The Mystery of Aliyah
Shalom, dear friends,
“He who sits in the heavens shall laugh.” Psalm 2:4
“Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.” Psalm 143:8

Aliyah is one of the Reasons Israel is Absolutely Unique
Let’s take a look at the rising number of Jews making Aliyah, returning to Israel. My husband Jay says that there are two reasons: they are drawn by the Spirit of God or they are pushed by hardship and persecution. Nothing stops the Almighty from unfurling His ancient prophecies in and through man’s folly. He strides through the nations, fulfilling the words of the prophets. Of all Israelis living here today, one third arrived as new immigrants.
Being drawn by God’s Spirit, we landed in 1969. God’s truth grew within us as we studied what the prophets taught about the Jews returning home from the four corners of the globe, echoed by Jesus. Our work got off the ground after our first trip into the Soviet Union in 1971. We joined a tour group covertly carrying Bibles, Hebrew scriptures and primers for the Jews locked inside. By 1984 the gates were almost closed, less than 900 Jews returned from Russia. God spoke to my husband to create the documentary Gates of Brass. He worked in collaboration with 100 Huntley Street Canada. It was a powerful tool used by Jews and Christians in a global movement to pressure the Soviets to “Let My People Go!” History attests: 2,000,000 Jews returned from the North.
Aliyah for Ethiopian Jews
Ethiopia is in the grips of kayos. Yet again history is unfolding. Israeli President Herzog has asked the government to rescue 5,000 vulnerable Jews. They are trapped and threatened in this bloody civil war that is advancing on the capital Addis Ababa as I write.
Aliyah and Christians
Howard Flower Aliyah Director for the International Christian Embassy wrote: “The ICEJ lead those who have never ceased to stand with Israel in encouraging Christians to help bring Jews home. One of our most recent projects was with the Benai Menashe. Christians helped us to work with Israel in an airlift from northern India. They flew across the Red Sea and sang their ancient song of Miriam and Moses. It has been passed down from mother to daughter for 27 centuries including when they lived in China during the Han Dynasty.
While flying over the Red Sea the women broke into Miriam’s song of deliverance!
Aliyah a Pattern for Resettlement of Refugees Globally
A member of our Synagogue Bible Study group wrote: “I am proud to be a part of the Jewish people. First and foremost, is my coming to Israel to fulfilling the act of Aliya. I came because I felt that the establishment of the State of Israel was the most important event in the history of the Jewish people since the destruction of Jewish society here in Biblical times. It seemed to me that any young person who was able to make “Aliya” was privileged to be a part of the rebirth of Israel.”
Aliyah is a Central Theme in Prophetic Scripture
Aliyah is a theme in scripture from before the captivity in Babylon and will endure right into the millennium. Is that not amazing? I encourage you to do your own Bible study.

Isaiah 11:11, Isaiah 66:18-22, Jeremiah 3:16-18, Jer. 23:5-8, Jeremiah 30:1-3, Jeremiah 30:4-11,Jeremiah 31:8-9, Jeremiah 33:7-9, Ezekiel 37:21-22, Zechariah 10:6, Mathew 24:34, Luke 20:21.
Professor Chuck Greenblatt wrote Nov.1st, 2021: “The Rawlings with camera in hand, conduct interviews and questionnaires with new immigrants from the States, the UK and Canada in comparison to those of the Soviet Union. Has Aliya been a spiritual exercise?”
Jay has just written a discourse on the inestimable importance of Aliya, which could be a powerful asset to help other nations tackle the refugee phenomena worldwide. Pray for it.
Shifting Shadows in Israel
These last two years have shaken the world and every household in it. One of the last things Mr Netanyahu did before leaving office was to freeze all documents concerning COVID for 20 years.WHY? Dr Kobi Haviv said this week on Israel’s Channel 13 News: “95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people account for 85-90% of hospitalizations. The effectiveness of the vaccine is declining and disappearing.” Our God is the true Rock in this sea of madness. He makes away where there is none. We are His lamps set in dim places. I am not ashamed to belong to the Great Creator. I love His Instruction book – the Bible. We who believe in Him are proof of His love. His NAME is written within our DNA; yes, found in every cell of the body. Whether we believe Him or not, He believes in us! Click on the photo. Meet the Israeli scientist who discovered the Divine Name in human DNA.
Israel’s First Budget in 3 Years True! Mr Bennet’s gov’t just passed the budget. Our new leaders grow in unity. Vitriol is lessening in the opposition, many question some of Mr Netanyahu’s actions. Christians are surprised. Don’t be, sadly, he did not care for the interests of the common man. Our middle class is disappearing. WHY?
In Rome, on Nov 5th, the Vatican Press released this statement: “It is absolutely necessary to reactivate direct dialogue in order to achieve a two-state solution, with the help of more vigorous effort on the part of the international community.” It is anti-Bible.
Saudi Arabia Birthplace of Islam: “Let there not be two religions in Arabia,” said Muhammed on his death bed, according to historian Bernard Lewis, referring the Jews. There are no synagogues, churches or even openly organized prayer gatherings for any non-Muslim faith in the country. Rabbi Jacob Herzog is launching his own Jewish outreach in Saudi Arabia, perhaps the first in a millennia. His congregation will be Jewishcontractors, businessmen, diplomats and people serving in the armed forces. Times of Israel.
Netflix, Israel haters twist history:
A whopping 89% of Netflix’s new “Palestinian Stories” were directed by anti-Israel activists promoting the BDS series. It completely misrepresents Israel. Matan Peleg CEO of Im Tirtzu, a pro-Israel watchdog organization said: “It is disgraceful that Netflix is featuring propaganda films whose sole goal is to slander and delegitimize the only democracy in the Middle East. If Netflix wants to tell the Palestinian story, it should start by contacting the thousands of bereaved Israeli families who are victims of Palestinian terrorism.”
“Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who has it in his hands and at whom it is aimed.”
Joseph Stalin

