Love My People: Timeless Secrets Volume 1 is the first in a current series by bestselling authors Jay and Meridel Rawlings.
In Love My People, two gifted writers have produced the first volume of their gripping, true account of a modern Abraham and Sarah. Called to abandon their comfortable, Canadian “Ur of the Chaldeans” affluent lifestyle, they embarked on an extraordinary lifetime journey of faith, while devoted to God’s ancient chosen people, the Jews. To read this book is to realize afresh that indeed truth is stranger than fiction. Beautifully and transparently written and peppered with deep and abiding spiritual insights learned in the furnace of sometimes hard and painful experience, this is a book which will bring fresh blessings to many.
To order: WestBow Press or go to Amazon.
Drs. Jay and Meridel Rawlings, duel citizens of Canada and Israel, have lived and worked from Jerusalem since 1969.