
Truth and Consequences

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Friday Aug 21st 2015

Dear Friends:

I Meridel Rawlings is reporting to you from Jerusalem because every day momentous changes are over taking the globe. Here are a few cases in point: I am compelled to share Truth or Consequences  from my office in Jerusalem today. Please share with your friends.  Fact or Fiction? Please sign up.


Aliyah and the Ezekiel Revival by Jay and Meridel Rawlings (starting 1:36)

Prophecy Fulfilled: North American Jews Heading Back to Israel

Charisma News by JULIE STAHL/CBN

“We don’t want the immigration from America to be an aliyah of necessity, of running away from something, of distress, duress, persecution. You don’t want that,” he (Rabbi Fass) said. “The beauty of North American immigration is that people are choosing (to come).”

I feel the fact above is just beginning to come to pass and will increase greatly in time.

Consequences: Jews are not ‘safe’ in North America, Europe, the nations.

Truth: Former secret side agreement with Iran: According to Israel’s Foreign Ministry from AP report 19 Aug 15, “Iran will be able to use its own investigators to inspect the site 30 km. SE of TEhran where it has been accused of developing nuclear arms, including nuclear bomb trigger devices in the past.”  This side deal was concluded between Iran and the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency.

Foreign Ministry spokesman  Dore Gold, “there is already a ‘big problem’ at the Parchin site, since the Iranians have been pouring asphalt there to make it more difficult to take ground samples and prove previous nuclear activity. Our experience over the last 20 years is that as soon a a rogue state will be tipped off, they are being inspected, they begin to modify the facility. In 2004 and 2005 the Iranians, after allowing a very limited IAEA visit to what was suspected to be an undeclared nuclear site in NE Iran called Levizan-Shian, destroyed the site and dug out the top soil to a depth of two meters.”

Israel is a prophet nation to the nations of the world. You can pray calling out these names and bring them to nothing. Its TIME to move with the  Spirit of God and move!

Consequences:The current Iranian deal is a ‘good deal’.  How can the world ‘deal’ even be used? The ‘dealers’ include the entire world, with the exception of Israel and Canada.

Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu: As warned the world for years now, “its a very bad deal”.

Word study: DEAL: definition: It means  1. “A good deal” to distribute and give out (gifts etc) among several (esp. of providence). 2. distribute (cards to players) for a game or round. Deliver as share to a person, or (just) deserts to a person or (player). Cause to receive, a blow. 3. Associate with (esp. w negative) refuse to deal with. 4. Occupy oneself with to discussion or refutation,to  take corrective or punitive measure with.  Dealer: definition: … playing dealing cards, trader as in horse-trader jobber on the stock market.  Oxford’s dictionary pg. 262

Truth: “Britain to reopen it’s Embassy in Tehran next week.”  Jerusalem Post Pg.8 Aug 21.2015 In November 2011,  nearly 4 years after protestors stormed two British diplomatic compounds, burning the British flag, smashing windows, torching a car and ransacking the elegant ambassador residence. Today… after a nuclear deal reached between Iran and 6 major world powers, already ‘its business as usual’.

Consequences:  This deal is adding to the build up of the world’s greatest supporter of terror and death.

Truth:   Israel has history and experience on her side. We all have been adversely affected by the never ending years of conflict due to terror on our borders. We know it was Iranian rockets that hit the Golan Heights this week.  Our governments are willfully ignorant; while militant Islam is on the rise and will stop at nothing in its ferocious path to seizing world domination?

Truth: Iran is not an equal partner in this “deal”.  The proclamation: “Death to Israel”  is stamped on every rocket in Iran. This week Russia has signed a deal to deliver 300 new rockets to Teheran.

Consequences: Iran will take the world into WW111 when 2.2 billion will die, one third of mankind. Note the ongoing conflicts on or around the for the last 15 years.

“…They will stumble and fall toward the north, by the river Euphrates. v. 10.

