Dry Bones – Belief
Via Dry Bones.
Via Dry Bones.
Over 45 years now the Rawlings have committed their lives to helping the nation of Israel. This 15 minute clip takes you into many avenues that the the Rawlings Family have walked over almost 5 decades. See clips from the 3 films that they are working on at present. Children saved from Brothels Saving Refugees The History of the Founders of the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem.
Curious Friends: No doubt you are familiar with the passages describing the suffering Messiah found in that most famous chapter of Isaiah, chapter 53. The most amazing truth I think is: that in all of the New Covenant writings, there is nothing as detailed as to the deep spiritual work accomplished as this account of the crucifixation describes, and Isaiah equates our iniquities with bruising… Isaiah describes HOW it is accomplished. And yet… my friends, probably 99.9% of Israelis are not acquainted with this scripture in any way. Even on the streets you will see Israelis agreeing that he was shunned, despised and rejected. Thank you for remembering to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and Israel. Please visit the Facebook page of the work of Medabrim. Meridel Rawlings
Dear Friends: History has a cunning way of repeating itself. I believe we are living through an era hearkening back to the days of Chamberlain’s famous White Paper. These are the days of awe, or repentance for Israel, leading up to the Jewish New Year. Lest we forget, you may like to view this beautiful film. L’Shannah Tova… Happy New Year. Meridel
From The Rebel: Austin Lewis is a 21-year-old Toronto man who’s paralyzed, and confined to a wheelchair. He needs public housing. But when Lewis applied to live in a taxpayer-subsidized apartment on Finch Avenue in Toronto, he was told he wasn’t allowed — because he wasn’t a Muslim! But here’s the craziest part: not only did the City of Toronto know about this ban on non-Muslims, they approved it in a special contract with the Muslim mosque that runs the place. So taxpayers of all religions are forced to subsidize a special apartment building just for Muslims. No infidels allowed. Sharia law has come to Toronto — with City Hall’s blessing. You can see my shocking report on the subject here. We’ve simply got to spread the word about this news — please forward this e-mail to as many friends as you can, and share it on Facebook too. But even that’s not enough. We have to tell Toronto Mayor John Tory, and the whole city council, that a “no infidels allowed” public housing policy …
Friday night, September 3rd Meridel will be speaking on “Israel, ISIS, Revival and YOU!” in Mannedorf, hosted by Roland Otiker. For details: Email: roland@felsungrund.ch Tel: c. 076 376 0292 Click here to subscribe to the Still Small Voice newsletter. Click here to subscribe to the Israel Vision newsletter.
This is a speech given at CUFI 2015 by Dennis Prager~it is an amazing speech for Jews and Christians alike to hear…
Love My People: Timeless Secrets Volume 1 is the first in a current series by bestselling authors Jay and Meridel Rawlings. In Love My People, two gifted writers have produced the first volume of their gripping, true account of a modern Abraham and Sarah. Called to abandon their comfortable, Canadian “Ur of the Chaldeans” affluent lifestyle, they embarked on an extraordinary lifetime journey of faith, while devoted to God’s ancient chosen people, the Jews. To read this book is to realize afresh that indeed truth is stranger than fiction. Beautifully and transparently written and peppered with deep and abiding spiritual insights learned in the furnace of sometimes hard and painful experience, this is a book which will bring fresh blessings to many. To order: WestBow Press or go to Amazon. Drs. Jay and Meridel Rawlings, duel citizens of Canada and Israel, have lived and worked from Jerusalem since 1969.
A true story, not known by many . . The only planes Israel had when the War of Independence (May 1948) began were smuggled in from Czech republic. They were German Messerschmitt BF-109’s. They were assembled overnight in Tel Aviv and were never flight tested. This is a short video about their pilots. Watch it. You will not be disappointed.