
For me, its that sense of possibility.
“Things are going to get better …”
“I will come ahead this year.”
“ I will accomplish some of the things tucked away in my heart.”
“I will pay my bills, somehow.”
“ I will be better …”
“How about you? I pray this finds you optimistic and hopeful.
Can it really be that a year ago I’d never even heard of COVID-19? I went about my daily life without a mask or sanitiser? I hugged my friends when I saw them, kissed my grandchildren, and shared family Shabbat meals. I did my grocery shopping in a crowded store and saw some friends while walking the aisles? Ah, those were the good old days.
We have survived the first, second and even third waves of the pandemic. Tragically more than a million loved ones have been lost. Millions have been reduced to near poverty and it only seems to be getting worse. Our worship services and holidays were hijacked to say nothing of being shut in and forbidden to visit loved ones. Now we’re in the darkest, coldest weeks of the year. The pandemic continues to rage. Yes, we are surviving, and survival is good. But if you’re like me, you want to do more than survive. You want to thrive. Thriving, however, doesn’t just happen. Their roots need to be dug about, watered and nourished. Then they will stretch out, maximise the sunlight and bloom. I want to thrive and I know that you do as well. May the LORD help us all.
Shh … Receive the Gift: I love it when the Holy Spirit speaks to me. I was awakened today with the following instruction. “Come my people, enter into your chambers, and shut your doors, hide yourself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be over past.” Isaiah 26:20
“Cast your burden (cares) on the LORD, and He will sustain you.” Psalm 55:22
You ask, “So what is the “gift” we need to receive?” Ask for comfort. The Holy Spirit is our teacher, but we need a meek and quiet spirit especially at this time in history. Meek is not weak. The fierce battle raging is the LORD’S. Let the Spirit of God summon warrior angels to execute warfare and we will agree with the way He chooses to move.“You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3 “In quietness and confidence shall be you strength.” Isaiah 30:15
Waring Spirits:Indignation is a strong word which means: anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment. Similar words are resentment, umbrage, affront, or distress. I am hearing from friends who are facing the indignation of friends and colleagues concerning their political leanings. The controversy is over the political mess in America, which carries with it far reaching repercussions for the entire globe. Division is the work of the devil. Beware of the trap your negative response can bring to you personally. Pull back from news and other open doors that cause you stress.
We can be easily offended, usually by very little. To retain a spirit of tranquility will require more than turning off the TV. We must keep a close watch over our thought life. Work to be single of purpose, give others their rightful place but keep yours at the same time. It takes work to let go of insults and stressful news. Keep your load as light as possible. Stay thankful. Try to remember, “this too shall pass.”
Life’s Greatest Discipline: Perhaps the greatest discipline in life is to forbid negative thoughts from invading our minds. Each person must learn to win their own internal struggle. Satan is cunning and proud enough to rant against us to the Almighty. What can we mortals expect? I plead the covering of the blood of the Messiah? “For the accuser of our brethren, who accuses them before our God day and night has been hurled down.” Revelation 12:10
“And the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination and intention of all human thinking was only evil continually.” Genesis 6:5 Amplified Bible
“Why do the nations conspire and the people plot in vain? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the LORD and against His Anointed One. The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.”
Psalm 2:1.2.4 New Covenant Prophecy Edition
A Most Troubling Vision: Yes, the world that we knew is gone. Will it return? I rather doubt it! We hear of very sinister plans for the “New Reset” and toss most of them out as nonsense. Not so my friends. Back in 1975 I was given the following experience and I think the time has come to share it. I have not had an experience like it before nor since. I describe it as living in two worlds at the same time. We were travelling across Canada from the West to New York. I was very present, but could see into a new world that was coming.
I saw a hand appear. It held a large paint brush. Then I saw a wall map of Canada, like we used to have in our class rooms. As I watched, this hand was busily painting Canada. red from coast to coast. I heard these words: “But my blood will cover first.”
I watched as darkness descended, upon the minds and hearts of the people. The spiritual and mental cloud eventually turned into a physical darkness. I saw lights go out all across Canada. People were monitored, clamped down, ordered to stay in. No communication was allowed. I saw people crawling on their bellies at night across cold stubble fields to meet loved ones clandestinely. Every word was whispered. The darkness was so perverse it permeated into one’s soul. It was so stark, so troubling, so awful that I shut this experience away for 47 years. I saw things I cannot mention.
At the time, I told my husband Jay what I was seeing and experiencing as it unfolded. It was absolutely horrible and I wanted to forget what I had seen. I feel that events are moving swiftly this way. Its time to wake up and be alert to the sinister forces grabbing for global control behind the scenes. The only proof of a prophetic dream, experience or word is if it comes to pass. Oh, believe me, I pray it never does! From 1971 unto 1991 Jay and I invested prayer, finances, time and effort visiting Jews in the Soviet Union. Our sole purpose was to see them released. We saw up front and personal what kind of an upside-down horrifying system that Communism was and continues to be. All eyes are on America at present. But our quiet “nice” neighbour to the north has already sunk into the mire of entrapment. The dragon is so welcome. Our work is prayer and over coming.
Israel our home turf: Over several months in 2020, Israel opened the Abraham Accords Peace Agreement with five Arab nations as major political shifts are taking place in the USA. Peace partners are The United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, Morocco and the Asian Kingdom of Buthan. Indonesia, the most populous Muslim nation maybe next.
Israel is very efficient in distributing the vaccine, immunising more citizens per capita than any other nation in the world. Only 20% of Arabs in East Jerusalem came forward, as they fear the lies from the Palestinian Authority saying, “Israel will poison them.” Photo: Our health clinic 5 minutes from home.
Israeli Technology: The world has been fighting a drinking water crisis, with many populations struggling to access clean drinking water. Israeli company “Watergen”has a solution that may knock you off your feet. This Israeli company is achieving the impossible and saving lives! They have devised a way to catch water from the air. This invention is being used in Africa and at sites of catastrophes such as earthquakes.
Arabs and Israelis: In the last year, 1,000 members of Israel’s Arab population has enlisted in the IDF, a number that is more than double that of recent years. The Israel Defence Forces were shocked to receive requests from Arabs living in neighbouring countries, some classified as enemies that obviously had to be turned down. “About 700 would-be volunteers called from Arab countries such as Lebanon and Syria, perhaps as part of the change the region is going through. We could not believe the demand,” Yakir Benzion, United With Israel.
Anti-Semitism: Anti-Semitism rolls off of the tongues of CNN announcers. Germany and France demand Israel return to the 1967 lines. With the demise of Mr. Trump, Israel is of course being bashed and hated. How do we fight it? Educate your children and grandchildren. Prager University is a wonderful teaching platform. Learn from history, not fake news.
Your letters and emails:
America: A friend emailed: “Since the incident in the Capitol Building January 6th and Twitter and Facebook blocking Trump’s account, there is a heaviness in the spiritual realm. Spending quiet time with the Lord early in the morning helps to start the day with a hopeful outlook. During the day I often call out to Him. This is drawing me closer to Him.
Unfortunately, two of my dearest friends for over twenty-five years are Trump haters. We all three had Bible study, prayer and fellowship together, and this is very sad. I do not engage them in political conversation, but ask God to continue to love them and not allow the enemy to destroy our friendship. God is not surprised by what has happened. Our hope and trust, in the days ahead are in Him. J.M.
From a Christian leader in America: Our nation needs a total overhaul. It’s hard for me to observe the turn around in ethics and morals that has happened. Someone wiser than me has explained it this way:
The new ethics and morality are:
1. What was condemned… is now celebrated.
2. What was celebrated… is now condemned.
3. Those refusing to celebrate…are now condemned!
Fortunately, this new thinking is not embraced by everyone.
We are praying for another Great Awakening to be poured out over America by the Holy Spirit that souls will be saved and that Truth (better known) will be embraced.
Canada: A Grandmother’s lament. “We are all dealing with the pandemic. For me it’s hardest being cut off from my grand babies. That breaks my heart. I briefly saw them at church but they don’t even try to hug me anymore. My head knows why, but my heart cries. I hate this pandemic. It’s robbing so many of us. Makes me mad, so I pray the anger out through prayer. N.B. Canada
Finland: Recent events are definitely very disturbing, and point to even more difficult times ahead. I am praying every day for America under attack from all levels of society
and from China. We have to just believe that the LORD is in control. C.R.
Switzerland: A businessman is touched for Jerusalem. We heard the song “Jerusalema” and loved it. Someone composed the words in Zulu and a dance group made a DVD. During the pandemic it became famous worldwide with more than 250 million “likes”. This happened because millions of people turned their head and heart to Jerusalem. One day the King will be in residence there. We wait and pray for Jerusalem’s peace. R.B.
Jerusalem of Gold:
Israel: Change my address please. I have removed myself from Google connections. E.E.
Nepal Report: I am thrilled to thank you again this month for the solid support for “Change Action Nepal” and Indira who heads up the rescuing and nurturing work there. Your loving kindness is greatly appreciated. YOU Can Make a Difference! To make a donation: www.changeactionnepal.org
To watch the film: https://youtu.be/0mOU01NRf9k
“A little child shall lead them.” We are not to be childish, but child like.
It is never too late to repent. Jesus begrudged us nothing and with love encourages us. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you, not as the world gives, Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither be afraid.” John 14:27
2020 is behind us. This is 2021, to be happy is your choice!!!
“Der Himmel verkündet die Herrlichkeit Gottes und das Firmament bezeugt seine wunderbaren Werke. Ein Tag erzählt es dem anderen, und eine Nacht teilt es der anderen mit. Ohne Sprache und ohne Worte, lautlos ist ihre Stimme, doch ihre Botschaft breitet sich aus über die ganze Erde und ihre Worte über die ganze Welt.» Psalm 2,5
Letzte Nacht träumte ich, ich sei im Himmel. Mir fehlen die Worte, um die lebendige Schönheit zu beschreiben, die ich erlebt habe. «Himmel» ist ein grossartiges Reich, eine grosse Welt oder ein Königreich. Ich habe die Heilige Stadt nicht gesehen. Dieses Land der Harmonie pulsiert voll von Perfektion und Leben. Eine sanfte Brise, beladen mit dem Duft von Blüten, wehte um mich herum. Hier pulsiert alles vorLeben. Ich konnte meine Augen nicht von den sich ständig verändernden Himmeln über mir abwenden. Die sanften Farben bewegten sich wie Strömungen in einem Ozean. Jeder Farbton kreierte seinen eigenen harmonischen Klang. Eine Taube tauchte in die Umgebung ein und schuf eine Symphonie aus Farbe und Klang. Ich war fasziniert von der Strömung und den Tiefen oder sollte ich Höhen sagen. Ich rief dem EINEN zu, der mich an diesen Ort gebracht hatte: «Deshalb will niemand den Himmel verlassen». Dann hörte ich mich ausrufen: «Ich habe noch Arbeit zu erledigen!»
Meridel & Jay
Time to Celebrate Hanukkah the Festival of LIGHTS! Hanukkah is here, we fill our windowsills with fresh cedar boughs from the garden and use lots and lots of miniature lights. For eight evenings we light the lamps and enjoy family. We remember the 7- year Jewish Maccabean Revolt against Seleucid and heathen Greek tyranny from 167-150 BCE. A statue of Zeus was set up in the Jerusalem Temple, build by Ezra and Nehemiah and the returning exiles from Babylon. Pig’s blood was sacrificed on its altars. So why do we care today? Because we must not ever forget the curse of anti-Semitism. Right now it rips through the earth, at a rate greater than pre-WW2. History, past, and present, never allows Jews to forget what was and what is! History has shown that the common man in every nation has always been at the mercy of Evil schemers: the mad, bad and ugly. Today we all grapple with COVID, lockdowns, separations and closure of our houses of worship. It is a perfect time to celebrate our Feasts of Deliverance, Hanukkah & Christmas.
Weihnachten, das grösste Fest des Lichts!
«Das Volk, das in der Finsternis wandelt, hat ein grosses Licht gesehen; Über den Bewohnern des Landes der Todesschatten ist ein Licht erschienen; Ein Licht zur Offenbarung für die Heiden und zur Verherrlichung deines Volkes Israel.»
Jesaja 9,2, Matthäus 4,16, Lukas 2,32
Nun ein Spaziergang durch den Erinnerungs-Pfad:
Erinnern wir uns an unsere besonderen Weihnachtsmomente. Was kommt uns in den Sinn? Ich denke an meinen «grossen Bruder» Donnie. Wir haben alles zusammen gemacht.
Photo: Er nannte mich «Memo»
Mama verwandelte unser Gewöhnliches in das Aussergewöhnliche mit Dekorationen, einem frischen Baum, frischen Ästen und Lichtern. «Brüderchen Frost» malte zarte Spitzenmuster in das Eis, das unsere Fenster bedeckte.
Photo: Eismuster auf Fensterscheiben
Meridel & her brother Don
1945 Wir haben einen einfachen Brief an den Weihnachtsmann geschrieben mit einem Wunsch. Mama hob einen Deckel auf der Rückseite des grossen schwarzen, gusseisernen Kochherds. Wir liessen unsere Notizen neben die Flammen fallen. Sie versicherte uns, dass «der Brief den Schornstein hoch zum Nordpol hinaufflog». In kindlicher Einfachheit haben wir das geglaubt. Meine denkwürdigsten Geschenke waren eine schwarze Puppe, als ich vier Jahre alt war. Oma gab mir das erste Kinder-Gedichtbuch, als ich fünf Jahre alt war, und einen Smaragdring mit neun Jahren.
1946 Ich erinnere mich, als Grossvaters Bauernhof mit Schnee bedeckt war. Seine grosse Überraschung war ein Ausritt mit einem offenen, altmodischen Pferdeschlitten. Wir waren bis zum Kinn mit einem Bärenfell bedeckt. «Alles bereit?» Er schnalzte mit der Zunge und schnippte die Befehle, «Hüh,» befahl er. Das Pferd zog an und wir überflogen die Felder und Täler eines magischen Winterwunderlandes. Die Stille wurde nur durch das Klingeln der Messingglocken am Pferdegeschirr und das matschige Geräusch von Stahlkufen unterbrochen, die über Eis und Schnee schliffen. Ich spüre heute noch die Wärme in meiner Erinnerung an dieses schöne Erlebnis, welches für immer in meinem Geist und Herz eingraviert ist.
1948 Sorgfältig haben wir zarte Ornamente ausgepackt. Mama erinnerte uns daran, dass einige von ihrem Zuhause gekommen sind, die älter als wir waren. Im Yukon, wo wir lebten, türmte sich der Schnee auf unseren Fensterbänken. Wir trugen warme, pelzgefütterte Kleider wie die Einheimischen.
1952 Mein Bruder führte uns in die verschneiten Wälder im Osten Kanadas, um den perfekten Baum zu fällen. Unser Collie sprang voraus und bellte aufgeregt. Wir schleppten die Tanne mit unserem Schlitten nach Hause.
Wir haben Mama geholfen, Dutzende von Keksen zu backen. Bald war unser Haus mit dem sauberen und frischen Tannenaroma erfüllt, das sich mit süssen, orientalischen Düften von Zimt und Muskatnuss vermischte. Papa brachte Schachteln mit kleinen, japanischen Mandarinen mit, welche einzeln in Seidenpapier eingewickelt waren.
Cookies by Terhi Rawlings
1950 – 1953 Altmodische Schul- und Kirchenkonzerte eröffneten die Ferienzeit. Ich erinnere mich gern daran, Verse rezitiert und Chorusse gesungen zu haben. Im Laufe der Jahre wurden wir in die Krippengeschichte eingebunden, als Schafe, Hirten, Weisen, Engel und sogar als Joseph und Maria. Jedes Kind erwartete diese spezielle, braune Papiertüte zu erhalten, die mit einer Schnur zusammengebunden war. Sie war gefüllt mit hausgemachtem Schokoladenfondant, Lebkuchen, einem Hackfleisch-Kuchen, englischen Toffees, Nüssen und am Boden immer eine grosse Orange.
1956 Omas runder Eichentisch stöhnte unter dem reichhaltigen Festmahl. Ich erinnere mich, dass ihr einheimischer Truthahn dieses Jahr 20 Kilos wog. Ehrlich gesagt musste er in zwei Hälften geschnitten werden, bevor er in die Bratröhre ihres Holzofens hineinpasste. Ihre weissen und dunklen, mit Marzipan und roten Maraschino-Kirschen bedeckten, 15 cm hohen Obstkuchen, waren reichhaltig und köstlich.
1974 Jay und ich lebten in Carros, Südfrankreich. Es war ein Steindorf aus dem 13. Jahrhundert, welches auf den Ruinen einer Burg aus dem 11. Jahrhundert erbaut wurde. An diesem verschneiten Heiligabend haben wir französisch-kanadische Studenten aus Paris aufgenommen. Sie brachten französische Gedichte und eine Flöte mit, und schlugen vor, wir könnten Sternsingen gehen. Mit brennenden Kerzen in unseren Händen, sangen wir auf den krummen Steinstrassen auf und ab. Obwohl die Einwohner streng römisch-katholisch, des Patois sprechenden Dorfes waren, öffneten sich alte Holztüren. Die meisten Gesichter zeigten völlige Überraschung, als sie uns Westler sahen, welche ihre alten Lieder sangen. Sofort wurden ihre Gesichter weicher. Sie offerierten uns eine Tasse Glühwein, bevor wir weitergingen. Am Ende des Abends waren wir innen und aussen wohlig warm. Diese alten Weihnachtslieder wiederholten die grösste Geschichte, die jemals erzählt wurde, und segneten uns alle.
Carros, France Photo: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carros
1975 Unsere jungen Söhne fragten nach einem Satz Streichholzschachteln-Autos. Jay und ich hatten kein zusätzliches Geld, um ein solches Geschenk zu machen, aber wir beteten dafür. In der Woche vor Weihnachten hielt Prinzessin Grace von Monaco ihren berühmten «Weihnachtsbasar» ab. Wir wurden von einer monegassischen Freundin eingeladen. Durch sie trafen wir lokale amerikanische Missionare mit Kindern im Teenageralter. Während wir sie kurz besuchten, nahm ihr Sohn Jay beiseite und fragte leise: «Ich möchte ihren Kindern gerne meine gesamte Sammlung von Streichholzschachteln- Autos und Lastwagen geben.» Am Weihnachtsmorgen weckten uns zwei kleine Jungs, David und Chris, mit quietschendem Entzücken. Unter der kleinen Kiefer standen Dutzende von Miniaturautos und Lastwagen, zusammen mit einer ganzen Reihe von GI Joes (Soldaten). Unser Dank geht an einen Teenager, der die «stille kleine Stimme» gehört hat. «Ein guter Mensch bringt Gutes hervor aus dem guten Schatz seines Herzens.» Lukas 6,45
Haifa, Israel Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haifa
1978 Inzwischen lebten wir in Haifa, Israel. Jays Mama und Papa aus Kanada waren zu Besuch. Unser Nachbar, Professor Shmuel, Leiter der Mathematikabteilung an der technischen Universität, und seine Frau kamen an diesem Heiligabend zu uns. Er erzählte uns von seinen kühnen Heldentaten im zweiten Weltkrieg, als er obdachlose, jüdische Kinder durch den Hafen von Marseille rettete. Er liebte Weihnachtslieder und wir spielten seine Favoriten. «Nur noch eines…», forderte er immer wieder. Um ein Uhr morgens waren wir erschöpft, wollten aber nicht unhöflich sein. Shmuel genoss unsere Glaubensgeschichten. «Wisst ihr, ich war ein Schütze in unserem Unabhängigkeitskrieg von 1948, deshalb bin ich auf meinem linken Ohr taub.» Jay bot an: «Ich könnte für dich beten, Shmuel. Gott wird dich heilen.» «Würdest du?» «Ja klar! Ich würde mich freuen.» Jay legte beide Hände auf Shmuels Kopf, betete und bat ganz einfach um Heilung. Lautlos stimmte ich von der anderen Seite unseres Wohnzimmers zu. Shmuels blaue Augen öffneten sich weit. «Ich kann hören!» rief er erstaunt aus. Er schluckte schwer, in seinen Augen waren Tränen. Als er sich wieder gefasst hatte, sagte er sehr leise: «Danke, todah rabah.» Dieser mürrische, alte Professor war völlig überrascht. Seine Gefühle unter strenger Kontrolle haltend, wünschte er uns allen schnell einen guten Abend und eilte nach Hause.
In Jerusalem strömen Israelis am Heiligabend zu den Weihnachts-Gottesdiensten, welche in der Christ Church direkt vor dem Jaffa-Tor abgehalten werden. Wir haben entdeckt, dass Juden es lieben, sich jedem zu nähern, der feiert, sei es mit einem Truthahnessen oder einem Konzert. Weihnachten und Chanukka fallen oft, innerhalb weniger Tage, zusammen. Wir haben einen Tag der offenen Tür bei uns, und viele Israelis strömen für eine kleine «Tasse Freundlichkeit» herein, einschliesslich einiger ehemaliger Armeekameraden unserer Söhne. Vor ein paar Jahren kam unser Freund Joe, verkleidet als Zuckerpflaumenfee zu uns, und Daniel, als der Spielverderber drohte, die Geschenke unserer Enkelkinder zu stehlen. Wir versammeln uns jeweils um den Kamin und lesen Teile der Weihnachtsgeschichte. Dabei werden Herzen erwärmt und niemand will uns verlassen.
Christ Church, Jerusalem, Israel Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_Church,_Jerusalem
Weihnachten ist eine Zeit des Ausgiessens, ob es bequem ist oder nicht. Es gibt immer einen Weg zu segnen und zu feiern. Mein Herz geht auf, wenn ich mich an diese Zeiten erinnere. Ein Lagerraum von bleibenden Erinnerungen helfen mir, die dunklen Wintertage zu wärmen. Wir geben die Liebe an Euch weiter, unsere lieben Freunde und Unterstützer. Danke, dass Ihr für uns da seid.
Betet für die Männer in Euren Leben mit Namen
Gott hat mir aufs Herz gelegt, speziell für die Männer in unserem Leben zu beten. Überall werden Männer angegriffen, insbesondere gläubige, geweihte und gerechte Männer. Sie werden oft geringgeschätzt. Zuerst bitte ich Jesus darum, die Männer in meinem Leben zu stärken. Jay und ich sprechen laut jeden einzelnen Namen aus, zusammen mit der Stadt, in der sie wohnen. Dann bitten wir Jesus, «ihr Herz zu segnen!» Wir rufen die Namen von Männern, die wir aus aller Welt kennen. Sicher klingt das ein bisschen einfach! Aber wir spürten dabei eine grosse Salbung und Ermächtigung in unserem Glauben.
«Und ich suchte unter ihnen einen Mann, der die Mauer zumauern und vor mir in den Riss treten könnte für das Land, damit ich es nicht zugrunde richte; aber ich fand keinen.» Hesekiel 22,30 «Denn ein Kind ist uns geboren, ein Sohn ist uns gegeben; und die Herrschaft ruht auf seiner Schulter.» Jesaja 9,5 «Die Menschen werden vergehen vor Furcht und in Erwartung der Dinge, die kommen sollen über die ganze Erde; denn die Kräfte der Himmel werden ins Wanken kommen.» Lukas 21,26 «…hoffe stets auf deinen Gott!» Hosea 12,7b
Indira Ghale with Meridel in Nepal.
Gute Nachrichten aus Nepal! Danke, jedem und allen, welche kürzlich unsere nepalesische Adoptiv-Tochter Indira ermutigt haben durch eine finanzielle Gabe. Sie schrieb: «Lieber Papa, danke vielmals für die CHF 1’500 für CAN – Change Action Nepal. Wir sind in der Planung ein Stück Land zu kaufen und unser eigenes «sicheres Unterschlupf-Haus» zu bauen. Die Mädchen und ich sind fortwährend am Beten für dich und Mama und euren ganzen Dienst. Viel Liebe und Frieden, Indira.
Freunde: Wir brauchen Eure finanzielle Hilfe auf jede mögliche Art und Weise. Um zu spenden, gehe direkt zur Change Action Nepal Webseite:www.changeactionnepal.com Gehe dann direkt oben rechts auf: Donate
Meridel Rawlings
Hier ist die Adresse für den letzten SMV Brief (November) über Nepal. Bitte sendet ihn mindestens an einen Eurer Freunde.
Taivaat julistavat Jumalan kunniaa, taivaankansi ilmoittaa hänen kättensä tekoja. Päivä lausuu päivälle sanan, yö ilmoittaa yölle tiedon. Se ei ole puhetta eikä sanoja, joiden ääni ei kuuluisi. Niiden ääni ulottuu yli koko maan ja niiden sanat maan piirin ääriin. Psalmi 19:2-5 RK
Viime yönä näin unessa olevani taivaassa. Minulla ei ole sanoja, joilla edes yrittää kuvailla kokemaani elävää kauneutta. Taivas on upea valtakunta, mahtava maailma tai kuningaskunta. En nähnyt pyhää kaupunkia. Tuo harmonian maa sykkii täydellisyyttä ja elämää. Lempeät tuulenvireet täynnä kukkien tuoksua leijuivat ympärilläni. Kaikki siellä sykkii elämää. En saanut irrotettua silmiäni alati muuttuvasta taivaasta ylläni. Pehmeät värisävyt liikkuivat kuin meren virtaukset. Jokainen vivahde loi oman harmonisen soinnin kyyhkysen lennellessä niiden keskellä luoden värin ja äänen sinfoniaa. Olin lumoutunut virtauksista ja syvyyksistä vai pitäisikö sanoa korkeuksista. Lausahdin HÄNELLE, joka oli tuonut minut tuohon paikkaan: ”Siis tämän vuoksi kukaan ei halua lähteä pois taivaasta. Sitten kuulin huudahtavani: ”Minulla on vielä tehtäviä töitä!”
Meridel & Jay
Aika juhlia hanukkaa, VALOJEN juhlaa!
Käsillä on hanukka-aika. Laitamme ikkunalaudoille tuoreita seetrinoksia puutarhasta ja poltamme suuren määrän pieniä tuikkuja. Kahdeksan illan ajan sytytämme tuikkuja ja nautimme perheestä. Muistelemme makkabealaisjuutalaisten 7 vuotta kestänyttä kapinaa, jota he kävivät seleukien ja pakanallisten kreikkalaisten tyranniaa vastaan vuosina 167-150 eaa. Jerusalemin Temppeliin, jonka Ezra ja Nehemia sekä Babylonian karkotuksesta palanneet olivat jälleenrakentaneet, oli pystytetty Zeuksen patsas. Alttareilla uhrattiin sian verta. Miksi sitten välittää asiasta enää nykyään? Koska meidän ei milloinkaan tule unohtaa antisemitismin kirousta. Tällä hetkellä sitä tihkuu esiin eri puolilla maailmaa enemmän kuin ennen toista maailmansotaa. Historia, niin mennyt kuin nykyinenkään, ei koskaan salli juutalaisten unohtaa mitä oli ja mitä on! Historia on osoittanut tavallisten kansalaisten kaikissa kansakunnissa aina olleen pahaa juonivien armoilla; noiden hullujen, pahojen ja rumien armoilla.
Nykyisin me kaikki olemme koronan kourissa; rajoitusten sekä ylistyspaikkojemme toimintaa karsivien ja sulkevien toimenpiteiden kourissa. On täydellinen aika juhlia vapautustemme ajankohtia: hanukkaa ja joulua.
Joulu on suurin valon juhla!
Pakanoiden Galileassa, kansa, joka vaelsi pimeydessä on nähnyt suuren valon. Ne, jotka asuivat kuoleman varjon maassa, heidän ylleen on loistanut valo. Valo, jonka on määrä tuoda ilmestys pakanoille ja (Jumalan) kirkkaus Israelin kansalle. Jesaja 9:1, Matteus 4:16, Luukas 2:32 RK
Lähdetään vaeltamaan muistojen poluille
Muistellaan erityisiä jouluhetkiä. Mitä muistuu mieleen?
Minä muistan isoveljeni Donnien. Teimme kaiken yhdessä. PHOTO. Hän kutsui minua nimellä Memo. Äiti muutti tavallisen elinympäristömme erityiseksi koristeilla, joulukuusella, tuoreilla kynttilöillä ja valoilla. Pakkasukko maalaili huurteella herkkiä pitsikoristeita ikkunoihimme.
Meridel & her brother Don
1945 Raapustimme joulupukille omat yksinkertaiset kirjeemme, joissa oli yksi toive. Äiti nosti suuren valurautahellan irtolevyä, ja me pudotimme omat lappusemme leikkien kuljetettaviksi. Äiti vakuutti niiden lentävän savupiipun kautta Pohjoisnavalle. Lapsenomaisen yksinkertaisesti uskoimme siihen. Syvimmin mieleeni painunut lahja oli musta nukke, jonka sain ollessani 4-vuotias. Isoäiti antoi minulle lapsille sopivan runokirjan ollessani 5-vuotias. Ollessani 9-vuotias hän antoi minulle smaragdisormuksen.
1946 Muistan Isoisän maatilan paksun lumen peitossa. Hänen suuri yllätyksensä oli vanhanaikainen rekiajelu. Meidät peiteltiin nenänpäätä myöten karhuntaljoihin. Kysyttyään meiltä oliko kaikki valmista hän maiskautti kuuluvasti, heilautti ohjaksia ja komensi hevosta sanoilla. Hevonen lähti vetämään, ja me ajelimme peltojen ja laaksojen halki talven ihmemaassa. Hiljaisuuden rikkoivat vain hevosen valjaiden kilisevät messinkikulkuset ja reen jalasten äänet niiden suihkiessä jään ja lumen poikki. Tuon kauniin kokemuksen muisteleminen lämmittää yhäkin. Se on syöpynyt ikiajoiksi mieliimme ja sydämiimme.
1948 Otimme varoen esiin hauraat joulukoristeet. Äiti muistutteli meille, että jotkin niistä olivat peräisin hänen lapsuuskodistaan ja siten vanhempia kuin me lapset. Asuimme silloin Yukonissa ja lunta kertyi aina ikkunalautojen korkeudelle. Käytimme lämpimiä turkisvuorattuja, paikallisten asukkaiden vaatteita.
1952 Veljeni johti meidät Itä-Kanadan lumiseen metsään kaatamaan täydellistä joulukuusta. Skotlanninpaimenkoiramme loikki edellä ja haukkui innostuneena. Kiskoimme kuusen kotiin pulkallamme.
Autoimme Äitiä leipomaan monta tusinaa pikkuleipiä. Talon täyttikin raikas ja tuore kuusen tuoksu, johon sekoittuivat suloiset itämaiset kanelin ja muskotin aromit. Isä toi laatikoihin pakattuja pieniä japanilaisia tangeriinimandariineja, jotka oli yksitellen kääritty silkkipaperiin.
Cookies by Terhi Rawlings
1950 – 1953 Juhla-ajan aloittivat vanhanaikaiset koulun ja kirkon järjestämät konsertit. Muistan ilolla runojen lausumisen ja laulujen esittämisen. Näyttelimme vuosien ajan kertomuksen Jeesuksen syntymästä ja esitimme lampaita, paimenia, Itämaan tietäjiä, enkeleitä ja peräti Joosefia ja Mariaa. Jokainen lapsi oletti ja odotti saavansa erityisen narulla kiinnisidotun ruskean paperipussin. Se oli täynnä kotitekoisia suklaakinuskeja, inkivääripikkuleipiä, lihapiirakoita, toffeeta, pähkinöitä. Pussin pohjalla oli lisäksi aina iso appelsiini.
1956 Isoäidin pyöreä tammipöytä notkui runsaiden juhlatarjoomusten alla. Muistan, että tuon vuoden itse kasvatettu kalkkuna painoi yli 20 kiloa. Ihan totta. Se piti halkaista kahtia, jotta se mahtui Isoäidin puu-uuniin. Hänen leipomansa hedelmäkakut, vaalea ja tumma, jotka olivat 15 senttiä korkeita ja joita peittivät marsipaani ja punaiset maraschinokirsikat, olivat hyvin meheviä ja herkullisia.
1974 Jay ja minä asuimme Etelä-Ranskassa kylässä nimeltä Carros. Paikka oli 1200-luvulta peräisin oleva kivirakenteinen kylä, joka seisoi 1000-luvun linnan raunioilla. Tuona lumisena jouluaattona vierainamme oli Pariisissa opiskelevia ranskankielisestä Kanadasta
kotoisin olevia nuoria. He toivat mukanaan ranskankielisiä laulujen sanoja sekä huilun ja ehdottivat, että lähtisimme ulos laulamaan joululauluja. Sytytimme kynttilöitä ja lähdimme laulaen kuljeskelemaan kylän kivisiä katuja. Vaikka tuo ahdasmielinen kylä olikin roomalaiskatolinen ja siellä puhuttiin oksitaania, ikivanhat puuovet avautuivat. Useimpien ihmisten ilmeistä kuvastui hämmästyneisyys heidän havaitessaan länsimaalaisten laulavan sikäläisten omia ikivanhoja sävelmiä. Kasvojen ilmeet pehmenivät välittömästi. Meille tarjoiltiin hehkuviiniä ennen kuin jatkoimme matkaa. Ikivanhat joululaulut toistivat suurinta koskaan kerrottua tarinaa ja ne siunasivat meitä kaikkia.
Carros, France Photo: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carros
1975 Pienet poikamme pyysivät lahjaksi Matchbox-autojen sarjaa. Jayllä ja minulla ei ollut ylimääräisiä rahoja sellaisen lahjan hankkimiseen, mutta rukoilimme. Viikko ennen joulua Monacon prinsessa Grace piti kuuluisan joulubasaarinsa. Monacolainen ystävämme oli kutsunut meidät. Hänen kauttaan tapasimme paikallisia amerikkalaisia lähetystyöntekijöitä, joilla oli teini-ikäisiä lapsia. Vierailimme lyhyesti heidän luonaan ja perheen poika veti Jayn sivuun ja sanoi: ”Haluaisin antaa koko Matchbox-kokoelmani autot ja rekat lapsillenne.” Jouluaamuna kaksi pientä poikaa – David ja Chris – herättivät meidät riemunkiljunnallaan. Pienen joulukuusen alla oli kymmenittäin minikokoisia autoja ja rekkoja sekä täysi kokoelma pienoishahmoja. Kiitokset sille teini-ikäiselle, joka kuuli pienen hiljaisen äänen. Hyvä ihminen tuo hyvyytensä varastosta esiin hyvää… Matteus 12:35 RK
Haifa, Israel Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haifa
1978 Siihen mennessä asuimme jo Israelissa, Haifassa. Jayn Äiti ja Isä tulivat Kanadasta vierailulle. Naapurimme, Technion-yliopiston matematiikan laitoksen johtaja, professori Shmuel tuli vaimoineen luoksemme jouluaattona. Hän kertoi uhkarohkeista seikkailuistaan toisen maailmansodan aikana, jolloin hän oli pelastanut juutalaislapsia Marseille’n sataman kautta.
Hän piti kovasti joululauluista, joten soitimme hänen suosikkejaan. Hän pyysi aina vielä yhtä lisää. Yöllä kello yhden aikaan olimme uupuneita, mutta emme halunneet olla töykeitä. Shmuel piti uskosta todistavista tarinoistamme ja kertoi itse: ”Olin vuoden 1948 itsenäisyyssodassa ampujana, joten olen kuuro toisesta korvastani.” Jay teki ehdotuksen: ”Voisimmeko rukoilla Sinun puolestasi. Jumala parantaa sinut.” ”Rukoilisitteko?” ”Kyllä, ilman muuta! Mielellään.” Jay kosketti molemmilla kämmenillään Shmuelin päätä ja pyysi hyvin yksinkertaisesti parantumista. Minä yhdyin ääneti rukoukseen olohuoneen toiselta puolelta. Shmuelin siniset silmät rävähtivät auki. ”Minä pystyn kuulemaan!”, hän huudahti hämmästyneenä ja nieleskeli silmien kostuessa. Rauhoituttuaan hän sanoi: ”Kiitos, todah rabah.” Tuo vanha parkkiintunut professori oli ihan hämmästyksissään. Hän suitsi tunteensa kirein ohjin, toivotti meille kaikille pikaisesti hyvää illanjatkoa ja kiirehti kotiin.
Jouluaattona Jerusalemissa israelilaiset tulevat sankoin joukoin kristittyjen pitämään joululaulujuhlaan Christ Church -kirkkoon, Jaffa-portin sisäpuolelle. Olemme huomanneet juutalaisten mielellään tulevan lähelle niitä, jotka viettävät juhlaa, on sitten kyse kalkkunaillallisista tai konsertista.
Joulu ja hanukka osuvat päivämääriin, jotka ovat usein lähellä toisiaan. Pidämme avoimien ovien päiviä ja monet israelilaiset tulevat nauttimaan pienen ”kipollisen hyväntahtoisuutta”. Heidän joukossaan on monia poikiemme entisiä armeijakavereita. Yhtenä vuonna ystävämme Joe oli pukeutunut Pähkinänsärkijän makeishaltijattareksi ja Daniel vihreäksi Grinch-hahmoksi. He uhkasivat ryövätä lastenlasten lahjat. Kokoonnumme takan ympärille ja luemme katkelmia joulukertomuksesta. Sydämet lämpenevät aina, eikä kukaan tahtoisi lähteä pois.
Christ Church, Jerusalem, Israel Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_Church,_Jerusalem
Joulu on anteliaan jakamisen aikaa – on se sitten kätevän helppoa tai ei. Aina löytyy tapa siunata ja juhlia. Sydämeni on täynnä tunnetta muistellessani noita aikoja. Kestävien muistojen varastohuone auttaa lämmittämään synkkiä talvipäiviä. Lähetämme sitä rakkautta teille kallisarvoiset ystävämme ja tukijamme. Kiitos, että kuljette kanssamme.
Rukoilkaa elämäänne liittyvien miesten puolesta heidät nimeltä mainiten
Jumala on laskenut sydämelleni, että tulee rukoilla erityisesti niiden miesten puolesta, jotka liittyvät elämäämme. Joka puolella miehet ovat hyökkäysten alaisia, etenkin uskovat, pyhittäytyneet ja kunnolliset miehet. He ovat usein aliarvostettuja. Ensiksi pyydän Jeesusta lujittamaan elämääni kuuluvia miehiä. Jay ja minä luettelemme jokaisen nimeltä, yksitellen. Mainitsemme myös kaupungit, missä he elävät. Sitten pyydämme Jeesusta siunaamaan kunkin miehen sydäntä. Lausumme tuntemiemme eri puolilla maailmaa elävien miesten nimet ääneen. Kuulostaa varmaankin heiveröiseltä ja hölmöltä! Mutta tunsimme vahvaa voitelua ja uskomme voimistumista niin tehdessämme.
Minä olen etsinyt heidän joukostaan miestä, joka korjaisi muurin ja seisoisi muurinaukossa minun edessäni maan puolesta, ettei se tuhoutuisi. Sellaista miestä en ole löytänyt. Hesekiel 22:30 RK Sillä lapsi on meille syntynyt, poika on meille annettu. Hänen harteillaan on herruus … Jesaja 9:5 RK Ihmiset menehtyvät pelätessään ja odottaessaan sitä, mikä kohtaa maan piiriä, sillä taivaiden voimat järkkyvät. Luukas 21:26 RK … ja pane alati toivosi Jumalaasi [odota jatkuvasti Jumalaasi] Hoosea 12:7 RK
Indira Ghale with Meridel in Nepal.
Hyviä uutisia Nepalista!
Kiitos jokaikiselle hiljattain nepalilaista adoptiotytärtämme Indiraa lahjoituksin rohkaisseelle. Hän kirjoitti:
”Rakas Papa, kiitos hyvin paljon CAN – Change Action Nepal (muutos -toiminta -Nepal ) -järjestön saamasta 1 500 Sveitsin frangin summasta. Suunnittelemme ostavamme palan maata ja rakentavamme oman turvakodin. Tytöt ja minä rukoilemme Sinun ja Maman ja koko palvelutyön puolesta. Monin rakastavin terveisin ja rauhantoivotuksin!” Indira
Alla osoite viime kuun Nepalia koskevaan Pieni hiljainen ääni -kirjeeseen. Lähetättehän sen ainakin yhdelle ystävistänne. Autattehan meitä ostamaan tontin ja rakentamaan turvakodin Nepaliin.
Ystävät, tarvitsemme kaiken mahdollisen taloudellisen tukenne. Voitte tehdä lahjoituksen suoraan Change Action Nepal -toiminnan nettisivuilta osoitteessa www.changeactionnepal.com
“ The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utter speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth. And their words to the end of the world.”Psalm 19:1-4
Last night, I dreamt I was in heaven. I am at a loss for words to try and describe the living beauty that I experienced. “Heaven” is a magnificent realm, a great world or kingdom. I did not see the Holy City. This land of harmony pulsates with perfection and life. Gentle breezes, laden with the scent of blossoms wafted around me. Everything here pulsates with life. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the ever changing heavens above me. The soft colours moved like currents in an ocean. Each hue created its own harmonious sound, dove tailing into the those around it, creating a symphony of colour and sound. I was fascinated by the flow and depths or should I say heights. I exclaimed to the ONE who had brought me to this place; “So, this is why no one wants to leave heaven. Then, I heard myself exclaim; “I still have work to do!”
Meridel & Jay
Time to Celebrate Hanukkah the Festival of LIGHTS! Hanukkah is here, we fill our windowsills with fresh cedar boughs from the garden and use lots and lots of miniature lights. For eight evenings we light the lamps and enjoy family. We remember the 7- year Jewish Maccabean Revolt against Seleucid and heathen Greek tyranny from 167-150 BCE. A statue of Zeus was set up in the Jerusalem Temple, build by Ezra and Nehemiah and the returning exiles from Babylon. Pig’s blood was sacrificed on its altars. So why do we care today? Because we must not ever forget the curse of anti-Semitism. Right now it rips through the earth, at a rate greater than pre-WW2. History, past, and present, never allows Jews to forget what was and what is! History has shown that the common man in every nation has always been at the mercy of Evil schemers: the mad, bad and ugly. Today we all grapple with COVID, lockdowns, separations and closure of our houses of worship. It is a perfect time to celebrate our Feasts of Deliverance, Hanukkah & Christmas.
Christmas a greatest festival of Light!
“In Galilee of the Gentiles, the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a light has shined. A Light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.” Isaiah 9:2, Matthew 4:16, Luke 2:32
Now, a Stroll Down Memory Lane:
Let’s recall our special Christmas moments. What comes to mind? I think of my “big brother” Donnie. We did everything together . Photo: He called me “Memo”. Mom transformed our ordinary into the extraordinary with decorations, a tree, fresh boughs and lights. “Jack Frost” painted delicate lacy patterns in the ice that frosted our windows. Photo: of ice patterns on window panes.
Meridel & her brother Don
1945 We printed a simple letter to Santa with one request. Mom lifted one of the lids at the back of the large black cast-iron cooking stove. We dropped our notes in away from the flame. She assured us that “they flew up the chimney to the North Pole”. In childlike simplicity we believed it. My most memorable gifts were a black doll when I was 4. Grandma gave me A Child’s First Book of Poetry when I was 5, an emerald ring at 9.
1946 I remember, when Grandaddy’s farm was buried in snow. His big surprise was an old fashioned one horse open sleigh ride. We were covered up to our chins with a bear skin. “All ready?” Clicking his tongue, he flicked the reigns, “Giddy up,” he ordered. The horse pulled and we skimmed over the fields and dale of a magical winter wonderland. The stillness was broken only by tinkling brass bells on the horse’s harness and the slushing sound of steel runners slicing over ice and snow. We are still warmed today remembering this beautiful experience, forever etched into our minds and hearts.
1948 Carefully we unwrapped delicate ornaments. Mom reminded us that some had come from her home and were older than we were. In the Yukon where we lived, the snow piled up to our windowsills, We wore the warm fur-lined clothing of the natives.
1952 My brother led us into the snowy woods in Eastern Canada to cut the perfect tree. Our collie bounded ahead, barking excitedly. We hauled the spruce home on our sleigh.
We helped Mom bake dozens of cookies. Soon the house was filled with the clean fresh aroma of spruce mingled with sweet oriental scents of cinnamon and nutmeg. Dad brought in boxes of little Japanese tangerines individually wrapped in tissue paper.
Cookies by Terhi Rawlings
1950 – 1953 Old fashioned school and church concerts opened the holiday season. Fondly I remember reciting verses and singing choruses. Over the years, in the Nativity story, we became sheep, shepherds, wise men, angels and even Joseph and Mary. Each child anticipated receiving that special brown paper bag tied up with string. It was stuffed with homemade chocolate fudge, gingerbread cookies, a mince meat tart, English taffies, nuts and at the bottom, and always a big orange.
