All posts tagged: Jesus

Still Small Voice. The Shabbat of Comfort!

My dear Friends: This thought came to me: Growing old takes grace … Choosing Life, is an Art form. Especially when the going is tough, It’s  … my choice! Meridel Rawlings This Sabbath is called ‘The Sabbath of Comfort’. I think that is lovely. It falls after last week when we ‘remembered’ the destruction of both Temples and waited to see if Iran would attack Israel. I didn’t believe they would. Bullies are also cowards, and Israel sent an ultimatum. May we all give thanks to the God of ALL Comfort. He will see us through. Our goal is to gain the Kingdom of Heaven! “COME, and let us return [in repentance] to the LORD, for He has torn us, and He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us.” Hosea 6:1 When we take time to reflect, can we say the best things in our lives came out of wounding? Wheat is crushed before it becomes bread. Incense must be one with the fire to release its fragrance. Fields must …

Still Small Voice – A Blessed Easter!

My Dear Friends; I desire to bless my readers by centring this letter on Messiah Jesus. I keep learning from HIs life, and I trust this is also your experience as you walk on.  Tough Lessons:  We have all been here to one degree or another. The tempter waits to attack each person who confesses Jesus as LORD!  Especially, in those down times when we are feeling cut off, weak, alone and desperate. In that moment, we must TURN our eyes to heaven, trusting in the Word and in the LOVE of our Abba Father and Jesus. This is our secret weapon; our high tower, our hiding place, strength and shield. Hang on!  The answers will come if we are willing to WAIT and be still. Jesus was desperately hungry after His fast. Satan the tempter waited to attack. “It is written …” Is how Jesus replied to every temptation that alone tells us how important it is to know the Word of God and hide it in our hearts, so that we do not …

Still Small Voice – War Day 24 / October 30th, 2023

From Jay’s desk: “Shalom Dear Friends and Family, The tragic and horrendous events continue in Israel. The suffering of innocents on both sides is so desperately sad, it is beyond words. Our website  is now reopened by our son Chris, in light of the situation. He has established a GoFundMe account earmarked for the survivors of the Israeli families of the hostages held in Gaza. The latest count by Israel is 237. To participate please go to: Our son David is in Jerusalem shooting regular video reports. Chris uploads them to: and stillsmallvoice My family is now urging me to meet you weekly for 2-3 minutes via video updates. Looking forward to it.  We as a family, thank you for help in this drastic situation.“ With our love and prayers, Jay From Meridel’s Desk:  My Dear Friends who Pray: Thank you, for your communications to us, to our children in Jerusalem and the rest of the tribe in Europe. Quite frankly, I find it impossible to wrap my head around what is …

Please support the families of kidnapped Israelis

Dear friends, I announce with a heavy heart that our family friend’s son has been kidnapped into Gaza by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. His safety and whereabouts are unknown. The family is going through absolute anguish and terror at this moment. I have created a GoFundMe called: “Please help the families of kidnapped Israelis” to help these Israeli families going through this horror. We will support each family that has a loved one missing or kidnapped.  I have volunteers in Israel who will contact each family. Thank you for your prayers and support!! Here is the link to the GoFundMe page: “Please help the families of kidnapped Israelis” Meridel

Still Small Voice -WAR ALERT / Oct. 7th 2023  

Dear Friends who care for and pray for Israel: Today is not only the Sabbath when Jews are at home, it is also the 8th day, and last day of the Feast of Tabernacles. In Leviticus 23:36 God commanded Israel (in the days of the Temple] to bring an offering by fire on this the last day of the Feast. Today Psalm 6, is sung in synagogues, but, how does it fit with the Feast? This my friends is a mystery. Our God is all knowing. In Psalm 6, you will read the word “fire” several times. It has been a day of bombing, burning, firing shots, a day of war. “Blow a shofar-trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm from my holy mountain. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the Day of The LORD is coming. It is close at hand – a day of darkness And gloom, a day of clouds and blackness.” Joel 2:1-25 Fifty years ago today the Yom Kippur War erupted. This was a carefully planned war against …

