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Dear Friends;

“Hear this, you who trample down the needy, and do away with the poor of the land … I shall make that time like a time of mourning for an only son [who has died.]” Amos 8: 4,10e.

Our cover photo this week was taken on Israel’s 76th Independence Day.

The people in the photo are lying down because of missiles coming into Israel from Hamas that day. How tragic it all is. Our Prime Minister is under fire from within the nation because of the reality of never ending pain the people have had to endure since Oct 7th 2023. He is wanted by the International Court. I

quote: “There is no comfort. There is life, but the wound will remain until the end of our lives. Our War of Independence has not yet ended – it continues even now.” Unquote

I cannot apologize for the heaviness of my last few Still Small Voice letters. Let us HEAR what the Spirit is saying. Let us heed the warnings. History has much to teach us all, past, present and future.  My generation, called the silent generation, along with the younger generation and their children today are having to face the unimaginable! Many of you are asking “How do I pray in these dark days?”

Daniel and Shelly Rawlings produce a hard-hitting weekly blog. Here is a personal word about the Israel Shelly grew up in and the contrast to the Israel of today.

From: Choose Love Not Fear News

Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 at 22:03

Subject: The Most Heartbreaking National Memorial Day in Israel’s History


The Most Heartbreaking National Memorial Day in Israel’s History

Dear subscribers,

Yesterday was the most heartbreaking national Memorial Day in Israel’s history. Every year, in Israel, we take a day to remember the fallen soldiers and victims of terror attacks that occurred over the years. I will never forget the first time I lost a family member to an attack like that. I was 4 at that time.

This year, I could feel the shattered energy all over my body. Thousands of mothers crying to the heavens, trying to understand why their child was the one. Thousands of women, children, elderly, and men who were tortured, raped, killed, and kidnapped. Innocent people who met their gruesome and horrific demise. People who waited, and no one came to save them for more than 8 hours. Thousands of families who have yet to comprehend what has happened to them. Thousands who have become refugees in their own country.

A whole country in anguish. Too traumatized to even realize what has happened to them. Just trying to get by, just trying to survive. Not to mention the subject that is barely being discussed: dozens of people who took their own lives because life became too unbearable to handle.

All thanks to the unresolved events of October 7th and the ongoing war. So many parents and family members have no clue about the whereabouts of their loved ones. Shattered, broken, no escape, nowhere to hide. The government has yet to start a commission of inquiry. Yet to investigate the events, yet to display any kind of justice to its people or give anyone peace of mind.

The country is still at war, missiles still falling, whole cities evacuated, leaving very few behind to live inside a battlefield. Even on the news, the reporter is vague, not telling a mother in grief the entire truth, even though she admits she knows it!

Absolute torture. I can’t even imagine what the families of the victims are going through. Cemeteries were full of conflict, full of anger. Ministers of the Knesset who came to the cemeteries to say a few words were kicked out by aggravated masses. The families know, the public knows, everyone knows by now. It’s becoming more prevalent that there are traitors from within, and they’re all around us.

Dr. Jay Rawlings spells out the day of TERROR  in the following video.
It is prophetic and was created by Israel Vision 9 years ago.  View it because it is worth your time, more so today than ever before.  Many of us are living with compromises that we never imagined possible, at the time this warning was first given.

Also making their contribution are sons, David and Chris Rawlings, who produce a family version of Israel Vision. You may view it on

A response to the film, Screams Before Silence,

This powerful film was presented on May 3rd Still Small Voice.

“Liebe Meridel: The movie “Screams before Silence” was very impressive and powerful, but at the same time I had to protect myself so that all the horror wouldn’t weigh too heavily on my heart. It’s hard to believe that something like this could happen. It doesn’t get any more demonic than that. I am so sorry that so many Jews had to go through this terror. The traumas were probably programmed. It is my deepest concern and prayer that of these people may come to believe in the living God and his Son, the Messiah, through this event. Surely the Almighty is waiting for His chosen people.” M.S. Switzerland.
To see my blog on the film click here:

The Military Operation in South Gaza:

The news out of Gaza is an eye opener. Over 800,000 Gazans were moved by Israel out of harms way before the Rafa operation. This was accomplished in less than 4 weeks. The  enormous list of Gazan casualties was faked by Hamas and the WHO who have publicly said as much! Lies, lies, lies.

Israel has lost a staggering 282 soldiers to date and thousands have undergone amputations, leaving them with mutilated bodies. In spite of this horrifying fact, rocket fire continues from Rafa into South Israel and from Hezbulloh in the North.

Recently, the IDF found the bodies of three Israeli hostages. The father of the daughter expressed his profound relief. He is relieved now that her body lies in the family grave plot. “She can no longer be hurt.” He said sadly.

The IDF has uncovered 700 tunnel shafts in Rafa, 50 lead into Egypt. There may still be up to 120 living hostages? Hamas boasts 30 IDF soldiers among them? They could be anywhere in the Middle East. The Sinai is controlled my Bedouin tribes who smuggle drugs, slaves and weapons into and out of Gaza. Where is the Egyptian government? Where is the Egyptian intelligence in this?

In closing, on the confirmation of the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in Sunday’s helicopter crash, Israelis breathed a sigh of relief. This person, a virulent

Keep up your prayers for a beleaguered people, Israel. We thank you!

Every blessing from Jay and Meridel Rawlings.

And in closing: YES, I sent this before, but we dream of Eden! 

Yom ha Zikaron – Remembrance Day in Israel

Dear Friends who pray for Israel:

“For just as the body is one and yet has many parts, and all the parts, though many, form one body, so it is with Messiah – Christ … But God combined the [whole] body giving greater honour to that part which lacks it so that there would be no division or discord in the body, but that the parts may have the same concern for one another. And if one member suffers, all the parts share in the suffering …” 1 Corinthians 12: 12, 24, 25, 26.

Friends, remember Israel right now in prayer, wherever you are. At sunset last night, May 12th, sirens sounded throughout the entire nation of Israel. The Day of Remembrance is now. I wept and interceded as I watched this very moving photo tribute to the IDF. We Israelis, a family, a nation, are so closely knit together whether in the nation or outside. Israel remains inside of us all for better and for worse. When one falls we all die just a little more. Let this tribute speak to your soul.

Sadly, terror does not end with death.

Pray for Israel today, please.

Love from Meridel Rawlings.