Sexual Abuse is never out of style! My book Stain Remover is absolutely CURRENT! Quotes from my readership:
“Keep up the good work, we need the tip of the arrow out front! You are and have been hitting the Mark!” R. C.Vancouver Island Canada
“In my view, your imaginative writing style is that of a storyteller. It blends beautifully to reading aloud to others. I pray that you be granted that door, which no man can close according to Rev. 3 so that many will be healed! Bless your courageous heart.” H.B Canada
“We bought two copies and are promoting Stain Remover far and wide. The first copies were damaged. We returned them to Amazon immediately and they were replaced with perfect ones. ” Pastors Bill and Audrey
Martin, Brooks AB Canada
“I read it with much emotion as some stories grieved me deeply and set of memories, thoughts and feelings. I am going to read it again soon. I am still processing an issue or two your book brought back to me. My mother is still with me at age 97, I have an unresolved issue with her. I need to read it again.” G.E. Minister USA
RED ALERT! I have received reports of Amazon sending out faulty copies of Stain Remover. If this has happened to you, RETURN the book immediately & COMPLAIN!!! It will be swiftly replaced at no extra cost. I apologize for Amazon.
France: The Secret is OUT
Over the last 70 years, facts have recently emerged in world media that, 216,000 known children were sexually abused by 3,200 priests and nuns in France. Solid reform helps, Regret does very little. Pope Francis asked for “forgiveness”. Pray with me for change.
Cuba: Good News
“The entire congregation says: Blessed are you forever! We have resumed congregational meetings for the first time since COVID began. We hope you can be with us ministering here about your Stain Remover. In Cuba, we are waging a great battle begging Father God for the family since the gov’t wants to establish new Familycodes.” D.D. Pastor/Editor Cuba
“If you think tough men are dangerous, wait until you see what a weak man is capable of!” Prof Jordan B Peterson
FaceBook, Whose Face?
Quote: “FaceBook is far more dangerous than anyone knows. FaceBook products harm children, stoke division and weaken our democracy. They will not make changes because they have put astronomical profit before people.FaceBook knew Instagram was driving some teenagers to suicide and did nothing to prevent it.” WhistleBlower Francis Hauger, US. Senate Hearing. Nov. 2021
Did you know? FaceBook is non-gender specific; last week they deleted a line of designer clothing for “Boys and Girls”? Now you know why!
Did you know? America’s new laws NO longer register the sex of a child at birth?
Did you know? In the US it is now written into law that men can menstruate.
Your Response to Still Small Voice
I want to thank those who respond to my letter with prayer and also finances. We work to support our NGO in Nepal with your gifts. We are still believing to build a Safe House for girls who have survived trafficking. Please help us. Share my letter.
“Dear Meridel, We so enjoy reading Still Small Voice every month. I usually read it over several times to take it all in. You give me a sense of what is happening in Israel and the world situation today.” Thank you. I want to help with the Safe House.” G. R. Switzerland
“I always enjoy your letter. Every evening I pray for the family and ministries and of course for the Peace of Jerusalem and the many ministries that are serving our God.” K.L. – UK
In closing, we all make our world what it was, is and will become.
A Wing and a Prayer – Jordan Petersen
Sincerely, Meridel Rawlings.

Dr. M Rawlings, Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 9079097 Israel.