All posts filed under: Newsletters

Still Small Voice – WAR Day 13 / October 19th, 2023

Dear faithful friends: Jesus said, “I no longer call you servants because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. I have not called you servants, I have called your friends.” John 15:15 I LOVE that, and am comforted many times during the day and night, knowing this personally. I highly recommend: “Why not invite Yeshua – Jesus to be your friend?” In this time of war … Stress and pain bring out the best and worst in us all. I read a good word about ‘not bringing the war into your home.’ That is our work. Fake news is rampant, and slick media people in Qatar with every technology at their fingertips, write for Hamas. Oh yes, perpetuated lies have started. Pray for the Spirit of discernment. News Source and Consequences of Pain: We stay in close touch with loved ones in Israel. We get news from the Source, which is Israel. One characteristic …

Still Small Voice – War, Day 10 / October 16th 2023

Dear Friends who love Israel and pray: 5084, we were cautioned, would be a year of shock and amazement. This is an Israeli reality as of last Shabbat Oct 7th, when Israel was attacked and the south was overrun from 6:30 a.m. onwards. 1,300 Israelis were confirmed slaughtered. Hamas is trying now to distance itself from atrocities being discovered by soldiers in the south. This slaughter hearkens back to the Holocaust. “Greater love has no man, than he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 “These are the days of depravity by Hamas against Israeli civilians in the most unimaginable way.” Anthony Blinken USA Secretary of State, USA For any Israeli, it is a time of emotional whiplash. One minute we are praying and beseeching heaven, the next we are crying anxiously, feeling alone. We struggle to rest, then fall into an exhausted sleep. Yes, we continue praising through our tears, not speaking of the tragedies, and working to encourage family and friends on the ground in Israel. We all work to harness …

Please support the families of kidnapped Israelis

Dear friends, I announce with a heavy heart that our family friend’s son has been kidnapped into Gaza by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. His safety and whereabouts are unknown. The family is going through absolute anguish and terror at this moment. I have created a GoFundMe called: “Please help the families of kidnapped Israelis” to help these Israeli families going through this horror. We will support each family that has a loved one missing or kidnapped.  I have volunteers in Israel who will contact each family. Thank you for your prayers and support!! Here is the link to the GoFundMe page: “Please help the families of kidnapped Israelis” Meridel

Still Small Voice -WAR ALERT / Oct. 7th 2023  

Dear Friends who care for and pray for Israel: Today is not only the Sabbath when Jews are at home, it is also the 8th day, and last day of the Feast of Tabernacles. In Leviticus 23:36 God commanded Israel (in the days of the Temple] to bring an offering by fire on this the last day of the Feast. Today Psalm 6, is sung in synagogues, but, how does it fit with the Feast? This my friends is a mystery. Our God is all knowing. In Psalm 6, you will read the word “fire” several times. It has been a day of bombing, burning, firing shots, a day of war. “Blow a shofar-trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm from my holy mountain. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the Day of The LORD is coming. It is close at hand – a day of darkness And gloom, a day of clouds and blackness.” Joel 2:1-25 Fifty years ago today the Yom Kippur War erupted. This was a carefully planned war against …

Still Small Voice – October 5th 2023

Dear Friends: Shalom, shalom… perfect peace! The Feast of Tabernacles is here, with the full harvest moon, and yes, JOY! Our family are rejoicing with our sons in Jerusalem, Finland and Greece. The grandchildren are in Jerusalem, Amsterdam, London, Paris, Denmark, and Helsinki! It is the season of Thanksgiving, as so many Canadians also celebrate with turkey dinners. We are blessed to have been ‘there’ in Jerusalem, when Merv and Merla Watson inaugurated the Christian Celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles in concert with the opening of The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. We celebrated on the grounds of the Anglican School, back then in 1980. Today the Israeli international press are praising the coming up to Jerusalem of thousands of Christian pilgrims again this year. It was Father God’s divine time to move in the prophetic in profound ways. How good it was to have been a part of it all. Jay and I were in charge of media.  Being Israelis, we always worked to put up our own succah in the garden. We invited …

