All posts tagged: Hope

Still Small Voice: Happy Hanukkah – Merry Christmas, Kislev 30, 5783 – Dec. 24th 2022. 

Shalom Shalom, dear friends: I begin with Canadian Paul Wylie skating to a special rendition of O Holy Night!  Question from a former doner of Jerusalem Vistas/Israel Vision: “… as I understand the ministry of Jerusalem Vistas ceases at the end of 2022. I would like to continue to donate to you. I don’t need a tax receipt. I very much enjoy Still Small Voice. I hope that others will continue to support you. Wishing you peaceful holidays and a very blessed year 2023.”  Ursula Alberts Canada From Jay’s desk: “Yes, Vistas is closing after 40 amazing years in Jerusalem. It is the close of an organization but NOT a ministry. Have you read, Miracles Among the Nations? It will be available on Amazon soon. Meridel and I are busy with the next book, Volume 3, Israel, our Odyssey. Thanks Jay.’” From Meridel’s desk: “Thank you Ursula for this vote of confidence. I would so appreciate the help, see details at the end of this letter. Yes, you can donate to us through Still Small …

Still Small Voice – Thanksgiving, Cheshvan 28, 5783 Nov. 24, 2022

Dear Friends, old and young: This week, my Still Small Voice touches upon Thanksgiving, the olive harvest and prayer. Let’s begin with the Pilgrims and early pioneers of North America. Like all of us, they still had a choice in tough times. These hearty souls decided in the midst of extreme hardship, famine and loss of life to pause and to give thanks to the Almighty. Yes, still many perished. No, it wasn’t easy but it was the Godly response that moved the Hand of God to provide the miracles that they needed to sustain them in the days, weeks, months and years ahead. Today the doomsday thinkers and naysayers are calling for a worldwide depression and financial collapse. Jerusalem, on the other hand, is suffering increased deadly attacks yet faithful ones in the midst of her give praise and worship to the Almighty continually. That is inspiring and in line with the Word of God … Give thanks always! Most of you will be aware of the two deadly bombing attacks yesterday at two …

Still Small Voice – Cheshvan 25, 8753. Nov. 19, 2022.

Dear Friends: Those of you from whom I hear, are often on my heart for prayer. What a privilege it is to communicate. My theme in this Still Small Voice is tribes. From childhood my life has been impacted by many tribal groups, perhaps it all began knowing my great great grandmother was of the Shaw Clan, a Scots Highlander. I grew up with the Bible, learning in depth about Israel and her people-tribes. “… and behold on the clouds of heaven, One like a Son of Man was coming. And he came up to the Ancient of Days and was presented to Him. And to him (The  Messiah) was given dominion (supreme authority). Glory and a kingdom, that all the peoples, kingdoms and nations should serve and worship Him.” Daniel 7: 13,14 “At the time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations (tribes) of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and …

Still Small Voice – Heshvan 18, 5783 / November 12th 2022

Shalom Dear Friends: Sometimes I think we become all too familiar with the many privileges of being a believer in a God who lives! What do I mean? I know that I have not appreciated the immense potential granted me through His Living Word. We speak it daily, read and discuss it, but do I release it? I woke up this morning with some instructions:  “My Word IS the source of Life, hinder me not!”  Our Shabbat dinner is the highlight of the week. This week, two sons, a kalah, (Hebrew for a son’s wife}, a family friend and a delightful 22-month-old grandson were our guests. As is our custom, after the blessings we hugged and kissed before beginning to eat. It was a superb feast of fresh fish caught earlier in the day and masterfully prepared by our Greek friend. We topped it off with chocolate cake, berries and ice cream. Yummy. The real piece d’resistance was the scripture reading that followed. Today, who isn’t seeking direction in this upside-down world? It read as …

​​Still Small Voice – Heshvan 4 5783 / October 30, 2022

My Dear Friends: “Meridel, here. Still weary from the Canadian journey, but listening for the Still Small Voice and trying to be obedient. Thank you for your prayers over us and your letters and notes. I will eventually catch up. Most urgent are your prayers for the nations and their generations This is needed more than ever before. May you and I be found faithful to work along with the heavenly hosts and warrior angels. If you are at a loss on how to pray, pray in the Spirit of God. The hour is late.” “I hid my face from you for a moment; but with everlasting loving kindness, I will have compassion on you, says the LORD your Redeemer.” Psalm 44:23 “But Zion said; The LORD has forsaken me, and the LORD has forgotten me.” Isaiah 49:14 During our morning family devotions, we mused over these verses.  Many times the prophetic voice relates to Zion, Israel, and also Yeshua – Jesus the Messiah, even Sion, the living Body of Messiah. Jay surmised that Psalm …

