
Still Small Voice – April 2009

Still Small Voice …

Shalom dear friends;          Nisan 5769,  April 2009

Tell me, is there anything like good news from a far country? Your letters are treasures and I take time to devour each one. You write as though I am your family, well, I am. Thank you for loving kindness poured out.  Lets take a moment to think of the momentous time of year we are approaching.  I hope what follows sheds light on your own private time of worship during Passover and Easter.

The Hebrew Month of Nisan

Nisan  (April) opens for us a portal to gaze at spiritual greatness, to see God’s hand at work in human affairs, especially in human history. It gives us a sense of how God metes out justice in this world to nations and individuals. Whether we see it or not, the divine principle of ‘justice’ is always present and working.

The Torah says to Israel: “you go forth now in this month of springtime.”  Passover ushers in spring delivering the message of renewal, new life, energy, and a new beginning into a new time of opportunity, creativity and accomplishment.  The Torah and nature form a harmonious duet, each is meant to compliment, explain and reinforce the values and teachings of the other.

This year is special, we bless the sun: birkat hahama. This happens once in every 28 years, always on a Wednesday, this year on the eve of Passover, April 8. The celestial cycle of 28 years aligns the sun and the adjacent planets and moons in our solar system in approximately the same postion that they were placed relative to each other at the time of creation. Through saying the simple blessing ‘oseh ma’aseh beresheet’  we affirm our foundational belief in the Almighty and in His creation of our universe.

This event takes place the very night of the Passover this year!  The feast affirms our Lord’s unique guidance of the people of Israel and the nation of Israel’s special role in human events and history. The Jewish God is the God of all mankind, of nature and of the entire universe, while simultaneously being the God of Israel and the Jewish people and the one who will present to all of mankind His Messiah.

Passover  –  God’s Five ‘1 – Wills‘   Exodus 6:6-8

I will free you from under the burdens of the Egyptians
 [killing of the male babies = deliverance from murder]

I will rescue you from their work [the actual enslavement = deliverance from slavery]

I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments[the 10 plagues and the splitting of the sea.  The promise of physical redemption by plagues and miracles.]

I shall take you to Me for a nation and I shall be for you as a God [in the Revelation at Sinai; the purpose of deliverance & physical redemption is for a personal and national relationship with the Almighty.]

And I shall bring you to the land. [ you… singular, each soul, and communal, the soul of an entire, people or nation, Israel.]

We as a people rehearse the first Passover, when slaves put the blood of a lamb on their door posts;  driving death back. Christians rehearse their redemption in the blood of The Lamb applied to doorposts of their hearts.

Hag Samach Pessach, Happy Passover!

My antidote to trying to involve a bored teenager in our Passover feast  came out of a tired mother’s desperate plea  to the Lord, while driving to the market. I got the inspiration to have a ‘show and tell’ meal. I filled my car with all of the delicious foods we use to celebrate this great pilgrim feast, and this time with plastic and paper utensils. I kept the work to a minimum. I was able to ignite Daniel’s imagination as he and friends helped us pack up. We headed down to Ein Gedi on the Dead Sea. There was only one other family in the park. The quietness began to embrace our souls… the air, blamy and warm was like summer. We began to feel exhilerated and energized. There was a quiet anticipation for something new to happen. First we pulled two picnic tables together and cleaned them off. Manhood came to the fore and all the guys scavenged the desert floor for kindling wood and helped Jay get a roaring barbeque going; all food preparation had to be ready by sunset. Soon the aroma of roasted meat filled our nostrils and with it came firece appetites. Tiredness and boredom just fell away, joy began to build as the LORD prepared before us a table in the wilderness.

pessach beach night

The Feast

The Israeli Park’s Authorities’ functional wooden picnic tables were now transformed. We added bouquets of flowers from our garden. Haggadot,( books telling the Passover story with songs and prayers) lay at each place setting. Next came the traditional foods… matzot – unleavened bread, the boiled egg – a symbol of eternity, bitter herbs representing – slavery, a cup of salty water for –  tears, a shank bone of a lamb reminding us of – the Passover sacrifice and cups of wine- for the blessings.

I took 3 pieces of matzot,  first I broke the ‘afikoman’ – the middle piece and hid it in a napkin…just as Messiah was wrapped in a prayer shawl. The boys would search for this missing piece at the end of the feast. Finally we added a bowl of apples dates and nuts all cut up together  to remember of the – mortar used to cement the bricks in ancient Egypt.

