All posts tagged: Israel

Still Small Voice – West Jet Airline: en route Calgary to Toronto.   Oct.1/22  

Dear Friends, old and new: Let’s begin with something from ISRAEL:  Recently, before Prime Minister Yair Lapid addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations at the annual opening, we, Israelis were in a state of nervous expectation.  The order of speakers in that august, if impotent, an organisation is – First Presidents, then Prime Ministers and when his turn came the PM walked confidently to the podium and began the speech of his life. He was brilliant, quiet, understated but firm and his introduction opened by telling of his love of country and his family’s Holocaust history. Quietly he brought his discourse to the crux of the Middle East problem and the possible solution. He promoted the idea of a two-state solution but with one essential caveat.  First and foremost a peace agreement is signed and honoured between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Here is his speech.  The religious opposition uses hate speech and fear of the Palestinians to move their agendas forward. Amazingly P.M.Lapid actually called the Palestinian Leadership’s bluff. THEY DO NOT …

Still Small Voice – Altjahrsabend -Kanada                    

Tishri 1, 5783 / 24. September 2022 Schalom Schalom liebe Freunde Im Jahr 5783 “WIRD ALLES ENTHÜLLT WERDEN” … das ist die prophetische Bedeutung dieses neuen Jahres. Siehe das Ende des Briefes für weitere Einzelheiten. Wie spät ist es? Hochrangige Männer warnen uns vor einem Ereignis, das niemand vergessen wird! Unser Gott, welcher in den Himmeln sitzt, lacht. Das Weltwirtschaftsforum will, dass wir alle in Angst leben. Dieses Ereignis ist für den 24. September geplant. Das jüdische Neujahrsfest beginnt am Abend des 25. Septembers. Lasst uns abwarten, was unser Heiliger tun wird. Das Ende der “Zeiten der Nichtjuden” ist da. Vater Gott bringt Israel in die vorderste Reihe der Weltbühne. Seht Ihr ihn durch sein Volk in Aktion? Wenn nicht, bleibt bei uns! “Darum, so spricht GOTT, der Herr: Jetzt will ich das Geschick Jakobs wenden und mich über das ganze Haus Israel erbarmen und für meinen heiligen Namen eifern. Und sie werden die Verantwortung für ihre Schmach und ihre Treulosigkeit, womit sie sich gegen mich vergangen haben, auf sich nehmen, wenn sie sicher in ihrem …

Still Small Voice, Holland – Elul 5782 4. September 2022

Shalom Freunde Es ist eine Freude, wieder in Holland zu sein. Diese Herbstsaison ist bekannt als: “Die Jahreszeiten Gottes”! Diese Jahreszeit wird auch: “Die festgesetzte Zeit” genannt. Die drei Herbstfeste sind: Das Fest der Posaunen, der Versöhnungstag, welcher das siebentägige Laubhüttenfest beinhaltet! Prophetisch gesehen verbirgt sich hinter dem Fest der Posaunen das Bild der Auferstehung der Toten in Christus. Der Versöhnungstag ist der Tag, an welchem Gott dem Menschen begegnet. Das Laubhüttenfest spricht davon, dass der Messias bei uns wohnt; Immanuel, Gott mit uns! Dies ist eine 40-tägige Zeit der Reue oder Umkehr – Teschuwa. Elul, der 1., begann am 28. August und endet am 5. Oktober, dem Versöhnungstag. Wir bitten Euch, für Jay und mich zu beten, während wir uns von Küste zu Küste durch Kanada arbeiten. Überall, wo wir hinkommen, glauben wir an eine VERÄNDERUNG. Die 10 Tage zwischen den Posaunen (dem jüdischen Neujahrsfest) und dem Versöhnungstag (26. September – 4. Oktober) werden auch Tage der Ehrfurcht genannt. Es ist eine Zeit, in der wir denjenigen vergeben, welche uns beleidigt haben. Das jüdische …

Pieni hiljainen ääni – Alankomaat, Elul-kuu 5782 4. syyskuuta 2022 

Shalom ystävät!  On ilo palata jälleen Alankomaihin. Tämä syksyn ajanjakso tunnetaan Jumalan vuodenaikana! Sitä  kutsutaan myös ‘ennalta määrätyiksi ajankohdiksi’. Syksyn kolmen juhlaa ovat: pasuunansoiton  juhla, suuri sovituspäivä, joka päättyy seitsenpäiväiseen lehtimajanjuhlaan! Profeetallisesti ottaen  pasuunat kätkevät vertauskuvana Kristuksen kuolleistanousemisen. Suuri sovituspäivä on aikaa,  jolloin Jumala kohtaa ihmisen. Lehtimajanjuhla [en. Feast of Tabernacles, tabernacle = asumus,  telttamaja, sukkah] puhuu Messiaan olemisesta meidän kanssamme; Immanuel, Jumala kanssamme  [hepr. immanu = kanssamme El = Jumala]!  Olemme 40 päivän katumuksen tai kääntymyksen ajanjaksossa, jota hepreaksi kutsutaan teshuvaksi. Se alkoi elul-kuun 1.päivänä, elokuun 28. päivänä, ja päättyy lokakuun 5. päivänä, suurena  sovituspäivänä.   Pyydämme teitä rukoilemaan Jayn ja minun puolesta lähtiessämme matkaamaan halki Kanadan  rannikolta rannikolle. Uskomme MUUTOKSEEN kaikialla minne menemmekään.  Kymmenen päivän jaksoa pasuunansoiton päivästä (juutalainen uusi vuosi) suureen sovituspäivään  (syyskuun 26. päivä – lokakuun 4.päivä) kutsutaan myös syvän kunnioituksen, ihmetyksen päiviksi.  Se on anteeksiantamisen suuntaamista niitä kohtaan, jotka ovat loukanneet meitä. Juutalainen uusi  vuosi osuu syyskuun 25.-27. päiviin. Muista elämäämme ympäröivää armoa ja päästä irti  kaikesta loukkaavasta. Tämä on jumalallisen armon aikaa sinua kohtaan, ja sinun on tarpeen katua ja …

