
Greetings for a blessed Rosh ha Shannah 5778

Dear Friends and Partners of Still Small Voice,

We are inspired by this piece and know that you will be too. Israel is masterful at finding her lost treasures, especially her spiritual treasure.  Please enjoy this and pass it on far and wide.

You are well aware that Israel has said in so many words that ‘Evil’ is not going to flourish on our watch.  We went up in Galilee one night looking out over the Sea and there were three aircraft which drew our attention. Then we heard the bombs.  Yes… they took out a  hidden secret Syrian factory of deadly gases.  In 2013, Syria was believed by the world that she had gotten rid of her chemical warfare.  We are dealing with liars and killers.  Give thanks for Israel dear friends. You  know the scripture says about the SALT OF THE EARTH! WE HAVE NOT LOST OUR SAVOUR. Pray for us all here.

Now to end with a very sweet, and inspiring note:

Jay and I send you greetings for a blessed Rosh ha Shannah 5778.
It comes in the evening of September 20th until the 23rd.
Let the LORD God be blessed!

Love from the Rawlings tribe.