We washed our hands in the local faucet and stood around the table just after sunset… Jay began to sing; ‘l’shannah ha zeh b’ yershalyim…’ (this year in Jerusalem) which every Jew in the earth has prayed perhaps since that first Passover 4,000 years ago. An empty place at the table, called the ‘chair of Elijah’ reminded us of the ‘heavenly presence’. It remained with us through the entire feast of joyous celebration and giving of thanks for our redemption, not only physical but also spiritual.  Our LORD wishes to be contained  in our transformed hearts and spirits. How grateful I am… He saved us yet again.

Yep, Daniel found the akifoman that year… ‘that which was lost was found’, a profound promise to Israel of the coming of Messiah… His face may be hidden at this time, but it is only a moment in light of eternity!

Fear not; for I am with you, be not dismayed; for I am your God; Yes, I will strengthen you,

I will help you, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.

I the LORD your God will hold your hand.  Isaiah 41:10.13.

“Farewell Israel “

This DVD arrived on our doorstep one Friday morning along with the Jerusalem Post.  It lays bare  the spirit behind Islam and the misconceptions and fatal misunderstandings of the West (and Israel) in its dealing with the hidden adjenda of Islamic leaders. This confrontation began with the Prophet Muhammad and continues untiy.

Shabbat Shalom,l today. Farewell Israel a recently produced documentary is a must see.  The historic journey from the birth of Islam, is traced through its 1200 year reign over the civilized world. The West over took and has dominated Islam for the last 300 years causing their decline. But today Islamists are waging for a fateful war. Israel is its primary focus as the obstacle in the path of Islamic world domination. Order your DVD from www.farewellisrael.com

Thank Offerings

Your offerings have helped me to publish the following materials:

Honor Thy Father.  English, Finnish, Norwegian and German. Thank you Ursula Alberts. for the German ed.

Research and Counseling; Case Histories of Sexual Abuse

Why? Why Me? Why My Family? A support Group Work book based on Honor Thy Father???

Healing for the Family.  If you are part of a family, this is a must read. You may order through us.

Ministry  –  50% of Christian men and 34% of Christian women look at pornography.

Germany – Jay and I will address leaders in Hamburg on human traffiking, sexual abuse and Israel.

Switzerland – Jay will help me give a 3 day Family Healing seminar. David will join us for this week of ministry to film a ‘reality show’ so our viewers and partners can see how far reaching our work goes into human lives.

May 2009 – Switzerland: teaching in an International Bible School for pastors from Asia.

Nov 2009 – Jay and I invite to a life changing Tour of the Israel that we love! You will not be the same again! Click here to see the Tour 2009 Schedule

Israel Vision Prayer Tour Nov13 -22 2009
Come and see! You will never be the same again. We and our travel experts are excited about this unique, historical, educational and inspirational tour we have personally planned for you. We will have times of reflection alone and together sharing what we have heard the Still Small Voice say to us here in the land of Israel.

Contact us immediately while places still remain. Use our web address, email or drop a line.  Jay and I look forward to the joy of being with you. Click here to see the Israel Vision Prayer Tour 2009 Schedule & Sign up form


“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” 
Meridel Rawlings, Israel

“Look back at the many weak times, remember God’s reviving eperiences.” 
P. Barichello, Canada

“The cluster annointing will produce new wine that will help all believers to impact all 7 spheres of society; religion, education, business, government, family, media and arts.“ Cindy Jacobs,  USA

“This year I believe we will see God’s great faithfulness and ‘His Awe”’!  J Wheeler, USA

“I still remember the premier showing of your movie Gate of Brass in Winnipeg.The steel that I saw in Jay’s face balanced by the joy as well showed me your husband’s wonderful strength.” R. Platt Canada

“It troubles me that Daniel said, ‘Israelis are the most hated people on earth’. A young Israeli asked me, ‘Why are you so kind to Israelis?’ I said, It is because you belong to God, you are hated by many but also loved by those among the nations who also love God. Jesus was treated the same way.” 
Pf. Dr E Leidig, Switzerland.

“I shared your letter with the other members of our group, we remember you all in prayer!” D Zenk, Swiss

“My desire and sincere prayer is: ‘Let peace be restored in your hearts & in all Israel.’” V Strasser, Germany

“I identify with ‘prayers too intense for words.’ Our hearts ache for young couples struggling with mortages in today’s wild economy. Interesting that its causing the aliyah to increase from the West!” J Johnson, USA

“I saw you on God TV today I felt God the Father’s compassion and tenderness of heart toward you all in these difficult times. Even though I don’t know you, I love you.” L. Yates, Australia.

“An offering from the heart… to meet a small need just as your letter came to meet mine.” J Waldron, Australia

“We English have been so guilty in our treatment of Israel. We have done so much that is evil.” A Chennell, UK

Shalom… Thank you for your prayers and response. 
“Be still and acknowledge that I am God”

Psalm 46:10

With my love;

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My son is building a new Still Small Voice website it will be up in May 2009.