Author: Meridel Rawlings

Die leise, feine Stimme – Passah 5777, April 2017

«SIEHE, DER MENSCH» JESUS IN DER ISRAELISCHEN KUNST „ Ich habe völlig neue Dinge über israelische Künstler gelernt – darüber, wie sie Jesus begegnen. Genial!  Und mein persönlicher Umgang mit  israelischer Kunst wird ebenfalls nie mehr derselbe sein. Sehr, sehr hilfreich, Meridel! Ich bin der Ansicht, dass auch für uns Christen der Umgang mit israelischer Kunst im Zusammenhang mit Jesus eher ein Tabuthema ist, weil  wir keine falschen Dinge sagen, oder Menschen verletzen wollen. Es ist ein Privileg mitzuerleben, was in Jerusalem im Bereich der Kunst im Hinblick auf unseren Erlöser passiert. Die Kunst muss wieder eingenommen werden von Menschen, die JESUS lieben. Das dies in Israel passiert, ist wunderbar und erfüllt mich mit Freude.“ Sie können den Rundbrief herunterladen, indem Sie hier klicken

April 2017 update on the health status of Dr. Jay Rawlings

Dear Friends of the Rawlings Family: Thank you for your inquiries, caring notes and of course your prayers for Jay’s well being.  Things are looking up now that it is daylight saving time, the evenings are lighter and spring is here in Israel. We are glad to be out of winter’s grip, although we didn’t get enough rain. Photo: Daniel, Jay and Josh Rawlings in Ancient Jaffa. Since last writing, Jay has been fitted with a C-PAP machine to assist his breathing at night. This device is expensive and not covered by health care. Meridel’s brother and sisters in Canada paid for it entirely. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  After being deprived of oxygen for, how long, we are not sure, Jay began sleeping deeply and restfully. He has had to work  out the kinks learning to breathe wth it, but it has become a permanent fixture in his life now. Since December Jay has been taking daily doses of several drugs to regulate his heart and thin his blood. But his …

Made in Israel

Israel today, in spite of continual attacks, war, terror and prejudice is a miracle of survival.  Israel has not only survived for seven decades and overcome great obstacles, it is now one of the most fertile countries on earth. Israeli innovations, especially in medicine and agriculture have impacted the quality of life for a huge part of humanity.  “Made in Israel” traces how Israeli inventors have become world leaders in start up companies. Now Israel is becoming known as the “Scale Up” country as more an more innovations are birthed, nurtured and blossomed via Israeli companies.  PS, We are close friends with Chris Mitchell, CBN bureau chief here in Jerusalem and he has authorized us to run this movie. Over the years he has used excerpts of our productions for their 700 Club TV show that is broadcast world wide.

Die leise, feine Stimme, März 2017

Shalom liebe Freunde Darin jubelt ihr, die ihr jetzt eine kleine Zeit wenn es nötig ist, in mancherlei Versuchungen betrübt worden seid, damit die Bewährung eures Glaubens viel kostbarer befunden wird als die des vergänglichen Goldes, das durch Feuer erprobt wird, zu Lob und Herrlichkeit und Ehre in der Offenbarung Jesu Christi. 1. Petrus 1.6-7 Herzlichen Dank für eure Nachfragen betreffend den Gesundheitszustand unseres „Hauptes“ Dr. Jay Rawlings, meinen geliebten Ehemann, welchen wir einfach „Jay“ nennen. Ich möchte euch trotz den gegenwärtigen Schwierigkeiten einen guten Bericht senden. Gerade diese Woche hat Lydia, eine deutsche Freundin, angerufen. Sie erkannte sofort, was wir beten sollten: „Bekennt das Blut Jesu über Jay’s Atmung, achtet auf seine Atmung…“ Es war ein erstaunliches Wort. Eine Woche vorher hatte Jay einen „Vorfall“ und eines seiner Medikamente musste gewechselt werden. Das wiederum brachte neu wöchentliche Bluttests mit sich. Seit meinem letzten Brief warteten wir auf die Testergebnisse für Schlafapnoe, und wir wissen seitdem, dass Jay auch ein ernsthaftes Atemproblem während dem Schlaf hat, welches sein Herz zusätzlich belastet.  Das Spital lieh uns …