1956 Grandma’s round oak table groaned under the bountiful feast. I remember, this year her homegrown turkey weighed 45 pounds. True. It had to be cut in half before it could fit into the oven of her wood stove. Her white and dark, six inch high, fruit cakes covered with marzipan and red maraschino cherries were rich and delicious.
1974 Jay and I lived in Carros, Southern France. It was a 13th century stone village built upon the ruins of an 11th century castle. That snowy Christmas Eve we hosted French-Canadian university students from Paris. They brought French lyrics and a flute and suggested we go carolling. Carrying lighted candles, we sang our way up and down the crooked, stone streets. Though this insular Roman Catholic, Patois speaking village, ancient wooden doors opened. Most faces showed utter surprise, upon seeing us Westerners singing their ancient songs. Immediately, faces softened. We were offered cups of warm wine before moving on. By the end of the evening, we were toasty warm inside and out. Those ancient carols rehearsed the greatest story ever told and blessed us all.
Carros, France Photo: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carros
1975 Our young sons asked for a set of matchbox cars. Jay and I had no extra funds to provide such a gift, but we prayed. The week before Christmas, Princess Grace of Monaco held her famous “Christmas Bazaar”. We were invited by a Monagask friend. Through her we met local American missionaries with teenage children. Visiting them briefly, their son quietly took Jay aside and asked, “I would like to give my entire collection of matchbox cars and trucks to your children.” On Christmas morning two little boys, David and Chris awakened us with their squeals of delight. Under the small pine tree, dozens of miniature cars and trucks stood along with an entire set of GI Joes. Our thanks to a teen who heard the Still Small Voice.“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things. Matt.12:15a
Haifa, Israel Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haifa
* 1978 By now, we lived in Haifa Israel. Jay’s Mom and Dad were visiting from Canada. Our neighbour Professor Shmuel, head of the math department at the Technion University and his wife joined us that Christmas eve. He told us of his daring exploits In WW2 rescuing homeless Jewish children through the port of Marseille. He loved Christmas carols and we played his favourites. “Just one more …” he kept requesting. By one a.m. we were exhausted but didn’t want to be rude. Shmuel enjoyed our faith stories. “You, know, I was a gunner in our 1948 War of Independence, so I’m deaf in my left ear.”
Jay offered, “We can pray for you Shmuel. God will heal you.”
“Would you?”
“Yes, of course! I’d be glad to.” Laying both of his hands on Shmuel’s head, Jay prayed and asked very simply for healing. Silently, I agreed from the other side of our living room.
Shmuel’s blue eyes flew open wide. “I can hear!” he exclaimed, amazed. He swallowed hard, hIs eyes watering. When he regained his composure, he said very quietly, “Thank you, todah rabah.” This crusty old professor was completely taken by surprise. Keeping a tight reign on his emotions, he quickly wished us all good evening and hurried home.
* On Christmas eve in Jerusalem, Israelis flock to carolling services held at Christ Church just inside Jaffa gate. We discovered that Jews love to get close to anyone who celebrates, be it with a turkey dinner or concert. Christmas and Hanukkah often fall within days of each other. We have open house and many Israelis pour in for a little “cup of kindness”, including several of our sons’ former army buddies. One year, our friend Joe, dressed up like the sugar plum fairy and Daniel as the Grinch threatened to steal the grandchildren’s presents. We gather around the fireplace and read portions of the Christmas story. Hearts are always warmed and no one wants to leave.
Christ Church, Jerusalem, Israel Photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_Church,_Jerusalem
Christmas is a time of pouring out whether it is convenient or not. There is always a way to bless and celebrate. My heart swells in emotion recalling these times. A store room of lasting memories helps to warm the dark winter days. We pass the love on to you our dear friends and supporters. Thank you for being there for us.
Pray for the Men in your life by Name:
God has laid it on my heart to pray specifically for the men in our lives. Everywhere men are under attack, especially believing, consecrated and descent men. They are often undervalued. First, I pray asking Jesus to fortify the men in my life. Jay and I call out each name, one by one, along with their city. Then we ask Jesus to “Bless his heart!” We call out the names of men we know from all over the earth.Sure it sounds weak and foolish! But, we sensed a great anointing and empowering in our faith as we did so.
So I sought for man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none.” Ezekiel 22:30 “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder.” Isaiah:6 “Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.” Luke 15:21 “ …wait on your God continually.” Hosea 12:6.
Indira Ghale with Meridel in Nepal.
Good News from Nepal! Thank you, to each and everyone who recently encouraged our adopted Nepalese daughter Indira by your giving. She wrote:“Dear papa; Thank you so much for the CHF 1,500. for CAN – Change Action Nepal. We are planning to buy a piece of land and build our own “Safe House”. The girls and I continue to pray for you and Mama and the whole ministry. Much love and peace, Indira. Friends: We need your financial help in any way possible. To make a donation go directly to Change Action Nepal website: www.changeactionnepal.com
Meridel Rawlings
Here is the address for last month’s SMV letter on Nepal. Please send it to at least one friend. Help us to buy land and build a safe house in Nepal.
Namaste … willkommen in Nepal. Als meine Freunde werden wir uns in diesem Brief auf die verlassenen und illegal verkauften Kinder Nepals beziehen. Das einzige Mal, dass Jesus ein Todesurteil erliess, war für den Missbrauch von Kindern. Siehe Matthäus 18, 6-7.
Wieviel ist ein kleines Mädchen wert?
Gemälde von: Chris Rawlings
Darum seid nicht unverständig, sondern begreift, was der Wille des Herrn ist! Epheser, 5,17
So ist es auch nicht der Wille eures Vaters im Himmel, dass eines dieser Kleinen verlorengeht. Matthäus 18,14
An meinem Lebenswerk waren Kinder jeden Alters betroffen, welche unter der Erniedrigung von sexuellem Missbrauch gelitten haben. Ich habe mit Seniorinnen bis ins hohe Alter (90 Jahre) gearbeitet, welche immer noch an den Verletzungen in ihrer Kindheit litten.
Meridel in Nepal mit Indira
Das sollte nicht sein. Nepal eroberte 1968 mein Herz, als ich das Land kurz besuchte und zum Annapurna-Pass im Himalaya wanderte. Ich hatte das grosse Privileg, dem König von Mustang (einer Provinz Nepals), die Bibel zu geben, die auf Reispapier geschrieben und in ein Safrantuch gewickelt war, ähnlich wie es seine buddhistischen Schriften auch sind. Ihr könnt das im Buch «Love My People» (Liebt mein Volk) lesen. Ich arbeitete zwei Jahre als Krankenpflegerin in Indien und durch Mutter Theresa’s «Missionaries of Charity» (Wohltätigkeitsorganisation von Missionarinnen) hatte ich Gelegenheit, im Hügelland von Darjeeling in Indien zu arbeiten. Am frühen Morgen ging ich hinunter zu den Eisenbahnschienen, um nach ausgesetzten Babys zu suchen, oder besuchte die Müllhalden zusammen mit den einheimischen Hunden, um nach weggeworfenen Neugeborenen Ausschau zu halten. Diejenigen, die ich gerettet habe, blieben tagsüber im Waisenhaus und kamen nachts mit mir nach Hause. Ich habe sie alle zwei Stunden gefüttert. Die meisten dieser winzigen Seelen überlebten leider nicht. Diese Qual Asiens prägte sich tief in meine Seele. Diese Babys wurden den Naturgewalten überlassen oder verkauft. Heutzutage endet die Schwangerschaft oft bequem in sterilen Kliniken. Kinder sind vor allem im Westen nicht erwünscht. Alle vier Sekunden wird in Amerika ein Kind entführt. Das Blut der Kinder schreit aus dem Erdboden. «Das Leben liegt im Blut», sagt uns die Bibel. Ja, Blut spricht und Gott hört die Schreie der Unschuldigen. Bitte helft uns, den Lebenden beizustehen.
Für unsere neuen Leser: Mein Mann und drei unserer Söhne begleiteten mich über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahren, also von 2016 bis 2019, nach Nepal. Zusammen mit Indira Ghale haben wir einen Film über Menschenhandel erstellt. Gleichzeitig wurde unser NGO «CAN – Change Action Nepal» in Nepal gegründet. Hier sind die neuesten Nachrichten von Indira, unserer geistlichen Tochter, die CAN in Kathmandu leitet, und damit auch die vielen, verschiedenen Einsätze.
«Liebe Mama Meridel und Papa Jay;
Bitte erzählt Euren Freunden und Bekannten von unseren laufenden Projekten.
1. Unser sicheres Haus ist ein «Zuhause» für neun junge Mädchen. Hier erleben sie Familie, erhalten Essen und gehen zur Schule.
Change Actions Nepal C.A.N. hat seinen Sitz in Kathmandu, Nepal
2. Wir haben einen «Vorschulkindergarten» im Slum Thapathali von Kathmandu. 30 kleine Kinder können hier in Sicherheit spielen, erhalten zwei Mahlzeiten pro Tag und können ein sicheres und ruhiges Mittags-Nickerchen machen. Sie werden von 2 Lehrer/innen und einem Koch beaufsichtigt.
Indira und Meridel beten, Foto von Daniel Rawlings
3. Das «Stipendienprogramm» für junge Mädchen und Frauen umfasst 200 junge Mädchen. 15 haben jetzt eine höhere Ausbildung absolviert. Wir haben eine Krankenschwester und 3 Lehrer/innen, die ihren Abschluss gemacht haben und arbeiten. Monatlich geben wir geretteten Mädchen direkt Mittel für den Schulbesuch; nicht an ihre Betreuer oder sonst jemanden. Sie sind weise und jung, und sehr verantwortungsbewusst geworden.
4. Unsere «Notfall-Reaktion» hat 3000+ Menschen während den COVID-Lockdowns mit Lebensmitteln unterstützt.
Indira bringt Hilfsgüter für Erdrutschopfer
5. Nepal ist eine buddhistische / hinduistische Nation, und dennoch freuen sich die Menschen auf unseren «Weihnachts-Licht Einsatz» in den vielen gefährdeten Dörfern und Siedlungen. Wir lassen sie an Gottes Liebe teilhaben mit Essen und Geschenken.
6. «Vorsicht und erkenne Gefahren» ist ein Lehrprogramm, um ein grösseres Bewusstsein für die Gefahren sexueller Ausbeutung und des Menschenhandels zu schaffen. Klares Reden ist von entscheidender Bedeutung. Die Mädchen können uns vertrauen.
7. Ich arbeite weiter an «Fallakten» von Opfern, welche vor Gericht Gerechtigkeit suchen. Wie ihr wisst, bin ich die erste Frau in der Geschichte Nepals, die zwei Pädophile vom Obersten Gerichtshof für 25 Jahre zur Verurteilung brachte. Gott hat mir seine Gunst gegeben, für welche ich äusserst dankbar bin. Gegenwärtig haben wir zwei Fälle in unseren Akten, der eine gegen einen sehr harten Menschenhändler und ein weiterer Fall gegen einen Stiefvater, die wir eingereicht haben. Ich werde oft bedroht, aber ich habe keine Angst.
8. Unser «Opferhilfsprogramm» bietet Beratung an für Missbrauchsopfer und vermittelt medizinische Unterstützung. Es unterstützt sie ausserdem dabei, verschiedene praktische Fähigkeiten zu erlernen, um ihren Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen.
Foto von: Daniel Rawlings
Ich hoffe, Ihr könnt Euren Leuten von uns erzählen. Wir haben noch andere aktuelle Nachrichten, aber es tut uns leid, dass sie nur in Nepali sind. Indira fährt fort:
«Gestern haben wir ein 16-jähriges Mädchen an der indischen Grenze gerettet. Sie ist jetzt sicher in unserem Haus, bitte betet für sie, während wir mit ihr arbeiten. Wir kämpfen um unser Haus, um es über die Runden zu bringen. Wir bitten weiterhin für unser Eigentum, damit wir uns sicher fühlen und expandieren können. Bruder Chris, bitte, wir sind so darauf angewiesen, dass Du unser Web zum Laufen bringen. Ohne Deine Liebe und Ermutigung können wir unsere Arbeit nicht tun.
Wir arbeiten zur Zeit an einem Fall gegen einen Menschenhändler, der mehr als 250 junge Mädchen nach Indien verkauft hat. Seine Frau betreibt dort ein Bordell. Für diesen Fall benötigen wir viele Ressourcen. Betet für finanziellen Schutz für die Mädchen und für «Change Action Nepal». Sagt Daniel und David, dass wir Medienhilfe brauchen, um das Komitee der Vereinten Nationen und der Europäischen Union auf diesen Fall aufmerksam zu machen. Könnten Eure Leute nicht finanzielle Mittel geben, damit Ihr mit Euren Kameras wieder hierherkommen könnt? Bitte glaubt mit uns für VERÄNDERUNG! Liebe Grüsse von Indira.»
Und ihre letzte Nachricht an uns:
«Liebe Mama und Papa
Nuwakot, welches sich im Herzen Nepals befindet, ist eines der Gebiete mit besonders hohem Risiko für den Menschenhandel. Während der COVID-Zeit sind 15 Mädchen aus diesem abgelegenen Dorf verschwunden. Wir haben einen LKW gemietet, und sind vier Stunden mit ihm über nasse, ausgefahrene Strassen gereist, und weitere vier Stunden zu Fuss über die Reisfelder marschiert! Unsere Gepäckträger brachten Hilfsgüter für die Erdrutschopfer. Wir glauben und hoffen, dauerhafte Kontakte mit den Dorfbewohnern zu knüpfen, indem wir ihnen gleichzeitig die Liebe Gottes in dieser Zeit der Not bringen. Ich betete darum, ein weiteres Opfer zu finden, das vor Gericht gegen den Menschenhändler aussagen könnte, der gefasst wurde und sich derzeit in einem laufenden Gerichtsverfahren befindet. Gott hörte unsere Schreie. Es war keine leichte Reise, aber wir haben sie erfolgreich abgeschlossen und ein anderes Opfer gefunden, welches vor Gericht aussagen kann.
Bringen Sie dringend benötigtes Material zu den Erdrutschopfern
Wir verteilten ausserdem 100 Wasserfilter, einen Wassertank als Ersatz für den durch den Erdrutsch verlorenen, sowie eine Wärmepistole für den COVID-Test, wiederverwendbare Masken, Hygienepads, Waschseife, Händedesinfektionsmittel und einen Fussball für die Kinder.
Am aufregendsten war, dass wir ein Kind, dessen Mutter nach Indien verkauft wurde, und ein anderes junges Mädchen, das krank ist und damit ihre Familie belastet, heimbringen konnten. Wir werden sie im CAN-Haus betreuen und bei ihrer Schulbildung helfen. Wir sind Euch allen sehr dankbar, die Ihr uns ermutigt habt, die Veränderung in unserem Land vorzunehmen. Vielen Dank und Gott segne Euch. Indira Ghale.»
Freunde: Wir brauchen Ihre finanzielle Hilfe in jeder Hinsicht. So spenden Sie direkt an die Website von Change Action Nepal: http://www.changeactionnepal.org/donate
Freunde: Wir brauchen Eure finanzielle Hilfe in jeder Hinsicht. Bitte hört unseren Aufruf. Jeder kann etwas tun!Wenn Ihr Gunst in Eurem Haus haben wollt, setzt Euch für diese Kinder ein. DU kannst eine Stimme sein durch CAN. Tracy Cooke prophezeite kürzlich in der Sid Roth Show: «Meine prophetische Stimme für diese Generation wird aus dem Mutterleib aufsteigen.» Unser Vater Gott liebt, was der Mensch verachtet und macht einen Weg frei zur Veränderung.
Meridel mit einem Mädchen, das Englisch lernen will
Wir haben eine grossartige Gelegenheit für diese Arbeit einzustehen, und ihr unsere Werkzeuge zur Verfügung zu stellen, mit denen sie arbeiten können. Sie benötigen Geld für die Miete des CAN Rettungs-Haus. Eine grosse Spende könnte uns helfen, ein Grundstück zu kaufen, auf dem wir mehr Kinder unterbringen und Gartenbeete anlegen können. Wir brauchen ein Fahrzeug und Finanzen für die täglichen Kosten unseres Dienstes in all seinen verschiedenen Bereichen. Ich habe an den Unterrichtsstunden für die Mädchen aus den Dörfern teilgenommen, welche nichts über die eigene Anatomie und die Lebenszyklen ihrer Körper wussten. Einige von ihnen hatten noch nie Unterhöschen, Menstruationsbinden oder eine Handseife besessen. Sie sind so begeisterte Überlebende. Ich ging durch den Raum und fragte jedes Mädchen, was sie einmal gerne von Beruf wären. Ihre Antworten waren wie folgt: Lehrer, Dichter, Anwalt, Krankenschwester, Schriftsteller und Richter. Gebt ihnen die Gelegenheit dieses vergiftete Klima in Nepal zu verändern. Bitte tut heute etwas und seid grosszügig.
Painting by Joy Caros
«Hütet euch davor, einen von diesen Kleinen zu verachten!Denn ich sage euch: Ihre Engel im Himmel sehen stets das Angesicht meines himmlischen Vaters.» Matthäus 18,10
Vielen Dank für eure von Herzen kommenden Antworten und Resonanzen. An Veränderung glaubend
Namaste… tervetuloa Nepaliin. Koska kutsun teitä ystäviksi, haluan keskittyä tässä kirjeessä hylättyihin ja ihmiskaupalle myytyihin Nepalin lapsiin. Ainoa kerta, jolloin Jeesus langetti kuolemantuomion, koski lasten hyväksikäyttöä. Matteus 18:7,6
Minkä arvoinen pieni tyttö on?
Maalaus Chris Rawlings
”Sen tähden älkää olko järjettömiä, vaan ymmärtäkää, mikä on Herran tahto.” Ef. 5:17
”Niinpä ei myöskään teidän taivaallisen Isänne tahto ole, että yksikään näistä pienistä joutuisihukkaan.” Matteus 18:14
Elämäntyöni on sisältänyt kaiken ikäisiä lapsia, jotka ovat kärsineet seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön jälkihäpeästä. Olen työskennellyt jopa 90-vuotiaitten seniorien kanssa, joita lapsuuden haavat ovat yhä taakoittaneet. Niin ei pitäisi olla.
Meridel Nepalissa Indiran kanssa
Nepal valloitti sydämeni vuonna 1968 vieraillessani lyhyesti siellä ja vaeltaessani ylös Annapurnan solia Himalajalla, missä minulla oli suuri etuoikeus ojentaa Mustangin (yhden Nepalin maakunnan) kuninkaalle Raamattu, joka oli kirjoitettu riisipaperille ja kiedottu sahramin väriseen kankaaseen, samaan tapaan kuin kuninkaan buddhalaiset kirjoitukset. Voit lukea tapahtuneesta kirjastamme ”Love My People” (Rakasta minun kansaani). Olin toiminut sairaanhoitajana Intiassa kahden vuoden ajan ja Äiti Teresan järjestö ”Laupeuden lähetyssisaret” asetti minut työhön Intian Darjeelingin vuoristoiselle alueelle. Aikaisin aamulla kävelin pitkin rautatiekiskoja etsien hylättyjä vauvoja tai kävin kaatopaikoilla paikallisten koirien kanssa etsimässä sinne jätettyjä vastasyntyneitä. Pelastamani lapset olivat päivisin orpokodissa ja öisin minun asuinpaikassani. Ruokin heitä kahden tunnin väliajoin. Useimmat noista pikkuisista eivät jääneet henkiin. Aasian kärsimys löi minun sieluuni leiman. Nuo lapset oli jätetty luonnonvoimien armoille tai heidät myytiin.
Nykyään raskaus päättyy usein helpon kätevästi steriileillä klinikoilla. Lapsia ei haluta etenkään Länsimaissa. Joka neljäs sekunti Amerikassa kidnapataan lapsi. Lasten veri huutaa maasta. ”Sielu on veressä.” kertoo Raamattu meille. Kyllä, veri puhuu ja Jumala kuulee viattomien huudot. Autattehan meitä elävien suhteen.
C.A.N. Change – Action – Nepal eli Muutos – Toiminta – Nepal
Kerron uusille lukijoille, että mieheni ja kolme pojistamme tulivat mukaani Nepaliin kolmen vuoden aikana 2016 – 2019. Yhdessä Indira Ghalen kanssa teimme filmin ihmiskaupasta. Samaan aikaan kansalaisjärjestömme C.A.N. Muutos – Toiminta – Nepal perustettiin virallisesti Nepalissa. Tässä tuoreimpia uutisia Indiralta, hengelliseltä tyttäreltämme, joka johtaa C.A.N.-työtä Kathmandussa ja sen monia toimintatempauksia.
Rakkaat Mama Meridel ja Papa Jay! Kerrottehan teidän ihmisille meidän meneillään olevista projekteista.
1.Turvakotimme on ”koti” yhdeksälle tytölle. Siellä heillä on perhe, ruokaa ja he käyvät koulua.
Change Actions Nepal C.A.N. kotipaikka on Kathmandussa Nepalissa
2. Meillä on varhaiskasvatuksen lastentarha Kathmandun Thapathali- slummissa. Siellä 30 lasta voi leikkiä turvassa, syödä kaksi ateriaa päivässä ja ottaa päiväunet rauhassa. Heitä kaitsee kaksi opettajaa ja yksi kokki.
Indira and Meridel Praying, Photo by Daniel Rawlings
3. Tyttöjen ja naisten stipendiohjelman piirissä on 200 nuorta naista. Heistä 15 jatkaa parhaillaan jatko-opintoihin. Meillä on yksi tutkinnon suorittanut sairaanhoitaja ja kolme virallista opettajaa ja he tekevät töitä. Kuukausittain annamme varat ihmiskaupasta pelastettujen tyttöjen kouluttamiseen suoraan, ei heidän huoltajilleen tai kenellekään muulle. He ovat hyvin viisaita ja nuoria ja heistä on tullut hyvin vastuullisia.
4. Meidän hätätoiminta on tukenut yli 3 000 ihmistä ruoka-avulla koronakaranteenin aikana.
Indira tuo helpotusta materiaalia maanvyörymän uhreille
5. Nepal on buddhalainen / hindulainen valtio ja silti ihmiset odottavat meidän toimintatempausta nimeltä ”Jouluvalot”, jonka pohjalta menemme moniin hätää kärsiviin yhteisöihin. Jaamme Jumalan rakkautta sekä ruokaa ja lahjoja.
6. ”Varo ja ole tietoinen” on opetusohjelma, jolla luodaan tietoisuutta vaaroista, joita seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö ja ihmiskauppa aiheuttavat. Puhuminen ääneen julkisesti on ensiarvoisen tärkeää. Ihmiset voivat luottaa meihin.
Teen jatkuvasti työtä ”tapauskansioiden” eli oikeusistuimissa oikeutta etsivien uhrien parissa. Kuten tiedätte, olen ensimmäinen nainen koko Nepalin historiassa, joka sai kaksi pedofiiliä tuomituiksi 25-vuoden vankeuteen Korkeimman oikeuden päätöksellä. Jumala on antanut minulle suosionsa, mistä olen äärettömän kiitollinen. Tällä hetkellä meneillään kaksi tapausta. Yksi erittäin vahvoja ihmiskauppiaita vastaan ja toinen erästä isäpuolta vastaan. Minua uhkaillaan usein, mutta en pelkää.
7. Meidän uhritukiohjelmamme tarjoaa apua hyväksikäytön uhreille sielunhoidon ja lääkinnällisen hoivan kautta. Tuettaville opetetaan erilaisia käytännön taitoja, jotta he pystyvät ansaitsemaan elantonsa.
Toivon, että levitätte sanaa. Meillä on myös tuoreita ja tosi tärkeitä uutisia, mutta ne ovat ikävä kyllä vain nepalinkielisiä.
Indira jatkaa:
Eilen pelastimme 16-vuotiaan tytön Intian rajalta. Hän on Turvatalossamme, rukoilettehan meidän työstäessä hänen tilannettaan. Talomme pinnistelee varojen riittämisen kanssa. Rukoilemme yhä omaa taloa, niin että voimme olla turvassa ja laajentaa työtä. Veli Chris, tarvitsemme kipeästi sinun apua nettisivujen ylläpidossa. Emme pysty tekemään työtä ilman sinun rakkautta ja kannustusta.
Kuva: Daniel Rawlings
Tällä hetkellä teemme kiihkeästi työtä oikeustapauksen ympärillä erästä miestä vastaan, joka myi ainakin 250 tyttöä Intiaan. Miehen vaimo pitää siellä bordellia. Tähän juttuun tarvitsemme paljon varoja. Rukoilkaa taloudellista ja hengellistä suojaa tälle jutulle ja C.A.N. -toiminnalle. Kertokaa Danielille ja Davidille, että tarvitsemme media- apua tämän jutun tuomiseksi Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien ja Euroopan unionin tietoon. Voisivatko ihmiset taas lahjoittaa, niin että tulisitte taas tänne kameroiden kanssa? Uskottehan kanssamme MUUTOKSEEN! Rakastavin terveisin Indira.
Tässä Indiran tuorein viesti meille:
Rakkaat Mama ja Papa! Nuwakot on yksi suuren riskin ihmiskaupan alue keskellä Nepalia. Korona-aikana 15 tyttöä on kadonnut tästä syrjäisestä kylästä. Vuokrasimme kuorma-auton, ajoimme märkiä ja urittuneita teitä neljä tuntia ja taivalsimme toiset neljä tuntia jalkaisin riisipeltojen läpi! Kantajamme raahasivat avustusmateriaalia maanvyöryn uhreille. Uskomme saavamme aikaan kestävän siteen kyläläisiin jakamalla Jumalan rakkautta tässä vaikeassa tilanteessa.
Tarvittavien materiaalien tuominen maanvyörymän uhreille
Rukoilin löytäväni toisenkin uhrin, joka voisi todistaa oikeudessa ihmiskauppiasta vastaan, joka jäi kiinni ja on nyt oikeudessa. Jumala kuuli avunhuutomme. Reissu ei ollut helppo, mutta saimme sen tehtyä ja löysimme toisenkin todistajan oikeuteen. Jakelimme myös sata vesisuodatinta, veimme vesitankin maanvyöryn hävittämien tilalle, koronatestivälineen, pestäviä maskeja, terveyssiteitä, saippuaa, käsidesiä ja jalkapallon lapsille. Kaikkein innostavinta oli, että saatoimme tuoda turvakotiin yhden lapsen, jonka äiti oli kaupattu Intiaan ja tytön, joka on sairas ja taakkana perheelleen. Pidämme heistä molemmista huolta C.A.N.-talossa ja autamme heidät kouluun. Olemme hyvin kiitollisia teille kaikille, jotka olette kannustaneet meitä saamaan aikaan muutoksen tässä maassa.
Kiitos hyvin paljon ja Jumalan siunausta! Indira Ghale
Ystävät: Tarvitsemme taloudellista apua kaikin mahdollisin tavoin. Lahjoituksen tekeminen suoraan Change Action Nepal -sivustolle: http://www.changeactionnepal.org/donate
Ystävät! Me tarvitsemme taloudellista apuanne kaikin mahdollisin tavoin. Kuulettehan huutomme. Jokainen voi tehdä jotain! Jos haluatte suosion kotiinne, niin korottakaa äänenne lasten puolesta. Voitte toimia äänenä heillä C.A.N. -toiminnan kautta. Tracy Cooke profetoi hiljattain Sid Rothin ohjelmassa: ”Profeetallinen ääneni tälle sukupolvelle nousee kohdusta.” Meidän Isämme, Jumalamme rakastaa sitä, mitä ihminen halveksii ja Hän avaa tien muutokselle.
Meridel tytön kanssa, joka haluaa opiskella englantia
Meillä on huikea tilaisuus asettua tukemaan tätä työtä ja tarjota sille työkaluja. Nepaliin tarvitaan varoja auton vuokraamiseksi C.A.N. -turvakodille. Suuri lahjoitus voisi mahdollistaa talon ostamisen, jossa olisi tilaa monille lapsille ja vihannespuutarhalle. Tarvitsemme kulkuvälineen ja
päivittäiset varat palvelutyölle sen arvokkaisiin työmuotoihin.
Olen ollut mukana opettamassa kylien tyttöjä, jotka eivät tiedä mitään omasta anatomiastaan tai elämän eri jaksoista. Monilla heistä ei koskaan ole ollut pikkuhousuja tai kuukautissuojia tai saippuaa käsien pesuun. He ovat upeita selviytyjiä. Kerran kyselin tytöiltä miksi kukin heistä haluaisi tulla aikuisena. He vastasivat näin: haluan opettajaksi, runoilijaksi, juristiksi, sairaanhoitajaksi, kirjailijaksi ja tuomariksi. Annetaan heille mahdollisuus muutokseen Nepalin myrkyllisessä ilmapiirissä. Olettehan mukana. Teettehän jotain tänään ja olettehan anteliaita.
Maalaus: Joy Caros
”Katsokaa, ettette halveksi yhtäkään näistä pienistä. Sillä minä sanon teille, että heidän enkelinsä taivaissa katselevat aina minun taivaallisen Isäni kasvoja.” Matteus 18:10
Namaste … welcome to Nepal. Because I call you friends, in this letter we will focus on the forsaken and trafficked children of Nepal. The only time that Jesus issued a death sentence, it was for the abuse of children. See Matthew 18:7,6
How much is a little girl worth?
Painting by Chris Rawlings
“Do not be unwise, understand what the will of the LORD is.” Ephesians 5:17
“It is NOT the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones perish.” Matthew 18:14
My life’s work has involved children of all ages who have suffered the indignities of sexual abuse. I have worked with seniors up into their 90’s, still troubled from childhood woundings. This should not be.
Meridel in Nepal with Indira
Nepal captured my heart in 1968 when I visited briefly and trekked up to the Annapurna pass in the Himalayas and had the great privilege of giving the King of Mustang (a province of Nepal) the Bible written on rice paper and wrapped in a saffron cloth much like his Buddhist scriptures. You can read about it in “Love My People.” I had nursed in India for two years and Mother Theresa’s “Missionaries of Charity” put me to work in the hill country of Darjeeling India. Early in the morning I’d walk down the railway tracks looking for abandoned babies, or visit the garbage dumps along with the local dogs seeking discarded newborns. Those I rescued stayed at the orphanage during the day and at night came home with me. I fed them every two hours. Most of these tiny souls did not live. The agony of Asia stamped itself upon my soul. These babies were left to the elements or sold. Today pregnancy often ends conveniently in sterile clinics. Children are not wanted, especially in the West. Every four seconds a child is kidnapped in America. The children’s blood cries from the ground. “Life is in the blood” the Bible tells us. Yes, blood speaks and God hears the cries of the innocent. Please help us with the living.
Change Action Nepal C.A.N.
For our new readers, my husband and three sons joined me in Nepal over a 3 year period from 2016 – 2019. Together with Indira Ghale we created a film on human trafficking. At the same time, our NGO “CAN – Change Action Nepal” was incorporated in Nepal. Here is the latest news from Indira our spiritual daughter, who heads up CAN in Kathmandu with its many outreaches.
“Dear Mama Meridel and Papa Jay; Please tell your people about our ongoing projects.
1. Our safe house is “home” for 9 young girls. Here they have family, food and go to school.
Change Actions Nepal C.A.N. is based in Kathmandu, Nepal
2. We have a “Pre-primary Kindergarten” in Kathmandu’s Thapathali slum. 30 small kids are safe to play, eat 2 meals a day and safely nap. They are overseen by 2 teachers and the 1 cook.
Indira and Meridel Praying, Photo by Daniel Rawlings
3. The “Scholarship Programme” for young girls and women has 200 young girls. 15 have now gone on to higher education. We have 1 registered nurse and 3 teachers graduated and working. Monthly, we give funds for schooling directly to rescued girls; not to their care takers or anyone else. They have so wise and so young and have become very responsible.
4. Our “Emergency Response” has supported + 3000 people with food during COVID lockdowns.
Indira brining relief materials for landslide victims
5. Nepal is a Buddhist/Hindu nation and still people look forward to our “Christmas Light Outreach” into the many vulnerable communities. We share God’s love along with food and gifts.
6. “Beware and Be Aware” is a teaching program to create greater awareness of the dangers of sexual exploitation and human trafficking. Speaking up is vitally important. They can trust us.
7. I continue to work on “Case files” of victims seeking justice in the courts. As you know I am the first women ever in the history of Nepal to have two pedophiles convicted for 25-year-terms by the Supreme Court. God has given me His favour for which I am extremely grateful. Presently we filed two cases, against one of the very strong traffickers and another case against a step-father. I am often threatened but am unafraid.
8 Our “Victim Support Programme” offers abuse victims counselling, medical support, and supports them to learn different practical skills in order to earn a living.
Photo by Daniel Rawlings
I hope you can tell your people about us. We do have other cutting edge news, but sorry it is only in Nepali.” Indira continues: “Yesterday we rescued a 16 year old girl from the Indian border. She is in our safe house so please pray as we work with her. Our house struggles to make ends meet. We continue to ask for our own property to feel safe and be able to expand. Brother Chris please, we depend upon you to get our web up and running. We cannot do the work without all of your love and encouragement.
We are currently busy working on a case against a trafficker who sold more than 250 young girls to India. His wife runs a brothel there. For this case we need a lot of resources. Pray for financial and spiritual protection for the girls and ”Change Action Nepal.” Tell Daniel and David that we need media help to bring this case to the attention of the United Nations and European Union Commission. Couldn’t people give to bring you over here again with your cameras? Please believe with us for CHANGE! Love from Indira.”
And her most recent message to us:
“Dear Mama and Papa:
Nuwakot, is one of the high risk trafficking areas in the heart of Nepal. During COVID time 15 girls have disappeared from this remote village. We rented a truck, travelled over wet rutted roads for 4 hours by truck and trekked by foot up over the rice paddies another four hours! Our porters carried relief materials for the landslide victims. We believe to make lasting contacts with the villagers by sharing the love of God in this time of hardship. I prayed to find another victim who could testify in court against the trafficker which has been caught and is now in an ongoing court case.
Bringing much needed materials to the landslide victims
God heard our cries. It was not an easy trip, but we completed it and found another victim to testify in court.
We also distributed 100 water filters, a water tank to replace those lost due to the landslide along with: a thermal gun for the COVID test, reusable masks, sanitary pads, washing soap, hand sanitisers, and a football for the children.
Most thrilling of all, We were able to bring home one child whose mother was trafficked to India and another young girl who is sick and a burden to her family. We will care for them in the CAN house and help with their schooling. We are very thankful to you all who have been encouraging us to make the change in this country . Thank you so much and God bless you. Indira Ghale”
Friends: We need your financial help in any way possible. To make a donation directly to Change Action Nepal website: http://www.changeactionnepal.org/donate
Donations from Canada for Change Action Nepal: Van City Bank: Routing Number and Account Number 07260809100084499364
Please hear our call. Everyone can do something! If you want favor in your house speak up for the children. YOU can be a voice for them through CAN. Tracy Cooke prophesied on the Sid Roth show recently, “My prophetic voice for this generation will rise from the womb.” Our Father God loves what man despises and is making a way for change.
Meridel with a Girl that wants to study English
We have an amazing opportunity to get behind this work and give it tools to work with. They need funds for renting the CAN Rescue House. A large donation could help us purchase a property where we could house more children and grow gardens. We need a vehicle and the day to day cost of ministry in so many worthy avenues. I have sat in on the teaching sessions to village girls who knew nothing of their own physical anatomy or the cycles of life. Several had never owned under panties or had a menstural pad or hand soap. They are such glowing survivors. I went around the room and asked each girl what she would like to be. Their responses were as follows: teacher, poet, lawyer, nurse, writer and judge. Give them their opportunity to change this toxic climate in Nepal. Please. Do something today and be generous.
Painting by Joy Caros
“Take heed that you do not despiseone of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 18:10
Thank you for your response, with all my heart. Believing for change,
Das Laubhüttenfest ist das Fest von Gottes Treue zu uns in ALLEN Bereichen. In biblischen Zeiten wurde etwas praktiziert, das sich «Bikkurim» (Erstlingsfrucht) nennt. Die Landwirte gaben ihre ersten Früchte als Opfer in den Heiligen Tempel. Das Verschenken ihrer ersten Früchte bedeutet alles über Dankbarkeit und Würdigung für alles, womit Gott uns segnet. Israel ist gesegnet mit dem, was wir die folgenden «sieben Arten» nennen: Feigen, Granatäpfel, Datteln, Trauben, Oliven, Weizen und Gerste. Letztes Jahr kam unsere komplette Familie zusammen in unsere Laubhütte in Jerusalem. Wir haben unsere Granatäpfel, Feigen und Trauben geerntet und verwendeten einige davon um unsere «Sukka» (Laubhütte) zu schmücken. Wir wissen, dass auch Ihr bald Euer Erntedankfest feiern werdet, und senden Euch den Segen des Schalom. Schalom bedeutet Segen jeder Art!.
David Rawlings
Unsere glücklichen Familien-Nachrichten
Wie glücklich bin ich für Söhne, welche die Stimme unseres Herrn hören und ihr gehorchen. David ist unsere «Erstlingsfrucht». All jenen, welche eine Last für unseren ältesten Sohn David hatten, Eure Gebete wurden beantwortet. Das Israelische Gesundheits-Ministerium hat ihn gewählt, um ihr Medien Departement zu führen. Er ist oft auf Pikett und begleitet Professor Gamzu, welcher die verantwortliche medizinische Stimme von COVID in Israel ist. David produziert seine TV-Spots, während der Professor Israel beinahe jeden Tag via Fernsehen durch die aktuelle Krise lenkt. Gebt Gott mit uns zusammen Lobpreis, und danke für Eure Gebete.
Daniel & Shelly
Und bald dürfen wir eine Hochzeit feiern. Daniel und seine Verlobte Shelly Bandel sind zur Zeit geschäftlich in Ottawa (Kanada). Sie ergreifen die Gelegenheit und feiern ihre zivile Trauung dort. In der Folge wird der Onkel von Shelly, Rabbi Ehud Bandel, die beiden unter dem Baldachin zuhause in Israel vermählen. Unser Becher ist voll und überfliesst…
Ein brandneues Jahr 5081
2020 ist ein einmaliges, bahnbrechendes Jahr. Wir starten jetzt ins Jüdische Neue Jahr 5081. Israel schlägt sich mit einer schweren zweiten Welle von COVID-19 herum, folglich mussten drastische Massnahmen ergriffen werden. Soweit wir wissen wurde zum ersten Mal, und wie wir wissen war es einmalig in der Geschichte, dass Juden nicht erlaubt wurde an Yom Kippur (Tag der Sühne/Versöhnungstag, der höchste jüdische Feiertag) die Gottesdienste in der Synagoge zu besuchen. Alle Reue und Busse fand in unseren Wohnhäusern statt, und ich glaube, dass sie genau dort stattfinden sollten. Während den Feiertagen sind nur kleine Familienzusammenkünfte sind erlaubt. Das erinnert mich an die Worte von Sacharia 1,6b: Wie der HERR der Heerscharen sich vorgenommen hatte, uns zu vergelten nach unseren Wegen und nach unseren Taten, so hat er uns auch vergolten«?
Israel befindet sich in einem schrecklichen Zustand des zivilem Ungehorsams auf einem Allzeithoch. Es beginnt in religiösen Gemeinschaften. Die Ultra-Orthodoxen Juden weigern sich, die Regeln der Distanzierung und begrenzten Versammlungen zu befolgen. Zur gleichen Zeit gibt es landesweit Unruhen gegen unseren Premier Minister. Unser Volk ist wie ein Schaf ohne Hirte, und das ist schon seit Jahren so. Wir ernten, was wir als Volk unter uns gesät haben, und es beginnt mit unseren Leitern zuerst, fürchte ich. Könnte dies ein Vorgeschmack auf das sein, was kommt? Der alte Prophet fährt fort sein Volk zu warnen: Zu der Zeit wird große Klage sein in Jerusalem… und das Land wird trauern, jede Sippe für sich… Sacharia 12,11-12
Ein paar Verse weiter kommt die Offenbarung: Und er wird zu ihm sagen: »Was sind das für Wunden in deinen Händen?« — Und er wird antworten: »Die hat man mir geschlagen im Haus meiner Lieben.»Sacharia 13,6
Gott wird nicht nur Israel auf den Kopf stellen, sondern auch die Nationen in der ganzen Welt, um seine Pläne zu erfüllen. Die Krise dominiert weltweit in den Schlagzeilen. Präsident Trump braucht unsere Gebete, wie auch Amerika sie braucht. Egal wie die Nationen toben, Gottes Wille wird geschehen. Feuer reinigt und sicherlich ist jetzt eine Zeit der Enthüllungen, Prüfungen und Reinigungen der Nationen und Menschen auf der Erde. Israel ist immer das erste Land, das Gottes Wege unter den Nationen erlebt. Siehe Psalm 2. Er wird: «…sie prüfen, wie man das Gold prüft. Ja, es wird meinen Namen anrufen und ich werde es erhören. Ich werde sagen: Mein Volk ist es. Und das Volk wird sagen: Der HERR ist mein Gott!» Sacharia 13,9b. Wir verstehen, dass unser Schöpfer oft darauf wartet, dass er uns gnädig sein kann. Wir beten für seine Barmherzigkeit in einer Zeit des wohlverdienten Gerichts.
Jay & Meridel Rawlings
Unsere ZOOM party
ZOOM ist die neue Plattform für Dienste, Zeit und Distanzen, welche weggeschmolzen sind, als wir kürzlich einer Aglow Gruppe in Pacific NW, in Kanada, dienten. Auch über Zoom wurden wir eingeladen, uns mit Freunden zu verbinden in Südamerika, Nordamerika und Asien, um das Werk des Herrn in Ecuador zu feiern, das von Lilly Kladensky und ihrem verstorbenen Ehemann Otto gegründet wurde. Lilly’s Sohn Otto jun. war der Gastgeber des Treffens mit unseren Mitarbeitern von Campamento Nueva Vida (New Life Camp). Jay war der erste Direktor, der diese wunderschöne Weltklasse-Einrichtung leitete von 1972-1974. Wir haben die Sommer- und Wintercamps für Kinder jeden Alters kostenlos eröffnet. Unsere Verantwortung war es, diese Einrichtung zu betreiben, indem wir Gott vertrauten. Die engagierten Mitarbeiter kamen aus Kanada, den USA, den Philippinen und Ecuador. Es gab keine Saläre oder Gewinne für sie. Jay schreibt ausführlich über die Wunder, die wir hier erlebt haben in seinem nächsten Buch: Wunder unter den Nationen. An diesem ersten Tag, als wir die Tore öffneten, wurden 576 Kinder registriert und den entsprechenden Häuschen zugewiesen. Ich glaube wir alle wurden von den Werken des Herrn in unserer Mitte inspiriert. Dieses elektronische Treffen wurde zu einer Feier, bei der Tränen flossen und Gelächter ausbrach. Wir alle erinnerten uns an einige der mächtigen Dinge, die Jesus für seine Ecuadorianer jeden Alters getan hatte. Zum Beispiel erinnerte sich jemand daran, dass die Köchin über Jay gesagt hatte: «Er geht einfach durchs Lager und sagt: Gelobt sei der Herr». Sie konfrontierte ihn eines Morgens in der Küche damit: «Wie soll ich 500 Kinder mit diesem kleinen Stück Fleisch ernähren?» Unbeeindruckt ermutigte er sie: «Bete darüber und bitte den Herrn, es zu vergrössern.» Zu ihrem Erstaunen sagte sie den Einheimischen: «Ich tat es und wir hatten genug!»
Gott benutzte auch die Lagermitarbeiter und jungen Leute, um für Israel Fürbitte zu leisten. Eines Nachts in der Kapelle brach ein unerwartetes Weinen aus. Einige erhielten «Worte der Weisheit» über Israel. Ich hatte eine Vision, als würde ich mit dem Flugzeug über Israel fliegen und ein Band, das wie eine Baumwollleiste aussah, über die gesamte Nation von Nord nach Süd und von Ost nach West legen. Am nächsten Morgen hörten wir über den lokalen Kurzwellen-Radiosender HCJB, dass sich Israel im Krieg befand. Es war Oktober 1973 und wir wurden vom Heiligen Geist auf den tödlichen Yom Kippur Krieg aufmerksam gemacht. Tausende Israelis wurden aufgrund des Überraschungsangriffs von fünf arabischen Nationen an ihrem heiligsten Tag des Jahres ermordet. Die Geschichte deckte in den Zwischenzeit auf, dass Amerika Israel absichtlich wichtige Informationen vorenthalten hat, die Israel bei der Vorbereitung auf den Angriff hätte helfen können. Aber der Herr liess seine Kinder auf der ganzen Erde Fürbitte tun. Wie doch unser Vater Gott DICH liebt, seine eigene Familie unter den Nationen. Ihr seid die Wächter für uns alle, die wir in diesem Land leben und für die tapferen Nationen, welche mit uns befreundet sind. Wir lieben jede Erinnerung an Euch, liebe Freunde, und segnen Euch dafür. Ihr habt uns in all den Jahren seit 1969 geholfen, eine Heldentat nach der anderen zu vollbringen. Das ist 51 Jahre her, und Jay und ich haben das Gefühl, dass wir tatsächlich immer jünger im Herzen sind und stärker im Geist wachsen. Ihr seid definitiv ein Teil dieser Erneuerung und Erweckung in all unseren eigenen Leben. Halleluja!
