The picture above: “On Oct 7th, out of the deadly attack by Hamas, just nearby, 47 babies were born in the underground maternity unit at Soroka hospital, all the while under an intense missile fire by Hamas. Observant women and Bedouin live in close proximity in Israel’s Negev.”
To My Dear Friends:
Today marks 5 months since the beginning of the war. Yesterday President Biden called for a ‘ceasefire”. Hamas sees the pressure mounting against Israel from all quarters, and they just sit back and wait. They don’t need to negotiate. The whole world is with them against Israel. It is an impossible situation. We call for your prayers more than ever before. Please stay alert and learn the facts and the truth about what is going on between Israel, Hamas and the USA. Much of world media on the war is ‘clouded.’ Join me, determined to uncover the facts on the ground concerning this conflict. First, let us remember what the LORD God spoke through His Prophets. He is continually moving behind the scenes in history shaping prophecy for Israel and His Body. Father God has predetermined: “The people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits.” Daniel 11:32
Since October 7th Israel has lost 597 soldiers in action. Ramadan begins on Monday, March 10th until April 8th, a very sensitive month because of threats by Fundamental Islam. In Gaza, Israel is preparing more areas to evacuate Khan Unis and has dropped leaflets over the civilian populations. In Israel, Israel has assured the Palestinian population of the security and safety of all Muslim holy sites in Israel during this month. Because of threatened attacks, Israel is warning its public to be aware at all times. Hamas threatens that,” war will explode on Israel’s borders and within the country.” I am sure you are praying for the hostages and the Palestinians, all are helpless.
Here is a 2-minute history lesson: Origins of the Palestinians.
Meet Lucy:
She is Israel’s only Muslim-Israeli journalist. Her voice is as powerful as it is clear and true to both of her people. Give her your time, she is a woman to be reckoned with and helps us to understand how utterly complicated the situation here has always been.
Now What about Hamas?
The scriptures I have chosen below were spoken by Obadiah over Edom in Bible times when they rejoiced at Israel’s great misfortune and brokenness. Not only that, they profited from her losses then, just as Hamas is doing today worldwide. Now we know that the UN support Hamas. The world has gone mad. Today this scripture shouts out the Hamas agenda perfectly. Hamas continues to refuse to give the names of the LIVING hostages to Israel but demands a cease-fire. How ridiculous it all is. Obadiah lived from 607 to 586 BC when Jerusalem was attacked by Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon, which led to the Babylonian exile. This prophecy can also apply to any of Israel’s enemies. Take note!
“Do not rejoice over the sons of Judah in the day of their destruction.”Obadiah12b
“Do not speak arrogantly in the day of their distress.” 12c
“Yes, you, do not look with delight on the day of their ruin and do not loot treasures in the day of their ruin.” 13:b
“As you have done it shall be done to you in retribution; your evil dealing will return on your own head.”15b.
“Because just as you drank on my holy mountain … so shall all the nations drink continually [one by one of My wrath.] So shall all the nations drink and swallow [the full measure of punishment.]”16.b Amplified
Israel Faces War Escalating on 7 Fronts.
First, let’s look inside Israel; on her seams, – those Arab Palestinian population areas that border internal Israel. For example, East Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria. There are some radical Islamic villages and towns in the north as well. They also attack local Arab Christians. Then there is continual conflict on Israel’s borders; Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. Jordan is bordered on the north by Syria, to the east by Iraq, with Saudi Arabia on the east and south and to the west by Israel. ISIS is reportedly alive and well according to sources in Kurdistan. (TBN) Apparently, ISIS survived in the Iraqi desert that borders Jordan. They are entrenched once again in Syria and active in Lebanon. We sense war on the horizon everywhere. Not a happy report and certainly not what anyone wants to hear or read. (The LORD has never given me popular tasks throughout my life, having given over 30 years to a work for sexually abused children and adults.)
“You (Israel) are My battle-axe and sword, with you I will shatter nations and destroy many kingdoms. With you I will shatter armies …” Jeremiah 51:20-24
Israel Defence Forces Spokesman.
Mosab Hassan Yousef son the Founder of Hamas.
Hamas is calling for Ramadan this year to be a bloodbath everywhere worldwide.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher…” Isaiah 55:8,9.
In the secret, in the quiet place, In the stillness, you are there In the secret, in the quiet hour I wait only for you. ‘I need to know You more.’ I want to know you. I want to hear your voice. I want to touch you. I want to see your face. I am reaching for the highest goal, That I might receive the prize Pressing onward, pushing every hindrance out of my way, ‘Cause I want to know you more In the secret, in the quiet place, In the stillness, you are there. Author Unknown
In closing, I encourage you to take time to go aside and meet With the Friend who will never leave us or forsake ALL mankind. Individually, I have the choice to follow or forsake Him! That profound choice is mine alone. Quieten down on the inside … Commune.
With love and prayers from the Rawlings Family, Meridel Rawlings.
We no longer have an address in Canada. PayPal has cancelled my account. If you choose to bless us, our bank details are as follows. Thank you.
“… obwohl ihr mir Schaden zufügen wolltet, hat der Herr es zum Guten gewollt, um das jetzige Ergebnis herbeizuführen: das Überleben von vielen Menschen.” 1. Mose 50:20
Geisel Update: Von den 253 nach Gaza entführten Personen befinden sich noch 134 lebende Geiseln bei der Hamas. 31 von ihnen sind verstorben. Die meisten ihrer Identitäten sind nach wie vor unbekannt: die neueste Meldung ist die gestohlene Leiche eines IDF-Soldaten, welcher am 7. Oktober getötet wurde.
Im Gegensatz Russland: Russland war einer der einzigen Orte außerhalb des Nahen Ostens, der Hamas-Terroristen und Houthi-Dschihadisten willkommen hieß. Heute rufen Hamas und Fatah, welche die politische Einheit des palästinensischen Volkes bilden, zur Versöhnung auf. Das ist ein erbärmlicher Scherz.
Systematische sexuelle Übergriffe durch Hamas-Terroristen: Am
7. Oktober verübte die Hamas “brutale sexuelle Übergriffe, welche systematisch und absichtlich durchgeführt wurden”, heißt es im ersten offiziellen Bericht, welcher die sexuelle Gewalt an diesem Tag detailliert beschreibt. “Der Angriff der Hamas umfasste gewalttätige Vergewaltigungen, welche von Drohungen mit Waffen begleitet wurden, und in einigen Fällen auf verletzte Frauen abzielten. Viele der Vergewaltigungen wurden als Gruppe, unter Beteiligung von gewalttätigen Terroristen, durchgeführt. Oft wurde die Vergewaltigung vor Publikum – Partnern, Familie oder Freunden – verübt, um den Schmerz und die Demütigung aller Anwesenden zu verstärken”, heißt es in dem 39-seitigen Bericht, welcher von der Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel, einem Dachverband regionaler israelischer Vergewaltigungskrisenzentren, verfasst wurde.
Sexuelle Gewalt fand auf dem Nova-Musikfestival und in den Gemeinden nahe der Grenze zu Gaza statt, auf den Armeestützpunkten, die angegriffen wurden, sowie bei der fortgesetzten Misshandlung von Geiseln, welche noch immer in Gaza festgehalten werden. Die Aktionen richteten sich gegen Frauen, Mädchen und Männer. In den meisten Fällen wurden *die Opfer nach oder sogar während der Vergewaltigung getötet”, heißt es in dem Bericht. Das wahre Ausmaß der sexuellen Übergriffe wird möglicherweise nie bekannt werden, da die meisten Opfer und Zeugen getötet wurden.
Shari Mendes, welche bei der Identifizierung der Leichen half, untersuchte viele verstümmelte Leichen, darunter Frauen, deren Brüste entweder abgetrennt oder erschossen, und deren Genitalien verstümmelt waren. “Es schien sich um eine systematische Genitalverstümmelung einer Gruppe von Opfern zu handeln”, sagte sie.
“Chaim Otmazgin, ein Freiwilliger des ZAKA-Notfalldienstes, wurde zitiert, welcher beschrieb, dass er viele der Leichen teilweise bekleidet vorfand, mit “schweren Blutungen im Becken und der Zerstörung der Geschlechtsorgane”. Andere Rettungskräfte beschrieben, dass sie Messer und andere Gegenstände gefunden haben, welche in die Genitalien eingeführt wurden”.
All diese erwähnten Dinge stehen in dem Bericht, welcher den Entscheidungsträgern bei der UNO vorgelegt werden soll. Er lässt keine Möglichkeit offen, dass er geleugnet oder ignoriert wird. Die Terrororganisation Hamas hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, dem Staat Israel mit zwei klaren Strategien zu schaden: Geiselnahme von Bürgern und sadistische Sexualverbrechen”, sagte AARCI-Chefin Orit Sulitzeanu. “Es ist nicht länger möglich, zu schweigen. Es ist unmöglich, am Rande zu stehen.” Pesach Benson, TPS 21/24. Februar.