Still Small Voice – Holland, Elul 5782 Sept 4th 2022

Shalom Friends; It is a joy to be back in Holland again. This fall season is known as, The Seasons of God! This season is also called The Appointed Time. The three fall festivals are; The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, concluding with the seven-day Feast of tabernacles!  Prophetically, Trumpets conceals the imagery of the resurrection of the dead in Christ.  The Day of Atonement is when God meets man. The Feast of Tabernacles, speaks of Messiah tabernacling with us; Immanuel, God with us! This is a 40-day season of repentance or turning – Teshuvah. Elul the 1st began, on August 28th and concludes on October 5th, the Day of Atonement. We ask you to pray for Jay and I as we work our way from coast to coast across Canada. We are believing for CHANGE everywhere we go. The 10 days from Trumpets (the Jewish New Year) to the Day of Atonement (September 26th – October 4th) are also called, The Days of Awe.  It is a time to extend forgiveness to …

​​Still Small Voice – August 29th  2022

Shalom Dear Friends:  “Leave the children alone and do not forbid them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. After placing his hands on them [for a blessing] He went on from there.” Matthew 19:14,15 My husband and I belong to the Silent Generation. We are among those who lived through WW2. Even as little children, we paid a price as did every living soul involved.  Canadians had a will to stand up against the darkness of Nazism. Our nation confronted that evil from 1939-1945. Today, we are challenged to speak Truth but often are inhibited. Silence is seen as consent by the New World Order. Next week, my letter will come to you from Holland. Dear friends, please keep a prayer watch for us from September 1st – Oct 20. Pray for us to cross international borders without incident. What a time to be on the road? May we be found faithful and obedient to deliver the Word of the Lord. A widowed friend from Switzerland writes: …

Still Small Voice – August 21st 2022

Hello Friends; Let’s have a cup of coffee together. You might be very interested in what this doctor has to say about coffee.   Summer comes to an end this year with many challenges. There is no lack of people, situations or nations to pray for; and pray we must. “May God arise, and His enemies be scattered. He is Abba-father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, our God who heals the sick. He sets the lonely in families. He leads the prisoners with singing, Praise be to the LORD, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves.”  Psalm 68 Yeshua is Hebrew for salvation, in Greek it becomes Iesous, and is translated to English as Jesus. Yeshua is the original name of the One the world knows as Jesus. It literally means, God is salvation, He is here to answer our every prayer. Jesus is the silent listener to every conversation. He will speak when we stop to listen and hear. He understands every sigh, tear …

Still Small Voice – August 15th 2022

“For the word of God is living and active and full of power. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a person] and both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart.”     Hebrews 4:12 I have always loved this scripture, and took great comfort in the knowledge that the medical world is still unable to find the dividing line between one’s bone and bone marrow. Yet, nothing is hidden from the eyes of our great Creator. When He sees us, He does not turn away but has purposed to LOVE us. It’s hard to take in. A historical misnomer: Palestinians have suggested for years now that Jesus was a Palestinian but it is incorrect.  Jesus was born in Judea and was identified as a Jew. Indeed, the cross upon which He was crucified was inscribed with INRI – Lesvs Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm – which means, Jesus of Nazareth …

Still Small Voice – August 6th, 9th of Av 2022

Shalom Shalom Dear Friends: For He does not afflict willingly from His heart Or grieve the children of men. To trample and crush under His feet All the prisoners of the land, To deprive a man of justice In the presence of the Most High,  To defraud a man in his lawsuit – The Lord does not approve these things, Who is there who speaks and it comes to pass? Unless the Lord has authorized and commanded it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High? That both adversity (misfortune) and good proceed? Lamentations 3:33-38. When was the last time you opened the Book of Lamentations? In Hebrew it is simply: Ek! Just like it sounds. Can you hear Jeremiah’s expression of incredulousness? It is read on this day as the saddest in the Jewish calendar. It is Tisha b’Av, the 6th of August 2022. The 9th of Av (in English) has heralded many disasters experienced by the Jewish people, AND let me add the entire world as well. What affects the Jews, …

Still Small Voice – July 23, 2022

Shalom Friends:  “I do not call you servants any longer, for the servant does not know what his master is doing, but I have called you [My] friends because I have revealed to you everything that I have heard from My Father.” John 15:15 I believe the majority of my readership has grown children and grandchildren. You know how your heart expands when, finally after so many years of caring, instructing and providing, your child or grandchild crosses over that invisible line into your heart as a friend. I have found no other relationship in life to equal this joy.   Today the time for ‘goodbyes’ finally arrived. By 8:30 a.m. three of our beautiful granddaughters were all packed and ready to head to the airport, return home and step back into their lives once again. Our interlude together was so short; almost like a few sweet notes of a favourite love song running through your thoughts. Today’s Youth: Young women today are very determined about so much. Studies rank number one I think. ‘Becoming’ is …