Shalom Dear Friends:
Jay dipped a small container into Pacific waters lapping up on Willow’s Bay in Victoria, on Vancouver Island. One of the last things he did was pour out the Pacific water into the Atlantic Ocean as it lapped up on the shores of Prince Edward Israel. This prophetic act symbolizes the journey of 6,000 kilometres we have been on across Canada from coast to coast. Our call was to encourage and alert Father God’s people in Canada to the brevity of the hour we find ourselves in. Jesus said, “the gates of hell will NOT prevail against the church!” Next week I hope to address the ongoing persecution against evangelicals in Canada.
We have been privileged to spend these last six momentous weeks with Christians from one side of this great nation of Canada to the other. We are thrilled to see the Messianic Church arising. Mainline Christians are awakening to make a return to Biblical worship. We worshipped with Pastor Annie Elliot’s Underground church in Ottawa. The men built and decorated the succah. What we have seen here is a worldwide movement orchestrated by the Spirit of the Living God globally. Christians are returning to their biblical roots. Christians are not to be Jews but they were born into a Hebrew Body as found in scripture and they are returning to worship as the early church of Paul and the Apostles taught. I challenge you to read: The Messianic Church Arising by Robert Heidler.
It was a special privilege and joy to reconnect with living day family history. Some family members arrived in Prince Edward County located at the eastern end of Lake Ontario from Switzerland in 1784. Then it was known as Upper Canada. Gary Rorabeck, a member of this pioneer family spoke with the Pastors of Gilead Fellowship. This family provided the lumber to build the church and other younger members built it back in the 1940s. Jay and I were given the joy of speaking here on Thanksgiving morning Oct. 9th. This dedicated body of believers had fasted and prayed for the previous ten days. From the moment we walked in until we left, the LORD’S Presence was among us in tangible ways. The altar area was dressed with a sheaf of wheat, a pomegranate, dates, raisins, olives, a cup of wine and a loaf of Shabbat bread. It was the only fellowship across Canada where we got to rest in the beauty of the moving of the Holy Spirit. The gifts were in operation; ‘speaking in tongues’ with interpretation and later prophecies over both Jay and I and our children. What a refreshing touch of glory!
We celebrated the local cuisine when my cousin took us all to a gracious country establishment for a royal Thanksgiving dinner. It was complete with turkey cranberry sauce and all of the trimmings. I can’t forget the pumpkin, pecan or lemon pies, butter tarts, shortbreads and fresh blueberries and whipping creme. Trust me, it was not difficult to give thanks!
All in all, our Thanksgiving day was edged with the gold of His Presence and Person. There are moments, in life when we sense that we are touched by Eternity, for which we give thanks.
Here are 25 minutes of some of what we brought to the nation: S04 E08 – Jay & Meridel Rawlings Se[t 18 2022
There will be more about our time in Canada next week. We close with this beautiful video from CBN on the Christian Celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles in Jerusalem.
In the living goodness of Messiah,