All posts tagged: war


Dear Friends; “Hear this, you who trample down the needy, and do away with the poor of the land … I shall make that time like a time of mourning for an only son [who has died.]” Amos 8: 4,10e. Our cover photo this week was taken on Israel’s 76th Independence Day. The people in the photo are lying down because of missiles coming into Israel from Hamas that day. How tragic it all is. Our Prime Minister is under fire from within the nation because of the reality of never ending pain the people have had to endure since Oct 7th 2023. He is wanted by the International Court. I quote: “There is no comfort. There is life, but the wound will remain until the end of our lives. Our War of Independence has not yet ended – it continues even now.” Unquote I cannot apologize for the heaviness of my last few Still Small Voice letters. Let us HEAR what the Spirit is saying. Let us heed the warnings. History has much to …

Still Small Voice – Rejoicing!

My dear friends: This is a very short letter of thankfulness. This week was one of unsettled weather across the earth. Fierce sand storms from the Sahara filled our skies with darkness due to the sand. See the photo above.  At the same time, our family in Helsinki Finland had a snowstorm. Let us all take a moment to rejoice with the whole house of Israel, in the midst of their Passover holidays. Let us also rejoice in that we are joined together because of Messiah. One God, One people, One family. “This is the [remarkable degree of confidence which we as believers are entitled to] have before Him; that if we ask anything according to His will [that is consistent with his plans and purpose] He hears us.”  1 John 5:14 I begin with this magnificent piece, please watch it with your Bible in hand and take notes as you choose. A Touch of History: Golda Meir was and continues to be considered a Mother to her People Israel.  In 1970 Israeli Prime Minister Golda …

Still Small Voice – DAY 189 – Imminent attack from Iran – April 12th 2024

Shalom Friends: Welcome. Let me take you on my morning walk down through the olive groves to the beach. I never fail to return home energized and encouraged. See my video clip at the end. Today during my time in the Bible, this jumped out at me, pushing me to think. “Every good thing given and every perfect gift from above; comes down from the Father of lights [the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens]. It was of His own will that He gave us birth [as His children] by the word of truth so that we would be a kind of first fruits of His creatures [a prime example of what He created to be set apart to Himself – sanctified, made holy for His divine purposes]. “ James 1:17a, 18. The thought that Abba in Heaven chose my birth was not new to me. Yes, our conception was in His Will. He chose us, and He asks us to CHOOSE Him, How simple is that? That ‘choosing’ of course brings us to the …

Still Small Voice – War Day 147

My Dear Friends: “… although you intended me harm, the LORD intended it for good, so as to bring about the present result: the survival of many people.” Genesis 50:20 Hostage Update: Of the 253 people abducted to Gaza, 134 living hostages remain with Hamas. 31 of them are deceased. Most of their identities remain unknown: the latest includes the stolen body of an IDF soldier killed on Oct 7th. Contrary Russia: Russia has been one of the only places outside of the Middle East welcoming Hamas terrorists and Houthi Jihadists. Today Hamas and Fatah who make up the political entity of the Palestinian people are calling for reconciliation. It is a pathetic joke.  Systematic sexual assaults by Hamas terrorists:  On October 7th, Hamas committed “brutal sexual assaults, systematically and deliberately carried out” states the first official report released, detailing that day’s sexual violence. “Hamas’s attack included violent acts of rape, accompanied, by threats with weapons, and in some cases, targeted towards injured women. Many of the rapes were carried out as a group, with …

Still Small Voice – War Day 130

 My Dear Friends: This Hebrew year 5784, represents the prison door being opened to Joseph. In prayer I heard, year of open doors. People are being set free from imprisonment and enslavement. Be diligent, sober minded and aware of the issues as you intercede for our world! Be encouraged! The winds of change are blowing. PRAY! “Oh, that You would bless me … and keep me from harm.” 1 Chronicles 4:6 “The eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, on all those who long for his kindness.  As high as heaven is above the earth so His kindness is great to those who fear Him. The kindness of the Lord is forever to those who fear Him, His righteousness for the children’s children.”  Psalm 33:18, Psalm 103:11 Hebrew Bible Yesterday the IDF was able to rescue 2 hostages held in Rafah. An extremely delicate operation was required to extract two men from a 2nd floor apartment. Still criticism only grows including from President Biden. Today 134 hostages remain in Gaza; while 31 …

