- The Jewish New year 5768
- There is a time and season for all things under heaven
- Since last year…
- Family Healing Seminars in Switzerland
- Israel I believe…
- World Tour 2008 – 2009… We Need Your Help!
- Projects Underway that need Financial Support for Publishing.
Amidst the sound of shofars, the Jewish New year 5768, began at sunset on the 12th of September 2007. My family joins me in wishing you a “Sweet New Year!” It is also when we pause, we ponder the last years activities. We sort out our thoughts and motives, mistakes, hopes and dreams. If need be we seek out those to ask forgiveness before taking ourselves before the Throne of God on the Day of Atonement as complicated as we are. We repent, turn away from sin to receive a clean conscience and fresh beginning. Born again Christians know about the atonement through the blood of Jesus. God’s ways are to be explored and experienced. He is no respecter of persons.
Then the sounds of hammers are heard all over Israel as build our booths or succahs. We are physically preparing ourselves and loved ones to move on into the glorious celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles. The humble little booth in our garden with it’s leafy roof… is a reminder to us all and even the little ones, that we are only temporary residents here on earth. Our Maker is always our Provider and Protector and it is under His wings we have come to nestle and trust. And for the next 8 days we rejoice in His goodness and in each other!
There is a time and season for all things under heaven…
When God was about to create we read: the earth was unformed and void and darkness was on the face of the abyss, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Genesis 1:2
Everything begins unformed and void – it is necessary to make order from the utter confusion. How does one make order? Well… in the beginning, the Almighty created… and said, ‘let there be light and divided the light from the darkness’.
In the army… everyone is made to stand in ranks.
In the family… we implement ‘honor and protocol’ based on respect for the Lord and each other. Each one is in the process of learning their innate value: who they are, where they fit and the contribution they can make. We began with the most senior all the way down to the youngest who can barely walk and talk. It is an ‘art’ knowing how to live with one’s family.
In the world… the Bible teaches us to count… And it was evening and morning one day… And it was evening and morning a second day…Then God rested from all the creative work, which God had done. We were taught to arrange the weeks into months, the months into a full year and the cycle repeats… all of our days upon earth.
I would like to add another measure of time. We must make order of time, or it would be perceived as an infinite resource until suddenly it would be depleted. Daily we experience the fact that time is a limited resource and it is necessary to attribute special importance to the way in which we utilize it. At the end of a day or week, one might say, “it was difficult, I was hindered, or it was inspiring, I learned so much, or it was boring, I wasted my time…” We ask ourselves: “What did we accomplish, where did ‘the’ time go?”
In my work of counseling and teaching I have discovered that depression, anxiety and fear are all time related. The ART of life is learning to live TODAY to the full. Making the use of time in the most productive way no matter what we ‘have to do’, no matter who we ‘have to’ live with. We learn to live in the time of today without making excuses for wasting it.
Fear is related to time past, the yesterdays of our lives. Anxiety is related to time in the future, the tomorrows of our lives. Depression settles in when we feel stuck inside of our pasts, projecting hopelessness into the future. Time weighs us down to immobility. Our minds become a torture chamber, a rack upon which we are impaled. That invisible pain can be grief over loss, anguish, unforgiveness, which feeds the self-blame and hatred. God’s antidote: There is hope for your future says the Lord! (Future time.)
If we realize that Time is a gift, and Time is Life, a personal gift to each human being, to be spent wisely for the benefit of others! Every one needs to learn why they are here… “I am here to make a difference.” What ever was broken in your life, can be the catalyst to help you build up others broken down in the same dimensions. That is what I am trying to do!
Another question we should ask is: What season of life am I living in? It helps to know that no situation is forever. Maybe you feel that your life has not started yet. I remember as a girl feeling like I was caught in a horrible cage and couldn’t get out. Knowing my dire circumstances would change one day brought relief and courage. What ever we might be experiencing at the moment, be it tedious, stressful, or awesome, is limited to time, which can add a precious value. Remember we will never walk this way again. God is working for our good; He is the God of the generations. I will give them one heart, and one way, that they may be in awe and respect of Me forever; for their good and their children after them.