Eine Warnung des HERRN: “Ein beunruhigender Krieg kommt in den Norden. Es wird keine Nahrung, kein Wasser und keinen Strom geben. Wir müssen uns auf solche Tage vorbereiten. Es geht nicht darum, in Panik zu verfallen, sondern gute Beziehungen aufzubauen – den Nachbarn in der Krise zu helfen. (Israel ist ein Beispiel dafür.) Unsere Berufung ist es, Gott zu lieben und dann unseren Nächsten! “Pastor Gary Aley von der englischen Shabbat-Gemeinde in Jerusalem, berichtete von einem Gebetstreffen der Männer. Er fuhr fort: “In Philipper 4 dankt Paulus zunächst für all die Menschen um ihn herum, welche ihm so viel Kraft gegeben haben. Freut euch im HERRN allezeit, und ich sage noch einmal: FREUT EUCH!” Das schrieb er, als er im Gefängnis war und eine schwere Zeit hatte. Er freute sich mit seinen Mitgefangenen. Die Botschaft konzentrierte sich auf das Wesen der Liebe Gottes: Sein langes Leiden, seine Güte, Treue und Sanftmut. Er hält den Bund mit seinen Kindern und seinem Land und sogar mit der Erde selbst!»
Prophezeiung von der dunklen Seite: Noah Harrari, genannt “der Prophet” oder Sprecher des Weltwirtschaftsforums WEF, prophezeite neulich im Fernsehen seinen eigenen Untergang. “Es ist wahrscheinlich, dass Trump wiedergewählt wird. Wenn das der Fall ist, wird das der Todesstoß für das WEF und seine globale Agenda sein”, sagt er.
Erinnerung: “Der Name des Herrn ist ein starker Turm, die Gerechten laufen dorthin und sind in Sicherheit. Sprüche 18:10
Die Taktik des Satans: Ich beziehe mich auf die hebräischen Schriften in 1. Mose 3: Eva benutzte schnell den Namen des HERRN, des allmächtigen Gottes, als sie auf seine Fragen antwortete, aber sie übertrieb. Dann hörte sie ihm zu und brachte ihn nicht zum Schweigen! ANMERKUNG: Satan weigerte sich, diesen Namen zu benutzen, welcher über allen Namen steht, und nannte den Allmächtigen einfach Gott. Dann verdrehte er seine Worte und verwandelte sie in eine Lüge. Bis heute handelt er mit Halbwahrheiten. Die Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) steht kurz davor, die Zukunft der Welt zu verändern, indem sie eine neue und veränderte Bibel hervorbringt, ebenso wie in China. Jetzt ist unsere Stunde gekommen, die Wahrheit AUSZUSPRECHEN und den NAMEN des HERRN zu benutzen! Die Kirche entscheidet über das Schicksal der Nationen. Wir alle haben eine Stimme, nutzt sie ohne Angst.
Initiator für Veränderung:
Von unseren Eltern und Großeltern lernend, entdeckten Jay und ich das Geheimnis des Gebens. Inspiriert vom Geist des HERRN arbeiteten wir daran, überall dort, wo wir uns befinden, Veränderungen zu bewirken. Wir versuchen, das, was wir haben, von ganzem Herzen zu geben: Zeit, Energie, Gabe, Geschenke und Geldmittel. Es war schlicht so einfach. Das Ergebnis über viele Jahre hinweg ist eine tiefe Zufriedenheit. Wenn wir zurückblicken, hat es uns nie an etwas gefehlt. Einer unserer Söhne sagte, als er ein Kind war, er sei “arm”, obwohl ich unseren Jungs beigebracht habe, dass wir reich sind, weil wir die Freiheit haben, das Leben so zu leben, wie wir leben wollen. Heute ist er einer der größten Geber, und ich habe das Privileg es zu wissen. Hier ist ein tiefgreifender Eckpfeiler der biblischen Wahrheit. “Denn also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, dass er seinen eingeborenen Sohn gab, damit jeder, der an ihn glaubt, nicht verloren geht, sondern ewiges Leben hat.” Joh.3,16
Vergesst nie, dass Vater Gott das Muster vorgegeben hat. Versucht Euch daran zu erinnern, wie viel uns allen gegeben wurde, zuerst das LEBEN und dann einander. Bewusste innere Einigkeit ist das erste Prinzip, und dann mit denen, welchen wir zusammenleben, ist das zweite wesentliche Element beim Aufbau des Reiches Gottes.
“Sage den Kindern Jisrael (den Söhnen Israels), dass sie mir freiwillige Gaben bringen sollen; du sollst Gaben für mich annehmen von jedem, dessen Herz ihn dazu bewegt.” 2. Mose 25:2
Rabbi’s Machlis Frau Henny, welche in Jerusalem für ihre beispiellosen Taten der Freundlichkeit bekannt war, erteilte ihrer Tochter eine tiefgründige Lektion, welche das Wesen des wahren Reichtums veranschaulichte. Sie sagte: “Wenn du 100 Dollar hast und 10 Dollar an einen Bedürftigen gibst, wie viel hast du dann noch?” Eure intuitive Antwort könnte 90 Dollar sein, aber Frau Machlis lehrte: “Im Grunde genommen bleiben dir nur 10 Dollar.” Das mag zunächst verwirrend erscheinen, doch ihre Erklärung offenbart eine tiefe Wahrheit. Die verbleibenden 90 Dollar werden für den täglichen Bedarf oder andere vergängliche Dinge ausgegeben. Aber die 10 Dollar, die man für wohltätige Zwecke spendet, sind eine ewige Investition in die Menschheit und in die eigene Spiritualität.” Das hebräische Wort für Spende, terumah, leitet sich vom Wort ram ab, welches erhöht bedeutet. Dies unterstreicht die Botschaft, dass unser eigenes Leben durch den Akt des Gebens angehoben und aufgewertet wird. Wenn wir anderen etwas geben, erhalten wir tatsächlich etwas. Geben ist nicht nur ein einseitiger Akt, bei dem wir uns von unseren Besitztümern trennen. Stattdessen ist es eine erhebende Erfahrung, welche unser Leben bereichert und einen bleibenden Wert in unserem Handeln besiegelt.
Rabbi Mirvis, ehemaliger Oberrabbiner der Vereinigten Gemeinden des Vereinigten Königreichs, erzählt eine Geschichte über einen Besucher im Haus des Geschäftsmanns und Philanthropen Mayer Amschel Rothschild, welcher ihn kühn fragte: “Was sind Sie wert? Könnten Sie bitte klarstellen, was Sie besitzen?” Unbeeindruckt von der Dreistigkeit der Frage, holte Rothschild ein Buch mit der Aufschrift “Tzedakah” (Wohltätigkeit) hervor und begann, einige Zahlen zu berechnen. Verblüfft bemerkte der Besucher: “Sie haben meine Frage wohl missverstanden. Ich habe nicht nach Ihren wohltätigen Spenden gefragt, sondern eher nach Ihrem persönlichen Reichtum.»
Rothschild antwortete mit Klarheit: “Ihre Frage ist mir nicht entgangen. Als Sterblicher ist meine Zeit auf der Erde endlich, das einzige Vermögen, das ich ins Jenseits mitnehmen kann, sind meine guten Taten. Was ich wirklich ‘besitze’, sind nicht die materiellen Dinge, welche ich hinterlasse, sondern die Wohltätigkeiten und Handlungen der Freundlichkeit, welche ich austeile. Dies ist das einzige Vermächtnis, welches Bestand haben wird.'”
Israel hat 12.373 Lastwagen mit Hilfsgütern nach Gaza geschickt:
Gebetsalarm von einem jüdischen Gläubigen in Nordisrael:
1. Die Straßen zur Nordgrenze sind gesperrt.
2. Andere Straßen, welche seit dem 7. Oktober für die nationale Einheit genutzt werden, sollen geschlossen werden. Die Einheit der Nation ist bedroht.
3. Die Evakuierten von der südlichen und nördlichen Grenze müssen nun die Hotels verlassen, welche ihnen als Zufluchtsort zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Die Regierung hat für ihre Unterbringung und Betreuung bezahlt. Sie können bereits im März nach Hause zurückkehren und sollen dies bis Juli tun. Sie erhalten auch eine Entschädigung für ihre Verluste. Falls sie sich unsicher fühlen, wollen nicht alle zurückkehren. Die Hotels sind für die Feiertage bereits Jahre im Voraus ausgebucht. Pessach ist dieses Jahr am 22. April. Die Hotels müssen für die kommenden Gäste aufräumen und renovieren. Wenn sich die Evakuierten weigern, in ihre Häuser an den Grenzen zurückzukehren, wohin sollen sie dann gehen? Gerade heute erfährt man in den Nachrichten, dass der Iran der Hisbollah befohlen hat, ihre Bombenangriffe und die Gewalt gegen Israel zu verstärken.
4. Die Uneinigkeit unter den Familien den Geiseln wächst. Die Gruppe, welche die Regierung unter Druck gesetzt hat, die Geiseln um jeden Preis und so schnell wie möglich freizulassen, wird militant und entwickelt sich in Richtung einer neuen politischen Partei. Eine kleine Gruppe hat sich abgespalten und erklärt, sie wolle nicht darauf bestehen, dass die IDF zur Rettung der Geiseln eingreift und bei dem Versuch möglicherweise stirbt. Sie sind der Meinung, dass man von den Eltern der Soldaten nicht erwarten kann, dass sie ihre Söhne und Töchter für die Rettung von möglicherweise toten Menschen opfern. Die Wut zwischen diesen beiden Gruppen eskaliert in Hass und Straßenkämpfen.
5. Ein weiteres Thema war die humanitäre Hilfe, welche in den Gazastreifen fließt. Die Geiseln leben von 1 Pita pro Tag, ohne medizinische Versorgung und Betreuung, in Käfigen in feuchten Tunneln mit wenig Luft. Währenddessen erhalten unsere terroristischen Gefangenen in Israel volle medizinische Unterstützung, drei Mahlzeiten am Tag mit Rindfleisch und Fisch, Wärme und Betten. Einige in der Regierung und viele Familienangehörige der Geiseln fordern, dass diese Versorgung am ägyptischen Tor endet und das Essen in den israelischen Gefängnissen reduziert wird.