Israelis und Araber kommen zusammen
Kurz möchte ich die Nationen der Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (VAE) und Bahrains segnen. Beide Regierungen sandten Vertreter nach Israel, um unserem Volk während der Pandemie Segen zu bringen. Für uns Israelis, welche so oft allein gelassen werden, ist diese Geste ein Wunder. Bitte betet für diese Völker, sie sind von Gottes Geist der Gnade geleitet.
Shamma Al Mazrui, Staatsministerin für Jugendangelegenheiten in den VAE, lobte verschiedene Konzepte der jüdischen Religion, wie die Tugend der Busse und Selbstbeobachtung während den Hochheiligen Tagen. Sie verwies auch auf das jüngste Abkommen zwischen VAE und Israel, und drückte die Hoffnung aus, dass es eine neue Ära «radikaler Toleranz und radikaler Liebe in unserer Region und der Welt einleiten würde».
Vergleicht einmal ihre respektvollen Handlungen mit denen der Führer Eurer Nation und sogar Eurer lokalen Gemeinschaft oder Kirche. Wenn ihr Euch für Geschichte interessiert, empfehle ich Euch das Buch; Der geheime Krieg gegen die Juden, von John Loftus und Mark Aarons, St. Martins Griffin, 1997. Die ISBN-Nummer ist: 0-312-15648-0. Diese Lektüre fand ich ein schockierender Augenöffner. Jay und ich freuen uns, dass der Leib des Messias weltweit stark ist, liebt, was Gott liebt und hasst, was er hasst. Gott hasst das Böse. Und Lügen sind böse!
Warum ist Israel heute das grösste Zeichen dafür, dass Gott sich unter den Nationen bewegt?
Zuerst verspricht die Bibel: «So wird Gott der HERR, dein Gott, dein Geschick wenden und sich über dich erbarmen und wird dich wieder sammeln aus allen Völkern, wohin dich der HERR, dein Gott, zerstreut hat.» 5.Mose 30,3
Dieser Vers sagt die Zusammenkunft der Verbannten voraus. Er bezieht sich auf zwei verschiedene Gruppen von Menschen. «Gott wird euer Geschick wiederherstellen», spielt auf die Juden an, die sich danach sehnten, in das Land Israel zurückzukehren, und die Geschichte lehrt, dass so viele daran gehindert wurden. Die anfängliche Aliya oder Heimkehrer-Gruppe begann in den 1880er Jahren, und machte sich auf den Weg ins damalige Palästina. Erste jüdische Bauern kamen aus Litauen. Sie waren das, was wir «schmutzarm» nennen. Als Napoleon entschied, dass jeder Mensch einen Nachnamen haben muss, erhielten diese Juden den Nachnamen ihres Oberherrn, der nicht nur das Land besass, sondern auch die Arbeiter darauf, die ihren Lebensunterhalt verdienten. Zweitens «Er wird sie wieder zusammenbringen» bezieht sich auf jene Juden, die sich auf fremdem Boden wohlgefühlt und ihre Verbindung zu Israel verloren haben, aber auch zu gegebener Zeit zurückgebracht werden. Wir warten…
Das göttliche Drücken und Ziehen
In Bezug auf «Aliya» lehrt Jay über das «göttliche Drücken und Ziehen». Der «Vorstoss der Verfolgung» motivierte die Bewegung von Juden aus dem zaristischen Russland im späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert, und aus Osteuropa vor und nach dem ersten Weltkrieg. Holocaust-Überlebende wurden nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg von niemand anderem als Grossbritannien stark daran gehindert, das Land zu betreten! Es wurde gesagt, dass «der erste Weltkrieg das Land für die Menschen bereitete, während der zweite Weltkrieg die Menschen auf das Land vorbereitete». Die Nation wurde 1948 auf wundersame Weise wiedergeboren und das ist eine Geschichte für sich. Israel ist die «Arche der Sicherheit» für das jüdische Volk. In den 1980er Jahren haben viele von Euch Jay und mir ermöglicht, den Film Gates of Brass (Messingtore) zu drehen, der die erbärmliche Lage der sowjetischen Juden aufdeckte. Er wurde weltweit genutzt, um Proteste für die Freilassung sowjetischer Juden zu erheben. 1991 erlebte die Welt den Beginn der Rückkehr von fast zwei Millionen sowjetischer Juden nach Israel. Es war der Druck der Verfolgung und die Aktion und das solide Beten und Geben durch das christliche Volk weltweit, die dieses Wunder vollbrachten. Das schliesst niemals die fortwährende, harte Arbeit aus, die die Israelis hinter den Kulissen selbst geleistet haben, um ihr Volk nach Hause zu bringen. Aber das Wunder ist, dass Christen mit Israel zusammengearbeitet haben und es immer noch tun.
Bitte lest die Schriftstelle noch einmal. Es spricht auch von der «göttlichen Anziehungskraft», die diejenigen beschreibt, welche sich aus Verlangen und Liebe dafür entscheiden, als Teil des zionistischen Traums nach Israel zu kommen. Die Leute sagen zu uns: «Ihr habt Kanada verlassen, um hier zu leben? Ihr habt euch mit den Juden zusammengetan? Seid ihr verrückt? Wer in dieser Welt will ein Jude sein? Warum solltet ihr so etwas tun?» Um das Gespräch zu vereinfachen, sagt Jay neckend: «Wir mochten die Tomaten!»
Ein aktuelles Wort aus St. Peterburg, Russland
«Wie Spanien und Portugal, hat Österreich nun begonnen, Juden die Staatsbürgerschaft zu verleihen. Sie versuchen aktiv, Juden aus Zentralasien und anderen Orten hineinzubringen. Deutschland hat sein Programm verstärkt, um auch mehr Juden ins Land zu bringen. Gleichzeitig nimmt der Antisemitismus überall zu! Das Gute ist, dass drei christliche Organisationen Hand in Hand mit der israelischen, jüdischen Agentur arbeiten, um potenzielle neue Einwanderer zu erreichen. Ich bin sehr gesegnet, dass der Herr Euch und Jay dieses Jahr in die deutschsprachige Region geschickt hat, um den Schofar erklingen zu lassen.
Die Europäische Union ist derzeit nicht in einem guten wirtschaftlichen Zustand und Israel wird nun von dort eine neue Welle von Aliya-Einwanderungen erleben.» Howard Flower, 12. September 2020, Leiter der Aliya für die Internationale Christliche Botschaft in Jerusalem.
Beweise für das Königreich von König David
Kürzlich wurden in Jerusalem drei schöne, gravierte Hauptsteine (die geschnitzte Spitze einer Säule) entdeckt, welche an einem Ort sorgfältig versteckt waren, der durch den alten Perserkrieg eingeebnet wurde. Die Hauptstädte sind mit der Davidischen Dynastie verbunden, da solche Entwürfe aus der Zeit der Königreiche Israels und Judäas, nur in den von ihnen regierten Gebieten gefunden wurden. Das königliche Design befindet sich heute auf 5-Schekel-Münzen und auf Schildern, die auf archäologische Stätten im ganzen Land verweisen. Archäologen datieren die Hauptstadt auf das 7. Jahrhundert vor Christus, zwischen der Herrschaft von König Hiskia und der babylonischen Eroberung und Zerstörung Jerusalems.
Neben den Hauptstädten weisen zusätzliche Artefakte auf ein königliches oder ein edles Gebäude hin, darunter eine Toilette, die zu dieser Zeit nur in den Häusern der Reichen gefunden wurde. Archäologische Funde werden in der Regel erst nach langen Forschungs- und Studienprozessen der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. Aber die Stadt Davids und die israelischen Beamten entschieden, dass dieses frühe Stadium gemacht wurde, «aufgrund der Idee und der tiefen Überzeugung, dass diese archäologischen Funde zu wichtig waren, um verborgen zu bleiben», weil solche Überreste der israelischen Öffentlichkeit gehören. «Diese Entdeckung ist wirklich eine einmalige Entdeckung», sagte Doron Spielman, Vizepräsident der City of David Foundation. «Es ist nicht jeden Tag möglich, etwas zu entdecken für vier Milliarden Menschen auf der ganzen Welt, – welche eine Identität mit der Bibel, dem alten Jerusalem, und der Idee haben, die Bibel zu entdecken und die Archäologie unter der Erde aufzudecken und zu verbinden mit den tatsächlichen Plätzen».
«So spricht der HERR:
Der Himmel ist mein Thron,
und die Erde der Schemel für meine Füße!
Was für ein Haus wollt ihr mir denn bauen?
Oder wo ist der Ort, an dem ich ruhen soll?
Aber auf diesen will ich schauen:
Auf den Armen und auf den,
der einen zerschlagenen Geist hat
und der zittert vor meinem Wort. Jesaja 66,1,2b
Vater Gott ruft uns auf, seine lebendigen Tempelsteine zu sein. Lassen wir uns alle während unserer grossen Festzeit und Eurem Erntedankfest, wo immer Ihr seid, sich freuen. Unsere hohe Berufung ist es, ein Wohnort für das ewige Licht zu sein. « Und ich habe die Herrlichkeit, die du mir gegeben hast, ihnen gegeben.» sagt Jesus. «Auf dass sie eins seien, gleichwie wir eins sind». Johannes 17,22 seit Mai ist dies weiterhin unsere einzige und grösste Ehre.
Weitere Neuigkeiten im nächsten Monat über die laufende Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in Nepal und darüber, wie Ihr Mitglied von Change Action Nepal werden könnt. Ausserdem gibt es Neuigkeiten, wie Ihr Euer eigenes Exemplar meines neuesten Buches: Stain Remover (Den Makel auslöschen), beschaffen könnt. Es könnte Euer Leben für immer verändern.
Möge Euer Herz bis dahin sein Weihrauchaltar sein.
P.S. Sagen Sie Ihrer Familie und Ihren Freunden, dass sie diesen Newsletter abonnieren können. Wenn Sie einen Zeitpunkt für die persönliche Beratung oder das Gebet festlegen möchten, kontaktieren Sie mich bitte per E-Mail….
Lehtimajanjuhlan myötä juhlitaan Jumalan KAIKINPUOLISTA uskollisuutta meitä kohtaan. Raamatullisina aikoina pidettiin yllä käytäntöä nimeltä bikkurim. Maanviljelijät antoivat satonsa ensi hedelmät uhriksi pyhään Temppeliin. Tässä omien ensi hedelmien antamisessa uhriksi on kyse kiitollisuudesta ja arvostuksesta kaikkea sitä kohtaan, jolla Jumala meitä siunaa. Israelia siunaavat erityiset seitsemän lajia, jotka ovat: viikunat, granaattiomenat, taatelit, viinirypäleet, oliivit, vehnä ja ohra.
Viime vuonna koko perheemme kokoontui succaamme, lehtimajaamme Jerusalemiin. Olimme keränneet sadon omista granaattiomenoistamme, viikunoistamme ja viinirypäleistämme ja käytimme niitä oman lehtimajamme koristeluun. Tiedämme, että tekin [amerikkalaista traditiota noudattavat] vietätte piakkoin kiitospäivää. Lähetämme teille ja perheillenne shalom-terveiset. Shalom merkitsee kaikkea kuviteltavissa olevaa siunausta!
David Rawlings
Onnellisia perheuutisiamme
Miten kiitollinen olenkaan pojistamme, jotka kuulevat ja tottelevat HERRAN ääntä. David on meidän ”ensi hedelmämme”. Ne, joilla on ollut taakka vanhimmasta pojastamme Davidista, teille kerron, että rukouksenne on kuultu. Israelin terveysministeriö valitsi hänet mediaosastonsa johtoon. David on usein virantoimituksessa ja seuraa tiiviisti professori Gamzua, joka on Israelin COVID- viranomaisten lääketieteellinen tiedottaja. David tuottaa hänen tietoiskunsa televisiolle, joilla professori ohjeistaa kriisissä olevia israelilaisia lähes päivittäin television kautta. Ylistättehän kanssamme, ja kiitos teille rukouksista.
Daniel & Shelly
Ja pian vietetään häitä. Daniel ja hänen morsiamensa Shelly Bandel ovat parhaillaan Ottawassa liikeasioissa. He hyödyntävät tilaisuutta ja pitävät siviilivihkimisen siellä. Sen jälkeen Shellyn setä, rabbi Ehud Bandel vihkii heidät hupan, vihkikatoksen alla kotona Israelissa. Maljamme on ylitsevuotavainen…
Tuliterä uusi vuosi 5081 / 2020 on ollut ainutlaatuinen, mullistava vuosi. Nyt aloitamme juutalaista vuotta 5081. Israel hapuilee toisen, vakavan COVID-19 -aallon kanssa, ja tiukat toimenpiteet ovat paikallaan. Tietääksemme tämä on ensimmäinen kerta, ainoa vuosi historiassa, jolloin juutalaisilla ei ole ollut lupaa osallistua Jom Kippurin, suuren sovituspäivän jumalanpalveluksiin synagogissa. Kaikki katumus tapahtui kodeissamme, missä sen mielestäni juuri tulisikin tapahtua. Juhlapäivien aikana ainoastaan pienet perhetapaamiset ovat sallittuja. Mieleeni tulevat Sakarjan sanat: ”Niin kuin HERRA Sebaot aikoi meille tehdä, meidän vaelluksemma ja tekojemme mukaan, niin hän on meille tehnyt.” Sakarja 1:6
Israel on yhä kauheassa tilassa, missä kansalaistottelemattomuutta on enemmän kuin koskaan. Se alkoi uskonnollisista yhteisöistä. Ultraortodoksit kieltäytyivät noudattamasta ihmisten välistä etäisyytta ja lukumäärältään rajoitettuja kokoontumisia. Samaan aikaan useilla paikkakunnilla on mellakoita pääministeriämme vastaan. Kansamme on kuin vailla johtajaa olevat lampaat. Tämä on ollut tilanne jo muutaman vuoden ajan. Korjaamme mitä olemme kylväneet kansana maan sisäisesti, ja pelkään pahoin puimisen alkavan johtajiemme keskuudesta. Voisiko tämä olla esimakua tulevasta? Vanha profeetta jatkaa kansansa varoittamista: ”Sinä päivänä pidetään Jerusalemissa suuret valittajaiset… Maa pitää valittajaisia, kukin suku erikseen.” Sakarja 12:11-12
Muutama jae myöhemmin tulee tämä ilmestys: ”… häneltä kysytään: ‘Mitä ovat nuo haavat sinun rinnassasi?’[käsissäsi] hän vastaa: ‘Minua lyötiin ystävieni huoneessa.’ ” Sakarja 13:6
Jumala ei ainoastaan myllerrä Israelia ylösalaisin, vaan myös kaikki kansakunnat eri puolilla maailmaa, toteuttaaksen OMAT suunnitelmansa. Kriisit täyttävät otsikot joka puolella maailmaa. Presidentti Trump tarvitsee rukouksiamme ja samoin Amerikka. Samantekevää miten kansakunnat riehuvat, Jumalan tahto toteutuu. Tuli puhdistaa ja on varmaankin paljastusten, koettelun ja puhdistuksen aika kaikissa maapallon kansakunnissa ja kansoissa. Israel on kansakuntien joukossa aina ensimmäisenä kokemassa Jumalan menettelyt. Katsokaa psalmia kaksi. Jumala testaa heitä kuin kultaa. ”… koettelen sitä niin kuin kulta koetellaan… He huutavat avuksi minun nimeäni, ja minä vastaan heille. Minä sanon: ”Se on minun kansani. Se [jokainen] sanoo: ”HERRA on minun Jumalani.” Sakarja 13:9
Ymmärrämme, että usein meidän Luojamme odottaa voidakseen olla meille armollinen. Rukoilemme Hänen armoaan hyvin ansaitun tuomion aikaan.
Jay & Meridel Rawlings
Meidän ZOOM-juhlamme
ZOOM on uusi palvelutyön käyttämä alusta, joka on viime aikoina sulattanut pois ajan ja välimatkan. Mekin palvelimme Aglow-ryhmää Tyynenvaltameren rannnikolla, Luoteisterritorioissa Kanadassa. Niin ikään ZOOMin kautta meidät kutsuttiin tapaamaan ystäviämme Etelä- ja Pohjois- Amerikassa ja Aasiassa. Juhlimme Lilly Kladenskyn ja hänen edesmenneen aviomiehensä Oton perustamaa HERRAN työtä Ecuadorissa. Lillyn poika Otto jr isännöi etätapaamistamme, johon osallistui yhteistyökumppaneitamme Campamento Nueva Vida -järjestöstä (Uuden elämän leiri). Jay toimi tämän hienon huippuluokan uskonvaraisen toiminnan ensimmäisenä johtajana 1972-1974. Avasimme ilmaiset kesä- ja talvileirit kaiken ikäisille lapsille. Vastuullamme oli pyörittää tätä toimintaa Jumalaan luottaen. Sitoutunut, uskonvaraisesti toimiva henkilökunta tuli Kanadasta, Yhdysvalloista, Filippiineiltä ja Ecuadorista. Saatavilla ei ollut palkkaa tai etuisuuksia. Jay kirjoittaa kokemistamme ihmeistä tulevassa kirjassaan nimeltä Miracles among the Nations (Ihmeitä kansakuntien keskuudessa). Avattuamme portit ensimmäisenä päivänä 576 lasta ilmoittautui, ja heidät ohjattiin A-kirjaimen muotoisiin majoitustiloihin. Uskon, että meitä kaikkia innostivat HERRAN keskuudessamme suorittamat teot. Tuosta sähköisesti toteutetusta etäkokoontumisesta muodostui juhlinta, joka sai kyyneleet vuotamaan ja naurun puhkeamaan. Muistelimme muutamia mahtavia seikkoja, joita näimme Jeesuksen tekevän omilleen, kaiken ikäisille ecuadorilaisille. Jotkut muistivat kokin sanoneen Jaystä: ”Hän vain kävelee ympäriinsä leirissä sanoen: ”Ylistys Herralle.” Kokki asettui eräänä aamuna kasvotusten Jayn kanssa keittiössä ja kysyi: ”Miten oletat minun ruokkivan 500 lasta tällä pienellä palalla lihaa?” Kokin hämmästykseksi Jay oli säpsähtämättä vastannut: ”Lue sen ylle rukous ja pyydä Herraa enentämään se.” Ihmetyksekseen kokki kertoi paikallisille ihmisille tehneensä niin, ja siitä riittäneen kaikille!
Jumala käytti myös leirin henkilökuntaa ja nuoria esirukoukseen Israelin puolesta. Eräänä yönä kappelissa puhkesi hyvin odottamatta nyyhkytys. Monet saivat Israelia koskevia viisauden sanoja. Minä sain näyn, jossa olin ikään kuin lentokoneessa lentämässä yli koko Israelin ja laittamassa puuvillataitokselta näyttävää haavasidettä koko kansakunnan päälle pohjoisesta etelään, idästä länteen. Seuraavana aamuna kuulimme paikallisten lyhytaaltojen radiouutisista, että Israel oli sodassa. Oli lokakuu 1973, ja olimme kuulleet Pyhän Hengen hälytyksen kuolemaa tuottaneesta Jom Kippur -sodasta. Tuhansia israelilaisia tapettiin heidän vuoden pyhimpänä päivänään viiden arabimaan tekemän yllätyshyökkäyksen myötä. Historia on paljastanut Amerikan tahallisesti salanneen oleellisia tiedustelutietoja Israelilta; tietoja, jotka olisivat voineet auttaa valmistautumaan tuohon hyökkäykseen. Mutta HERRAlla oli rukoilevia lapsia eri puolilla maailmaa. Miten Isä Jumala rakastaakaan TEITÄ, omaa perhekuntaansa kansakuntien joukossa. Te olette muurinvartijoita meille kaikille tässä maassa eläville ja niille kaikille urheille kansakunnille, jotka ovat ystäviämme. Siunaamme mielellämme jokaista muistoa teistä, rakkaat ystävät. Te olette auttaneet meitä tekemään valloituksen toisensa jälkeen vuodesta 1969 lähtien! Siis 51 vuoden ajan. Jay ja minä tunnemme todellakin nuortuvamme sydämiltämme ja vahvistuvamme hengessä. Te olette ilman muuta osa sitä uudistumista, ja kyllä, uudistumista tapahtuu jokaisen teidän omassa elämässänne. Halleluja!
Israelilaiset ja arabit tulevat yhtään
Haluan lyhyesti siunata Yhdistyneiden Arabiemiraattien ja Bahrainin kansakuntia. Molemmat hallitukset lähettivät edustajiaan Israeliin tuomaan siunauksia tämän pandemian aikana. Meille israelilaisille, jotka niin usein jätetään yksin, tämä ele oli ihmeenomainen. Rukoilettehan muslimikansojen puolesta; Jumalan armon Henki ohjaa niitä.
Yhdistyneiden Arabiemiraattien nuorisoasiain ministeri Shamma Al Mazrui lausui ylistäviä sanoja juutalaisen uskonnon eri seikoista, kuten katumuksen hyveestä ja sisimmän tutkailemisesta suurten juhlapäivien aikana. Hän viittasi myös tuoreeseen Yhdistyneiden Arabiemiraattien ja Israelin välillä solmittuun sopimukseen ja esitti toiveen, että tämä toisi myötään uuden aikakauden, jolloin vallitsee ”radikaali suvaitsevaisuus ja rotujenvälinen rakkaus meidän alueellamme ja maailmassa.”
Näitä kunnioittavia tekoja kannattaa verrata oman kansakunnan johtajien ja jopa oman yhteisön tai paikallisseurakunnan toimiin. Jos historia kiinnostaa, niin kehotan lukemaan John Loftusin ja Mark Aaronsin kirjoittaman, St Martin’s Griffinin vuonna 1997 julkaiseman kirjan The Secret War Against the Jews. Sen ISBN-numero on 0-312-15648-0. Kirja on mielestäni järkyttävä silmien avaaja. Jay ja minä iloitsemme siitä, että messiaaninen yhteisö on voimakas eri puolilla maailmaa, ja se rakastaa sitä, mitä Jumala rakastaa ja vihaa sitä, mitä Jumala vihaa. Niiden tuki Israelille on hienoa. Jumala vihaa pahaa, ja valheet ovat pahoja!
Miksi Israel on nykyään suurin merkki siitä, että Jumala liikkuu kansakuntien keskuudessa? Ensiksikin Raamattu lupaa: ”Silloin HERRA, sinun Jumalasi, kääntää sinun kohtalosi ja armahtaa sinua. HERRA, sinun Jumalasi, kokoaa sinut jälleen kaikista kansoista, joiden keskuuteen hän on sinut hajottanut.” V Mooseksen kirja 30:3 [Englanninkielinen Israel Bible -käännös ilmaisee hieman toisin: ”HaShem, tuo Nimi (määräinen muoto); {juutalaisethan eivät kutsu Jumalaa suoraan nimeltä; shem = nimi hepreaksi} asettaa ennalleen teidän onnenne / omaisuutenne ja vie teidät takaisin rakkaudella. Hän tuo teidät jälleen yhteen kaikista niistä kansakunnista, jonne Nimi, teidän Jumalanne on teidät hajottanut. Suom. huom.]
Tämä jae kertoo ennalta maasta karkotettujen kokoamisen. Se viittaa kahteen eri kansanryhmään. ”Jumala kääntää (asettaa ennalleen) kohtalosi” viittaa juutalaisiin, jotka syvästi kaipasivat palata Israelin maahan. Historia opettaa, että kovin monia estettiin tekemästä niin. Alijan, maahanmuuton alku tai ryhmien tulo alkoi 1880-luvulla. He matkasivat silloiseen Palestiinaan. Tämä 140 vuotta sitten alkanut maahanmuuttoaalto ei ole koskaan loppunut. Ensimmäiset maaseudulta kotoisin olleet juutalaisest tulivat Liettuasta. He olivat niitä, joita kutsumme ”rutiköyhiksi”. Kun Napoleon määräsi, että jokaisella henkilöllä piti olla sukunimi, näille juutalaisille annettin sellainen heidän läänitysherransa mukaan, joka ei ainoastaan omistanut maa-alueita , vaan myös niillä majailleet ja vaivoin niistä elantonsa kynsivät ihmiset. Toisekseen, kohta ”Sinun Jumalasi kokoaa sinut jälleen kaikista kansoista.” viittaa niihin juutalaisiin, jotka ovat alkaneet viihtyä vieraalla maalla ja jotka ovat menettäneet sidoksensa Israeliin; heidätkin tuodaan takaisin oikeaan aikaan. Odotamme…
Jumalallinen työntäminen ja vetäminen
Alijan, Israeliin muuttamisen yhteydessä Jay opettaa jumalallisesta työntämisestä ja vetämisestä. Vainojen aiheuttama työntöpaine motivoi juutalaisten liikettä tsaarin Venäjältä 1800-luvun loppupuolella ja 1900-luvun alkupuolella sekä Itä-Euroopasta ennen ja jälkeen I maailmansodan. Holokaustista selviytyneitä esteltiin kovin pääsemästä maahan, eikä estäjä ollut kukaan muu kuin Iso-Britannia II maailmansodan jälkeen! Onkin sanottu, että ”I maailmansota valmisti maata kansaa varten ja II maailmansota taas valmisti kansaa maata varten.” Kansakunta syntyi uudelleen vuonna 1948 ihmeellisellä tavalla. Se onkin aivan omaa luokkaansa oleva kertomus. Israel on ”turva-arkki” juutalaiselle kansalle.
Monet teistä mahdollistivat 1980-luvulla Jaylle ja minulle filmin Gates of Brass (Vaskiportit) tekemisen. Filmi kertoo Neuvostoliitossa asuneiden juutalaisten järkyttävän ahdingon. Filmiä käytettiin eri puolilla maailmaa protestien nostattamiseksi neuvostojuutalaisten vapauttamisen puolesta. Vuonna 1991 maailma todisti lähes kahden miljoonan neuvostojuutalaisen paluun alkamista Israeliin. Kyse oli vainojen työntövoimasta sekä kristittyjen vankasta rukouksesta ja rahalahjoituksista eri puolilta maailmaa; niiden avulla tämän ihmeen nähtiin toteutuvan. Älkää koskaan jättäkö pois laskuista sitä jatkuvaa ja kovaa kulissien takana tehtyä työtä, jonka suorittivat israelilaiset itse tuodakseen oman kansansa kotiin. Mutta on ihme, että kristityt ovat tehneet ja yhä tekevät yhteistuumin yhteistyötä Israelin kanssa.
Luetaan taas Kirjoituksia. Ne puhuvat myös ”jumalallisesta vetämisestä”, joka kuvaa niitä, jotka valitsevat tulla Israeliin omasta toiveestaan ja syvästä halustaan olla osa sionistista unelmaa. Ihmiset kysyvät meiltä: ”Te siis lähditte Kanadasta elääksenne täällä? Heititte elämänosanne yhteen juutalaisten kanssa? Oletteko hulluja? Kuka tässä maailmassa haluaa olla juutalainen? Miksi teette tuollaista?” Jay pitää keskustelun kiusoittelevasti kevyellä raiteella sanoessaan: ”Pidimme tomaateista!”
Ajankohtainen viesti Pietarista Venäjältä.
”Espanjan ja Portugalin tavoin myös Itävalta on alkanut myöntää juutalaisille kansalaisuuksia. Ne pyrkivät aktiivisesti tuomaan juutalaisia Keski-Aasiasta ja muualta. Saksakin on kiihdyttänyt ohjelmaansa tuoda maahan lisää juutalaisia. Samaan aikaan antisemitismi lisääntyy joka puolella! Hyvä asia on, että kolme kristillistä järjestöä työskentelee käsi kädessä Jewish Agencyn, Juutalaistoimiston kanssa saavuttaakseen mahdolliset uudet maahanmuuttajat. On hyvin siunattua, että Herra lähetti sinut ja Jayn tänä vuonna saksankieliselle alueelle puhaltamaan shofariin. Euroopan unionin taloustilanne ei nykyisin ole hyvä, ja Israel näkee uuden maahanmuuttoaallon noilta alueilta.”
Näin kirjoitti syyskuun 12. päivänä 2020 Howard Flower, joka johtaa Jerusalemin kristillisen suurlähetystön alija-työtä.
Todiste kuningas Davidin kuningaskunnasta
Jerusalemissa kaivettiin esiin hiljattain kolme kaunista kapiteelikiveä, siis kaiverrettua pilaripäätyä. Näytti siltä, että ne oli piilotettu huolellisesti paikkaan, joka lanautui tasaiseksi muinaisen persialaissodan myötä. Kapiteelit liittyvät Daavidin dynastiaan, koska sellaista designia Israelin ja Juudean kuningaskuntien ajalta on löydetty ainoastaan niiden hallitsemilta alueilta. Kuninkaallista designia löytyy nykyään viiden shekelin kolikoista ja viitoista, jotka osoittavat tietä arkeologisiin kohteisiin kaikkialla Israelissa. Arkeologit ajoittavat kapiteelit seitsemännelle vuosisadalle eKr., siis ajalle kuningas Hesekielin ja babylonialaisten suorittaman Jerusalemin valloituksen ja tuhon välille.
Kapiteelien lisäksi tuosta kaivauskohteesta löytyi esineitä, jotka todistavat kuninkaallisista tai ylhäisön rakennuksista; esiin tuli mm. toiletti, jollainen löytyy ainoastaan tuon aikakauden rikkaiden kodeista. Arkeologisia löytöjä tuodaan suuren yleisön nähtäville yleensä vasta pitkän
tutkimus- ja tarkasteluvaiheen jälkeen. Mutta Daavidin kaupungin ja Israelin viranomaiset päättivät kertoa niistä jo varhaisesta vaiheessa ”sillä perusteella ja syvän vakaumuksen pohjalta, että nämä arkeologiset löydöt ovat liian tärkeitä salassa pidettäviksi, kuuluvathan tämänkaltaiset löydöt Israelin suurelle yleisölle.” ”Tämä on todellakin ainutkertainen, vain kerran elämässä kohdalle osuva löytö.” sanoi Daavidin kaupungin varapuheenjohtaja Doron Spielman. ” ”Emme pysty joka päivä löytämään sellaista, johon neljä miljardia ihmistä eri puolilla maailmaa – jotka jollain tapaa identifioituvat Raamattuun, muinaiseen Jerusalemiin, raamatullisten seikkojen löytymiseen ja arkeologisten esineiden ottamiseen esiin maan alta ja niiden yhdistämiseen nimenomaiseen paikkaan” – pystyy löytämään yhdyssiteen.
”Näin sanoo HERRA: ‘Taivas on minun valtaistuimeni, ja maa on minun jalkojeni astinlauta. Millaisen rakennuksen te minulle rakentaisitte, millainen paikka olisi leposijani?
Mutta minä katson sen puoleen, joka on nöyrä, jolla on särkynyt henki ja arka tunto minun sanani edessä.” Jesaja 66:1-2
Isä Jumala kutsuu meitä olemaan Hänen temppelinsä kiviä. Tämän suurenmoisen juhlan aikana Israelissa ja amerikkalaisen kiitospäivän aikaan, missä sitä vietättekään; niin iloitkaamme ja riemuitkaamme kaikki. Korkea kutsumuksemme on olla Ikuisen Valon olopaikka, asuinsija. ”Sen kirkkauden, jonka sinä olet antanut minulle, minä olen antanut heille, jotta he olisivat yhtä, niin kuin me olemme yhtä…” Johannes 17:22
Olkoon tämä jatkossakin meidän ainoa ja suurin kunniamme.
Ensi kuussa saatte lisää uutisia työstämme Nepalissa ja siitä, miten teistä voi tulla jäseniä Change Action Nepal -toimintaan. Kerromme myös miten menetellä saadaksenne oman kopion tuoreimmasta kirjastani ”Stain Remover” (Tahranpoistaja). Kirja saattaa muuttaa elämäsi.
Siihen asti: olkoot teidän sydämenne Herran suitsutusalttareita. Rakkaudellisin terveisin Meridel ja Jay Rawlings
P.S. Kerro perheellesi ja ystävillesi, että he voivat tilata tämän uutiskirjeen. Jos haluat asettaa ajan henkilökohtaiselle neuvonnalle tai rukoukselle, ota yhteyttä minuun sähköpostitse.
Still Small Voice Newsletter October 2020 Tishri 5081.
Dear friends:
The Feast of Tabernacles is a celebration of God’s faithfulness to us in EVERY way. In Bible times, something called “Bikkurim” was practised. Farmers gave their first fruits as offerings in the Holy Temple. The giving of one’s first fruits is all about gratitude and appreciation for all that God blesses us with. Israel is blessed with what we call the “seven species” which are; figs, pomegranates, dates, grapes, olives, wheat and barley. Last year our entire immediate family came together in our Succah in Jerusalem. We have harvested our pomegranates, figs and grapes and used some of them to decorate our succah. We know you will soon be celebrating “Thanksgiving” as well. We send you and yours the blessings of Shalom. Shalom means every blessing imaginable!
David Rawlings
Our Happy Family News
How grateful I am for sons who hear and obey the voice of the LORD. David is our ‘first fruit’. For those of you who were burdened for David our eldest, your prayers have been answered. The Israeli Ministry of Health chose him to head up their media department. He is on call often and shadows Professor Gamzu who is the medical voice of authority for COVID in Israel. David produces his TV spots, as the Professor guides an Israel in crisis almost everyday via television. Give praise with us and thank you for praying.
Daniel & Shelly
And a wedding is soon to take place. Daniel and his fiancé Shelly Bandel are presently in Ottawa on business. They are taking this opportunity to have a civil wedding there. It will be followed by Shelly’s uncle Rabbi Ehud Bandel marrying them under the hupa at home in Israel. Our cup is full and running over …
A brand New Year 5081
2020 has been a unique, ground breaking year. Now we are starting the Jewish New Year, 5081. Israel is groping with a severe second wave of COVID-19, and drastic measures are in place. For the very first time that we know of, this is the only year in history when Jews were not permitted to attend Yom Kippur synagogue services. All repentance took place in our homes, which I think is exactly where it should be. Only small family gatherings are permitted during the holidays. The words of Zechariah come to mind. “Just as the LORD of hosts determined to do to us, according to our ways and according to our deeds, so He has dealt with us.” Zechariah 1:6 b
Israel continues in a terrible state with civil disobedience at an all time high. It begins in religious communities. The ultra-orthodox refuse to follow the rules of distancing and limited gatherings. At the sametime there are riots nation wide against our Prime Minister. Our people are like sheep without a shepherd, and it has really been like this for years now. We are reaping what we have sown internally as a people, and it begins with our leaders first I am afraid. Could this be a foretaste of what is coming? The old prophet continues to warn his people. “In that day there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem… and the land shall mourn, every family by itself…” Zechariah 12:11
A few verses on comes this revelation: “And one shall say to him, ‘What are these wounds between your hands?’ Then he will answer, ‘Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.’” Zechariah 13:6
God will not only turn Israel upside down but also nations across the world in order to fulfil HIS plans. Crisis dominates headlines globally. President Trump needs our prayers as does America. No matter how the nations rage, God’s will is being worked out. Fire purifies and surely it is a time of exposure, testing and purification of the nations and people of the earth. Israel is always the first to experience God’s ways among the nations. See Psalm 2. He will “…test them as gold in tested. ‘They will call on My name, and I will answer them. I will say, This is My people; and each one will say, ‘The LORD is my God.’” Zechariah 13:9b We understand that often times our Creator waits that He might be gracious to us. We pray for His mercy in a time of well deserved judgement.
Jay & Meridel Rawlings
Our ZOOM party
ZOOM is the new platform for ministry and time and distance melted away as recently, we ministered to an Aglow Group in the Pacific NW in Canada. Also via ZOOM we were invited to join with friends in South America, North America and Asia to celebrate a work of the LORD in Ecuador, founded by Lilly Kladensky and her late husband Otto. Lilly’s son Otto Jr. hosted the get-together with our co-workers of Campamento Nueva Vida (New Life Camp.) Jay was the first director to run this beautiful world class facility by faith from 1972-1974. We opened the summer and winter camps free of charge to kids of all ages. Our responsibility was to run this facility by trusting God. The dedicated staff came by faith from Canada, the USA, the Philippines and Ecuador. There were no salaries or benefits to be had. Jay writes in detail about the miracles we witnessed here, in his up comingbook, Miracles among the Nations. That first day when we opened the gates 576 children were registered and assigned to the A-frame cabins. I believe that we were all inspired by the works of the LORD in our midst. This electronic meeting became a celebration which caused tears to flow and laughter to break out. We all reminisced some of the mighty things we saw Jesus do for His Ecuadorians of all ages. For example, someone remembered the cook saying this, about Jay: “He just walks around the camp saying, ‘Praise the Lord.’” She confronted him one morning in the kitchen. “How do you expect me to feed 500 children with this little piece of meat?” Unfazed he encouraged, ‘Pray over it and ask the Lord to increase it.’ To her amazement, she testified to the locals, “I did, and we had enough!’”
God also used the camp workers and young people to intercede for Israel. One night in chapel a weeping broke out most unexpectedly. Several received “words of wisdom” about Israel. I had a vision as if I was flying by airplane over Israel, placing a bandage that looked like cotton-batten over the entire nation from north to south and east to west. The following morning we heard over the local short wave HCJB radio station that Israel was at war. It was October 1973 and we at been alerted by the Holy Spirit to the deadly Yom Kippur War.Thousands of Israelis were slaughtered due to the surprise attack by five Arab nations on their holiest day of the year. History now reveals that America purposely withheld vital intelligence from Israel that could have helped her prepare for the attack. But the LORD had his children praying all over the earth. How Father God loves YOU, His very own family among the nations. You are the watchmen for all of us living in this land and those brave nations who befriend us. We love to bless every remembrance of you dear friends. You have helped us to do one exploit after another all of these years since 1969! That is 51 years ago, and Jay and I feel that we are indeed growing younger in heart and stronger in spirit. You are definitely a part of that renewal and yes revival in all our own lives. Hallelujah!
Israelis and Arabs Come Together
Briefly I want to bless the nations of the United Arab Emerites and Bahrain. Both governments sent representatives to Israel to bring our people blessings during the pandemic. To us Israelis who are so often just left alone, this gesture is miraculous. Please pray for these Muslim peoples, they are being led by God’s Spirit of Grace.
UAE Minister of State for Youth Affairs Shamma Al Mazrui praised various concepts of the Jewish religion, such as the virtue of repentance and introspection during the High Holy Days. She also referred to the recent agreement between the UAE and Israel, expressing hope that it would usher in a new era of “radical tolerance and radical love in our region and the world.”
Compare their acts of respect with those of the leaders of your nation and even your local fellowship or church. If you are interested in history I suggest that you read, The Secret War Against the Jews by John Loftus and Mark Aarons, St Martins Griffin, 1997. The ISBN is 0-312-15648-0 This read, I found to be a shocking eye opener. Jay and I rejoice in the Body of Messiah standing strong worldwide, loving what God loves and hating what He hates. Your support of Israel is miraculous. God hates evil and lies are evil!
Why is Israel today the greatest sign that God is moving among the nations?
First the Bible promises: “Then HaShem (the LORD) will restore your fortunes and take you back in love. He will bring you together again from all the peoples where HaShem your God has scattered you.” Deuteronomy 30:3, The Israel Bible
This verse foretells the ingathering of the exiles. It refers to two distinct groups of people. “God will restore your fortunes” alludes to the Jews who yearned to return to the Land of Israel and history teaches that so many were hindered from doing so. This initial Aliya or group began in the 1880’s and made their way to what was then Palestine. This wave of immigration140 years ago and has never stopped. First Jewish peasants came from Lithuania. They were what we call “dirt poor”. When Napoleon ruled that every person must have a surname, these Jews were given the surname of their overlord who not only owned the land but the surfs on it who eked out a living. Secondly, “He will bring you together again,” refers to those Jews who have become comfortable on foreign soil and lost their connection with Israel, but will also be brought back in due time. We wait…
The Divine Push and Pull
Concerning “Aliyah” Jay teaches about the “divine push and pull”. The “push of persecution” motivated the movement of Jews out of Czarist Russia in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s and from Eastern Europe before and after WW1. Holocaust survivors were greatly hindered from entering the land by none other than Great Britain after WW2! It has been said that “WW1 prepared the land for the people while WW2 prepared the people for the land.” The nation was reborn in 1948 miraculously and that is a story all by itself. Israel is the “Ark of safety” for the Jewish people. In the 1980’s many of you enabled Jay and I to create the film Gates of Brass which exposed the pathetic plight of Soviet Jews. It was used globally to raise protests for the release of Soviet Jews. By 1991 the world witnessed the beginning of the return of nearly 2 million Soviet Jews to Israel. It was the push of persecution and the action and solid praying and giving by Christian people world wide that saw this miracle accomplished. Never count out the continual hard work done behind the scenes by Israelis themselves to bring her people home. But the miracle is that Christians have been and are still working in concert with Israel.
Please read the scripture again. It also speaks of the “divine pull” which describes those who choose to come to Israel out of desire and love to be part of the Zionist dream. People say to us, “You left Canada to live here? You threw your lot in with the Jews? Are you crazy? Who in this world wants to be a Jew? Why would you do such a thing?” Teasingly Jay keeps the conversation light by saying, “We liked the tomatoes!”
A Timely Word from St. Petersburg Russia
“Like Spain and Portugal, Austria has now started giving citizenship to Jews. They actively try to import Jews from Central Asia and other places. Germany has stepped up their program to bring more Jews also. At the same time anti-Semitism is rising everywhere! The good thing is that 3 Christian organizations are working hand in hand with Israel’s Jewish Agency to reach out to potential new immigrants. I am very blessed that the Lord sent you and Jay to the German language region this year to sound the shofar.
The European Union is not in good economic condition now and Israel will see a fresh wave of Aliyah – immigration from there.” Howard Flower Sept 12, 2020. Head of Aliyah for the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem.
Evidence of King David’s Kingdom
Three beautifully engraved capital stones (the carved top of a pillar) which seemed to have been carefully hidden in a site levelled by the ancient Persian war, were recently unearthed in Jerusalem. The capitals are linked to the Davidic Dynasty because such designs from the period of the kingdoms of Israel and Judea have only been found within the areas they ruled. The royal design can be found today on 5 shekel coins and on signs pointing to archaeological sites all over the land of Israel. Archaeologists date the capitals to the seventh century BCE, between the rule of King Hezekiah and the Babylonian conquest and destruction of Jerusalem. Besides the capitals, additional artifacts found at the site indicate a royal or noble building as well, including a toilet, which was only found in the homes of the wealthy in that period. Archaeological findings are usually revealed to the public only after a long process of research and study. But the City of David and the Israeli officials decided that these early stage was made “based on the idea and deep belief that these archaeological findings were too important to keep hidden, because such remains belong to the Israeli public. “This discovery is really a once-in-a-lifetime discovery,” City of David Foundation vice president Doron Spielman said. “It’s not every day that we’re able to discover something that four billion people around the world – who have some type of identity to the bible, to ancient Jerusalem, to the idea of discovering the bible and unearthing the archaeology underneath the ground and connecting it to the actual place” – can relate to.
“Thus says the LORD:
Heaven is My throne,
And earth is My footstool.
Where is the house that you will build me?
And where is the place of my rest?
But on this one will I look:
On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit,
And who trembles a My word.” Isaiah 66:1,2b
Father God is calling us to be His temple stones. During this great Feast time in Israel, and your Thanksgiving feasts where ever you are, let us all rejoice. Our high calling is to be a dwelling place for the Eternal Light. “The glory which You have given Me, I have given them.” said Jesus. “That they may be one even as We are one.” John 17:22 in May this continue to be our single greatest honour.
More news next month concerning the on going outreach in Nepal and how you can become a member of Change Action Nepal. Also news on how to procure your own copy of my latest book, Stain Remover. It could change your life forever.
Until then, may your heart be His altar of incense.
