

My Dear Friends:

“… My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”  Psalm 45:1

This week, I am happy to announce that our book Timeless Secrets Vol. 2, Miracles Among the Nations is now available on Amazon. This week the photo above is none other than the cover of our latest book. Please tell your friends and family and church and any social groups you belong to how to get this book. It is as real as your next breath. We write about the excitement of following Messiah by faith. His whispers to our hearts led Jay and I together into many challenges. We had few answers, some thought we were presumptuous, radical, crazy, or religious! But, we had determined to listen and trust and obey no matter what life threw at us. 

This book is different! We take you with us to many nations around the globe, be it the slums or a national leader’s home, in answer to the promptings of the Still Small Voice. It’s one thing to say, “I believe in God” and quite another to move from one foreign nation to another in obedience, and not only keep body and soul together but make a difference. I doubt that you have read anything like these hard facts of life through the prism of faithful obedience.  Try it, I am sure you will be not only challenged but inspired and encouraged.

YouTube video goes here:

Purchase your copy of the book – Miracles Among the Nations today! Please share this link with your family and friends. Buy it on Amazon:


Israel is fighting for her life on every level. We have just enjoyed a visit from our Grandson from Jerusalem. He was so grateful to have a very few days of rest and refreshed. Thank you for your ongoing prayers and intercessions for Israel and her people.  The global war for truth and life is raging!

Canada: From Daniel & Shelly Rawlings

Social Credit System and Digital ID Now in Canada??!

Dear Subscriber,
We have an important update to share with you!

New Video Alert: Social Credit System and Digital ID Now in Canada!

Our latest video briefly explores the recent implementation of the social credit system and digital ID in Canada.
These changes could have significant implications for privacy and freedom.

Watch the Video Here: Social Credit System and Digital ID Now in Canada??!

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Thank you for your continued support!

Best regards,
Daniel & Shelly Rawlings
Choose Love Not Fear

Canada is now the most expensive nation on earth; unfortunately with less and less freedom for her people.


So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  John 8: 31,31

Between 17,000, 000. and 20,000,000. Deaths have occurred as a result of the Covid vaccine. Watch Shelly and Daniel Rawlings: Choose Love Not Fear.  Stay informed. 

Every week, God willing, for the next 40 weeks, Jay and I will introduce each chapter in Miracles Among the Nations. Stay tuned!

With joyful expectation;

 for this IS My Father’s world.

Love from Drs. Jay and Meridel Rawlings

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Name: Meridel Rawlings
IBAN: GR70 0172 5280 0055 2811 1846 351

Switzerland: UBS
Name: Meridel Rawlings
Account: #233 11 815 267.0
IBAN: CH87 0023 3233 1181 5267 0
Tel: 41 1 234 6452

Bank Details in North America:

United States of America: Prosperity Bank
Name: Meridel Rawlings
ABA # 113 122 655 (for transfers put this number before the account number)
Personal Acc # 2859742
14402 US Highway 281N San Pedro North
San Antonio, Texas, 78232

Canada: Royal Bank of Canada
Name: Meridel Rawlings
Bank Transit Number: 08249
Institution Number: 003
Account Number: 5050638
Address: 6791 Gaetz Ave
Unit # 1 Red Deer AB, Canada T4N 4C9