Since last year…
This last year saw us all making great strides. David bought the media equipment from our non-profit Jerusalem Vistas and has established Israel Vision Productions in the heart of Jerusalem. His Israeli team of young, competent Jews and Christians are refreshing in their uncomplicated fresh approach to professional media. Their first production was the Jerusalem Women’s Summit, hosted by Bible teacher Kay Arthur. For a preview visit: www.ivpro.tv
Chris our 2nd son along with Mick, a programmer from Nokia developed a brand new concept in Internet television. This September together with our 3 eldest sons, we are launching this Internet multi-channel TV system focusing on Israel. If you want to explore go to: www.israelvision.tv We invite you to become a member of this unique educational and inspirational service.
Joshua moved his family to Israel and works with us all as a consultant. Daniel our youngest is ensconced in the European Film College and thrilled with all that lies before him.
Jerusalem Vistas our charity work has moved to a new more compact facility. We have been preparing our 4th season of our weekly TV program, People Making a Difference. Jay has chosen some very special productions to lend his expertise to as a producer and scriptwriter. He plans to begin writing his memoirs for the family. His dream is to build a tiny art studio on one of our balconies where he will again lend his expert hand to portraiture in oils.
Our sons, their wives and the grandchildren fill our lives. Hopefully, each of us adults has work that we love and are making a significant contribution in light of eternity. Five of our eight grandchildren, started school in September (nurseries to grade school) here in Israel.
Meridel held Family Healing Seminars in Switzerland, Israel and Finland over the last year.
“There was surprise and joy over the success of your seminars in Finland. The local participants usually say ‘nothing happened’ but now they said, ‘When this woman gets up to work with us, watch out, nothing is ever the same again’.” Community Leader Finland.
She was a keynote speaker on the subject of ‘incest’. Jerusalem Women’s Summit in May.
Honor Thy Father has been republished into English and Finnish this year, and Meridel has professional translators in Israel working on the Hebrew, Arabic and Russian versions. Norwegian is needed? Kindly contact me if you know of professional help.
She has several manuscripts ready to go to press. She rises at dawn to complete work on her Doctorate. She built a small office with the financial help of many of you and local craftsmen. Your responses to her letters light up her life. She moved in by the New Year. She invites you to visit her updated website, www.stillsmallvoice.tv
Our great joy in life comes from sensing the Lord’s Presence and Mercy toward us, not that we deserve it, but we receive it gratefully. We love our community here, which is bursting its seams. The highlight this past year was studying the psalms from the original Hebrew text English. Sometimes we were left speechless, having caught something of the many depths and the facets of light emanating from the words. Our Bible study group, the oldest in the synagogue is led by Prof Tehia Greenwald. Come and join us if you are in the city at the time.
For Jay’s November schedule in Germany and Switzerland contact: chwuerslin@avteam.net
Israel I believe… to ‘see’ the unique nation of Israel, one must peek through God’s TIME: past, present and future because, “Before God, Israel has lived, does live and will live. Before Her enemies Israel is to be disposed of as quickly as possible…”
Israel, the Land and People need your prayers as never before. We continue to be in a precarious position. Israelis are tired, battle weary with the last years war, being ‘bated’ by Hezbulloh, Hamas and Syria and the daily rockets attacks in the south. The continual foment of the region along with the slick media slander has taken its toll on us all.
Thank you for standing with us. We are encouraged with the multitude of changes under taken so far and have accepted the challenges a head. Like you, we really don’t know what lies ahead, but we follow the Holy One of Israel who teaches us how to live in present time. We believe it is the end-time, the time that offers us countless opportunities to point others of God’s Kingdom.The many disasters in our world, and all the tragedies that happen to people each day, can easily lead us to despair and convince us that we are the sad victims of circumstances. Is it possible for us to we see them as opportunities to be a light of the Word… yes I said WORD. Let’s look up! Happy New Year! The Lord is with us of a truth!
