Still Small Voice – Cheshvan 12 5783 / November 6, 2022
To the dear company of my Friends: “Intercessors are really prophets who pray.” Jennifer Evaz With the mounting stress, I turn to prayer. What do you do? Prayer is thankless work. One engages mostly alone with the LORD or in fellowship with fellow believers. As a prayer warrior-intercessor-prophet, have you ever expected to be thanked? Of course not. I find the communion and fellowship with Yeshua my greatest reward, and I learn new things all the time. Thank you for also being willing to bear this yoke. No it is not easy. We don’t expect ‘easy’, for His burden IS Light! Prayer brings change, God’s way. I have kept a journal over the years, and the answers and solutions to insurmountable circumstances have been amazing. Prayer is the oil that keeps all parts moving in harmony … be it a car or the body of Messiah. This unity produces unseen energy, salvation, creativity and productivity. Yes, we must all do our part for faith without works is dead. “The LORD saw that the wickedness (depravity) …