Still Small Voice – Fishers and Hunters

My Dear Friends:

This week I heard this saying: ONLY LISTEN IF YOU WILL HEAR:

“Behold, [listen carefully], I will send for many fishermen,” says the LORD, “and they will fish for them; and afterward I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them from every mountain and from every hill and out of the clefts of the rock.” Jeremiah 16:16

TJVN (The Jewish Voice News) @TJVNEWS. Tonight May 9th 2024

Breaking News: There is an incident of rioters trying to break into a hotel in Athens, Greece where a group of Israelis are staying. The local police forces are trying to take over. 

This “Emergency” Aliyah Conference was held May 1st/24 in Jerusalem. Since 1971, when we first carried scriptures to the Jewish Community in the then Soviet Union, we have been fishing or encouraging Jewish Communities to return home to Israel. In 1980 Jay presented the film we co-produced, Apples of Gold to Jewish and Christian Communities all over North America.  In one synagogue in America, the well-known Rabbi brought his entire congregation to resettle in Israel. You can read about some of these adventures in my first book, Fishers and Hunters and again in Miracles Among the Nations, 580 pages.  Our son Chris, is presently working to post it to Amazon this coming week. You can even learn more about our fishing efforts in the volume which I am editing just now entitled, Israel Our Odyssey. The films and documentaries Jay created were an enormous help in this fishing enterprise. They were purchased and used globally by Israel’s Foreign Ministry. 

On October 7th, 2023 a death knell was sounded to Israel first, and then the whole world. Did you hear it?  Are you hearing it today in this letter? Jews are no longer safe, except in Israel where they are fighting for their very existence. Talk about a MYSTERY! The nations have left us, but The God of Israel will never leave us or forsake us! It is now time for the Hunters. 71% of the worldwide Aliyah to Israel right now are Russian speakers, but this will change quickly.

This is coming to you after the fact, and thank you for your love and continued prayers and help to Israel. Real change is needed. But change is hard. Humans resist change. Take the example of the Jews in Europe before the Holocaust. Grave warnings came from several directions but most Jews clung to the delusion that they were safe. The same thing is occurring today. Even though there are grave warnings throughout the Diaspora, the Jews of the West are far, far away from the understanding that the swelling worldwide anti-Semitism is not going to go away. It’s time to go home!

Not only is the rise of anti-Semitism becoming a tsunami, but Jews themselves are blaming Israel for making trouble for them in their adopted countries, they fall into the trap of “keep quiet and it will be alright.” If Israel doesn’t take Hamas out, the fate of Jews globally is sealed. I believe Israelis have never felt this deep freeze from their brethren before. Surely the Jews of Europe felt left and forgotten by all during the Holocaust.

For History Buffs:

If interested: at the end of my letter, Islamist Dr. Mordechai Kedar will give you an education into Islam’s role in this ongoing war because of their vows for JIHAD.

From Howard Flower: head of Aliyah for the ICEJ

“Most Jewish people get squeamish when I speak about the above passage re: Fishers and Hunters and so I researched it very deeply. And yes, it means just exactly what it says.

I have a copy of your book on my desk Meridel. You stopped by my table at one of Feasts of Tabernacles Celebrations sponsored by ICEJ in Jerusalem, and gave me a copy which I have read cover to cover several times. Thank you for that. People listen to you and Jay when you talk about Aliyah because you have the anointing and calling. And I do too. Blessings, Howard.”  May 7th 2024 

Howard Flower heads up ALIYAH globally for the ICEJ.

Monday the 6th of May, was Yom ha Shoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel. 

Several Holocaust Survivors survived Oct. 7th, onslaught against their kibbutzim.

An Israeli Remembers …

Choose Love Not Fear” by Shelly & Daniel Rawlings

This following piece will be thought-provoking, and soul-searching for us who inquire of the LORD and pray into each passing day. Please make the information here a matter of prayer. Shelly is an investigative journalist and dares to speak out the thoughts of many, who have little or no courage to do so.

Click here to read the newsletter in PDF format

About “Choose Love Not Fear“:
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Screams before Silence:

I had two responses to this film posted in last week’s Still Small Voice. One brave praying woman in Canada and one Christian gentleman in the USA. Thank you both!

“Dear Meridel, It is hard to comprehend the atrocities perpetrated on the Jewish people on October 7 even after seeing the video. It was so demonic. I hope that Prime Minister Netanyahu will not succumb to the pressure of the Biden regime to back off from finishing the task of clearing out Hamas. God be with you and Jay for being the voice of Israel here in North America. Many blessings Reynold R.” USA   

Hear Young IDF soldiers sing.

Enjoy your life and friends. it is the only one you have here! Make it count.

With every blessing to you from Jay and Meridel Rawlings.

Photo: Jay and Meridel celebrate 56 years of marriage.

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Bank Details in North America:

United States of America: Prosperity Bank
Name: Meridel Rawlings
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Personal Acc # 2859742
14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North
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Name: Meridel Rawlings
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Still Small Voice – Watch, Pray and Speak up!

Shalom My Dear Friends:

The days are severe. Thank you for your prayers. I begin with two eye-opening scriptures.

“ … Amalek was the first of the [neighbouring] nations [to oppose Israel after they left Egypt]. But his end shall be his destruction.” Numbers 20:24

Nor do they [terrorists] lie beside the fallen heroes of the uncircumcised, who went down to Sheol with their weapons of war, whose swords were laid [with honors] under their heads. The punishment for their sins rested on their bones, (DNA) for the terror of these [so-called] heroes was once in the land of the living.”  Ezekiel 32:27

My advisers and I discussed the film, Screams Before Silence. Do we send it to you or not? These souls had NO voice. The film was produced by the former head of Facebook. These first-hand witnesses of Oct. 7th are speaking out. I urge you to listen well. It will help to clear away the noise and confusion. Evil is Evil. Our world reflects this spirit day after day. May Jesus our Messiah hear our prayers for change,  and may we be alert with oil in our lamps – be Light bearers and speak for those who cannot.

Please click the “Watch on YouTube Link below. There is an age restriction so we cannot show the video here.

Psychological Warfare: 

These messages were sent directly to the family members of some of the hostages. There is no depth to the demonic depravity of Hamas.

This psychological torture of an Israeli family by Iranian agents who sent them this message. Their daughter was an IDF soldier taken captive in the Gaza Strip. “This death wreath is to be placed on your loved one’s grave … “ According to Israel’s Bet security agency. World Israel News Staff April 8th 2023

The sister of Liri Albag, kidnapped from the Nahal Oz IDF base by Hamas terrorists, said the family was also devastated by the delivery of a floral wreath, which was clearly meant to be placed on a grave.

