Shalom dear friends:
”Choose well, for these are the days leading us into Eternity!” Meridel R.
“O that you would bless me … and keep me from harm.” 1 Chronthians. 4:1
Why are we surprised that inertia has hit us seasoned believers? The road is steep these days and many dear souls are discouraged, or depressed and some even have expressed their desire to die and go to heaven! In your own circle of friends I am sure you have met this malaise. It seems as prevalent as the cold and flu that afflicts. We will not win if we give up. We have to fight to live and keep on. “Why are you sleeping? Pray that you may not enter into temptation.” Luke 22:46
My pioneer Grandmothers taught us: endurance of hardship is the making of us. This tough truth is the ingredient that creates all the difference between existence and vigorous vitality. Hardship creates character. Our spiritual conflicts are among our choicest blessings … if we keep choosing Life. It helps me in these moments to remember, “our great adversary is used by the Almighty to train us for his (evil) ultimate defeat. Not ours. We have to keep ‘lookin on the bright side of life!’
George Orwell wrote “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”
One of our many challenges is to pray for world leaders; because today our world is so interconnected. University campuses in the USA, Canada, the UK and Australia, are suffering from the rotten fruit of hate; The fruit of Woke governments. Hate of Jews, Israel, and those who tell the truth. Do not be fooled, God is not mocked. Today the news is filled with the exploits of the new US President. Instead of fuming worrying or criticizing, pray! These swiftly moving momentous days, of global change can leave us unsure if we allow it. We are exhorted to “choose life that you may life …” Choose well, for these are the days leading us into Eternity!”
With so many voices screaming for attention, listening for the Still Small Voice is more vital today perhaps ever before. Does this last sentence annoy you? Why? Yes, I understand how difficult it is to be quiet on the inside and face oneself with honesty. “Be STILL and KNOW that I am God! I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Ps 46:10
The LORD God is always in command. We are His guests on this earth for a short while. No, we do not understand His ways because we are finite. I want to encourage and thank each one for your prayers for all Israelis. That of course must include Palestinians. Surely there are some believers in Gaza, and the PA? “May God’s voice be heard in every listening heart.”
The Hostages:
“There are no longer any female captives alive,” Hamas has announced. What does that news tell you? Only men are left and too many are still living in darkness and depravity. Of the 251 hostages taken on Oct. 7, 2023, to date: 175 have been returned or rescued, and Hamas has 38 living male hostages and is believed to be holding 35 bodies. Aviva Siegel captive for 51 days confirmed that Hamas was sexually harassing and assaulting a number of them. “These girls were transformed into puppets for their captors. They were dressed in tight clothing and forced to endure humiliations no one should ever have to face.”
Karina Ariev, IDF field observer, said: “I was held captive by Hamas for a year and five months. Today thank God, I am home in Israel. From now on, my journey, in addition to rehabilitation and returning to life, will include remembering my fellow soldiers, commanders, company commanders, and fighters who fell in battle at the Nahal Oz post where I served. I will fight for justice and truth alongside their families. I was there, no one must be left behind, I will not be silent.” Now here is a brilliant example of someone bravely choosing life!
On Feb. 1st, Yarden Bibas, 35, was freed after 484 days of Hamas captivity. He was taken hostage with his wife Shiri and their two red headed little boys, one just 10 months old. Hamas claimed in November 2023, that his family had been killed. I dreampt long ago that these boys with hair dyed black and dressed in Arab outfits were smuggled from North Gaza to the South by two very large traditional Muslim women. Hamas lies. If dead, may they rest in peace. I continue to pray. I don’t believe the circle is closed yet. Hamas has said they were taken by PFLP and can’t be retrieved. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP; is the second-largest of the groups forming the (PLO), the largest being Fatah. Liars, all.
Israel pays BIG: With the most recent release of 3 male hostages on Feb.1st after 484 days in Hamas captivity… here is what Hamas got in return for these 3 soul: Israel released 183 Palestinian terrorists—18 serving life time sentences, 54 serving lengthy terms and 111 arrested since the Hamas’s Oct. 7, 2023, massacre.
“The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden. The LORD is known by his justice; the wicked are enslaved by the works of their hands. The victim commits himself to you. You are the helper of the fatherless. Break off the arm of the wicked and evil man.”Psalm 9:15,16. Psalm 10:14b,15.
This beautiful song you probably know. It is from survivors of the October 7th attack when more than 100 terrorists infiltrated their moshav. It was sent to a family member who shared it with me. How precious is this friends.
The good news is that we have read the end of the book, and this glorious phrase is sung at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

EXPOSED! What the media WON’T tell you about Trump’s Gaza plan.
Click the image to open the youtube video.
“Hallelujah! For the LORD God Almighty reigns…” Rev. 19:6b
“For in You is the well of life, and in Your Light we shall see Light!” Psalm 39:6
With love from our home to yours this February 2025.
Sincerely, Jay and Meridel Rawlings
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