All posts tagged: blessing

Still Small Voice – May 16th, 2022

Dear Friends Shalom: “Comfort, O comfort My people:” says your God.  Speak tenderly to Jerusalem,  And call out to her, that her time of compulsory service in warfare is finished, That her wickedness has been taken away, That she has received from the LORD’s hand Double [punishment] for all her sins.”   Isaiah 40:1-2 If you are a prayer warrior, and I am assuming that the majority of my readers are: one of your calls will be to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”  You in return are promised prosperity. It is a bond with the Almighty worth cashing in on. Psalm 122:6 We must always remember that nothing can be done without the permission of a man or woman giving ascent spiritually.  Father God gave the earth to the children of men, not angels. Just as Adam was called to keep and tend the Garden of Eden, so we are called to do the same in our spheres of inference. But Jerusalem stands out as the City of God for all peoples. Let me quote Jesus: …

Still Small Voice May 2017 – Lest We Forget

This May in Israel is a time for look back and remembering our history, for pausing today to consider the price in blood paid over the land of Israel, and then to look forward and rejoice in the good promises of the Eternal Book concerning this Land of Israel and her peoples. “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land. I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel. There will be one king over all of them and they will never again  be two or be divided into two kingdoms.”  Ezekiel 37:21-22 Hebrew Bible. This eternal word is for the Jewish people, represented by the olive tree to the left. 20 years ago we transplanted this olive tree in our garden, an ever present reminder of this verse. What promise in the Bible are you making your very own today? This spring, I found a …

An Appeal from Jay and Meridel to our Friends and Partners for 2016

December 2015 / January 2016 Shalom Dear Friends and Partners. Here are three recent quotes from some of our friends and partners.  Just for you, “I can’t tell you how moved I was upon reading Meridel’s “Still Small Voice” letter. I have passed it along to my minister and to many others.” M.P.- Canada “I was seeking the Lord as to what to do with my tithe, and when I came across your last “Jerusalem Vistas/ Israel Vision” newsletter I was prompted to send it to you. (I can’t get out to church anymore.)  I have followed your ministry since the release of your film “Apples of Gold” in 1980.” C.K. – Canada “Congratulations for your 2015 “Nehemiah Award” for a lifetime of excellence in the media from the International Christian Embassy – Jerusalem, appreciating your and Meridel´s untiring work of enlightenment, information, testifying and “mitzvot”!   (Hebrew for“good deeds”)  May the Holy One of Israel bless you further on with wisdom, strength and provision. W. & I.  B. –  Israel. For these lovely Words of Encouragement we …