Still Small Voice
Shalom Dear Friends: March/April 2012 Adar/Nissan 5772
“For the LORD will again rejoice over you for good as he rejoiced over your fathers… IF you obey the voice of the LORD your God… and IF you turn to the LORD with all your heart and with all your soul.” Deuteronomy 30:9b, 10b.
God’s Heart and Mine
Can you hear our Heavenly Father’s cry? He is asking us to cling to Him. Lovers cling to each other. Are we that committed? Trusting is the hard part is it not? Especially when there is no change to be seen. My challenge for 2012 is, “Will you trust Me?” I am doing my best and I must honestly say that it feels extremely weak at this point. But the truth is, we have no place else to go, no other source of life, no one else that knows what we go through and why we keep hanging on. (clinging for dear life)
I do take courage in the fact that we are still here in Israel, and the Word says, “IF the Lord delights in us then He will bring us into this land and give it to us.” Numbers 14:8 The Rabbis teach and
I quote: “When the Jewish People in Eretz Israel and wherever else we are, forsake the Torah and abandon it’s ways, we are vulnerable to those who seek to destroy us.. Our greatest protection and weapon is Torah and obedience and our greatest protector is Ha Shem. (The LORD) His promise to King Solomon is to all us us:” IF you follow My decrees…then I will dwell among the Sons of Israel and never forsake My people Israel…
Fasting and Prayer
The truth is, I am writing this letter to try and encourage my own heart in the Lord. I am fasting into my 3rd week and am poured out seeking the face of the LORD for answers to our dilemma here in Israel. I love that saying… When you come to the end of your rope, you will reach the hem of his garment… I wonder how many of my readers are in a similar situation? I find it very difficult to share the strains, weaknesses and needs that wear me down… how about you?
Historical Dates… Important for Perspective
The Family of Israel became the Nation of Israel in the year 2,448 to Creation. We are now in 5772. Israel has been in the earth as a nation for 3,324 years. The Tabernacle together with the Temple stood a total of 1,310 years. That is 40% of our existence as a nation, for the other 60% we had no place to worship except in our hearts and minds and National Consciousness. Also interesting is the fact, that we have not had a temple for over 1,940 years! We lost it because of our betrayal of God.
Feasts of Deliverance
This is the season of two amazing Biblical Feasts, Purim and Passover. Both have to do with National deliverance. God raised up ‘Someone’ to stand in the gap between their Jewish people and destruction. It take a human voice to speak and body to act and lead. But, first lets take a peek back into history around the Jewish date 465 BCE or 465 BC. Here is where the thrilling tale of orphaned Esther begins.
“IF I perish, I perish!”
“The scene opens at the Queen’s palace in Shushan the Persian capital… today’s Iran. Queen Esther worked in unison with her Uncle Mordecai, who told her the awful truth. Her people are targeted for destruction. You can imagine her frantically pacing in the palace, unable to speak a word of it to a living soul, yet trying to rid herself of the stress and stain. She cries out and the divine plan begins to unfold before her. First, she leads her household in fasting without food or water for three days and nights. Only then, she arrives at this conclusion: “IF I perish, I perish!” Taking her life in her hands, she seeks permission to approach the throne room of the King. This kind of intrusion costs any citizen in the realm their life! But, Esther went at God’s bidding and in His strength and timing. She voiced her request to the King and as a result, the arch anti-Smite Hamen, and his wicked schemes were exposed. By the way Hamen is a descendant of Amalek, a descendant of Esau. ( Gen. 36:12, 16. and 1Chr.1:36) Mordecai and Esther’s faithful Shepherd stood with them every step of the way to deliverance; Interestingly the name of the Almighty never appears in the Book of Esther.
“But the Jews in Shushan… made it a day of feasting and gladness… the Jews in the villages who dwelt in the unwalled towns celebrated the 14th day of the month of Adar with gladness and feasting as a holiday and for sending presents to one another.” Esther 9:18b, 19.