@HonestReporting. Congratulations to @AP (America’s Associated Press) for winning a Picture of the Year award. How does it feel to do so on the back of Palestinian photojournalists who infiltrated Israel on Oct. 7 and took photos like the one below of Shani Louk’s dead body in a Hamas pickup?

I chose not to send this ‘popular’ photo, of 2023,  it was just to evil for words. 

Aliyah: by Howard Flower in Russia

Covid could not stop Aliyah and neither can this terrible war halt the flow of Jews coming home to Israel. God’s plan is unfolding according to the ancient Prophets. If Aliyah continues at this rate, the year 2024 will see over 22,000 Russian speakers and 28.380 total immigrants to Israel. 

From One Israeli living in the North:

“The lion roars! I am waiting … can we handle this? Yet the remnant returns despite trouble on every side.  Hezbollah increases its attacks on the North. Nevertheless, we feel so protected and sleep better than ever!”

I have been encouraged to suggest you read Psalm 35 as a prayer over Israel. One reader said: I took out the word “me” or” I” and replaced it with “Israel” and it was very specific and relevant.  When others ask me how to pray for Israel that is what I tell them to do.  

We leave you with this beautiful song because we are sure it will speak to you.

Love in Messiah, Jay and Meridel Rawlings.

For donations in Europe, please send them here:
Payable to: Meridel Joy Rawlings
Account # 23311815267.0
IBAN: CH87 0023 3233 1181 5267 0

For donations in America, please send them here:
Prosperity Bank
Payable to: John or Meridel Rawlings
ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number)
Personal Acc # 2859742
14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North
San Antonio, Texas, 78232

Still Small Voice – Rejoicing!

My dear friends:

This is a very short letter of thankfulness. This week was one of unsettled weather across the earth. Fierce sand storms from the Sahara filled our skies with darkness due to the sand. See the photo above.  At the same time, our family in Helsinki Finland had a snowstorm.

Snowstorm in Finland

Let us all take a moment to rejoice with the whole house of Israel, in the midst of their Passover holidays. Let us also rejoice in that we are joined together because of Messiah. One God, One people, One family.

“This is the [remarkable degree of confidence which we as believers are entitled to] have before Him; that if we ask anything according to His will [that is consistent with his plans and purpose] He hears us.”  1 John 5:14

I begin with this magnificent piece, please watch it with your Bible in hand and take notes as you choose.

A Touch of History:

Golda Meir was and continues to be considered a Mother to her People Israel. 

In 1970 Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir was interviewed on British Thames Television. Her responses and her ability to explain are outstanding. Oh, that she was here today. 

This song is taken from the Passover Seder, the lyrics are part of a prayer that is so appropriate this year “The LORD’S blessings is what kept our fathers and what keeps us surviving. For, not only one arose and tried to destroy us, rather in every generation they try to destroy us. The Keeper of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. We have been saved, yet again! Sung by Yaakov Shwekey and Yonatan Razel who arranged the music. 

And hum along with this joyous song of remembrance, past and present.

“So we have the prophetic word made more certain. You do well to pay [close] attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and light breaks through the gloom and the morning star arises indoor hearts.” 2 Peter 1:19, Numbers 24:17

With love from Jay and Meridel Rawlings.

My Canadian PayPal account is not working.

For donations in Europe, please send them here:
Payable to: Meridel Joy Rawlings
Account # 23311815267.0
IBAN: CH87 0023 3233 1181 5267 0

For donations in America, please send them here:
Prosperity Bank
Payable to: John or Meridel Rawlings
ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number)
Personal Acc # 2859742
14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North
San Antonio, Texas, 78232

Still Small Voice – Passover 2024

Shalom dear Friends:

A Blessed Passover season to my readers who love this Eternal Feast.

My letter is lengthy, I had no way to download the information in digital form. Maybe it is for the better, as you may want to return to this again and again.

Please take your time, read a little at a time if it is too much, but it is vital!

“God brought Israel out of Egypt. Israel has strength like the wild ox …

He will devour his adversaries. Blessed of God is he who blesses you and  cursed of God is he who curses you.” Numbers 24:8a, 9b.

Warfare: Moses initiated the first Passover. He prepared his people and they had to be obedient by faith, not fully aware of what was coming. Can you picture the fathers and sons painting the doorposts and lentils of their homes with the blood of the lamb they just sacrificed for their family? A tough scene for sure, some 4,000 years ago. It had to leave an indelible memory. 

The Eternal Covenant is Eternal: I keep trying to picture that last night in Egypt. They were instructed to stay inside, the lamb was roasted, the feast prepared and eaten. They were ready for the word any moment. Outside all over Egypt, the Death Angel was visiting all firstborn, both mankind and animals. How severe was the cost of generational and personal sin brought home to each family. It also speaks of the cost of the Hebrews freedom which foreshadowed the giving of the Eternal Covenant, the Blood Covenant displayed 2,000 years later in the heart of Jerusalem, when the Lamb of God, Yeshua, Jesus was sacrificed for all of mankind.

The Miracle in the Middle of the Night: Standing at his bedroom window in the heart of Jerusalem, David, our son watched three missiles hit and burst into flame as they hurtled downward crashing to the earth. He and his family joined their neighbours in the bomb shelter at 2 a.m. on April 14th as the Iranians continued to wage war over the entire country.  Iran launched over 300 drones and missiles aimed at Israel. Astonishingly, 99% were intercepted and destroyed before reaching their targets by Israel, the US, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the UK, and France. Most were neutralized before entering Israeli airspace. Yes, only minor injuries were reported. A 7-year-old Bedouin girl was seriously wounded by shrapnel. An Israeli military Base sustained minimal damage. This outcome is nothing short of miraculous. David sent the following article.

Divine Intervention:

Dr. Judith Lazarovitch Stugim worked in the Israel Defence Industry and made this letter available. Dr. of physics, M. Abitbol is identified as the person who sent this letter to Rabbi Hananal Etrog, Head of the Sheba Hebron Yeshiva. 

He wrote: I am a Doctor of Physics and worked for several years in the Defence Industry in Israel. The defence projects are still cutting edge in the State of Israel. I wanted to share with the Rabbi, something I feel. On Saturday night April 13th 2024 and in the early hours of April 14th 2024, something here happened on the scale of the Biblical splitting of the Red Sea.”

