
Still Small Voice thanks you

  • My overview of Dr. Jay Rawlings health situation.
  • The rough neighborhood around Israel…
  • Short piece: “My Father holds the Rope”

Shalom Dear Friends: March 2017

For a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold, which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Messiah. 1 Pet. 1:6,7.

Thank you for your inquiries about our ‘head’ Dr. Jay Rawlings, and my beloved husband, whom we all just call ‘Jay’. I want to send you a good report in spite of present difficulties. Just this week Lydia a German friend called to pray. She immediately discerned; “Plead the blood of Jesus over Jay’s breathing, pay attention to his breathing..” It was an amazing word.

A week ago Jay had an ‘incident’ and one of his medications had to be changed. This now requires that he have blood tests weekly. Having waited since my last letter for the results of a test for sleep apnea, we have now learned that Jay also has a serious breathing discrepancy which is acerbated during sleep and has put a strain on his heart. The hospital loaned us a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine. Excitedly we hooked him up to it at bed time, hoping for a good night of rest. But, the constant flow of cold air, left him gasping for breath and seemed to cause him to develop a horrible sinusitis. A trip back to the doctor and a humidifier was added to the CPAP along with a different face mask. But he cannot use it until he has recovered from the sinusitis. That is where we are today.

My three sisters and brother in Canada responded immediately with: “Your sisters and brother are sending you a cheque to cover the purchase of a CPAP. It should be in the mail tomorrow. We love you and God put this in our hearts. Much love, Pat, Nancy, Don and Judy, and Jan.”
And so to our dear family we say thank you for your exemplary loving care to us.

And to our partners of Still Small Voice, and Israel Vision, we thank you for the faithful prayer support that has gone up on Jay’s behalf. Please continue to hold him up and believe with us for health to spring forth in the midst of weakness. I also thank you for your faithfulness in giving. We pray for the day to soon come when we can work at full strength again.

Israeli soldier girls in downtown Jerusalem

Living in Israel, keeps us very close to the awful conflicts swirling around us. Yet, we dwell in a miraculous haven of peace here and have no fear. I took this photo on my way to the market in Jerusalem. Try to imagine your daughter wearing a flack jacket and serving in a counter terror unit.

Hamas again is firing rockets into Israel and the world wonders why Israel strikes back… ISIS lobbed two rockets into South Israel this week… 4,000 thousand souls flee daily from ISIL in the Old City of Mosul. Syria continues to be a war zone haunted by death and destruction and people are starving in Yemen. Europe is in foment, groping for new ways to cope. America dominates the headlines, but lets give thanks for the change that is sweeping the USA. God has heard the prayers of His people, we believe, and righteousness, will prevail. God’s anointing rests upon any man or woman who “Does the right thing!” It is not rocket science! “Out of the mouth the heart speaks”… and when we hear the lies and fake news, we immediately pray that it comes to nothing! Israel is also infected with the similar malady of ‘evil speaking’. We are told to pray for our leaders no matter where we live. Paul and his followers lived in godless Rome and slavery was rampant then as it is today friends. Next month I want to give you an update on our film on trafficking in Nepal: You Can Make a Difference!

With millions in the Sudan, Somalia and Yemen are facing starvation, war and terrorism we know how valuable a tool our new film will be. Our rescued Sudanese couples including Michael and Nicole Dobuol, and Dobuol Buoy and Rose Angela and 8 children in all are enjoying secure and fruitful lives in Canada. This is a mighty miracle. So many officials asked me, “Why, why do you care?” Jesus cares! Pray with us to complete this work.

For years I had the privilege of counseling in Christian Drug Houses throughout Switzerland. I love to work in the counseling chamber one on one; listening and sharing in the life events of clients. Learning the histories that had brought them to these rehabilitation homes drew me close to many who came from the high mountain valleys of this beautiful land. I shared in the lives of children of farmers, shepherds, mountain climbers, ski instructors and guides. I grew up on the “Heidi” books as a child, which I loved, and that made this intimate and often heart wrenching work a privilege. This morning, Jay and I read the following little story together, which I have edited for you.

“Botanists were in the Swiss Alps searching for rare specimens of flowers. They spied unknown blooms growing on a rocky ledge, way down the side of a terrible precipitous canyon. Calling to a young shepherd boy over on the mountain, they offered him an amount of money if he would allow them to tie a life line around his waist and lower him down to these flowers. The lad looked at the money, and then peered down the precipice and then up into the faces of total strangers. He took a full survey. He wanted the money desperately, but… the precipice was very dangerous and the men were not from his world. Slowly he shook his head, ‘no’!

Then he had a thought. He raced barefoot down the narrow path to a mountain house with timbers blackened from years in the intense sun. Soon he emerged with a strong, kindly, man, evidently his father. Approaching the strangers he proposed: “You may tie the life line around me now. I will go down into the canyon – if you let my father hold the rope!”

Josh and his Dad strolling together in Ancient Jaffa

Friends, we can go down into the valley, if that must be, or into the gorge, or onto the plains of disability. In fact, we can go anywhere safely if our loving Heavenly Father holds the rope!

Prayer is our common life line that is firmly in Father God’s blessed hands. Thank you for the part you play in allowing Him to keep you safe and secure at your end. Let us pause and give thanks that He continues to hold the rope for each one of us to live in safety.

Tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil! Psalm 23

Meridel and Jay Rawlings