Shalom shalom:
Those two simple words mean, “perfect peace” and are the kind of invisible peace promised to bring internal quietness to one’s soul, mind and body.
“My peace I leave with you.”
John 14:27
Well, this was the week that was. Without going into detail, we are left extremely weary and deeply fatigued in mind and spirit. I know, the warfare is intense everywhere. This is when the Still Small Voice comes by God’s miraculous Spirit. We pray in our native languages with knowledge but just as profound we pray in other languages we have never learned in school. They flow out, pleading the deeply profound mysteries of God. We become vessels interceding for impossible situations in the nations, and for souls everywhere. And yes, for ourselves also to be built up in our most holy faith. This is where I have been in the Spirit of God. He searches for those through whom He can intercede and weep in the tender mother-heart of the Almighty; speak mysteries of the unfolding supernatural power, speak out the wisdom of the Ages, and the mercy and promises that are written in the WORD of God that will never pass away! No demon can cross the bloodline of Yeshua Messiah, to many He is known as, Jesus Christ.
Earlier today the SMV whispered, ‘Read Psalm 62.’:
“Truly my soul waits quietly for God;
my deliverance comes from Him.
Truly He is my rock and deliverance,
my haven; I shall never be shaken.
How long will all of you attack a man,
to crush him, as though he were
a leaning wall, a tottering fence?
They lay plans to topple him from his rank;
they delight in falsehood,
they bless with their mouths,
while inwardly they curse.
Truly, wait quietly for God, O my soul,
for my hope comes from Him.
He is my rock and deliverance,
my haven; I shall not be shaken.
I rely on God, my deliverance and glory,
my rock of strength;
in God is my refuge.
Trust in Him at all times, O people;
Pour out your hearts before Him;
God is our refuge.
Men are mere breath;
mortals, illusion;
placed on a scale all together,
they weigh even less than a breath.
Do not trust in violence,
or put false hopes in robbery;
if force bears fruit pay it no mind.
One thing God has spoken;
two things have I heard;
that might belongs to God,
and faithfulness is Yours, O Lord,
To reward each man according to his deeds.”
The Jerusalem Publication Society from the traditional Hebrew text
Remember: prayer is communication. No thought is too small or insignificant to lift up to heaven, where they are heard and recorded. The Biblical prophet’s prayed prayers that are still in the process of being fulfilled. Jesus gave us the LORD’S Prayer. In so many words HE was reminding us that it is a day by day walk, just one step at a time.
“Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our debts as we have forgiven our debtors, Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. [the evil one]
Matthew 6:11-13
One friend wrote, “How late is it?”
My response: “Late.”
Dennis Prager founder of Prager University is my favourite educator. This program is insightful and thought-provoking. Enjoy and be encouraged!