“Absolutely everyone acted as one man in overall unity. The likelihood that everything worked out does not exist in complex systems like the Defence Systems that were employed against the Iranian attack. They have never been tried out before, only in the State of Israel. I took a pencil and dived into the calculations to check out the likelihood that such a result would materialize. The range  and number of events that had to be dealt with, when each missile or UAV is handled independently, (there is human error or some deviation of one action, not offset by other successful actions) doubles the chance of making a mistake.”

When I examine on a scientific level, what happened here, it simply cannot happen.” In the face of the Iranian attack, the fact that 99% of all missiles would be intercepted does NOT exist in complex systems.  After calculating the probabilities on a scientific level this simply cannot happen. The miracle is sharper than the 6-Day War and Independence War of 1948.” 

“With all the high technologies, we expected a breach in the Defense of the skies of the State of Israel. Even if we got 90% protection it would be a miracle! What happened, is that everyone, yes, everyone, the pilots, the system operators and the technology operators acted as one man at one moment in total unity. If this is not an act of God, then I no longer know what a miracle is.”

“The managers of the Defense Industries guarantee no more than 90% success. In short, THE RESCUE FOR THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL THAT TOOK PLACE THIS NIGHT WAS SIMPLY IMPOSSIBLE NATURALLY. I believe that this miracle saved the lives of many people in Israel. If the Defence System had failed to intercept a number of cruise missiles, the result would have dragged us into a very complex campaign. I bet that next time it will not work like this without Divine supervision. The simple proof of what I said is that the managers of the Security Industries who develop and manufacture these systems guarantee no more the 90% success!”

“When Israel came out of Egypt, Judah became His sanctuary, and Israel His dominion. Tremble O earth, at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the God of Jacob (Israel)…”  Psalm 114:1, 7.

“We love Him because He first loved us.” 1John 4:19

“The King will answer and say to them, ‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it for Me.” Matthew 25:40, Proverbs 19:17

I know that so many of you are helping Israel in any way possible, beginning with prayer. Others have helped to make it possible for the 200,000 displaced families in Israel and soldiers to celebrate the Passover with a wonderful feast and joy Thank you! We chose to bless through: Yad Ezra vey Shumalit and Meir Panim.

Stunning Prophecy re Israel and Terrorism: Delivered April 5th 2014 by Kim Clement.

“There is a veil that is being torn … rent! Hear the sound, says the Spirit. The sound of fear, the sound of detriment. There is mischief in the Upper regions of India and Pakistan, where they found the one that terrorized the nations, Osama. They are plotting, planning, putting together pieces, taking them apart, putting them together, something so unique, that the Princes of Persian and in the Balkan territories, the activity of demonic power and principalities, is at high alert. They plot, they plan.”

God says, “I have kept the nations wondering.”

They said, “We know, we have the intelligence we have equipment, we have the best! “

God says: “What do you have? Look how they plot and plan against Israel, India, Canada, Great Britain, listen … the Scandinavian territories… Estonia what are you doing? There are those praying and demonic powers are terrorized. Now in the month of April, I WILL OPEN, I will expose.  I will catch them Myself!  And terrorism shall take a turn.”

But, they shall say, “Now, we have them!” 

The LORD says, ‘But do you really? For I hear the prayers of My saints, there are Daniels that are praying and fasting this very hour. Therefore the battle in the heavenlies is raging and will rage for another 18 days. Look to the 14th of April, shiftings are taking place. I AM THE RULER OF THE UNIVERSE, and one prayer of a saint can move My Hand and it has!’ says the LORD.’” Delivered by Tim Clement 10 years ago. The world saw the outworking of this word on April 14th 2024, 10 years later to the very day.

An invitation to worship: Prayer by Kim Clement

“Father of Lights, shape our future with Your Light, shape our children with Your Light. You have my promise time and time again. I will remember you in sickness and in health. I will remember you whether rich or poor. I will remember you …

The Israelites forgot him, they were cultivating the Land, enjoying the freedom, but there was no mana from heaven. Their vineyards were yielding new wine, the children were growing, but there was no cloud by day nor fire by night. They forgot You but You have my promise.

We will always honor You, we will always remember You and LORD we pray that You would remind us daily, of the wondrous grace that You have given to us. And we do we have a future. It is a future so fair, so far, so certain…and we have hope!”

Sweet Friends, I had so much prepared, so many multimedia clips, and “news” but this IS the good news. You will be surfing your own news services. Let us hear what the Spirit of our God has said and is saying to the world in these momentous days. During the attack Israel prayed Psalm 20. Now is the time to keep Israel in prayer for the perfect will of the Father to come to pass, far beyond our imagination.

You can watch Kim Clements’s Prophecy video here: Start at 8:47 mins.

Thank you for your prayers, we are small, but Our God Triumphs!

Hallelujah! He is Risen!

With the love of Messiah, Jay and Meridel Rawlings.

“He will call upon Me, and I will answer Him, I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and  I will let him see My salvation.” Psalm 91:15

My Canadian PayPal account is not working.

For donations in Europe, please send them here:
Payable to: Meridel Joy Rawlings
Account # 23311815267.0
IBAN: CH87 0023 3233 1181 5267 0

For donations in America, please send them here:
Prosperity Bank
Payable to: John or Meridel Rawlings
ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before account number)
Personal Acc # 2859742
14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North
San Antonio, Texas, 78232

Picture at the top painted by: Ilana Krasnik

Still Small Voice – DAY 189 – Imminent attack from Iran – April 12th 2024

Shalom Friends:

Welcome. Let me take you on my morning walk down through the olive groves to the beach. I never fail to return home energized and encouraged. See my video clip at the end. Today during my time in the Bible, this jumped out at me, pushing me to think.

“Every good thing given and every perfect gift from above; comes down from the Father of lights [the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens]. It was of His own will that He gave us birth [as His children] by the word of truth so that we would be a kind of first fruits of His creatures [a prime example of what He created to be set apart to Himself – sanctified, made holy for His divine purposes]. “ James 1:17a, 18.

The thought that Abba in Heaven chose my birth was not new to me. Yes, our conception was in His Will. He chose us, and He asks us to CHOOSE Him, How simple is that? That ‘choosing’ of course brings us to the blood covering of Yeshua Jesus. Blood has been demanded as a cover for sin from the beginning with Abel. It is no different today. But there is so much more in this walk of faith. This truth is a cornerstone of faith. I call this seed thought!  See the opening photo. That seed of life, will and thought, in the word of God brings our spiritual transformation; allowing us to live and stretch up to the light. Hopefully, as we mature, we will bear much fruit. How to begin? Well, here it comes.