P.S. Tell your family and friends they can subscribe to this newsletter. If you would like to set a time for personal Counceling or prayer please contact me via email.
Seuraavat Kirjoitusten kohdat tulivat mieleeni valmistautuessani tämän kirjeen kirjoittamiseen.
” Hän, joka istuu taivaassa, nauraa…” Psalmi 2:4 ” Elonaika on ohi, kesä on lopussa, mutta me emme ole saaneet apua.” Jeremia 8:20 ”Vesipurot juoksevat silmistäni…” Valitusvirret 3:48
Teshuvah, parannuksenteko on tulosta siitä murhenäytelmästä, josta II Mooseksen kirjan luku 32 opettaa. Tuo aika oli tuhoisaa Jumalan kansalle. Mooses oli ollut Jumalan läsnäolossa vuorella. Heidän palatessaan leiriin Joosua sanoi Moosekselle kuultuaan metelöinnin:”Leiristä kuuluu sodan ääniä.” Mooses vastasi: ”Ei se ole voitonhuutoa eikä tappion valitusta. Minä kuulen laulua.” RK II Moos 32:17-18
Järkyttynyt Mooses, jonka iho yhä hohti Jumalan kohtaamisesta, katseli Israelin epäjumalanpalvontaa uskomatta silmiään. Kultaista vasikkaa palvoivat juopuneet, alastomat, vääntelehtivät miehet. Mooses oli kohdannut taivaan joutuakseen kasvotusten tämän helvetin kanssa. Laintaulut, jotka sisälsivät hänen kansalleen avaimet viisauteen, menestykseen ja pitkään ikään, olivat hänen käsivarsillaan. Sydän särkyneenä ja epätoivoisena hän murskasi ne. Hän kysyi suoraan kasvotusten veljeltään miksi tämä oli sallinut moisen. Aaronin heiveröinen vastaus kuului: ”Sinähän tiedät, että tämä kansa on taipuvainen pahaan.” [ Englanninkielinen versio sanoo: heidän sydämensä on …] II Moos 32:22
Siitä hetkestä lähtien Israel oli eksyksissä, kadotuksessa. Mooses halusi pois, tiehensä! Mutta Jumala vahvisti häntä ottamaan vastuuta langenneesta luopiokansakunnasta. Synnin palkka on kuolema. Mooses joutui suremisen kauteen; hän etsi jälleen Jumalaa ja esirukoili. Hänen piti palata ylös vuorelle. Tämä on esimerkki teshuvasta, katumuksesta.
Miksi rukoilemme?
Yhteiskuntamme eivät toimi yhtään paremmin nykyään. Itsekkyys ja vallanhimo eivät muutu. Ainoastaan alistuminen Elävän Jumalan hallintaan voi luoda muutoksen ihmissydämeen. Vain Jeshuan veri suorittaa hienovaraisen kirurgisen operaation. Messias maksoi hinnan. Eri puolilla maailmaa kadut täyttyvät kiukkuisista ihmisistä. Ja kyllä, osa heistä on rauhallisia mielenosoittajia. He joutuvat usein villien ja vailla pidäkkeitä olevien kovanaamojen valtaan. Saatoitko koskaan uskoa eläväsi tällaisia päiviä, jolloin Raamattuja uhmakkaasti poltetaan Amerikan kaduilla ja kristittyjä kielletään menemästä seurakuntiin? Kristityt ovat maailmanlaajuinen uhka ja antisemitismi on pandemiaa. Yleisesti ottaen kaikki kansakunnat on tehty toimimattomiksi. Kansanjoukkoja pidetään panttivankeina. Tulevaisuutemme on sumennettu, pimitetty. Uskomme silti Taivaallisen Isämme olevan yhä hallintavallassa.
Pelkään pahantekijöiden ja pahanpuhujien puolesta; he ovat kaivaneet kuopan itselleen. Me kaikki havaitsemme kontrollin, manipuloinnin ja julkeat peittelyt. Tiedän totuuden kukistuneen kaduilla. Jumala sanoo: ”… Minä olen tehnyt niiden kadut autioiksi, ” Sefanja 3:6 Hyvän ja pahan vastakohtaisuus on selkeästi erotettu. Tilanne on paholaismainen. Lapsikin sen
tajuaa. Rukoilen kriisissä olevan maailmamme ja sen johtajien puolesta. Tekin voisitte ryhtyä rukoilemaan psalmin 2 ja Johenneksen evankeliumin 14 luvun mukaisesti.
Valokuvassa Jay ja Meridel Rawlings. Nuoret pystyvät juoksemaan nopeasti, mutta vanhat tuntevat tien! Jay on toipunut ja voimistunut. Annamme siitä suuret kiitokset!
Miten rukoilemme
Jayn ja minun kokemukseni rukouksesta ovat hyvin erilaisia. Jay herää aikaisin viettämään aikaa HERRAN kanssa. Hän ottaa Raamattunsa ja menee puutarhaan vuoropuhellakseen Jumalan kanssa ennen kuin perhe herää. Minäkin nautin hiljaisista hetkistä, mutta viime aikoina olen kokenut tarvetta ja halua rukoilla lähes lakkaamatta. Tapaamme Jayn kanssa myöhemmin, lähes päivittäin yhteiseen sopimusrukoukseen ja käymään hengellistä sodankäyntiä. Nuorempana ajattelin taakan tullessa, että kyse olisi omasta elämästäni tai perheestäni. Mutta Jumala kasvattaa meitä ohi ja yli itsekeskeisyyden ja täyttää tarpeemme, niin että voimme olla avoimia Hänen asialistaansa, Hänen sydäntään, ajatuksiaan ja suunnitelmiaan kohtaan. Meidän on kuunneltava Hänen pientä, hiljaista ääntään ja lopetettava arvailu. Totesin kokevani teshuvaa, parannuksen tekoa ensin oman itseni ja sitten toisten puolesta. Olen oppinut tällaisten kausien aikana rukoilemaan Hengessä, kunnes taakka kirpoaa. Kypsyys opettaa, että kyse on harvoin meistä itsestämme. Jumala etsii uskovia isiä ja äitejä, jotka seisovat muurinaukossa. ” Syvyys huutaa syvyydelle…” Lukekaa psalmi 42:6-8.
Joskus herään yöllä, menen ulos ja katselen yötaivasta. Huudan, anon kohti taivasta ja pyydän armoa vedoten Jeesus-Messiaan vereen, Häneen, joka opetti meille Tien. Rukoilen kaikkien niiden puolesta, jotka tunnemme ja joita rakastamme. Rukoilen ratkaisulaaksossa olevien sielujen puolesta, rukoilen kuolevien, sairaiden, yksinäisten, unohdettujen, velkaantuneiden, sodan runtelemien ja nälkää näkevien puolesta. Sidon menetyksen, sekaannuksen, abortin, kateuden, vihan, raivon ja tuhon henkiä. Pahan on hävittävä, haihduttava. Rukoilen tarkoin Pyhän Hengen johdon mukaisesti. Olen oppinut olemaan hiljaa ja toivomaan luottavaisesti saamani ymmärryksen ja ohjeistuksen mukaan. Opin hiljaa olemista. Teen parhaani, jotta elämäni puhuisi Hänen hyvyydestään. Hänen rauhansa käy yli kaiken ymmärryksen. Juuri se on meidän päivittäinen osamme kaikkina aikoina.
Israel on mikrokosmos maailmasta. Täälläkin asiat ovat pahalla tolalla. Koronaviruksen toinen aalto iski tänä kesänä. Hiljattain 16-vuotias tyttö joutui 30 israelilaisen raiskaamaksi maamme eteläosassa sijaitsevassa Eilatin kaupungissa. Presidentti Rivlin kutsui tätä hirvittävää, moraalitonta tekoa tahraksi meissä kansakuntana. Tahra merkitsee rikkomusta. Tämä hengellinen ja moraalinen tauti on sukupolvien välinen. Porno on salainen myrkky, jolla on voima tuhota sielu. Epäkunnioittava käytös polkee alleen inhimillisen säädyllisyyden ensin pahantekijöissä ja sitten kaikissa muissa.
USA – Yhdistyneet arabiemiirikunnat – Israel
Valokuvassa: Taivas Israelin ja Libanonin rajalla tällä viikolla
Elokuun 13. päivä Yhdysvaltain presidentti Donald Trump ilmoitti Israelin ja Yhdistyneiden arabiemiirikuntien (YAE) sopineen täysien diplomaattisuhteiden luomisesta. Ilmoitus edustaa suurta virstanpylvästä israelilaisille ja maltillisille arabeille. Se voisi olla diplomaattinen käännekohta Lähi-idässä. Kuten Israel myös YAE ovat pieni ja high-techin suhteen osaava valtio. Sitä pyörittävät maaseudulta kotoisin olevan ihmiset, jotka valitsivat opiskelun ja päättivät tulla johtaviksi nykyaikaisessa, muuttuvassa maailmassa. Kumpikaan kansakunta ei taivu mahtailevien
kiusantekijöiden edessä. Molemmat haluavat vapautta naapureidensa muslimien kahleista. YAE:lle tämä on uhmamielinen, rohkea ja urhea askel. He janoavat demokraattista elämäntapaa. Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeri Mike Pompeo kommentoi: ”Tämä on merkittävä saavutus kahdelle maailman eniten eteenpäin pyrkivälle, teknologisesti edistyneelle valtiolle. Se heijastaa niiden yhteistä paikallista visiota taloudellisesti integroituneesta alueesta.”
Iran – Venäjä – Kiina – Turkki – Libanon – Gaza
Iran vetelee naruista Lähi-idässä Turkin, Venäjän ja Kiinan tuella pitääkseen tämän alueen äärimmäiseen kaaokseen sotkeutuneena. Ne toimivat palestiinalaisjohdon, Syyrian, Libanonin ja Gazan parissa ympäröiden Israelia. Iranin mullahit ymmärtävät, että lopulta kuvittelematon on tapahtunut. Israel ja YAE toimivat vastedes yhdessä. Tämä on hirveä tuhoteko Iranille, koska se haluaa saada koko arabimaailman vastustamaan Israelia. Mikäli Irania ei pysäytetä, sillä tulee olemaan hallussaan ydinasevalmius lokakuun 18. päivä 2020. Kello tikittää, mutta näyttää siltä, että seinällä olevan kirjoituksen lukevat vain Yhdysvallat, Dominikaaninen tasavalta, Israel ja YAE; vaan ei YK!
Iranin etäasiamies, Libanonissa toimiva Hizbollah on sekaannuksen vallassa ja vaarallinen. Se hyökkäsi rajavartiopartiomme kimppuun tällä viikolla. Hizbollah on yhdistetty hiljattain tapahtuneeseen 2 750 tonnin ammoniumnitraatin räjähdykseen Beirutin satamassa. Valtaisa räjähdys johti 200 ihmisen kuolemaan, monien katoamiseen, 6 000 ihmisen haavoittumiseen ja 300 000 joutumiseen kodittomiksi. Kansainvälinen rikostuomioistuin päätyi 25 vuoden tutkinnan jälkeen siihen, että Hizbollahin edustaja oli syypää Libanonin entisen pääministerin Hararin murhaan. Tämä prosessi lienee maksanut miljardi dollaria?
Tämä selittää senkin, miksi tilanne Gazassa on johtanut väkivaltaisiin purkauksiin. Räjähteitä sisältäneet ilmapallot ovat polttaneet satoja hehtaareja viljelymaata Israelissa. Gazasta ammutut raketit pirstoivat erään miehen kodin kahteen osaan ja saivat siviiliväestön ryntäämään pommisuojiin. Gazalaiset ovat avanneet jäteviemäreitä, niin että heidän moskansa tulee Israeliin. Uskoisin tämän kertovan kaiken. Israel on pommittanut gazalaisten rakettiammuntapaikkoja, mutta selostaako teidän uutislähteenne syytä siihen? Vaan Gazassa on myös makeaakin hedelmää. Abdel Rahman al-Shantti on älykäs ja lahjakas 11-vuotias pois, joka räppää sujuvasti englanniksi ja pitää paljon NBA:sta, Amerikan koripalloliitosta. Hän laulaa naiivisti: ”Levitetään rakkautta meidän ja Israelin välille… ei ole syytä taistella ja sotia. Meidän tulee sallia suhteemme parantua parantumistaan.” Hän joutui perheensä kanssa kuumille kiville. He pelkäävät joutuvansa Hamasin vankilaan. Pyytäisittekö lapsianne ja lastenlapsianne rukoilemaan Abdelin puolesta! Harmikseni minulla ei ole kuvaa hänestä.
Palestiinalaisjohtajat eivät koskaan ole luopuneet valheiden ja vihan hönkäilemisestä Israelia vastaan. Terrori on tietenkin lisääntynyt. Johtoporras on villinä siitä, että YAE rohkenee liittyä vihollinen Israelin puolelle. Tällä viikolla 36-vuotias israelilainen puukotettiin kuoliaaksi keskellä kirkasta päivää. Tekijä oli palestiinalainen viiden lapsen isä, jolla oli israelilainen työlupa. Rukoilettehan tähän hulluuteen lukittujen viattomien palestiinalaisten puolesta.
Ja Turkki poraa nykyisin hyvin uhmakkaasti maakaasua raja-alueilla, jotka kuuluvat Kreikalle.
Eräs ystävämme kirjoittaa: ”Elokuun ensimmäinen on meidän kansallinen juhlapäivämme. Tuhat ihmistä kokoontui rukoilemaan Sveitsin puolesta. Sovimme rukouksessa, että täällä syntyy halu
palata uskomme heprealaisille juurille. Pyysimme, että kansakunnastamme tulee Israelin todellinen ystävä. Toivomme ja uskomme lujasti rukoustemme kantavan hedelmää.” BH Sveitsistä. Valokuvat Daavidin tähdestä ja menorasta otettiin vuosia sitten sveitsiläisten ystäviemme kodissa. He ajattelevat ilmeisesti Jumalan sydämen mukaisesti Israelista.
Syyria – Kanada – Israel
Uskaliaan työtehtävän kautta Mossadin vakooja, kanadalainen Judy Feld Carr ja Syyrian päärabbi Hamra kuljettivat yhdeksän harvinaista juutalaista tekstiä Israeliin. Niistä tuli kuuluisia nimellä ”Damaskoksen kruunut”. Vuonna 1993, näin kertoo Judy Carr yhteistyöstä rabbi Hamran kanssa, käsikirjoitukset saatettiin kanadalaisen diplomaatin haltuun, joka salakuljetti ne ulos Syyriasta mustassa, muovisessa ostoskassissa. Tämän kuolemaa uhmanneen, Assadin hallinnon ja terrorijärjestöjen silmien alla suoritetun operaation myötä nämä aarteet säästyivät tuholta ja häväistykseltä. Damaskoksen kruunut koostuvat Tanakista eli juutalaisesta Raamatusta, joka sisältää 24 kanonista kirjaa. Kyseinen versio oli kirjoitettu pergamentille 1400-luvulla ja se oli kuulunut Damaskoksen juutalaiselle seurakunnalle. Myös vuosien 1980 ja 1990 välisenä aikana rabbi Hamra huolehti yhdeksän Raamatun käsikirjoituksen, 40 toorarullan ja 32 koristeellisen toorasuojuksen salakuljetuksesta.
Israelin valtion muodostamista seuranneina vuosikymmeninä sikäläinen seurakunta pakeni, koska Syyriassa oli väkivaltaisia pogromeja, syrjiviä, antisemitistisiä lakeja sekä laajamittaista omaisuuden ryöstämistä. Vuoden 2019 jälkeen Syyriassa ei tiettävästi ole elänyt yhtäkään juutalaista, vaikka sikäläinen yhteisö oli kukoistanut vuosisatojen ajan.
Nykyisin nuo tuodut pyhät esineet ovat sijoitettuina Israelin kansalliskirjastoon ja Jerusalemin Heprealaisen yliopiston kirjastoon.
Jumala tekee työtään Nepalissa
Se työmuoto, jonka te autoitte perustamaan Nepaliin filmin ”Change Action Nepal – Nepalin mahdollisuus muutokseen” myötä, on keskeisen tärkeää. Kathmandun korkeimmassa oikeudessa työskentelevän asianajaja Dines Tripathin mukaan ”Taistelemme ihmisoikeuksia koskevia, etenkin lasten ihmiskauppaa seksiteollisuudelle koskevia rikoksia vastaan. Oikeus on jumittunut.”
Hiljattain Nepalista tuli kirje Indira Ghalelta, joka johtaa toimintaa Change Action Nepal eli Muutos – Toiminta – Nepal.
Rakkaat Mama ja Papa! Täällä eletään vaikeita aikoja. Menetin veljen, lääkärin, serkun ja enon koronaviruksen vuoksi. Yhä enemmän nepalilaisia kuolee itsemurhaan kuin koronaan. Siihen on tähän mennessä kuollut 25 000. Koronaan sairastuneet työntekijät lähetettiin kotiin Saudi-Arabiasta ja muista Lähi- idän maista, ja he ovat tartuttaneet kokonaisia yhteisöjä täällä. Rukoilettehan puolestamme. Rahat tulivat perille, kiitos. Suurin ongelma on se, että monet nepalilaiset näkevät nälkää. Me kulutamme suurimman osan ajastamme apua pyytävien ruokkimiseen. Suunnittelen aloittavani sosiaalialan tai maanviljelysalan yrityksen. Meidän on tarpeen perustaa oma tulonlähde, joka tukee meitä. Jumalan kyllä antaa viisautta. Kuljemme eteenpäin CAN-työssä, mutta kilpailu on hurjaa suurien kansalaisjärjestöjen kesken. Siltikin Jumala antaa mahdollisuuksia myös niille, joilla ei ole omaa ääntä ja ovat vailla toivoa. Rukoilemme aina, sillä koko maailma muuttuu yhä hullummaksi ja ihmiskauppa lisääntyy. Jumala on hyvä ja pitää meidät turvassa. Ymmärrämme yhä enemmän, että meidän pitää olla Jeesusta heijastavia. Kiitos Chris Rawlingsille, joka rakensi CANin nettisivut ja on ylläpitänyt niitä kaikki nämä vuodet. Rakastavin terveisin Indira.
Aika ylistää
Friends, I have saved the best until the last! This prayer is sung or recited Ystävät, olen säästänyt parhaan lopuksi! Tämä on rukous, joka lauletaan tai resitoidaan sapatin saapuessa perjantai-iltana. Kiireisen viikon jälkeen on käsillä hetki, jonka Jumala antoi meille lepoa ja Hänestä nauttimista varten.
”Rauha teille, te palvelevat enkelit, Kaikkein Korkeimman viestintuojat, Kuninkaitten Kuninkaan viestintuojat, olkoon Hän – Pyhä – siunattu. Astukaa sisään te rauhanviestintuojat, Kaikkein Korkeimman viestintuojat, Kuninkaitten Kuninkaan viestintuojat, Hän – Pyhä – olkoon siunattu.
Siunatkaa minua rauhalla, te rauhanviestintuojat, Kaikkein Korkeimman viestintuojat, Kuninkaitten Kuninkaan viestintuojat, olkoon Hän – Pyhä – siunattu. Menkää rauhassa, te rauhanviestintuojat, Kaikkein Korkeimman viestintuojat.
Runsaat juutalaisen uuden vuoden siunaukset lähettää Rawlingsien perhe! meridel.rawlings@gmail.com, +972 54 471 1786, Website: www: stillsmallvoice.tv
Alla olevan kauniin ylistyskappaleen lähetti meille rauhaa toivottaen kanalainen ystävä HB. Kiitos!
DearFriends who are listening; Elul/Tishri 5781 September 2020
The following scriptures come to mind as I prepare to write in this letter.
“He who sits in the heavens shall laugh.” Psalm 2:4
“Summer is ended and we are not saved.” Jeremiah 8:20
“My eyes overflow with rivers of water …” Lamentations 3:48
Teshuvah is the result of the tragedy taught in Exodus 32. It was a disastrous time for God’s people. Moses had been inThe Presence on the Mount. Now, returning to camp Joshua said to him, “It is not the noise of the shout of victory, nor the noise of defeat, but the sound of singing.” Exodus 32:18
A shocked Moses, his skin, still shining from his encounter with God looked on Israel’s idolatry in disbelief. A golden calf, was worshipped by drunk nude girating men. He had encountered heaven to face this hell. The tablets in his arms, held the keys to wisdom, good success and long life for his people. Heartbroken and in despair, he smashed them. He countered his brother for allowing it. Aaron’s feeble excuse was; “You know the people, their heart is set on doing evil.” Exodus 32:22
At that moment Israel was lost. Moses wanted out! But, God strengthens him to take responsibility for the backsliding nation. The wages of sin is death. Moses went into a period of mourning, seeking God again and interceding. He had to go back up the mountain. This is an example of Teshuvah – Repentance.
Why We pray
Our societies are not doing any better today. Selfishness and lust for power do not change. Only by submitting to the rule of the Living God can change be created in the human heart. Only the blood of Yeshua executes that delicate surgery. Messiah paid the price. Across the world, streets are filled with angry people and yes, some are peaceful protestors. They are often highjacked by wild, unrestrained thugs. Did you ever believe that you would live to see the day when Bibles are defiantly burned in the streets of America and Christians forbidden to go to church? Christians are at risk globally and anti-Semitism is a pandemic. In general all nations are compromised. Populations are held hostage. Our futures are obscured. Yet we believe our Father in heaven remains in charge. I fear for the evil doers and speakers, who are digging a pit for themselves. We all see the control, manipulation and blatant coverups. We know that truth has fallen into the streets. God says,”…I have made their streets desolate.” see Zephaniah 3:6 The contrast between good and evil is clearly discerned. It is diabolical. Even a child can can sense it. I pray for our world in crisis, and for its leaders. You could begin by praying Psalm 2 and John 14. Photo:Jay and Meridel Rawlings. “Young people can run fast, but old people know the way!” Jay has come through to health and strength for which we give great thank yous!
How We Pray
Jay’s and my experiences in prayer are very different. He rises early to spend time with the LORD. Taking his Bible with him into the garden to commune before the family gets up. I enjoy my “quiet time” but, lately I find myself wanting and needing to pray almost continually. Later we meet, (usually daily) to “agree together” and do spiritual warfare. When young, I would think when a burden came that it was about my life or family. But, God grows us past our self-centredness and meets our needs so that we can be available and open to His adgenda, His heart, thoughts and plans. But we must listen to the “Still Small Voice” and stop second guessing. I realized that I am experiencing “teshuvah-repentance” for myself first and for others. I have learned in seasons like this, to “pray in the Spirit” until the heaviness lifts. Maturity teaches that it is seldom about us. God is looking for mothers and fathers in the faith who will stand in the gap. “…Deep calls unto deep.” See Psalm 42:6-8. Sometimes I awaken during the night, go outside and gaze up into the night sky. I cry to heaven for mercy and plead the blood of Messiah-Yeshua-Jesus who taught us the Way. I pray for all whom we know and love. I pray for souls in the valley of decision: the dying, the sick, lonely, forgotten, those in debt, war torn and starving. I bind the spirits of loss and confusion, abortion, jealousy, hatred, wrath and destruction. Evil has to dissipate. I pray specifically as the Holy Spirit leads. I have learned to be quiet and I hope trustworthy with the understandings and instructions I receive. I am learning quietness. I do my best to let my life speak of His goodness. His Peace passes all understanding and this is our daily portion at all times.
Israel is a microcosm of the world. It is bad here too. A second wave of COVID-19 hit this summer. Recently a 16-year-old girl was raped by 30 Israelis in our southern city of Eilat. President Rivlin called this heinous act a “stain” upon us as a nation. “Stain” is “iniquity”. This spiritual and moral disease is generational. Porn is a secret poison. It has power to destroy the soul. Disrespect tramples human decency for the perpetrator first and then all others.
USA – United Arab Emirates – Israel
Photo: The skies over Israel-Lebanon this week. On the 13th of August, U.S. President Donald Trump announced that Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have agreed to establish full diplomatic relations. The announcement represents a major milestone for Israelis and moderate Arabs. It could be a diplomatic tipping point in the Middle East. The UAE like Israel is small and hi-tech savvy, run by rural people who chose to educate themselves and become leaders in the changing modern world. Neither peoples cower to bullies. Both want freedom from the shackles of Muslim neighbours. For the UAE it is a step of defiance, courage and bravery. They long for a democratic way of life. US Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo commented, “This is a remarkable achievement for two of the world’s most forward leaning, technologically advanced states. It reflects their shared regional vision of an economically integrated region.”
Iran – Russia – China – Turkey – Lebanon – Gaza
Iran pulls the strings in a Middle East supported by Turkey, Russia and China to keep this region embroiled in utter chaos. They are at work in the PA, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza, encircling Israel. Iran’s Mullah’s understand that finally the unthinkable has happened. Israel and the United Arab Emirates are going to work together. This is a disaster for Iran because they want to move the entire Arab world against Israel. Unless stopped, Iran will have full nuclear capability by October 18, 2020. The clock is ticking, but the only nations who seem to read the hand writing on the wall are the US, the Dominican Republic, Israel and the UAE, but not the UN!”
Iran’s proxy, Hezbulloh in Lebanon is in confusion and dangerous. They attacked our border patrol this week. They have been linked to the recent blast when 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate ignited in Beirut’s port. The enormous blast left 200 dead, many missing, 6,000 wounded and 300,000 homeless. The International Criminal Court after 25 years of investigation decided a Hezbulloh operative was guilty of the assignation of Lebanon’s former Prime Minister Mr. Harrari. This process cost one billion dollars?
This also explains why Gaza has erupted. Balloons with explosives have burned thousands of acres of farmland in Israel. Their rockets cut one man’s home in half and sent civilian populations racing for bomb shelters. They have opened their sewers to spew their filth into Israel. I think that says it all. Israel has bombed their rocket sites, but does your news service explain why? But, there is still sweet fruit in Gaza. Abdel Rahman al-Shantti is a bright and talented 11-year-old Gazan boy raps in fluent English and loves the NBA. He naively sings about “spreading love between us and Israel …no reason for fighting and wars. We need to let our relationship become better and better.” It landed him in hot water with his family, for fear they could be locked up in a Hamas jail. Will you ask your little children and grandchildren to pray for Abdel? Sorry I have no photo.
The Palestinian leaders have never ceased to breathe out lies and hatred against Israel. Of course terror has increased. The leadership is wild that the UAE dares to join forces with their enemy Israel.This week a 36-year-old Israeli was stabbed and killed in broad daylight by a Palestinian father of six, who held an Israeli work permit. Please pray for the innocent Palestinians who are locked into this madness.
And Turkey full of bravado is actually drilling for natural gas within the boundaries that belong to Greece.
And, from one of our friends, “August the 1st is our national holiday. One thousand people, came together to pray for Switzerland. We agreed in prayer that there will be a desire to return to the Hebrew roots of our faith. We asked that our nation would be a true friend to Israel. We hope and believe very much that our prayers will bear fruit.” B H, Switzerland The photo of the stars of David and the menorah were taken in the homes of Swiss friends in year. They are obviously supporters of God’s heart for Israel.
Syria – Canada – Israel
In a daring mission, a Mossad spy, Canadian Judy Feld Carr and Rabbi Hamra, the Chief Rabbi of Syria extradited nine rare Jewish texts to Israel. They became known as the “Damascus Crowns”. In 1993 Ms Carr said that she worked with Rabbi Hamra to get one of the manuscripts to a Canadian diplomat, who slipped it out of Syria in a black plastic shopping bag. This death-defying mission in the face the Assad regime or any Islamic terror groups spared the destruction or desecration of these treasures. The “Damascus Crowns” consist of the Tanach or the Jewish Bible, which encompasses Judaism’s 24 canonical books. This edition was written on parchment in the 13th century CE and was the property of the Damascus’ Jewish community. Again In the 1980s and 1990s, Rabbi Hamra Hamra oversaw the clandestine removal of nine bible manuscripts, 40 Torah scrolls, and 32 ornamental boxes that housed the Torahs. During the decades following the establishment of the State of Israel due to brutal pogroms in Syria, discriminatory anti-Semitic laws and wide-scale property theft, the Community fled. As of 2019, there were no known Jews living in Syria, despite the fact that it had been home to a thriving community for centuries. Now these holy items are housed in the Israel National Library and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Library.
God at Work in Nepal
The work you helped us found in Nepal through the film “Change Action Nepal continue to be vital. According to advocate Dinesh Tripathi, who sits in the Supreme Court in Kathmandu, “Today we are battling crimes against humanity in the area of child sex trafficking There is a blockade of justice.” Photo: Indira Ghale and Meridel
The following recent letter is from Nepali Indira Ghale who heads up the ministry “Change Action Nepal”.
“Dear MaMa and Papa: It is a hard time here. I have lost my brother, a doctor, a cousin and an uncle with COVID. More Nepalese die here of suicide than Corona which has taken 25,000 so far. Workers with Corona were sent home from Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries and have infected whole communities here. Pray for us. I received the funds thank you. The biggest problem is that many Nepalese are starving and we spend most of our time feeding those who call for help. I am thinking of setting up a social or agricultural business. We need to create our own income to help sustain us. God will bring wisdom.
We are also moving forward in CAN, but competition is fierce among the big NGO’s. Still God is also giving the opportunity to those who are voiceless and who lose hope. We are praying always because the whole world is becoming more crazy and trafficking is increasing. God is good and He is keeping us safe. We realize more and more that we must be a reflection of Jesus. Thank you to Chris Rawlings (see photo) who built and continues to keep the CAN website active all these years.” Love from Indira
Time to worship
Friends, I have saved the best until the last! This prayer is sung or recited as the Shabbat comes in on a Friday evening. After a busy week, it is the moment God gave us to rest and enjoy Him.
“Peace be with you, ministering angels, messengers of the Most High, Messengers of the King of Kings, the Holy One, Blessed be He. Come in peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High, Messengers of the King of Kings, the Holy One, Blessed be He. Bless me with peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High, Messengers of the King of Kings, the Holy One, Blessed be He. Go in peace, messengers of peace, messengers of the Most High,”
This beautiful worship music below was sent for our peace from a Canadian friend, HB. Thank you.
Every blessing this Jewish New Year from the Rawlings family. meridel.rawlings@gmail.com, +972 54 471 1786, Website: www: stillsmallvoice.tv
Here is nice choir music to share with you, enjoy!
Jeesus opetti Markuksen evankeliumin kohdassa 13: 28 – 31 miksi meidän on tarpeen olla valppaita ja rukoilla.
Kuvassa Meridel, Josh ja Jay heidän poikansa 45-vuotissyntymäpäivänä.
”Oppikaa viikunapuusta tämä vertaus: kun sen oksa virkoaa ja lehdet puhkeavat, te tiedätte, että kesä on lähellä [toukokuun 14. päivä 1948 Israel syntyi jälleen kansakuntana 2 000 vuoden jälkeen]. Samoin nähdessänne tämän tapahtuvan tietäkää, että se aika on lähellä, oven edessä. Totisesti minä sanon teille: tämä sukupolvi ei katoa, ennen kuin tämä kaikki tapahtuu. Taivas ja maa katoavat, mutta minun sanani eivät koskaan katoa.”
”…kun HERRA rakentaa Siionin ja ilmestyy – [tämä on kirjoitettu tulevalle sukupolvelle – dor ah ha roan, hepreaksi: viimeiselle sukupolvelle] Tämä kirjoitettakoon tulevalle sukupolvelle, ja kansa, joka vastaisuudessa luodaan, on ylistävä Herraa.” Psalmi 102:17-19
Jeesus opetti Mitäpä tekisimme, jos emme voisi rukoilla? Rukous on aina ollut keskeinen seikka elämässämme, mutta nyt se on ensiarvoisen tärkeä 24/7 elämäntapa. Olen varma, että te uskolliset ystävät, koette tuota samaa kutsumusta aivan kuten mekin. Jay ja minä sovimme toimia yhdessä kiitoksesta käsin. Huolimatta näkemästämme ja kuulemastamme aloitamme ylistämäll ja ennen muuta sillä. Kiitollisuus täyttää sydämemme ja mielemme. Rauha on meille kuuluva osa. Rukoilemme sitä samaa jokaiselle teistä. Huomaan lausuvani äänen ”kiitos” päivän mittaan.
Jay palasi Share Tzedek -sairaalaan tänä aamuna hänen sydämensä lyödessä epäsäännöllisesti. Hän on kärsinyt kahden viikon ajan, joten tänään olemme kiitollisia hänen pääsystään sairaalaan. Hän saa tarvitsemansa huolenpidon. Jayn sydän löi 110 kertaa minuutissa, mutta rukouksen jälkeen syke laski 72 kertaan ja tänä aamuna se oli 58. Kyllä, olemme kiitollisia, vaikka syke on yhä epäsäännöllinen. Pyydän nöyrästi tällä kertaa teitä rukoilemaan – anna anteeksi Isä – toivon että te, ystävämme, rakastatte meitä silloinkin, kun olemme heikkoja ja haavoittuvaisia, aivan kuten muukin ihmiskunta. Kannattehan Jaytä rukouksissanne välittömästi. Kiitos.
Kirjanpitäjä, joka 17 vuoden ajan hoiti Jerusalem Vistas / Israel Vision -yrityksen tilejä, lopetti työnsä eilen, koska meillä ei enää ole rahaa maksaa hänen palkkaansa. Se on yksi niistä monista muutoksista, joita täällä tapahtuu. Vaan muutos voi kannustaa meitä aina vain eteenpäin. Katsotaan, mitä Jumala tekee meille. Gideonin joukkoa pienennettiin ennen voittoa.
Yksi taiteilija lisää joukkoomme
Danielin morsian Shelly on saanut opetusta viimeksi kuluneiden kuukausien aikana, ja hän ryhtyy hoitamaan kirjanpitoa, kunnes löytyy pysyvämpi ratkaisu. Hän on lahjakas liikenainen. Näin muutamia hänen tekemiään maalauksia ensi kertaa tällä viikolla. Hän on myös muotokuvamaalari. Shelly lempiaiheita ovat Jumalan taivas, näkyvä taivas, pilvet ja tähdet.
Kuva Shellystä ja hänen maalauksestaan Tähtien katselu.
Koronaviruksen aiheuttama sota Israelissa
Helle on voimistunut Israelissa! Lämpötila on yli 32° Celsiusta Jerusalemissa. Joka päivä 1 000 ihmistä otetaan sairaaloittemme koronaklinikoille. Sairaalat toimivat yli 100 % teholla. Israel, jolla oli paras tilanne koronan suhteen maaliskuussa, on nyt 6. sijalla maailman koronatartunnoissa. Rukoillaan toistemme ja kansakuntien sekä niiden ihmisten puolesta, joiden henki on vaarassa.
Israel valmistautuu korona-alijaan
Hyvä ystävämme Howard Flower, joka johtaa alijatoimintaa Kansainvälisen kristillisen suurlähetystön puolesta Pietarissa Venäjällä, lähetti minulle tämän katkelman Ha’aretzista tänä aamuna.
Israelin johtajat ennakoivat koronavirusalijaa pandemian aiheuttaman taloustaantuman suorana seurauksena. Viranomaisten mukaan koronavirus on iskenyt diasporajuutalaisiin erityisen kovasti. Maaliskuun lopulla 13 % tartunnan saaneista New Yorkissa oli
haredijuutalaisia. Huhtikuun lopulla Marokossa koronaan kuolleiden joukosta 10 % oli juutalaisia. Heidän osuutensa väestöstä on vain 0,01%. Britanniassa toukokuun puolivälissä juutalaiset muodostivat 5 % koronaan kuolleista. Heidän kuolleisuutensa määrä oli nelinkertainen väestöosuuteen suhteutettuna.
Tällaiset luvut ovat horjuttaneet diasporassa asuvien juutalaisten henkilökohtaista turvallisuudentunnetta. Myös lisääntyvä antisemitismi heikentää diasporassa eläviä juutalaisyhteisöjä. Ensimmäinen kirjani ”Fishers and Hunters – Kalastajia ja metsästäjiä”, kertoo maailman juutalaisyhteisöihin suuntautuneista matkoistamme, joilla kehotimme heitä tulemaan kotiin.
”Pohjois-Amerikasta tehtiin heinäkuussa peräti 3 236 maahanmuuttoanomusta. Se on Maahanmuuttoministerion mukaan seitsemänkertainen määrä verrattuna edelliseen vuoteen. Ranskassa tehtiin 731 anomusta, mikä merkitsee 269 % lisäystä edelliseen vuoteen. Latinalaisesta Amerikasta tulleiden anomusten määrä kaksinkertaistui ja oli määrältään 583.
Viranomaiset sanovat, että noin 95 % kaikista uusista anojista muuttaa Israeliin. Vuodelle 2021 he ennakoivat noin 48 000 uutta maahanmuuttajaa. Määrää voi verrata viime vuosien lukuihin, jotka ovat keskimäärin olleet 30 000 – 32 000 tulijaa. Viranomaiset arvioivat vuoden 2021 jälkeen lukumäärän olevan keskimäärin 45 000 – 50 000 vuosittain.
Vastauksena tilanteeseen maahanmuuttoministeri Pnina Tamano-Shata ja johtavat viranomaiset ovat ryhtyneet valmistelemaan ohjelmaa. ”Maahanmuuttajista muodostuu talouskasvua tuottava moottori, ja se edistää taloutta. Maahanmuutto on Israelin valtion tukipilari ja se on yhä sen peruslähtökohta.” kirjoitti Hagit Amit
Sota Israelin pohjoisosissa
”Tämän viikon Israel pysyy hälytystilassa. Libanon on luhistumaisillaan, ja 80 % sen väestöstä on nälissään. Mikäpä olisi parempi hetki Hizbollah-järjestölle ryhtyä taistelemaan. Siellä elävillä köyhillä ihmisillä ei ole turvaa eikä suojelua. Etelä- Beirutissa lähes kaikki sotilaskohteet sijaitsevat yksityiskodeissa, sairaanhoidon keskuksissa, kirkoissa, pikaruokapaikoissa ja avoimilla alueilla.” Näin raportoi TPS.
”Israelilainen tutkimuskeskus Alma Research and Education Center löysi lukuisia ohjusten laukaisupaikkoja, jotka Hizbollahin terroristit olivat sijoittaneet tiheään asutetuille siviilialueille. Hizbollah jatkaa piilottelua siviiliväestön taustalla, eli käyttää heitä ihmiskilpinä. Suurimpia keskittymiä ovat Beirut, Beqaan laakso ja Etelä-Libanon. Hizbollah suunnittelee laukaisevansa niihin sijoitetut aseet Israelissa sijaitseviin asutuskeskuksiin. Terroristit ovat piileskelleet jo vuosikymmeniä siviilialueille tai asuintalojen sivurakennuksissa tietystä syystä. He uskovat tämän taktiikan turvaavan Israelin puolustusvoimien vastaiskuilta. Tällä viikolla Israel vastasi Hizbollahin Golanilla tekemään tunkeutumiseen voimalla. Hizbollah kiistää tämän, tietenkin.” Kirjoitti Jakir Benzion, United with Israel.
Kun näkee, niin uskoo!
Israelissa kehitetty keinotekoinen sarveiskalvo tulee mullistamaan sarveiskalvojen siirrot, ilmoitti biotekniikkayhtiö CorNeat tällä viikolla. ”Sarveiskalvo on väritön ulkokerros silmän etuosassa. Se auttaa silmää keskittämään valon. Meidän välineillämme siirtoistutus ei ole riippuvainen kudoslahjoittajan kalvosta, ja itse operaatio voidaan suorittaa alle tunnissa. Uskomme miljoonien sokeiden potilaiden eri puolilla maailmaan saavan näkönsä takaisin.” sanoi yksi keksijöistä, CorNeat-silmäklinikan ylilääkäri tri Gilad Litvin.
Kuuluisa kanadalainen silmälääkäri, professori David Rootman, joka on opettanut lähes sataa sarveiskalvospesialistia eri puolilla maailmaa, sanoi: ”Tämä uusi keino tulee mullistamaan sarveiskalvojen siirrot. Yhdysvalloissa tehdään vuosittain yli 44 000 sarveiskalvon siirtoleikkausta, ja on esiintynyt uutta pelkoa koronaviruksen tarttumisesta kaikissa ihmiskudoksia hyödyntävissä siirto-operaatioissa. CorNeatin uusi keinotekoinen sarveiskalvo poistaa tuon ongelman.”
Yhtiö on saanut luvan aloittaa testit ihmisillä tänä vuonna Israelissa 10 sokealla potilaalla, jotka eri syistä eivät ole ehdolla sarveiskalvosiirtoihin. Muutamille on tehty yksi tai useampia ihmiskudosta hyödyntänyttä operaatioita, mutta ne ovat epäonnistuneet. Lisätestejä suoritetaan myöhemmin tänä vuonna Kanadan ja Yhdysvaltojen kahdeksassa johtavassa sairaalassa.
Kaivauksissa tuli esiin runsas aarrelöytö 2 700 vuoden takaa
Israelilaiset arkeologit kaivoivat esiin Jerusalemista löytökohdan, joka on peräisin ajalta 2 700 vuotta sitten, eli raamatullisen kuningas Hiskian ja ensimmäisen temppelin ajalta. Läheltä Yhdysvaltain suurlähetystöä Jerusalemista löydettiin hiljattain yli 120 ruukkujen sankoihin tehtyä sinettileimaa. Ne ovat peräisin Juudan kuninkaiden ajalta. Monissa ruukkujen sangoissa oli hepreaksi arvonimi melech eli kuningas. Tuolloin paikalliset asukkaat maksoivat veronsa oliiviöljynä ja viininä. Tri Juval Baruch, Israelin antiikkivirastosta (Israel Antiquities Authority, IIA) totesi: ”Arnonassa tehtyjen arkeologisten löytöjen perusteella tunnistamme Juudan kuningaskunnan loppuvaiheita ja sen historiallisesti tärkeimmän keskuspaikan. Pystymme myös havaitsemaan paluun Siioniin, joka tapahtui vuosikymmeniä tuon kuningaskunnan tuhoutumisen jälkeen. Kirjoittaja on Ezra Stone, United with Israel.
Loppupäätelmä kaikesta
Kuka voi teitä vahingoittaa, jos teilla on intoa hyvään? Mutta vaikka joutuisittekin kärsimään vanhurskauden tähden, olette autuaita. Älkää pelätkö, mitä he pelkäävät, älkääkä säikkykö, vaan pyhittäkää Herra Kristus sydämessänne ja olkaa aina valmiit vastaaman kaikille, jotka kysyvät teiltä, mihin toivonne perustuu. Vastatkaa kuitenkin lempeästi ja kunnioittavasti ja pitäkää itsellänne hyvä omatunto, jotta ne, jotka puhuvat pahaa teidän hyvästä vaelluksestanne Kristuksessa, joutuisivat häpeään siinä, mistä he teitä panettelevat. Onhan parempi, jos niin on Jumalan tahto, kärsiä hyväntekijänä kuin pahantekijänä. 1. Piet 3:13-17
Lähetän rakkaudelliset terveiset perheemme puolesta täältä
meidän kodistamme teidän koteihinne.
Siunaavin terveisin Meridel Rawlings ja perhe
Maalauksen on tehnyt taitelija Shelly Bandel.
”Taivaat julistavat Jumalan kunniaa, taivaankansi ilmoittaa hänen kättensä tekoja. Päivä lausuu päivälle sanan, yö ilmoittaa yölle tiedon. Se ei ole puhetta eikä sanoja, joiden ääni ei kuuluisi. Niiden ääni ulottuu yli koko maan ja niiden sanat maanpiirin ääriin.” Psalmi 19:1-5
Jesus lehrte in Markus 13,28-31, warum wir wachen und beten sollen.
Foto links: Meridel, Josh und Jay an seinem 45. Geburtstag
«Lernt etwas aus dem Vergleich mit dem Feigenbaum! Sobald seine Zweige saftig werden und Blätter treiben, erkennt ihr, dass der Sommer nahe ist (14. Mai 1948, Israel wurde nach 2’000 Jahren wiedergeboren als Nation). So erkennt auch ihr, wenn ihr das geschehen seht, dass er nahe vor der Tür ist. Amen, ich sage euch: Diese Generation wird nicht vergehen, bis das alles geschieht. Himmel und Erde werden vergehen, aber meine Worte werden nicht vergehen.»
