
Still Small Voice – June 5th, 2022

My dear Friends, Shalom!

Shavuot  –  Pentecost

This weekend in Israel we are celebrating The Feast of Shavuot which in English is Pentecost. God chose a family of people, the Jews, for Himself. He led them into slavery, so they would cry out to Him. Then, He delivered them through Moses at Passover. Then while in the desert of Sinai He chose to SPEAK. Darkness, earthquakes and fire descended upon Mount Sinai. Sadly, fear sent the people running in the opposite direction of The Terrifying, Commanding, yet Blessed Presence. They fled. Left all alone, Moses communed with the Almighty and wrote and spoke the words of instruction he heard. This Law of God, known as the Ten Commandments forever changed the world, FIRST becoming the foundation of Israel as a Nation. Until today the Biblical laws given to Moses are the basis of constitutions in democracies and Supreme Courts. But, sadly, in this day, ALL democracies are under threat of being diminished. 

Jesus Brings the Fulfillment 

Two thousand years later, Jews came up to the Temple in Jerusalem three times a year for the Feasts of Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. The last instructions of Jesus to His chosen leadership were;  “… He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for what the Father had promised! He said, ‘… You will be baptised and empowered and united with the Holy Spirit, not long from now … you will receive power, and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all of Judea and Samaria and even to the ends of the earth.’”  (Acts 1:4.5,8 Amp)

The apostles queried Jesus as to when He, would re-establish the kingdom and restore it to Israel? They were short-sighted and politically minded. Jesus was quick to respond: 

“It is not for you to know the times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority.”

Acts 1:7 

We are now fifty (pente in Greek) days on from Passover, bringing us to Pentecost or Shavuot. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit was accompanied by wind and flames of fire, not so unlike the giving of the Law on Sinai. The fire and promise of the Father were sealed that day into the very souls of the 120 early believers. In Israel, Judea and Samaria, they then witnessed and moved out from Jerusalem to turn the world upside down. The power of God brings change wherever it goes. How much history has passed these last 2,000 years? Today the land of modern Israel is prospering in a way no man could ever have imagined back then; yes, “a table prepared before us in the presence of our enemies”, as promised. 

Famine turned to Mighty Harvest 

We read the Book of Ruth at this season and remember our mother Naomi, who became a widow in Moab. Bereaved of her husband and sons, she advised her daughters-in-law also widows to return: “…if I said, I had hope … if, …but it is much more difficult (bitter) for me than for you because the LORD’s hand has gone against me.” (Ruth 1:12b,13b.) She felt God was finished with her.

Then in the midst of tragedy, the love story unfolds. All three women wept together. Orpah returned to her family Moab as suggested; but Ruth answered Naomi: “Do not urge me to leave you or to turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people will be my people, and your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried.” (Ruth 2:16, 17a Amp.)

What a declaration of love and fidelity! It was and is the purest standard of commitment between a Gentile and a Jew, to this day.

In Israel, wheat and barley have been harvested. The Book of Ruth tells us the story unfolds during the wheat barley harvest.  That is how we know, it was this time of year, only a little over 3,000 years ago. The fruit and vegetable harvests are being brought in; peaches, cherries, grapes, bananas, plums, apricots, avocados, lemons, watermelon, honeydew melons and many others.

Love Makes ALL the Difference

In the midst of tragedy, a spectacular and miraculous love story unfolds, warming our hearts. The LORD God Almighty found a servant in Moses for His Jewish Nation. He found Naomi redeeming her generation through the loving respect between Noami and Ruth. He saved the generation of Boaz in his tiny village of Bethlehem by giving him a son. You know the story between Ruth who was gleaning and the landowner Boaz who did the righteous thing and redeemed her. Love changes everything. 

True love begins between Adonai Elohainu, the LORD our God and a human being. He creates the love between a mother and daughter, a powerful tool in His hands. His love between a man and a woman is another great instrument designed to turn the world upside down. Then there is the love of a brother for brother and family for family.  Always remember, Our Father in heaven is the Time Keeper. Your times are in His Hands as were the days of David, the great-grandson of Boaz and Ruth. This, Shepherd boy in Bethlehem, was placed in the lineage of Messiah Jesus. 

We all know and have experienced what happens in the absence of love. And so today we rejoice in our history, past present and future. We are not alone, our Savior is the Great Redeemer! We have not been forgotten, and have never been left alone. We will never be alone. Hallelujah. We have the written love story, the Bible, to read as our daily reminder. Repeat after me: I AM LOVED!

The news here in Israel is terrible and so I spare you all. Do not forget to pray for Jerusalem and the nation, please. We are desperate for a visitation from on High … another Pentecost!

Cross-Canada Tour

Jay and I are preparing for a cross Canada tour this September and October. “O Canada and Jerusalem I stand on guard for thee” is our theme. If you have a place for us to minister we will show up. Tell your friends and your church and prayer group, get ready! It’s going to be very special!

“Miracles Among the Nations” is the second book of our trilogy of  “Timeless Secrets” to be released on this tour.  We take you with us around the world to witness the miraculous in the common place. The power of God in weakness and the Light of God in desperately dark corners. We enjoyed writing it. You will enjoy reading it.


If you could help us anyway financially with our airfares and printing costs, we would be so grateful. Stain-Remover, my book on Healing the Indelible Stains of Sexual Child Abuse has now been translated into Spanish. We are just waiting for the LORD’s enabling to allow us to print it and get it out to South America and the Spanish speaking world.

Here is how you can give directly to my Canadian account if you would prefer that to BTC or Pay Pal: 

Royal Bank of Canada: in favour of Meridel Rawlings, 

Savings Account:  08249-5117957

IBAN CA003547315204130


ABA 021000021

Advisor Julia Cherry

Tel 12509544805

Thank you for your much-needed help.

With love from Israel,

Meridel Rawlings

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