The Feast… Today in Israel
We are forbidden to be sad at Purim on the Feast of Esther, for it is a time of joy. It has become a National celebration of deliverance and salvation yet again! It is a planned happy-time. We carry gifts of food to each other’s homes, dress up in crazy costumes, and laugh in the face of despair and grief. We rejoice like children, and munch on ‘Hamen’s ears’ – date-filled cookies. Bus drivers, shop keepers, professors, children, old folks… we all celebrate the great victory and as a family and nation are strengthened. I often wonder what our Muslim neighbors think as they watch us celebrate? Their misguided power in missiles bristling on all sides of us and hate filled media is so misguided. The days are now growing darker and as a People, we must remember this deliverance and… celebrate.
Let us be “Followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Heb.6:12 Just one person standing up can be the catalyst to begin profound change. Yes it can be from the highest echelons of government on down, or from the bottom up. If God is in it…lives will be saved and disaster averted. Are we women being prepared for battle?
Son of a Slave, Great Grandson of Father Jacob
How easy it is to see the divine pattern in our lives when we look back, but… oh, when we have to go on solely by faith; here the real test lies! God chose the Hebrews, the Pharaoh’s and the Beduin to educate Moses. What diversity? First he was born to God-fearing Hebrew slaves of the royal line, but slavery and oppression all but killed the oral history of their homeland, Israel. Moses learned about the ‘other face’ of Egypt from his godly parents. Common slaves, they were told what to do, how to do it and when to do it. But God strengthened them with courage to resist evil. They developed a strategy of how to save their son. His parents took that leap, “IF we perish, we perish!” By faith, they lined a covered basket with pitch and set their precious baby afloat on the Nile that was also grave to tens of thousands of Hebrew male infants.
Moses, was “drawn out of many waters”, by a Princess of Pharaoh’s house. He studied all the ways of the Egyptians and was elevated and revered by the entire nation. Next, his ‘spiritual awakening’ first brought devastation. Seeing a Hebrew slave beaten exposed a hidden fury in Moses. He killed the Egyptian. Instantly this Prince became a fugitive on the run. He found refuge in a reclusive desert life similar to that of today’s Beduin. Yes, God was in every twist and turn of so-called fate, honing and proving His servant who eventually became a fearless leader demanding Pharaoh, “Let my people go!” Who could have imagined… God’s mastery in every detail?
Speaking of details, I want to recommend a superb documentary, The Exodus Decoded. Simcha Jocobovici known as The Naked Archeologist is a sleuth who strips Biblical archeology naked. In this case, he strengthens The Exodus narrative with his own brand of investigative journalism. He loves mysteries and uncovers amazing details of the Exodus from Egypt not seen before. In fact, many clues were still hidden under dust in Egypt. This stunning work, funded by David Cameron of Titanic fame is unforgettable. We hope to have a family viewing during the Passover holidays.
The Breaker
“I will surely gather all of you, O Jacob… like sheep in a fold, like a flock in its pasture, a noisy multitude of men. The breaker (Hebrew poretz) will break through and pass the gate, going out by it. Their king will pass on before them, the LORD is at their head. Micah 2:12, 13. Hebrew Bible (TRANSLATED exactly from Hebrew)
“God was comparing Israel to a flock kept safely behind a temporary rock wall at night. In the morning the shepherd “breaks open” a gap in the wall and the sheep run pell mell through it. But since He is really talking about people, the shepherd or “breaker” is both “their king” and “the Lord at their head.” (Jesus, Rabbi and Lord. Robert L Lindsay pg.62) Moses, Elijah and Jesus were ‘breakers’.
Both Purim and Passover are Feasts of remembering dark, desperate and near tragic times in our history when no man could be found to help. We see and hear warning signs today, leaders of the nations “talk” about Iran and do nothing. Is Canada the only nation standing firmly behind us. God bless Canada! God has His plan and will make a way of escape, where there is no way. First Moses and then Jesus opened the way! That is the grand theme of Passover. Jesus is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. I see such gentle but great courage displayed though out His life, in confronting lies of the devil, and status quo. He ministered in synagogues, delivering the bruised, oppressed and broken in Judea and Galilee. That was His first call and He never deviated from it and neither must we. Anything else is playing religion. May we take His call to heart. “Let us not be weary in well doing, in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart!” Col.6:9
God Working on the Ground
It is so important when praying for Israel to know that God is profoundly at work right here right now, it is not something new. Remember, He has never left his beloved. He works inside of this unchurched nation. We belong to the Family of Israel. God cannot be hindered. He will complete His Eternal will.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5,6.
