
Still Small Voice – February 25th 2022

Shalom Friends: “Our God is a God who sees”

Now is the time to pray and not to faint.

Daniel prayed when he received terrible news:

“Now when Daniel knew that the document [to throw him to the lions] had been signed, he continued to get down on his knees three times day praying and giving thanks before his God, as he had been doing previously.”  

Daniel 6:10

David prayed:

“Can a throne of destruction be allied with You? One which frames and devises mischief by decree? But the LORD has become my high tower and defense, and my God the rock of my refuge. He has turned back their own wickedness upon them and will destroy them by means of their own evil; The LORD our God will wipe them out.”

Psalm 94:20

Ezekiel prayed:

“Stop your forceful seizure of property from My people.”

Ezekiel 45:9b

Jesus taught us:

“… if two believers on earth agree, [are of one mind, in harmony] about anything, that they ask, [within the will of God] it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in My Name, I am there among them.”

Matthew 18:19, 20, Exodus 3:14

What is Putin up to?

Russia is on the move and will crush all resistance.  Of course, all heads of nations knew what he would do. What is next on the agenda:?

  1. Mother Russia is considered the only Russian Orthodox Church, she is also called ZION. Putin will demand the Ukrainian Orthodox Church submit once and for all. There is a very powerful evangelical movement there as well.
  2. Israel is no longer flying jets over Syria,  to destroy Iranian missiles. Russian airpower now rules there. Last night Israel lobbied missiles into Syria near Damascus destroying the latest Iranian truckloads of killer missiles.
  3. Russia sits on the Security Council in the U.N. Dmitry Polyansky stated that the Golan Heights belongs to Syria. It was captured by Israel in the 1973 war.
  4. Russia will move South eventually to Israel. See Ezekiel 38. I dreamt the windows of my office were blown out last week. Israel is preparing.
  5. IMPORTANT: This is not the tribulation. This is the build-up toward the next war with Israel. The Bible only describes the wars against Israel. Pay attention. See Israel Vision on YouTube: Hidden Treasure explains WHY The bear comes down to Israel and what the spoil is.

Last week Israel moved the Embassy out of Kyiv to Lviv, in the West allowing easy access to an escape route to Poland. 

Just in from St. Petersburg: 

“In a complex operation, and after a nerve-wracking 16-hour process, the first group of olim (Jews returning to Israel since the invasion) of Ukraine have crossed into Poland today, February 26.

The immigrants are being temporarily housed in a hotel near Warsaw where they will remain until they are flown to Israel shortly. Upon arrival in Israel, they will receive temporary housing, with help from the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration. In the photos/videos attached: Olim en route from Lviv to the border crossing with Poland, thanking the state of Israel.” Howard Flower ICEJ.

The first Ukrainian Jews to make Aliyah hours after the Russian invasion

The Bear is Coming to an Israel left all Alone

The scenario for Rosh, the Russian bears advance south to Israel is close.

Who dares to stop this advance? No one! Just as Ukraine has been ‘left’ alone by the world powers, so too it shall be with … Israel.  That is why The Almighty will stand up at that time. Read Ezekiel 38.

In closing: “Surround yourself by people who pray behind your back!” 

When anxious thoughts arise you can say out loud: “My God is a God who sees me.” Yes, he sees you and I and knows exactly where we are.