- My theme this letter is ‘warfare’ and consequences
- How do you blow a trumpet in Zion?
- A Free Spirit
- Be My Parents!
- The War is On! We need you to stand with us here in the Middle East as never before
To those few who respond, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I hope and know we are all praying. If my letter is a bother, annoying, etc… tell me. Return the enclosed envelope with your return address in the corner so that I know who you are and can remove you from the mailing list. Write the word NO on the back. Please do this now.
My theme this letter is ‘warfare’ and consequences.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly place. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand… stand therefore having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness. Ephesians 6:2
TV7 hosted us to speak at their Academic Hall in Helsinki this August. A powerful presence of the Lord came down, and God spoke amazing things concerning the future of Finland and the nation of Israel. We received this word: “I see your family as a menorah (Jewish candelabra) and I see you surrounded by evil, be very careful.”
I tucked it away in my heart thinking it over. That was just a short time ago and we have been in intense warfare ever since on all levels. Of course we understand… we are breaking into new territory never taken before on Women’s issues and the multi channel Internet for Israel. The attacks come from unexpected sources. Yes, the war for truth is on. It can reduce one to feeling like ‘compost’ which is taken ‘out’ to mature. However, in the breakings and crushing’s we find God comes to us in new tender and surprisingly ways, His life flowing through us. Is that not the very reason we are here? So we quieten ourselves knowing all in His Hand, there is peace in that. Please find a quiet corner and consider this…
Question: How do you blow a trumpet in Zion?
Answer: I acknowledge the Islamic web of lies and deception insidiously covering the world and pray and educate myself to do battle.
Good News: www.israelvision.tv was created for the counter attack.
Our team has created a multi-channel Internet specializing on Israel, from Israel for Israel presented by Israelis, available anywhere in the world at any time.
Israel at your fingertips… Together we are going to ‘make the difference’.
To view all of our TV programs and documentaries free you can go on line today!
Rate our shows online, let us hear from you and pray with us. The multi-channels are in the process of being filled with excellent, Israeli content.
A Free Spirit
What caught my eye on Israel’s mini Riviera in Eilat, consisting of several world-class hotels and only meters of beach…was the fishing line. There on the main man-made sandy beach sat a chunky Grandma wearing a one-piece psychedelic swimsuit. One could discern from the varicose veins and oversized midriff that she had worked too hard and not taken care of herself. Her proud head and henna dyed hair were bunched up under a small-knotted red kerchief. Now in a way Jay and I did not belong here either, as we had come from the ‘other side of town. We loved to gaze out toward the city, Jordan and the magnificent Edom mountains, and further down the bay to Saudi Arabia and Egypt. We came the sand and palms and came late afternoon, settled in rented a chair under the palms and tried to melt in.
Here in the lap of luxury, Grandma had staked her claim, borrowed one of the hotel chairs, situated it at the waters edge and was soaking her feet in the gentling lapping waves of the Red Sea. Concentrated on the task at hand… she aimed her baited hook and line out to the deep water. She had a fish net partly submerged in the water, plastic bag holding bait and years of experience in tossing the line to just the right place.
Tourists of all ages and nationalities sporting the latest beach ware and tans all had to ‘move around her’ whether they were in or out of the sea. I saw no one complain. The kiosk owner asked no fee for her chair and no lifeguard came near. She may have been a regular. I was impressed. This woman had ‘presence!’
I watched her fish until sunset; her catch consisted of two medium sized fish. When the sun’s rays turned the city and sea to gold in it’s decent it was time to go. Out came her cell phone, many generations newer than mine, it was time to go home. Supper was assured.
We did learn that as a child she emigrated from Morocco. From there my imagination took over… I could picture her as a 2 and 3 year old with sun bleached hair clinging to the dress of her mother, as the evening breeze played with the flaps of their army tent. That was it, she grew up in one of Israel’s tent cities which existed from 1947 up into the late 1950’s. Yes, 800,000 Jews fled out of the vast Arab world for fear of their lives. They left with just their clothes on their backs, leaving everything behind. As the prophets had written, they came…
A great throng shall return there. They shall come with weeping, and with supplications I will lead them… for I am A Father to Israel… He who scattered Israel will gather him. Jeremiah 31:8:9b, 10b.
She was a survivor, her family had found shelter, all be it a ‘tent’ in the brand new fledgling nation of Israel at war with the entire Arab world. No doubt this little lady had seen her Grandmother or mother go down to the sea to fish and come home with supper for her hungry children. How refreshing to meet a ‘free spirit!’
Be My Parents!
Run for your life! With those words ringing in his spirit, 10 year old Michael was able to escape the swift and utter devastation of his Christian village by Muslim militia. He still has no idea if his family survived. The Red Cross has not located them. He was never afraid to keep moving and learned to work as a janitor in a Catholic school in order to gain his education, up to and including matriculation. His English is good. We met him months ago and he responded to our invitation to visit our family this summer. He had come up from the South via Egged bus and his story unfolded over cold lemonade and a home cooked meal.
He knew there was no future in Sudan, and fled to Egypt where many Sudanese were murdered and treated shamefully at the hands of the Egyptians. Again he felt desperation to escape the oppression, and took the chance of his life. He wanted to get into Israel; surely he thought, “ They will make a place for me.” His 7-month pregnant wife in Cairo agreed,
They prayed and she sent him off to cross illegally into Israel. He witnessed others shot in cold blood by the Egyptians in ‘no-man’s-land’ the border between Israel and Egypt.