«Denn der Herr wird Zion wieder aufbauen und dort erscheinen in seiner Herrlichkeit.Dies soll man aufschreiben für eine spätere Generation (dor ah ha roan – hebräisch für die letzte Generation), und so wird ein Volk, das erst noch geschaffen wird, den Herrn preisen.» Psalm 102,17 + 19
Was würden wir tun, wenn wir nicht beten könnten? Das Gebet war immer sehr zentral in unseren Leben, aber jetzt ist es zu einem unerlässlichen 24/7 Lebensstil geworden. Ich bin sicher, unsere treuen Freunde, dass ihr diesen Ruf genauso empfangen habt wie wir. In tiefer Dankbarkeit stimmen Jay und ich darin überein. Egal was wir sehen, hören und erleben, wir preisen zuallererst unseren Gott. Dankbarkeit erfüllt unsere Herzen und Sinne. Friede ist unser Anteil. Wir beten dasselbe für jeden von euch. Ich beobachte mich immer wieder, wie ich während des Tages laut «danke» sage.
Jay musste heute Morgen zurück ins Share Tzdek Spital, immer nochmit einem unregelmässigen Herzschlag. Bereits seit zwei Wochen leidet er daran, deshalb sind wir sehr dankbar, dass er heute aufgenommen wird. Er wird die notwendige Aufmerksamkeit und Pflege erhalten, welche er jetzt braucht. Sein Herz schlug 110 mal pro Minute, und nachdem wir gebetet hatten, kam es herunter auf 72 Schläge, und heute Morgen waren es 58. Ja, wir sind dankbar, aber es schlägt immer noch unregelmässig. Es ist demütigend für mich, euch zu diesem Zeitpunkt um Gebet zu bitten, Vater bitte vergib mir, aber ich hoffe, dass ihr, unsere Freunde, uns auch liebt, wenn wir schwach und verletzlich sind, so wie auch der Rest der Menschheit ist. Bitte bringt Jay gerade jetzt im Gebet vor Gott. Danke.
Unsere langjährige Buchhalterin, welche 17 Jahre für uns gearbeitet hat, beendete gestern ihren letzten Arbeitstag bei uns. Der Grund ist, dass es Jerusalem Vistas/Israel Vision nicht länger möglich ist, ihr ein Salär zu bezahlen. Dies ist nur eine von vielen Veränderungen, welche hier stattfinden. Aber Veränderungen können uns anspornen, vorwärts zu gehen. Lasst uns herausfinden, was Gott mit uns tun will. Gideon musste die Zahl seiner Soldaten reduzieren, bevor sie den Sieg erleben konnten.
Eine weitere Künstlerin in unserer Mitte
Die Verlobte von Daniel, Shelly, wurde im letzten Monat ausgebildet, damit es ihr möglich ist, unsere Buchhaltung zu übernehmen, bis wir eine dauerhafte Lösung gefunden haben. Sie ist eine begabte Geschäftsfrau. Ich sah diese Woche zum ersten Mal einige ihrer Gemälde. Sie ist auch eine Porträt Malerin. Ihre grösste Passion aber ist es, die Fimamente, den Himmel, Wolken und Sterne zu malen.
Foto: Shelly’s Selbstporträt, Star Gazing
Krieg des Corona Virus in Israel
Die Hitze steigt hier in Israel. In Jerusalem sind die Temperaturen in den hohen 30plus Grad. Etwa 1000 Seelen müssen jeden Tag mit Corona in die Spitaleinrichtungen eintreten. Die Krankenhäuser haben bereits über 100% ihrer Aufnahmefähigkeit erreicht. Israel, mit seiner besten Erfolgsbilanz im März, ist jetzt nur noch die Nummer 6 der Welt im erneuten Corona Wiederanstieg. Lasst uns füreinander beten, und auch für die Nationen und Menschenleben, welche in Gefahr sind.
Israels Vorbereitungen für die «Coronavirus Alija» (Heim- oder Rückkehr der Juden nach Israel)
Unser lieber Freund Howard Flower leitet den Alija Empfangsschalter im International Christian Embassy (Internationale Christliche Botschaft) in Sankt Petersburg, Russland. Er sandte mir diesen Artikel aus der Ha’aretz (Tageszeitung) diesen Morgen.
Israels Vorsitzende prognostizieren eine Coronavirus Alija, das direkte Resultat auf die wirtschaftliche Notlage, welche durch die Pandemie erzeugt wurde. Die Jüdische Diaspora (Zerstreuung der Juden) wurde besonders stark betroffen von COVID-19, sagen die offiziellen Amtspersonen. Ende März waren 13% von den Infizierten in New York «Haredim» (streng orthodoxe aschkenasische Juden). Ende April waren 10% von den Coronavirus Verstorbenen in Marokko Juden. Sie machen gerade 0,01% aus von der ganzen Bevölkerung. In England waren bis Mitte Mai 5% der Corona Toten Juden. Ihre Sterbensrate betrug viermal so viel wie der Anteil der ganzen Bevölkerung. Diese Zahlenangaben haben die Diaspora-Juden verunsichert. Dazu kommt noch der wachsende Antisemitismus, welcher die Diaspora-Juden-Gemeinden schwächt. Mein erstes Buch Fishers and Hunters (Fischer und Jäger) verfolgt die Reisen der Jüdischen Gemeinden weltweit, bei welchen wir die Juden dazu aufgerufen haben, heimzukommen.
Nicht weniger als 3’236 Einwanderungsanträge von Nordamerika wurden im Juli gestellt; eine 7-fache Steigerung gegenüber dem Vorjahr, gemäss des Immigration and Absorption Ministry (Einwanderungs- und Integrations Ministerium). In Frankreich wurden 731 Gesuche eingereicht, eine 269%ige Steigerung gegenüber letzten Jahr. In Latein-Amerika wurde die Zahl von 583 verdoppelt.
Die Behörden sagen, dass ungefähr 95% von allen Gesuchstellern schlussendlich nach Israel einwandern. Im 2021 erwarten sie etwa 48’000 neue Einwanderer. Diese Zahl ist vergleichbar mit 30’000 bis 32’000 jährlich in den letzten Jahren. Die Behörden sprechen von einer steigenden Rate, die ab 2021 mit 45’000 bis 50’000 pro Jahr fortdauern wird.
Als Antwort darauf haben der Einwanderungsminister Pnina Tamano-Shata und die höheren Beamten begonnen, ein Programm vorzubereiten. «Die Einwanderer werden den Motor des Wirtschaftswachstums steigern, und das Fortschreiten der Wirtschaft bewirken. Einwanderung ist die Grundlage des Staates Israels und bleibt seine Basis.» Von Hagit Amit
Krieg im Norden Israels
Diese Woche verbleibt Israel «high alert» (in hoher Alarmbereitschaft). Der Libanon steht nahe an einem Kollaps, da 80% seiner Bevölkerung an Hunger leidet. Was für eine gute Gelegenheit für die Hisbollah, einen Streit zu entfachen. Die armen Leute haben keine Sicherheit und keinen Schutz. Im südlichen Beirut sind fast alle militärischen Einrichtungen in privaten Häusern, medizinischen Zentren, Kirchen, Fast-Food Ketten und offenen Plätzen. Von TPS
Das israelische Alma Research and Education Center hat mehrere Raketen-Abschussbasen gefunden, welche durch die Hisbollah Terroristenorganisation in zivilen Gebieten mit einer hohen Bevölkerungsdichte eingesetzt wurden. Sie fahren fort, sich hinter der zivilen Bevölkerung zu verstecken, indem sie sie als menschliche Schutzschilder missbrauchen. Die höchste Konzentration ist in Beirut, das Beqaa Valley und im südlichen Libanon. Die Hisbollah plant, diese Waffen gegen unsere Zivilbevölkerung und dichtbevölkerten Zentren im Inneren von Israel einzusetzen. Terroristen fahren seit Jahrzehnten fort, sich an zivilen Orten oder in der Nähe von Wohngebäuden zu verbergen, aus folgendem Grund: Die Hisbollah glaubt, dass diese Taktik ihre Immunität garantiert gegenüber den Gegenschlägen des IDF’s (Israelischen Verteidigungskräfte). In den Golanhöhen antwortete Israel auf einen feindlichen Einfall der Hisbollah mit Gewalt. Die Hisbollah leugnet den Angriff, wie immer. (Von Yakir Benzion, United With Israel)
Sehen ist glauben!
Ein Israeli entwickelte eine künstliche Augenhornhaut, welche die weltweite Augenhornhaut-Transplantation revolutionieren wird. Die Bio-Tech Firma CorNeat kündigte dieses Ereignis diese Woche an. «Die Augenhornhaut ist die durchsichtige Aussenhaut an der Vorderseite des Auges, das dem Auge hilft, sich auf das Licht zu fokussieren. Unser Plan der Einpflanzungsprozedur verlässt sich nicht auf Spenderstoffe und dauert weniger als eine Stunde zur Durchführung. Wir erwarten Millionen von blinden Patienten rund um die Welt, welche so ihre Sehkraft wiedererlangen,» sagt K-Pro Inventor Dr. Gilad Litvin, CorNeat Vision’s Chief Medical Officer.
Professor David Rootman, ein weltberühmter kanadischer Augenarzt, welcher fast hundert Augenhornhaut-Spezialisten aus der ganzen Welt ausgebildet hat, sagte, «die neue Anordnung ist souverän, um die Augenhornhaut-Transplantationen zu revolutionieren. Mit mehr als 44’000 Augenhornhaut-Transplantationen, welche jedes Jahr in den USA durchgeführt wurden und mit der neuen Angst vor einer Virus Übertragung von der COVID-19 Pandemie, welche sich auf alles bezieht, was das menschliche Gewebe betrifft, überwindet CorNeat’s neue künstliche Augenhornhaut dieses Problem».
Das Unternehmen ist anerkannt und kann schon in diesem Jahr menschliche Teste in Israel an 10 blinden Patienten vornehmen, die aus verschiedenen Gründen keine Kandidaten für eine Augenhornhaut-Transplantation sind. Einige davon hatten schon eine oder mehrere Transplantationen hinter sich, welche fehlgeschlagen sind. Zusätzliche Teste werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt noch in diesem Jahr in acht führenden Spitälern von Kanada und den Vereinigten Staaten vorgenommen.
Fund eines 2’700 Jahre alten Schatzes ausgegraben
Israelische Archäologen entdecken während einer Ausgrabung in Jerusalem einen Gegenstand, welcher rückwirkend auf 2’700 Jahre datiert ist, zur Zeit vom biblischen König Hiskia, während des Zeitalters des ersten Tempels. Über 120 Siegelabdrucke, welche auf die Handgriffe eines Krugs geprägt wurden, entdeckte man in der Nähe des Botschaftsgebäudes der USA in Jerusalem. Sie sind datiert aus der Epoche der judäischen Königen. Viele Griffe tragen das hebräische Prädikat «Für den König». Der Prophet Jesaja erlebte die Regierungszeiten von fünf Königen, inklusiv König Hiskia. Zu jener Zeit zahlten ortsansässige Einwohner ihre Steuern in Form von Olivenoel oder Wein. Dr. Yuval Baruch, Archäologe der Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) sagte: «Die archäologischen Entdeckungen von Arnona identifizieren die wichtigste Stelle als Schlüsselstandort in der Geschichte der letzten Tage des Königreichs von Judäa. Wir können auch die Jahrzehnte der Rückkehr nach Zion verfolgen, nach der Zerstörung des Königreichs». Von Ezra Stone, United with Israel
Die Schlussfolgerung der ganzen Angelegenheit
Und wer wird euch Böses zufügen, wenn ihr euch voll Eifer um das Gute bemüht? Aber auch wenn ihr um der Gerechtigkeit willen leidet, seid ihr seligzupreisen. Fürchtet euch nicht vor ihnen und lasst euch nicht erschrecken, heiligt vielmehr in eurem Herzen Christus, den Herrn! Seid stets bereit, jedem Rede und Antwort zu stehen, der von euch Rechenschaft fordert über die Hoffnung, die euch erfüllt; antwortet aber bescheiden und ehrfürchtig, denn ihr habt ein reines Gewissen, damit jene, die euren rechtschaffenen Lebenswandel in Christus in schlechten Ruf bringen, wegen ihrer Verleumdungen beschämt werden. Denn es ist besser, für gute Taten zu leiden, wenn es Gottes Wille ist, als für böse. 1. Petrus 3,13-17
Im Namen unserer Familie sende ich euch unsere Liebe aus unserem Zuhause in euer Zuhause.
Segensgrüsse von Meridel Rawlings und Familie
Shelly Bandel artist
«Die Himmel erzählen die Herrlichkeit Gottes, und das Himmelsgewölbe verkündigt das Werk seiner Hände.
Es fließt die Rede Tag für Tag, Nacht für Nacht tut sich die Botschaft kund.
Es ist keine Rede und es sind keine Worte, deren Stimme unhörbar wäre.
Ihre Reichweite erstreckt sich über die ganze Erde, und ihre Worte bis ans Ende des Erdkreises.»
Jesus taught in Mark 13:28-31 why we need to watch and pray.
Photo: Meridel, Josh and Jay on his 45th birthday.
“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near [May 14, 1948, Israel was reborn as a nation after 2,000 years.] When you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass way.”
“For the LORD will rebuild Zion and appear this is written for a future generation, [dor ah ha roan Hebrew for the last generation] that a people not yet created shall praise the LORD:” Psalm 102:16-18
What would we do if we couldn’t pray? Prayer has always been central to our lives, but now it is a vital 24/7 lifestyle. I am sure you, our faithful friends, are experiencing this calling just as we are. Jay and I agree together from a place of thanksgiving. No matter what we see and hear and experience we give praise first and foremost. Gratefulness fills our hearts and minds and peace is our portion. We pray the same for each one of you. I find myself saying “thank you” out loud through out the day.
Jay went back into Share Tzdek Hospital this morning with an irregular heartbeat. He has been suffering for two weeks now, so we are thankful today has arrived. He will get the attention he needs. His heart was beating at 110 beats per minute, but after prayer, it came down to 72 and this morning it was 58. Yes, we are grateful, but it remains irregular. It is humbling for me to ask for your prayers at this time, forgive me Father because I hope you, our friends will love us even when we are weak and vulnerable, just like the rest of humanity. Will you please lift Jay up in prayer immediately. Thank you.
Our long term book keeper of 17 years was terminated yesterday because Jerusalem Vistas/Israel Vision can no longer afford to pay her salary. This is just one of many changes taking place here. But, change can spur us ever onward. Let’s see what God will do with us. Gideon was reduced before the victory.
Another Artist in our Midst
Daniel’s fiancé Shelly, has been tutored for the last month and take over the bookkeeping until a more permanent solution can be found. She is a gifted business woman. I saw some of her paintings for the first time this week. She is also a portrait artist. Her passion is painting the heavens, sky, clouds and stars.
Shelly’s self portrait of her painting, Star Gazing.
Corona Virus War in Israel.
The heat is being turned up in Israel! The temperatures are in the high 90’s in Jerusalem. A 1000 souls a day are being admitted to corona facilities in our hospitals. The hospitals have reached over 100% capacity. Israel who had the best track record in March, is now at number 6 in the world for the resurgence of Corona. Let us pray for one another, and for the nations and lives hanging in the balance.
Israel Prepares for ‘Coronavirus Aliyah’
Our dear friend Howard Flower, heads up the Aliyah desk for the International Christian Embassy in Saint Petersberg Russia. He sent me this piece from Ha’aretz this morning.
Israel’s leaders are forecasting a coronavirus aliyah, the direct result of the economic distress created by the pandemic. Diaspora Jewry has been particularly hard hit by COVID-19, officials say. At the end of March, 13% of those infected in New York were Haredim. At the end of April, Jews accounted for 10% of all coronavirus deaths in Morocco. They account for just 0.01% of the population. In Britain as of mid-May, Jews made up 5% of coronavirus deaths. Their mortality rate was four times their share of the population.
Figures like these, have hurt Diaspora Jews’ sense of personal security. They also contribute to the growing antisemitism, which weakens Diaspora Jewish communities. My first book Fishers and Hunters traces our travels to the Jewish Communities of the world calling the Jews to come home.
No less than 3,236 immigration applications from North Americans were opened in July; a seven-fold increase from a year earlier, according to the Immigration and Absorption Ministry. In France, 731 applications were submitted, a 269% rise in a year ago. In Latin America, the number doubled to 583.
Officials say that about 95% of all new applicants eventually immigrate to Israel. In 2021 they expect about 48,000 new immigrants. That compares with between 30,000 and 32,000 annually in recent years. Officials say the higher rate will continue after 2021 to an average 45,000 to 50,000 a year.
In response, Immigration Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata and senior officials have begun working on a program to prepare. ‘Immigrants become an economic growth engine and advance the economy. Immigration is the foundation of the state of Israel and remains its basis.’” by Hagit Amit
War in Israel’s North
This week Israel remains on “high alert”. Lebanon is near collapse with 80% of her population hungry. What better time for Hezbollah to pick a fight. The poor people there have no security, and no protection. In southern Beirut, almost all of the exposed military sites are inside private houses, medical centers, churches, fast food chains, and open spaces. By TPS
The Israeli Alma Research and Education Center found multiple missile launching sites deployed by the Hezbollah terrorist organization in heavily populated civilian areas. They continue to hide behind the civilian population, using them as human shields. The highest concentration is in Beirut, the Beqaa Valley, and southern Lebanon. Hezbollah plans to launch these weapons toward our civilian targets and population centers inside of Israel. Terrorists continue to hide for decades in civilian areas or adjacent to residential buildings for a reason. Hezbollah believes this tactic will grant it immunity against the IDF’s counterstrikes. In the Golan this week, Israel responded to a Hezbollah incursion with force. Hezbollah denies it, of course. By Yakir Benzion, United With Israel
Seeing is Believing!
An Israeli developed artificial cornea is set to revolutionize the world of cornea transplants, the bio-tech company CorNeat announced this week. “The cornea is the clear outer layer at the front of the eye that helps the eye focus light. Our device’s implantation procedure does not rely on donor tissue and takes less than an hour to perform. We expect millions of blind patients around the world to regain their sight,” said K-Pro inventor Dr. Gilad Litvin, CorNeat Vision’s Chief Medical Officer.
Professor David Rootman, a world-renowned Canadian ophthalmologist who has trained nearly a hundred cornea specialists around the world, said, “the new device is poised to revolutionize corneal transplants. With more than 44,000 corneal transplants being performed in the US every year and with new fears for virus transmission from the COVID-19 pandemic affecting anything relating to human tissue, CorNeat’s new artificial cornea overcomes that problem.”
The company is approved to start human testing this year in Israel with10 blind patients who for various reasons are not candidates for a cornea transplant. Some have had one or more human corneal transplants that failed. Additional testing will take place later this year in eight leading hospitals in Canada and the United States.
2,700 year old Treasure Trove Unearthed
Israeli archaeologists discover a trove of artifacts in Jerusalem dating back 2,700 years to the time of the biblical King Hezekiah during the First Temple period. Over 120 seal impressions stamped on jar handles were recently discovered near the US Embassy in Jerusalem. They date back to the era of the Judean kings. Many handles bore the title “KING-Melek” in Hebrew. Back then, local inhabitants paid their taxes in olive oil and wine. Dr. Yuval Baruch, archaeologist of the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA): said, “The archeological discoveries at Arnona identify the most important [location] as a key site in the history of the final days of the Kingdom of Judah. We can also trace the return to Zion decades after the destruction of the Kingdom.” By Ezra Stone, United with Israel
The Conclusion of the Whole Matter
“Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. Do not fear what they fear, do not be frightened. But in your hearts set apart Messiah as LORD. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behaviour in Messiah may be ashamed of their slander. It is better, if it is God’s will to suffer for doing good rather than for doing evil.” 1 Peter 3: 13-17
On behalf of our family at this time, I send you love from our home to yours,
Blessings from Meridel Rawlings and family.
Shelly Bandel artist
“The heavens declare the glory of God! The firmament shows His handiwork.
Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.
Summer 2020 is unlike any we have ever experienced!
“I didn’t know how to teach my kid to die! I hugged and kissed him every day and said, ‘I love you.’ You can’t kiss a photograph.” Horace Anderson Father of youth killed in CHOP Seattle USA. June 2020
“Where is God in all of this?” You wonder.
Maybe He is saying, “Where are you?”
The word education in Latin means: “to bring forth from within.” The Jewish-Christian ethic gives us the rules of engagement for a blessed life. Today, a small percentage of disgruntled people infiltrated by leftist ideals are destroyers, demanding attention. Like spoiled brats they defy authorities and murder, plunder and rampage. Sadly, Truth has fallen into the streets. Why? Because it did not exist in the first place. Hatred and greed grow into explosive rage. Lawlessness expresses itself in destruction of lives and property. We have an ignorant brain-washed generation supported by cunning politicians and powerful companies. This has been carefully planned and now it has exploded. The best-selling children’s book today in the US is Communism for Children. Man is reaping what he has sowed and not just in America.
When Israel went into Babylon clear directives of how to live were given by the Prophet Jeremiah.
“For he has sent us to Babylon saying, ‘Build houses and dwell in them and plant gardens and eat their fruit. Seek the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away. Captivity is long; and pray to the LORD for it; (the place you are in) for in its peace you will have peace.’” Jeremiah 29:28, 5
Prayer with Purpose
We learn from this that we are to be obedient citizens. We are instructed to bless every land we find ourselves living in. History is filled with examples of how the Jewish people have prospered, no matter what nation they find themselves in, for whatever reason. Attitude is everything!
Let us all pray today for the silent majority in America. Their voice is not heard and the silence is stunning. May believing people arise fortified and encouraged in this hour to make a difference right where they are. Let ordinary American citizens rise up to save America? We believe for them will stand tall in the midst of insurrection. Salt preserves. We pray for Salvation to spring forth.
The average salary in Israel is NIS 6,000 a month, the US dollars equivalent is not US $2,000. How can a single mother pay rent, and all of the taxes and required insurances and buy food? This does not allow a cent for any extras like clothes or education. We are praying for change from the top down right here inside of Israel. The population is choking on the politics here. There are many threats coming from the government and new elections are among them. Pray.
Angry Protests in our Neighbourhood
Tensions are rising. Last night for the first time there was a very angry protest in our neighbourhood. Just three houses down, locals came out with their bull horns to decry a member of Netanyahu’s Cabinet for saying, “Any Israeli who says they do not have enough food to eat is B. S.” Not a wise thing to say. He is out of touch with the hurting in this land. People are calling for his resignation. Our neighbours are educated, well established people. One lady in tears cried. “My restaurant is US $55,000. in debt. I have no way to pay it off.” Employers cannot make ends meet. People are angry and frustrated over the lack of help from the government. Some have had no salaries since March.
“I could commit suicide,” an elderly man shouted.
“Sir, your mother would be ashamed of you,” screamed another.
“You are out of touch with the common man.What do you know about want?” In fifty years we have not seen unrest so close to home. Mr. Netanyahu is called the crime-minister. Don’t be surprised. It is time for change here. Play!
This morning when we went outside to get into the car, to our dismay it had been smeared with fresh feeces. Some of the stinky stuff was also thrown on the wall of our studio. Jay said, “Well, somebody hates us!” So… Daniel went and got a security camera and put it in place. We have not lived days like this ever before.
The Unity of Hatred
The loathing of Israel has bound Palestinians, Hamas and Hizbulloh (Lebanon) into one militant camp. They have promised to attack Israel with a 3rd uprising – Intifada. Our experience in this area is very destructive. From 2000-2004 hundreds of civilians of all ages were murdered. Buses were blown up. We watch and pray and walk very circumspect-fully.
The Mystery
Where are we on God’s time clock? Today I listened to a video made by Jews from America who are complaining that they cannot preach openly here. Israel reserves the right to draw borders. Because this is a Jewish nation they do not want their people becoming Christians. This is hard for Christians to understand. The Jew often thinks that becoming a Christian means they are lost. Jesus never told Jews to become Christians. His disciples were Jews and remained Jews. Living in Israel is a very special calling. One’s life must be an open book. Its not what you say or preach it is all about how you live and love. No, the nation of Israel has not replaced Jesus-Messiah, but Israel will one day be the head and not the tail of the nations. Let’s not be near sighted. When Messiah returns, Israel will welcome Him. Revelation comes from Father God’s. No man can come unless He draw him. We must never lose sight that the LORD God of Israel keeps His Word. His throne will be set in Jerusalem, it is the throne of King David. The place of Israel in prophetic history is undeniable. I say “Let God Almighty have His way here, in His way and His time.” Christians think Jews are blind, because they don’t see Messiah. But how many Christians are blind to what has been promised over Israel? “For I do not desire brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.” Romans 11:25
Contrary to the belief of many Christians, we are able to receive many excellent inspirational programs on Israeli TV channels. We watch 700 Club, Day Star, It’s Supernatural, Dr. David Jeremiah, Think it Through with Dr. Michael Brown, Wonders without Numbers and many more. There is plenty of Biblical teaching available here for the hungry. Last week, History Channel had a multi-series on the life and person of Jesus.
The Big Picture
There is no business as usual anymore. Today each one of us is looking into a mirror. Whether we like it or not we are having to reassess our life up to this point. What do you see? What are you focused on? Who are you focused on? Our long term goals and plans are on hold. Today is the only day we will ever live.
COVID-19 a Second Wave
A second wave of COVID-19 has hit Israel. Only 20 people are allowed on a bus or in a restaurant at one time. Synagogues, schools, study halls, theatres all are closed. As a result all Israelis are barred from Europe. No one is permitted to leave the country. We are in lock down.
We thank you for your prayers and love. Yesterday we had a call from loved ones in Canada and it was strengthening. Like so many other ministries we have had to release staff because we cannot make ends meet. Just trying to meet the daily budget helps to keep us humble and dependent upon the LORD.
The Rawling’s Good News
Daniel & Shelly
We close with exceptionally good news: Daniel has found the love of his life. He and Shelly Bandel are engaged to be married. They were friends in high school. Shelly went to Canada and became a businesswoman in the fashion industry. When the pandemic was looming she returned home to be close to her parents and elderly grandparents.
Daniel and Shell are engaged
May we all be thankful for the lives around us and tell them, “I love you” as often as we can. REMEMBER – YOUR LIFE MATTERS! Jesus promises:
“He who overcomes and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations.” Revelation 2:26
“Where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew18:20
We pray that you have love and strength to continue your journey.
Jay and Meridel
Meridel Rawlings Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 Israel Email: meridel.rawlings@gmail.com Web site: www.stillsmallvoice.tv
This month, my husband, Jay has word for us all, which I found so encouraging.
“The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life. Proverbs 10:11
Last week I was asked to give a message to our senior’s synagogue Bible study group. Normally we meet but with the current COVID-19 situation we met via Zoom over the Internet. First, we study the Biblical portion of the week: the same portion is read at that time world wide. Then one of us gives speaks on a subject we all choose. It was my turn.
My message was called,“Rabbi Akiva – The Epidemic Then and the Pandemic Now.”
An epidemic in his day killed 24,000 of the Rabbi Akiva’s students, in fact all of them. It abruptly ended on the 33rd day between Passover and Pentecost. No one knows why it happened but some scholars teach that the deliverance came when “evil speaking” was stopped between the students. I became convinced that this miracle could indeed have happened when I studied from scripture that “life and death” are in one’s mouth. What we
speak can bring either “blessing or cursing” or “life or death”. Then I thought about you our dear friends now caught up in quarantine during the current crisis. Meridel and myself remain in lock-down from March 5th, 2020. it has been interesting to see what has transpired between us. Thankfully we have not had any major blowups. However we have had to think carefully about our many discussions, with family over the phone. Josh is here looking out for us. and our discussions. Sometimes our conversations on various topics have been heated. I call it “intense fellowship”! During the last twelve days Meridel has been fasting on water, including times of intense prayer!
We have certainly learned some valuable lessons about ourselves. No about myself!
Then I thought about something that happened to me 42 years ago. At the time, Meridel and I had recently come to live permanently in Israel after visiting Jewish communities all over the world for the previous 8 years. While on the way to Israel, passing through Holland, when we were visiting the Jewish communities there. Meridel was on a 40 day water fast back then. Joshua was a mere year old. Late one night the LORD answered my thoughts and said very clearly as only He can do: “What have I put in your heart?”
Surprised I responded: “Oh LORD I ask You, please help me to give Israel a window to the world in the media.” I felt very insecure about this calling since I had never made a film or TV show at that time. I was not trained in this discipline, and professional was a Hospital Administrator. But, never could I ever forget what had been asked me.
Some months later after our arrival in Israel, we were invited to dinner to be introduced several well known leaders of the believing community. They were heavy hitters. During the meal I was asked about our plans. Naively I announced that I intended to produce a documentary film on Israel. The response of these people was quite startling! They queried me on my script writing skills, my previous experiences, my financial backers and my contacts to distribute such a film. I could only answer in the negative to every question, growing smaller with each one. I felt quite foolish and undone.
While driving on the way home I said to Meridel, “Well, I guess when God speaks to you about something: you have to have faith for yourself in spite of what others say?”
She said, “Thats right, dear, it is a matter between you and the Lord. You cannot depend on anyone else’s faith for your calling”. That truth changed my life.
Looking back on our life time of creating documentaries and TV shows that for years were shown globally, I bow my head in gratefulness. The World Zionist Congress honoured my work and our two most popular films are found in the Spielberg Library. The International Christian Embassy gave us a Life Time Achivement Award.
So, dear friends, if you have a calling and or a dream from the LORD, hold onto it and walk
in obedient and act upon your calling. Remember, “Faith without works is dead. James 2:26b Our son Josh’s favourite verse. God will give you other to stand with you and you will bring it to pass, even in this time of the pandemic. He is always greater than all of our circumstances.
Thanks again for your prayers and support of our ministry that gives “a window to the World on behalf of Israel and His Word”, and let me add, the Still Small Voice.
Dear subscribers, my newsletter is sent to your email address, every month. Please note that you might NOT see the Still Small Voice newsletter in your email Inbox because it might automatically be moved to your “spam”, “Junk mail” or “Updates” folders. Please check your email to make sure you are receiving my newsletter directly to your inbox. This is very important. Thanks, Meridel.
Religious leaders from 4 faiths, unite in unprecedented prayer in Jerusalem.
Religious leaders pray together in Jerusalem
29 Nissan 5789 / 23 April 2020
Dear Friends:
This is a time to pray and not faint! It is also a time for correction and new direction.
There is movement in God’s Holy Spirit here in His City Jerusalem. Jay was invited to this prayer meeting, but we are in lock-down, or he would have gone. We are encouraged with the changes taking place. We were also guests of Rabbi Rosen, (mentioned below) decades ago and showed our film “Gates of Brass” in his synagogue in Dublin Ireland. Let us consider this word:
“When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, (Australia) or command the locusts to devour the land, (East Africa) or send pestilence among My people, ( corona19virus) if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:13, 14.
Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Druze religious leaders seek divine intervention to heal the sick and end the pandemic.
By Yakir Benzion, United With Israel
The leaders of the four leading religions in Israel–Judaism, Islam, Christianity and the Druze faith–convened for an unprecedented interfaith prayer in Jerusalem Wednesday, beseeching God to end the corona epidemic.
The initiative was a collaboration of the Chief Rbbinate of Israel and the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Interior, with the World Council of Religious Leaders and numerous Jewish and non-Jewish organizations.
With strict health restrictions in effect in Israel, the leaders stood two meters apart with several of them wearing surgical masks along with their traditional robes of office.
The joint prayer was composed by Israel’s two chief rabbis and translated in a united form acceptable to the spiritual leaders of all faiths in Israel, the organizers said.
“Lord of all generations … We come before you with a bowed head, and with bent stature, and plead,” the prayer read. “Hundreds of thousands died, millions have fallen sick. Save, we beseech thee, O Lord. We entreat thee, O Lord, send prosperity! Send complete recovery to the sick, avert the plague from Your world.”
“Please God, You who have nourished us in famine and provided us with plenty, You have removed us from pestilence, and freed us from severe and long-lasting disease –help us.”
Following the prayer, the leaders each offered their personal thoughts.
“Jerusalem is a house of prayer for all the people and now all the peoples all over the world are suffering from this coronavirus” said Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, head of the Catholic Church in
The event marked the first time that the different religious leaders had joined together to offer a communal prayer, and organizers had hoped to broadcast the event live over the internet. However, technical problems repeatedly interrupted the live stream.
The leaders present at the event were Sephardi Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau, Latin Patriarch Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III, Druze Spiritual leader Sheikh Mowafaq Tarif, Imam Sheikh Gamal el Ubra, and Imam Sheikh Agel Al-Atrash.
One of the organizers, Rabbi David Rosen of Jerusalem, who moderated the event, is known for his longstanding commitments to interfaith dialogue. He also serves as an advisor to Israel’s chief rabbis on interreligious affairs.
“In these turbulent times, we continue to hear growing voices against entire communities,” Rosen said in a statement before the event. “This new dire reality has affected all humanity, regardless of religion, gender and race. Out of true faith in solidarity, we now call on all citizens of the world to join forces and carry a joint prayer to health and unity.”
Jay ja minä juhlimme vuotta 2020 erittäin hyvästä syystä. Lähdimme Kanadasta Israeliin vuonna 1969 ja 50 vuotta myöhemmin palvelemme yhä Jeesusta täyspäiväisesti! Tänä vuonna suunnitelmissa on vierailla monien ystävien luona eri kansakunnissa, joissa olemme työskennelleet näiden viiden vuosikymmenen aikana.
“Mikä kansa on sinun kansasi Israelin vertainen? Se on maan päällä ainoa kansa, jota Jumala itse on tullut lunastamaan kansakseen, tehdäkseen sen kuuluisaksi ja tehdäkseen meille ja sinun maallesi suuria ja pelottavia tekoja …” 2. Samuelin kirja 7:23
Tervetuloa Sveitsiin pitämään kokouksia! Niin kirjoittivat Christoph ja Margrit Sager. He lähettivät kutsukirjeen eri tahoille.
”Hyvät pienryhmäohjaajat!
Washingtonin jälkeen journalistit kiinnittävät eniten huomiota Jerusalemiin. Tämä osoittaa Jerusalemin tärkeyden maailmanlaajuisessa politiikassa. Lähi-itä on ruutitynnyri. Ja kun katsoo tarkemmin, huomaa Israelin ja etenkin Jerusalemin olevan usein kritiikin kohteena. Miksi?
Rawlingsit tuntevat Israelin historian perinpohjin. He johdattelevat meidät pelastushistoriaan ja osoittavat miksi Israel, joka näyttää kovin pieneltä ja merkityksettömältä, päätyy yhä uudestaan otsikoihin eri puolilla maailmaa. He opettavat Kirjoitusten pohjalta, miksi Israel on tärkeä jokaisen ihmisen uskon kannalta JA jokaisen kansakunnan kannalta. Tulkaa mukaan oppimaan Rawlingsien opetuksesta miten hengelliset ja maalliset seikat kohtaavat Israelissa.
Me seurakuntana seisomme juutalaisuuden harteilla. Me kristittyinä olemme oksastettuja Israelin ja valitun kansan juureen (Room 11:17). Meidän kristillinen identiteettimme perustuu Raamattuun ja hengellisiin juutalaisiin esi-isiimme; olemme Aabrahamin, Daavidin ja Jeesuksen kansaa!
Tulkaa ja tuokaa kotiryhmänne mukananne! Kutsukaa muita ja levittäkää tätä hyvää uutista!”
Tammikuun 11. päivänä Jay ja minä lähdimme viiden viikon puhujakiertueelle Sveitsiin ja Saksaan. Jay näyttää filmin ja PowerPoint -esityksen ja kysyy: ”Mitä Jumala nykyään tekee maan päällä?” Jay ja poikamme Daniel koostivat filmin, joka esittelee maakaasuputken, jota rakennetaan Israelista Kyproksen kautta Kreikkaan ja Italiaan. Tämä uutta maakaasuntuotantoa, joka vie kaasua Lähi- idästä Eurooppaan heikentää Venäjän talousotetta Euroopasta, joka on ollut Gaspromin markkina- aluetta ja monopolia tähän asti.
Tahran poistaminen
Tällä puhujamatkalla esittelen tuoreimman kirjani, jonka nimi on: Tahranpoistaja; lapsuuden seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä johtuvan pysyvän tahran poistaminen. Tässä sen kansikuvat. (Valokuvat näkyvät vain englanninkielisessä kirjeessä.) Toivomme, että se on jo saatavilla Kindlen kautta, tässä vaiheessa tosin vain englanniksi. Jos joku haluaa auttaa meitä tämän projektin suhteen,
otamme avun kiitollisina vastaan. Kiitos René Bregenzerille, joka auttoi meitä julkaisemaan kirjan. Jay sanoo: ”Kyse ei ole vain kirjasta, vaan käsikirjasta, joka auttaa jokaista lukijaa työstämään elämäänsä liittyviä seikkoja. Kirja on syvällinen ja ajatuksia herättävä.Tahranpoistaja muuttaa mielettömyyden merkitykselliseksi elämäksi.”
”Meridel Rawlings kirjoittaa arvovallalla. Hänen tapansa on syvällisen hengellinen ja samalla tieteellinen.” Irmeli G-B Schüz, lääkäri, psykiatri, psykoterapeutti.
Aamiainen baijerilaisessa linnassa
Kirjoitin hiljattain nuorimmalle lapsenlapsellemme: ”Olen menossa aatelisiin syntymäpäiväjuhliin!” Ja niin tein Baijerin kauneudesta meille kertoneiden Thomas ja Hanna Kiemin ansiosta. Saimme kutsun paronitar Christinan luo aamiaiselle hänen linnaansa. Tapaaminen oli hyvin antoisa sydäntenkin tasolla, minkä kaikki tunsimme. Paronitar johtaa arvostettua, aatelista ja evankelista perhettä, joka on seissyt vakaana monen, monen sukupolven ajan. Hän selvisi traagisesta toisesta maailmansodasta, missä menetti isänsä ja veljensä. Isäntämme Thomas kertoi: ”Natsisotilaat murhasivat pikkuveljni, joka oli henkisesti tasapainoton.” Jay puhui omasta isästään, jota ei koskaan tavannut. Hänkin kuoli toisessa maailmansodassa. Rakkauden ja ystävyyden ilmapiirissä pystyimme kertomaan toisillemme elämäntarinaamme ja rohkaisemaan toisiamme.
Historia kertautuu
Paronitar esitteli meille hyvin mielenkiintoisen kirjan: Olimme eurooppalaisia. Henkilökohtainen tarina myllerrysten vuosisadasta, jonka on kirjoittanut Werner M. Loval. (Gefen Publishing House ISBN 9789652295224). Loval on israelilainen, joka koulupoikana joutui natsien toteuttamaan lapsikuljetukseen. Hän oli paronitar Christinan pojan ystävä 1930-luvulla. Koko Lovalien juutalainen perhe pakeni henkensä edestä sen jälkeen, kun heiltä oli ryöstetty kaikki. Heidän ystävyyssiteensä paronittaren ja hänen perheensä kanssa jatkuu yhä. Kirja kertoo, miten juutalaisia asui Saksassa roomalaisajalta lähtien, siis 2 000 vuoden takaa asti. Heidät mainitaan ensi kerran vuonna 981. Tuo kirja on kiehtova tarina kahdesta kuuluisasta juutalaisperheestä, jotka lähtivät gettosta ja vain 150 vuotta myöhemmin heistä tuli teollisuuden johtohahmoja, joilla oli täydet kansalaisoikeudet Saksassa. Silti he saivat nähdä nopean tuhon ja hävityksen. He pakenivat henkensä edestä; mehän tunnemme Euroopan juutalaishistorian. Samankaltainen luovuuden aika oli Espanjan juutalaisten kultakausi. Molemmissa maissa juutalaiset nauttivat kulttuurista vapautta ja taloudellista menestystä. Heidän nousunsa näkyviksi ja johtaviksi henkilöiksi taittui täydelliseen karkottamiseen ja tuhoamiseen vuonna 1492 annetun määräyksen nojalla.
Lounaalla nuori saksalainen isä kysyi minulta: ”Mikä huolestuttaa teitä eniten Saksan suhteen?” Jay alkoi kertoa vuodesta 1980, jolloin pastori Volkard Spitzer kutsui hänet Berliiniin esittämään filmiä ”Apples of Gold” (Kultaomenoita) maan eri puolilta tulleille pastoreille. Jay kuuli Pyhän Hengen sanovan: ”Kylvä osa elämääsi joka vuosi Saksaan. He ovat hyvää maaperää.” Jay toimi kuuliaisesti tätä Saksaa koskevan kutsun mukaisesti.
”Nykyään Saksa on taas hyvin rikas muiden rikkaiden valtioiden lailla, ja rikkaus palvelee vain ihmisten unessa pysymisen mahdollistaen. Antisemitismi lisääntyy taas huolestuttavalla tavalla. Miten ihmeessä voimme olla HUOMAAMATTA aivan lähellä olevia vaaroja. Saksan tämän hetken kaikkein arvokkaimpia ihmisiä ovat Jeesukseen uskovat. He ovat valo ja heidän tulee loistaa kauas. Kiitän Jumalaa herätyksestä. Jay sanoi Jumalan näyttäneen, että Saksan kansallinen lahja on toisten palveleminen. Viime vuosina he ovat palvelleet Israelia mahtavalla tavalla.”
Kansakunnat osoittavat kunnioitusta holokaustin uhreille ja Israelille
Tammikuun 27. päivänä koitti natsien yhden keskitysleirin, Auschwitzin vapautuksen 75- vuotisjuhlapäivä. Israelin presidentti Rivlin isännöi 40 kansakunnan johtajia, joiden joukossa oli neljä kuningasta ja Isosta-Britanniasta prinssi Charles. Vastaavanlaista tuen osoittamista Israelille näiden holokaustin kauhujen vuoksi ei milloinkaan aiemmin ole tapahtunut. Johtajat vierailivat holokaustin muistomuseossa Jad Vashemissa kunnioittamassa juutalaisia ja heidän valtiotaan.
Menneisyys, nykyisyys ja tulevaisuus ”Tämä on se sanoma, jonka te alusta asti olette kuulleet: meidän tulee rakastaa toinen
toistamme…” 1. Johanneksen kirje 3:11
Tänään olemme vanhimpiin sveitsiläisystäviimme lukeutuvien pastori Manfred ja Esther Kronin luona. He järjestivät vuonna 1993 hienon kolmipäiväisen seminaarin seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä Zürichin kuuluiselle Kasinolle. Meidän kiintymyksemme Sveitsiä kohtaan on kasvanut siitä lähtien, kun Jay esitti Neuvostoliiton refusnikkejä käsittelevän filminsä ”Gates of Brass” (Vaskiportit) vuonna 1987. Tapasin 86-vuotiaan henkilön, joka oli osallistunut ensimmäiseen seminaariini vuonna 1990 Pelastusarmeijan leirikeskuksessa lähellä Berniä. Silloin ryhdyin työskentelemään täällä seksuaalisen hyväksikäytön tiimoilta. Eräs pastorin vaimo Baselista muisti seminaarin, jonka olin pitänyt heidän kirkossaan ja hän avasi ovet tälläkin kertaa.
Andy ja Bettina Weber, jotka ovat olleet Israel Visionin tukijoita vuosia, avasivat rukoushuoneensa ovet meille ja saimme tavata rukoustaistelijoita eri puolilta maata. He profetoivat meille ja rohkaisivat meitä. Jay nousi seisomaan ja lauloi kauniin muinaisen Aaronin siunauksen, joka löytyy IV Mooseksen kirjan kohdasta 6:24-26. Jumalan läsnäolo toi vääjäämättä siunauksen. Meidät kaikki kiedottiin jumalalliseen rakkauteen. Lue psalmi 133. Kun annamme Jumalalle Hänelle kuuluvan sijan, Hän antaa meille oman paikkamme. Kun ylistämme, taivaan oikeussali on meille avoinna ja saamme varjelusta, viisautta, lohdutusta, kehotusta, parantumista, ohjausta ja kasvatusta. Olen opettanut pienen hiljaisen äänen kuulemisesta. Kerran eräs nuori nainen tuli luokseni ja totesi viattomasti: ”Kuuntelen Jumalan ääntä, mutta Hän ei puhu, niin kuin kaikki muut tekevät … ei ole helppoa.”
Minä vain hymyilin ja kysyin mistä hän oli oppinut, että Jeesuksen seuraaminen olisi helppoa? Mutta Hänen seuraamisensa on ainoaa elämisen arvoista elämää, eikä sana ‘helppo’ kuulu sen sanastoon! Muistakaa: ”Tulevaisuuteni on sidoksissa niihin päätöksiin, joita tänään teen! Minun suosikkityöni on yhä henkilökohtainen sielunhoito.
Täällä Sveitsissä lunta voi nähdä vain Alpeilla. Israelissa on satanut kovin paljon, 176 vuotta vanha ennätys meni rikki ja Genesaretinjärven pinta nousi metrillä kahdessa viikossa. Jerusalemissa on yhtä kylmää kuin täällä Zürichissä.