We sometimes wonder if we are coming to the place in scripture where it says that ‘no man will be able to work’. I used to wonder what that meant. Everything is changing before our very eyes. The world is becoming slicker and ever quicker. Evil is called good and good, evil. Few in the Church care. Global Depression creeps ever closer and what government or bank acknowledges it? “Spend more, take another mortgage?” Here, we pay $2.50 a liter for gasoline and the oil-rich world laughs.
The Discipline of Faith
Through faith and patience we inherit the promises. Victory is found in taking the last step. That makes us winners. It is when Heaven’s heights are in full view, that hell’s gate is most persistent and full of deadly peril. Israel’s arch enemy Amalek attacked just when the Jews were getting close to Israel.(see pg 1) Our Master’s plan builds trust-worthy character out of suffering,
Fired or… fired?
God is ‘firing’ us as a nation to wait for His direction, our very lives depend upon it! “There is only one thing,” said a village blacksmith, “ I fear, I could be thrown on the scrap heap! When I am tempering a piece of steel, I first hit it, hammer it, and then suddenly plunge it into a bucket of cold water. Very soon I find whether it will temper or go to pieces in the process. What I discover after one or two tests is that IF the steel is not going to allow itself to be tempered, I throw it on the scrap heap and sell it for a cent a pound when the junk man comes around. So, I find the Lord tests me, too, by fire and water and hard blows of His heavy hammer. If I am not willing to stand the test, or am not going to prove a fit subject for His tempering process, I will be laid aside.”
When the fire is hottest, hold still, for there will be a blessed “afterward”; and with Job may we say, “When he has tried me I shall come forth as gold.” Selected.
Call to Prayer
Israelis are so aware that our destiny as a nation and people is very much in the cross hairs of the enemy’s target. What has changed? We have faith to believe “…You have made Your people Israel Your very own people forever…” 2 Samuel 7:24. Thank you for your prayers for the nation and for our family. We have not known such intense pressure and lack to this degree before. We are not alone! Our Hebrew Bible study at synagogue has grown into a very close-knit group. Barbara, a New Yorker aged 76 lamented: “It feels like the 10 plagues have come down upon us. I can’t have guests, because I can’t heat my house. I can’t even sell it today.!” Please do not put this letter down until you have prayed for *The Peace of Jerusalem, and *the well-being of Israel and her Peoples including us. Let God’s will be done! Amen and thank you for investing in prayer!
Bilvavi… In my Heart
My mother came to Israel 5 times and each visit was a gift for our family. In 1985, one Saturday evening after Shabbat, we were invited to the home of neighbors. The guests mainly young adults, chatted and snacked until one young man took out his guitar and began to strum and sing a beautiful song. The words are based on the 16th century writings of Rabbi Eliezer Azikri. Bilvavi, answers the longing of the heart to worship. The Hebrew melody and words speak of a deeper personal commitment and dedication of our bodily temple to the Lord God of Israel. It is a call to offer our heart, an altar of sacrifice. It goes…
”I ask the Lord to place His fire lit by the love of Abraham for the sacrifice of Isaac upon the altar of my heart. Come and burn up my sacrifice. Let it be a sweet smelling savor…”
The unity of our worship brought a palpable anointing down and tears to many eyes. Almost 20 years later, this sacred song and others have become popular on the Israeli hit-parade. I read this as an indication of spiritual hunger here. In Tel Aviv young people are returning to the faith of their fathers.
It takes 11 tons of pressure on a piano to tune it. God will tune you to harmonize with Heaven’s key-note if you can take the strain. Trust me I am speaking to my own soul. The Prophet Joel promised that the greatest outpouring of the Spirit of God will take place right here? See Joel 2:28 – 32? What will we have to go through to get to that place and time in history? I definitely want to be in tune!
God… WHAT Do You Want Anyway?
Our Creator wants happy kids! Try to imagine that! Israel is coming through the fire, which is and will be required of each and every one of us as well. The Israelis have learned to celebrate in adversity.
Dear Christian Friends, it was Passover that Jesus kept. We need to see him as He is: the Passover lamb who came for us all. I wish a blessed Passover celebration to each and every one.
Give generously beloved and thank you! May your joy and ours be full.
Dr. Meridel Rawlings Box 84156, Mevasseret Zion, 90805, Israel