
Still Small Voice – April 3rd, 2022

Shalom, my dear friends:

“… Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit says the LORD,” 

Zechariah 4:6

“It will come about on that day that thoughts will come into your mind, and you will devise an evil plan, and you will say, I will go up against those who are at rest and peaceful, who live securely … to take a spoil … against the people who are gathered from the nations … who live at the center of the world. [Israel]” 

Ezekiel 38: 10,11a, 12b.

Trouble Deep Within:

“Don’t go out tonight, Hezikiah.”

“Strange?”, he thought, as he closed his phone. The warning came from his elder brother. It had already been a week of horror here in Israel with 5 citizens shot in cold blood and a Rabbi killed by a car-ramming. He shivered and put it out of his mind. Sometime later, his little son was fussy and fought sleep. Weary and needing a break, as his wife had cared for the little one all day, Hezikiah made a quick decision. Bundling his toddler up in his stroller, he decided, “the walk will put him to sleep!” 

Quickly he took the apartment elevator down to the street. Just moments later he was confronted by a terrorist. Instinctively, he shielded his child. He was shot at point-blank range by an Arab who lives in Israel. ‘Hezzie’ as he is called by family, is survived by his widow, who is eight months pregnant, and his son, who was unharmed in the attack.

Last week eleven people were gunned down on the streets in the south, central and northern Israel by Arab Israelis. Fathers, mothers, children, an Arab policeman, two 19-year-old border police guards, one a male and a young woman.  Jews, Arabs, Druze, Muslims, Christians and Ukrainians were lost in these hate-filled rampages by Islamic fanatics. One victim was an Arab Christian Israeli policeman. 

Passover, Ramadan, Easter:

The Islamic month of Ramadan begins next week at exactly the same time as Passover while Easter follows a week later. Islamic national aspirations for an Islamic Middle East run high. A new doctrine is circling through the mosques in the Palestinian Authority and Arab towns in Israel. It comes from an Iranian cleric and teaches: “Israel will cease to exist on July 8th 2022.” This false prophecy has been swallowed as the truth by some and is thought to be the impetus for these recent murders. Israel does not believe it is ISIS-inspired, but something even more sinister that has gripped the mind of the Muslim fanatic.

Where ever you are, reading this, I am sure that you can appreciate the fact that, security tensions in Israel are high after this series of terror attacks across the country. Understand, that no one feels ‘safe’. A terror attack was thwarted last week as well in the large central Mahane Yehudah market in the heart of Jerusalem. We know so little of the continual battle that is going on all around us. Israel must acknowledge the risk of a heavily armed Arab population launching a full-scale effort to destroy the Jewish state. 

During the implementation of the Oslo Accords, Israel was called upon by the world to train and arm the Palestinian police. I begrudge the Palestinians nothing, but as I watched the proceedings on the news here in Jerusalem I cried. Jay made movies about this change, and we all knew it was a very grave mistake. We have all of history behind us to prove it.  Yet, the world cried, “Peace, Peace!”. Not that there aren’t very very fine Palestinians. Do not misunderstand me, please. But, all across the Palestinian Authority, their police stations have been raided and weapons and munitions stolen or sold to insurrectionists.  An M-16 sells for US$15,000. It’s not hard to figure out why graft and corruption reign.

Warring for Mind and Heart:

Retired IDF brigadier-general and former housing minister Effi Eitam warned: “Israel is currently facing a violent uprising among Arab-Israeli citizens. Their ultimate goal being to dismantle the Jewish state.

Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff, Aviv Kochavi warned: “The new wave of terror could spread globally, particularly targeting Jews. We need to tell ourselves the truth: We are in the midst of an Arab revolt, an Islamic-nationalist revolt against the idea of Israel as the state of the Jewish people.” 

Fearful Christian Communities:

These recent murders have the Israeli Arab Christian Community on edge as well. Arab Christians sent a letter through their NGO asking the Israeli government for added protection from ISIS during the Easter holiday when Israel will be flooded with pilgrims from abroad. The letter stated, “ISIS attacks against Christians in Muslim nations went unabated until their Satanic acts of terrorism reached the point of mass genocide, as recognized by the EU”. The letter urged the Israeli authorities to “take these threats seriously” and “provide maximum security for Christians, religious buildings, churches, Christian houses of worship and symbols” ahead of the upcoming Easter holiday.

” …but that the parts of the body may have the same concern for one another. And if one member suffers, all the parts share the suffering: if one member is honoured, all rejoice with it.”  

1 Corinthians 12: 25b. 26

Time to Pray and not Faint:

Jay and I are appealing to all who read this letter to pause, think and act now. Tell it to your prayer groups and churches. Send it far and wide, please. We need prayer and support. Beseech heaven for ALL of the peoples of Israel. Most of us have little idea what the cost of living in this land entails. The price is steep spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially, no matter our religious or cultural affiliation. The innocent everywhere NEED the assurance of covering and protection. This is the work of the Holy Spirit, and we know we are not alone. Please pray for our leaders, and for all communities living in Israel at this time. This situation makes it very very difficult especially for all Arabs.

“Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid.” [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.]”

John 14: 27 

We hold Messiah’s Peace very close in such dreadful times. Thank you for being a true friend and standing with us in prayer now.


Jay and Meridel Rawlings