Videoklippejä matkastamme
Kehotan katsomaan tuoreen videopätkiä nettisivuiltamme. Nauhoitan osan naisryhmille pitämistäni opetuksista mp3-muodossa, jotta ne ovat kaikkien katsottavissa. Annoin hiljattain ensi kertaa oman todistuspuheenvuoron.
Pidetään yhteyttä, sillä on aina valtaisan rohkaisevaa saada teiltä viestejä. Haluan kiittää työni tukijoita!
Tulevat matkat
Kutsukaa meidät, niin tulemme. Voit avata meille ovia, ja astumme niistä sisään yhdessä. Olet itse avioliittosi avainhenkilö ja olet sitä myös lapsillesi, lapsenlapsillesi ja koko lähipiirillesi. Pysähdy hetkeksi ja ajattele sitä. Älä sano: ”Minähän olen lapsi!” Tee tänään jotain vaikuttavaa, tilanteita muuttavaa.
”…Juoskaamme kestävinä kilpailussa, joka on edessämme, katse kiinnitettynä uskon alkajaan ja täydelliseksi tekijään, Jeesukseen…” Kirje heprealaisille 12:1
Myös Jay lähettää siunaavat terveisensä teille kaikille Israelin, Saksan ja Sveitsin elopelloilta. Kiitollisin terveisin
Meridel Rawlings Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 Israel Sähköposti: meridel.rawlings@gmail.com www.stillsmallvoice.tv
Jay und ich feiern das Jahr 2020 aus einem guten Grund. 1969 verliessen wir Kanada um nach Israel zu gehen und 50 Jahre später dienen wir Jesus immer noch vollzeitlich! Dieses Jahr planen wir viele unserer Freunde in den Nationen zu besuchen, mit denen wir während diesen 5 Jahrzehnten zusammengearbeitet haben.
«Welches andere Volk auf der Erde ist wie dein Volk Israel? Wo wäre ein Gott hingegangen, um ein Volk für sich als sein Volk freizukaufen und ihm einen Namen zu machen und für dieses Volk große und erstaunliche Taten zu vollbringen, so wie du ganze Völker und ihre Götter vertrieben hast vor den Augen deines Volkes, das du dir von den Ägyptern freigekauft hast?»
2.Samuel 7,23
Willkommen in der Schweiz: Eine Einladung zu unseren Zusammenkünften von Christoph und Margrit Sager.
«Liebe Hauskreisleiter!
Nach Washington setzen die Journalisten ihren Fokus auf Jerusalem. Das zeigt die wichtige Bedeutung von Jerusalem in der globalen Politik. Der Nahe Osten ist ein Pulverfass. Und wenn du näher hinschaust wirst du Israel entdecken, im speziellen Jerusalem, das sehr oft im Fokus der Kritik steht. Warum?
Rawlings sind tiefgründige Experten der Geschichte von Israel. Sie werden uns in die Geschichte der Erlösung hineinführen und uns zeigen, warum von Israel, welches so unbedeutend erscheint, in den neuen globalen Schlagzeilen zu lesen ist. Gemäss den biblischen Schriften lehren sie, weshalb Israel so wichtig ist für den Glauben jedes Einzelnen UND jeder Nation. Schliesse dich uns an und lerne was Rawlings darüber lehren, wie geistliche und weltliche Angelegenheiten in Israel aufeinandertreffen.
Wir als Gemeinde stehen auf den Schultern des Judentums. Wir als Christen sind eingepflanzt in die Wurzeln Israels, welches das auserwählte Volk ist. (Röm.11,17) Unsere christliche Identität ist verwurzelt in der Bibel mit unseren geistlichen jüdischen Vorfahren; wir sind das Volk von Abraham, David und Jesus!
Komm und bringe deinen Hauskreis mit dir! Lade Andere ein und verbreite die guten Nachrichten!»
Am 11. Januar haben Jay und ich uns aufgemacht und eine volle 5wöchige Gesprächstour in die Schweiz und Deutschland in Angriff genommen. Jay führt einen Film und eine Powerpoint Presentation vor und fragt: «Was tut Gott heute auf der Erde?» Er und unser Sohn Daniel machten einen Film, welcher die natürliche Erdgasleitung zeigt, die von Israel gebaut wird, und durch Zypern, Griechenland und Italien führt. Diese neue Quelle von Erdgas, welche vom Mittleren Osten nach Europa führt, wird die russische finanzielle Vormachtstellung über Europa schwächen, welche ihre Gasprom Versorgung als Monopol bis jetzt innehat.
Den Makel entfernen:
Auf dieser Tour werde ich mein neustes Buch mit dem Titel «Den Makel entfernen: Heilung vom unauslöschlichen Makel des sexuellen Missbrauchs von Kindern» vorstellen. (Fotos sind leider nur in der englischen Version dieses Briefes vorhanden). Wir hoffen, dass es bald auch erhältlich ist als Hörbuch bei Kindle, im Moment leider nur in Englisch. Wenn jemand uns gerne helfen möchte, die Lancierung dieses laufenden Projekts voranzutreiben, sind wir sehr dankbar. Unser Dank geht an René Bregenzer, der uns geholfen hat das Buch gerade zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt auf den Markt zu bringen. Jay sagt, «Es ist nicht nur ein Buch, sondern eine praktische Anleitung und Hilfe für jede/n Leser/in, um seine/ihre eigenen Lebensprobleme durchzuarbeiten. Es ist tiefgreifend und regt zum Nachdenken an.» Den Makel entfernen verwandelt verrücktes in ein sinnvolles Leben.
«Meridel Rawlings schreibt mit Autorität. Ihre Art und Weise zu schreiben, ist tief geistlich und wissenschaftlich zugleich.»
Letzthin schrieb ich meiner jüngsten Enkelin, «Ich werde an eine königliche Geburtstagsparty gehen!» Und das tat ich auch, denn Thomas und Hanna Kiem zeigten uns die Schönheiten von Bayern. Wir waren von Baronin Christiana zum Frühstück in ihrem Schloss eingeladen. Es war eine tiefe Begegnung, ein Herz zu Herz Ereignis, was wir miteinander erlebten. Die Baronin steht einer etablierten königlichen Glaubensfamilie vor, welche während vielen, vielen Generationen zusammen-gehalten hat. Sie erlebte den tragischen Weltkrieg und verlor ihren Vater und Bruder dabei. Thomas, unser Gastgeber erzählte uns, «Nazi Soldaten brachten meinen kleinen Bruder um, der geistig behindert war.» Jay erzählte von seinem Vater, welchen er nie gekannt hat, welcher auch im 2. Weltkrieg umgekommen war. In Liebe und Freundschaft konnten wir einander unsere Lebensgeschichten erzählen und einander damit ermutigen.
Die Geschichte wiederholt sich selbst:
Die Baronin stellte uns ein sehr interessantes Buch vor: «Wir waren Europäer». Eine persönliche Geschichte aus einem turbulenten Jahrhundert von Werner M. Loval. (Gefen Publishing House ISBN 9789652295224) Es wurde von einem Israeli geschrieben, der noch ein Schuljunge war, als er an einem Kindertransport teilnehmen musste. Er war ein Freund des Sohnes der Baronin in den 1930er Jahren. Die vollständige erweiterte Loval Familie wurde völlig ausgeraubt, während sie als Juden flüchteten, um ihr Leben zu retten. Ihre Freundschaft mit der Baronin und ihrer Familie besteht immer noch.
Juden haben in Deutschland gelebt seit der römischen Zeit, vor 2000 Jahren. Im Jahr 981 wurden sie zum ersten Mal erwähnt. Dieses Buch ist eine faszinierende Geschichte von zwei prominenten jüdischen Familien, welche das Ghetto im Jahr 1818 verliessen und in genau 150 Jahren Vorsteher von Industriefirmen wurden, mit der vollständigen Gleichwertigkeit wie sie deutsche Staatsbürger haben, nur um miterleben zu müssen, wie alles in einer plötzlichen Zerstörung und Vernichtung endete. Sie flohen um ihr Leben, und wir wissen wie die Geschichte des europäischen jüdischen Volkes weiter ging. Eine ähnliche, frühere Zeitepoche von Einfallsreichtum war die goldene Ära der Juden in Spanien. In beiden Ländern erfreuten sich die Juden ihrer kulturellen Freiheit und des wirtschaftlichen Wohlstands. Ihren anfänglichen Aufstieg zu Bedeutung und Prominenz fand dann seinen Höhepunkt im kompletten Zerfall und verfügten Vernichtung in 1492.
Während des Mittagessens fragte mich ein junger deutscher Vater: «Was stört dich am meisten an Deutschland?» Jay begann ihm die Geschichte zu erzählen, als 1980 Pastor Volkhard Spitzer ihn nach Berlin einlud, um seinen ersten Film, «Apples of Gold (Äpfel aus Gold)» den Pastoren aus ganz Deutschland zu zeigen. Jay hörte wie der Heilige Geist zu ihm sprach: «Säe jedes Jahr einen Teil deines Lebens in Deutschland hinein. Diese Männer sind ein guter Boden.» Gehorsam folgte er diesem Ruf nach Deutschland.
«Heute ist Deutschland wieder sehr reich, wie auch viele andere Nationen, aber der Reichtum dient den Menschen nur dazu, dass sie gut schlafen können. Der Antisemitismus wächst wieder alarmierend stark. Wie können uns die Gefahren, die solche Haltungen mit sich bringen, und schon sehr fortgeschritten sind, NICHT bewusst sein? Die heute kostbarsten Menschen in Deutschland sind die an Jesus Gläubigen. Sie haben das Licht und das muss weit und umfangreich scheinen. Ich danke Gott für das Erwachen. Jay sagte, dass Gott ihm gezeigt hat, dass Deutschlands nationale Begabung sei, einander zu dienen. Sie haben Israel mächtig gedient in diesen letzten Jahren.
Die Nationen zahlen den Holocaust Opfern und Israel ihren Tribut
Am 27. Januar 2020 sahen wir den 75. Jahrestag der Befreiung aus dem Nazi Konzentrationslager von Auschwitz. Präsident Rivlin aus Israel war der Gastgeber von politischen Leitern aus 40 Nationen zusammen mit vier Königen und Prinz Charles von England. Diese Art von so starker Unterstützung für Israel im Zusammenhang mit den Gräueltaten des Holocaust war vorher noch nie geschehen. Die politischen Leiter kamen, um die Yad v’Shem Holocaust Gedenkstätte zu besuchen und damit die jüdischen Menschen und die jüdische Nation zu ehren.
Die Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft
«Denn das ist die Botschaft, die ihr von Anfang an gehört habt: Wir sollen einander lieben.» 1. Joh. 3,11
Heute haben wir uns in der Schweiz mit einigen unseren ältesten Freunden getroffen. Pastor Manfred und Esther Kron öffneten uns eine wichtige Tür im Jahr 1993 für ein 3-Tage-Seminar über sexuellen Missbrauch im berühmten Casino Zürihorn in Zürich. Unsere Liebesgeschichte mit der Schweiz ist seither gewachsen, da auch Jay seinen ersten Film über die Verweigerer von Russland in, «Gates of Brass, Messingtore» im Jahr 1987 dort erstaufführte. Ich begegnete dort einer 86jährigen Dame, die mein erstes Seminar im Jahr 1990 im Heilsarmee-Lagergelände, in der Nähe von Bern, besucht hat. Das war zu jenem Zeitpunkt, als ich die Arbeit hier über sexuellen Missbrauch begann. Die Frau eines Landespfarrers aus Basel erinnerte sich an das Seminar, das ich in ihrer Kirche durchführte, und öffnete dann die Türen dazu.
Andy und Bettina Weber sind Partner von Israel Vision seit vielen Jahren. Sie öffneten ihr Gebetshaus für uns, damit wir uns mit Gebetskämpfer/innen aus verschiedenen Regionen treffen konnten. Sie prophezeiten und ermutigten uns. Jay stand auf und sang den schönen alten Aaronitischen Segen über uns, aus dem 4. Mose 6,24-26. Die Gegenwart Gottes kam auf uns mit einem tiefen Segen und wir wurden alle eingehüllt in seine göttliche Liebe. Schaue in Psalm 133. Wenn wir Gott Raum geben, gibt er auch uns Raum. Wenn wir ihn anbeten, wird der Vorhof des Himmels geöffnet für unsere Bewahrung, Weisheit, Trost, Erbauung, Heilung, Richtungsweisung und Erziehung. Ich lehrte darüber in meinen Briefen und auf meiner Webseite «Hearing the Still Small Voice, Die ruhige kleine Stimmer hören» und da kam eine junge Frau zu mir und sagte ganz unschuldig, «ich höre Gottes Stimme, aber er sagt mir nicht was er allen anderen sagt… es ist nicht einfach.»
Ich lächelte sie an und fragte sie, wo sie gelernt hat, dass Jesus nachzufolgen einfach sein würde? Aber es ist der einzige Weg, ein lohnenswertes Leben zu haben und ‘einfach’ hat keinen Platz in diesem Wörterverzeichnis. Erinnere dich, ‘meine Zukunft wird bestimmt durch die Entscheidungen, welche ich heute mache!’ Meine Lieblingsarbeit ist weiterhin die persönliche Seelsorge.
Hier in der Schweiz sieht man nur auf den Bergen Schnee. In Israel fiel bereits so viel Regen, so dass ein 176 Jahre alter Rekord gebrochen wurde, und der See Genezareth in zwei Wochen einen Meter anstieg. In Jerusalem ist es so kalt wie es hier in Zürich ist.
Video Clips von unserer Reise:
Ich ermutige euch unsere letzten kurzen Video Posts auf unserer Webseite anzuschauen. In Frauengruppen nehme ich auf mp3 einige meiner Lehren auf, und diese werden auch für dich erhältlich sein. Vor kurzem gab ich zum ersten Mal mein Zeugnis. Bitte bleibe in Kontakt mit uns. Es ist jedes Mal eine enorme Ermutigung von dir zu hören, und danke für deine Unterstützung meiner Arbeit!
Zukünftige Reisen:
Lade uns ein und wir kommen zu dir in die Gegend, in welcher du wohnst. Öffne deine Türe und wir werden zusammen hindurchgehen. Du bist der Schlüssel zu deiner Ehe, deinen Kindern und Grosskindern wie auch zu deiner Gemeinde. Halte einen Moment inne und denke darüber nach. Sage nicht, «Ich bin ein Kind!» Mache heute einen Unterschied.
…lasst uns mit Ausdauer in dem Wettkampf laufen, der vor uns liegt,und dabei auf Jesus blicken, den Urheber und Vollender des Glaubens…. Hebr.12,1b.
Jay schliesst sich mir an, indem wir dir Segen senden aus dem Erntefeld von Israel, Deutschland und der Schweiz.
In Dankbarkeit deine,
Meridel Rawlings, Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 Israel
Jay and I are celebrating 2020 for a very good reason. We left Canada for Israel in 1969 and 50 years later, continue to serve Jesus full time! This year we plan to visit many friends among the nations that we have worked with over these five decades.
“And who is like your people, like Israel, the one nation on the earth who God went to redeem for himself as a people to make for Himself a name and to do for Yourself great and awesome deeds for Your land …” 2 Samuel 7:23
Welcome to Switzerland: An invitation to our meetings by Christoph and Margrit Sager.
“Dear small group leaders!
After Washington, journalists are focused on Jerusalem. This shows the importance of Jerusalem in global politics. The Middle East is a powder keg. And if you take a closer look, you will find that Israel, especially Jerusalem, is often the focus of criticism. Why?
Rawlings are profound experts on the history of Israel. They will lead us into the history of salvation and show why Israel, which appears to be so insignificant, is making new global headlines. They teach from scripture why Israel is important to the belief of every individual AND nation. Join us and learn as the Rawlings, teach how spirituality and world affairs meet in Israel.
We as the church stand on the shoulders of Judaism. We as Christians are grafted into the root of Israel as the chosen people (Rom 11.17). Our Christian identity is rooted in the Bible with our spiritual Jewish ancestors; we are the people of Abraham, David and Jesus!
Come and bring your home group with you! Invite others and spread this good news!”
On January 11th, Jay and I embarked upon a full 5 week speaking tour to Switzerland and Germany. Jay presents a film and Powerpoint and asks: “What is God doing in the earth today?” He and our son Daniel created a film showing the natural gas pipe line that is being built from Israel through Cyprus, Greece and Italy. This new source of natural gas from the Middle East into Europe will weaken Russia’s financial grip on Europe through their Gasprom supply which is a monopoly until now.
Meridel’s new book Stain Remover
Stain Remover:
On this tour, I am introducing my latest book entitled “Stain Remover: Healing the Indelible Stain of Child Sexual Abuse.” Here are photos of the front and back covers. We hope to have it available on Kindle, only in English at this time. If anyone would like to help us with this on going project we would be very grateful.Thank you to Rene Bregenzer who helped us launch the book at this time.
Jay says, “It is not only a book but a manual to help every reader work through their own issues of life. It is far reaching and thought provoking.” Stain Remover turns madness into meaningful life. “Meridel Rawlings writes with authority. Her way is deeply spiritual and scientific alike.” Irmeli G-B Schüz. MD. Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist
Breakfast in a Bavarian Castle:
I recently I wrote to my youngest granddaughter, “I am going to a royal birthday party!”
And so I did, because of Thomas and Hanna Kiem who shared the beauties of Bavaria with us. We were invited for breakfast by Baroness Christiana in her castle. It was such a rich encounter, a heart to heart event, that we all shared. The Baroness heads an established Royal Evangelical family who have stood strong over many many generations. She lived through the tragic World Wars and lost her father and brother. Thomas, our host told us, “Nazi soldiers murdered my little brother who was mentally infirm.” Jay shared about the father he had never met, also killed in WW2. In love and friendship we were able to explore our histories and encourage each other.
History is repeating itself:
The Baroness introduced us to a most interesting book: “We Were Europeans.” A Personal History of a Turbulent Century.” by Werner M. Loval. ( Gefen Publishing House ISBN: 9789652295224) It is written by an Israeli, who was a school boy and part of the Kinder Transport. He was friend of Baroness Christiana’s son in the 1930’s. The entire extended Loval family as Jews fled for their lives, having been robbed of everything. Their friendship with the Baronesses and family continues.
Jews have lived in Germany since Roman times, 2,000 years ago. They are mentioned for the first time in 981. This book is the fascinating saga of two prominent German Jewish families who left the ghetto in 1818 and in just 150 years, became the heads of industries with full equality as German citizens only to see it all end in sudden destruction and annihilation. They fled for their lives and we know the history of European Jewry. A similar earlier era of creativity was the golden age of the Jews in Spain. In both countries, the Jews enjoyed cultural liberty and economic prosperity. Their initial rise to prominence culminated in their complete dissolution and destruction decreed in 1492.
Over lunch a young German father asked me: “What bothers you most about Germany?” Jay began by telling the story in 1980 when Pastor Volkard Spitzer invited him to Berlin to show this first film, “Apples of Gold” to Pastors from across the country. Jay heard the Holy Spirit say: “Sow part of your life into Germany every year. They are good ground.” He was obedient to this call to Germany.
“Today, Germany is very wealthy again, and all other wealthy nations, the wealth only serves to allow the people to sleep. Anti-Semitism is alarmingly on the rise once again. How can we NOT be aware of the dangers just ahead. The most valuable people in Germany today are the believers in Jesus. They have the light and must shine it far and wide. I thank God for the awakening. Jay said, God showed me that Germany’s national gift is one of serving others. They have served Israel mightily in these last years.”
Nations pay Tribute in Holocaust Victims and Israel:
January 27th 2020 saw the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz. President Rivlin of Israel hosted the heads of 40 nations along with 4 kings and Prince Charles of the UK. This kind of outpouring of support for Israel in relation to the horrors of the Holocaust has never happened before. These leaders came to visit Yad v’ Shem the Holocaust Memorial and give honour to the Jewish People and Nation.
The Past, Present and Future:
“And this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.” 1 John 3:11
Today we are with some of our oldest friends in Switzerland, Rev. Manfred and Esther Kron opened a mighty door in 1993 for a 3 day seminar on sexual abuse at the famous casino in Zurich. Our love affair with Switzerland has been growing since Jay first premiered his film on the Refuseniks of Russia in, “Gates of Brass” back in 1987. I met an 86 year old who had attended my first seminar in 1990 at the Salvation Army Camp ground near Bern. That was when I began working here in sexual abuse. A State Pastor’s wife in Basel remembered the seminar I gave in their church and has opened doors this time.
Andy and Bettina Weber partners of Israel Vision for years, opened their prayer house for us to meet with prayer warriors from across the and. They prophesied and encouraged us. Jay rose to his feet and sang out the beautiful ancient Aaronic blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26. God’s Presence, commanded a blessing and we were all enveloped in Divine love. See Psalm 133. When we give God His place, He gives us ours. When we worship, the court room of heaven is opened to us for our protection, wisdom, comfort, edification, healing, direction and education. I have been teaching on “Hearing the Still Small Voice” and a young woman came up to me and innocently said, “I am listening for God’s voice, but He doesn’t say what everybody else does… its not easy.”
I just smiled and asked her where she learned that following Jesus would be easy? But, it is the only life worth living and ‘easy’ just is not part of the vocabulary! Remember, ‘my future is determined by the decisions I make today! My favorite work continues to be personal councelling.
Here in Switzerland snow can only be seen on the Alps. In Israel so much rain fell, a 176 year record was broken, and the Sea of Galilee rose by one meter in two weeks. It is as cold in Jeusalem as it has been here in Zurich.
Video Clips of our Trip:
I encourage you to watch our latest short video posts on our websites. I am recording some of my teaching with ladies groups on mp3 which will also be available to you. I gave my testimony for the first time recently. Please stay in touch. It is always a huge encouragement to hear from you and thank you for your support of my work!
Future Travels:
Invite us and we will come to your area. You can open the doors, and we will walk through them together. You are the key to your marriage, children, and grandchildren as well as your community. Just pause and think of that. Say not, “I am a child!” Make a difference today.
…let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith… Hebrews 12: 1b
Jay joins me in sending blessings to you from the harvest fields of Israel, Germany and Switzerland.
Gratefully yours,
Meridel Rawlings. Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 Israel
Jay and family join me in sending loving blessings to you. It all began when Father spoke mysteries to his Prophets. Then in the fullness of time, in Bethlehem just 6 km south of Jerusalem, God chose to reveal His secret first to humble shepherds. Would you or I qualify for such an honour today? Just think about it; what is the cry of our hearts?
Take time to read it all:
Bethlehem just 6 km south of Jerusalem
“…Bethlehem Ephratha… out of you shall He come, unto Me that is to be Ruler in Israel: whose going forth has been from of old, from everlasting. And He shall stand and feed in the strength of the Lord His God: for now shall He be great unto the ends of the earth; in the majesty of the Name of the Lord his God; and they [Israel the nation] shall abide: for now shall He be great unto the ends of the earth.[In believing Jews and Christians in 2020] And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people[those who are blessed by Israel] as a dew from the Lord, as showers upon the grass…And the remnant of Jacob[8.4 million Israelis]shall be among the Gentiles [heathen] in the midst of many people as a lion among the beasts of the forest …Your hand[Father God is behind Israel’s strength and safety] shall be lifted up upon your adversaries, [all who hate us and plot our demise] and all your enemies shall be cut off.” Micah 5: 2b.4.7a, 8. 9. [My analysis in parenthesis.]
This absolutely incredible prophecy was given by the so-called ‘minor’ Prophet Micah who lived 700 years before Jesus. Let’s rehearse these promises in prayer along with thanksgiving and expectation. Let God arise, His enemies be scattered!
My winter garden
Winter rains began a week ago. This morning, I was in the garden when the first rays of sun lit up our aloe bush. I stood gazing out over the hills and valley; raising my arms heavenward, the only words that came were; thank you, thank you, thank you. Why, because, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1
Just then a tiny iridescent sunbird flew to one of the orange blooms, to drink its sweet nectar. It stayed within a handsbreadth of me, unafraid. “Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father keeps feeding them. Are you not worth much more than they?” Matthew 6:26
Daniel & Jay editing a video
Quote: I have prayed almost daily for Daniel; “May God heal him and truly take him as Hischild and use him in Israel and in the nations.” P.P. Finland
The family joins me in thanking you for your prayers. One of Israel’s top Professors of Neurology will see Daniel on Christmas Day, and we expect a Christmas miracle! Daniel has just completed a short production on Leviathan, Israel’s natural gas resource. Israel is supplying Egypt and Jordan with gas and Europe is next. Pay attention, this could put a dent in the Gas-prom market and Russia’s energy monopoly over Europe. Photo: Daniel and Dad.
Aramaic speaking Christians of ancient Mesopotamia are being systematically driven out of their homes by Muslim Turks, Syrians and Iraqis backed by Russia. They represent the oldest Christian community on earth. Pray that Western governments come to their aid. Those who fled to Jordan as refugees are shunned. Muslim men were put in charge of the UN refugee camps and systematically refuse them entry. They have nowhere to go!
Nepal remains very much in our hearts and prayers. Thank you for your offerings, for the Safe House we support in Kathmandu, under the direction of our adopted daughter Indira Ghale. Please help sons Chris, Daniel and I with airfare in order to complete more documentary work on trafficking. Photos below: This little girl asked me to buy her an advanced Oxford English – Nepali Dictionary in 2016. Her spoken English was perfect. I thought she was, yes, just a little girl. How nieve and shocked I was to learn that she had been given to her uncle to bed,(she was his sex toy) and was now the mother of a two-month-old infant daughter. She is one of the people we support. We are thankful for your help. Next photo: Indira and I are praying for the work to continue.
Meridel reaching out to children in NepalMeridel praying with Indira Ghale who runs NGO, Change Action Nepal
What does 2020 hold?
Switzerland and Germany: Quote: “My dear Meridel, my heart is filled with praise for you. A very long time ago (twenty-five years) my mother told me that you prayed for us. Please come to us again and speak to your very old German friends.” C. F. Germany
Our wonderful friends have responded and Jay and I will begin a tour to the above two nations on January 11, for six weeks. We are excited as we sensed the Lord telling us to revisit many of the places where we have ministered these last fifty years. We look forward to seeing many of you in the months ahead. Invite us and we will believe to come to bless your nation and are well able to minister on both Israel and abuse.
Stain Remover: Healing the Indelible Stain of Child Sexual Abuseis the title of my latest book. It took me five years to write this book. I found it very interesting, that during the editing phase my sons and husband insisted on giving me input. Chris created the cover and typeset the manuscript. Talk about a family production. Now they are all demanding that my next book is on a much lighter and happier topic. A faithful friend has come forward to pay for the printing of the first edition, which will make it available for the upcoming tour. The book will be online in the days ahead. You may write in or email me for your softcover copy of 250 pages. $35.00 including postage.
“But the Jerusalem that is above is free, which is the mother of us all.” Galatians 4:26
Drawing of Jerusalem by Chris Rawlings
We literally understood this verse after we lived in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. Allow me to explain. This sketch of Chris’ was found with others in a box of long-forgotten papers. They reminded us of our hectic days spent there. We all remembered the noise! Minarets blared out their call to prayer five times daily along with angry anti-Israel sermons on Friday mornings. In fact, there was a one-room mosque across the walkway from the boy’s bedroom window. Daily a blind Iman was led by a child who opened the green door. After he gave the call to prayer, he was gently led back to the Muslim quarter. Much to our consternation, we found Chris age 8, sitting in the windowsill of his bedroom, mimicking the Arab call to prayer. I must say, I thought that it was impressive, even though I had to reprimand him for doing so.
That’s not all, in the Jewish world, Rabbis stood on rooftops, using handheld microphones to alert their faithful to pray daily three times, along with updates on their sacred seasons. Then there were the endless wedding celebrations.
St. Marks, the Syrian Orthodox Church, was also located on our street. It is an authentic archeological site dating back to the days of Peter and John. Their priest led the band, swinging his metal-tipped staff. He smacked the stone street every step of the way. Young Aramaic speaking Christian Arabs from this church loved to parade past our living room windows in full dress uniforms playing their ancient brass instruments, drums, and Scottish bagpipes very loudly… especially at Christmas time. Come to think of it, occasionally we did hear the church bells from the Lutheran and Scottish churches. This cacophony reverberated off the stone walls, and narrow stone walkways. Our apartment, constructed of cement and stone served as a conduit, amplifying the echoes endlessly. Living inside of that drum, we all suffered from noise pollution and found ourselves dreaming of peace and quietness. It gave us all a very healthy understanding of why we must pray daily for this super religious place.
“The Jerusalem above is free…!” [of noise, my interpretation]
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper who love her. Psalm 122:5
Meridel’s son Chris Rawlings
Photo. James Christian Rawlings, our 2nd son is an artist, inventor, and a User Experience Designer for major Tech companies. He built and continues to service our websites for the last twenty years and does it all with love.
The central candle of the nine is the Servant candle. We know Who that Servant is for He has lit up the entire world with the Father’s incredible love to us all. Historically, we rehearse Israel’s victory over the Hellenistic Greeks. Maccabees fought for several generations until they gained the victory, cleansed the Temple and restored national worship. Today, there isn’t a nation that doesn’t desperately need a visitation from heaven with Renewal, and Revival. Pray for it. We enjoy eating sufganiyot donuts. The photo to the right is 3 sufganiyot made into the shape of a snowman. Hag Samach or Happy Holidays!
Angel by artist Joy Caros
Merry Christmas
Israelis LOVE to visit a home that keeps Christmas. We put up cedar boughs and lots of lights. I also love to reuse beautiful Christmas cards that we have received from loved ones over the decades. They serve to bring back beautiful memories of your loving faithfulness over us all of these years. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Our heartfelt prayer for Israel is:
To appoint to them that mourn in Zion
to give them beauty for ashes,
the oil of JOY for mourning,
the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness,
that they might be called trees of righteousness,
the planting of the LORD,
that He might be glorified. Isaiah 61:3.
Oil: speaks of anointing, the Anointed One is our Messiah. We welcome Him at home.
From our home to yours with love and every blessing for 2020, it’s a new time!
“Wait and listen everyone who is thirsty! Come to the waters; and he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Yes, come, buy priceless [spiritual] wine and milk without money and without price [simply for the self-surrender that accepts the blessing.]”Isaiah 55:1 Amp. Bible
First of all, how are you? It has been a long time! And…many of us have lost loved ones, or have suffered specific set backs in health. This year 6 dear friends have gone home; one a family member. It is never easy to say ‘good-bye’ but as Jay says; “Death is the final good-bye.” When loved ones know the LORD it makes such a difference even though we sense that loneliness… is this the ‘sting of death’?
Thank you for praying for me and writing and sending your prayers and love our way. For your gifts, I am always very grateful! My long delay in replying is because I was out of Israel for 4 months, being about the King’s business. We are working to simplify our lives; many changes are taking place. We were in Canada in August and sold Jay’s parents cottage. While packing up the few things we wanted to keep, we found an old trunk in the basement. It contained our 1968 wedding gifts of silver, china and crystal. In 1969 when God called us to Israel, we sent them home to Mom and Dad for safe keeping and forgot all about them. Now, 50 years later, we are in our Jubilee year and experienced this surprise blessing. “ For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace, and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” Jeremiah 29:11 Amp. Bible
50 years ago this month we followed the LORD out of Canada. We still work to listen to His voice and be obedient, no matter where He leads us. We are excited this Jubilee year to revisit many of the places we have lived and ministered in around the world. Old friends are responding to this directive and doors are opening. Let us see what our God will do! If you want us to come to your home or fellowship, invite us! Way back then we were fishing for Jews to come to Israel. Aliyah continues to be one of the most important ministries in the world today and Israel has millions of supporters worldwide now. We were pioneers and in the 1970’s only the Jews heard our message to come home to Israel as written in our first book, Fishers and Hunters. The Church was not on board yet. We will never be antiques. Our sons are continuing on with outreaches inside and outside of Israel. Chris keeps the websites, Daniel makes films.
The Rawlings Family, (Missing 4 cousins)The Rawlings Brothers, Left to right David, Chris, Josh, Daniel and Joy the dog
We have just celebrated the glorious Feast of Tabernacles here in our home and with Christians from 100 nations at the ICEJ’s Feast in Jerusalem! Our four sons and their families rejoiced with us in our Succah, our little temporary shelter for the feast. Four of our grandchildren were here, four were absent. The overflow of love was not only energising but absolutely joyful for each one of us! I personally believe that each one rested in the Presence of the Lord, experiencing His touch, which brought us all these days of heaven upon earth. See Deuteronomy 11:21 Every blessing from our home to yours.
Meridel Rawlings Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 ISRAEL
Er erwählte für uns unser Erbe, den Stolz Jakobs, den er geliebt hat. Selah. Psalm 47.4
Die grossen hebräischen Buchstaben beschreiben den unaussprechlichen Namen des Lebendigen, des Herrn Gottes, Herr des Universums. In der hebräischen Schrift, wird sein Name nur mit ‘ ׳ geschrieben, zwei umgekehrte Komma. Jesus trug diese Zeichen als Wundmale in seinen Handflächen und Füssen auf Golgatha, verursacht durch die Nägel. Ja, es ist tiefgründig. In diesen Zeichen begegnen wir der «Herrlichkeit» Gottes. Verherrlichen die Wundmale Gottes Herrlichkeit?
Zuallererst jedoch möchten meine Familie und ich jedem ganz herzlich danken für eure Gebete und Nachfragen für unseren jüngsten Sohn Daniel während den letzten drei Monaten. Nicht nur zeigt sein letztes MRI keine einzige Spur eines Infekts, sondern er hat seine Lebensfreude wiedergefunden. Wir sind dem Herrn so dankbar und erheben seinen Namen mehrmals täglich voll Dankbarkeit! Danke für jedes einzelne Gebet und jedes ermutigende Wort für Daniel und uns in dieser Zeit.
Eines der Gelübde Gottes heisst: «ISRAEL MEINE HERRLICHKEIT» in Gegenwartsform! Ich möchte mit euch ein kürzliches Erlebnis teilen. Damit ihr etwas von der Atmosphäre spüren könnt, empfehle ich euch auf Youtube zu gehen und Terry MacAlmon 2013 – The Weight of your Glory anzusehen. Hier die Worte für diejenigen unter euch, die keinen PC haben. Er singt ein Anbetungslied. Video:https://youtu.be/rgavValH0UM
«Lass das Gewicht deiner Herrlichkeit (6x) … auf mich fallen. Dann spricht er: «Alle Leviten, die Musiker waren, standen an der östlichen Seite des Altars, in feine Leinen gekleidet und spielten Zimbeln, Harfen und Leiern. Sie wurden begleitet von 120 Priestern, die Trompeten bliesen. Die Trompeter und Sänger sangen wie mit einer Stimme, um den Herrn zu preisen und zu danken. Sie erhoben ihre Stimmen und sangen: Er ist gut und seine Gnade währt ewig… Dann füllte sich der Tempel mit einer Wolke, und die Priester konnten nicht dienen, weil die Herrlichkeit GOTTES das Haus des Herrn erfüllte. Oh schau auf das Gewicht deiner Herrlichkeit (3x) … lass sie auf mich fallen.»
Als ich dieses Lied hörte, hielt ich inne und dachte: «Ja, ich will das Gewicht deiner Herrlichkeit. Ich will überschattet sein von seiner Liebe. Ich fühle mich so trocken wie eine Wüste!». Ich schloss die Türe, richtete es mir bequem ein und nahm mir alle Zeit die es brauchte, die erstaunliche Herausforderung dieser Worte tief in meinen Verstand und mein Herz fliessen zu lassen. Liebe Freunde, es ist Tatsache, nur GOTT der HERR kennt unsere Herzen; und unsere geheimen Gedanken, die wir nie aussprechen. Er kennt unsere Sehnsüchte, Hoffnungen, Bestreben, Nöte, Kämpfe, Belastungen und Träume, ja, auch unsere unmöglichen Träume.
Ich blieb in der Schönheit dieser gesalbten Worte und Musik. Ruhe durchströmte mein ängstliches Herz, mein Puls beruhigte sich. Ich sank tiefer in die Anbetung, die nervöse Anspannung verliess mich. Dann erlebte ich Schicht um Schicht tiefere Ruhe, bis zur Sättigung und wurde so in eine überfliessende Anbetung gezogen. Wie ein gestilltes Kind, erfüllte mich die spürbare Gegenwart des Heiligen Geistes, welcher mit seiner liebevollen Sanftheit durch mich hindurchfloss. Dann nahm ich die kleinsten Erwartungen in mir war, die sich langsam verwandelten in feste Hoffnungen. Gedanken mit neuen Möglichkeiten stiegen in meinem Geist auf. Die Müdigkeit verschwand, als die kostbare heilige Gegenwart endloser Liebe meinen müden Körper durchfluteten. Ich wurde still und ruhig. Süsse, leicht wie ein feiner Duft, breitete sich in jeder Zelle meines Seins aus, ganz besonders in meinem müden und gestressten Verstand. Ich spürte wie seine Salbung mit einem völlig unbeschreiblichen Frieden mein Leben auffüllte.
Allein mit meinem Schöpfer ruhte mein Herz sicher in seiner Umarmung. Es ist eine intime Angelegenheit. Ich kann mein Herz selten so öffnen, aber jeder Widerstand schmolz dahin. Meine spontane Antwort war ohne Zurückhaltung. Meine Arme waren ausgestreckt und ich öffnete die Fenster meiner Seele meinem besten Freund, den ich habe, Yesuah, Geliebter meiner Seele. Eine zarte, aber beständige Freude bahnte sich ihren Weg aus den Tiefen meines Geistes. Wellen von Freude stillten allen Durst, und Lobpreis floss aus meinem Innern nach draussen. Ein frisch gegrabener artesische Brunnen stärkte mich und ermöglichte mir, seine spürbare ewige Gegenwart zu erleben.
Nun öffneten sich über mir die Himmel, ohne mein Zutun. Ich bemerkte, dass etwas von oben losgelöst wurde. Dann sah ich goldene Objekte, welche langsam, wie Federn, zu Boden schwebten. Obwohl sie dick schienen, fielen sie wie goldene Herbstblätter. Ehrfürchtig betrachtete ich diese Objekte, die ich noch nie gesehen hatte, wie sie von oben herabschwebten. Das Wort «Goldbarren» kam mir in den Sinn. Die sechseckigen Objekte waren auf allen Seiten dekoriert mit Szenen aus Israels alter und neuen Geschichte. Die Goldobjekte schienen etwas 30 cm lang und 15 cm dick. Stand dieses Gold für das Volk und das Land Israel, wo wir die letzten 50 Jahre leben, beten, lieben und arbeiten? Sieht Gott sie so, fragte ich mich, und versuchte, das Wort «Herrlichkeit» zu verstehen.
Ich wählte dieses historische Foto, weil dieses Jahr der 9. des hebräischen Monats AV 5779 auf den 10./11. August 2019 fällt, wenn alle Juden weltweit der Zerstörung ihres Tempels in 586 v.Chr. und 70 n.Chr. gedenken. Einige gläubige Juden glauben, dass Messias an diesem Tag wiederkommt. Er ist der leidende Diener, der sich mit den Schmerzen seines Fleisches und Blutes identifiziert. Jay und ich fasten zusammen mit unserem Volk. Wir lesen die Klagelieder und erinnern uns an die Tragödien unseres Volkes. Nun schaut euch vor allem den Fuss des Leuchters an, welchen die römischen Soldaten aus dem Tempel Jerusalems nach Rom trugen. Diese Sechsecke sehen so aus wie die Goldbarren die ich sah. Das mächtige römische Reich hat seine Zerstörung des 2. Israelischen Tempels in einen erstaunlichen Steinrelief auf dem Titusbogen in Rom verewigt. Hier ist die Geschichte für die Menschheit in Stein gemeisselt, dass die Juden in Judäa eine grosse Nation waren und eine Gefahr für das mächtige Reich! Messias sah die Zerstörung voraus und prophezeite, dass Jerusalem erneut zerstört würde und sein Volk gefangen und unter alle Nationen zerstreut würde. Er weinte wie ein Hirte über seine zerstreuten Schafe. Luk. 19.41-44, 21,14. Heute leben wir in den Tagen einer aufblühenden israelischen Nation. Die grössten Zeichen der biblischen Verheissungen entfalten sich, um den Messias, welcher Israels Herrlichkeit ist, zu offenbaren.
Jeder liebt Gold!
Ich weiss, dass unser grosse Schöpfer Gold liebt, er hat es gemacht. Wir lieben es, an jedem neuen Tag, welcher zu biblischen Zeiten mit dem Sonnenuntergang beginnt, zuzusehen, wie die Abenddämmerung alles in Gold taucht. Wir sehen wunderschöne Wolkenformationen, gezeichnet von seinen unsichtbaren Händen, wie sie endlose intensive Flammen von goldigen Schatten an den Himmel werfen. Dann schauen wir dem Sonnenaufgang zu, wenn sie nach der Dunkelheit der Nacht wieder Licht auf unserer Welt scheinen lässt, Tag für Tag.
Gold ist ein rares, schweres, weiches und trotzdem dichte, wertvolles und formbares Metall.
Fast alles Gold, das bis jetzt gefunden wurde, kam durch Meteoriten auf diese Erde. Das meiste davon ist tief im Erdinnern gelagert.
Archäologen haben alte Zivilisationen ausgegraben und goldene Kronen und Schmuck ihrer Könige und Anführer gefunden. Gold steht für Trennung, Königtum, Einzigartigkeit und Beständigkeit.
Es steht auch für Exzellenz (olympisches Gold).
Die Feuerprobe ist ein Begriff, der geprägt wurde, weil Gold sich nicht in Salpetersäure auflöst.
Hitze wird gebraucht, um Gold zu raffinieren und seine Gegenwart in metallischen Objekten zu bestätigen und es trennt. Dieser Prozess gebraucht auch Gott für uns. Ist dies das Gewicht seiner Herrlichkeit? Jeremia 16.16.
Im 2. Weltkrieg stahlen die Nazis das Gold der jüdischen Gefangenen. In Schmerzen, Blut und Tod wurden ihre Goldzähne und Eheringe gestohlen und zu Goldbarren eingeschmolzen.
Bis 1971 war der Goldstandard die weltweite monetäre Politik. Der Vorrat schmolz und seit
1930 verschwanden Goldmünzen als Währung. Heute werden Goldmünzen für Sammler geprägt.
Schliesst ihr euch uns an im Gebet für die Ausgiessung des Geistes Gottes über Israel in dieser geschichtlich entscheidenden Zeit? Was ist das GEWICHT SEINER HERRLICHKEIT FUER DICH?
Wir glauben, dass Gebet alles verändert. Glaubst du mit uns, dass der Geist Gottes Israel überschatten wird für seine endzeitliche Rolle auf Erden.
Sage der Tochter Zion: Siehe, dein Heil kommt. Siehe, sein Lohn ist bei ihm, und seine Belohnung geht vor ihm her. Und man wird sie nennen: Das heilige Volk, die Erlösten des Herrn; und dich wird man nennen; die Gesuchte; die nie mehr verlassen wird. Jes. 62. 11.a,12
Während der letzten 50 Jahre wurde unser Dienst des Glaubens von unseren Freunden und Partnern unterstützt. Unser herzlicher Dank geht an alle unsere Unterstützer und Partner. Wenn ihr uns weiterhin helfen möchtet, den Herrn zu teilen und mitzuteilen, dann spendet bitte mit PayPal. Danke und möge der Herr euch reich segnen.
Meridel Rawlings PhD, Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 Israel
«Han valgte et land som han ga oss i arv, en stolt arv for Jakop som han elsker Sela”Psalm 47:5
De store hebraiske tegnene ovenfor bokstaverer det unevnelige navnet på den levende Herren Gud, universets konge. I de hebraiske skriftene er det bare skrevet som dette ‘’ med to yod’er eller inverterte kommaer. Jesus bar disse merkene som arr på sine håndledd og føtter laget av naglene på Golgata. Ja, dette er dyptgående. I dette brevet berører vi ‘Herligheten’. Illustrerer disse nagle-merker Hans herlighet?
Min familie og jeg vil først takke hver enkelt av dere som har bedt, skrevet og spurt angående vår yngste sønn Daniels helse de siste tre månedene.
Hans siste MR viser at han er helt fri fra betennelse, og selv er han er fylt av en ny livsglede! Alt dette fyller oss hver dag med takknemlighet, og vi takker mange ganger om dagen. Takk til hver og en som ba og sendte oppmuntrende ord om kjærlighet og gode råd til Daniel.
