
Still Small Voice – Tammuz 24th, 5783. July 13th, 2023.

Dear Friends:

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto : for everyone that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened.  The LORD redeems the soul of his servants: and none of them who take refuge in Him will be condemned (desolate).”

Matthew 7:7,8, Psalm 34:22.

In my letter this week we are going to delve into some of the heart wrenching disasters overtaking our nation of Israel and that of Canada. But first, we want to use King David’s pattern of praise to express his love and longing to draw closer to the Almighty by praising HIm. Worship brings me in touch with HIs greatness, and reminds me again and again of the inestimable gift of LIFE.  This morning one of my sons announced, “The Lord God created Time, it is in His hands, it belongs to Him, and His timing is not our but…it is the best. He is never late. Our work is to trust and obey!” Amen.

I wake up calling out to the LORD. I can’t help it. What is life here without Him? For me it would be utterly impossible. Prayer with thanksgiving breaks fear that is stalking our nations at this time in history. Try it you will like it and enjoy reading a portion of the Psalms everyday, along with a portion of both Covenants. That is what I do and always find solace for the day ahead. 

Fear and Chaos inside and outside of Israel:

This week in the course of doing business Jay and I drove deep into the heart of many Muslim neighborhoods. The tension in the streets is palpable, and yes, I felt afraid. We were in Silwan, which is the Muslim quarter south of the Temple Mount. If you have visited Israel in the last few years you will have see the excavation of David’s City. This is the area, where this short video was shot.

Follow this with another sector of society protesting: Riots are taking place weekly since January. This week, it was blockage of the Ben Gurion Airport, and main highways. There is no end it seems. Through it all, our government continues to move towards Judicial Reform. The sentiments of most demonstrators is: “The government’s agenda is alarming to us and terrifying, and includes a Jewish Ultra-Religious state, based on Jewish supremacy. There will be no rights for women, LGBT people and other minorities. It will include the annexation of the territories and apartheid.”

News Junkies:

Israelis are fixed on the news, and it adds no quietness to one’s other wise very  demanding and pressured life here. The bus and taxi drivers turn the news up when it comes on every hour. Citizens carry their phones and are using them 24/7 during any spare moment. Terror attacks, come non stop inside of Israel. Trouble in the Palestinian Authority only increases. The role of the army in response, only leads to more pain. We were in a pharmacy in the Old City of Jerusalem and the person who served us was very vocal. “There are many disasters going on around the world, but here the people are the disaster… after all didn’t they killed Jesus!”

Drive if you dare: 

In West Jerusalem the tension persists. The roads are hazardous as anger, impatience, and frustration rule most drivers it seems. They are particularly intolerance and rude to senior drivers. One taxi driver cut us off and cursed us for  holding him up.

Canadian Children the Target:

Having devoted many years of my life to working with children of all ages, damaged by sexual abuse I am forwarding this alarm coming out of Canada. My book tracing the familiar history of incest, is still available on Amazon: Stain Remover by Dr. Meridel Rawlings. 

Click here to read about what Canadian schools are doing

Speaking out:

In the following interview, you will hear Canadian Jordan Pedersen’s response to a high school teacher in Christchurch New Zealand. Her question: “What is the best way I can stand up against WOKE idealism and not be cancelled?”

I hope you enjoy two of my favorite musicians, Yair Levy and Joshua Aaron.

“One generation shall praise Your works to another and declare Your mighty acts.”  דור לדור ישבח מעשיך וגבורתיך יגידו.

Psalms 145:4.

With that I shall close for now. Thank you for your comments.

We thank you for your prayers and send you our love and blessings from Jerusalem and tuck us into too please.

Meridel Rawlings and Family.