Diese Themen spalten die Nation, und die wunderbare Einheit, welche in den letzten vier Monaten offensichtlich war, erodiert. Sie schaffen offene Tore für Satan. Ja, unser HERR ist allmächtig, aber unsere Gebete laut auszusprechen, muss unsere Berufung sein. Betet für einen Geist der Bussfertigkeit. Damit sich etwas ändert, ist dies unerlässlich! Gruppen aus unseren Gemeinden, welche in die von den Terroristen angegriffenen Gebiete im Süden reisen, müssen in die Offensive gehen und offen über Jeschua und seine Erlösung sprechen. Das Beten in anderen Zungen ohne Unterlass bricht Festungen. Das ist elementare Kriegsführung. Wir, das Volk Israel, werden einen Bürgerkrieg nicht überleben. Orith Cunningham
Meine lieben Freunde, der HERR Jesus selbst möge Euch und die Euren in diesen unsicheren Tagen aufrichten, stärken und beruhigen. Wir Rawlings sind jeden Tag auf Gebetswache, und senden dies mit der Liebe und dem Frieden des Messias.
Meridel Rawlings
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“… although you intended me harm, the LORD intended it for good, so as to bring about the present result: the survival of many people.”Genesis 50:20
Hostage Update: Of the 253 people abducted to Gaza, 134 living hostages remain with Hamas. 31 of them are deceased. Most of their identities remain unknown: the latest includes the stolen body of an IDF soldier killed on Oct 7th.
Contrary Russia: Russia has been one of the only places outside of the Middle East welcoming Hamas terrorists and Houthi Jihadists. Today Hamas and Fatah who make up the political entity of the Palestinian people are calling for reconciliation. It is a pathetic joke.
Systematic sexual assaults by Hamas terrorists: On October 7th, Hamas committed “brutal sexual assaults, systematically and deliberately carried out” states the first official report released, detailing that day’s sexual violence. “Hamas’s attack included violent acts of rape, accompanied, by threats with weapons, and in some cases, targeted towards injured women. Many of the rapes were carried out as a group, with the participation of violent terrorists. Often the rape was perpetrated in front of an audience — partners, family or friends — in a manner intended to increase pain and humiliation of all present,” said the 39-page report, written by the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel, an umbrella of Israel’s regional rape crisis centres.
Sexual violence took place at the Nova Music Festival, and in the communities near the Gaza border, on the army bases that were attacked, as well as continuing abuse of hostages still held in Gaza. The actions targeted women, girls and men. In most cases, the victims were killed after, or even during the rape,” the report said. The true scope of the sexual attacks may never be known because most of the victims and witnesses were killed.
Shari Mendes, who helped identify bodies, examined many mutilated bodies, including women whose breasts were either severed or shot and whose genitalia were mutilated. “This seemed to be a systematic genital mutilation of a group of victims,” she said.
Chaim Otmazgin, a volunteer for the ZAKA emergency response service was quoted describing finding many of the bodies partially clothed with “severe bleeding in the pelvis and the destruction of sexual organs.” Other rescue workers described finding knives and other objects inserted into genitalia.
“The report, which will be submitted to the decision-makers at the UN. It leaves no possibility of its being denied or ignored. The terrorist organization Hamas has chosen to harm the State of Israel with two clear strategies – taking citizens hostage and using sadistic sex crimes,” said AARCI head Orit Sulitzeanu. “It is no longer possible to remain silent. It is impossible to stand on the sidelines.” Pesach Benson, TPS Feb 21/24.
A Warning from the LORD: “A troubling war is coming in the North. There will be no food, water or electricity. We must prepare for such days. The issue is not to panic but rather to build good relationships – help neighbours in crisis. (Israel is exemplary.) Our call is to love God and then our neighbour! “ Pastor Gary Aley of the Shabbat English Congregation in Jerusalem shared from a men’s prayer meeting. He went on: “In Philippians 4, Paul first gives thanks for all of the people around him who had been such a strength. ‘Rejoice in the LORD always and again I SAY REJOICE!’ This was written when he was in prison having a hard time! He rejoiced with fellow prisoners. The message focused on the nature of God’s love: His long-suffering, goodness, faithfulness and gentleness. He keeps Covenant with His children and His land and even the earth itself!”
Prophecy from the Dark Side: Noah Harari, called ‘the prophet’ or spokesperson of the World Economic Forum prophesied his doom on TV the other day. “It’s likely Trump will be reelected. If so, it will be a death blow to WEF and its global agenda!”
Remember:“The Name of the LORD is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe!” Proverbs 18:10
Satan’s Tactics: They are written in Genesis 3. Eve was quick to use the name of the LORD God Almighty when answering his queries, but she exaggerated. Then, she listened to him and didn’t shut him up! NOTE: Satan refused to use that Name, which is Above All Names and simply calling the Almighty – god. Then he twisted His words, turning them into a lie. Until today, he deals in half-truths. AI, (Artificial Intelligence) is on the horizon to change the future of the world by producing a new and altered Bible, as is China. Now is our hour to SPEAK out the Truth and be counted. The church decides the fate of the nations. We all have a voice, use it without fear.
Initiator for Change:
Learning from our parents and grandparents, Jay and I discovered the secret of giving. Inspired by the Spirit of the LORD, we worked to initiate change wherever we find ourselves. We try to give what we have with a whole heart, time, energy, giftings and funds. It was just that simple. The result over many years is a deep satisfaction. Looking back, we never lacked. One of our sons said, as a child, he was ‘poor’ even tho I taught our boys that we were rich because we were free to live the lives we desired to live. Today he is one of the biggest givers I have the privilege of knowing. Here is a profound cornerstone of Biblical truth. “For God so loved, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16.
Never forget, Father God set the pattern. Try to remember how much we all have been given, first, LIFE and then each other. Unity of purpose within is the first principle and with those we live with is the second essential in building the Kingdom of God.
“Tell B’nei Yisrael ( The sons of Israel) to bring Me gifts; you shall accept gifts for Me from every person whose heart so moves him.” Exodus 25:2
Rabbis Machlis’ wife, Henny, renowned in Jerusalem for her unparalleled acts of kindness, conveyed a profound lesson to her daughter, illustrating the essence of true wealth. She said: “If you have $100 and you give $10 to someone in need, how much do you have left?” Your intuitive answer might be $90, but Mrs. Machlis taught, “In essence, you retain only $10.” While this might initially seem perplexing, her explanation reveals a deep truth. The remaining $90, she pointed out, “will be spent on daily necessities or other transient things. However, the $10 given to charity is an everlasting investment in humanity and in one’s spirituality.” The Hebrew word for contribution, terumah, is derived from the word ram which means elevated. This underscores the message that our own lives are uplifted and elevated through the act of giving. When we give to others we are receiving. Giving is not merely a one-way act of parting with our possessions. Instead, it’s an uplifting experience, enriching our lives and sealing lasting value in our actions.
Rabbi Mirvis, former Chief Rabbi of the United Congregations of the UK, tells a story about a visitor to the home of businessman and philanthropist Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Boldly he inquired, “What are you worth? Could you please clarify what you possess?”
Undisturbed by the audacity of the question, Rothschild retrieved a ledger labelled ‘Tzedakah’ (charity) and began to calculate some numbers. The visitor, puzzled, remarked, “It seems you misunderstood my question. I didn’t ask about your charitable contributions, but rather about your personal wealth.”
Rothschild replied with clarity, “Your question was not lost on me. As a mortal, my time on earth is finite, the only assets I can carry into the hereafter are my acts of kindness. What I truly ‘possess’ are not the material things I will leave behind, but the charity I distribute. This is the only legacy that will endure.’”
Israel sent 12,373 trucks of aid to Gaza: Since October 21st.
Prayer Alert from a Jewish Believer in Northern Israel:
1. Roads to the Northern border are closed.
2. Other roads used for national unity since Oct 7th are to be closed. The unity of the nation is threatened.
3. Evacuees from the southern and northern borders must now leave the hotels they were given for refuge. The government paid for their accommodations and support. They can return home as early as March and are to complete that move by July. They are being compensated for their losses as well. Feeling unsafe, not everyone wants to return. Hotels have been booked for the holidays, years in advance. Passover this year is on April 22. Hotels need to clean up and renovate for their in coming guests. If the evacuees refuse to return to their homes on the borders, where will they go? Just today the news tells us Iran has ordered Hizubbah to step up their bombings and violence into Israel.
4. Dissension among the families of the hostages grows. The group that pressured the government to free the hostages at any price and as soon as possible is becoming militant, moving in the direction of a new political party. A small group has split off and are stating: that they do not want to insist on the IDF going in to save the hostages and possibly dying in the attempt. They don’t feel that they can continue to expect the parents of the soldiers to give their sons and daughters up to save who might be dead bodies. The anger between these two groups escalates into hatred and street fights.
5. The next issue was the Humanitarian Aid pouring into Gaza. The hostages live on 1 pita a day, with no medical supplies nor care, in cages in damp tunnels with little air. Meanwhile, here in Israel, our terrorist prisoners receive full medical support, three meals a day with beef and fish and warmth and beds. Some in the government and many of the hostages’ families are demanding that this supply stop at the Egyptian gate and food be reduced in the Israeli prisons. The disagreements are within governmental discussions and prison guards.
