All posts tagged: Israel

Still Small Voice – May 16th, 2022

Dear Friends Shalom: “Comfort, O comfort My people:” says your God.  Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,  And call out to her, that her time of compulsory service in warfare is finished, That her wickedness has been taken away, That she has received from the LORD’s hand Double [punishment] for all her sins.”   Isaiah 40:1-2 If you are a prayer warrior, and I am assuming that the majority of my readers are: one of your calls will be to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”  You in return are promised prosperity. It is a bond with the Almighty worth cashing in on. Psalm 122:6 We must always remember that nothing can be done without the permission of a man or woman giving ascent spiritually.  Father God gave the earth to the children of men, not angels. Just as Adam was called to keep and tend the Garden of Eden, so we are called to do the same in our spheres of inference. But Jerusalem stands out as the City of God for all peoples. Let me quote Jesus: …

Still  Small Voice – May 8th, 2022

Shalom Dear Friends: “You will hear of wars and rumours of wars. See that you are not frightened …” Matthew 24:6 But the good news: “But for you who fear My name, [with awe-filled reverence] the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go forward and leap [joyfully] like calves [released] from the stall.” Malachi 4:2 Israel Celebrates 74 Years: Independence Day The Arabs refer to this day as Nack-bah – Disaster! It seems the whole country spent the day picnicking in our many parks. Our son David and his best friend kept 3 barbecues going the entire time. Forty young Israelis came and Jay and I were the ‘older’ generation. We spoke into several needly young lives. On the way, we drove by Jerusalem’s major parks and saw many tens of thousands of families out ‘barbecuing’! The Jews were the original barbecuers; it all began 4,000 years ago in the desert of Arabia. Jay said, “The blue smoke can be seen from outer space on Israel’s birthday! At …

Still Small Voice – 1. Mai, 2022

Liebe Freunde ” … was wir sein werden, ist noch nicht bekannt. Wir wissen aber, dass wir, wenn Er erscheint, Ihm gleich sein werden; denn wir werden Ihn sehen, wie Er ist.” 1. Johannes 3:2 Jay und ich stammen aus der Generation des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Jay erinnert sich, dass die Fenster seines Hauses in Victoria, Kanada, verdunkelt waren. Er hatte Angst vor dem Klang der Luftschutzsirenen, weil seine Mutter ihn dann jeweils festhielt und vor Angst weinte. An die Ausgangssperren kann er sich nicht erinnern. Ich erinnere mich noch, dass Zucker, Kaffee und Fleisch rationiert waren. Jays Vater, Vic, kam nie mehr nach Hause. Er starb mit 28 Jahren als kanadischer Soldat bei der Befreiung von Deventer, Holland, von den Nazis. Mein Vater Don war von 1941 bis 1945 als Soldat der Luftwaffe unterwegs. Ich erinnere mich an die Vorfreude auf sein Kommen, als ich auf dem Bahnsteig stand. Die alte Dampflokomotive brachte den mit Soldaten beladenen Zug mit einem lauten Gequietsche zum Stehen. Der Jubel war groß. Papa kam auf uns zu und hatte …

Kallisarvoiset ystävät!  ”…eikä vielä ole käynyt ilmi, mitä meistä tulee. Me tiedämme tulevamme hänen  kaltaisikseen, kun hän ilmestyy, sillä me saamme nähdä hänet sellaisena kuin hän on …”    1. Johanneksen kirje 3:2 RK [Käytetty englanninkielinen käännös ilmaisee hieman toisin: … mitä meistä tulee, se ei vielä  ole tiedossa. Mutta tiedämme, että Hänen ilmestyessään me tulemme olemaan Hänen  kaltaisiaan, sillä me näemme Hänet sellaisena kuin Hän on…]  Jay ja minä olemme II maailmansodan sukupolvea. Jay muistaa, miten hänen Kanadan  Victoriassa olleen kotinsa ikkunat pimennettiin. Hän kauhistui ilmahälytyssireenien ääntä,  koska hänen äitinsä piteli häntä tiukasti sylissä itkien samalla pelosta. Jay ei muista ulkonaliikkumiskieltoa. Jayn isä, Vic, ei koskaan palannut kotiin. Hän kuoli 28-vuotiaana  yhtenä kanadalaisista sotilaista, jotka vapauttivat Alankomaiden Deventerin natseilta.   Minä muistan sokerin, kahvin ja lihan säännöstelyn. Isäni Don oli poissa vuodet 1941-1945  palvellessaan ilmavoimissa. Muistan myös hänen paluunsa odottamisen ja seisomisen  asemalaiturilla. Vanha höyryveturi veti täynnä sotilaita olevan junaa, joka pysähtyi kirskuen. Juhlinta oli villiä. Isä käveli meitä kohti mukanaan lahjoja kaikille. Muistan erityisesti tuon  aikakauden musiikin, olihan kotini täynnä musiikkia.   Ne olivat vaikeita …

