Passover 2017 Newsletter
Download the newsletter here: “Behold The Man” – Jesus in Israeli Art – Part 2
Download the newsletter here: “Behold The Man” – Jesus in Israeli Art – Part 2
«Se mannen» Jesus i Israelsk kunst Last ned nyhetsbrevet ved å klikke her
«SIEHE, DER MENSCH» JESUS IN DER ISRAELISCHEN KUNST „ Ich habe völlig neue Dinge über israelische Künstler gelernt – darüber, wie sie Jesus begegnen. Genial! Und mein persönlicher Umgang mit israelischer Kunst wird ebenfalls nie mehr derselbe sein. Sehr, sehr hilfreich, Meridel! Ich bin der Ansicht, dass auch für uns Christen der Umgang mit israelischer Kunst im Zusammenhang mit Jesus eher ein Tabuthema ist, weil wir keine falschen Dinge sagen, oder Menschen verletzen wollen. Es ist ein Privileg mitzuerleben, was in Jerusalem im Bereich der Kunst im Hinblick auf unseren Erlöser passiert. Die Kunst muss wieder eingenommen werden von Menschen, die JESUS lieben. Das dies in Israel passiert, ist wunderbar und erfüllt mich mit Freude.“ Sie können den Rundbrief herunterladen, indem Sie hier klicken
Lataa uutiskirje klikkaamalla tästä: “Katsokaa ihmistä” Jeesus Israelilaisessa taiteessa Osa 1
Download the newsletter here: “Behold The Man” – Jesus in Israeli Art – Part 1
Israel today, in spite of continual attacks, war, terror and prejudice is a miracle of survival. Israel has not only survived for seven decades and overcome great obstacles, it is now one of the most fertile countries on earth. Israeli innovations, especially in medicine and agriculture have impacted the quality of life for a huge part of humanity. “Made in Israel” traces how Israeli inventors have become world leaders in start up companies. Now Israel is becoming known as the “Scale Up” country as more an more innovations are birthed, nurtured and blossomed via Israeli companies. PS, We are close friends with Chris Mitchell, CBN bureau chief here in Jerusalem and he has authorized us to run this movie. Over the years he has used excerpts of our productions for their 700 Club TV show that is broadcast world wide.
Media coverage of the Arab – Israeli conflict often dwells on the negative relations between the two peoples while the facts reveal the opposite story. This article is a must read for all.
I know and am a witness, says the LORD. Jeremiah 29:23 Kay Wilson is also a witness. Giving testimony at a Stand With Us event in Sussex England, she relives her experience with Palestinian terror. Please do not say, “Oh not again enough!” This is an unforgettable account of innocence lost as she witnessed the murder of a Christian friend right in front of her. Yet she survived against all odds. I want all who watch this to understand, that NOTHING has changed. I pray her voice will be heard or she just crying in the wilderness? For newcomers, here is a little back ground. The Palestinian Authority has not changed its agenda since it started in 1964. PA President Mahmood Abbas, 81, a Holocaust denier, inherited a tradition of tyranny. His predecessor, Yasser Arafat, was also President of the PA for life. Nothing has changed. There are no free elections in the Palestinian Authority. In 2005 I, Meridel Rawlings, did extensive research on abuse in the PA. Living in Jerusalem, I consulted with Israelis, Palestinians and Christian Arabs. …
Thank you for your prayers everyday before the sun sets. Please know that on behalf of the Jewish nation and people Jay and I thank you for those faithful prayers that we as a nation LIVE!
Jewish tradition calls for everyone in the Jewish community to be actively involved in “Tikun ha Olam” the Hebrew for “Repairing the World” or in simple terms “Loving your Neighbour as Yourself”