These issues are splitting the nation and the wonderful unity that was apparent in the last 4 months is eroding. They create open portals to Satan. Yes, our LORD is all powerful but voicing our prayers aloud must be our call. Pray for a spirit of repentance. For change to occur, this is essential! Groups from our congregations that travel south to the areas attacked by the terrorists, need to go on the offensive and talk openly about Yeshua and His Salvation. Praying in other tongues without ceasing breaks strongholds. This is elementary warfare. We the people of Israel, will not survive a civil war. Orith Cunningham
My dear Friends, the LORD Jesus Himself, establish, strengthen, and settle you and yours in these uncertain days. We Rawlings are on our prayer watch every day, sending this with Messiah’s Love and Peace.
Meridel Rawlings
Please note that my PayPal donations are not working right now because of a technical error. We are fixing the problem. In the meantime, you can donate to the bank account below. Thank you!! Greek Bank Account Rawlings Meridel IBAN: GR64 0171 1240 0061 2414 2784 851 BIC: PIRBGRAAXXX
This Hebrew year 5784, represents the prison door being opened to Joseph. In prayer I heard, year of open doors. People are being set free from imprisonment and enslavement. Be diligent, sober minded and aware of the issues as you intercede for our world! Be encouraged! The winds of change are blowing. PRAY!
“Oh, that You would bless me … and keep me from harm.” 1 Chronicles 4:6
“The eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, on all those who long for his kindness. As high as heaven is above the earth so His kindness is great to those who fear Him. The kindness of the Lord is forever to those who fear Him, His righteousness for the children’s children.”
Psalm 33:18, Psalm 103:11 Hebrew Bible
Yesterday the IDF was able to rescue 2 hostages held in Rafah. An extremely delicate operation was required to extract two men from a 2nd floor apartment. Still criticism only grows including from President Biden. Today 134 hostages remain in Gaza; while 31 are confirmed dead.
9 year old hostage: Emily Hand, in the covering photo was freed after 50 days. Upon release, she only spoke in a whisper as her captors threatened her with death by knife if she made any noise. Her Irish Dad, Thomas, described waking Emily up often when she has nightmares. “She once had a dream that she was escaping from Gaza and running back to her kibbutz. She uses code words for terrorists, certain objects and situations that remind her of her ordeal. She’s very good, making progress and is recovering. The rest of us are broken now.” See Emily in the covering photo above.
Music must always be our safe space: Social media influencer, Montana Tucker was invited to walk the red carpet at the Grammy Awards last night. Her grandmother was a survivor of the Holocaust, and Montana was struck by how similar Grandma’s stories resembled the attack of Oct 7th. She chose to wear an Israeli designer gown. In a live interview with i24 news today she said, “Many thanked me for wearing the large yellow ribbon with the message bring them home. I was very nervous but it got a lot of attention and I believe opened eyes. Lots of people didn’t even know what, bring them home means? Others said, ‘Thank you!’ I think most people are afraid to do something, they don’t want to risk their career or business. But because I was given a global audience, I wanted to make a statement. I used my liberty as the world has been largely silent. This is about humanity not politics. I hope I can keep using my platform and encourage others to speak out. Even if you are reaching out to just one person, telling them the truth about Israel, don’t stop, we need you. Keep it up, it can grow.”
David and Eli were army buds years ago in Givati, a combat unit.
The Underground World of War: Israeli Brigadier General Dan Goldfus took foreign journalists to Khan Yunis to witness the extent of the most recent tunnel discovery
What about those truckloads of medicines that we saw going into Gaza after Hamas demanded 1,000 times the medication Israel provided for the hostages? In this video you will see boxes of Israeli medicines thrown on the floor.
Brothers in Arms: Mark Knofler music and lyrics, and IDF film footage.
You must copy and paste this to YouTube
Prime Minister Netanyahu said Feb.7/24 “Hamas’s terms for accepting a hostage release deal were delusional and anyone would refuse them.”
US President Biden said Feb.8/24 “I’m pushing very hard now to deal with this hostage ceasefire. There are a lot of innocent people who are serving and a lot of innocent people who are in trouble and dying. its gotta stop.” Did you know that the USA hit 85 sites in Iraq and Syria this week? All linked to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corp including Hamas. Is Biden being pressured by the US State Depart?
France: “Oct 7th is the worst atrocity in the 21st century. We are 68 million and stand with Israel and the Palestinians.“ Prime Minister Macron.
Argentina: “President Javier Milei arrived in Israel pledging to move Argentina’s Embassy to Jerusalem. Taking office two months ago this signals a major shift in his nation’s foreign police towards the USA and Israel, after having backed Arab counties for decades.” Etgar Lefkovits, Feb 6/24 Jerusalem News Service.
Why People are Rethinking Their Place in Canada: “ According to Israel’s Diaspora Ministry, and The World Zionist Organization: In Canada antisemitic incidents have increased 800% since Oct 7th.” J. Roberts, Feb. 3/23. Jerusalem Post.
Lost in Trans Nation:
I recommend this book. “A child psychiatrist’s Guide Out of Madness.” By Miriam Grossman, MD forward by Dr. Jordan B. Pedersen
Grossman asserts: “No child is born in the wrong body; it’s their emotional lives that need healing. Whether one are facing a gender identity battle at home or want to prevent one, this book will guide you and your loved ones out of the madness.”
“The assault against parents and our children is real, so you need to be prepared and educated. ‘Lost in Trans Nation’ is a must for all parents to arm them with the ammunition they need to “be proactive and get educated, feel prepared” warns Grossman. “Be confident to discuss trans, nonbinary, or whatever your child brings to the dinner table. it could be one or all of the following threats. ‘Trans is as common as red hair,’ or, I’’m not your son,’ or ‘I’m not your daughter,’ or ‘do you prefer a live son? or ‘do you prefer a dead daughter?’
Grossman says, “No family is immune and, learn to fight what many families describe as the most difficult challenge of their lives. Parents will learn what to say and how – at home, at school, and if necessary, to the police if they appear at your door.” <>
From the Desk of David Hathaway, England: Feb. 2024 “Ministering in Poland to war refugees from the former Russian ’Soviet’ Empire. I felt it was the beginning of the fullfillment of Hudson Taylor’s prophecy of 1889. The world-famous missionary to China was home on furlough in England and when saw this vision.
“I see a great war that encompasses the world. I saw this war recess and then start again, actually being two wars. (World War I and II.) After this I saw much unrest and revolts that will affect many nations. I saw in some places spiritual awakenings. In Russia I saw there will come a general all-encompassing, national spiritual awakening, so great that there could never be another like it. From Russia, I saw this awakening spread to many European countries. This all-out awakening, was followed by the second coming.’”
Please feel free to share my letter with anyone you think might be interested.
This comes from our home to yours in Blessing, asking for your prayers.
“nothing worthwhile is accomplished without prayer.”
“You (plural) shall serve the LORD your God and He will bless your (singular) bread and your water.” Exodus 23:25
I am so grateful to hear back that many of you are leading prayer groups. Some of your quotes are included. All are welcome. The fight continues and we are all battle weary, to say nothing of the people of Israel. I hope this letter will lift you and give you renewed fuel for prayer at this unique time in history. It is packed with wonderful articles. Take your time, and share on screen with your prayer groups and churches. Share the knowledge, increase the call to pray.
“King of the nations
The LORD is near to all who call on Him.
And He will wipe every tear from their eyes; and there will be
No more death; there will no longer be sorrow and anguish,
crying or pain; for the former order of things has passed away.”
Rev. 15:3b, Psalm 145:18a, Rev 21:4
Prayer has to be our first priority. Israelis are defending themselves with their lives and homes. It is costing everything and the nation hangs on as the infrastructure of Hamas is being dismantled. Families of the hostages were just assured the government is doing all it can to secure the release of all 136 souls.
INCASE YOU FORGOT? A video by David Rawlings –
World Education Day. Jan. 24th. Hatred ultimately led to October 7th; a result of the PA and UNWRA refusing to remove hatred from their schoolbooks. Impact-se ( could change that and is prepared to teach the next and following generations of Palestinians to respect the other. We need the world to demand along with us, that Impact-se is the way to teach their children.
UNITED NATIONS Release: The U.S.A., Canada, Australia, Italy, U.K., and Finland said they will suspend the transfer of funds to UNRWA following reports on the involvement of 12 of the agency’s employees in the Hamas’ October 7 massacre. It has been proven over and over again that this agency promotes hate literature which teaches Palestinian children to hate the Jews and kill them.
Update: Secret Hamas Doc – Psychological Warfare: Jan 30/2024
Israeli forces in Gaza recently found a secret document written by a senior Hamas official detailing the terrorist group’s psychological warfare strategy against the Israeli public. As you read this, they are ALL lies. The document orders:
1. – photos and videos of the Israeli hostages continue to be published “due to the psychological pressure they create.”
2. – singles out Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant as a target for psychological attack.
3. – emphasizes the importance of maintaining the narrative that Israeli Prime.
4. – they pushe the idea that IDF ground operations will not create the conditions necessary for the return of the rest of the hostages.
5. – it says the social divide in Israel is as an issue to focus on, and increases pressure around the issue of the hostages.
Sinwar is believed to be hiding in the Hamas stronghold of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, where he has reportedly surrounded himself with a large number of living hostages. Mohammed Deif, the head of Hamas’s “military wing,” is also believed to be holed up there.
