
Still Small Voice – Cheshvan 12 5783 / November 6, 2022

To the dear company of my Friends:

“Intercessors are really prophets who pray.”

Jennifer Evaz 

With the mounting stress, I turn to prayer. What do you do? Prayer is thankless work. One engages mostly alone with the LORD or in fellowship with fellow believers.  As a prayer warrior-intercessor-prophet, have you ever expected to be thanked? Of course not. I find the communion and fellowship with Yeshua my greatest reward, and I learn new things all the time. Thank you for also being willing to bear this yoke. No it is not easy. We don’t expect ‘easy’, for His burden IS Light! Prayer brings change, God’s way. I have kept a journal over the years, and the answers and solutions to insurmountable circumstances have been amazing. Prayer is the oil that keeps all parts moving in harmony … be it a car or the body of Messiah. This unity produces unseen energy, salvation, creativity and productivity. Yes, we must all do our part for faith without works is dead.

“The LORD saw that the wickedness (depravity) of man was great on the earth, and that every imagination or intent of the thoughts of his heart were only evil continually. God looked on the earth and saw how debased and degenerate it was, for all humanity had corrupted their way on the earth and lost their true direction.“

Genesis 6: 6,12

Jesus warned his generation, Paul, his. In Luke 19:20 – 25, Jesus saw that it would be just as it was in Noah’s day, Jeremiah’s day, His day, Paul’s day and our day! Paganism has turned our world into a garbage heap of filth and violence. The war is on against not only our unborn BUT our young children as never before.

“There are many you can go to supper with but very few you can go to war with.”  What a quote! Recently, our family had dinner with a young Greek woman and her mother. She relayed a dream, not knowing that we had been reading the Noah story. She saw Jesus’ warnings in detail and in her dream we felt the effects of the storm and escaped. Greece has a remnant looking for His appearing.

Below you will share our ministry in City Church Brantford Ontario. The congregation sang the name YESHUA and as they did so the Shekeniah-glory of God filled the sanctuary. It is found at 34 minutes until 41:44 then Jay and I speak.

Glimpses of the Canadian Tour: 

Jay with Merv and Merla Watson, Abbotsford BC
Former co-worker Daniel Stewart in Victoria BC
Authoress Leslie Richardson, with young professionals hungry for God.
The place of our first date was the Victoria Yacht Club in May 1966.
Brian Robertson, our beloved Pastor of Christian Fellowship Centre, Qualicum Beach BC
The famous Three Sisters in Banff Alberta.
Down home cowgirls and boys, miners and lovers of Jesus! Bellevue Alberta
The late Bill White created a Prayer for Canada museum to honor God’s Canadian servants.
It’s a good day in this farming neighborhood.
Rabbi Sidney Speakman worshipping with his prayer shawl. Lethbridge Messianic Assembly
Rabbi Cal Goldberg blowing the shofar in Calgary Shechinah Messianic Assembly
Jay and I with Rabbi Cal and Jan Goldberg.
Loaves of Shabbat bread made by niece Janelle. Her sister Katrina. Alberta
Behind us are the Canadian Parliament buildings. Ottawa, Ontario.
Dr. James Lunney, Rev Bill Prankard, Dr. Jay Rawlings.
The crew on film set for Apples of Gold in Jerusalem, 1979.
A lighthouse on Prince Edward Island.

A Look into Father God’s Heart:

Barry Wunsch Canada October 17th, 28th 2022 for your edification.

“ My Canada, My Canada, oh I long for you, how I long for your embrace. God is positioning new federal governmental leaders along with grass roots people being raised up. Here in Canada, God is positioning a new federal government outside of a cabal rule, outside of a deep state rule. We’re at a crossing just now as the true Church takes her place. Canada will be the true north strong and free and America the beautiful. These nations will come back.” Oct. 17, 2022 ( The last day of our tour.)

“Things are running red hot, get ready for I am going to turn it up even hotter. I am burning away everything that has beset the nations. For there is nothing that will be able to withstand the all consuming of my Presence. I will not relent until it is brought to completion. Nations will be brought down. Those who have opposed Me will be shaken from their thrones for I am coming to establish My kingdom upon the earth. The hordes of hell released upon the land have had their day and there will be nothing left of them. For every structure and every stronghold shall be destroyed by the move of my Spirit. 

They thought they owned the gold. They do not. They think they can play with the weather. I am putting a stop to it all. Every strong hold will be shaken by my Spirit. I Am putting a stop to it all. No longer will they play with my creation. They insist on poisoning my land and my people and I will not have it. They think that they are gods and control life. They are in dangerous territory. They have had their day. There is no one greater than I. They insult Me and mock My name and lead My people down into the pit.  They bring pestilence, famine, sickness and disease to oppress My people. They put a date on the calendar but it means nothing to me. I created Time.” Oct. 28th 2022

Switzerland: “CERN I am calling you out. CERN, you’ve crossed the line. Rest assured, it will cost you dearly. I am stopping you dead in your tracks. It wouldn’t take but a minute; your losses will be great as they explode before you for the world to see. I am about to seal this demonic portal once and for all. It will be brought to ashes. Watch me as I flip over the table in Switzerland. Those that gather there have had their day. I am over-turning every plan that they have in play. The nations will tremble. 

Believers: I have those in their positions on every hill and they will rebuild upon my ancient foundations and paths and walk with Me as I restore and redeem it all. There is nothing too much for me, for I bring Life and I bring it abundantly. Get your house in order. Keep short accounts lay down your lives for one another. Do not leave one behind. Go in low, humble in heart, do not lord it over one over another, walk as one. Get over your petty differences. This is not a battle of flesh and blood, but a battle against powers and principalities and darkness.  Embrace and employ the heavenly host, for I have given you every weapon for victory. It is time to rise up and walk in all that I have established for you for this is the time and this is the hour I have established for you.”  Oct 28th 2022

Pray for Israel:

Yes, Mr. Netanyahu won. Keep your eyes and hearts open and pray in the Spirit.

His coalition partners are strange and some are considered radical and religious

extremists. Israel’s latest round of elections puts it first in the world for frequency of elections. (since 1996) This is our 4th in 3 years and 7 months, costing the nation a total of 4 billion dollars. Small and medium-sized businesses bear 43-53% of those costs. The Israel Manufacturers Association.

My Family, my Government:

Every family has battles. Many hardly know how they are going to make it. The battles all begin in our homes, for this is where Father God first established government. Pause and think of that for a moment. Recently we have savored the joy, delight, fun, nonsense, laughter, hugs, feasts and fellowship of family. Our sons Chris and Daniel have been with us along with their wives and children. We have promised our sons not to post family photos to protect the children. Sorry.

I leave you this week, filled with thankfulness. At times I am just overwhelmed by the kindness of our loving heavenly Father. It is also my joy to pray for you as you are brought to my mind by the faithful Holy Spirit. I do my best to be obedient, day by day He encourages us. Let me know how to pray. Share my letter with others.

Arise and shine for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.”

Isaiah 60:1

Every blessing from our home to yours.

Meridel and family.


 Dr. Meridel Rawlings, Box 37554, Ermioni, 21051, Greece.