“Understand this, my beloved brothers and sisters. Let everyone be quick to hear [be a careful thoughtful listener], slow to speak, [a speaker of carefully chosen words and], slow to anger [patient, reflective, forgiving];” James 1:19.

Jesus spent His entire ministry teaching us how to live this life. Perhaps the hardest lessons come when we are in contact with others that smudge and fudge. The hardest of all for me is religious hypocrisy. Well, Jesus suffered it continually. He is the finest example of speaking the truth, not throwing dirt and losing ground. Pun intended! Jesus observed: “It is not what goes into the mouth of a man that makes him unclean and defiled, but what comes out of the mouth; this makes a man unclean and defiles [him].” Matthew:15:11-20.

Strong words indeed! Defile is a noun. ‘It is the act of making something foul, dirty or unclean.’  For example, Humankind’s destruction and defilement of the natural environment is seriously endangering the continuation of life on this planet.

Defilement or uncleanness can be an infected intestine, an infection in the bone, running sores on the skin, or … those nasty little jabs and critical words that FIRST pierced themselves into our conscious thoughts. We put them on someone else, using our God-given gifts of speech. Sadly, these poisonous words can grow and increase within me and you, over time. They set up a rottenness that defiles and try to stay hidden within. May each one of us repent of our negative, even hurtful thoughts and words. You can STOP this program NOW! Repent and forsake! We must again choose to return to the blessed WILL of our Father. This is the essence of Jesus: “doing the will of My Father.”

Iran’s Attack on is Israel Imminent:

Iran has stopped hiding behind its proxies.

Head of the IDF says, “We are prepared and ready for any scenario.”

The head of US Defence visits Israel as I write.

President Biden said, “IF Israel needs to respond to Iran, we are with them.”

Hamas divulges: “We cannot find 40 hostages, to meet Israel’s proposed cease-fire!” Shocking … can we believe them? They continue to do NOTHING supported by the UN and most nations.

The Gaza war is not over. There are 3,000 Hamas operatives embedded among the 1.5 million Gazans in Rafa. Israel is in a gorilla war. It is not won by large armies. Israel is regrouping and changing tactics. Our work is to pray and help in any way we can.

How to Pray:

It is time to pray and not to faint. Israel is facing perhaps what they always knew was coming. Let’s pray as David did.

To your willing heart and faith, add determination and courage. We will triumph over and over in prayer, throughout our entire lives. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being a human being guided and directed by the Living God. And when we fall, repent, get up and come back. Starting again. 

Please, go to 1 Samuel: chapter 17:v 28, “Eliab his oldest brother heard what he (David) said to the men: and his anger burned against David and he said: …I know your presumption [over confidence and the evil of your heart; …”

David responded, “What have I done now?” v. 29.

A little brother deals with his elder brother. A good example of defilement in Eliab’s thought life. Think of the world today in an uproar to save Hamas and paint Israel as the enemy of all People. Who is the Goliath here?

When you Pray, pray the scriptures: 

“David went out alone to meet Goliath: Then David said to the Philistine,’ You come to me with a sword,  spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted.  This day, the LORD will hand you over to me … so that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel and that this entire assembly may know that the LORD does not see with the sword or with the spear for the battle is the LORD’s and He will hand you over to us.’”   1 Sam 17:v 46a, 47.

I also suggest Psalm 2, Psalm 83, and Hebrews 11.

Enjoy Ishay Ribo and Omer Adam. These popular young Israelis, combine their great talents on this beautiful song which is equally a prayer and a cry.

In closing dear friends: The will of the Father for us after 50 years in Israel, was to bring us to this beautiful haven to live. Two months after we left Israel, all hell broke out. The LORD showed us many things, but not the war. Yes, it was very hard back in 2022 to be willing to give over our wills in this matter. Our lives had been lived in and for Israel. But, after many struggles, Jay and I finally could agree that God was in this. Now we could move forward, we could see this as the leading of the LORD, and still we did not understand the full impact of this instruction.

“Because your loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise You. So will I bless You as long as I live; …”  Psalm 63:4

We have been sequestered away to rest, enjoy our 80’s and our work now is to pray and fight in the heavens for the Father’s Will to come to pass for Israel our beloved. His WILL is perfect! That profound secret is found in listening to the Still Small Voice, repenting often and working to obeying always!

Here is a video I took with my dogs down at the beach near our house sending Shabbat Shalom greetings to you all!

Since this newsletter has been written on Friday 12th of April. The latest news is that Iran attacked Israel with over 300 missiles, drones and ballistic missiles on Saturday night April 13th till early Sunday morning. See the latest news here:

Please keep praying for the peace of Jerusalem and the safety of Israel and her peoples.

Love from Meridel and of course, Jay Rawlings.

For donations in Europe, please send them here:
Payable to: Meridel Joy Rawlings
Account # 23311815267.0
IBAN: CH87 0023 3233 1181 5267 0

For donations in America, please send them here:
Prosperity Bank
Payable to: John or Meridel Rawlings
ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before account number)
Personal Acc # 2859742
14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North
San Antonio, Texas, 78232

Thank you so very much. Mom Shabbat Shalom.

Photo at top by Shai Pal on Unsplash

Still Small Voice – Gesegnete Ostern

Meine lieben Freunde, 

Ich möchte meine Leser segnen, indem ich diesen Brief an den Messias Jesus ausrichte. Ich lerne immer wieder aus seinem Leben, und ich vertraue darauf, dass dies auch Eure Erfahrung ist, wenn ihr weitergeht.

Harte Lektionen:

Wir waren alle schon einmal hier. Der Versucher wartet nur darauf, jeden anzugreifen, welcher Jesus als HERRN bekennt! Besonders in den dunklen Zeiten, wenn wir uns abgeschnitten, schwach, allein und verzweifelt fühlen. In diesem Moment müssen wir unsere Augen zum Himmel WENDEN und auf das Wort und die LIEBE unseres Abba-Vaters und Jesus vertrauen. Das ist unsere Geheimwaffe, unser hoher Turm, unser Versteck, unsere Stärke und unser Schild. Haltet durch! Die Antworten werden kommen, wenn wir bereit sind zu WARTEN und still zu sein.