Still Small Voice – Update

Shalom dear friends, Since you have not heard from Meridel and her Still Small Voice blog for over a month now I felt it would be appropriate to let you know why and to ask for prayer for her. On the 28th of July Meridel suffered a sudden heart stoppage – heart attack. SHE WAS COMPOSING HER STILL SMALL VOICE NEWSLETTER WHEN SHE CRIED OUT, “JAY I NEED YOUR HELP BECAUSE I CAN’T SEE”! I RUSHED OVER TO WHERE SHE WAS SITTING AND SAW THAT SHE WAS LOSING CONSCIOUSNESS. TAKING HER PULSE I COULD NOT FIND ONE. I THEN FELT FOR HER CAROTID ARTERY UNDER THE SIDE OF HER CHIN. NOTHING! Her head fell forward her face was chalk white and her hazel eyes turned blue. We called out to Yeshua in prayer to rebuke the spirit of death and called on the Lord Jesus to bring her back to life. After some minutes she started to breathe slowly and heavily like snoring and gradually opened her eyes. She couldn’t speak but blinked and we all prayed in …

Still Small Voice – Av 10th 5783, July 28th 2023

PHOTO; “Celebration!” Adi Rawlings, in Copenhagen. Photo: David Rawlings Dear Friends: “And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, “Would that you, even you, had known on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For the days will come upon you, when your enemies will set up a barricade around you and surround you and hem you in on every side and tear you down to the ground, you and your children within you. And they will not leave one stone upon another in you, because you did not know the time of your visitation.They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the day of your visitation.” Luke 19:41-44 In this verse, Yeshua-Jesus sounded the death knell over the Temple and city  He loved and would give His life for. No wonder he wept. The rejection then is just as it is here today! What …

Still Small Voice – Av 5th 5783/July 23, 2023

Dear Friends: “The heaven declare the glory of God, the firmament shows His handiwork.” Ps 19:1 Look up! Your redemption is one day closer. This beautiful inspirational painting is by Shelly Bandel in Canada, before she married our youngest son Daniel.  Israel is in the midst of a crisis. We are beseeching friends around the world to stop what you are doing right now and pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem. We want to see, “Thy Kingdom come as it is in heaven …” A week of intense protests are behind us. Today, the parks of Jerusalem are filled with little silver tents, occupied by protestors who have come up from all over the land. The 3rd and final vote for the “reform” takes place tomorrow. Roads are blocked, tens of thousands of soldiers have refused to serve reserve duty, 1,100 pilots have refused to serve this new government and tomorrow the entire nation will go on strike if this reform is passed. Last night Mr. Netanyahu received a pacemaker. Yes, the stress is costing …

Still Small Voice – Tammuz 24th, 5783. July 13th, 2023.

Dear Friends: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto : for everyone that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.  The LORD redeems the soul of his servants: and none of them who take refuge in Him will be condemned (desolate).” Matthew 7:7,8, Psalm 34:22. In my letter this week we are going to delve into some of the heart wrenching disasters overtaking our nation of Israel and that of Canada. But first, we want to use King David’s pattern of praise to express his love and longing to draw closer to the Almighty by praising HIm. Worship brings me in touch with HIs greatness, and reminds me again and again of the inestimable gift of LIFE.  This morning one of my sons announced, “The Lord God created Time, it is in His hands, it belongs to Him, and His timing is not our but…it is the best. He is never late. Our work …

Still Small Voice – June 23rd, 2023

Dear Friends: Now is the time to pray and not to faint. “Oh that you would keep me from evil.” 1 Chronicles 4:10 “The LORD shall preserve you from all evil: He shall preserve your soul. I will redeem you from the hand of the wicked and I will redeem you out of the hand of the terrible.”  Proverbs 30:7-9, Psalm 121:7 “Because you have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” Revelation 3:10 Israel: Blood continues to be spilled, murders, drive by shootings, looting, burning cars and homes, 8 IDF solders wounded, up to 90 Palestinians wounded, severe confrontation on both sides… Where does it all end? We watched as two helicopter gunships made their very noise way across the sky above our home to rescue 8 trapped solders in the hot bed of Jenin in the Palestinian Authority. The internal war seems never ending. People are quite worn out. Israel …