My dear friends:
Shalom is a wonderful word to speak out into your world in these days, Peace! Peace can only flow from heaven downward to us, as we lift our eyes and faith and send up praise and worship wanting nothing in return, but His Presence! This has always been Jay’s and my secret of quiet joy and being lead peacefully by the Holy Spirit. We pray the same for every husband and wife reading my letter. We encourage you to pray and worship together in the spirit in the midst of your home.
My Prophetic Act at Age 8:
We were living in White Horse, a very small town in the Yukon, northern Canada at the time. My father was in the Royal Canadian Air Force. Our parents had left on a business trip for several weeks, driving thousands of miles to Winnipeg, a city in the middle of Canada. A lady was hired to care for us but; we suffered, as children do without their parents. Their departure left us feeling unprotected. Being the big sister of the family I guess I felt a responsibility to comfort them. One night, I had a dream and awoke with a start. I will never forget, there was a glorious full moon beaming in through my window and across the moon was a huge cross. I woke up my two brothers, Don (9) and Rod (5) and my younger sister Janice (2.5). My parents’ bedroom was filled with the silver light of this moon and I gathered them all into their big bed. I told them that Jesus was coming in our lifetime, and we had to be ready. We hugged and prayed in the simplicity of childhood, welcoming Jesus back. Then we settled down, comforted, and spent the rest of that night sleeping peacefully in our parents’ bed.
The experience made an indelible impression on my life. That was 1948. A momentous year on the earth. After almost 2,000 years the modern state of Israel was established in her ancient homeland. Prophecies that had been frozen for millennia were now being put into motion by the Almighty, the God who created Time! Little did I ever dream that my husband and I would be intimately involved with this amazing nation for 54 momentous years. To God be all the glory. May he who sits in heaven, continue to receive our praise and worship until the day he calls us home. May our lamps always throw off a warm and bright light!
Please lift Israel up in Prayer:
“The last few weeks have been tearing us apart. They are harming Israel’s economy, security, political ties and especially Israeli cohesion. Israel is at the edge of an abyss. Civil war is a real threat. Those who think that a real civil war, with lives lost, is a line we will not cross, have no idea. Precisely now, 75 years into Israel’s existence, the abyss is at our fingertips.”
President Haim Herzog March 16th, 2023
Approximately half an hour after the speech ended Mr. Netanyahu’s Likud party expressed its disapproval of his plan to negotiate.
“The political and social chaos is bringing Israel destruction and will have to be restructured. We are facing our worst danger since the Yom Kippur war in 1973. We have implosion from within surrounded by enemies without. We are on the verge of a coup and at this time and we cannot survive an Ezekiel 38 war. We are broken-hearted by what we see.”
Amir Tzarfati
“And those that want to be Sauls to their own people – you shall fall by your own sword in this season. … for you have turned to the way of Cain, you have turned to the ways of Balaam. Little is left before your seat is replaced. And it shall not be a charging donkey,” says the Lord, “to replace it, a stubborn mule shall be subdued and put in its place, says the Lord.”
Amanda Grace, Elijah Stream Ministries. March 10,2023.
The Still Small Voice is Sounding …
We cannot but help be gripped by the sudden burst of one tragic event after the other taking place across the earth. I believe we have entered the phase of birth pangs spoken of by our beloved Messiah Jesus. NO this is not the end, but no doubt, we have entered into the time frame called, the end days of Messianic times.
“ … But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs [of the intolerable anguish and the time of unprecedented trouble].”
Matthew 24:
What is most important for each one of us to grab a hold of the parable of the ten virgins. Five did not have oil. Wisely, the other five had OIL, and their lamps were trimmed. The possession of the precious oil, the Holy Spirit is speaking of their personal relationship with their coming Messiah – Bridegroom.
The lamps referred to in this parable, are oil lamps. They speak about my life, and yours and highlight what we were created to be filled with oil! The oil is the blessed Holy Spirit who dwells within, keeping our spirits alive and shining out into the darkness. The Holy Spirit has offered us all of his gifts and fruit, IF we have opened to receive them. The mystery is that they enable us and consequently those around us to thrive even in dark times. As unglamorous as it may be, we each have a pathway set before us to walk upon in daily discipline, which demands obedience. For the bridegroom said very clearly; “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” John 10:27
I never want to hear Jesus say to me: “I assure you and most solidly say to you, I do not know you. [We have no relationship]. Therefore be on the alert, be prepared and ready …” Matthew 25:13.
Let’s work to shun anxiety and fear and dwell on those things which are of good report. Let each one of us never forget this key passage in scripture:
“For the mystery of lawlessness [rebellion against divine authority and the coming reign of lawlessness] is already at work; [but it is restrained] only until he who now retrains it is taken out of the way. Then the lawless one [the Anti-christ [will be revealed ] …”
2 Thessalonians 2:7, 8a.
The RESTRAINER is the Holy Spirit in you and me. No matter how weak and poor as we may feel. If we have given our lives to Messiah-Yeshua, and have seriously worked to live in His holy Spirit, we are His. Our bodies are his holy temple. You are a lamp set on a lamp post on a dark street, helping all who pass by to see their way. Yes, we are his temple, his lamp, we are sealed by his Spirit. We are light bearers, especially when the lights go out and they will!
“Perfectly positioned and positioned perfectly,” is a wonderful word the LORD gave to Jay and I decades ago through Pastor David Duell. (Colorado, USA) Picture for a moment the coronation crown of the British Commonwealth. Think of the magnificent jewels set into that crown. Can you imagine King Messiah’s crown? Its jewels are made up of your life and mine, so uniquely crafted, eternal, light filled. Can you say, “I am a jewel in the crown of my King in heaven!”.
Our workplace is right here. We are each set into position in our home and community, town, village or city. We are the salt and light, chosen from the foundation of the world to shine at such a time as this. Our work, our call is to hold back or RESTRAIN the rot and purification from taking over the earth.
Beloved friends:
In closing, take courage. Let’s join our hearts together in prayer.
Love from Meridel Rawlings.
Whitney Houston, The Greatest love of all.
I, Meridel had no ability to love myself until Jesus came and rescued me at age 4.