All posts tagged: prayer

Still Small Voice 2025 – Auf Deutsch

Liebe Freunde Diese schnell voranschreitenden, bedeutsamen Tage bringen Stunde um Stunde Veränderung. Es gibt nur einen sicheren Weg, welchen wir wählen können. Das ist der Weg des HERRN Jesus: das lebendige WORT. Es liegt an uns, uns in den Grundsätzen seines lebendigen WORTES zu erfrischen. Wählt gut, denn dies sind die Tage, welche uns in die Ewigkeit führen! «Die Nationen sind in die Grube gefallen, die sie gegraben haben; ihr Fuß hat sich gefangen in dem Netz, das sie heimlich stellten. Der HERR hat sich zu erkennen gegeben, hat Gericht gehalten; der Gottlose ist verstrickt in dem Werk seiner Hände! Der Wehrlose überlässt es dir, der du der Helfer der Waisen bist! Zerbrich den Arm des Gottlosen und des Bösen». Psalm 9,15-16 Psalm 10,14b-15 Das Hören auf die Stille Kleine Stimme ist heute lebensnotwendiger als je zuvor. Seid Ihr bei all den negativen Überlastungen aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten oder habt Ihr Euch auf den Felsen gestellt? Für uns ist es eine Zeit der Besinnung und der Stille. Jesus allein hat das Wort des Lebens. Wir kommen zur …

Still Small Voice – 2025

Dear Friends: These swiftly moving momentous days, bring change hour by hour. There is only one sure course for us to choose. That is the way of the LORD Jesus; the Living WORD. It is up to us to refresh ourselves in the precepts of His living WORD. Choose well, for these are the days leading us into Eternity! “The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden. The LORD is known by his justice; the wicked are enslaved by the works of their hands. The victim commits himself to you. You are the helper of the fatherless. Break of the arm of the wicked and evil man.”Psalm 9:15,16. Psalm 10:14b,15. Listening for the Still Small Voice is more vital today perhaps than every before. Are you off balance with all of the negative overload or have you planted yourself on the Rock? For us it is a time of reflection and quietness. Jesus alone has the Word of life. We quieten ourselves, look …

Still Small Voice – Christmas 2024

A blessed Christmas to you! Today, when I awoke, the old hymn playing in my mind was: “Peace peace, wonderful peace, coming down from the Father above. Sweep over my spirit  forever, I pray, in fathomless billows of love …”  Israel remains central in our prayers, Abba Father took us out of Israel, He did not take Israel out of us! It’s a family matter. I believe today, we all are on ‘alert’ for our nations. The world is battered by the winds of war, noise and trouble. We pray for those in leadership, the good, the bad and the ugly. I bring them to the Courts of Heaven and leave them there. God’s will be done in heaven as it is on earth. How to Pray: “He is our peace, He has broken down every wall.” “Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper who love her…”               May that Peace, be extended to our family, friends and yes enemies, plus the multitudes that we pray for, …

Still Small Voice – Change…

My Dear Friends: “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all peoples: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” Zechariah 12:3 This is where we are going… “Who will bring any charge to God’s against those whom God has chosen (elected)?” Romans 8:33 Days of Destiny: Did you know Muslims have declared November to be anti-islamophobia month?!   Yes, I hear the noise and foment flooding the nations and spilling out over the internet. There is NO rest, NO peace, only speculation and threats. Change has burst forth with the landslide electoral victory of former President Trump. The people have spoken, and the only people who seem bewildered by it are the Left. What a wake-up call. Do not be deceived. We are in a period of great spiritual and political turbulence, fueled by media lies. Unexpected attacks are being planned over the next two months before Mr Trump takes office. Stay alert! They …

Still Small Voice – Intrigue & Initiative

My Dear Friends:    We are living in supernatural times, hearkening back to Biblical days. Strange and unusual things are happening. We expect the supernatural to continue to unfold throughout Israel and in our own lives. This is why, it is well worth our time and future to always “give a cup of cold water” to anyone in the Name of the LORD. Commune daily. Listen, Hear and Obey the Still Small Voice. These are in the ‘Days of Repentance’ leading to the Jewish New Year, 5785. These number letters in Hebrew spell, “a year of grace and judgment.” Shillot prayers ask for forgiveness, first from the people who fill our lives and then from the LORD for our offences. Jesus rehearsed this principle. “Leave your gift there before the altar and go. First, be reconciled with your brother and then go and offer your gift.” Matthew 5:24  “LORD Jesus, encourage me to live in such a way today that my life will influence those I meet for tomorrow. Teach me how to pray. Let …

