All posts tagged: Jesus

​​Still Small Voice – August 29th  2022

Shalom Dear Friends:  “Leave the children alone and do not forbid them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. After placing his hands on them [for a blessing] He went on from there.” Matthew 19:14,15 My husband and I belong to the Silent Generation. We are among those who lived through WW2. Even as little children, we paid a price as did every living soul involved.  Canadians had a will to stand up against the darkness of Nazism. Our nation confronted that evil from 1939-1945. Today, we are challenged to speak Truth but often are inhibited. Silence is seen as consent by the New World Order. Next week, my letter will come to you from Holland. Dear friends, please keep a prayer watch for us from September 1st – Oct 20. Pray for us to cross international borders without incident. What a time to be on the road? May we be found faithful and obedient to deliver the Word of the Lord. A widowed friend from Switzerland writes: …

Still Small Voice – August 21st 2022

Hello Friends; Let’s have a cup of coffee together. You might be very interested in what this doctor has to say about coffee.   Summer comes to an end this year with many challenges. There is no lack of people, situations or nations to pray for; and pray we must. “May God arise, and His enemies be scattered. He is Abba-father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, our God who heals the sick. He sets the lonely in families. He leads the prisoners with singing, Praise be to the LORD, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves.”  Psalm 68 Yeshua is Hebrew for salvation, in Greek it becomes Iesous, and is translated to English as Jesus. Yeshua is the original name of the One the world knows as Jesus. It literally means, God is salvation, He is here to answer our every prayer. Jesus is the silent listener to every conversation. He will speak when we stop to listen and hear. He understands every sigh, tear …

Still Small Voice – August 15th 2022

“For the word of God is living and active and full of power. It is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as the division of the soul and spirit [the completeness of a person] and both joints and marrow [the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and judging the very thoughts and intentions of the heart.”     Hebrews 4:12 I have always loved this scripture, and took great comfort in the knowledge that the medical world is still unable to find the dividing line between one’s bone and bone marrow. Yet, nothing is hidden from the eyes of our great Creator. When He sees us, He does not turn away but has purposed to LOVE us. It’s hard to take in. A historical misnomer: Palestinians have suggested for years now that Jesus was a Palestinian but it is incorrect.  Jesus was born in Judea and was identified as a Jew. Indeed, the cross upon which He was crucified was inscribed with INRI – Lesvs Nazarenvs Rex Ivdaeorvm – which means, Jesus of Nazareth …

Still Small Voice – August 6th, 9th of Av 2022

Shalom Shalom Dear Friends: For He does not afflict willingly from His heart Or grieve the children of men. To trample and crush under His feet All the prisoners of the land, To deprive a man of justice In the presence of the Most High,  To defraud a man in his lawsuit – The Lord does not approve these things, Who is there who speaks and it comes to pass? Unless the Lord has authorized and commanded it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High? That both adversity (misfortune) and good proceed? Lamentations 3:33-38. When was the last time you opened the Book of Lamentations? In Hebrew it is simply: Ek! Just like it sounds. Can you hear Jeremiah’s expression of incredulousness? It is read on this day as the saddest in the Jewish calendar. It is Tisha b’Av, the 6th of August 2022. The 9th of Av (in English) has heralded many disasters experienced by the Jewish people, AND let me add the entire world as well. What affects the Jews, …

Still Small Voice – July 31st 2022

Good Morning dear Friends: We all know that in life, there is ‘never a dull moment.’ Keep your eyes on Russia. “Afterward Moses and Aaron came and said to Pharaoh, “Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, ‘Let My people go …’” Exodus 5:1 This week I heard the words: “Lose him, and let him go …” John 11:44    Watch as Russia comes to loggerheads with Bible Prophecy. Then this news broke: “Jews fear Shut Down of Immigration to Israel!” World Israel News: July 29th 2022. Mr. Scharansky is featured in our film about Soviet Jews trapped in the USSR. Gates of Brass was released worldwide in 1986. The same year this modern hero walked to freedom from his years in Soviet prisons. He made Aliyah to Israel. Jay Rawlings Executive Producer, Director Bruce Allen and wife Moira, with Writer Meridel, envisioned the following prison scene, which we all worked hard to recreate. I made the prison garb and we filmed it in an old pre-state (1948) British prison. Shortly after his release in …

Still Small Voice – July 23, 2022

Shalom Friends:  “I do not call you servants any longer, for the servant does not know what his master is doing, but I have called you [My] friends because I have revealed to you everything that I have heard from My Father.” John 15:15 I believe the majority of my readership has grown children and grandchildren. You know how your heart expands when, finally after so many years of caring, instructing and providing, your child or grandchild crosses over that invisible line into your heart as a friend. I have found no other relationship in life to equal this joy.   Today the time for ‘goodbyes’ finally arrived. By 8:30 a.m. three of our beautiful granddaughters were all packed and ready to head to the airport, return home and step back into their lives once again. Our interlude together was so short; almost like a few sweet notes of a favourite love song running through your thoughts. Today’s Youth: Young women today are very determined about so much. Studies rank number one I think. ‘Becoming’ is …

