
Still Small Voice, Humor at Purim – March 10th 2023.  

Shalom, dear Friends, 

During Purim which was a few days ago, we do fun stuff. Refusing to be paralyzed when faced with darkness is really the essence of the story of Queen Esther; along with the ability to use great wisdom and unify the people in your world. 

Allow me, at this time, to introduce you to Daniel’s wife Shelly, an Israeli/Canadian. In Hebrew, she is our hen, which means grace. God meant for the women in families to be friends and family at the same time. We are meant to be close, loving and supportive! Jay and I are very proud of Shelly for holding her ground and speaking out in Hebrew and English. So friends, watch! I hope you will laugh along with us as Shelly does her Purim spoof:

2023: the year of TRUTH for humanity

“You may think you can break the divine and human law, but you will only break yourself.”  

Judge Pascal Najidi

The Earthquake is here!  For the millions who have been terribly compromised by the Covid vaccines … rejoice!  The day of reckoning has finally come. Pfizer is now facing a lawsuit of $3 Trillion and the World Health is next in line. In Shelly’s 30-minute video, you will meet Israeli scientist Yuval Harrari who tells us what the World Economic Forum’s plan is for all human beings. What do you think? Is he a monster? At the end, at 30 minutes you have got to listen to the words coming out of Benjamin Netanyahu’s mouth. This is what he has done to each one of us Israelis, and we even hear how excited he is about his future plans for us. I hope you are shocked. Tell me what you think. Have we Israelis been the world’s guinea pigs or not?  Yet, so many of us are damaged by the so-called vaccines, which were in fact NOT vaccines at all. We were never given the truth, but the day of reckoning is here.

My Experience with the ‘jab’:

After two shots, I was admitted to the neurology department in a Jerusalem hospital for a week of intensive investigative tests in December 2021. My right hand was paralyzed and my balance and walking gait were compromised. While in the hospital, a doctor spoke with me privately one evening and said: “We have admitted and tested thousands of cases like yours. We are not permitted to document their complaints or testimonies.”

After all of the tests, the Drs said they found nothing. So myself and how many others were sent home being made to feel they were psychosomatic. I was not so tempted, for being a former nurse, my distressing physical symptoms were real and still persist.  I knew the truth because in my spirit, dwells the Spirit of Truth! I had in fact been poisoned and injured. I pray the eyes of your understanding will be opened, to the most basic truths of what is being exposed today.  See some of what went on behind the scenes.

Finally, in today’s Still Small Voice letter, we will hear from Judges who have been working quietly behind the scenes across the nations for years to bring forth truth and freedom from the insanity that has taken over the world.

The International Criminal Code under Articles 6 (Genocide) and 7 (Crimes Against Humanity) is the basis upon which the research of their Tribunal rests. It is headed by Honorable Judge Alfred Lambremont-Weber. Judge Pascal Najidi introduced us to other Judges from many nations including Canada on February 26, 2023. Seeing and paying attention is vital. Here is the site to find out about this investigation. (

The best news of all:

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all. For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked shall perish.  The LORD our God helps us and to fight our battles. The LORD your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy!”

Ps 34:19, Ps 1:6, Ro 8:28, 2 Chron 32:8, Zeph 3:17.

Good changes are breaking upon our beleaguered world. Watch and Pray. Please send your comments. How have you coped through it all?

This comes from an encouraged heart. 

I pray the Still Small Voice finds you the same.

Every blessing this Shabbat and throughout the coming week.

Meridel Rawlings