On Oct. 14, IDF International Spokesperson Lt. Col. Richard Hecht told journalists that Sinwar and his entire command team “are in our sights. Yahya Sinwar is the face of evil. He is the mastermind behind this, like [Osama] bin Laden was [with the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks]. He built his career on murdering Palestinians when he understood they were collaborators [with Israel]. That’s how he became known as the butcher of Khan Yunis,” Joshua Marks. United with Israel
The Israeli army is dismantling Hamas’s military capabilities in Khan Yunis, in the south and is beating back their forces in the west. 2/3rds of Hamas terrorists in Khan Yunis have been killed; that is 20-30% Hamas terrorists killed and 48-60% wounded. The IDF has struck 3,320 targets and 400 tunnel shafts in Khan Yunis, 150 of which have been destroyed. Among other findings, is a major rocket-making factory and the offices of senior Hamas officials, including Sinwar.
A Word to the European Parliament:
Member of Knesset Boaz Bizmuth had prepared a speech to the European Parliament but instead spoke his mind.
Oded Rahav, a man of peace, speaks out “Humanity is at a crossroads”
NOTE: You can use each of these articles in your prayer warfare.
Here are some of your notes to me:
“Shalom. How grieved you and your nation must be. We stand with you in this struggle to understand life. We are shocked to see these lovely young men and women cut down in their prime. I am leading the church prayers on Sunday. The Lord Jesus said to pray for two countries in war; Israel and Ukraine. You have given me help to pray. Terry (her husband) said, ‘when are you coming here?’ He doesn’t forget the fun we had with you both. Lots of love and blessings in Messiah.”
C.T. England.
“I am really glad to hear how the Rawlings family have teamed up to come to Israel’s assistance during this mind-boggling time we are living in now. Well done!!
I know you listen to the Holy Spirit and He will bring healing and peace in this trouble we are going through. The eye of the storm is the best place to be.’”
H. F. Russia.
“It is so sad what is happening in Israel. I am so sorry. I pray for protection and wisdom. Fortunately our Lord knows everything and his plan is the best plan for your country. All the same we are praying.” M. S. Switzerland.
God Shows Up
I believe this story was told in a Toronto synagogue.
That’s it for this week friends. Do your best for the LORD who never slumbers nor sleeps and keeps watch over us all. Share your thoughts and prayers. They are welcome.
But Zebulon was a people who risked their lives to the point of death.”
Judges 5:4,18.
“How the mighty have fallen!” 2 Samuel 1:25
It is a time of utter sadness in Israel. In one day this week, we lost 24 soldiers in Gaza. I quote David as he begins his lament over the death of Jonathan and his enemy Saul. The photo above shows the faces of 21 of our sons who fell together this week. The entire nation mourns as the war grinds on. The desperate plight of the hostages has everyone’s attention as well. IDF surveillance has been unable to find them. Many of their family members stand at the Gaza border fence, crying out over loudspeakers; calling them by name over loudspeakers, assuring them they are NOT forgotten!
At times like these, we lean into the LORD. He has given us many names by which to perceive His character and purposes in the earth. I especially love,EL-ELOHE. It rolls off one’s tongue and means, God, the mighty God of Israel. It is especially important to speak it forth when addressing Him in these days of war. Another name I love is YESHUA or Salvation. We who believe in the Messiah understand Him as our personal Salvation.
“The LORD is my strength and my song. And he has become my Salvation; This is my God and I will exalt Him.”Exodus 15:2
Your messages: I love hearing from YOU: The following came in.
“Far be it from You to strike the righteous with the wicked … shall not the judge of all the earth do right?” Exodus 18:25 M. England
“We still pray every Thursday from 2:00 to 3:00 pm for Israel at the prayer centre in our church. I have had such a burden for the hostages because they think they have been forgotten. I know their captives tell them this. We have been praying God would send them dreams, visions and encouragement by His Holy Spirit. We pray; ‘wisdom, discernment protection and courage for the IDF as well as the ruling government.” N. Canada
And this: “Maybe I’m mistaken but haven’t the Palestinians made the claim that the Jewish people never lived in the land of Israel? Correct me if I’m wrong.” W. USA
I appreciate your questions and wish more of my readers would be as brave. Yes, unfortunately, the vast majority of Palestinians claim this. If you want good historical information go to Prager University. They have produced 5,000 historical clips each 5 minutes long. Meridel
“Then the righteous will answer him, “LORD, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me.’”
Matthew 25: 38, 39, 40.
Quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King:
“I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world… as a marvellous example of what can be done… how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality. I solemnly pledge to do my utmost to uphold the fair name of the Jews.”
I Meridel, want to thank every one of you who has prayed for Israel and also have encouraged and stood with the Rawlings Family for over 55 amazing years now. We bless you as you are brought to our remembrance. Very soon now, Miracles Among the Nations will be ready for you to order on Amazon. It is a saga that covers the years of our lives from 1969 to 1976. We travel to every continent with our small children and walk through the open doors given to us. It closes as we leave Europe for our home in Israel. Jay has a 3rd volume to follow this, Israel Our Odyssey. Stay Tuned. Our sons are talking about making it into a film script or TV series. Who knows where it will all end?”
Will you thank the LORD with us for the encouraging and most treasured gift of faith and hope! We are empowered to reach out in new ways to help and lift up many lives.
Every single day let’s make space to contemplate or better yet desire to just ‘be’ present with the LORD in loving communion, listening for HIS thoughts! I read the Word first, this way I am lighting a candle which ignites His Presence within. This does not just happen, especially when we live active lives. Settle down and your intellect will draw your will into the LORD. Choose to draw closer to the Source of love. He is our strength and inspiration. With blessings from our home to you and yours.
“The most important aspect of faith is hearing the voice of God.”Mother Theresa
One of the greatest things each of us possess is our testimony. In this week’s letter, you will meet many living witnesses of October 7th in Israel. They cannot cease from praying and believing for victory to emerge from this madness of Israel fighting Hamas. The agony of war has turned a switch inside of Israel, causing the people, as a whole to lay down their lives for one another in amazing ways. This unfolding truth was reinforced deep within when I came to this startling realization. This painful birthing process going on in the very heart of Israel is what I wept and agonized over from April to August just months before the war. I thought at the time, I was just heartbroken because of the fractured relationships on every level in the nation. No. Abba was preparing to birth a people for HIMSELF! Warfare is being waged in prayer and a brutal gorilla war on the ground. May we all be found faithful and receptive, listening, watching and praying.
“Can you discover the depths of God?
Can you discover the limits of the Almighty?
They are high as the heavens, what can you do?
Deeper than Sheol, what can you know?
We speak, God’s wisdom in a mystery, the hidden wisdom …
Which God predestined before the ages to our glory.
To make plain the plan of the mystery,
hidden in the mind of God throughout the ages.
[the unity of Jews and Christians as one].”
Job 11: 7,8, 1 Corinthians 2:7, Ephesians 3:9.
“When I gather the house of Israel from the nations
and I manifest my Holiness in them in the sight of the nations,
then they will live in their own land which I gave to My servant Jacob.
They will live in it securely; and they will build houses,
plant vineyards an live securely when I execute judgment
on all those around them who despise them.
Then they will know that I am the LORD their God.”
Ezekiel 29: 25,26.
“Israel was not created in order to disappear. Israel will endure and flourish.
It is the child of hope and the home of the brave.
It can neither be broken by adversity nor demoralized by success.
It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom.”
President John Kennedy
My dear friends, yes, every family member in Israel, no matter what age is weary with this terrible war. From the survivors of Oct 7th with no hope of returning to their ruined homes and 90,000 refugees from the Northern border, and the hostages it is a crucial moment. I haven’t mentioned the sorrowing widows, parents and children for the fallen, so please do not give up reading God’s promises back to Him, and standing in the gap for Israel, a despised people by the world. See the scripture above; “all those who despise them”. This conflict is more important and far-reaching than any of us could possibly imagine.
Grim Facts:
To date: 194 soldiers have fallen.
Fighting continues all across Gaza.
9,000 Hamas fighters silenced, 5,000 remain, and all Hamas commanders have fled.
136 hostages remain in Gaza and there is no proof of life.
Soldiers have found Chinese and North Korean weapons on the Egyptian/Gaza border. Now, Israel will work to stop the munitions trade over the Southern border. The Rafa Crossing is also called the Philadelphia Corridor, a 9-mile area filled for decades with stockpiles of weapons. Egypt battles Muslim Brotherhood who smuggle weapons into Gaza and are also a threat to Egypt. The city of Rafa is split between Israel and Gaza. It is a highly populated area with dense populations of refugees who have fled the Northern strip.
*Note: Did you watch the film, Esau and the Palestinians? One person responded. I welcome your questions. Truth is tough to take. We have never been against these people. We are against Evil. The film expertly explains in light of the Bible, that there is a tragic dark spirit they are born under that is perpetuated. Jesus can change that. Pray.
The meaning of the name Kibbutz Nir Oz is: magnificent meadow; or a mighty ploughed field. It was once home to 400. It and other kibbutzim on the Southern border were founded by the Aliyah from South America. Soon after the founding of the State of Israel in 1948. Young people from Jewish youth groups came to Israel with the sole intention of building agricultural communities which is the central ethos of Kibbutz life. It is their descendants, their children and grandchildren who were slaughtered like lambs, when on Oct 7th thousands of Hamas operatives attacked in full force. Approximately 3,000 descended by land, sea and air, assaulting and destroying all in their path. 1,200 Israelis were killed, raped and mutilated. What is left of this area has to be levelled to the ground. On October 7th, from this kibbutz, 1 in 4 were killed; 1 in 17 taken hostage.
