All posts tagged: terror


Dear Friends; “Hear this, you who trample down the needy, and do away with the poor of the land … I shall make that time like a time of mourning for an only son [who has died.]” Amos 8: 4,10e. Our cover photo this week was taken on Israel’s 76th Independence Day. The people in the photo are lying down because of missiles coming into Israel from Hamas that day. How tragic it all is. Our Prime Minister is under fire from within the nation because of the reality of never ending pain the people have had to endure since Oct 7th 2023. He is wanted by the International Court. I quote: “There is no comfort. There is life, but the wound will remain until the end of our lives. Our War of Independence has not yet ended – it continues even now.” Unquote I cannot apologize for the heaviness of my last few Still Small Voice letters. Let us HEAR what the Spirit is saying. Let us heed the warnings. History has much to …

Still Small Voice – War, Day 10 / October 16th 2023

Dear Friends who love Israel and pray: 5084, we were cautioned, would be a year of shock and amazement. This is an Israeli reality as of last Shabbat Oct 7th, when Israel was attacked and the south was overrun from 6:30 a.m. onwards. 1,300 Israelis were confirmed slaughtered. Hamas is trying now to distance itself from atrocities being discovered by soldiers in the south. This slaughter hearkens back to the Holocaust. “Greater love has no man, than he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 “These are the days of depravity by Hamas against Israeli civilians in the most unimaginable way.” Anthony Blinken USA Secretary of State, USA For any Israeli, it is a time of emotional whiplash. One minute we are praying and beseeching heaven, the next we are crying anxiously, feeling alone. We struggle to rest, then fall into an exhausted sleep. Yes, we continue praising through our tears, not speaking of the tragedies, and working to encourage family and friends on the ground in Israel. We all work to harness …

Please support the families of kidnapped Israelis

Dear friends, I announce with a heavy heart that our family friend’s son has been kidnapped into Gaza by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. His safety and whereabouts are unknown. The family is going through absolute anguish and terror at this moment. I have created a GoFundMe called: “Please help the families of kidnapped Israelis” to help these Israeli families going through this horror. We will support each family that has a loved one missing or kidnapped.  I have volunteers in Israel who will contact each family. Thank you for your prayers and support!! Here is the link to the GoFundMe page: “Please help the families of kidnapped Israelis” Meridel

Still Small Voice – August 21st 2022

Hello Friends; Let’s have a cup of coffee together. You might be very interested in what this doctor has to say about coffee.   Summer comes to an end this year with many challenges. There is no lack of people, situations or nations to pray for; and pray we must. “May God arise, and His enemies be scattered. He is Abba-father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, our God who heals the sick. He sets the lonely in families. He leads the prisoners with singing, Praise be to the LORD, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves.”  Psalm 68 Yeshua is Hebrew for salvation, in Greek it becomes Iesous, and is translated to English as Jesus. Yeshua is the original name of the One the world knows as Jesus. It literally means, God is salvation, He is here to answer our every prayer. Jesus is the silent listener to every conversation. He will speak when we stop to listen and hear. He understands every sigh, tear …

Still  Small Voice – May 8th, 2022

Shalom Dear Friends: “You will hear of wars and rumours of wars. See that you are not frightened …” Matthew 24:6 But the good news: “But for you who fear My name, [with awe-filled reverence] the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go forward and leap [joyfully] like calves [released] from the stall.” Malachi 4:2 Israel Celebrates 74 Years: Independence Day The Arabs refer to this day as Nack-bah – Disaster! It seems the whole country spent the day picnicking in our many parks. Our son David and his best friend kept 3 barbecues going the entire time. Forty young Israelis came and Jay and I were the ‘older’ generation. We spoke into several needly young lives. On the way, we drove by Jerusalem’s major parks and saw many tens of thousands of families out ‘barbecuing’! The Jews were the original barbecuers; it all began 4,000 years ago in the desert of Arabia. Jay said, “The blue smoke can be seen from outer space on Israel’s birthday! At …

No Relief

I know and am a witness, says the LORD. Jeremiah 29:23 Kay Wilson is also a witness. Giving testimony at a Stand With Us event in Sussex England, she relives her experience with Palestinian terror. Please do not say, “Oh not again enough!” This is an unforgettable account of innocence lost as she witnessed the murder of a Christian friend right in front of her. Yet she survived  against all odds.  I want all who watch this to understand, that NOTHING has changed.  I pray her voice will be heard or she just crying in the wilderness? For newcomers, here is a little back ground. The Palestinian Authority has not changed its agenda since it started in 1964.  PA President Mahmood Abbas, 81, a Holocaust denier, inherited a tradition of tyranny. His predecessor, Yasser Arafat, was also President of the PA for life. Nothing has changed. There are no free elections in the Palestinian Authority. In 2005 I, Meridel Rawlings, did extensive research on abuse in the PA. Living in Jerusalem, I consulted with Israelis, Palestinians and Christian Arabs.  …

Where is the LORD?

The earth is reeling today under the threat of terror. Multitudes are numb with grief and pain, prayer for them perhaps is just mute silence. Let those of us who are quiet and at ease, pick up the slack, and remember the suffering in loving prayer. Today the ‘valley of decision’ is crowded with humanity from every nation. We can remember them. Here’s how.

Holy Bloodshed

Terror in Jerusalem does not just happen. It is calculated, and carefully coordinated by senior PA politicians to inflict the greatest pain into Israel through lies, their youth, rocks, knives and screwdrivers. Gaza is the 2nd front with rocket attacks. ISIS represents the 3rd front secreted in Jerusalem’s Old City and Gaza. This beautiful generation of young Palestinians are only being obedient in acting out the lies they have swallow; as did their fathers and their grandfathers before them. Download the October newsletter here.