Still Small Voice – Day 112 of War

Dear Friends:  “My heart goes out to the commanders of Israel,  the volunteers among the people. Bless the LORD.  But Zebulon was a people who risked their lives to the point of death.”  Judges 5:4,18. “How the mighty have fallen!” 2 Samuel 1:25 It is a time of utter sadness in Israel. In one day this week, we lost 24 soldiers in Gaza. I quote David as he begins his lament over the death of Jonathan and his enemy Saul. The photo above shows the faces of 21 of our sons who fell together this week. The entire nation mourns as the war grinds on.  The desperate plight of the hostages has everyone’s attention as well.  IDF surveillance has been unable to find them. Many of their family members stand at the Gaza border fence, crying out over loudspeakers; calling them by name over loudspeakers, assuring them they are NOT forgotten! At times like these, we lean into the LORD. He has given us many names by which to perceive His character and purposes in …

Still Small Voice – Day 105

My dear Friends: “The most important aspect of faith is hearing the voice of God.” Mother Theresa One of the greatest things each of us possess is our testimony. In this week’s letter, you will meet many living witnesses of October 7th in Israel. They cannot cease from praying and believing for victory to emerge from this madness of Israel fighting Hamas. The agony of war has turned a switch inside of Israel, causing the people, as a whole to lay down their lives for one another in amazing ways. This unfolding truth was reinforced deep within when I came to this startling realization. This painful birthing process going on in the very heart of Israel is what I wept and agonized over from April to August just months before the war. I thought at the time, I was just heartbroken because of the fractured relationships on every level in the nation. No. Abba was preparing to birth a people for HIMSELF!  Warfare is being waged in prayer and a brutal gorilla war on the …

Still Small Voice – Person of the Year! January 1st 2024

My dear Friends, my prayer family: They go to war knowing that the lives of their friends and families depend on them.  I read the following article and said to myself, I have to share this with my friends. It touched me so deeply because it explains why we Israelis have the power to stand up and be counted!  Thank you for having been there for us for over 50 years. Dec 31, 2023 By Daniel Greenfield, Frontpage Magazine In a year when the civilized world is stuck in a state of retreat, he is fighting back. Under Biden’s leadership, America has been invaded by hordes of millions of migrants, and Europe continues to stagger under an endless wave of migration from the Muslim world. That’s why American and European cities are being torn apart by rioting mobs supporting Hamas. But after Israel was invaded on Oct 7, it fought back. The men on the front lines are not the politicians or the generals, they’re among the 360,000 reservists activated in a nation with a Jewish …

Still Small Voice – War Day 63

Hanukah, December 8th 2023 Shalom Friends: “For with You is the fountain of life, and in Your Light, we see light.” Ps 36:9 “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above. It comes down from the Father of Lights [the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens.]” James 1:17 Hanukkah, The Festival of Lights, is a time of miracles. Hanukkah lights are being lit in Israeli homes, and inside of war-torn Gaza wherever the IDF soldiers are. Hanukkah reminds us of the history of the Maccabean wars. A brave godly father and his 5 sons stood up against evil, fighting for years for the liberty of Israel. The war rages. Two senior Hamas intelligent officers were eliminated. Dozens of Hamas ‘Nekbah’ (the top fighting unit) operatives surrendered to the IDF.  They were caught running away. They gave up and were taken into Israel, for interrogation. We are nearing the point when Hamas will have to surrender or die. You must know that all of the humanitarian aid Israel is sending into Gaza at this …