Michael made it across the beginning of 2007 and was put into an Israeli prison for 5 months until he could be cleared as a security risk. Sudan has no diplomatic relations with Israel. He was given a job in a local hotel. At least he was not sent back. We comforted him as we could, committed him to the Lord and promised to get help. His one request being: “Please be my parents.” We discussed schooling him in media and sought the lawyers in charge but the lines were jammed continuously for at that time Israel had no policy concerning these refugees. We prayed for change to come.
Jay received a call recently, it was Michael and his voice rapid, excited, “I have a surprise for you.” The following day, we met his surprise. His wife Nicole, a delicate mahogany beauty with high forehead, cheekbones and long thin limbs had arrived. Her physical presence belies her spiritual stamina and determination. Michael so tall and straight was dressed like a wrapper in brand new clothes, the peak of his cap turned backward, and bouncing in his arms was their 9 month old baby boy named Maw. In their local dialect it means, God has not forgotten me. The baby stretched out dimpled hands and came and nestled down into my arms. It made my day! Michael explained the miracle.
Stranded in Cairo with a 2-month old baby, and absolutely no trace of Michael, Nicole made a decision. Taking a leap of faith she got Bedouin trackers to smuggle her across the desert, a 5- day journey on foot with only water to drink. Maw was tied to her back and only knew that his Mother was near. She not only got across the Israeli border, she asked the Israeli authorities if they knew her husband Michael Dobuol. In a very short time they were reunited as a family and Michael saw this handsome son for the first time in his life.
Holding his son aloft, Michael said, “I have lost all of my family so now Maw is not only my son, he is my brother, and Nicole is not only my wife, she is my sister and my mother, but thank God, you are my family as well.”
The Israeli Government is issuing ‘temporary-status’ to those refugees who were the first to come. We pray that Michael qualifies. The rest will be returned to a friendly Africa nation.
Michael wants to study political science just as soon as his status is cleared. Michael said, “I want to fight for the rights of refugees, that is why I want to go to university.”
Will you pray for Michael and Nicole? We filmed this encounter to send worldwide.
We told them how we left Canada in 1969 having sold everything, and after paying all our debts there was nothing left for my round the world ticket which had been ordered for 3 months. The Lord had told us to first go to Israel, and continue on and He would tell us where to stop. We went out not knowing where we were going just like Abraham. But that is another story. My ticket had been cancelled. God supplied me an identical ticket to Jay’s at the airport in a time when no tickets were purchased at airport. It was handwritten by the President of SAS airlines at the J F Kennedy Airport, the plane was delayed 2 hours, When we boarded that flight, we fell into our seats and just praised the Lord. No one knew that we had no money in our purses. A gentleman came up to Jay and put 2 crisp $20.00 bills in his hand. That is how Jay and I and 9-month-old David were launched into a life of faith. Jay said, “Forty dollars for 40 years. Hugging Michael he continued, “ It has been an amazing walk of faith and that is why I believe we are to parent and teach you a most excellent way.
Let us not forget to acknowledge Israel’s humanitarian efforts for Michael and refugees. Israel settled 800,000 Jewish refugees who came poring out of the cauldron of the Arab World at war with the newly born nation of Israel. We have no refugees today. The Palestinian Authority had declared themselves “refugees” forever and they are the only people to have gained that unique status by the United Nations.
We were here when Israel was the first nation in the world to settle the boat people who came out of war torn Viet Nam, and in like manner, we are the first nation to grant status to the first 500 Sudanese refugees. Michael, has a job, a lovely apartment amongst normal middle class Israelis, even child care and work for Nicole. They have a very bright future.
In spite of our misguided leaders and many shortcomings can you say with me: ‘God bless Israel.’
Meanwhile today in the Palestinian Authority, 90% of Christians have left and Muslims persecute all of the remaining 10% of this former vibrant Christian community. In late October a Christian worker at the Bible Society in Gaza was stabbed to death. His pregnant wife, mother 2 small children implored Prime Minister Abbas in the Palestinian Authority to allow her to go to family in Bethlehem. She has been refused entrance.
The LORD appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and sty there until I bring you word: for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him. Matthew 2:13b.
Destroy in this verse means: “to utterly disintegrate” Strongs #622.
The War in On! We need you to stand with us here in the Middle East as never before.
Islam will not give up until it had disintegrated our world today as we know it, and that means your nation, your way of belief, your freedoms, and your peace. Stand up now.
For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.
Luke 9:56
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience (attentive hearing Strongs 5218 as in the Still Small Voice) of Messiah.
Wow… the Lord just gave me this scripture and it has ‘blown me away. I am so blessed.
Read it until you fell the same way! Oh, I LOVE the Still Small Voice. Hallelujah.
Thank you for standing with our family. Jay and I ask for your prayers as we are ministering in Switzerland, Germany and Denmark. We count it a great privilege. Pray for us to have the power and finances to keep working.
Remember we are coming to Canada in July August 2007 and the USA Oct/Nov so if you would like us to visit get your requests in now. Asia and Australia in 2009.
I look forward to hearing from you!
(if you are requesting a seminar please include these details in your emails to Jay and Meridel Rawlings) meridel.rawlings@gmail.com or jvrawlings@gmail.com
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