Jimmy Miller:“One of the baby bottles of baby Kifir Bibas was found. He was stolen at 9 months with his brother and Mother. Weeks ago, Hamas announced to the world, these boys were killed by Israeli bombs? I, Meridel, dreamt 2 months ago that their hair was dyed black, and a big Palestinian woman took them south to hide them.”
Note: Happy birthday to little Kfir Bibas who was one on his 100th day of captivity. Ariel, Shiri and Yarden Bibas were kidnapped from Kibbutz Nir Oz. There is not one person with a heart who did not cry at the sight of Shiri’s agonized face grasping those two little “Gingies”. The real world has begged for their release, but either their captivity is considered too good a hostage or, God forbid, they are no longer alive. I know your hearts are breaking too. The baby has spent 1/4 of his life in captivity. *Press on the above picture and it will come up on Youtube.
Sharon Aloni:“My daughter and I were taken hostage for 52 days, my husband is still a hostage. Every day Hamas told us,‘You have been forgotten’”
Mor Belasen. “At 6:30 on a Sat morning our whole life changed with nothing we can do about it. Nothing will ever be the same again. My brother Johnny texted and said stay inside. Another friend wrote to say they have been badly shot. We have not heard from them since. They were injured and maybe dying in a safe room 50 meters away and we could do nothing. We were locked in until 4 p.m. The soldiers came around 4:30 and we walked to a big shelter the kibbutz had and counted survivors.”
Amit Tov Vahaba: “I feel we are still living in Oct 7th, we are never going to sit again on the same balcony, sharing our coffee. Today, we sense the overwhelming absence of life. That day we ran to the safe room with our kids. Terrorists came in and out of the house, screaming with happiness. They stayed in my house, all the time, I was locked in the safe room with my family. My dog was trying to bark. I had to hold his mouth shut. The terrorists shot at the door of the bomb shelter. Later, we could hear them spilling gas, they bombed the house and then set it on fire. We were breathing in the smoke. We couldn’t even see each other. I told my husband, I am going to suffocate, I would rather be shot. I opened the window, and heard the gun shots of a crazy war, we decided to stayinside.”
Amit Tov: “… so many of our families are not whole. Israel is doing all they can, but the world needs to do more. Wives need their husbands and old folks need to end their lives here, they came and believed the Zionist vision and they end up hostages in Gaza?
I can imagine I could ever come back here, I would be unable to sleep at night. I don’t know many people from Nir Oz who will return. It’s not because we are scared, but we have been violated in so many ways for 40 years and so many are no longer alive.”
* Note: The villages and kibbutzim both in the south and north are still under daily rocket fire, by Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
Rabbi Doron:“My son, an IDF soldier was taken hostage. We feel the love and embrace of Israelis and people all around the world. We have no idea what condition he is in, so we need this support. Israel cannot leave Gaza until everyone comes home. It’s only on going pressure on Hamas that will bring our families home. Please pray for Daniel ben Shalom Sharon Doron to be returned asap.”
Thomas Hand: Watch the interview with a father whose 12-year-old daughter was taken hostage. She could only whisper upon her return to Israel. She strokes her Daddy’s cheek when be becomes emotional.
Sgt Maya – Sky Ryder Unit: “We were 30 girls, when the terrorists saw us approaching Nir Oz we shot back, throwing grenades. They killed my commander, we kept shooting, and ran to a room and locked ourselves in. I realized my head, chest and leg were bleeding. We stayed locked in for 7 hours. We heard Hamas shooting, yelling, celebrating, so happy. We were still in our pyjamas and had only 3 bullets left, so we just waited, We all knew something was insane. When I was recovering I wanted to return to my team, my people on the front lines. I am glad for the girls we did save but I wish we could do more and now it’s our time to do more.”
Colonel Markovitch: “Yes, it is a tragedy. We salute you and your team for your bravery and courage. You saved lives on Oct 7th. Maya you are a woman, a combat soldier who fought against the dark obscurity of Hamas. It shows one thing, we must fight. We must continue to fight. You are an example of resilience, strength and inspiration. All soldiers have a strong spirit. Ben Gurion said a long time ago; ‘We have planes, but the difference is the pilot in the cock pit of the plane,’ Maya is that example. Our IDF men and women are the back bone of Israel, the real Iron Dome … I see them as the eyes of the future. Unfortunately the war is not over.”
Sr. i24 news correspondent, Jonathan Regev:“ Khan Unis, is 2 kilometer from this kibbutz. The terrorists telephoned Gazan civilians: ‘the fence is open, come in and steal.’
It was a very big failure on Israel’s part. We need to ask how this happened? These people deserve an answer. We were told for years and years this could not happen. The fence was breached and no army was here. Where was the army? So people were stuck down. Israel needs an answer to know this never happens again. An unwritten pact here in Israel is that the IDF is here for the people. Israelis give everything to their nation. But, the army was NOT here for them. Israeli citizens give and give … this social contract was shattered. The government was very quiet after this tragedy. Then three full weeks later, still there was no official statement to mark the beginning of Israel’s military engagement.
There are still plenty of tunnels from which Hamas operates. In the North, Hamas now operates without commanders for they are dead or have fled. There are no short cuts in fighting terror. It is the Israeli people who have stopped this Evil from getting further into Israel. The broken trust between the citizens and the state is something that is going to is difficult to rebuild. It may take generations. They were promised that someone would always be there and NO ONE was there. It will take years and years for this land to recover if ever. It was never an easy place to live but such a thing had never happened.”
Medical Extortion: Essential medication has been delivered to Qatar who delivered it to the Red Cross who delivered it to Hamas who hopefully delivered to the surviving hostages? They have been without any medication for over three months. Hamas demanded that any and all medication intended for the hostages be multiplied by one thousand, yes one thousand. In other words, the medicine for colitis, asthma, heart disease and high blood pressure is multiplied by one thousand. The international community complied? Still, we have no idea who is dead and who is alive; where our people are and what their medical condition is or whether they will ever come home?
Parasha ha Shuvah:
I am sure that you are familiar with the custom of Jews globally reading the exact same weekly Bible portion. This week the Torah portion is Exodus 10 (Bo). We read about the last of the 10 plagues God brought upon the Egyptians. Our son Chris noted that during Moses last encounter with Pharaoh, he asked Moses to bless him . The prophetic portion is in Jeremiah. It reveals God’s promise to save us from our enemies.
* It’s time to pray, to help and not faint. Please consider what you have read, will you pray for the Israelis home by home; grandparents, fathers, mothers, children, soldiers, leadership. Father have mercy, thank you for your promises over this persecuted land.
War in the International Criminal Court:
South Africa, of all nations, was obviously bribed to accuse Israel of genocide and take Israel to this court. Just remember, from antiquity laws were created to destroy Israel. There was Pharaoh, Esther, Herod, the Romans, Hitler and again today we have Hamas supported by radical Muslim nations. History repeats itself. For years Iran has called for the annihilation of Israel. “From the river to the sea …” is the rallying cry for genocide by Yemen, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon and Gaza along with ignorant rioters all across the globe. This refers to the total genocide of Israel. Truth has been turned upside down.
Here is a note from my friend who translated my SMV into German. She works as much as is possible with her demanding time restraints. She writes:
“Here is the new translation of your letter. As always, I am very impressed by the content. Yes, it is an urgent time to pray. We are in dangerous and challenging times. Who knows where it will all lead?” M.S. Switzerland.
Shabbat Shalom from the Rawlings family. We are currently working with Chris who is giving us some weeks from Finland. He has stood with me in the creation of the Still Small Voice from the beginning. He made my website: and helped edit my books and get them printed. Now he is working with his brother Josh, and doing a final edit on Miracles Among the Nations, with his Dad. It will soon be available.
Our eldest sons David and Chris have resurrected Israel Vision TV for their generation. Kindly encourage them in their quest to produce films and stories about people making a difference in Israel.
Please support the work of Israel Vision TV at the GoFundMe website that my son Chris has set up. Click the image below to view the video and support the work on GoFundMe. Thank you!
Esau and the Palestinians: Yes, we are all living through perplexing days. It is always time to pray. This week I want to share with you the documentary entitled: Esau and the Palestinians. It gave me new insights into the 4,000 year old roots of this present raging war in Gaza, which is reverberating among the nations. The noise is deafening. We know, The Eternal One will always have a people Israel, this we know. I guess what troubles me is the willful ignorance globally. It aims at destroying Israel.
Disclaimer: In the film we are presented with the producers interpretation of how Israel will be protected from the antiChrist and the Second Coming.
The International Criminal Court:
South Africa has taken Israel to the ICC with accusations of genocide. Former head of the Supreme Court will stand in Israel’s defence. Pray for truth to prevail. Israel a moral army and has taken precautions to save civilian life. Yes, the loss of any innocent soul is a tragedy. Yes, we expect ugly accusations ignoring Israel’s very careful execution of military strategy. They have extensive proof in film footage of Hamas’ military use of hospitals, health clinics, schools, kindergartens, Islamic Mosques, Gazan homes plus UNRWA (The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees) facilities in which to stage strategic warfare against Israel, build weapons factories, and weapons depots. We pray for heavenly armies to confuse the enemy. May the final be by Divine intervention.
“The gates of your land are opened wide to your enemies; fire consumes the bars across your gates. Draw water for a siege! Your shepherds are asleep.”
Nahum 3:13b,14a,18a.