Ett av løftene som Gud har gitt, er: “ISRAEL, MIN HERLIGHET ” i nåtid. Jeg vil dele med deg noe som skjedde med meg nylig. For å oppleve noe av gleden ved å kjenne noe av atmosfæren som jeg følte i følgende opplevelse, gå til: You Tube og skriv inn Terry MacAlmon 2013 – The Weight of Your Glory. Her er ordene for de som ikke har en datamaskin. Han synger følgende i tilbedelse: Video:https://youtu.be/rgavValH0UM
“La kraften av Din herlighet x6 … komme over meg.”
Så sier han dette: “Alle levittene som var musikere sto på østsiden av alteret kledd i fint lin og spilte cymbaler, harper og lyre. De ble akkompagnert av 120 prester som blåste i trompeter. Trompetistene og sangerne slo seg sammen som med en stemme for å gi ære og takk til Herren. De løftet sine stemmer i lovprisning til Herren og sang: «Han er god, for hans nåde varer evig…» Da ble Herrens tempel fylt med en sky, og prestene kunne ikke tjene fordi skyen, Herrens herlighet fylte Guds hus.
«Å, se kraften i Din herlighet x3 … La den komme over meg.»
Da jeg hørte denne sangen, stoppet jeg med det jeg holdt på med. «Ja, jeg vil motta kraften av hans herlighet.» Jeg tenkte: jeg vil bli overskygget av hans kjærlighet. Jeg kjenner meg tørr som en ørken» Jeg stengte døren, satte meg til rette og tok all tid jeg behøvde for å tillate den fantastiske utfordringen i disse ordene å fylle mitt sinn og hjerte. Kjære venner, bare Herren Gud kjenner hjertene våre; og våre hemmelige tanker som aldri blir sagt. Han kjenner våre lengsler, forhåpninger, ambisjoner, rop, kamper, press og drømmer. Å ja, de umulige drømmene…
Jeg hvilte i skjønnheten fra disse salvede ordene og musikken. Ro begynte å fylle mitt engstelige hjerte og roet ned min puls. Jeg tillot meg å synke dypt inn i tilbedelse, den engstelige nervøse spenningen forsvant . Snart nøt jeg en hvile som vokste til et metningspunkt var nådd og begynte å dra meg inn i en overstrømmende tilbedelse. Som et barn ved mors bryst ble jeg mettet med Den Hellige Ånds følbare nærvær som beveget seg gjennom meg i en nådig, mild vennlighet. Da ble jeg klar over den minste forventning i brystet. Sakte, men sikkert vokste det til et fast håp. Tanken på nye muligheter begynte å boble opp gjennom min ånd. Tretthet forsvant mens det dyrebare, hellige nærværet av vedvarende Kjærlighet flyttet inn i min trette kropp. Jeg ble stille og rolig. En sødme så lett som fin parfyme spredte seg i hver celle av meg, særlig mitt trette og travle sinn. Jeg følte hans salvelse som om en søt, rolig Fred som overgår alt, fylte mitt liv.
Fullstendig alene hvilte mitt hjerte trygt i min Skapers armer. Dette er en spesiell privat situasjon.
Det er sjelden at jeg er I stand til å åpne mitt hjerte i så stor grad, men all motstand smeltet. Min respons var impulsiv uten reservasjon. Armene mine ble utstrakt, vinduene i min sjel ble vidt åpne for den herligste venn jeg noen gang har møtt, Yeshua, Som elsker min sjel. En svak, mentrygg Glede begynte å stige opp fra dypet av min ånd. Vedvarende milde bølger av glede vasket bort den tørre tørsten, og tilbedelse vellet fram innenfra. En nyåpnet artesisk brønn ga meg styrke og kraft i en følelse av et Evig nærvær.
Da var det som om himlene over meg ble åpnet uten noen medvirkning fra min side. Jeg oppdaget noe som kom ovenfra. Da så jeg objekter av gull som dalte ned som små gylne dun laget av gull i en svak bris… Skjønt det var tykt, falt de ned som gyllent høstløv når det til slutt løsner fra greinene. Litt forundret, betraktet jeg disse objektene som jeg hverken har sett eller hørt om før. Ordene ‘plater av gull’ kom i mine tanker. Deres hexagonale form var dekorert på alle sider med scener av Israels
gamle og moderne historie. Objektene av gull så ut til å være en fot brede og 6 tommer tykke. Representerte gullet Israels folk og land som vi har brukt de siste 50 årene til å be for, elske, og arbeide sammen med? Er det slik Gud ser dem, tenkte jeg og prøvde å forstå meningen med hans ‘Herlighet’.
Jeg plasserer dette historiske bildet her fordi dette året på den 9. i den hebraiske måneden Av 5779 faller på 10-11. august 2019 når alle jøder i hele verden minnes ødeleggelsen av tempelet i 586 f.Kr og år 70 e.Kr. Noen våkne jøder tror at Messias vil komme på denne dagen. Tross alt er han den lidende tjener som identifiserer seg med smerten i lidelsen til sitt eget kjøtt og blod. Jay og jeg vil faste sammen med vårt folk. Vi leser Klagesangene og minnes tragediene som vårt folk har holdt ut mens de har levd her på jorden.
Se nå på denne foten under lysestaken (menoraen) som de romerske soldatene bærer fra templet i Jerusalem til Rom. Disse sekskantene har samme form som de gullbarrene jeg så. Det mektige Romerriket foreviget dermed sin ødeleggelse av Israels andre tempel ved å lage dette fantastiske steinrelieffet under Titusbuen i Rom.
Her er historien skrevet i stein for at alle mennesker skal lese og forstå at jødene i Judea var en stor nasjon og en trussel for det mektige imperiet! Messias forutså denne ødeleggelsen og profeterte at Jerusalem skulle bli ødelagt og folket bli tatt til fange og spredt ut blant folkene. Han gråt slik en hyrde gjør når hans flokk blir spredt.
Luke 19:41-44; 21:24.
Nå lever vi i blomstrende dager for den moderne nasjonen Israel. Det største tegnet blant bibelske profetier brettes ut som innledning til Messias som er Israels Herlighet!
Alle elsker gull!
– Jeg vet atvår Store Skaper elsker gull. Han lagde det. Ved hver dags fødsel som i følge bibelsk tid, begynner ved solppgang, elsker vi å betrakte at dagen heller til skumring ofte i gull. Vi ser strålende skyformasjoner formet av hans usynlige hender som kastes ut i uendelige intense flammende skygger av gull over himmelen.
Så ser vi en gylden sol stige ut av natte-mørket for trofast å lyse opp for oss på jorda dag etter dag.
– Gull er et sjeldent, tungt, mykt, likevel tett og et edelt formbart metall..
– Nesten alt gull som er funnet, ble avsatt på jorden av meteoritter. Mesteparten er lagret dypt inne i jordas hjerte.
– Arkeologer har gravet fram gamle sivilisasjoner og oppdaget gullkroner og smykker fra konger og stammehøvdinger. Gull betyr adskillelse, kongelighet, enestående, for ikke å snakke om varighet.
– Det representerer fortreffelighet, som olympisk gull.
-‘Syre-test’ er et begrep som er skapt fordi gull er uoppløselig i salpetersyre.
-Varme brukes til å foredle gull og bekrefte dets tilstedeværelse i metalliske gjenstander og skille det ut derfra. Er ikke dette den raffineringsprosessen nøyaktig slik Gud skiller oss ut for å tilhøre ham? Er dette tyngden av Hans herlighet? Les Jeremia 16:16
– Under andre verdenskrig stjal nasistene alt gullet fra sine jødiske fanger. I smerte, blod, og til og med død ble gulltennene deres og gifteringer samlet og smeltet om til gullbarrer, også kalt ‘ingots’.
– Fram til 1971 hadde ‘gullstandarden’ blitt tatt i bruk globalt som penge-politikk. Forsyningene gikk fram og tilbake og fra 1930-tallet opphørte gull-myntene å sirkulere over hele verden som valuta. I dag blir gullmynter laget for samlere.
Vil du stå med oss i bønn om at HERRENS Ånd skal utøses over Israel i denne sjebnesvangre perioden i historien. Hva betyr TYNGDEN i HANS HERLIGHET FOR DEG?
Vi lever ved sannheten om at Bønn forandrer alt. Vil du Tro sammen med oss at Israel skal bli overskygget av Guds Ånd for sin endetids-rolle på jorden?
«Si til Sions datter,
Se din frelse kommer!
De Han fikk som lønn er med Ham.
De Han vant går foran Ham.
De skal kalles det Hellige folk,
De som Herren har forløst
Og selv skal du (Jerusalem) kalles den søkte,
Byen som ikke er forlatt. Isaiah 62:11b,12.
Med støtte av våre venner og partnere har vi i de siste 50 år tjent Herren i tro.
Vår oppriktige takk går til hver enkelt av dere. Om dere ønsker å hjelpe oss med å sende ut og dele innsikt som Herren gir, vær snill å gi støtte via PayPal nedenfor. Takk! Må Herren velsigne dere rikt.
Meridel Rawlings PhD; Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 ISRAEL
Hän on valinnut meille perintöosan, joka on Jaakobin, hänen rakkaansa, kunnia. Sela. Psalmi 47:5
Yllä olevat isot heprean kielen kirjaimet muodostavat nimen, jota ei lausuta ääneen; Elävän, Herra Jumalan, maailmankaikkeuden Kuninkaan nimen. Heprealaisissa Kirjoituksissa se kirjoitetaan pelkästään muotoon ‘’ eli kadella jod-kirjaimella tai toisiaan vasten käännetyillä pilkuilla. Jeesus kantoi nämä merkit haavoina ranteissaan ja jaloissaan Golgatalla naulojen tekeminä. Kyllä, tämä on syvällistä.
Käsittelemme tässä kirjeessä käsitettä kunnia, kirkkaus. Edustaako yllä kerrottu tosiasia naulanrei’istä Hänen kunniaansa, kirkkauttaan?
Aluksi perheeni ja minä haluamme kiittää jokaista, joka rukoili ja kirjoitti viestejä tiedustellen nuorimman poikamme Danielin vointia viimeksi kuluneiden kolmen kuukauden aikana. Tuorein magneettikuva on täysin vailla tulehduksen merkkejä, ja hän kokee uutta elämänintoa! Tämä täyttää meidät kiitollisuudella ja kiitämme päivittäin monta kertaa. Kiitos teistä jokaiselle, joka rukoili ja lähetti rohkaisevia, rakkauden ja neuvon sanoja Danielille.
Yksi Jumalan antamista lujista lupauksista on ”ISRAEL KUNNIANI, KIRKKAUTENI”ilmaistuna preesens-muodossa! [Heprea ei aina kirjoita verbiä esiin. Suom. huom.] Haluan jakaa kanssanne itselleni hiljattain sattuneen. Jotta saatte tuntea jotain aistimastani ilmapiiristä menkää YouTubeen ja kirjoittakaa hakuun Terry MacAlmon 2013 – The Weight of Your Glory (Kunniasi, kirkkautesi paino). Tässä sen sanat niille, joilla ei ole tietokonetta. TM laulaa näin tuossa ylistyksessä. Video: https://youtu.be/rgavValH0UM
”Anna kirkkautesi, kunniasi painon langeta ylleni” x6 Sitten hän puhuu nämä sanat: ”Kaikki leeviläiset, jotka olivat muusikoita seisoivat alttarin itäpuolelle pukeutuneina hienoon pellavaan soittaen symbaaleja, harppuja ja lyyria. Heitä säesti 120 trumpetteja puhaltavaa pappia. Puhaltajat ja laulajat musisoivat yhteen ääneen ylistystä ja kiitosta HERRALLE. He korottivat äänensä ylistämään HERRAA ja lauloivat: Hän on hyvä, sillä Hänen hyvyytensä kestää iäti… Sitten Herran Temppelin täytti pilvi, eivätkä papit pystyneet suorittamaan palvelustyötä, koska pilvi, HERRAN kirkkaus, kunnia täytti Jumalan asumuksen. Oi, nähkäämme Sinun kunniasi, kirkkautesi painava peittävyys … x3. Langetkoon se ylleni.”
Kuullessani tuon laulun keskeytin mitä olin tekemässä. ”Kyllä, haluan Hänen kunniansa, kirkkautensa painon peittävän itseni.” Ajattelin: ”Haluan olla Hänen rakkautensa peittämä. Tunnen itseni kuivaksi kuin erämaa!” Suljin oven, asettauduin mukavaan asentoon ja otin aikaa antaakseni noiden sanojen ihmeellisen haasteen täyttää mieleni ja sydämeni. Kallisarvoiset ystävät, toden totta, vain HERRA Jumala tuntee sydämemme ja salaiset, koskaan lausumattomat sanamme. Hän tietää kaipauksemme, toiveemme, pyrkimyksemme, huutomme, kamppailumme, paineemme ja unelmamme – kyllä vain – ne mahdottomatkin unelmat.
Lepäsin noiden voideltujen sanojen ja musiikin kauneudessa. Hiljaisuus alkoi saada valtaa pelokkaassa sydämessäni ja hellävaroin keventää jyskyttävää pulssiani. Sallin itseni vajota syvälle ylistykseen; hermostunut jännitys häipyi. Ennen pitkää nautin levosta tasolla, joka syveni
entisestään, kunnes päästiin kylläisyyteen asti, joka alkoi vetää minua ylitsevuotavaan palvontaan. Olin kuin lapsi äitinsä rinnoilla; Pyhän Hengen sykkivää läsnäoloa kylläkseen saaneena. Läsnäolo liikkui lävitseni suloisesti, hellän lempeästi.
Sitten tulin tietoiseksi piskuisesta, odottavasta toivonhäiveestä rinnassani. Hitaasti mutta varmasti se kasvoivat lujaksi toivoksi. Ajatukset uusista mahdollisuuksista alkoivat kuplia pintaan hengessäni. Väsymys kului pois, kun kallisarvoinen Pyhän läsnäolo RAKKAUDEN läheisyytenä liikkui väsyneessä kehossani. Tulin hiljaiseksi ja rauhalliseksi. Suloisuus levisi kevyen, hienon parfyymin lailla olemukseni joka soluun; etenkin väsyneeseen ja levottomaan mieleeni. Tunsin Hänen voitelunsa täyttävän elämäni suloisella RAUHALLA, joka ylitti kaiken ymmärryksen.
Ollessani täydellisessä yksityisyydessä sydämeni lepäsi Luojani syleilyssä. Kyse hyvin yksityisestä seikasta. Pystyn harvoin avaamaan sydämeni syvyyksiä yhtä paljon, mutta kaikki vastarinta oli sulanut pois. Oma reaktioni tilanteeseen oli välitön, vailla varautuneisuutta. Käsivarteni olivat koholla avaten apposen avoimiksi sieluni ikkunat suloisimmalle koskaan tuntemalleni ystävälle, sieluani rakastavalle Jeshualle. Hellä ja luja ILO alkoi kohoilla syvältä hengestäni. Jatkuvat, hellät ilon aallot pesivät pois äärettömän janon ja niistä kumpusi ylistys, joka virtasi ulos. Puhkesi luonnollisen kaltainen lähde, joka vahvisti ja voimisti minut aistimaan ikuisuuden läsnäolon.
Siinä hetkessä taivaat ylläni aukenivat ilman omaa yrittämistäni. Tulin tietoiseksi jostain ylhäältä vapautetusta, lähetetystä. Sitten näin kultaisia osasia leijumassa vienosti alaspäin hyöhenten lailla kuin lempeässä tuulenhenkäyksessä. Vaikka ne olivatkin paksuja, ne putoilivat kuin kullanväriset, oksiltaan viimein putoilevat syyslehdet. Kovasti ihmetellen katselin noita ylhäältä alas leijailevia osasia, joita en koskaan aiemmin tiedä nähneeni. Sana ‘kultaharkot’ nousi mieleeni. Niiden kuusikulmainen muoto oli koristeltu joka puolelta Israelin muinais- ja nykyhistorian tapahtumilla. Kultaiset osaset näyttivät olevan noin 30 cm pitkiä ja 15 cm paksuja. Edustiko tuo kulta Israelin kansaa ja maata, joiden parissa olemme viettäneet viimeksi kuluneet 50 vuotta rukouksin, rakastaen ja työtä tehden? Näinkö Jumala näkee heidät? Sitä ihmettelin ja pohdin yrittäen ymmärtää kunnian, kirkkauden merkitystä.
Liitän tähän historiallista aihetta esittävän kuvan, koska heprealaisen av-kuun 9. päivänä 5779 – siis 10.-11. elokuuta 2019 – kaikki juutalaiset eri puolilla maailmaa muistelevat Temppelin tuhoutumista vuosina 586 eKr. ja 70 jKr.
Muutamat perinteitä noudattavat juutalaiset uskovat Messiaan saapuvan tuona päivänä. Loppujen lopuksi Hänhän on kärsivä palvelija, joka samastui omaa lihaansa ja vertaan olevien kärsimykseen. Jay ja minä paastoamme kansamme kanssa. Luemme Valitusvirsiä, jotka toistavat ne murhenäytelmät, joita kansamme on maanpäällisen vaelluksensa aikana kokenut.
Katsotaan tuota reliefiä, etenkin sen alaosassa olevaa kynttelikköä, jonka roomalaiset sotilaat kantoivat Jerusalemin Temppelistä Roomaan. Tuo kuusikulmainen muoto on sama kuin näkemilläni kultaharkoilla. Mahtava Rooman valtakunta ikuisti valtaisaan, Roomaan rakennettuun kivireliefiin Tiituksen riemukaareen tuhon, jonka se aiheutti Jerusalemin Temppelille. Siellä historiaa kirjoitettiin kiveen kaikkien luettavaksi. Siitä voi ymmärtää, että Juudean juutalaiset olivat voimallinen kansakunta ja uhka tuolle mahtavalle valtakunnalle!
Messias näki ennalta tämän tuhon ja profetoi Jerusalemin tulevan tuhotuksi jälleen ja oman kansansa joutuvan vangituksi ja hajotetuksi kansakuntien sekaan. Hän itki paimenen lailla hajalleen ajettua laumaansa. Luukas 19:41-44; 21:24. Me elämme kuitenkin kansakunnan kukoistuksen päiviä sen ollessa nykyaikainen Israel. Se on suurin merkki siitä, että Raamatun profetia toteutuu jälleen valmistaen tietä saapuvalle Messiaalle, joka on Israelin kunnia, kirkkaus!
Kaikki rakastavat kultaa!
Tiedän Suuren Luojamme rakastavan kultaa, Hänhän teki sen. Jokaisen päivän syntymässä, joka raamatullisen ajanlaskun mukaan alkaa auringonlaskusta, katselemme mielellämme päivän haihtumista usvaan, joka on usein kullanvärinen. Näemme upeita muotoja taivaalla, jotka Hänen näkymätön kätensä piirtää loppumattomin, syvin ja leiskuvin kullan muodoin poikki taivaita. Sitten todistamme kultaisen auringonsäteen nousun yön pimeydestä valaisemaan maailmaamme uskollisesti päivä päivältä.
– Kulta on harvinainen, painava, pehmeä ja kuitenkin tiivis ja kallis, muotoiltavissa oleva metalli. – Lähes kaikki maasta löydetty kulta on meteoriittien tuomaa. Useimmiten kulta on syvällä maan uumenissa. – Arkeologit ovat kaivaneet esiin muinaisia sivilisaatioita ja löytäneet kultaisia kruunuja sekä kuninkaiden ja heimopäälliköiden koruja. Kulta edustaa erilleen asettamista, kuninkaallisuutta, ainutlaatuisuutta. Ja sanomattakin: pysyvyyttä.
– Kulta edustaa myös erinomaisuutta, kuten olympialaisten kultamitali. – Happotesti on termi, joka perustuu siihen, että kulta ei liukene typpihappoon. – Kuumuutta käytetään kullan puhdistamiseen, jalostamiseen. Kuumennustesti osoittaa kullan mukanaolon metalliesineissä, koska siten se erottuu. Eikö tämä puhdistusprosessi ole juuri se, jolla Jumala erottaa meistä kunkin itselleen? Onko tämä Hänen kunniansa, kirkkautensa raskasta ja peittävää painoa? Lukekaa Jeremia 16:16 – Toisen maailmansodan aikana natsit varastivat kaiken kullan vangitsemiltaan juutalaisilta. Tuskaa aiheuttaen, verta vuodattaen ja jopa kuolleilta juutalaisilta irti vetäen otettiin talteen kultahampaat ja vihkisormukset sulatettaviksi ja harkoiksi, kultaharkoiksi valettaviksi. – Vuoteen 1971 asti kultavarantoa sovellettiin valuuttapolitiikassa maailmanlaajuisesti. Varannot vähenivät ja 1930-luvulta lähtien kultakolikoita ei enää pidetty liikenteessä maailmanlaajuisena valuuttana. Nykyään kultakolikoita löydään keräilijöille.
Haluatteko rukoilla yhdessä kanssamme, että HERRAN Henki vuodatetaan Israelin ylle tänä historian ratkaisevan tärkeänä aikana? Mitä HÄNEN KUNNIANSA, KIRKKAUTENSA PAINO MERKITSEE TEILLE?
Elämme sen totuuden mukaisesti, että rukous muuttaa kaiken. Uskottehan kansamme, että Israel tulee Jumalan Hengen peittämäksi ja että se ymmärtää oman roolinsa lopun ajassa maan päällä.
Sanokaa tytär Siionille: Katso, sinun pelastajasi tulee. Hänen palkkansa on hänen mukanaan, hänen työnsä ansio kulkee hänen edellään. Heitä kutsutaan nimellä Pyhä kansa,HERRAN lunastamat,
ja sinua nimellä Kaivattu, Kaupunki, (Kultainen Jerusalem) jota ei hylätä.Jesaja 62: 11-12
Viimeksi kuluneiden 50 vuoden ajan olemme toimineet uskonvaraisena palvelujärjestönä, jota ystävät ja yhteistyökumppanit ovat tukeneet. Vilpittömät kiitoksemme jokaiselle tukijalla ja yhteistyökumppanille. Jos haluatte meidän jatkavan viestien lähettämistä ulos maailmaan ja Herran
antamien oivalluksien jakamista, niin lahjoitattehan alla olevan PayPal -toiminnon kautta. Kiittäen ja Herran rikasta siunausta toivottaen Meridel Rawlings PhD;Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 ISRAEL.
He will choose our inheritance for us, the excellence of Jacob whom He loves. Selah Psalm 47:4
The large Hebrew letters above spell the unpronounceable name of the Living One, the Lord God, King of the Universe. In the Hebrew scriptures it is only written like this ‘’ with two yod’s or inverted commas. Jesus bore these marks as scars in his wrists and feet at Golgotha made by the nail prints. Yes, it is profound. In this letter we touch upon the ‘Glory’. Does the above fact of the nail prints illustrate His Glory?
First, my familyand I thank each one of you who have prayed and written inquiring about our youngest son Daniel, over these last three months.Not only is his latest MRI completely clear of any signs of inflammation; he is enjoying a new zest for life! For this we are filled with gratefulness, giving thanks many times a day. Thank you to each one who prayed and sent encouraging words of love and direction to Daniel.
One of the vows God made is: “ISRAEL MY GLORY” present tense! I want to share with you something that happened to me recently. To sense something of the atmosphere that I felt in the following experience, please go to:You Tube and write in Terry MacAlmon 2013 – The Weight of Your Glory. Here are the words for those who do not have a computer. He sings the following in worship.
“Let the weight of Your Glory x6… fall down on me.” Then he speaks this, See video here: https://youtu.be/rgavValH0UM
“All the Levites who were musicians stood on the east side of the altar dressed in fine linen and playing cymbals, harps and lyres. They were accompanied by 120 priests sounding trumps. The trumpeters and singers joined in unison as with one voice to give praise and thanks to the LORD. They raised their voices in praise to the LORD and sang: He is good for His mercy endures forever… Then the temple of the LORD was filled with the cloud, and the priests could not minister because the cloud, the Glory of the LORD filled the house of God.
Oh look to the weight of Your glory x3… Let it fall down on me.
As I heard this song I stopped what I was doing. “Yes, I want the weight of His glory.” I thought; “I want to be overshadowed by His love. I feel as dry as a desert!” I closed the door, got comfortable and took all the time needed to allow the amazing challenge of those words to fill my mind and heart. Dear friends, in truth, only the LORD God knows our hearts; and our secret thoughts that are never spoken. He knows our longings, hopes, aspirations, cries, struggles, pressures and dreams, oh yes, those impossible dreams.
I rested in the beauty of these anointed words and the music. Quietness began to overtake my anxious heart, gently easing my thumping pulse. I allowed myself to sink deeply into worship; nervous tension left. Before long I was enjoying one layer of rest that grew to yet another until a saturation point was reached and began to draw me into overflowing adoration. Like a child at its mother’s breast, I became satiated with the Holy Spirit’s palpable Presence moving through me in a gracious gentle kindness.
Then I became aware of the tiniest flutter of expectation in my breast. Slowly but surely it grew into a firm hope. Thoughts of new possibilities began to bubble up through my spirit. Weariness was dissipated as the precious Holy Presence of abiding Love moved into my tired body. I became still and calm. A sweetness as light as fine perfume spread into every cell of my being; especially my tired and busy mind. I sensed His anointing in sweet quiet Peace passing all understanding, fill up my life.
Being in complete privacy, my heart rested safely in my Creator’s embrace. It is a very private affair. Seldom am I able to open my heart of hearts to such a degree but all resistance had melted. My response was now impulsive, without reserve. My armswere outstretched, throwing open the windows of my soul to the sweetest friend I have ever known, Yeshua, Lover of my soul. A tender but sure Joy began to surge upward from deep within my spirit. Continual gentle waves of joy washed away the dry thirst and from within, worship welled up flowing outward. An artesian well, freshly opened, was strengthening and empowering me into a sense of Eternity Present.
It was then that the heavens above me opened with no effort on my part. I became aware of something being released from above. Then I saw gold objects wafting gently down in a manner similar to feathers, as if in a gentle breeze. Although thick they fell down like golden autumn leaves loosedat last from their branches. Rather awed, I watched as these objects, which I am not aware of ever having seen before, came coursing down from above. The words ‘ingots of gold’ came to mind. Their hexagonal shape was decorated on all sides with scenes of Israel’s ancient and modern history. The gold objects seemed to be about a foot wide and 6 inches thick. Was this the gold representing the people and land of Israel that we have spent the last 50 years praying, loving, and working with? Is this how God sees them I wondered, pondering and trying to understand the meaning of this ‘Glory’?
I put this historic photo here because this year the 9th of the Hebrew month Av 5779 falls on August 10-11, 2019 when all Jews worldwide remember the destruction of their Temples in 586 BCE and 70 AD or CE. Some observant Jews believe that Messiah will come on this day. He after all is the Suffering Servant who identifies with the pain of His own flesh and blood. Jay and I will fast along with our people. We read the book of Lamentations rehearsing the tragedies endured throughout our sojourn on earth as a people. Now please look at this bas relief especially at the BASE of the candelabra the Roman soldiers are carrying from the Temple in Jerusalem to Rome. Those hexagons are the shape of the gold ingots I saw. The mighty Roman Empire immortalised their destruction of Israel’s Second Temple by creating this amazing stone relief set into the Arch of Titus in Rome. Here, history is written in stone for all men to read and to understand that the Jews in Judea were a great nation and threat to this mighty empire! Messiah foresaw this destruction and prophesied that Jerusalem would be destroyed again and her people taken captive and dispersed among the nations. He wept as a shepherd does for his scattered flock. Luke 19:41-44; 21:24. Yet, we are living in the days of a flourishing, modern nation of Israel. The greatest sign that Bible prophecy is again unfolding to usher in Messiah who is Israel’s Glory!
Everyone loves Gold!
I know our Great Creator loves gold, He made it. At the birth of each day, which according to Biblical time, begins at sunset; we love to watch the day fade into dusk often in gold. We see magnificent skyscapes traced by His unseen Hands throwing out endless intense flaming shades of gold across the heavens. Then we witness a golden sun rising out of the darkness of night to light upon our world faithfully day after day.
Gold is a rare, heavy, soft, yet dense and precious malleable metal.
Nearly all gold discovered was deposited on the earth by meteorites. Most of it is stored deep inside the earth’s core.
Archeologists have unearthed ancient civilisations and discovered the golden crowns and jewellery of kings and tribal rulers. Gold represents separation, royalty, uniqueness, not to mention permanence.
It also represents excellence, as in Olympic Gold.
‘Acid test’ is a term created because Gold is insoluble in nitric acid.
Heat is used to refine Gold and confirm its presence in metallic objects, separating it. Isn’t this refining process exactly how God separates each one of us unto Himself. Is this the weight of HIS glory? Read Jeremiah 16:16.
During WW2, the Nazis stole all the gold of their Jewish prisoners. In pain, blood and even death their gold teeth and wedding rings were harvested and melted down into gold bars, also called gold bullion or ingots.
Until 1971, the “Gold standard” had been implemented globally as a monetary policy. Supplies dwindled and since the 1930’s gold coins ceased to be circulated worldwide as currency. Today gold coins are minted for collectors.
Will you join us in prayer for the Spirit of the LORD to be poured upon Israel at this crucial time in history. What IS the WEIGHT OF HIS GLORY TO YOU?
We live by the truth that Prayer changes everything. Will you Believe with us for Israel to be overshadowed by the Spirit of God for her end-time role in the earth.
Say to the daughter of Zion,
Surely your salvation is coming;
Behold His reward is with Him.
And His work before Him.
They shall call them The Holy People.
The Redeemed of the LORD;
And you (Jerusalem of Gold) shall be called Sought Out,
A City Not Forsaken. Isaiah 62:11a,12.
For the last fifty years, as a faith ministry, we have been supported by our friends and partners. Our sincere thanks go to each supporter and partner. If you would like to help us continue to send out and to share insights that the Lord gives, please donate via PayPal below. Thank you and May the Lord richly bless you.
Meridel Rawlings PhD; Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 ISRAEL.
«Herr, meine Stärke und mein Schutz und meine Zuflucht am Tag der Bedrängnis!»
Jeremia 16.19 Stärke = Kraft und Sicherheit
Überrascht euch das Datum «Sommer»? Wir haben soeben Temperaturen von 40 – 50 Grad erlebt. 20 Waldbrände entfachten sich in Israel und den palästinensischen Gebieten, Griechenland, Zypern, Ägypten und Russland kamen uns zu Hilfe, Gott sei Dank! Wir hielten unser Heim geschlossen, Ventilatoren liefen; und wir trinken Unmengen von Wasser mit frischen Zitronen! Ja… der Sommer ist hier!
Ein herzlicher Dank an jeden Einzelnen, der für Daniel gebetet hat. Er fühlt sich «besser», aber noch nicht vollständig gesund. Bis jetzt konnte keine Diagnose gefunden werden, Tests gehen weiter und wir glauben für seine vollständige Wiederherstellung und Gesundheit. Die nachfolgenden Zeilen sind für die vielen unter uns, die schwierige Zeiten durchmachen.
«Geliebte, lasst euch durch das Feuer der Verfolgung unter euch, das euch zur Prüfung geschieht, nicht befremden, als begegne euch etwas Fremdes … sondern freut euch…»1. Petrus 4.12
Viele sind wie wir in einer Situation voll Schmerz, Schwachheit, Niedergeschlagenheit und ständig bemüht, aufrecht zu stehen. Ich bete für euch, die ihr leidet. Eure Emails und Briefe erzählen von Verwitwung, Krebs, straffälligen Kindern, Schulden, degenerierende Erkrankungen, unbekannte Krankheiten, Unfällen, Arbeitslosigkeit, Verfolgung, sexuellem Missbrauch, Süchten, kaputte Beziehungen, Einsamkeit und noch vieles mehr. Die gute Nachricht ist, dass wir KEINE Waisen sind, und dass wir Unterstützung und Trost im Wissen finden, von Gott geliebt und umsorgt zu sein, unserem geliebten Abba.
Elizabeth Elliot verlor ihren Ehemann um 1950, als er von Auca Indianern auf einem Nebenfluss des Amazonas in Ecuador umgebracht wurde. Sie schrieb folgendes für uns alle:
Wir leiden:
Damit wir lernen, wer Gott ist. – Ps. 46.1,10, Dan. 4. 24 – 37, Hiob
Damit wir lernen zu vertrauen. – 2. Kor. 1.8 – 9
Damit wir lernen zu gehorchen. – Ps. 119. 67,71
Disziplin ist ein Beweis für die Liebe des Vaters und für die Gültigkeit unserer Kindschaft. – Hebr. 12. 5 – 11
Es ist der Zustand unserer Jüngerschaft. – Apg. 14.22, Luk. 14. 26 – 27.33
Es wird von Soldaten verlangt. – 2. Tim. 2. 3 – 4
Wir werden «beschnitten», damit wir mehr Frucht tragen. – Joh. 15.2
Damit wir in das Bild Christi verwandelt werden. Röm. 8.29
Damit wir uns qualifizieren, um mit Christus zu regieren. – 2. Tim. 2.12
«O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, die da tötet die Propheten und steinigt, die zu ihr gesandt sind! Wie oft habe ich deine Kinder versammeln wollen wie eine Henne ihre Küken versammelt unter ihre Flügel, und ihr habt nicht gewollt! Siehe, euer Haus wird euch öde gelassen; denn ich sage euch: Ihr werdet mich von jetzt an nicht sehen, bis ihr sprecht: «Gepriesen sei, der da kommt im Namen des Herrn»! Matth. 23.37 – 39
Seit jener Zeit ist Jerusalem wieder zum Leben aufgewacht; ihre Kinder kehren von aller Enden der Welt nach Hause zurück, wie es vorhergesagt wurde. Das moderne Israel ist das grösste Zeichen heute, dass die Bibel die WAHRHEIT sagt. Heute sprechen in Jerusalem Politiker ganz offen über die Prophezeiungen von Jesaja und Hesekiel, die sich vor unseren Augen abspielen. Das ist neu. Als wir in 1969 hier ankamen, wäre das unvorstellbar gewesen!
Letzte Woche liefen Vorschulkinder mit Fahnen unsere Hauptstrasse Har El hinunter, lauthals singend. Sie waren so begeistert, der Refrain ihres Liedes, das sie immer und immer wieder sangen, ist prophetisch und passend: «Lasst den Messias kommen»!proklamierten diese kleinen Knirpse! Das sind einige der Küken, von denen Jesus in Matthäus 23 sprach, hier in unserer unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft im Juni 2019. Es gab unserem Geist einen Schub! Gott der Vater hält sich an seine Zeit! Zion wird aufgebaut und der Messias kommt. Psalm 102.16.
«Aus dem Munde der Kinder und Säuglinge schaffst du dir Lob».Psalm 8.3
Während der letzten Hitzewelle war eines unserer Teammitglieder in einem vollgestopften Tram unterwegs und stand neben einem amerikanischen Touristen. Er schwatze laut in Englisch auf einen jungen Armeerekruten ein. «Hallo! Ich bin hier um zu beten! Siehst du, ganz Israel ist unter meinerAutorität. Alles was ich tun muss, ist durch die Strassen zu laufen und Menschen werden von AIDS und Krebs geheilt». Sie schämte sich für ihn. Der Rekrut wusste nicht, wie ihm geschah, weil diese Art von Religion ihm völlig fremd ist. Der Tourist nahm sich auch keine Mühe, um sich mit ihm zu unterhalten, oder mit jemand anderem in diesem übervollen Tram…
Wir hatten unsere Enkelin Liyah und ihre Schulfreunde für ihren 15. Geburtstag bei uns. Was für eine schöne Gruppe: arabische Christen und israelische Juden spielten alle zusammen und hatten grossen Spass. Das ist der echte «Friedensprozess», der das Gesicht dieses gequälten mittleren Ostens verändern kann. An ihrer Freue teilzunehmen half uns, uns zu erinnern: «…denn das schnell vorübergehende Leichte unserer Bedrängnis bewirkt ein über die Massen überreiches, ewiges Gewicht von Herrlichkeit, da wir nicht das Sichtbare anschauen, sondern das Unsichtbare, denn das Sichtbare ist zeitlich, das Unsichtbare aber ewig».2. Kor. 4.17
“O LORD my strength* and my fortress, My refuge in the day of affliction.” Jeremiah 16:19a strength* = power + security
Are you surprised to see ‘summer’ as the date on your letter? We have just come through temperatures of 40 to 45 C. Twenty forest fires exploded across Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Greece, Cyprus, Egypt and Russia all came to our aid, thank God! Meanwhile, we kept our home closed up with fans going; all the while we were drinking copious amounts of water with fresh lemon! Yes… summer is here!
Thank you each and everyone for your prayers for Daniel. He is feeling ‘better’ but not up to full health yet. Still a diagnosis has to be found, and tests continue and we believe for his complete recovery and health. I am enclosing the following teaching for the many among us who are experiencing trials at this time.
“Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you:…but rejoice…” 1 Peter 4:12
Many of you like ourselves are in this very present experience of hurt, weakness, being down cast, and struggling to stay on an even keel. I am praying for you who suffer. You tell me via email and letter about widowhood, cancer, delinquent children, debt, degenerative diseases, strange illnesses, accidents, joblessness, persecution, sexual abuse, addictions, broken relationships, loneliness and so much more. The good news is that we are NOT orphans, and can and do find succour and comfort in the sure knowledge that we are loved and cared for by our precious Abba.
Elizabeth Elliot, widowed in the 1950’s when her young husband Jim, was murdered by the then heathen Auca Indian tribe on a tributary of the Amazon River in Ecuador. She has written the following for us all.
We suffer:
That we may learn who God is — Ps. 46:1, 10; Dan. 4:24-37; Job
That we may learn to trust — II Cor. 1:8-9
That we may learn to obey — Ps. 119: 67, 71
Discipline is a proof of the Father’s love and of the validity of our sonship — Heb. 12: 5-11
It is the condition of our discipleship — Acts 14:22; Luke 14:26-27, 33
It is required of soldiers — II Tim. 2:3-4
We are being “pruned” that we may bear fruit — John 15:2
That we may be shaped into the image of Christ — Rom. 8:29
To qualify us to reign with Christ — II Tim. 2:12
That our faith may be strengthened — James 1:3; II Thess. 1:4-5; Acts 14:22
That our faith may be tested and refined — Isaiah 43:2; Dan. 11:35; Mal. 3:2; I Cor. 3:13; I Pet. 1:7
That we may reach spiritual maturity — James 1:4
Power comes to its full strength in weakness — II Cor. 12:9
To produce in us endurance character, hope — Romans 5:3-4
To produce in us joy and generosity — II Cor. 8:2
That we may be identified with Him (Messiah-Jesus) in His crucifixion — Gal. 2:20
That we may share His suffering — I Pet. 4:12-13; Phil. 1:29, 2:17, and 3:8
And let’s not forget, the suffering Messiah prophesied the rejection that typified Jerusalem.
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings but you were not willing. See Your house is left to you desolate: for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD!” Matt 23: 37 – 39.
Since then, Jerusalem has mysteriously and miraculously come back to life with her children returning home from the four corners of the earth just as the prophets wrote. Modern Israel is the greatest sign today that the Bible is TRUTH! Today leaders in Jerusalem talk publically about the prophecies of Isaiah and Ezekiel coming to pass before our eyes. This is new. When we arrived here in 1969 it was not so!
This past week, pre-schoolers waving flags and singing at the top of their voices paraded down Har El – our main street. Their enthusiasm caught our attention. The chorus they repeated over and over is timely and prophetic: “Let Messiah come!” the tiny tots proclaimed! These are some of the ‘chicks’ Jesus referred to in Matthew 23 above; right here in our neighbourhood this June, 2019. It gave us a lift in our spirit! Father God is the time-keeper! Zion is being built up and Messiah is coming. See Psalm 102:16.
“Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants, You have ordained strength.” Psalm 8:2
During the heatwave, a staff member was travelling across the city. While crammed into the tram she stood next to a large American tourist. He struck up a very loud one-sided conversation in English with a young army recruit. “Hi there! I’m here to pray! You see, Israel is under my authority. All I have to do is walk the streets and pray and people are healed of AIDS and cancer.” I felt embarrassed for him she said. The army lad had no idea where he was coming from because this brand of religion is completely foreign. The tourist never even bothered to ask about the soldier, or anyone else standing in the packed space…
We hosted our Granddaughter Liyah and school friends for her 15th birthday. What a beautiful group of kids; Arab Christians and Israeli Jews, all playing and having the time of their lives. This is the real ‘peace process’ that is going to change the face of the tortured Middle East. Being part of their ‘joy’ helped us remember: “…our light affliction which is but for a moment is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we do not look at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 2 Cor.4:17,18.
We are asking all of our friends and Prayer Warrior partners to please put out an immediate prayer for Jay and Meridel Rawling’s youngest son Daniel.
He is currently in hospital in Jerusalem. He has an inflammation in the brain, which is affecting his speech. Jay and Meridel are at his side. The neurologists are currently performing investigative procedures. We are all so grateful for the immediate, and professional quality of response from the medical staff at the hospital. Please, Pray! You may address any messages to this email address: meridel.rawlings@gmail.com
All messages will be printed and given to Jay and Meridel to read to Daniel. May God bring Daniel complete healing! With Love and Thanks, The Rawlings
“Why are the nations in an uproar [turmoil] against God, And why do the people devise a vain and hopeless plot? Why do the rulers take council together against the LORD and His Anointed, saying, ‘let us break apart their [divine bands] of [restraint] and cast away their cords [of control] from us.’”Psalm 2;1,2.
I am compelled to send you the following heart felt cries, asking for your prayers on behalf of Israel, the Palestinians and all nations. We see cause for grave concern. Since Oct 7th 2023 we asked: “was the Knesset tainted with ineptitude and corruption leading us to this ghastly day?” At the same time, Biden in the US and all Western Nations continued to refuse to recognise who the enemy of all humanity is! Our world stands at a time of foreboding, a time of coming judgement!
Israel is a nation of broken people …
Israel has suffered 505 days of shock, disbelief, sadness, humiliation.
Israel has lost over 844 IDF soldiers and 69 police officers.
Gaza is torn up, with how many dead?
A trickle of hostages have returned since November 2024.
Hamas has regained full control of a now broken Gaza?
Israel is still the underdog in this colossal mess.
Today, Israelis are humiliated, weak with sorrow.
Grief takes precedence over seething anger.
Depravity Walks the Nations: The death of Biblical humanity, of brotherhood, has reached a depth of depravity that no rational person thought possible in the massacres and hostage taking of Oct. 7/23. “STAND UP to Hamas”, was the recent call from the White House. Why did our Israeli leadership back down? Yet, Global antiSemitism maintains Israel ‘a leper’ to be avoided, an ‘untouchable’. AntiSemitism’s other face, had made their Arab brothers deal with them as one would a time bomb. No one wants them. AntiSemitism is a two edged sword. Nothing will bring it down but the spoken Living Word, the Bible, brought to life in the lives of believing people world wide!
A Time to Weep: At this very moment, all of Israel, stands at attention to respect the return of Oded Lifshitz, 84, Shiri Bibas 32 and her two sons Kfir 9 months, and Ariel 4. (Ages at time of abduction) Hamas was too afraid of bad publicity to give the little boys small coffins. Silence reigned, as the coffins are driven through the streets of Israel to the Forensic Identity Centre. People from every walk of life, lined the roadside, and stood on bridges over the highways, in pouring rain and hail. They stood to remember and and pay these martyrs their last respects. Now we find out that Shiri Bibas’ body was not a match in the forensics tests and the Israeli Government are tying to get it back. Also it is known now that the Bibas family were abducted by ordinary Gazan residents not Hamas. What an disaster.
Idealism and Hard Work is not Enough: Jews from Argentina and other Latin American nations, immigrated generations ago to ‘build up the land.’ They chose the fertile strip bordering Gaza on the Western Negev desert. Founding kibbutzim and moshavim, they worked the fertile land and reached out to befriend their neighbors. Gazan workers were hired, and fought to bring Palestinian cancer patients to Israel for treatment. They believed in brotherly kindness. It has been proven that many of these Palestinian workers had deceitfully mapped out their homes, and villages to aid Hamas in murdering, maiming, raping and pillaging on Oct 7th/23. There is no end of the film evidence of these acts by Hamas AND ‘neighbors’ including young teens …?
“Forgive our trespasses, as we forgive others…” The grieving families of Oded Lifshitz and the Bibas family have begged for restraint and refuse to call for vengeance. That is the ultimate Spirit of Israel.
Natan Alterman wrote a severe poem that still rings true today.
The Silver Salver
And the land grows still, the red eye of the sky slowly dimming over smoking frontiers.
As the nation arises, torn at heart but breathing, To receive its miracle, the only miracle.
