All posts filed under: Newsletters

Still Small Voice – Sivan 27th 5783, June 16th 2023.

Dear Friends: “The secret [the wise counsel] of the LORD is with them that fear Him: and He will let them know His covenant. But there is a God in heaven that reveals secrets … Yet these are just parts [fringes] of His ways. The faintest whisper of His voice!” Psalm 25:14a, Daniel 2:28a I hunger to hear His voice, and it is usually during the night that I receive my instructions… even directions for loved ones. I must deliver the information in a very gentle manner, as no one likes ‘to be told what to do’. But the Still Small voice is directive, and always right on time, so faithful, positive and ‘can do’. His track record is PERFECT. This is His gift to me, and I we are made rich in Him! The week dashed by, in a blur because of the incessant activity required of us just now. We are in the process of moving out of our home of 30 years. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers at this …

Still Small Voice – Sivan 20th 5783,  June 9th 2023

Dear Friends: “Then the angel said to me,‘Write: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the lamb… I am a fellow servant with your brothers and sisters who have and hold the testimony of Jesus. Worship God [alone]. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy [His life and teachings are the heart of prophecy].” Rev.19:9a,10,b. Amplified The Everlasting Kingdom: Is there anything on earth that compares to the love of brothers and sisters in Jesus? The flow of acceptance and joy in the ‘other’ brings strength. And so it was this week here in Israel. This week, we were invited to a beautiful resort, Yad ha Shmoneh created (out of a garbage dump) on the Hills of Benjamin just 5 minutes from our home. (One of our sons enjoyed his Hebrew wedding here a year ago.) Rabbi Jonothan Bernis of Jewish Voice Broadcasts threw a party for many of the Messianic leaders of Israel. What a joy to meet dear old friends and make new ones. The food …

Still Small Voice – 13 Sivan 5783 – June 3rd 2023

Dear Friends: Thank you for your many responses this week. I promise to answer each one. All over Israel at this time, beautiful jacaranda trees are in full dress, covered with their large bunches of purple blooms. We have two of these great shade trees in our garden. See the cover photo. My desire in this edition of Still Small Voice is to bring you into our world for the purpose of prayer corresponding to the Father’s heart for needed change.  “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through, [that is separate you from profane and vulgar things, make you pure and whole and undamaged – consecrated to Him – set apart for His purpose]; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept complete and blameless at the coming of Messiah.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Intense Turmoil: All week, the skies over Jerusalem have been filled with turmoil and the incessant thunderous roar of jets as they soar high overhead out of sight night and day. We are on high …

Still Small Voice / Shavuot – Feast of Pentecost, 5th Sivan 5783. May 25th 2023.

Dear Friends; I love writing the Still Small Voice to you, but alas, I hear almost nothing back. We trust and pray that this letter will be relevant and minister to you at Pentecost. We are celebrating the Feast of Shavuot – Pentecost, which began on the 49th day of the counting of the Omer. What is that, you ask? Well, originally it was the counting of sheaves of wheat as offerings in the temple for the period after Passover up to Shavuot. In Christianity, Pentecost is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. For both religions the 49 days include a time of restraint from celebrating or eating certain foods; in Christianity, it is called lent Shavuot: Today, we shared a Zoom call with Pastor Noel’s congregation in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada. I explained that in Israel everything is “show and tell”.  Now is actually the wheat and barley harvest. Up in Galilee and on the Golan, the harvest as been gathered in. The wheat has been gathered, leaving huge bales of straw strewn …

Still Small Voice – May 22nd, 2023

Dear Friends: These are serious days. After my husband read this letter, he looked up at me and said, “I hear the sound of warning coming from a prophet.” Yes, it’s tough stuff. But if Christians believe, to the Jew first, as Paul taught, then why will this principal of Divine Authority not also visit us? And let’s face it; just look at the times the nations are living through. Are we all getting the message? Father God is looking for His own. Can we still pray, keep a good spirit and look up for our Redemption? “Say, therefore, to the Israelite people: ‘I am God. I will free you from the labors of the Egyptians and deliver you from their bondage. I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and through extraordinary chastisements.’” Exodus 6:6 Hebrew Bible Extraordinary Chastisements: What do you think? Do the 1,500 missiles that hit Israel this past week, ( some fell near our home), qualify as extraordinary chastisement? Is the hatred against Israel fomented in the UN, choosing to …