Eternal Spring Song

Inspiration fills the air, as one breathes in the delicate perfume of the almond blossoms, while on  a nature walk. Seeing winter give way to warm sunshine and new life everywhere is down right exhilerating. “Except a seed fall into the ground and die, it abides alone!” Truer words were never spoken. Spring is the glorious celebration of new life.Thankfully, bountiful winter rains have swept over our land, which we love to call Zion; cleansing it from months of dusty grit and grime blown in from the Sahara. The weary dry, sandy brown landscape has been painted over by the Artist who owns Eternity, including the seasons. Moment by moment before our very eyes, we witness and joy to the Life springing up out of what looked like the death of fruitfulness. This January on a bitter winter day, I found two sprouted almonds that had fallen from my indigenous tree. Joyfully, I planted each in its own pot. That was just two months ago and already they are 12 inch seedlings. Enclosed find photos of this inspirational and silent awakening going on all around …

Den Stille Milde Stemmen

Shalom kjære venner Mars 2017      Derfor kan dere juble av glede, selv om dere nå en kort tid, om så må være, har det tungt i mange slags prøvelser.  Slik blir troen deres prøvet. Selv forgjengelig gull blir prøvet i ild. Troen, som er mye mer verdt, må også prøves, så den kan bli til pris og herlighet og ære for dere når Jesus. Takk for alle deres forespørsler om vårt «hode» Dr. Jay Rawlings, min elskede mann som vi alle bare kaller «Jay». Jeg ønsker å sende dere en god rapport til tross for de nåværende utfordringer. Bare denne uken ringte Lydia, en venn fra Tyskland, for å be. Hun kjente umiddelbart; «Be Jesu blod over Jays pust, følg med på pusten hans…» Det var et vidunderlig ord. For en uke siden hadde Jay en «hendelse» og en av hans medisiner måtte byttes. Dette krever nå at han tar ukentlige blodprøver. Vi har ventet siden mitt siste brev på resultater fra en søvn apné-test, vi har nå fått vite at Jay også har alvorlige puste …

Still Small Voice thanks you

My overview of Dr. Jay Rawlings health situation. The rough neighborhood around Israel… Short piece: “My Father holds the Rope” Shalom Dear Friends: March 2017 For a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold, which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Messiah. 1 Pet. 1:6,7. Thank you for your inquiries about our ‘head’ Dr. Jay Rawlings, and my beloved husband, whom we all just call ‘Jay’. I want to send you a good report in spite of present difficulties. Just this week Lydia a German friend called to pray. She immediately discerned; “Plead the blood of Jesus over Jay’s breathing, pay attention to his breathing..” It was an amazing word. A week ago Jay had an ‘incident’ and one of his medications had to be changed. This now requires that he have blood tests weekly. Having waited since my last letter for the results of …

Silence on Sexual Abuse by Migrant because of Poltical Correctness

12 young girls were assaulted in the midst of a party?  The question that begs to be asked is: “How is this possible in broad day light in a public area?” Where are the chaparones, where are the parents? Where? With the whole world in an uproar over the issue of immigrants, look at this! Compassion is one thing, and wisdom is another, but it is time for a reality check. Telling the truth of what can be expected from people who have come out of war zones, not properly vetted, can make all of the difference. Our youth are at risk when those in postions of authority are painfully nieve. The world watched yesterday Canadian Prime Minister met with the US President. Mr. Trump is belittled because of his  temporary ban on immigrants from 7 war and terror infested nations, Syria being one of them. Well, Mr. Trudeau has taken another posture. But, as these leaders gave their press conference in Washington DC, little did we know of the firestorm Trudeau left behind in Canada. A Syrian refugee came to Canada …