
Still Small Voice – Kislev 16, 5783 – December 10th, 2022

Shalom, shalom dear friends;

Christmas is on our doorstep, and yet … yes our hearts are heavy. Our household account is stretched to breaking point. We feel pinched and stressed in this season of peace on earth, and goodwill toward men. Our hearts carry a strange ache that we cannot verbalize. Forces of darkness are at work among all peoples. Yet in this battle, we are not alone. God sends His obedient angels to help us, usually in ways that are hidden from us. The question is asked: ”Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” Hebrews 1:14 We are reminded: “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some have entertained angels not knowing it.” Hebrews 13:2  Have you been aware of angels in your world? Would you care to share it with Still Small Voice?

I remember one particular evening when we lived on Mount Carmel in Haifa. We were renting a three-story building at the time. I felt out of my depth this one evening as we prepared for service in our downstairs chapel. Folks began to arrive. It had been a rough day. I complained to Jay as I put our youngest, Josh at that time, to bed. “No one is praying for us!” It was almost a moan, I was in the depths.

No sooner had I gotten the little tot to sleep and a knock came on my kitchen door. It turned out to be an elderly gentleman who introduced himself as a missionary from Norway, who had spent his life serving in Korea. “I have come to attend the evening service,” he said softly, “but I just wanted to first tell you, that not a day goes by that we don’t pray for you.”

Jay had met him previously on a tour to Norway. I had never heard of this person, nor seen him before nor since. He brought me a message of courage that was so touching it softened my hurting heart and brought tears to my eyes. The LORD had been listening to my complaints! I knew God was speaking. Was he an angel? I am sure you have had similar experiences.

That troublesome WHY?

Life is NOT a walk in the park. We are given many biblical examples of the mystery of not-knowing why? We don’t pretend to understand God’s plan and can spend a lifetime waiting for answers. Pause and consider for a moment if you will, the challenging lives led by those who have gone before you. Include the biblical characters, survivors of the Holocaust, families who lost fathers, sons and sweethearts in WW1 and WW11, any parent who has lost a child, your own parents and on and on … The lack of knowing why demands that we dig deep. I think the divine plan is to teach us to develop trust that is hard-won. Trust enables us to keep the daily struggle from overwhelming us. We need to find ways not to feel hopeless. It takes time to build up our faith, hope and love.

Trouble on our Horizon in Israel:

For our Israel lovers, this is disturbing information. It is a time of questioning and great uncertainty inside of Israel. Mr. Netanyahu is making strange deals to stay in power. To quote an old Israeli couple; “We are deeply disappointed and very disturbed because we love Israel and believe the vast majority of our people had no idea what lay ahead when they voted Netanyahu back into office.”

The unthinkable just happened. Prime Minister Designate Benjamin Netanyahu is making choices that alienate Jews inside AND outside of Israel. His choices could harm our allies of all faiths out there in the world, making it harder for them to defend our position and easier to give up on us. Israelis are being led down a path of extremism by a weak Prime Minister who is willing to sell his soul to stay in power. For example: The man who fought so hard to bring Natan Scharansky, the world famous dissident home from a prison cell in Russia, now wants to change the Law of Return, the very basis of our existence? It states that if one’s Grandparents were Jewish, they can return. This will affect every Jew, and countless more wanting to come home. Even more incredibly, Avi Moaz appointed as the new head of immigration, represents, a party of one! Yes, his party has precisely one seat in the Knesset! This article in the Times of Israel explains the situation far better than I. Please keep Israel in your prayers. Our leader is moving farther and farther away from the common Israeli people. Pray.

Breaking news from Ethiopia

Here is an update from Micha Feldman, former emissary to Ethiopia. He has just been in Gondar where the Falashas live.  One thousand Falasha have a green light from the Israeli interior ministry to return home. However one document from the Ethiopian government is missing. (Laissez Passer) If this is given there will be an evacuation for all 1.000 this month, hopefully before the new government in Israel is sworn in. Let’s pray and believe for their immediate Exodus to Jerusalem. The Ethiopian government have since decided that to stop any other Ethiopian Jews from leaving this area. Why? Please continue to pray for their release.

Quotes from Previous SMV Letters:

Thank you so much for your email about tribes & Barry Wunsch’s prophecy.  My heart was very touched.

Sandy and Sam Morris USA

You mentioned the wonderful passage “Do not be afraid of sudden fear, nor of the onslaught of the wicked when it comes, for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.” Proverbs 3  What struck me about this is, it doesn’t say, “if sudden fear comes” but “when it comes”. 

Shirley Powell Canada

Speaking Out: 

On a heavier note in response to my recently posted article on incest, “Speaking Out” you can find it at:

It is an introduction to my book, Stain Remover, available on Amazon and Book Depository:  see Dr. Meridel Rawlings. 

Perhaps you know others who could benefit from my life’s story. Here are some responses.  In the last four years, 4,000,000 trafficked children have been saved in America alone. It is a pandemic. You only have to pay attention to what is going on in schools among the most innocent and vulnerable today, to SEE where our nations are going. 

Quotes from Stain Remover:

#1 –  “Thank you, Meridel! Oh my … I am speechless. Thank you for so clearly articulating this issue. May God continue to use your voice on this egregious yet clandestine violation and crime. I cannot get into very many churches to speak on this topic. Blessings and prayers.” Cathy Peters, Canada 

#2. –  “Wow Meridel. this is an amazing work. I am so proud of you. I know it must have been hard but it is so important to drive back the darkness and flood this subject with the light of heaven for healing and freedom for so many. We have to speak the truth in love and power. I read your book twice to make sure I understood. More than once my eyes were full of tears but I felt the presence of the Lord so strongly as an anointing for healing. You have such a wonderful God given gift as a writer. I am very blessed to have you as my friend. Keep up the good work and know that you have a personal intercessor in Russia who will pray for you and your work!”  Howard Flower, Russia  

#3. –  Thank you so much for your courageous words about your family. This story will go out and give comfort to many of my friends. In 1991 and 1992, you were the person who opened the pit for me and looked into my cruel family’s abusive lifestyle. After many years, I was healed, and gradually became a rich, beautiful fearless woman of God. Be richly blessed in all your ways. I love you very much. Susanne Bogenmann, Switzerland

I, Meridel, urge you to avail yourself to and learn more about my work. I need your on-going help to educate far and wide concerning sexual child abuse. I hope to be in Nepal by Spring. HELP ME PLEASE. My sons, are willing to accompany me. We all need airfare and accommodation. They are my film crew. We will strengthen our adopted daughter Indira Ghale and her children rescued out of trafficking. Jay, sons David, Chris and Daniel stood with me in 2017 to make a world class film on the life’s work on Indira. We helped her to be legally established with the Nepalese government. We do not have non-profit status in Canada yet. It is an up hill climb.. You can view our film, on You Tube go to: CAN Change Action Nepal. Please make a sacrificial offering for my work at this time, earmark it – trafficking. 

I close with a quote from a friend in ministry for over 40 years.

“What is God hearing from you? Your personal prayer life tells a lot about your inner life and who you are in Him. We are trillionaires in Jesus-Messiah and act like we live on a dollar a day.” Magnify God until He becomes #1, bigger than all the other invaders. Yes, the global agenda is huge, but Abba’s is still the biggest and best!” 

Steve Manning, USA

You CAN make a difference by helping us to help 

those who cannot help themselves, please.

Every blessing as we savour the Season.

Meridel Rawlings