Still Small Voice – 21st Iyar 5783, May 12th 2023

Dear Friends: It is guaranteed; there is never a dull moment in Israel!  Yesterday, we celebrated the covenant – brit or circumcision of our youngest family member, Gabriel Victor.  Gabriel means ‘Messenger of God’. The angel Gabriel came to the prophet Daniel to show him what must come to pass in the End Days, and appears again to Miriam – Mary announcing the favor upon her to give birth to the coming Messiah. ‘Victor’ is one of the names of Messiah. Daniel and Shelly’s second son is named after his Great Grandfather Victor Alloway, a Canadian soldier who fell fighting in Holland for the liberation of Europe.  Fifty friends joined us here in our garden, on the outskirts of Jerusalem to celebrate and rejoice over the great goodness of the LORD. We gathered just after 12 noon when large menacing booms filled the atmosphere overhead. They were indicative of Israel’s Iron Dome taking out rockets sent from Gaza, falling within just a few kilometres of us. They were aimed at the world-famous Hadassah Hospital. A …

Still Small Voice – Iyar 14, 8573 / May 5th 2023 

Dear Friends, One of my favourite sounds is the wind blowing through our trees, especially the all-stately palms. Their response to this unseen power is immediate. Their swaying makes a sound like no other, demanding my attention. I pause… “The wind blows where it wishes …  so it is with everyone who is born on the Spirit.“  John 3:8 It has been an exceptionally busy week; with many highs and painful lows which have left me feeling spent. Israel is tense and intense, as is the entire earth at this time in history. This week, Israel bombed with beginnings of a nuclear reactor Iran was building in Syria. Great Britain celebrates the Coronation of King Charles 111rd tomorrow. The world will never be the same again. And sadly, we learned about the horrendous camps in Quebec Canada where migrants are put in pup tents. The government hopes, ‘out of sight out of mind’. God bless the investigative reporters who are on the job and will not be silenced. God Bless anyone who dares to see …

Still Small Voice – Iyar 7th 5783 / April 29th 2023

Dear Friends: News flash: Our 10th grandchild has arrived and the house is full of ‘oohing’ and ‘awing’ by friends and family. The wee one is a beautiful 4-kilo boy with a full head of hair; his proud parents are Dan and Shelly, and he is their second son. Your comments are most appreciated and thank you for praying for Israel and her diverse people at this crucial time. “Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.” Romans 12:15 This is another week of tears in Israel; but this time it is followed with great rejoicing.  First, every mother and father in Israel whose children served in the Israel Defence Forces have memories. Our Day of Remembrance for the fallen is a time to listen as families tell the stories of their irreparable losses. 3 of our sons have experienced the military here, and all 3 returned home when some of their buddies did not.  When one falls in Israel, we all feel the loss because we are a family nation, despite what it …

Still Small Voice – Nisan 30th 5783, April 21st 2023

Dear Friends: These are the days of wonder, in which we question and pray. “They who sow in tears shall reap with songs of joy.”  Psalm 125:5 Rabbi Carlebach explained  that Instead of reading this verse as, “They who sow in tears, shall reap with songs of joy,” perhaps it should read it, “They who sow in tears and songs of joy shall reap!” Rabbi Carlebach explained that everything has both tears and joy in it. Sometimes, in order to achieve true joy we need to shed some tears; very real, very holy tears.” Jay writes: “As we are busy here in Israel, we can see the impossibly painful things unfolding without and within, along with the evil intent, confusion disillusion, tears and anxiety. There are few ‘songs of joy’. We are in the throes of birth pangs, or painful cramps, and blood. In the natural when a mother goes into labour, we are assured the baby will soon appear.  Here in Israel, we cry for deliverance, but still it doesn’t come. We can discern …

Still Small Voice – Nisan 24th 5783 / April 16th 2023

Dear Friends; “For the coming of the Son of Man (the Messiah) will be just like the days of Noah … “  Jesus in Matthew 24:37  In Noah’s day, the sons of God (sons of rulers possessed by fallen angels) co-habited with the daughters of men and produced a race of godless giants. (Genesis 6. Amplified Bible.) A godless social order ruled the earth. In short, the natural order of procreation was tampered with, as in today’s reality. We are witnessing ever-increasing numbers who have succumbed to the mental lies and pressure of their true self-identity. This confusion is pushing many to seek the physical mutilation of their bodies through the medical systems. Governments condone and supervise, while parents are silenced. “But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned … I will require his blood from the watchman’s hand.” Ezekiel 33:6 In September and October 2022, I gave warning of the dire future of Canada. I pray to the Almighty that it was …