Still Small Voice. Day 327
My Dear Friends: I love to hear from you, even if it is to tell me that your version of my SMV is messed up. To ensure your smooth opening, please go to my website: www.stillsmallvoice.tv Sign in the box provided with every letter, choose: English or German. Download the app to your computer then open automatically. “See, I have appointed you this day...
Still Small Voice. The Shabbat of Comfort!
My dear Friends: This thought came to me: Growing old takes grace … Choosing Life, is an Art form. Especially when the going is tough, It’s … my choice! Meridel Rawlings This Sabbath is called ‘The Sabbath of Comfort’. I think that is lovely. It falls after last week when we ‘remembered’ the destruction of both Temples and waited to see if Iran would...
Still Small Voice – Day 301
My dear Friends! I pray that in these days, each one of you is drawing aside from the hustle and bustle and noise. LISTEN to the Still Small Voice. Yes, it isn’t easy, but nothing worthwhile is. If you show up on a faithful basis, God will show up for you. This week I will share just two of the instructions I heard. Study...
Still Small Voice – Day 280
Dear Friends: “Things as we have known them are coming to an end!” Barry Wunsch Canada We live in amazing times. What matters most is not our geographical location but our spiritual location. Being in the eye of the storm, we can help many. I know you do as the Lord directs. ‘He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings, you...
Wake Up!
My dear friends: In these days, knowing the scriptures helps us to ‘think’ out of the box. Our survival depends upon wisdom, knowledge, and truth from heaven’s perspective. Man does not have the answers. That is not an overstatement. In and outside of Israel people are perplexed, confounded and angry by the savagery of Oct 7th. The world has largely ignored Israel’s greatest ongoing...
Still Small Voice – Day 253
Dear Friends who care: The Hebrew year we are in is 5784, which means: the prison doors open for Joseph. We give thanks today for the IDF, rescuing 4 hostages last week, which makes 7 living, safely snatched from Hamas. We pray for the remaining 120. I am reminded of a vision my brother-in-law Keevin had during a prayer meeting. He saw Jesus walking...
The Handwriting on the Wall
My Dearest Friends: The cover photo this week is of Prophet Kim Clement. I am sharing his precise prophecies of world events given ten years ago. Please listen with your spirit. Who can deny, ‘these days are dark?’ Everywhere we turn we are assaulted by terrible news in not just one nation, but many nations. I find it overwhelming. Not wanting to send you...
My Dear Friends: “… My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” Psalm 45:1 This week, I am happy to announce that our book Timeless Secrets Vol. 2, Miracles Among the Nations is now available on Amazon. This week the photo above is none other than the cover of our...
Dear Friends; “Hear this, you who trample down the needy, and do away with the poor of the land … I shall make that time like a time of mourning for an only son [who has died.]” Amos 8: 4,10e. Our cover photo this week was taken on Israel’s 76th Independence Day. The people in the photo are lying down because of missiles coming...
Yom ha Zikaron – Remembrance Day in Israel
Dear Friends who pray for Israel: “For just as the body is one and yet has many parts, and all the parts, though many, form one body, so it is with Messiah – Christ … But God combined the [whole] body giving greater honour to that part which lacks it so that there would be no division or discord in the body, but that...