World Tour 2008 – 2009… We Need Your Help!
Jay and I are in our 40th year of marriage and Sept 2008 begins 40 years of our life in Israel and out among the nations. We are planning a world tour and look forward to ministering in your home, farm, factory, school, community center, synagogues, churches or mosque.
Jay will present multimedia presentations on The Feasts of Israel. The Land and People of Israel and your specific requests. Audiences have benefited from our joint seminars The Art of Marriage. Meridel is a ‘Life Coach’ giving seminars on many aspects of Sexual Abuse.
The time frame of our tentative schedule.
June 2008: The United Kingdom
Summer 2008: Canada, Newfoundland to British Columbia
Fall 2008; The United States, Washington south, East and south to Florida
December 2008: Home to Israel
January, February 2009: India, Thailand, Korea and Japan.
March, April 2009: Philippines, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand
May, June 2009: Central and South America.
July, August 2009: Norway, Finland, Germany, Switzerland.
If you would like to invite us to your area lets plan NOW. Kindly take a moment and email us. meridel.rawlings@gmail.com or jvrawlings@gmail.com or fill out the form.
Any address or email changes… we want to be the FIRST not LAST to know! Thanks.
IT’S A NEW DAY! We have all worked very hard in our areas of expertise and believe the LORD to “add the increase”. May this be your story as well? Thank you each and every one who has ever prayed for us, written to us, supported us, or sent encouragement another way. We could not stand here today without you and your ongoing support of our work.
I…beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called, with all lowliness and meekness… endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling, one LORD, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all and in you all. Amen!
I look forward to hearing from you!
(if you are requesting a seminar please include these details in your emails to Jay and Meridel Rawlings) meridel.rawlings@gmail.com or jvrawlings@gmail.com
I want to invite Jay and Meridel to my corner of the world!
My Name:______________________________________________________________
Date?_____________Do you want a seminar?____Message on Israel?_____
Who will Arrange the details?_____________________________________________
We must ask for a free will offering!___________________________________
We always request that the people be allowed to bless our work!
Projects Underway that need Financial Support for Publishing.
In 1969 when the Lord called us to Israel, He told us to publish. We have never ceased to do so via film, TV, and the printed page. This year begins my time to publish many of the works I have spent my lifetime writing. We have tried to be faithful as we were able, but now we sense an urgency to enlarge the vision. I have two translations of one book completed and will continue to publish as the funds come in. If you see the value of my work, together we can publish every manuscript I believe, birthed in the Spirit of God. Here are some examples.
On going printing projects in: English, German, Finnish, Hebrew, Arabic, Russian.
1. Honor Thy Father – Exposing the Secret World of Incest.
2. The Small Talk Kit – Teaching Little Ones How to Protect Themselves.
3. Fishers and Hunters. Vol. 1 Visit the World’s Jewish Communities.
4. Healing for the Family – Challenges Within Your Families?
5. Still Small Voice – How to hear it! It is not a Religion… it is Relationship.
6. The Layers of Heaven – Everyone Wants To Go, But No One Wants To Die
7. Tears – “Suffering” a Universal Principal Known To All Peoples.
8. My Family and Other Species.
9. Who am I? Who are You?
10. The First Christian Celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles. I Remember…
11. The Women in My Life!
12. The Men in My Life!
13. Prayer that Gets Answers.
14. Why die of High Blood Pressure when you can Live! A true story.
15. Uncle Phibs… the Cat that Could.
16. Dyslexia… Why Me?
17. Sex in the Sanctuary. Open My Eyes That I May See.
18. We Never Use the ”D” Word, Murder…Yes!
19. Honey, I Cooked the Fridge.
20. When the Neighbors Hate You
If you would like to donate to these publications please Click Here.