Jerusalem Post Jan 9th 2024 by Allgemeiner
“Angry anti-Israel protesters in New York City took to the streets of lower Manhattan, where they blocked access to drivers on four bridges. This led to hundreds of arrests and a miserable commute for thousands. They blocked traffic on the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge, Williamsburg Bridge, and Holland Tunnel for over two hours Monday morning. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) said 325 people were arrested, with many facing misdemeanor charges.”
“First the Saturday people and then the Sunday people!” This phrase was and is a favorite of radical Muslims wanting to rid the world of Jews and Christians.
Canada’s National Post:
“Since at least New Year’s Eve, the Toronto police have assisted in overseeing daily closures of the bridge (Avenue Road), reportedly to preserve the safety of “demonstrators” and “counter-demonstrators. Men clad in keffiyehs have led Muslim prayer services right in the middle of roads approaching the bridge. Crowds carrying Palestinian flags and placards comparing Zionism to Naziism have blockaded streets and intersections surrounding the overpass. Demonstrators have set off red and green smoke bombs and kept up a steady stream of honking and bullhorn-amplified chants of “free, free Palestine.”
“Due to public safety concerns, the Avenue Road Bridge will be closed,” read the Toronto Police’s most recent update, issued early morning Jan 10th 2024.”
I saw the film footage. The police just stood around watching … doing nothing?
A Canadian volunteering in Israel speaks:
“I volunteered for 3 months and help serve hungry soldiers. These guys are the best of the best, every day may be their last. I love them and am so proud to stand with them. You must understand in this fight, these brave men and women of the IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) stand between us and Hamas! We Canadians just don’t get how serious this war is. The stakes are higher than most people in North America image or care to know. These soldiers are fighting not only for Israel, but for us in America and Canada. They’re the last line of defence before the terrorists come for us. The Palestinian Authority says once they liquidate the Jews, they’re coming for the Christians and by that they mean North America. They want to set up a world wide Muslim caliphate … and they mean business!
The hardline Hamas terrorists want to die for the cause. Martyrdom is the only guarantee of eternal life with Allah. Hamas is a Hebrew word that appears 60 times in the Old Testament. The word is Semitic in origin even though the terrorists mistranslate it to mean Resistance Movement. The original meaning of Hamas is found in Hebrew and means violence, destruction and false witness. War is a way of life here that I have experienced 24 hours a day since my arrival. It changes your world view and causes you to rethink your reason for being here at such a time as this. It also causes you to think where you would spend eternity if today was your last day on earth, as it unfortunately will be not only for some IDF soldier, but also for the terrorists in the tunnels beneath Gaza and civilians. We in the West get caught up with ’the stuff’. Most of us do; but to die with the all the toys means nothing if we haven’t left behind more than we’ve taken. To put it another way, ….we have no idea how well off we are in the free world.
‘The Jews are liberated, but we are not free’ is a line I read the other day visiting Yad Vashem, the National Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem. Yad Vashem literally means ‘a memorial and a name. In the Hall of Names, every Jewish victim of the Holocaust in Europe is being added and recorded as they are still being identified. The museum itself is massive and as you walk through it builds the story from 1933-1945. To see it is to live through it and it breaks your heart. I stood beneath that dome filled with photographs of holocaust victims. It makes you cry.
I truly hope you understand. Israel does not want you to ask for a ceasefire. A ceasefire will only give the enemy time to reload.
I leave you with a question in closing. ‘Why is it that Israel is the only nation in the world that has to defend itself for defending itself?’” Lorne
I hope this has brought you new understanding of the roots of this hatred between these two brothers. Send me your comments. Thank you to those who write. Its
Great to hear your news too. Thank you for the encouragement I so many ways.
Every blessing,
Meridel Rawlings
“The most important thing is to hear God’s voice.” Mother Theresa
But it is a blessed time in God’s time clock. The Still Small Voice whispered into my heart: 2024 is a year of OPEN DOORS! I thank my Heavenly Father for His Presence!
“Weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning.” Ps. 30:5
I love to watch the sunrise every morning, as the black of night gives way to the light.
“All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you pay attention to the voice of the LORD your God.”Deuteronomy 28:2
“Israelis have been overwhelmed by the incredible people of every faith who have come to volunteer, console, support or just show up. It has been so heartwarming to receive friends from as far afield as Australia, New Zealand and the USA or as Turkey, the UK and Europe. This expression of love by people of all ages has had a profound effect on all of us, an effect that often counteracts the demonstrations of hate. Thank you.” Sheila Raviv
It’s lovely that the holidays bring us news from family and friends far and wide:
“Your Christmas Message with the Gethsemane picture contains such a deep exegesis. You ended with: “What shall I give HIM this holy season? Will it be my heart? [Micah 5:2]. This is a good motto for us in 2024!” W and I.
The USA:
“I sent the Man of the Year article about Israeli soldiers (see SMV Dec.31st 2023) to all of our pastors and much of my family. Of course, I have been praying and watching – limited media here in America – I know so much is incorrect. The testimonies of the hostages have been appearing. I am asking God: “Open the doors and give them eyes to see, open the eyes of the IDF to see what they are not seeing.” I am so happy you ‘came back’ (from death) and also for where God has placed you both. Lancaster Pa. Pastor Abby King.
What’s New in the USA?
“America’s ‘Gen Z’ does not like Israel! They do not know history. These numbers one day may put Israel in danger in the decade ahead. Israel is a country and culture of people who celebrate LIFE not DEATH. In this current battle, the truly oppressed ones are the Israeli people, surrounded by seas (nations) of hostility.” US Actor and comedian Bret Gilman
“Beware of a marriage between the religious and political spirit.”
Cindy Jacobs prophesied that a year ago at this time. This is exactly what our last elections brought when Likud and Shas, (two right-wing parties) came to power. Question: One of the first laws the new Knesset changed was to permit ministers with police records and past convictions to hold ministerial positions. Are Israelis paying a price for this today, now in the midst of this terrible urban guerrilla war? This week, the Israeli government sat with the heads of the military-IDF. The meeting ended when dissension by government members caused an impasse. Meanwhile, Israel is waging this war on 6 fronts with Iran, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, the Palestinian Authority and the Houthis. As you have read above, there is no peace in the heart of Jerusalem.
We have 200,000 homeless, in hotels with no possibility of returning to their bombed and shattered homes in both the South and North. At this point, the survivors are left to fall between the cracks. Every Israeli is stretched to the breaking point. There are 136 living hostages in Gaza, 23 have been murdered. Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome stalks every Israeli and Palestinian. The harsh realities of this awful war are everywhere. I see it as a perfect opportunity for the LORD to come on the scene. Pray for it. This 60 Minutes: interview with Yarden Roman-Gat:
My letter to the secretary of our Synagogue Bible Study Group:
“We watch the tragic consequences of neglect by those who should have been the first to
understand the power of this disease … of ‘unexplainable hatred’ which exploded during the First Intifada in the 1980’s. It is … exhausting. I cannot imagine what you are all experiencing and yes we have family in Israel. Everyone knows someone affected by Oct 7th with its deaths and hostages, along with men on the front lines
Our youngest son Daniel, now 37, father of two little boys, reminded us recently; “At the age of 12, I remember Dad and David editing footage of Palestinian summer camps for kids. (Palestinian Media Watch) I was as chilled by the hard facts, then, as I am now. Everyone swallowed the Peace lie around the ‘peaceful’ Oslo Accords, I, watched the newscasts on TV and cried when Israel armed the PA army.
For years, we documented the madness on many levels in the PA, starting with the Mufti. He clearly emphasised, “There is no historical proof that Jews ever lived here?” That is called willful blindness. Israel Vision’s programs went global. I wonder who took it seriously? We could sense what was coming. Where will it all end? How desperately sad for every Grandparent, parent, child and grandchild in Israel and the Jewish Community in the Diaspora.” Meridel Rawlings
Jesus taught“… What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight;
what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops.
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body
but cannot kill the soul. Instead, be afraid of the
One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
Matthew 10: 27,28
The WAR in Canada. Bill C-4: See the explanation of Bill C-4 in this video.
Sunday, January 14th is the Third Annual Sexuality Sunday. Action for Canada
Is your church too spiritual to address this topic? Beware! Christian counsellors could land in prison for up to 5 years. If caught teaching sexuality to your children in light of Biblical truth, in your home, you could also end up in prison. This is the law under the present Criminal Code of Canada.
My life’s work is in this field. I know: that sexual malpractice can destroy one’s soul.
Over decades I was taken into the broken lives of men, women, boys, girls, and the lgbtq community. I saw many leave their brokenness behind to enjoy lives renovated by the mercy of our Saviour. Very few Church doors were welcoming. Only brave individuals who knew the power of Redeeming love opened their homes, or rented halls and ballrooms where I could teach and work. My advice:“Bend low, the sword of the Lord is coming in judgment. Stop lying, be honest! To survive, honour God! Do you understand that mankind has now passed over a Divine timeline!”
Greetings from “Change Action Nepal”:
“We see epidemics, natural disasters, political instability, discrimination and violence against women. The economic crisis makes the situation for children worse. We hold firmly to the HOPE brought into this world by a child and woman. A child who taught us to pray in the secret place to our Father who is unseen, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on each as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10. Sent by our adopted daughter India Ghale.
I, am adding this verse to the above greeting from Nepal.
“Then Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother, “this child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken again, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed …” Luke 2:34.
The film we produced is on Israel Vision YouTube channel:
Books: Honor Thy Father??? and Stain Remover, by Dr. Meridel Rawlings. Amazon
Let us all continue in prayer:
I am asking you to PRAY for Israel in the command form. This harassed nation is being trapped inside and out. As you know, there is a great global offence against Israel. The word Jew and Israel, elicits global antisemitism and abuse.
