All posts tagged: Israel

Still Small Voice – Anti-Semitism Alert

Shalom Friends: Prayers for the hostages went up around the world for 49 days. That night Oct 24th 2023, was the first of six nights of ceasefire, 120 women and children were returned Many recording artists created their own version of BringThem Home, each beautiful. This particular rendition is a prayer by Shmuel Lemmer. His audience of Holocaust Survivors each hold a photograph of a hostage. Look for his performance at the end. “For just as the new heavens and the new earth, which I make will remain and endure before Me,” declares the LORD, “So your off spring and your name will remain and endure.”  Isaiah 66:22 On the 6th day of the ceasefire, Israel demanded the return of 17 women and 2 little red-headed boys. Hamas said they are dead and blamed Israel. At 5:48 a.m. on Friday, Dec 1st, Hamas lobbed rockets into south Israel. They took responsibility for a terror attack at an East Jerusalem bus stop; 3 Israelis were shot to death, 8 wounded.  This is their way of reminding …

Still Small Voice – War Day 24 / October 30th, 2023

From Jay’s desk: “Shalom Dear Friends and Family, The tragic and horrendous events continue in Israel. The suffering of innocents on both sides is so desperately sad, it is beyond words. Our website  is now reopened by our son Chris, in light of the situation. He has established a GoFundMe account earmarked for the survivors of the Israeli families of the hostages held in Gaza. The latest count by Israel is 237. To participate please go to: Our son David is in Jerusalem shooting regular video reports. Chris uploads them to: and stillsmallvoice My family is now urging me to meet you weekly for 2-3 minutes via video updates. Looking forward to it.  We as a family, thank you for help in this drastic situation.“ With our love and prayers, Jay From Meridel’s Desk:  My Dear Friends who Pray: Thank you, for your communications to us, to our children in Jerusalem and the rest of the tribe in Europe. Quite frankly, I find it impossible to wrap my head around what is …

Still Small Voice – WAR Day 13 / October 19th, 2023

Dear faithful friends: Jesus said, “I no longer call you servants because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. I have not called you servants, I have called your friends.” John 15:15 I LOVE that, and am comforted many times during the day and night, knowing this personally. I highly recommend: “Why not invite Yeshua – Jesus to be your friend?” In this time of war … Stress and pain bring out the best and worst in us all. I read a good word about ‘not bringing the war into your home.’ That is our work. Fake news is rampant, and slick media people in Qatar with every technology at their fingertips, write for Hamas. Oh yes, perpetuated lies have started. Pray for the Spirit of discernment. News Source and Consequences of Pain: We stay in close touch with loved ones in Israel. We get news from the Source, which is Israel. One characteristic …

Still Small Voice – War, Day 10 / October 16th 2023

Dear Friends who love Israel and pray: 5084, we were cautioned, would be a year of shock and amazement. This is an Israeli reality as of last Shabbat Oct 7th, when Israel was attacked and the south was overrun from 6:30 a.m. onwards. 1,300 Israelis were confirmed slaughtered. Hamas is trying now to distance itself from atrocities being discovered by soldiers in the south. This slaughter hearkens back to the Holocaust. “Greater love has no man, than he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:13 “These are the days of depravity by Hamas against Israeli civilians in the most unimaginable way.” Anthony Blinken USA Secretary of State, USA For any Israeli, it is a time of emotional whiplash. One minute we are praying and beseeching heaven, the next we are crying anxiously, feeling alone. We struggle to rest, then fall into an exhausted sleep. Yes, we continue praising through our tears, not speaking of the tragedies, and working to encourage family and friends on the ground in Israel. We all work to harness …

Please support the families of kidnapped Israelis

Dear friends, I announce with a heavy heart that our family friend’s son has been kidnapped into Gaza by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. His safety and whereabouts are unknown. The family is going through absolute anguish and terror at this moment. I have created a GoFundMe called: “Please help the families of kidnapped Israelis” to help these Israeli families going through this horror. We will support each family that has a loved one missing or kidnapped.  I have volunteers in Israel who will contact each family. Thank you for your prayers and support!! Here is the link to the GoFundMe page: “Please help the families of kidnapped Israelis” Meridel