Jesus war nach seinem Fasten verzweifelt hungrig. Satan, der Versucher, wartete darauf, ihn anzugreifen: “Es steht geschrieben …”. So antwortete Jesus auf jede Versuchung. Das allein zeigt uns, wie wichtig es ist, das Wort Gottes zu kennen und es in unserem Herzen zu bewahren, damit wir nicht gegen den Himmel sündigen. “… es steht geschrieben. Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Brot allein, sondern von einem jeden Wort, welches aus dem Mund Gottes kommt.” Deuteronomium 8:3, Matthäus 4:4

Nachdem er das Wort Gottes missbraucht und verdreht hatte, genau wie Satan es mit Eva getan hatte, und es mit dir und mir immer noch tut, antwortete Jesus erneut: “…es steht geschrieben. Du sollst den Herrn, deinen GOTT, nicht auf die Probe stellen.” Deuteronomium 6:16, Matthäus 4:7

Dann reizten er Jesus mit Lügen und der Vorstellung, er könne die Königreiche dieser Welt kontrollieren und beherrschen, wenn er Satan anbetete. Jesus antwortete: “…es steht geschrieben: Du sollst Gott, den HERRN, anbeten und Ihm allein dienen.” 5. Mose 6:13, Matthäus 4:10

Die Versuchung führte zum Hochverrat

“Da ging einer von den Zwölfen, welcher Judas Ischariot hiess, zu den Hohenpriestern und sprach: Was wollt ihr mir geben, wenn ich euch Jesus ausliefere? Und sie wogen dreißig Silberlinge ab.» Matthäus 26,14-16 Exodus 32:32. Sacharja 11:12.

WARUM 30 Silberstücke? Das fragt Ihr. Weil das der übliche Preis für einen Sklaven war. Exodus 21:32,

Judas belügt Jesus

Während er das Passahfest mit seinen 12 Jüngern leitete, sagte Jesus: “Der Menschensohn wird gehen, wie es von ihm geschrieben steht; aber wehe dem Menschen, durch welchen der Menschensohn verraten wird! 

Und Judas, der Verräter, sprach: “Ich bin es doch nicht, Rabbi?”, und Jesus sagte zu ihm: “Du hast es selbst gesagt”. Psalm 41,9, Matthäus 26,25. 

Ich hoffe, wir haben uns alle Zeit genommen, um zu Jesus zurückzukehren und alles zu bereuen, was wir nicht bekannt haben. Selbstverblendung ist die absolut schlimmste Krankheit. Sein Blut reinigt von aller Sünde. Wenn ich mich an den Tod und die Auferstehung von Jeschua Jesus erinnere, kann ich nun bezeugen: «Ich weiß, wie es ist, wieder zum Leben erweckt zu werden. Ich möchte Euch sagen, wie dankbar ich für meinen Ehemann und meine jahrzehntelangen Freunde bin, und natürlich auch für meine neuen Freunde. Ihr habt mein persönliches Leben und das Leben von Familienmitgliedern enorm verändert. Vielen Dank für Ihre Briefe, Gebete und Liebesbekundungen, ich bin wirklich eine gesegnete Frau.” 

Dieses Wochenende wird von allen gefeiert, welche nach dem Gregorianischen Kalender leben. Das Hebräische Pessachfest fällt auf den 22. April, und wir planen, es mit unseren Familienmitgliedern zu feiern. Nach dem Griechischen Religiösen Kalender ist Ostern auf den 5. Mai datiert. 

Ein Wort von Josh

Jay und Josh waren im März in Israel. Sie sind gerade zurückgekehrt: “Mama”, sagte Josh, “wir sind mit El Al geflogen, nur mit Israelis an Bord. Du weißt doch, dass sie beim Landeanflug auf den Flughafen Ben Gurion immer klatschen! Nun, dieses Mal war nur Stille zu hören. Ich war völlig überrascht. Es gab keine Warteschlangen oder Hektik am Flughafen. Aber bei der Rückkehr von Israel nach Athen, wieder mit El Al, klatschten alle! Traurig, aber ich denke, das bringt es auf den Punkt.

Ein Wort von Jay

“Josh und ich haben eine Notfallreise nach Israel unternommen und sind erst vor wenigen Tagen zurückgekehrt. David, unser ältester Sohn, war schwer an einer Lungenentzündung erkrankt und litt unter schwerer Kurzatmigkeit und vollständiger Erschöpfung, obwohl er in ärztlicher Behandlung war. Zum Glück begannen seine Symptome nachzulassen, sobald wir bei ihm waren. Er sagte: “Euer Besuch ist von lebenswichtiger Bedeutung, mehr als ihr je wissen werdet!” 

Natürlich haben wir sofort für ihn gebetet und tun dies auch weiterhin. Jetzt freuen wir uns über die Gebetserhörung. Außerdem kam der Besuch gerade zur rechten Zeit, denn so wir konnten viele Familienmitglieder und Freunde Israels ermutigen, trösten und stärken. Sie leiden tagtäglich unter dem Druck des andauernden Krieges. Die Stimmung im Lande ist gedrückt, obwohl man die Menschen für ihren unbeugsamen Geist loben muss. Wir wurden 1969 zum ersten Mal nach Israel berufen, es war unsere “ersten Liebe.

Einer der bewegendsten und denkwürdigsten Besuche, welche wir hatten, war Joshs Armeekumpel Dothan. Er und seine Frau Sivan haben sich freiwillig gemeldet, um bei der Identifizierung, der am 7. Oktober von der Hamas Ermordeten, zu helfen. Sie setzten ihre Computerkenntnisse ein, um bei der Identifizierung der verstümmelten Leichen zu helfen. Wir beten für ihre emotionale und geistige Genesung.

David und ich setzten uns für Israel Vision ein. Siehe:

Beide, David und Josh, konnten sich mir beim monatlichen Gebetstreffen von Men in Ministry in Jerusalem anschließen, welches etwa fünfzig Gemeinschaften in Israel dient. Ich war so dankbar, dass es weitergeht, stärker denn je. Ich habe 1981 bei der Gründung geholfen. Bitte vernachlässigt uns nicht Euren Gebeten, für uns als gemeinsame Familie. Wir scheinen alle so verletzlich zu sein. Danke, dass Ihr unsere treuen Freunde seid.” Liebe Grüße, Jay

Daniel und Shelly erstellen einen Forschungsblog für Israel. Für alle, die daran interessiert sind:

Für Spenden in Europa senden Sie diese bitte hier:
Zahlbar an: Meridel Joy Rawlings
Konto # 23311815267.0
IBAN: CH87 0023 3233 1181 5267 0

Falls Ihr möchtet, könnt ihr in Nordamerika spenden:
Prosperity Bank
ABA # 113 122 655 (bei Überweisungen diese Nummer vor die Kontonummer setzen)
Personal Acc # 2859742,
zahlbar an: John oder Meridel Rawlings
14402 US Highway 281N, San Pedro North
San Antonio, Texas, 78232

Foto oben von Jonny Gios:

Hören Sie sich diese schöne Chormusik von Morten Lauridsen an

Still Small Voice – A Blessed Easter!