Still Small Voice – West Jet Airline: en route Calgary to Toronto.   Oct.1/22  

Dear Friends, old and new: Let’s begin with something from ISRAEL:  Recently, before Prime Minister Yair Lapid addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations at the annual opening, we, Israelis were in a state of nervous expectation.  The order of speakers in that august, if impotent, an organisation is – First Presidents, then Prime Ministers and when his turn came the PM walked confidently to the podium and began the speech of his life. He was brilliant, quiet, understated but firm and his introduction opened by telling of his love of country and his family’s Holocaust history. Quietly he brought his discourse to the crux of the Middle East problem and the possible solution. He promoted the idea of a two-state solution but with one essential caveat.  First and foremost a peace agreement is signed and honoured between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Here is his speech.  The religious opposition uses hate speech and fear of the Palestinians to move their agendas forward. Amazingly P.M.Lapid actually called the Palestinian Leadership’s bluff. THEY DO NOT …

Still Small Voice: Vancouver island, Canada – Sept 18th 2022

Shalom Dear Friends: “Sound the Shofar for the four winds of heaven to bring the elect home to Israel.” Zechariah 2:6 “To God Almighty, the Lord of Israel: May Michael be at you right hand, Gabriel at your left hand, before you Raphael and behind you Uriel, and above  you the divine presence of God.” From the Shema “But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.” John 15:26 The amazing truth is that when we are weak He is strong. Last night we were at Christian Fellowship Centre in Qualicum up island. A beautiful dinner was laid out, in the Fireside room. Jay and I continue to labor under a viral infection picked up in Holland, but inspite of our weariness, the Holy Spirit showed Himself to be strong touching lives. We were with dear friends last night who have stood with us these many years. Jay and I have learned to lean hard on …

Still Small Voice – Holland, Elul 5782 Sept 4th 2022

Shalom Friends; It is a joy to be back in Holland again. This fall season is known as, The Seasons of God! This season is also called The Appointed Time. The three fall festivals are; The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, concluding with the seven-day Feast of tabernacles!  Prophetically, Trumpets conceals the imagery of the resurrection of the dead in Christ.  The Day of Atonement is when God meets man. The Feast of Tabernacles, speaks of Messiah tabernacling with us; Immanuel, God with us! This is a 40-day season of repentance or turning – Teshuvah. Elul the 1st began, on August 28th and concludes on October 5th, the Day of Atonement. We ask you to pray for Jay and I as we work our way from coast to coast across Canada. We are believing for CHANGE everywhere we go. The 10 days from Trumpets (the Jewish New Year) to the Day of Atonement (September 26th – October 4th) are also called, The Days of Awe.  It is a time to extend forgiveness to …

​​Still Small Voice – August 29th  2022

Shalom Dear Friends:  “Leave the children alone and do not forbid them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. After placing his hands on them [for a blessing] He went on from there.” Matthew 19:14,15 My husband and I belong to the Silent Generation. We are among those who lived through WW2. Even as little children, we paid a price as did every living soul involved.  Canadians had a will to stand up against the darkness of Nazism. Our nation confronted that evil from 1939-1945. Today, we are challenged to speak Truth but often are inhibited. Silence is seen as consent by the New World Order. Next week, my letter will come to you from Holland. Dear friends, please keep a prayer watch for us from September 1st – Oct 20. Pray for us to cross international borders without incident. What a time to be on the road? May we be found faithful and obedient to deliver the Word of the Lord. A widowed friend from Switzerland writes: …

Still Small Voice – August 21st 2022

Hello Friends; Let’s have a cup of coffee together. You might be very interested in what this doctor has to say about coffee.   Summer comes to an end this year with many challenges. There is no lack of people, situations or nations to pray for; and pray we must. “May God arise, and His enemies be scattered. He is Abba-father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, our God who heals the sick. He sets the lonely in families. He leads the prisoners with singing, Praise be to the LORD, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves.”  Psalm 68 Yeshua is Hebrew for salvation, in Greek it becomes Iesous, and is translated to English as Jesus. Yeshua is the original name of the One the world knows as Jesus. It literally means, God is salvation, He is here to answer our every prayer. Jesus is the silent listener to every conversation. He will speak when we stop to listen and hear. He understands every sigh, tear …