All posts filed under: Newsletters

Still Small Voice – Easter Sunday / Nisan 18th 5783, April 9th 2023

Shalom from Jerusalem dear Friends: Josh drove us to the airport in Athens Greece, David picked us up at Ben Gurion airport in Israel and Daniel and Shelly had the Sabbath candles lit and a feast spread out before us upon arrival home. We are grateful to all four sons who shower us with loving-kindness. Chris up in Helsinki does the same, of course. Jay and I arrived back in Israel Friday night to the intense crush of terror breaking all around. Rockets from Gaza and Lebanon did their best to disturb. A bank was hit and the lead balls and bolts packed into the missiles smashed through the front of the building, destroying computers. A mother and her daughters were shot while driving along the Dead Sea road. The two girls died and the mother is fighting for her life. This very night a car rammed into 7 tourists in Tel Aviv killing one, and injuring the others. This is our reality in Israel today. Today Syria lobbed 6 missiles towards Israel, and 3 …

Still Small Voice – Nisan 9th, 5783 / March 31st, 2023 

Dear Friends who love the Still Small Voice; Take a moment, and come and worship with me. We read the following passage at our breakfast table this morning and the glory of the LORD came upon Joshua, Jay and I. We could only worship and give thanks for His mercy does endure forever. We love to remember our family and friends young and old in prayer. “Isaac went out to mediate in the field toward evening … Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart  be acceptable in Your sight O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,  the moon and the stars, which You have ordered;  what is the man that you take thought of him?  Great are the works of the LORD;  they are studied by all who delight in them. How blessed is the man  who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,  nor stand in the path of sinners,   or sit in the seat of scoffers?  …

Still Small Voice – 2 Nisan 5783/ March 24th, 2023

Dear Friends: “In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did as he pleased.” Judges 17:6 Concerning Israel, today, no news is good news. All we hear is confusion, accusations and hatred.  How can we be blessed? Jay observes that it harkens back to the time of the Judges when the people demanded a King. I am afraid we are in for some very very dark days. One side loves to blame the other, and no one has all of the answers, yet there is NO willingness for negotiation brother to brother. We are in dire need of a wake-up call immediately before the situation escalates into civil war.  “… Dispense true justice,, practice kindness and compassion to each other and do not oppress or exploit the widow or the fatherless, the stranger or the poor; and do not devise or even imagine evil in your hearts against one another.”   Zechariah 7:9,10. The above order came through Zechariah as he encouraged 50,000 returned exiles from Babylon to Jerusalem. They had to …

Still Small Voice – 23 Adar 5783. / March 17th 2023

My dear friends: Shalom is a wonderful word to speak out into your world in these days, Peace! Peace can only flow from heaven downward to us, as we lift our eyes and faith and send up praise and worship wanting nothing in return, but His Presence! This has always been Jay’s and my secret of quiet joy and being lead peacefully by the Holy Spirit. We pray the same for every husband and wife reading my letter. We encourage you to pray and worship together in the spirit in the midst of your home.  My Prophetic Act at Age 8: We were living in White Horse, a very small town in the Yukon, northern Canada at the time. My father was in the Royal Canadian Air Force.  Our parents had left on a business trip for several weeks, driving thousands of miles to Winnipeg, a city in the middle of Canada. A lady was hired to care for us but; we suffered, as children do without their parents. Their departure left us feeling unprotected. …

Still Small Voice, Humor at Purim – March 10th 2023.  

Shalom, dear Friends,  During Purim which was a few days ago, we do fun stuff. Refusing to be paralyzed when faced with darkness is really the essence of the story of Queen Esther; along with the ability to use great wisdom and unify the people in your world.  Allow me, at this time, to introduce you to Daniel’s wife Shelly, an Israeli/Canadian. In Hebrew, she is our hen, which means grace. God meant for the women in families to be friends and family at the same time. We are meant to be close, loving and supportive! Jay and I are very proud of Shelly for holding her ground and speaking out in Hebrew and English. So friends, watch! I hope you will laugh along with us as Shelly does her Purim spoof: 2023: the year of TRUTH for humanity “You may think you can break the divine and human law, but you will only break yourself.”   Judge Pascal Najidi The Earthquake is here!  For the millions who have been terribly compromised by the Covid …