My Dear Friends;

I desire to bless my readers by centring this letter on Messiah Jesus. I keep learning from HIs life, and I trust this is also your experience as you walk on. 

Tough Lessons: 

We have all been here to one degree or another. The tempter waits to attack each person who confesses Jesus as LORD!  Especially, in those down times when we are feeling cut off, weak, alone and desperate. In that moment, we must TURN our eyes to heaven, trusting in the Word and in the LOVE of our Abba Father and Jesus. This is our secret weapon; our high tower, our hiding place, strength and shield. Hang on!  The answers will come if we are willing to WAIT and be still.

Jesus was desperately hungry after His fast. Satan the tempter waited to attack. “It is written …” Is how Jesus replied to every temptation that alone tells us how important it is to know the Word of God and hide it in our hearts, so that we do not sin against heaven. “… it is written. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.” Deuteronomy 8:3, Matthew 4:4

After misusing and twisting the Word of God, exactly as Satan did to Eve and continues to do to you and I, Jesus again responded:…it is written. You shall not test the LORD your God. Deuteronomy 6:16, Matthew 4:7

Then teasing Jesus with lies and the idea of control and authority over the kingdoms of this world if He worshipped Satan. Jesus responded: “…it is written. You shall worship the LORD God and serve Him only.” Deut.6:13, Matthew 4:10

Temptation led to High Treason:

‘Then one of the twelve who was called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What are you willing to give me if I hand Jesus over to you?

And they weighed out thirty pieces of silver.”

Matthew 26:14,15,16. Exodus 32:32. Zechariah 11:12. 

WHY 30 pieces of silver? You ask. Because that was the going rate for a slave.  Exodus 21:32, 

Judas lies to Jesus:

While leading the Passover Feast, with His 12 disciples, Jesus said: “The Son of Man is to go, just as it is written of Him; but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had never been born.”

And Judas, the betrayer, said, “Surely it is not I, Rabbi?”

Jesus said to him, “You have said it yourself.”  Psalm 41:9, Matthew 24: 25.

I trust we have all taken quiet time to come back home to Jesus and repent of anything that we have not confessed. Self-blindness is the absolute worst disease. His blood cleanses from all sin. Remembering the death and resurrection of Yeshua Jesus I can now testify, “ I know what is is to be resurrected back to life. Let me say, how grateful I am for my husband and friends of many decades, and my new ones of course. You have made a huge difference in my personal life and the lives of family members. Thank you for your notes and prayers, and acts of love. I am indeed a blessed woman.

This weekend is celebrated by all of those living by the Gregorian calendar. The Hebrew Passover falls on April 22nd and we plan to celebrate it with family

members. The Greek Religious Calendar dates Easter on May 5th.

A Word from Josh:

Jay and Josh were in Israel this March. They have just returned.

“Mom,” Josh told me, “We flew El Al, with only Israelis on board. You know they always clap upon a descent into Ben Gurion Airport! Well, this time, there was only silence. I was taken by total surprise. There were no lines or hustle and bustle at the airport. But, upon return to Athens from Israel, again on El Al, everyone clapped! Sadly I think this sums it all up.”

A Word from Jay:

“Josh and I made an emergency trip to Israel and returned just days ago. David, our eldest son was very ill with pneumonia and developed serious shortness of breath and complete fatigue, he was under a Drs care. Thankfully as soon as we arrived, his symptoms began to fade. He stated, “Your visit is of vital important to me, more than you will ever know!”

Of course, we immediately prayed for him and continued to do so. Now we are rejoicing in answered prayer. In addition, it was such a timely visit as we were able to encourage, comfort and strengthen many family members and Israeli friends. They are suffering day in and day out under the pall of an ongoing war. The atmosphere in the country is depressed, although the people must be commended for their indomitable spirit. We were first called to Israel in 1969, our ‘first love’.

One of the most touching and memorable visits we had was with Josh’s army buddy Dothan. He along with his wife Sivan, volunteered to help identify those massacred by Hamas on October 7th. They used their computer skills to help identify the mutilated bodies. We pray for their emotional and spiritual recovery.

David and I did a stand-up for Israel Vision. See:

Both David and Josh were able to join me for the monthly Men in Ministry prayer meeting in Jerusalem, serving some fifty ministries in Israel. I was so grateful to see it continue, stronger than ever. I helped start back in 1981. Please do not neglect your prayers for us as a corporate family. We all seem so vulnerable. Thank you for being our faithful friends.” Love, Jay

Daniel and Shelly are producing an explorative blog for Israel. For those who may be interested, go to:

“And in His Name the Gentiles (all the nations of the world) will hope.”

Isaiah 42: 1-4

Rejoicing in the knowledge and experience in His superb LOVE!

Jay and Meridel Rawlings

My Canadian PayPal account is not working.

For donations in Europe, please send them here:
Payable to: Meridel Joy Rawlings
Account # 23311815267.0
IBAN: CH87 0023 3233 1181 5267 0

For donations in America, please send them here:
Prosperity Bank
Payable to: John or Meridel Rawlings
ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number)
Personal Acc # 2859742
14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North
San Antonio, Texas, 78232

Photo at top by Jonny Gios:

Still Small Voice: DAY 163 of War

The painting above is by Shelly Bandel Rawlings

My Dear Friends:

“The heavens are telling of the glory of God, and the firmament is declaring the work of His hands.”  Psalm 19:1

I send blessings to you this day in the Name Above all Names. I have penned a few thoughts on The Face of God. Hope you not only enjoy but recall your own journey of discovery. The first time I ever saw Him, I experienced His loving Presence. I felt warmed and swaddled (wrapped) in a blanket of liquid love. My chilled life, at 2.5 years was warmed from the inside out. I have never been tempted to look elsewhere for the love that will not let me go, for I have seen and continue to experience the Face of God.

Last night I waved Jay and Josh off as they flew to Jerusalem. Our eldest son David, has been fighting a very nasty virus. It is a heavy time, as Ramadan began on Friday and Israel faces a multi-front war inside and out.  The month ahead is ominous. The Feast of Esther begins on March 22nd despite the ongoing threats. We watch as history repeats itself.