Remember:Only those who love us truly define us.
Do you know what Gabriel is referring to in the writing of truth? Daniel 10:21
Check it out. This is how you pray for Israel.
Every blessing to you and your generations in 2024.
They go to war knowing that the lives of their friends and families depend on them.
I read the following article and said to myself, I have to share this with my friends. It touched me so deeply because it explains why we Israelis have the power to stand up and be counted! Thank you for having been there for us for over 50 years.
In a year when the civilized world is stuck in a state of retreat, he is fighting back.
Under Biden’s leadership, America has been invaded by hordes of millions of migrants, and Europe continues to stagger under an endless wave of migration from the Muslim world. That’s why American and European cities are being torn apart by rioting mobs supporting Hamas.
But after Israel was invaded on Oct 7, it fought back. The men on the front lines are not the politicians or the generals, they’re among the 360,000 reservists activated in a nation with a Jewish population of 7 million who left behind their homes, families and jobs to go and fight.
The Israeli military was unprepared for both Oct 7 and a call-up of this size. The soldiers were fed, clothed, and equipped by the people. While the media reports on the fighting, the truly incredible unreported story is how civilian volunteers have become the supply and support (the ‘tooth-to-tail’) of the Israel Defense Forces or the IDF.
In a small country, volunteers have been bringing food every day, they have provided clothes, shipped in body armour and even showed up with washing machines on pickup trucks to do the laundry. Some civilian volunteers have been wounded and even killed while delivering food. Israeli housewives have formed the Baking Battalion to make cookies, a cooking school that produces meals for the troops and restaurants operate free food trucks. Others have stepped in to harvest crops and run the shops of the reservists who have been called up to serve in Gaza.
When the government and the leaders failed, the ordinary Israelis stepped up.
Some armies call themselves the “people’s army”: IDF soldiers really are. They’ve gone into Gaza knowing that the country stands behind them, not as an ideal, but as an everyday reality. Israel is a small country and everyone knows someone who died, came under attack, is among the 200,000 who left their homes to be out of range of the terrorist attacks, or in the ranks of those who are fighting or who have already fallen in defence of their nation.
Israel today reminds me of New York City after September 11 where for a brief shining moment everyone except the worst leftists pulled together against a common enemy. That spirit may well pass in Israel as it did in America, but while it lasts, it is something to admire and emulate.
Islamist mobs rampage around Manhattan and our elites celebrate Hamas, but the Israelis woke up after one terrible day and decided that they wouldn’t take it anymore. They rejected the dogma that fighting doesn’t work and they went to war. And far more than their own country is riding on the outcome. Nation after nation has surrendered to the Jihad, appeased it, and accepted the lie that Islamic terrorists can’t be defeated and fighting back only radicalizes them.
America accepted Islamic terrorism as the new normal, and now we’ve accepted Muslim mobs smashing up our cities as the new normal. What new horror will we accept next?
The Israeli soldier is in the field fighting against this corrosive mainstreaming of evil. He is at war not only with the reality of Islamic terror but the idea that we are defenceless against it. That is why we all have a stake in what happens thousands of miles away. Gaza is not a territory: it’s a state of mind. There are Gazas in the ‘no-go zones’ of England and France, forming in Michigan and emerging in New York City. It is not a question of whether our war will come, but when.
For now we can still pretend that a 7th century madman’s book doesn’t affect us.
American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq all too often had to ask why they were there, no Israeli soldier in Gaza ever has to ask that question. Such questions end when the war comes home.
We’ve become used to wars that are abstractions, and geopolitical policy decisions to change a regime or protect the international order, but that’s not what wars are like in Israel.
It’s a one-hour drive from the hyper dense Tel Aviv metropolitan area to Kibbutz Be’eri where Islamic terrorists carried out some of the worst atrocities on Oct 7. The thousands of Jihadis, some on pickup trucks with mounted machine guns, had orders to keep going until they reached Tel Aviv. They didn’t get that far, but they did make it to Sderot, a town of 27,000 and they attacked Yad Mordechai just down the road from the city of Ashkelon.
It’s a six-hour trip along Israel. On the narrowest points, it’s walkable. In wartime, there is no ‘over there’ in Israel, it’s all ‘over here’. IDF soldiers are not fighting for international order or to nation build anything: they’re traveling hours to the north to protect their homes.
The Biden administration, the international community and the rest of the foreign policy ‘blob’ are obsessed with nation building in Gaza. They keep demanding a ‘day after’ plan from Israel. Conspiracy theorists claim that the lack of a ‘day after’ plan proves that Israel intends to expel all the Arab Muslim settlers from Gaza. The truth is that Israel doesn’t care about the same nation building nonsense that failed in every single Muslim country it’s been tried in 30 years.
When the madman across the street just butchered your family, you don’t plan out a rehab program or discuss his prison sentence while exchanging fire with him. That sort of madness is reserved for international foreign policy experts with no clue or skin in the game. The same goes for the obsession with “proportionate responses” or “winning the hearts and minds” of Hamas.
Instead of the nonsense that wasted so many of our lives, Israel is focused on winning the war.
Buried in the CNN and MSNBC reports, which are virtually indistinguishable from Al Jazeera’s Hamas propaganda barrage of bombing videos, is the fact that Israeli soldiers accomplished what the Biden administration’s military experts believed was impossible in record time.
Secretary of Defense Austin had urged Israelis to use his fight against ISIS in the Iraqi city of Mosul as a model. The fighting in Mosul took 9 months and led to over 1,000 casualties among the anti-ISIS coalition. Two weeks after the beginning of ground operations, Israel was in the heart of Gaza City. Now, IDF leaders say they’re close to having operational control over the north.
As of now, 164 IDF soldiers have fallen in the fighting against over 8,000 Hamas terrorists. Those approximate, but improve on, the casualty rates of American forces fighting against ISIS (then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq) and Iranian militias during the peak of the 2007 ‘Surge’. But the Israelis don’t have any Muslim allied forces fighting alongside them in urban battles.
Oct 7 heavily damaged the myth of the IDF, but the myth was always based on a misconception of what the Israel Defense Forces are. The IDF has its origins in groups of volunteer guards who were trained by Major General Orde Wingate, a devout Christian Zionist highly unpopular within the British military, in the unconventional doctrines that he would apply in WWII. The IDF is excellent at offensive operations, but poor at defensive ones except when individual soldiers launch desperate last stands of the kind that helped turn the tide in a few crucial battles.
The strength of the IDF has never been in its generals, though like the U.S. military, it had some capable old-school celebrity generals, now long gone, but in the character of the average fighting man. Strategy and leadership are crucial, but the IDF was built on the resilience of the ordinary soldier. Nations don’t make peoples and generals don’t make armies: its people who make nations and armies. That’s as true in Israel as it is in America.
Unlike the Islamic Jihadists they are battling, IDF soldiers don’t go to war fueled by meth or promises of 72 virgins, they go knowing that the lives of their friends and families depend on them. The politicians and the generals may fail them, but they do what needs to be done.
In Gaza now, they make beds among the rubble, put in earplugs and try to sleep while bombs and bullets shatter the night, and then, when it is time, they rise and fight. They are not superhuman or infallible: only ordinary men who know what is at stake. But they don’t know everything that is at stake. They see only their homes and the children they said goodbye to.
What they don’t see is a thousand year Jihad, the rafts bringing invaders to Europe and planes carrying them to America. They see only their small corner of the sky and earth to protect, but they are fighting a small battle that will shape the outcome of the greater civilizational war.
That is why the IDF soldier is Front Page Magazine’s ‘Man of the Year’. In a year of defeatism, he is still fighting. Even though all the experts say he should stop, he does not give up.
Those of us who see the big picture are often prone to despair, but the Israelis never look at big pictures. Israelis, unlike American Jews, have little interest in the big questions because, also unlike American Jews, they are religious in a mostly matter-of-fact way. When they look in the mirror, they don’t see insecurity, they see a fallible human being and when they look at the sky, they don’t see existential questions, they see G-d. That is why they have hope, not woke.
These are important because they not only encourage us to hope but tell us how.
The IDF soldier is the reflection of a nation that has learned to live in the face of impossible threats by focusing on what needs to be done today. That lack of vision is a weakness but also a strength. We too can turn from worrying about tomorrow and ask what we can do today.
The ordinary Israeli is in the field, or making cookies, washing khaki clothes and harvesting crops. He does not think about the unlikelihood that a nation of millions can survive the hatred of over a billion fanatics who believe that their only path to paradise is through genocide. He or she does what needs to be done, without despair or rage, but with the inner strength of purpose.
Israel is a nation at war with our enemies. The Islamists and leftists, the professional racists and deranged woke armies march through the streets of our cities calling for Israel’s destruction. It is not only a physical war, but a spiritual war, a cultural war and a moral war. It is a war that encompasses all of us, our homes, our families and our futures, but at the moment only one group of men is fighting that war, not just with words or elections, but with bullets.
Their fight gives us hope. Their fight shows us how to fight. Their fight shows us the future.
This article lays out WHY such a life and death struggle!
Silent Horror Unveiled: Inside the Grueling Mission of ZAKA Volunteers Collecting Remains After Hamas Massacre
Each day brings with it a fresh understanding of what happened on Oct 7th in South Israel along the Gaza border. What remains is a SILENT HORROR. Why do I trouble you? We are fighting for survival and we are beseeching you to pray for JUSTICE to come out of this massacre. Thank you.