Still Small Voice – July 16th 2022

Kalimera dear Friends … this is Greek for Good Morning!  Three of our granddaughters are visiting. They are ages 22, 18 and 16. We are having a ‘blast’ together, catching up after a year. “What is it with the people here? Are they always this friendly?” One asked. “What you see is what you get.” Jay assured them.  Coming out of big cities, one is not used to encountering the milk of human kindness so liberally shared as here. Welcome to Greece! Our conversations and laughter are the most exiting times of all for me personally. Over coffee, one of the girls offered: “Fear has to be the biggest enemy ever!” “Fear is like an ever-present shadow that follows us. It sneaks its way into our thinking.” I said, in agreement. “YES, exactly.” She said excitedly. I continued; “I was your age when I came to realize: the hateful, fearful thoughts that sprang into my thinking were NOT me!  I saw they were lies. I separated myself from the hurtful insinuations and learned to fight …

Pieni Hiljainen Ääni – 10. Heinäkuuta 2022

Shalom, kallisarvoiset Jayn ja Meridelin ystävät! Daavidin tavoin Jay ja minä uskalsimme paeta ”läpi rosvojoukon ja hypätä ylitse muurin.” Jeesus otti maalliselle esi-isälleen, kuningas Daavidille profeetta Jesajan kautta luvatun avaimen.Jeesus lupasi sen niille, jotka valitsevat seurata Hänen jalanjäljissään. Minä annan teille taivasten valtakunnan avaimet (auktoriteetin); ja mitä ikinä te sidotte (kiellätte, julistatte sopimattomaksi tai laittomaksi) maan päällä on (jo) sidottu taivaassa, ja mitä ikinä te päästätte (sallitte, julistatte lailliseksi) maan päällä on (jo) päästettyä (sallittua) taivaassa. Vrt. Jesaja 22:22 ja Matteus 18:18 Kiitos avustanne meille perheenä. Siirrän kaiken [lahjoitetun] perheen yhteisiin varoihin, jotka auttavat asioiden pitämistä ”rullaamassa”. Jay ei nimittäin nostanut palkkaa Vistasilta moneen vuoteen, vaan toimi 100 %:sesti vapaaehtoisena aikaansa ja voimiaan antaen. Hallituksemme – jota johtaa juristi – jäsenet epäsivät meiltä vähäisenkin eläkkeen saamisen Vistalta. Tuo päätös teki meille todella helpoksi ”katsoa palvelijoiden tavoin Isännän käden suuntaan kaiken tarvitsemamme suhteen”. Tiedämme, ettemme ole vain ystäviä, vaan kaikkein ihmeellisimmän ja ihanimman Mestari Jeesuksen perhettä! Toimimme anteeksiannosta käsin; tämä on todellisuutta. Kiertueemme halki Kanadan on erityisesti suunniteltu keräämään 100 000 dollaria, jotka ovat tarpeen saadaksemme …

Still Small Voice – July 10th 2022

Shalom Dear Friends of Jay and Meridel: Like David, Jay and I have dared to run “through a troop and leap over a wall!”  Jesus took the heavenly Key given by his earthly forefather, King David through the prophet Isaiah, and promised it to those of us who choose to follow in His footsteps. I will give you the keys (authority) of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind [forbid, declare to be improper and unlawful] on earth will have [already] been bound in heaven, and whatever you lose, [permit declare lawful] one earth will have [already] been loosed [permitted] in heaven.  Isaiah 22:22, Matthew 18:18 Thank you for your help to us as a family. I put everything into the family funds to help keep things running. You see, Jay has taken no salary from Vistas for years, but has volunteered 100% of his time and strength.  Our Board Members (led by a lawyer) refused to allow us to have a pension from Vistas, no matter how small. This decision made it real easy for …

Still Small Voice – July 3rd 2022

My dear friends: “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.” Philippians  3:1-5. Yes, a mighty thank you for helping us this past month to climb over many walls. Because of your kindness, we are able to pay something down on our plane tickets to Canada.  We also hope to have our latest book, ‘Miracles Among the Nations’ available by September also. We are thankful for the effectual doors that have opened in Canada. Hebrew Words Matter:  For believers, “Let there be Light!” are the Divine words which created our world. “Tzedakah – Charity is words of truth and conveys values, culture, and tradition. False words tear at the fabric of life and have the power to kill. They can create a chaotic biblical Tower of Babel. Every word in Hebrew has a 3 letter shoresh or root, which reveals the true meaning and impacts culture.  Take, ‘tzedakah’, the word listed above. English describes it as ’charity’ from ‘caritas, love and philanthropy’ from philo, also love.  Giving to the needy is an act of …