
Still Small Voice – Nisan 9th, 5783 / March 31st, 2023 

Dear Friends who love the Still Small Voice;

Take a moment, and come and worship with me. We read the following passage at our breakfast table this morning and the glory of the LORD came upon Joshua, Jay and I. We could only worship and give thanks for His mercy does endure forever.

We love to remember our family and friends young and old in prayer.

“Isaac went out to mediate in the field toward evening …

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart 

be acceptable in Your sight O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.

When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, 

the moon and the stars, which You have ordered; 

what is the man that you take thought of him? 

Great are the works of the LORD; 

they are studied by all who delight in them.

How blessed is the man 

who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, 

nor stand in the path of sinners, 

 or sit in the seat of scoffers? 

But his delight is In the law of the Lord, 

and in His law, [teachings and statutes] he meditates day and night. 

This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth! 

My soul is satisfied as with marrow and fatness

 And my mouth offers praises with joyful lips; 

when I remember You on my bed.

 I meditate on You in he night watches.”

Genesis 24:63, Psalm 19:14 Psalm 8:34, Psalm 111:2, Psalm 1:1,2, Joshua 1:8, Psalm 64:5,6.

Israel: Rule or Ruin

Intolerance and Power – are the two most dangerous aspects of any society, but we are not any society: we are a people who know what racism is, a people that have suffered oppression yet came together to form a wonderful democratic society for all. We opened our arms to refugees from the Holocaust, Arab Countries, Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union, Ethiopia and the West. Instead of describing them as refugees, we say they are coming home – making Aliya. We were, are and will be one people again, it will take time to ease the pain of the enforced rift between us, but we will make it. 

This is the week that was, with the largest riots enveloping the nation in our history. Our leader had to backtrack… for now. After Passover and our upcoming 75th Independence Day celebrations, let us see if anything has really changed. We petition heaven for both sides to sit down with President Herzog and others without any preconditions and reach compromises that each side can accept. Thank you for your invaluable prayers for Jerusalem and all of Israel.  Know that your prayers and tears and recorded on high. My heart has been as heavy as lead since our internal troubles began with the new Parliament. I could not shake the sadness. This morning it was dissipated by the ever-loving and faithful Presence of our Messiah. Hallelujah! Now, that I am able to distance myself I can see. I realize that because Jay and I and our sons, worked so closely with Israeli media; we made friends all across the board. Jews of every shade and colour were acquaintances be they political or religious leaders, Orthodox, Conservative, Reform, Messianic, New Age, Atheists, and Secular Israelis. We know Christians of all flavours and Palestinians both Muslim and Christian. No wonder we feel the tearing of the very fabric of human decency that holds us all together! Again, thank you for your prayers for all people in this part of the world during this season of Passover and Ramadan.

All Muslim Nations:

The fast of Ramadan has begun and continues for a month. It can be very taxing with no food or water allowed during daylight hours, and only after sunset is a meal eaten. Can you imagine dehydration in the heat?  This is the time in the Muslim calendar when Islamic radicals work overtime to attack Jews in any possible way. Recently their fingerprints were felt right here in Greece. They will be praising Allah now for the internal weakness they perceive taking place inside Israel.  Please put the Muslim nations on your list, name all that you can remember, and call for their Salvation, please! This is yet another reason to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and all of Israel.

Athens, Greece:

Greek police said in a statement: “Greece thwarts massive Iranian threat in Athens against Israeli Jewish targets. After the investigation of the suspects in Greece, the Mossad assisted in uncovering intelligence related to the infrastructure, methods of operation and the connection to Iran. Two Pakistanis of Iranian origin, aged 27 and 29, were planning attacks on Israelis in central Athens. One of the targets was reportedly a kosher restaurant and another a synagogue in the Greek capital. Their aim was not only to cause the loss of innocent lives of citizens but to undermine the sense of security in the country; while hurting public institutions and threatening [Greece’s] international relations,” United with Israel March 28. 2023.

Now that we senior Rawlings are retired we are spending more time here and inviting our children and grandchildren to do the same. Greece opened her arms to us. As was our pattern in Israel, we love to make friends with all people. Here it is mainly with the locals and some Albanians. Just today, Paniyota sent a large sack of hand-picked oranges to our door. Petros sent goat’s milk down from the high pastures, Anastasia sent goose eggs, and Fortunes brought chicken eggs. Anna sent chicken soup and a bag of apples. We have befriended many ‘Yayas’ – Grandmothers and Nuns in the local monastery. We are overwhelmed by kindness. We came to be a blessing, but just look at what is happening! Last week we joined in with them to celebrate Greece’s 201st anniversary of Freedom from Turkish rule. 

Jerusalem wasn’t released from their grip until General Allenby and Australian troops routed them out of Jerusalem in 1917, marking the end of the Ottoman Empire.

As Passover will have come and gone between now and my next letter, here is Gad Elbaz. It reminds me of the glorious Passover Seder we enjoyed in the home of family members last year, 26 in all. We sat at the table until midnight. I was most impressed because it was the first time in all of my years that we actually completed the entire Agadah. Also, the men, of military background sang with great gusto, the little children ran around the garden connected to the dining room, and a grand time was had by all. It was an eve of holiness.

Our youngest grandson was just 1 year and 3 months old and didn’t close his eyes once. Gad Elbaz sings of the joy and tradition of a family sitting at the Seder Table, singing together. “Why is this night different from all others?” This is the question asked of the children.

Now, music from other sectors of our society:

Am Israel Hai – The People of Israel Live.

Every blessings from our home to yours.

Meridel Rawlings and Men