Still Small Voice -WAR ALERT / Oct. 7th 2023  

Dear Friends who care for and pray for Israel: Today is not only the Sabbath when Jews are at home, it is also the 8th day, and last day of the Feast of Tabernacles. In Leviticus 23:36 God commanded Israel (in the days of the Temple] to bring an offering by fire on this the last day of the Feast. Today Psalm 6, is sung in synagogues, but, how does it fit with the Feast? This my friends is a mystery. Our God is all knowing. In Psalm 6, you will read the word “fire” several times. It has been a day of bombing, burning, firing shots, a day of war. “Blow a shofar-trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm from my holy mountain. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the Day of The LORD is coming. It is close at hand – a day of darkness And gloom, a day of clouds and blackness.” Joel 2:1-25 Fifty years ago today the Yom Kippur War erupted. This was a carefully planned war against …

Still Small Voice – Av 10th 5783, July 28th 2023

PHOTO; “Celebration!” Adi Rawlings, in Copenhagen. Photo: David Rawlings Dear Friends: “And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, “Would that you, even you, had known on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. For the days will come upon you, when your enemies will set up a barricade around you and surround you and hem you in on every side and tear you down to the ground, you and your children within you. And they will not leave one stone upon another in you, because you did not know the time of your visitation.They will dash you to the ground, you and the children within your walls. They will not leave one stone on another, because you did not recognize the day of your visitation.” Luke 19:41-44 In this verse, Yeshua-Jesus sounded the death knell over the Temple and city  He loved and would give His life for. No wonder he wept. The rejection then is just as it is here today! What …

Still Small Voice – Sivan 27th 5783, June 16th 2023.

Dear Friends: “The secret [the wise counsel] of the LORD is with them that fear Him: and He will let them know His covenant. But there is a God in heaven that reveals secrets … Yet these are just parts [fringes] of His ways. The faintest whisper of His voice!” Psalm 25:14a, Daniel 2:28a I hunger to hear His voice, and it is usually during the night that I receive my instructions… even directions for loved ones. I must deliver the information in a very gentle manner, as no one likes ‘to be told what to do’. But the Still Small voice is directive, and always right on time, so faithful, positive and ‘can do’. His track record is PERFECT. This is His gift to me, and I we are made rich in Him! The week dashed by, in a blur because of the incessant activity required of us just now. We are in the process of moving out of our home of 30 years. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers at this …

Still Small Voice – 13 Sivan 5783 – June 3rd 2023

Dear Friends: Thank you for your many responses this week. I promise to answer each one. All over Israel at this time, beautiful jacaranda trees are in full dress, covered with their large bunches of purple blooms. We have two of these great shade trees in our garden. See the cover photo. My desire in this edition of Still Small Voice is to bring you into our world for the purpose of prayer corresponding to the Father’s heart for needed change.  “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through, [that is separate you from profane and vulgar things, make you pure and whole and undamaged – consecrated to Him – set apart for His purpose]; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept complete and blameless at the coming of Messiah.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Intense Turmoil: All week, the skies over Jerusalem have been filled with turmoil and the incessant thunderous roar of jets as they soar high overhead out of sight night and day. We are on high …

Still Small Voice – Shavuot – Feast of Pentecost 5th Sivan 5783/25. Mai 2023

Leibe Freunde Ich schreibe Euch gerne die Stille Kleine Stimme, aber leider höre ich fast nichts von euch zurück. Wir vertrauen und beten, dass dieser Brief für Euch relevant ist und Euch zu Pfingsten dient. Wir feiern das Fest Schavuot – Pfingsten, das am 49. Tag der Omer-Zählung begann. Was ist das, fragt Ihr Euch? Nun, ursprünglich war es die Zählung der Weizengarben als Opfergaben im Tempel für die Zeit nach Pessach/Passahfest bis zum Schawuot/Wochenfest. Im Christentum wird Pfingsten am 50. Tag nach Ostern gefeiert. Für beide Religionen beinhalten die 49 Tage eine Zeit der Einschränkung bei Feiern oder beim Verzehr bestimmter Lebensmittel; im Christentum wird sie Fastenzeit genannt. Shavuot: Heute nahmen wir an einem Zoom-Anruf von Pastor Noel teil, von der Gemeinde in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Kanada. Ich habe ihm erklärt, dass in Israel alles nach dem Motto “vorzeigen und weitererzählen” abläuft. Jetzt ist eigentlich die Weizen- und Gerstenernte. Oben in Galiläa und auf dem Golan ist die Ernte eingebracht worden. Der Weizen ist geerntet, und riesige Strohballen liegen auf den Feldern verstreut. …