For this is the day of the Lord GOD of hosts, A day of vengeance, that He may avenge Himself on His adversaries, the sword shall devour: It shall be satiated and made drunk with their blood: For the Lord GOD of hosts has a sacrifice in the north country by the River Euphrates.” Jeremiah 46:6b,10. “And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men,, every slave and free man, hid themselves in the caves and the rocks of the mountains,…and said, fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!” Revelation 6:15

“And I heard a voice from the four corners of the horns of the altar, which is before God, saying to the 6th angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels that are bound at the great river Euphrates.”  Revelation 9:14

Truth: Since 1948, 24,000 Palestinian from East Jerusalem have applied for Israeli citizen ship and have received it. Today the numbers have swollen because as their children and children’s children from what ever point the mother became a citizen, are automatically given Israeli citizenship.  Are you surprised. What does this tell you about Israel?

Note: Within in greater Israel, we have 2.2 Arabs who are born Israeli.

Consequences: Frustration of Palestinians grows because of graft and corruption and manipulation. You say , “No due to Israel’s occupation.” The fact is, the “Peace Process”

was a figment of men’s imagination. There never was a Palestinian nation and the truth of this is playing out in utter frustration and hatred globally.

Truth: Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, has three sisters who are Israeli! The sisters live in Israeli Beduin communities. How many others in his family are Israelis? Remember Gaza

is at war with Israel, fueled by Iran. Excerpted from Jerusalem Post pg. 10 Aug. 21.2015 Israel bars Haniyeh’s Israeli sisters from attending Gaza wedding. As an Israeli, I am not permitted to go to Gaza.

Consequences: Other Palestinians will awaken to their true enemies, its not Israel.

Truth: And finally for all of you bird lovers. Israel and the small British territory of Gibraltar are the ONLY areas in the Mediterranean region where negligible numbers of birds are illegally killed.

Quote: “Populations of some species that were once abundant in Europe are declining with a number even in free-fall and disappearing altogether.” Patricia Zurita, CEO Birdlife.

“Tens of millions of birds are killed across the Mediterranean region yearly, while numbers of species face destruction. Cruel methods used are shooting, nets, glues, and luring sounds that mimic other birds. Birdlife International UK wrote this report . Birdlife is the world’s largest nature conservation collective and has 120 partners among the nations.They are partners with our Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel.” 

Of the 26 countries and territories surveyed, Egypt has the worst record. Italy trails close behind. See the figures of innocent birds killed in 2014 and 2015. The most hunted surprisingly are the rather small songbirds.”

  • Egypt: an average of 5.7 million Illegally caught birds are often served in markets and restaurants.
  • Italy: 5.6 million Italy is the worst offender in the EU and has a long history of hunting  and illegal killing for food. 43% of Italy’s 348 birds species are regularly killed.
  • Syria: 3.9 million
  • Lebanon: 2.6 million
  • Cyprus: 2.3 million
  • Greece: 704,000
  • Croatia: 510,000
  • France: 522,000
  • Libya: 503,000
  • Albania: 265,000
  • Famagusta: a northern Cypriot port city under Turkish rule, was the city with the worst bird-killing record according to the document.
  • Malta: 108,000
  • Palestinian Authority: 89,700
  • Jordan: 17,300
  • Eurasia: 2.9,000,000 tops the ‘kill’ list.”  Pg 1. Jerusalem Post Aug 21.2015

Conclusion: Hunting as a sport has historically been looked upon with disdain as a violation of the spiritual norms of Judaism, particularly if there is no utilitarin purpose, for it invariably involves an element of cruelty to animals. “If a bird’s nest happens to be before you along the way, in a tree or on the ground, with young ones or eggs, with the mother sitting on the young or on the eggs, you shall not take the mother with the young. You shall surely let the mother go and take the young for yourself, that it may be well with you and that you may prolong your days.” Deuteronomy 22: 6,7.

I have thrown the ‘ball’ into your court. It is time to 1. pray and 2.not faint.

I am just completing a 14 day fast and will speak out from not on.

Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem.

Meridel Rawlings PhD.