Still Small Voice – Purim. March 3rd, 2023

Shalom dear friends, one and all: Did you know that Israel has a special day dedicated to family? This past Tuesday, families across the country spent the day focusing on and celebrating the special bond that is family. Children, especially in kindergartens, created art projects and brought family photos to share with their friends. Many families plan special after-school activities to celebrate the day together. Our family took off to the Negev desert to see the immense carpets of the ruby red ‘rose of Sharon’. Israel: Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem … and “we weep with great love for Zion.” Psalm 137: 1-5. It is a time of great controversy. I suggest, Noa Tishby’s 2021 book, Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth. It is a “wonderful read” especially at this very difficult time internally for the nation and her people. Thank you for your prayers. History comes to Life during Purim:  The Jewish people have faithfully kept the Biblical Feast down through the annuals of history. This week …

Still Small Voice – 3. Adar 5783 / February 24th,  2023 

Dear Friends:  Man can be so discouraging at times. Aren’t the wars and rumours of war, along with the hurricanes, earthquakes, and cyclones enough disasters today? Man has the need to impose far greater tragedies of his own making. I am referring now to the judicial reforms rapidly taking place in Israel. Will they result in a better democracy in Israel or a failed democracy? Please stay with me, as I try to  express how we are grappling as a family with the changes.  “And he spake a parable unto them to this end,   that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;”   Luke 18:1 I sit down to write, and I am uneasy, restless and wondering. Confusion tries to cloud my mind. The future of my nation (Israel) seems so dark. Has it been hijacked? I resist the  awful sense of heaviness and try to see the pros and cons of Israel’s new government  from both sides. So, what is happening? The ultimate example of democracy at work is  seen on …

Still Small Voice – February 17th 2023  

Shalom, Dear Friends:  My heart is warmed, hearing from you. Let’s take a moment for a cup of tea or coffee.   We are exhorted to “have faith”. Not to “try” faith. These have been days of heartache for all people, and we need inner strength. What better response can there be but, prayer and the firm knowledge that “this IS my Father’s world!” I dig deeper into God to gain courage to stand steady. Reading Biblical passages out loud helps so much too. It  is calming and gives wisdom and understanding. There are no surprises in heaven.  I am praying for you to grow in this season, in spite of every obstacle. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”     Philosopher George Santayana I got a big response to the historical video on America’s role in World War II. Pass it on friends.  We are experiencing a world of the surprising and unexpected. For example:  Israel’s new right government has most people shaking their heads if they even pay attention. …

Still Small Voice – February 10th, 2023

“When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. I praise God for what He has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me? You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. My enemies will retreat when I call to You for help. This I know: God is on my side! I praise God for what He has promised.” Ps 56 The words of Jesus help so much in these days. He saw it all, and has promised to make a way for all of us to live and move and have our being. It has been a week of heartache.  What other response can there be than prayer, and digging deeper to stand steady? Amir, below, brings you an up date from Israel on the Turkey and Syrian earthquake.  Kindly listen and pray with understanding.   History repeating itself: Watch if you love history and have the …

​​Still Small Voice – Shevat 12th, 5783 / February 3rd, 2023

My Dear Friends: “I pray that the healing rains  this week could wash away our spiritual and political predicament … to say nothing of the blood being spilt upon our land.” Meridel Rawlings I have been weeping and praying as Jay and I have busily gone about Israel on business. Just seeing and sensing the stress here, breaks my heart. Israelis are being squeezed out of shape. Some say, a sledgehammer has come down not the Judge’s gavel! One dear friend of 45 years here said, “We have never seen it like this.” It is written: “For my people have been taken away for nothing,  and those who rule them, mock. And all day long my name is constantly blasphemed. How beautiful on the mountains  are the feet of those who bring good news … But as the days of Noah were,  so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,  And deep darkness the people;  But the LORD will arise over you,  And His …