Still Small Voice – Shavuot – Feast of Pentecost 5th Sivan 5783/25. Mai 2023

Leibe Freunde Ich schreibe Euch gerne die Stille Kleine Stimme, aber leider höre ich fast nichts von euch zurück. Wir vertrauen und beten, dass dieser Brief für Euch relevant ist und Euch zu Pfingsten dient. Wir feiern das Fest Schavuot – Pfingsten, das am 49. Tag der Omer-Zählung begann. Was ist das, fragt Ihr Euch? Nun, ursprünglich war es die Zählung der Weizengarben als Opfergaben im Tempel für die Zeit nach Pessach/Passahfest bis zum Schawuot/Wochenfest. Im Christentum wird Pfingsten am 50. Tag nach Ostern gefeiert. Für beide Religionen beinhalten die 49 Tage eine Zeit der Einschränkung bei Feiern oder beim Verzehr bestimmter Lebensmittel; im Christentum wird sie Fastenzeit genannt. Shavuot: Heute nahmen wir an einem Zoom-Anruf von Pastor Noel teil, von der Gemeinde in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Kanada. Ich habe ihm erklärt, dass in Israel alles nach dem Motto “vorzeigen und weitererzählen” abläuft. Jetzt ist eigentlich die Weizen- und Gerstenernte. Oben in Galiläa und auf dem Golan ist die Ernte eingebracht worden. Der Weizen ist geerntet, und riesige Strohballen liegen auf den Feldern verstreut. …

Still Small Voice – Easter Sunday / Nisan 18th 5783, April 9th 2023

Shalom from Jerusalem dear Friends: Josh drove us to the airport in Athens Greece, David picked us up at Ben Gurion airport in Israel and Daniel and Shelly had the Sabbath candles lit and a feast spread out before us upon arrival home. We are grateful to all four sons who shower us with loving-kindness. Chris up in Helsinki does the same, of course. Jay and I arrived back in Israel Friday night to the intense crush of terror breaking all around. Rockets from Gaza and Lebanon did their best to disturb. A bank was hit and the lead balls and bolts packed into the missiles smashed through the front of the building, destroying computers. A mother and her daughters were shot while driving along the Dead Sea road. The two girls died and the mother is fighting for her life. This very night a car rammed into 7 tourists in Tel Aviv killing one, and injuring the others. This is our reality in Israel today. Today Syria lobbed 6 missiles towards Israel, and 3 …

Still Small Voice – February 10th, 2023

“When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. I praise God for what He has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me? You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. My enemies will retreat when I call to You for help. This I know: God is on my side! I praise God for what He has promised.” Ps 56 The words of Jesus help so much in these days. He saw it all, and has promised to make a way for all of us to live and move and have our being. It has been a week of heartache.  What other response can there be than prayer, and digging deeper to stand steady? Amir, below, brings you an up date from Israel on the Turkey and Syrian earthquake.  Kindly listen and pray with understanding.   History repeating itself: Watch if you love history and have the …

Still Small Voice: Happy Hanukkah – Merry Christmas, Kislev 30, 5783 – Dec. 24th 2022. 

Shalom Shalom, dear friends: I begin with Canadian Paul Wylie skating to a special rendition of O Holy Night!  Question from a former doner of Jerusalem Vistas/Israel Vision: “… as I understand the ministry of Jerusalem Vistas ceases at the end of 2022. I would like to continue to donate to you. I don’t need a tax receipt. I very much enjoy Still Small Voice. I hope that others will continue to support you. Wishing you peaceful holidays and a very blessed year 2023.”  Ursula Alberts Canada From Jay’s desk: “Yes, Vistas is closing after 40 amazing years in Jerusalem. It is the close of an organization but NOT a ministry. Have you read, Miracles Among the Nations? It will be available on Amazon soon. Meridel and I are busy with the next book, Volume 3, Israel, our Odyssey. Thanks Jay.’” From Meridel’s desk: “Thank you Ursula for this vote of confidence. I would so appreciate the help, see details at the end of this letter. Yes, you can donate to us through Still Small …

Still Small Voice – Thanksgiving, Cheshvan 28, 5783 Nov. 24, 2022

Dear Friends, old and young: This week, my Still Small Voice touches upon Thanksgiving, the olive harvest and prayer. Let’s begin with the Pilgrims and early pioneers of North America. Like all of us, they still had a choice in tough times. These hearty souls decided in the midst of extreme hardship, famine and loss of life to pause and to give thanks to the Almighty. Yes, still many perished. No, it wasn’t easy but it was the Godly response that moved the Hand of God to provide the miracles that they needed to sustain them in the days, weeks, months and years ahead. Today the doomsday thinkers and naysayers are calling for a worldwide depression and financial collapse. Jerusalem, on the other hand, is suffering increased deadly attacks yet faithful ones in the midst of her give praise and worship to the Almighty continually. That is inspiring and in line with the Word of God … Give thanks always! Most of you will be aware of the two deadly bombing attacks yesterday at two …