Still Small Voice. Day 327

My Dear Friends: I love to hear from you, even if it is to tell me that your version of my SMV is messed up. To ensure your smooth opening, please go to my website:  Sign in the box provided with every letter, choose: English or German. Download the app to your computer then open automatically. “See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to uproot and break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant.” Jeremiah 1:10b “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword [or division between belief and unbelief]. Matthew 10:34. ISRAEL: Friends keep your prayers up. The major ongoing war remains in Gaza, to date, 17,000 terrorists have been eliminated. At present it is an ongoing underground gorilla war. Deadly and cruel! Preemptive Attack: At dawn yesterday, 15 minutes before one of our worst attacks, Israel preempted Hezbulloh, with 100 planes taking out 170 targets, and …

Still Small Voice. The Shabbat of Comfort!

My dear Friends: This thought came to me: Growing old takes grace … Choosing Life, is an Art form. Especially when the going is tough, It’s  … my choice! Meridel Rawlings This Sabbath is called ‘The Sabbath of Comfort’. I think that is lovely. It falls after last week when we ‘remembered’ the destruction of both Temples and waited to see if Iran would attack Israel. I didn’t believe they would. Bullies are also cowards, and Israel sent an ultimatum. May we all give thanks to the God of ALL Comfort. He will see us through. Our goal is to gain the Kingdom of Heaven! “COME, and let us return [in repentance] to the LORD, for He has torn us, and He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us.” Hosea 6:1 When we take time to reflect, can we say the best things in our lives came out of wounding? Wheat is crushed before it becomes bread. Incense must be one with the fire to release its fragrance. Fields must …

Still Small Voice – Day 301

My dear Friends! I pray that in these days, each one of you is drawing aside from the hustle and bustle and noise. LISTEN to the Still Small Voice. Yes, it isn’t easy, but nothing worthwhile is. If you show up on a faithful basis, God will show up for you. This week I will share just two of the instructions I heard. Study to be quiet! And later this week, this order: KNOW your enemy! 1. Are you weary of the daily grind, or:       – the continuous giving of your time and space       – the madness of the world at large       – the changes swiftly changing your nation       – perhaps, the undue stress in your interpersonal relationships? Question: Okay, are you ready for change? Seriously, are you ready to do your part? Well, allow me to share this marvellous assurance. “For the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel has said this, “In returning [to Me] and rest you shall be saved, In …

Still Small Voice – Day 280

Dear Friends: “Things as we have known them are coming to an end!” Barry Wunsch Canada We live in amazing times. What matters most is not our geographical location but our spiritual location. Being in the eye of the storm, we can help many. I know you do as the Lord directs. ‘He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings, you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.’” I am being prompted by the Holy Spirit to “remain here and keep watch!” During Jesus’s agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, this was His only request of his faithless disciples. How do you respond to that? It’s not easy for sure. The news from Israel, Europe, Africa, Asia and North and South Africa is so distressing that I can no longer watch it. It causes me to tremble and deal with brokenheartedness. I am being led another way, not to look down, but to keep my gaze fixed on the eternal promises of the LORD God Almighty.  Perhaps you are experiencing this …

Wake Up!

My dear friends: In these days, knowing the scriptures helps us to ‘think’ out of the box. Our survival depends upon wisdom, knowledge, and truth from heaven’s perspective. Man does not have the answers. That is not an overstatement. In and outside of Israel people are perplexed, confounded and angry by the savagery of Oct 7th. The world has largely ignored Israel’s greatest ongoing tragedy to date. The country is clearly divided into two camps. One blames the political and military leadership for negligence which caused the disaster, coupled with how the army handled the invasion. The other religious, citizens are largely non-involved, especially by refusing to agree for their sons to serve in the IDF. How can that one attitude alone help to cement a fractured people? One side pays with their lives, the other is paid to sit in Yeshiva? What is your answer? Now an exhausted and depleted nation faces ongoing war in the North with 200,000 Israeli refugees from north and south within their own nation. They need you to stand …