As the ceremony draws near, it will rise, standing erect in the moonlight in terror and joy.
When across from it will step out a youth and a lass and slowly march toward the nation.
Dressed in battle gear, dirty, Shoes heavy with grime, they ascend the path quietly.
To change garb, to wipe their brow They have not yet found time. Still bone weary from days and from nights in the field.
Full of endless fatigue and unrested, Yet the dew of their youth is still seen on their head. Thus they stand at attention, giving no sign of life or death.
Then a nation in tears and amazement will ask: “Who are you?” And they will answer quietly, “We Are the silver salver on which the Jewish state was given.”
Thus they will say and fall back in shadows And the rest will be told In the chronicles of Israel.
by Natan Alterman 1910-1970, the official poet of David Ben Gurion
What is a ‘salver’? A salver is a flat heavy tray of silver, or other metal, used for serving.
“Their Redeemer is strong, the LORD of Hosts is His Name.” Jeremiah:50:34 Please, PRAY, dear friends;
Wähle gut, denn dies sind die Tage,welche uns in die Ewigkeit führen!“ Meridel R.
“O, dass du mich segnen würdest …und mich vor Unheil bewahren würdest.“ 1Chron. 4:1
Warum wundern wir uns, dass die Trägheit uns alteingesessene Gläubige getroffen hat? Der Weg ist steil in diesen Tagen, und viele liebe Seelen sind entmutigt oder deprimiert, und einige haben sogar den Wunsch geäußert, zu sterben und in den Himmel zu kommen! In Eurem eigenen Freundeskreis ist Euch dieses Unbehagen sicher auch schon begegnet. Es scheint so weit verbreitet zu sein, wie die Erkältung und die Grippe, welche uns heimsuchen. Wir werden nicht gewinnen, wenn wir aufgeben. Wir müssen kämpfen, um zu leben und weiterzumachen. „Warum schläfst du? Betet, damit ihr nicht in Versuchung geratet.“ Lukas 22:46.
Meine Pionier-Großmütter haben uns gelehrt: Das Aushalten von Entbehrungen macht uns aus. Diese harte Wahrheit ist die Zutat, welche den Unterschied zwischen Existieren und kraftvoller Vitalität ausmacht. Härte formt den Charakter. Unsere spirituellen Konflikte gehören zu unseren größten Segnungen … wenn wir uns weiterhin für das Leben entscheiden. In solchen Momenten hilft es mir, mich daran zu erinnern, dass „unser großer Widersacher vom Allmächtigen benutzt wird, um uns für seine (böse) endgültige Niederlage zu trainieren. Nicht unsere. Wir müssen die positiven Seiten des Lebens im Auge behalten.
George Orwell schrieb: „Je weiter sich eine Gesellschaft von der Wahrheit entfernt, desto mehr wird sie diejenigen hassen, die sie aussprechen.“
Eine unserer vielen Herausforderungen ist es, für die Führer der Welt zu beten, denn unsere Welt ist heute so vernetzt. Die Universitäten in den USA, Kanada, dem Vereinigten Königreich und Australien leiden unter den verfaulten Früchten des Hasses; den Früchten der «Woke» – Regierungen. Hass auf Juden, Israel und diejenigen, welche die Wahrheit sagen. Lasst Euch nicht täuschen, Gott lässt sich nicht verspotten. Heute sind die Nachrichten voll von den Heldentaten des neuen US-Präsidenten. Anstatt sich zu ärgern oder zu kritisieren, betet! Diese schnelllebigen, bedeutsamen Tage des globalen Wandels können uns verunsichern, wenn wir es zulassen. Wir werden ermahnt: „Wählt das Leben, damit Ihr leben könnt …“. Wählt gut, denn dies sind die Tage, welche uns in die Ewigkeit führen!“
In einer Zeit, in der so viele Stimmen nach Aufmerksamkeit schreien, ist das Hören auf die Stille Kleine Stimme heute vielleicht wichtiger denn je. Stört Euch dieser letzte Satz? Warum? Ja, ich verstehe, wie schwierig es ist, innerlich still zu werden und sich selbst ehrlich zu begegnen. „Seid STILL und ERKENNT, dass ich Gott bin! Ich werde hoch erhaben sein unter den Völkern, ich werde hoch erhaben sein auf der Erde.“ Ps 46:11
Der HERR, Gott, hat immer das Sagen. Wir sind seine Gäste auf dieser Erde für eine kurze Zeit. Nein, wir verstehen seine Wege nicht, denn wir sind endlich. Ich möchte Euch alle ermutigen und Euch für Eure Gebete für alle Israelis danken. Das schließt natürlich auch die Palästinenser ein. Sicher gibt es einige Gläubige im Gazastreifen und in der PA? «Möge Gottes Stimme in jedem hörenden Herzen erklingen.»
Die Geiseln:
„Es gibt keine lebenden weiblichen Gefangenen mehr“, hat die Hamas bekannt gegeben. Was sagt Euch diese Nachricht? Es sind nur noch Männer übrig, und zu viele von ihnen leben noch in Dunkelheit und Verderbtheit. Von den 251 Geiseln, die am 7. Oktober 2023 gefangen genommen wurden, sind bis heute 175 zurückgekehrt oder gerettet worden, und die Hamas hat 38 lebende männliche Geiseln und hält vermutlich 35 Leichen. Aviva Siegel, welche 51 Tage lang gefangen gehalten wurde, bestätigte, dass die Hamas einige von ihnen sexuell belästigt und missbraucht hat. „Diese Mädchen wurden in Marionetten für ihre Entführer verwandelt. Sie wurden in enge Kleidung gekleidet und gezwungen, Demütigungen zu ertragen, welche niemandem zugemutet werden sollten.“
Karina Ariev, IDF-Feldbeobachterin, sagte: „Ich wurde ein Jahr und fünf Monate lang von der Hamas gefangen gehalten. Heute bin ich, Gott sei Dank, zu Hause in Israel. Von nun an wird meine Reise neben der Rehabilitation und der Rückkehr ins Leben auch das Gedenken an meine Kameraden, Kommandeure, Kompaniechefs und Kämpfer beinhalten, welche im Kampf auf dem Posten in Nahal Oz, wo ich diente, gefallen sind. Ich werde an der Seite ihrer Familien für Gerechtigkeit und Wahrheit kämpfen. Ich war dabei, niemand darf zurückgelassen werden, ich werde nicht schweigen.“ Das ist ein hervorragendes Beispiel für jemanden, welcher sich mutig für das Leben entschieden hat.
Am 1. Februar wurde Yarden Bibas, 35, nach 484 Tagen in Hamas-Gefangenschaft befreit. Er war zusammen mit seiner Frau Shiri und ihren beiden kleinen, rothaarigen Jungen, von denen einer erst 10 Monate alt war, als Geiseln genommen worden. Die Hamas behauptete im November 2023, seine Familie sei getötet worden. Ich habe vor langer Zeit geträumt, dass diese Jungen mit schwarz gefärbten Haaren und in arabischer Kleidung von zwei sehr großen traditionellen muslimischen Frauen aus dem Norden Gazas in den Süden geschmuggelt wurden. Die Hamas lügt. Wenn sie tot sind, mögen sie in Frieden ruhen. Ich werde weiter beten. Ich glaube nicht, dass sich der Kreis jetzt schließt. Die Hamas hat gesagt, sie seien von der PFLP entführt worden und könnten nicht zurückgeholt werden. Die Volksfront zur Befreiung Palästinas (PFLP) ist die zweitgrößte der Gruppen, welche die PLO bilden, die größte ist die Fatah. Allesamt Lügner.
Israel zahlt viel:
Mit der jüngsten Freilassung von drei männlichen Geiseln am 1. Februar nach 484 Tagen in Hamas-Gefangenschaft… hier ist, was die Hamas im Gegenzug für diese 3 Seelen bekommen hat: Israel hat 183 palästinensische Terroristen freigelassen – 18, welche lebenslange Haftstrafen verbüßen, 54, welche lange Haftstrafen verbüßen und 111, welche seit dem Hamas-Massaker vom 7. Oktober 2023 verhaftet wurden.
„Die Nationen sind in die Grube gefallen, welche sie gegraben haben; ihre Füße sind in dem Netz gefangen, welches sie versteckt haben. Der HERR ist bekannt durch seine Gerechtigkeit; die Bösen sind versklavt durch die Werke ihrer Hände. Das Opfer bekennt sich zu dir.
Goodness of God- Lyric Video (Bethel Music) Klicken Sie auf das Bild, um das youtube-Video zu öffnen.
Du bist der Helfer der Vaterlosen. Zerbrich den Arm des Gottlosen und Bösen.“ Psalm 9:15,16. Psalm 10:14b,15.
Dieses schöne Lied kennt Ihr wahrscheinlich. Es stammt von Überlebenden des Anschlags vom 7. Oktober, als mehr als 100 Terroristen in ihren Moschaw (Kibuzzim) eindrangen. Es wurde einem Familienmitglied zugesandt, welcher es mit mir teilte. Wie wertvoll sind diese Freunde.
Die gute Nachricht ist, dass wir das Ende des Buches gelesen haben, und dieser herrliche Satz wird beim Hochzeitsmahl des Lammes gesungen.
ENTLARVT! Was Ihnen die Medien über Trumps Gaza-Plan nicht sagen werden. Klicken Sie auf das Bild, um das youtube-Video zu öffnen.
„Halleluja, denn der HERR, der allmächtige Gott, regiert…“
Offb. 19:6b
„Denn in dir ist die Quelle des Lebens, und in deinem Licht werden wir das Licht sehen!“ Psalm 39:6
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Shalom dear friends: ”Choose well, for these are the days leading us into Eternity!” Meridel R.
“O that you would bless me … and keep me from harm.” 1 Chronthians. 4:1
Why are we surprised that inertia has hit us seasoned believers? The road is steep these days and many dear souls are discouraged, or depressed and some even have expressed their desire to die and go to heaven! In your own circle of friends I am sure you have met this malaise. It seems as prevalent as the cold and flu that afflicts. We will not win if we give up. We have to fight to live and keep on. “Why are you sleeping? Pray that you may not enter into temptation.” Luke 22:46
My pioneer Grandmothers taught us: endurance of hardship is the making of us. This tough truth is the ingredient that creates all the difference between existence and vigorous vitality. Hardship creates character. Our spiritual conflicts are among our choicest blessings … if we keep choosing Life. It helps me in these moments to remember, “our great adversary is used by the Almighty to train us for his (evil) ultimate defeat. Not ours. We have to keep ‘lookin on the bright side of life!’
George Orwell wrote “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”
One of our many challenges is to pray for world leaders; because today our world is so interconnected. University campuses in the USA, Canada, the UK and Australia, are suffering from the rotten fruit of hate; The fruit of Woke governments. Hate of Jews, Israel, and those who tell the truth. Do not be fooled, God is not mocked. Today the news is filled with the exploits of the new US President. Instead of fuming worrying or criticizing, pray! These swiftly moving momentous days, of global change can leave us unsure if we allow it. We are exhorted to “choose life that you may life …” Choose well, for these are the days leading us into Eternity!”
With so many voices screaming for attention, listening for the Still Small Voice is more vital today perhaps ever before. Does this last sentence annoy you? Why? Yes, I understand how difficult it is to be quiet on the inside and face oneself with honesty. “Be STILL and KNOW that I am God! I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Ps 46:10
The LORD God is always in command. We are His guests on this earth for a short while. No, we do not understand His ways because we are finite. I want to encourage and thank each one for your prayers for all Israelis. That of course must include Palestinians. Surely there are some believers in Gaza, and the PA? “May God’s voice be heard in every listening heart.”
The Hostages:
“There are no longer any female captives alive,” Hamas has announced. What does that news tell you? Only men are left and too many are still living in darkness and depravity. Of the 251 hostages taken on Oct. 7, 2023, to date: 175 have been returned or rescued, and Hamas has 38 living male hostages and is believed to be holding 35 bodies. Aviva Siegel captive for 51 days confirmed that Hamas was sexually harassing and assaulting a number of them. “These girls were transformed into puppets for their captors. They were dressed in tight clothing and forced to endure humiliations no one should ever have to face.”
Karina Ariev, IDF field observer, said: “I was held captive by Hamas for a year and five months. Today thank God, I am home in Israel. From now on, my journey, in addition to rehabilitation and returning to life, will include remembering my fellow soldiers, commanders, company commanders, and fighters who fell in battle at the Nahal Oz post where I served. I will fight for justice and truth alongside their families. I was there, no one must be left behind, I will not be silent.” Now here is a brilliant example of someone bravely choosing life!
On Feb. 1st, Yarden Bibas, 35, was freed after 484 days of Hamas captivity. He was taken hostage with his wife Shiri and their two red headed little boys, one just 10 months old. Hamas claimed in November 2023, that his family had been killed. I dreampt long ago that these boys with hair dyed black and dressed in Arab outfits were smuggled from North Gaza to the South by two very large traditional Muslim women. Hamas lies. If dead, may they rest in peace. I continue to pray. I don’t believe the circle is closed yet. Hamas has said they were taken by PFLP and can’t be retrieved. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP; is the second-largest of the groups forming the (PLO), the largest being Fatah. Liars, all.
Israel pays BIG: With the most recent release of 3 male hostages on Feb.1st after 484 days in Hamas captivity… here is what Hamas got in return for these 3 soul: Israel released 183 Palestinian terrorists—18 serving life time sentences, 54 serving lengthy terms and 111 arrested since the Hamas’s Oct. 7, 2023, massacre.
“The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden. The LORD is known by his justice; the wicked are enslaved by the works of their hands. The victim commits himself to you. You are the helper of the fatherless. Break off the arm of the wicked and evil man.”Psalm 9:15,16. Psalm 10:14b,15.
Goodness of God- Lyric Video (Bethel Music) Click the image to open the youtube video.
This beautiful song you probably know. It is from survivors of the October 7th attack when more than 100 terrorists infiltrated their moshav. It was sent to a family member who shared it with me. How precious is this friends.
The good news is that we have read the end of the book, and this glorious phrase is sung at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
EXPOSED! What the media WON’T tell you about Trump’s Gaza plan. Click the image to open the youtube video.
“Hallelujah! For the LORD God Almighty reigns…” Rev. 19:6b
“For in You is the well of life, and in Your Light we shall see Light!” Psalm 39:6
With love from our home to yours this February 2025.
Diese schnell voranschreitenden, bedeutsamen Tage bringen Stunde um Stunde Veränderung. Es gibt nur einen sicheren Weg, welchen wir wählen können. Das ist der Weg des HERRN Jesus: das lebendige WORT. Es liegt an uns, uns in den Grundsätzen seines lebendigen WORTES zu erfrischen. Wählt gut, denn dies sind die Tage, welche uns in die Ewigkeit führen!
«Die Nationen sind in die Grube gefallen, die sie gegraben haben; ihr Fuß hat sich gefangen in dem Netz, das sie heimlich stellten. Der HERR hat sich zu erkennen gegeben, hat Gericht gehalten; der Gottlose ist verstrickt in dem Werk seiner Hände! Der Wehrlose überlässt es dir, der du der Helfer der Waisen bist! Zerbrich den Arm des Gottlosen und des Bösen». Psalm 9,15-16 Psalm 10,14b-15
Das Hören auf die Stille Kleine Stimme ist heute lebensnotwendiger als je zuvor. Seid Ihr bei all den negativen Überlastungen aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten oder habt Ihr Euch auf den Felsen gestellt? Für uns ist es eine Zeit der Besinnung und der Stille. Jesus allein hat das Wort des Lebens. Wir kommen zur Ruhe, schauen auf Ihn und sind erleuchtet!
Angesichts der vielen Stimmen, welche nach Aufmerksamkeit schreien, ist das alles, was ich jetzt schreibe. Das zehnminütige Video über das Leben des kleinen Propheten Zacharias ist lehrreich und tröstlich. Sein Name bedeutet: «Jawhe hört».
These swiftly moving momentous days, bring change hour by hour. There is only one sure course for us to choose. That is the way of the LORD Jesus; the Living WORD. It is up to us to refresh ourselves in the precepts of His living WORD. Choose well, for these are the days leading us into Eternity!
“The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden. The LORD is known by his justice; the wicked are enslaved by the works of their hands. The victim commits himself to you. You are the helper of the fatherless. Break of the arm of the wicked and evil man.”Psalm 9:15,16. Psalm 10:14b,15.
Listening for the Still Small Voice is more vital today perhaps than every before. Are you off balance with all of the negative overload or have you planted yourself on the Rock? For us it is a time of reflection and quietness. Jesus alone has the Word of life. We quieten ourselves, look to Him and are lightened!
With so many voices screaming for attention, this is all I will write at this time. The ten minute video on the life of the Minor Prophet Zechariah, is instructive and comforting. His name means, “Yahweh hears!”
Gemälde von Shelly Bandel Rawlings. „Der Himmel verkündet die Herrlichkeit Gottes!“
Gesegnete Weihnachten für Euch alle!
Als ich heute aufwachte, ging mir ein altes Kirchenlied durch den Kopf: „Friede, Friede, wunderbarer Friede, welcher vom Vater herabkommt. Schwebe für immer über meinen Geist, ich bete, dass er für immer in unermesslichen Wogen der Liebe fließt …“
Israel bleibt zentral in unseren Gebeten, Abba Vater hat uns aus Israel herausgenommen, er hat aber Israel nicht aus uns herausgenommen! Es ist eine Familienangelegenheit. Ich glaube, dass wir heute alle in „Alarmbereitschaft“ für unsere Nationen sind. Die Welt wird von den Winden des Krieges, des Lärms und der Unruhe heimgesucht. Wir beten für die Regierenden, die Guten, die Schlechten und die Hässlichen. Ich bringe sie zu den Höfen des Himmels und lasse sie dort. Gottes Wille geschehe im Himmel wie auf Erden.
PHOTO: of Jesus painted by Joy Caros
Wie man betet:
„Er ist unser Friede, er hat alle Mauern niedergerissen.“
„Betet für den Frieden Jerusalems, diejenigen werden gedeihen, welche Israel lieben…“
Möge sich dieser Friede auch auf unsere Familie, unsere Freunde und ja, sogar unsere Feinde erstrecken, sowie auf die vielen Menschen, für welche wir beten, Nation für Nation. Bevor das Jahr 2024 zu Ende geht, hoffe ich, dass sich jeder von uns Zeit nimmt, um mit Jesus allein zu sein, dem Geber des Friedens, der alles Verstehen übersteigt. Möge unser angestrebtes Geburtsrecht Gottes Königreich des Friedens sein, welches in unserem täglichen Leben und unseren Gebeten wirksam ist. Sein ewiges Werk in uns macht das Krumme gerade, löst alle Knechtschaft und Fesseln und ermutigt uns, den hartnäckigen, angeborenen Eigenwillen aufzugeben. Der Heilige Geist liebt es zu trösten. Was braucht jemand mehr als inneren Frieden? Erst dann wird das Unmögliche möglich.
Die unendliche Geschichte:
Als Jesus in Bethlehem geboren wurde, zitterten die einfachen Hirten vor Angst vor der Botschaft des Engels. Versucht es Euch vorzustellen? „Heute ist euch in der Stadt Davids ein Retter geboren, Er ist der Messias, der HERR. Und plötzlich war bei dem Engel die Menge der Himmlischen Heerscharen, die lobten Gott und sprachen: ‘Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe, und Friede auf Erden den Menschen, auf welchen sein Wohlgefallen ruht.’“ Lukas 2:9-14.
Das Königreich Gottes kam, als wir den Messias Jesus einluden, in unseren Herzen zu wohnen. Ja, denn er allein hat den Kaufpreis für unsere Seelen mit seinem Blut bezahlt: „Denn er empfing Ehre und Herrlichkeit vom Vater, als die Stimme aus der majestätischen Herrlichkeit zu ihm kam und sprach: «Dies ist mein Sohn, welchen ich liebhabe; an ihm habe ich Wohlgefallen». 2. Petrus 1,17
Der Messias kam und wird auf Anweisung von Vater Gott wiederkommen. Je länger ich lebe, desto mehr verstehe ich, was Sein FRIEDE für mich persönlich bedeutet. Er IST Friede. Ein Friede, der ein allumfassender Schalom ist, welcher uns für alle Umstände ausrüstet, denen wir heute und morgen begegnen werden. Was für eine harte Arbeit ist es, in seiner Liebe zu ruhen. Er wirkt nur, wenn ich ihm erlaube, mich bis zum Äußersten zu erlösen. Vielleicht seid Ihr auch an diesem Punkt. Lasst los und lasst Gott machen!
„ … wenn du diese Dinge tust, wirst du niemals VERSAGEN. Darum bemüht euch, in euren Glauben das Gute hinzuzufügen, und im Guten die Erkenntnis, und in der Erkenntnis die Selbstbeherrschung, und in der Selbstbeherrschung die Beharrlichkeit, und in der Beharrlichkeit die Gottesfurcht, und in der Gottesfurcht die Bruderliebe, in der Bruderliebe aber die Liebe.“
2. Petrus 1,5 – 7.
Überraschung in Syrien ?:
Der israelische Premierminister erklärte: «Der Zusammenbruch der Tyrannei des Assad-Regimes in Damaskus (nach 50 Jahren) bietet eine große Chance, ist aber auch mit Gefahren verbunden. Es ist das unmittelbare Ergebnis unseres energischen Vorgehens gegen Hisbollah und den Iran. Wir senden eine Handvoll Frieden an alle, welche jenseits unserer Grenze in Syrien leben: an die Drusen, die Kurden, die Christen, und die Muslime, welche in Frieden mit Israel leben wollen».
Ein syrischer Rebell übermittelte über den israelischen Kanal 11 eine Botschaft des Friedens und der Zusammenarbeit: „Liebe Nachbarn und Freunde aus dem befreundeten Staat Israel, es wird keinen Extremismus geben; wir teilen unsere Leidenschaft. Wir laden Israel ein, nach Syrien zu kommen und zu investieren.“
Also Freunde, lasst uns beten, dass diese guten Absichten und Worte NICHT auf den Boden fallen.
Unsere kanadischen Besucher haben dieses Jahr viele Geschenke mitgebracht. Keevin und Nancy (meine jüngste Schwester) kamen mit zwei Weihnachtskrippen an. Eine davon, benutzerfreundlich, ist für unsere kleinen Enkel zum Aufstellen und Spielen gedacht. Jays Cousin Rob und seine Frau Lara brachten viele Kinderbücher mit; eines davon über die Geburt Christi. Vielen Dank dafür! Hier ist nichts in Englisch erhältlich. Von April bis Dezember erfreuten wir uns an unseren Familien und unseren israelischen Nachbarn, welche bei uns weilten, und alle haben das idyllische Tal und die Meereslandschaft genossen. Unseren Söhnen und ihren Familien geht es allen gut. Zunächst David in Jerusalem, Israel (David und Adi, Amitai und Liyah), danke an Chris in Helsinki, Finnland (Chris und Terhi, Noam, Heidi, Jouni und Liam.) Dank Chris erhaltet Ihr diesen Brief auf Englisch und Deutsch. Myrtha ist meine treue Übersetzerin in Zürich. Unser Sohn Joshua hat einen neuen Beruf in Griechenland gefunden. Joshs Töchter, Maya in Kopenhagen, Sophia in Australien und Cecilie in London. Daniel und Shelly, die Eltern von Ryan (3 Jahre), Gabriel (1,5 Jahre) und Emanuel (5 Monate). Sie sind alle sehr motiviert und beschäftig!
Jay und ich verbrachten am Thanksgiving Tag Zeit damit, uns an alte Freunde zu erinnern. Viele von ihnen kennen wir schon über 50 Jahre. Wir riefen ihre Namen aus während wir uns uns an ihre Taten der Freundlichkeit und ihre treuen Gebete erinnerten. Jay endete mit Rufen der Dankbarkeit, ich … mit dankbaren Tränen. Wir waren sicherlich von einer großen Wolke von Zeugen umgeben. Einer unserer besten Gebetskrieger seit über 40 Jahren war James Rawlings, ein Bruder von Jay. Er ist in die Herrlichkeit eingegangen. Wir vermissen ihn. Nur eine Woche später flogen wir nach Finnland zur Hochzeit unseres ältesten Enkels. Noam heiratete Heidi in einem historischen Dorf. Es war ein Anlass von großen Feierlichkeiten und Freude.
Weihnachten mit neuen Augen:
Dieses Jahr habe ich Anna gelesen, ein historisches Buch über die Mutter Marias. Im Vorwort schrieb die Autorin, wie sie ihrer vierjährigen Enkelin, die Weihnachtsgeschichte erzählte. Als sie zu der Stelle kam: „ …und die müde kleine Heilige Familie kam endlich in einem kleinen Dorf namens Bethlehem an. Es gab jedoch keinen Platz, wo sie bleiben konnten. Man bot ihnen eine Unterkunft in einem Stall an, welcher warm und geschützt war. Sie teilten die mit den Eseln, Schafen und Hühnern…“ Das kleine Kind sprang vom Sofa auf und rief entrüstet: „Aber WARUM sind sie nicht zu ihrer Großmutter gegangen?“ (Historisch gesehen war die Großmutter Jesu, Anna, gestorben.)
Diejenigen unter Euch, welche einige reizvolle historische Einblicke in das Leben von Miriam – Maria, der Mutter von Jeschua – Jesus – zu schätzen wissen, werden den beigefügten Podcast nicht nur reizend, sondern auch historisch und informativ finden. Die Moderatorin ist Dr. Claire Pfann, welche zusammen mit ihrem Mann Steve die Jerusalem Universität mitgegründet hat. Viel Spaß und in der Tat mögen wir Weihnachten mit neuen Augen sehen!
Ich hoffe, dass wir uns alle in der momentanen Eile Zeit nehmen, um über die unvorstellbare Güte von Vater Gott nachzudenken, ja sogar in schweren Zeiten. Ich danke Euch für Eure liebevolle Hilfe, Eure Notizen, Eure Anrufe, aber vor allem für Eure Gebete. Ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest wünsche ich allen Lesern und ihren Lieben.
Möge Friede in Euren Herzen und in Eurem Haus wohnen, von jetzt an bis unser Friedensfürst wiederkommt. Danke, dass Ihr uns Rawlings im Jahr 2024 wunderbare Freunde wart.
Today, when I awoke, the old hymn playing in my mind was: “Peace peace, wonderful peace, coming down from the Father above. Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray, in fathomless billows of love …”
PHOTO: of Jesus painted by Joy Caros
Israel remains central in our prayers, Abba Father took us out of Israel, He did not take Israel out of us! It’s a family matter. I believe today, we all are on ‘alert’ for our nations. The world is battered by the winds of war, noise and trouble. We pray for those in leadership, the good, the bad and the ugly. I bring them to the Courts of Heaven and leave them there. God’s will be done in heaven as it is on earth.
How to Pray:
“He is our peace, He has broken down every wall.”
“Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper who love her…” May that Peace, be extended to our family, friends and yes enemies, plus the multitudes that we pray for, nation by nation. Before 2024 closes, I hope each one of us will make time to be alone with Jesus, the Giver of Peace who passes all understanding. May out desired birthright be God’s Kingdom of Peace, effective in our daily lives and prayers. His eternal workmanship in us makes the crooked straight, undoes all bondages and shackles, encouraging us to surrender that stubborn inbred self-will. The Holy Spirit loves to Comfort. What does anyone need more than inner-Peace? Only then the impossible becomes possible.
The Never Ending Story:
When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, lowly shepherds, trembled in fear at the Angel’s message. Try to imagine it. “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you, He is Messiah the LORD. Suddenly the heavenly host appeared with the angel praising God and saying: ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favour rests.’”Luke 2:11,14.
The Kingdom of God came when we invited Messiah Jesus to live in our hearts. Yes, because He alone paid the purchase price for our souls through His blood.“For He received honour and glory from the Father when the voice came to Him from the Majestic Glory, saying, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with Him, I am well pleased.”2 Peter 1:17
Messiah came and will return under Father God’s instruction. The longer I live, the more I understand what His PEACE means to me personally. He IS Peace. Peace is an all-encompassing Shalom equipping us for every circumstance that we may face today and tomorrow. What hard work it is to rest in His love. He only works as I allow Him to redeem me to the uttermost. Maybe you are in this place too. Let go and let God!
“ … if you do these things, you will never FAIL. For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness, and to goodness knowledge, and to knowledge, self-control, and to self-control, perseverance, and to perseverance, godliness, and to godliness, brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness, love.”
1 Peter 10b, 2.
Surprise in Syria ?:
Israeli PM stated: “The collapse of the Assad Regime’s tyranny in Damascus (of 50 years) offers great opportunity but is fraught with danger. It is the direct result of our forceful action against Hezbulloh and Iran, We send a hand of peace to all those beyond our border in Syria: to the Druze, the Kurds, the Christians, and Muslims who want to live in peace with Israel.”
A Syrian rebel extended a message of peace and cooperation via Israel’s Channel 11 saying, “Dear beloved neighbours and friends from the friendly State of Israel, there will be no extremism; we share passion. We invite Israel to come to Syria and invest.”
So friends, let us pray, these good intentions and words do Not fall to the ground.
Our Canadian guests this year brought many gifts. Keevin and Nancy (my youngest sister) arrived with two nativity scenes. One is ‘user friendly’ for our little grandsons to set up and play with. Jay’s cousin Rob and his wife Lara brought many children’s books; one on the Nativity. Thank you! Here nothing is available in English. We enjoyed family and Israeli neighbors from April through Dec. Everyone enjoyed the pastoral valley and seascapes.
Our sons and their families are all doing well. First, David in Jerusalem Israel (David and Adi, Amitai and Liyah), and Chris in Helsinki Finland (Chris and Terhi, Noam, Heidi, Jouni and Liam.) Thanks to Chris you receive this letter In English and German. Myrtha is my faithful translator in Zurich. Son Joshua has found a new profession in Greece. Josh’s daughters, Maya Copenhagen, Sophia Australia and Cecilie London. Daniel, and Shelly, parents of Ryan 3 yrs, Gabriel 1.5 yrs and Emanuel. 5 mos. They are all very motivated and busy!
Jay and I spent time on Thanksgiving Day, remembering old friends. Many go back the past 50 years. We called out their names as we remembered their deeds of kindness and faithful prayers. Jay ended up with shouts of thankfulness, me … grateful tears. We have surely been surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. One of our finest prayer warriors of over 40 years was James Rawlings, a brother to Jay. He has left for Glory. We miss him. Just a week later we flew to Finland for our oldest Grandson’s wedding. Noam married Heidi in a historical village. It was an occasion of tremendous celebration and joy,
Christmas With New Eyes:
This year, I read Anna, a historical work on the mother of Mary. In the forward, the author wrote about telling her granddaughter of 4 years, the Christmas Story. When she came to “ … and the tired little Holy Family finally arrived, in a small village called Bethlehem. There was no place for them to stay. They were offered privacy in a stable which was warm and sheltered. They shared it with the donkeys, sheep and chickens…” The little child jumped off of the sofa, indignation filling her voice, she exclaimed “But WHY didn’t they go to Grandma’s house?” (Historically, Jesus’ Grandma, Anna had died.)
For those of you who would appreciate some delightful historical insights into the life of Miriam – Mary the mother of Yeshua – Jesus, you will find the enclosed podcast not only delightful but historical and informative. The presenter is Dr. Claire Pfann, who with her husband Steve co-founded the Jerusalem University. Enjoy, and truly, may we see Christmas with new eyes!
I hope we will all take time in the rush to ponder Father God’s unimaginable kindness, yes even in the hard times. Thank you for your loving help, notes, calls but most of all your prayers. A very blessed Christmas to each reader and to your loved ones.
May Peace be resident in your hearts and home from now until our Prince of Peace returns! Thank you for being wonderful friends to us Rawlings during 2024.
With love and peace from our home to yours.
Jay and Meridel Rawlings.
Painting at the top by Shelly Bandel Rawlings. “The Heavens Declare The Glory of God!”
„Und es soll geschehen an jenem Tag, dass ich Jerusalem zum Laststein für alle Völker machen werde; alle, die ihn heben wollen, werden sich gewisslich daran wund reissen; und alle Heidenvölker der Erde werden sich gegen es versammeln.“ Sacharja 12:3
Das ist die Richtung, in welche wir gehen…
„Wer will gegen die Auserwählten Gottes Anklage erheben??“ Römer 8:33
Tage des Schicksals:
Wusstet Ihr, dass die Muslime den November zum Monat der Anti-Islamophobie erklärt haben?!
Ja, ich höre den Lärm und die Aufregung, welche die Nationen überfluten und sich im Internet verbreiten. Es gibt KEINE Ruhe, KEINEN Frieden, nur Spekulationen und Drohungen. Mit dem erdrutschartigen Wahlsieg des ehemaligen Präsidenten Trump ist der Wandel ausgebrochen. Das Volk hat gesprochen, und die einzigen, welche sich davon irritieren lassen, sind die Linken. Was für ein Weckruf. Lasst Euch nicht täuschen. Wir befinden uns in einer Zeit großer geistlicher und politischer Turbulenzen, welche durch Medienlügen angeheizt werden. Unerwartete Angriffe werden in den nächsten zwei Monaten vor dem Amtsantritt von Herrn Trump geplant. Bleibt wachsam!Sie werden aus unerwarteten Quellen kommen. Die Finsternis wütet überall. Die Amtseinführung von Trump ist am 20./25. Januar. Bitte bleibt diese nächsten zwei Monate im Gebet für alle Regierungen.
Lasst Gott Gott sein und alle Menschen Lügner. Unser Gott regiert und hört auf unsere Schreie nach Freiheit. Mein Herz fliesst über, denn ich sehe die mächtige Hand des HERRN in unserer Mitte. Er RUFT uns auf, gemeinsam mit anderen dafür zu beten, dass Erlösung und Gerechtigkeit in Millionen und Milliarden von Herzen einziehen. Zuerst beten wir für alle Führer. Seid Ihr verärgert über den Leiter Eures Landes? Wie betet Ihr? Weigert Euch zu hassen. Bringt sie vor den himmlischen Gerichtshof und lasst sie dort. Benutzt Euren Schlüssel zum Königreich Gottes, um das Böse zu binden und das Gute zu lösen. „Ich sage euch: Was ihr auf Erden bindet, wird im Himmel gebunden sein, und was ihr auf Erden löst, wird im Himmel gelöst sein. Matthäus 18:18-20.
Die linksgerichteten Regierungen in den USA, Kanada und Europa haben Millionen radikaler Muslime einwandern lassen, weil sie dachten, sie würden sich integrieren. Diese Gäste hassen ihre Gastgeber und alles, was sie repräsentieren, und schaffen Chaos. Wisst Ihr, was in Amsterdam nach dem Fußballspiel zwischen Ajax und Israel passiert ist? Der Angriff auf Israelis durch 100 junge Muslime war koordiniert. Die Muslime prahlten in den sozialen Medien damit, dass dieses Pogrom nach Plan verlief. Zwei Tage später in Schweden, am Jahrestag der Kristallnacht vom 9. November 1938, wurden Juden in Schweden und Antwerpen, Belgien angegriffen. Andere Twitter-Konten fordern französische Marokkaner auf, Juden zu lynchen, welche ein bevorstehendes Fußballspiel besuchen werden. 1938 wurde Deutschland vom Antisemitismus überrollt. Dieses Leiden beunruhigt ganz Europa und den Westen. Die Palästinenser sind in jedem fremden Land, welches sie betreten haben, auf dem Vormarsch. Heute haben sie es auf Juden abgesehen, morgen werden es die Christen sein. Wir haben die Tage miterlebt, als die Palästinenser anfingen, ihren Slogan an unsere Wände in Israel zu skandieren und zu kritzeln: „Zuerst das Samstagsvolk, dann das Sonntagsvolk…“
Beobachtet einfach einen Verbrecher, welcher versucht, einem Vater sein Kind zu stehlen.
Maskierter Angreifer versucht, jüdischen Jungen dem Vater in Brooklyn zu entreißen
SCHOCKIEREND! Eine für den 26. November geplante Mahnwache zu Ehren von Yahya Sinwar, dem Hauptverantwortlichen für die Massaker vom 7. Oktober 2023, übertrifft sich selbst. Die Stadtverwaltung sagte, sie werde sich nicht einmischen. Letzte Woche wurden Flugblätter entdeckt, welche für die Veranstaltung werben und das Symbol der Mohnblume verwenden, welches von der Royal Canadian Legion eingeführt wurde, um die kanadischen Veteranen zu ehren. Es wurde neben einem Foto des verstorbenen Hamas-Führers Yahya Sinwar mit den Worten „Vergessen wir unsere Helden nicht: Mahnwache für die Führer des Widerstands“. In einer Anzeige hieß es, dass die Veranstaltung „40 Tage nach dem Märtyrertod der für die palästinensische Freiheit kämpfenden Führer des Widerstands“ stattfinden würde. Was denkt Ihr über diese Kanadier? Kampf für Eure Freiheit?
Irland kämpft gegen die Realität mit Anti-Israel-Entscheidungen. Im April haben sie beschlossen, den palästinensischen Staat anzuerkennen. Wer hat sie gefragt? Ihr Schulbuch lehrt, dass Auschwitz ein Kriegsgefangenenlager war, und sie lehren auch, dass Jesus in Palästina und nicht in Judäa geboren wurde?
Israel befindet sich seit 13 Monaten im Krieg mit der Hamas und hat die Kontrolle über 30 % des Gazastreifens übernommen. 80 % der Moscheen in Gaza wurden zerstört. Sie wurden als Kommandozentralen und Waffendepots der Hamas genutzt. Die Regierung Biden setzt Israel unter Druck, die Übernahme des Gazastreifens zu verlangsamen und betont die Notwendigkeit humanitärer Hilfe. Das sind Fake News… am 13. November sagte das US-Außenministerium: „Israel hat sich geirrt.“ Die Menschen in Gaza hungern nicht. Hungernden Menschen werden keine Menthols, Nutella und Zigaretten geschickt,
Netanjahu hat gerade diese Botschaft an das iranische Volk geschickt. „Es gibt eine Sache, welche Khomeinis Regime mehr fürchtet als Israel: Das seid ihr, das iranische Volk. Deshalb verwenden sie so viel Zeit und Geld darauf, eure Hoffnungen zu zerstören und eure Träume zu unterdrücken. Nun, ich sage euch Folgendes: Lasst eure Träume nicht sterben. … Verliert nicht die Hoffnung und wisst, dass Israel und andere in der freien Welt mit euch sind.“
Sie wollen uns zerstören. Wir sollten nie vergessen, dass der Iran Israel, eine souveräne Nation, im April mit 200 ballistischen Raketen und im Oktober dieses Jahres mit 181 Raketen angegriffen hat. Das ist ein Novum in der Geschichte des Krieges. Was wäre, wenn es Euer Land wäre? Wie würde das Eure Haltung ändern?
Israel kontrolliert jetzt die Dörfer an der Frontlinie im Libanon. Sie haben tonnenweise unterirdisch gelagerte Waffen zerstört, innerhalb und außerhalb von Häusern … 10 Mal mehr als in Gaza. Israel zerstört die gesamte unterirdische Infrastruktur zur Lagerung von Grabungsgeräten, riesigen Lastwagen, Panzern und Raketen. In dieser Woche wird die 2. Verteidigungslinie von Hisbollah, welche sich nach Norden in Richtung des Letani-Flusses bewegt, ausgeschaltet. Von einem Waffenstillstand kann keine Rede sein, solange dieses Ziel nicht erreicht ist.
In dieser Woche schaltete Israel den militärischen Führer der Hisbollah (Daduk) in Damaskus und 10 iranische Kommandeure mit ihm aus. Auch Salim Ayyash wurde ausgeschaltet, der Terrorist welcher 2005 in Beirut 1.000 Kilogramm TNT zur Explosion brachte. Dabei wurde der christliche Ministerpräsident des Libanon, Rafik Hariri, und 21 weitere Personen getötet, wodurch der Weg für die Übernahme des Libanon durch Hisbollah frei wurde. Betet bitte weiter für alle Seelen in vom Krieg heimgesuchten Ländern.
Jemen und Irak:
Beide Länder schicken Drohnen in viele Städte und sensible militärische Einrichtungen in Israel. Die Nation wird buchstäblich von allen Grenzen aus „belagert“.
Warum an den 11. November erinnern?
… damit wir nicht vergessen, welcher Preis dafür gezahlt wurde, und warum er gezahlt wurde und weiterhin gezahlt wird! Bevor Ihr Euch dieses Video anseht, möchte ich Euch sagen, dass die muslimische Welt unseren 11. November als Gedenktag für die gefallenen Soldaten des Ersten und Zweiten Weltkriegs erzwungen hat. Sie haben erklärt, dass dies nun der „Schahid-Tag“ ist, zu Ehren des Gedenkens an ihre heiligen Märtyrer, die ihr Leben für das Abschlachten der Juden gaben. Was für eine Verdrehung! Findet Ihr das beleidigend?
„Es sei dir gesagt, o Mensch, was gut ist: und was der Herr von dir fordert: Was anders als Recht tun, Liebe üben und demütig zu wandeln mit deinem Gott.“ Micha 6,8
„Die Furcht des HERRN ist der Anfang der Weisheit.“ Sprüche 9,10:
Mögt Ihr Euch dadurch ermutigt und herausgefordert genug fühlen, um für Veränderungen zu beten.
Porträt des designierten Präsidenten Donald Trump. Digitales Foto, 2016. Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division. https://www.loc.gov/item/2017645723/
“Rejoice, O nations with His people; for He will avenge the blood of His servants, and will render vengeance on His adversaries, and will atone for His land and His people.” Deuteronomy 42:43
Since my last Still Small Voice, Gaza, Lebanon and Iran have been impacted by Israel standing strong against the aggression. Change is everywhere. Regional analysts believe up to half of Israel’s air force completed their operation over Iran a week ago this Shabbat at 2 am local time. All pilots returned home safe and sound.
First, Israel struck radar systems stationed in Syria, leaving Tehran blind for Israeli planes to advance over more than 1,000 miles into Iranian airspace.
Large swaths of the Islamic Republic’s air defences, including Russian-made missile systems, were left vulnerable. A former White House National Security Council member said: “We should understand that Tehran is naked right now, the Ayatollah has no clothes. Israel destroyed Iran’s strategic air defence capabilities and set back its missile and drone production extensively.” Satellite imagery revealed extensive damage to sensitive military sites, including some linked to Tehran’s illicit nuclear weapons program. By Adam Kredo, The Washington Free Beacon
Thoughts of The HOLY One of Israel:
“God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, the base things and the despised, God has chosen, the things that are not, that He might nullify the things that are, that no man should boast before Him. 1 Corinthians. 1:27-29.
Please hide this truth in your heart. Can you find yourself written here?
How the Enemy of our souls thinks!
One Muslim explains how Israel won the wars of 1948,1967,1973, and also this present war with Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and the Houti’s? “They [the Jews] have had access to genies and cosmic science since the time of David and Solomon. Their documents and traditions proved that. They have used genies and demons for warfare and intelligence operations throughout history.” Rashid Karami, former Prime Minister of Lebanon.
“The International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem was formed many years ago, in 1980, when most countries chose to move their Embassies out of Jerusalem to Tel Aviv. Our friends Tim King and Dr. Jay Rawlings were among those brave people who stood by Israel and both live here and their children served in the IDF. Each year the ICEJ creates a Tabernacles Festival here in Jerusalem and this year was no different. To see and hear the unconditional support in every moment of the Festival warms our hearts and we give thanks to the leaders for persevering in bringing participants from the world over.” https://youtu.be/sszgMGyh-n0?si=naPOfPCYyPlJNMYd
God’s Perspective on Israel:
ISRAEL is a country that, since its founding, has one basic principle encapsulated in the tenet “To be a light among nations”, We work to protect Israelis irrespective of faith, to ensure that we will never again be subject to attempted genocide, or ethnic cleansing. Consequently, we build safe rooms, shelters, sirens, and the iron dome defence system. Our economy thrives; despite huge defence spending.
We have never built tunnels and our biggest issue is that we still believe in the unique God-given nobility of human nature.
Tamir Grinberg is anointed and sings, “Broken Hearts”, the unspoken cry of Israel’s soul. I am praying that young Israelis like Tamir will be instruments for Revival.
What is an Israeli?
Zehavit Meltzar: sings the answer in Hebrew with English subtitles. Enjoy. Now please, pray with new passion and intercession for our beloved People and Nation. Click the link to watch the video:https://youtu.be/eDCjjzZm1l0?feature=shared
Every blessing from Jay and Meridel Rawlings.
God willing, I hope to be in Switzerland from Nov 5th for a few days.