Still Small Voice – April 3rd, 2022

Shalom, my dear friends: “… Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the LORD,”  Zechariah 4:6 “It will come about on that day that thoughts will come into your mind, and you will devise an evil plan, and you will say, I will go up against those who are at rest and peaceful, who live securely … to take a spoil … against the people who are gathered from the nations … who live at the center of the world. [Israel]”  Ezekiel 38: 10,11a, 12b. Trouble Deep Within: “Don’t go out tonight, Hezikiah.” “Strange?”, he thought, as he closed his phone. The warning came from his elder brother. It had already been a week of horror here in Israel with 5 citizens shot in cold blood and a Rabbi killed by a car-ramming. He shivered and put it out of his mind. Sometime later, his little son was fussy and fought sleep. Weary and needing a break, as his wife had cared for the little one all day, Hezikiah made a …

Still Small Voice – 17th Adar 5782 / February 18th, 2022

Shalom from Jerusalem Friends:   “You are my refuge and my hope in the day of disaster.” Jeremiah 17:17 “Canada, a Divine Reversal is at hand. The Dawn of your Salvation if at hand.”  Amanda Grace, Arc of Safety “All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.” George Orwell The battle for souls is fierce. Satan is on the warpath. Strife and division seek to invade every mind, heart and home. Jesus is our Rock in this storm. His words are eternal: “Do not judge by appearance [superficially and arrogantly], judge fairly and righteously.” – John 7:24 Amp. ‘To Judge’ in this sense means ‘to discern’ or look through a matter carefully.“… the mocking insults of those who insult You have fallen on me.” -Ps 69:9b. God is the ONE hated here, and his children are put on trial by wicked men. The German word for hatred is hass. It has a powerful accusatory sound. It makes me think of a deadly snake spitting venom.  …

Still Small Voice – Israel Vision 2022

Shalom Valued and Precious Partners and Family Please view this latest Israel Vision Promo. We are asking you to share it with your friends and for them to do the same. We are one of the only Independent Media teams in Israel that is ready to cover key events at a moment’s notice in Jerusalem and around the nation. We are asking for monthly partners to forward our prophetic and very valuable media work that began 5 decades ago. We have recorded stories and events covering half of Israel’s modern history and helped many worthy causes to raise funds. Thank you for standing with us in this battle for truth from Zion. May God Bless you mightily is our prayer. Sincerely, Daniel and Shelly, Jay and Meridel. Israel Vision – Media Correspondents

Remember the Tentifada in 2011?

TROUBLE IN ZION For those of you who did not get our video updates on, I am sure you will find this of interest. “Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the ends of the earth. Among them the blind and the lame, the woman with child and the one who labours with child together,A great throng shall return there. They shall come with weeping…”Jeremiah 31:8,9a. In spite of her neighbours with their ongoing lies and continuous attacks, paradoxically, Israel IS Noah’s Arc for Jews according to the Almighty. They began to return home in the 1880’s. No nation wanted Jews. If you doubt this, do a little checking, (Canada included!) The situation only grew worse during WWII. Poor Jews returned to Biblical Zion with weeping weakened by disease and malnutrition just as the Prophets perceived and faithfully penned. This is what makes Israel absolutely unique! Oh, how we love to work to encourage any we meet, to come and take their rightful place here in history…this has always …

Christmas & New Year greetings from Meridel

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year dear friends! With joy, I write my last Still Small Voice letter for 2017. Above is a photo taken at the Mandala Center on the shores of Galilee. This location rests within the biblical fishing village of Mary of Magdalene. The painting above represents the time when Jesus stood still in the midst of a moving throng of humanity and demanded: “Who touched me?” Luke 8:44a. A woman with a flow of blood for 12 years, dared to reach out and touch the tallit on Jesus’ prayer shawl. No one noticed, but He did! She had to come forward in front of all to receive her healing. Let each one reading this letter do the same. Come, reach out, push through until you touch Him. You hold the keys to your life, for only you can allow Jesus to renovate your life. Take this step now. Jerusalem The unusual photo Rt. taken by my nephew Paul Chobaniuk from Vancouver, is of the S.W. corner of the Temple Mount. In this place the Almighty said 45 times …