Still Small Voice – Sivan 27th 5783, June 16th 2023.
Dear Friends: “The secret [the wise counsel] of the LORD is with them that fear Him: and He will let them know His covenant. But there is a God in heaven that reveals secrets … Yet these are just parts [fringes] of His ways. The faintest whisper of His voice!” Psalm 25:14a, Daniel 2:28a I hunger to hear His voice, and it is usually during the night that I receive my instructions… even directions for loved ones. I must deliver the information in a very gentle manner, as no one likes ‘to be told what to do’. But the Still Small voice is directive, and always right on time, so faithful, positive and ‘can do’. His track record is PERFECT. This is His gift to me, and I we are made rich in Him! The week dashed by, in a blur because of the incessant activity required of us just now. We are in the process of moving out of our home of 30 years. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers at this …