Still Small Voice – Day 301
My dear Friends! I pray that in these days, each one of you is drawing aside from the hustle and bustle and noise. LISTEN to the Still Small Voice. Yes, it isn’t easy, but nothing worthwhile is. If you show up on a faithful basis, God will show up for you. This week I will share just two of the instructions I heard. Study to be quiet! And later this week, this order: KNOW your enemy! 1. Are you weary of the daily grind, or: – the continuous giving of your time and space – the madness of the world at large – the changes swiftly changing your nation – perhaps, the undue stress in your interpersonal relationships? Question: Okay, are you ready for change? Seriously, are you ready to do your part? Well, allow me to share this marvellous assurance. “For the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel has said this, “In returning [to Me] and rest you shall be saved, In …