
New website 2009

A fresh new design for Still Small Voice (SSV) web site has been in development for the last 6 months. We have tried hard to improve the image and user friendliness of all the communications coming to you from SSV. The logo is a tree with Hebrew letters and a dove which symbolizes “Let his (or her) soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life”. The landscape photography by Chris Rawlings reflects this theme very well and gives a fresh and relaxed look to the web site and e-newsletter.

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new web site in mid April 2009, which will highlight more up to date news on Meridel Rawlings with personal video clips and current news. Chris Rawlings has developed a content management system to help Meridel update the web site on a monthly basis to keep her friends and supporters informed and educated about current events in Israel.

There is a newsletter section with current and archived news for those interested. Also, we would love to hear from you on the website guest book. You can also fill out the “Contact Form” form if you would like to receive a redesigned Still Small Voice e-newsletter or information on Meridel Rawlings next Seminars. If you are signed up on the current email list you will be receiving the new e-newsletter by email.


Meridel Rawlings