History teaches us that every succeeding generation declines as its morality degenerates. This process takes time, but atrophy inevitably sets in when true morals go out. World powers are brought to their knees when their people throw morality out the window. A healthy family life is the backbone of any stable society, as is the glue of upholding moral standards.

“I had a conversation with a young neighbour in his 40s who assured me “God could not possibly display anger because he is above human emotion.”  This person does not know the Bible. Arguing is fruitless, he has not realized that he was created in God’s likeness. Pause, think of that. Nothing originates with us, it is all a gift.

Very few people take much notice of God’s words to us in the Bible. Fewer desire to read or study the Old Testament, which is as living as the New! Both are eternal, everlasting Covenants. Unbelievers are just not interested and the majority of Christians think it is all for yesterday. Israel couldn’t possibly be relevant at this time. The prophetic books of the Bible have been preserved for our day because they are about to be fulfilled in this generation. We are living in the End Times, believe it or not. Many of these prophecies have been dormant for millennia, but get ready, Israel is the key to their fulfilment. That may be impossible for many of you to believe if you have cancelled Israel and Jerusalem. Things are unfolding very quickly. Jesus gave a warning. “Don’t think I have come to do away with the Law and the Prophets. I have not come to annul their contents but to fulfil them.” Matthew 5:17

The Face of God

How does one catch glimpses of God’s face? Every response is subjective. What’s yours?

I see Him all around me, in my physical world; in the seasons, weather, family history, world history, and the many kind souls I have worked with along with tribal people in their various habitats. I have lived a privileged life, and often see the face of God. HOW?

  • in the perfect peace of a sleeping baby. 
  • in the wind whispering over olive groves, turning them into masses of shimmering silver.
  • in the kindness of a local farmer bringing oranges and eggs to my door.
  • in the steady ebb and flow of the sea, reminding me of the One who set its bounds.
  • in the patience of my husband when I interrupted him at work…
  • in the incessant buzzing bees going about their business gathering nectar.
  • in dew drops clinging to grasses as they turn to a sea of shining diamonds at sun up.
  • in the perfume of flowers.
  • in the faithful beating of my own heart day in and day out.
  • in the massive displays of clouds.
  • in the spontaneous joy and laughter of children at play.
  • in joyful family times when at last, we can all be together.
  • in my dogs who are delighted to see me. Am I as welcoming to Jesus and others?
  • in the fearsome size, sound and intense colours of the Northern lights filling the night skies.
  •   when our home was in the path of a raging forest fire?
  • Have you heard the silence of the immense Northern wilderness? It can be frightening.
  • Have you lived through an erupting volcano, earthquake, hurricane, war or plague?
  • He has kept my husband, sons and me through all of that as we lived in many nations.
  • Have you been beaten, put down verbally or molested physically or sexually and lived long enough to see how the life of the abuser ended?
  • Only man seeks to control, destroy and tear apart himself and his fellow man. He is a predator, a destroyer. Our societies no longer protect the unborn, children and Old people. Man in the hands of darkness works to destroy the natural order of things… unless he is favoured to encounter the LIVING REALITY of the Almighty God. 
  • Could this awesome Creator possibly be angry with mankind in charge of this world? What causes Him to be angry? Let us never forget: He is the God of Justice and Truth. What does that mean? He will not hold His peace forever. Because of something we label as Sin, the scales are tipped away from mercy. What is sin? Sin is: willful ignorance, hypocrisy, greed, stubbornness, selfishness, cheating, lying, murder … man’s hard heart grieves God.

Death is the manifestation of separation from this life, the cessation of breath. It is our Creator’s prerogative to take that breath at any moment. Breathing is a gift that most of us take as ‘our’ right. God keeps the score sheet of our murmuring and complaining, the taking of offences, and self-centeredness.  Our choices define us. Multitudes live on the negative side of life.

The Bible clearly tells us that the wages of sin is death, mine and yours. We all live on borrowed time and continue under the illusion of being  “in charge.” It’s time to seek Him and He promises that we fill find Him; if we earnestly search for Him with all of our heart.

 I asked Jay, “When did you see the Face of God.”

“I helped the midwife deliver Josh, and remember the awesome moment of stillness until he drew his first breath,” he concluded, “and I saw His face when you came back to life.”

Let us learn what it truly means to; “Kiss the Son, lest He become angry, and you perish in the way, for His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!” Psalm 2:12 Amplified I suggest you read all of Psalm 2.

Our Great God and Father has brought this generation to this appointed time. He is finished being ignored as an un-entity, when every good and perfect gift is from Him hand.

Daniel’s prophecies line up with the Book of Revelation. The day at hand. I suggest you put

Isaiah 24 – 27,   Jeremiah 24,   Ezekiel 36 – 38 on your study list.

Lest you despair: take courage and memorize this promise:

“After these things, I looked and this is what I saw: a vast multitude which no one could count, from every nation and from all the tribes and peoples and languages standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes with palm branches in their hands; and with in a loud voice they cried out, saying:  Salvation to our God who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.”  Revelation 7:9.10.

If you desire to bless the work of Still Small Voice, I will continue doing what I love, which is blessing others. 

My PayPal donations have been closed.
You may donate to me ONLY at this Bank Address:


Payable to: Meridel Joy Rawlings

Account #  23311815267.0

IBAN: CH87 0023 3233 1181 5267 0


Every blessing to you and your household.  Love from Meridel Rawlings.

I have decided to take a little more time for myself, family and my garden. Look for the Still Small Voice next month. Thank you for being there, faithful in your prayers.

Now for a little light heartedness:

    – “Old age comes at a bad time.” (Ed Sullivan)

    – “The older I get, the better I used to be.” (Lee Trevino) 

    – “Nice to be here? At my age, it’s nice to be anywhere.” (George Burns)

  – “You spend 90 percent of your adult life hoping for a long rest and the last 10 percent trying to convince the Lord that you’re actually not THAT tired.” (Princess Grace)

    – “Old people shouldn’t eat Health foods. They need all the preservatives they can get.” (Bob Hope)

   -“At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At age 40, we don’t care what they think of us. At age 60, we discover they haven’t been thinking of us at all.” (Ann Landers)

Painting by Shelly Bandel Rawlings. 

 -“I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a lot more as they get older, and then it dawned on me — they’re cramming for their final exam.” (George Chaplin)