
Still Small Voice – July 10th 2022

Shalom Dear Friends of Jay and Meridel:

Like David, Jay and I have dared to run “through a troop and leap over a wall!” 

Jesus took the heavenly Key given by his earthly forefather, King David through the prophet Isaiah, and promised it to those of us who choose to follow in His footsteps. I will give you the keys (authority) of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind [forbid, declare to be improper and unlawful] on earth will have [already] been bound in heaven, and whatever you lose, [permit declare lawful] one earth will have [already] been loosed [permitted] in heaven. 

Isaiah 22:22, Matthew 18:18

Thank you for your help to us as a family. I put everything into the family funds to help keep things running. You see, Jay has taken no salary from Vistas for years, but has volunteered 100% of his time and strength.  Our Board Members (led by a lawyer) refused to allow us to have a pension from Vistas, no matter how small. This decision made it real easy for us “to look as servants to the Hand of our Master for all that we need.” We know that we are not only friends but family of this most wonderful of all Masters-Jesus! We come from a position of forgiveness, and this is just the reality.

Our tour across Canada is specifically to raise US $100,000, needed to get the ministry Jerusalem/Vistas, Israel Vision out of debt before the end of 2022. This downturn came during COVID but looking back over 40 years of running Vistas, with up to 15 staff at one time, and multi-millions of dollars worth of documentaries, distributed to TV networks and ministries globally; the debt comes out to $2,500. a year. End of story. It has been a steady uphill climb for more than 40 good years. Neither of us regrets, but we need time now to go on to new works in the LORD. One of which is:

 Timeless Secrets Vol.2. Miracles Among The Nations 

Jay and I wrote it together, and laughed and cried our way from chapter to chapter. It reads stranger than fiction as we worked with the Master to turn and overturn the status quo and usher in His Presence wherever there was hunger. I found the writing process intriguing, funny, family-oriented, exciting, and we pray spiritually gripping … as we dared to allow the Holy Spirit to use our pens and computers.

On the upcoming tour, folks have asked to hear about our work among the nations. “What was the SPARK?” that set off the chain reactions? They asked. We hope to record these sessions and make them available to you. Like yourselves, Jay and I are mostly unseen. Our joy has always been to highlight what GREAT things the LORD has done that all people would learn to Honor His Name and bring His Kingdom to earth! 

You, our dear friends, and supporters have kept us encouraged and on our feet. Also, thanks to you, we have recently made a down payment on the US $8,000. airfares to Canada and across Canada. Jay and I have taken this on ourselves, not charging Vistas. Many doors have opened, for which we give thanks, and pray to leave a significant deposit of the abundance of God’s Spirit in each encounter whether great or small.

Any Canadians who would like our schedule may email Jay at:

We appreciate your continued prayers for these endeavours. 

May the LORD Himself reward you.  

Jay joins me in sending you the Aaronic blessing of Numbers 6:23-27.

Shabbat Shalom.

Jay and Meridel Rawlings. 

June 1979, Israel, Jay and Meridel Rawlings, during the filming of “Apples of Gold”,43 year ago