All posts tagged: jews

Still Small Voice – Day 301

My dear Friends! I pray that in these days, each one of you is drawing aside from the hustle and bustle and noise. LISTEN to the Still Small Voice. Yes, it isn’t easy, but nothing worthwhile is. If you show up on a faithful basis, God will show up for you. This week I will share just two of the instructions I heard. Study to be quiet! And later this week, this order: KNOW your enemy! 1. Are you weary of the daily grind, or:       – the continuous giving of your time and space       – the madness of the world at large       – the changes swiftly changing your nation       – perhaps, the undue stress in your interpersonal relationships? Question: Okay, are you ready for change? Seriously, are you ready to do your part? Well, allow me to share this marvellous assurance. “For the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel has said this, “In returning [to Me] and rest you shall be saved, In …

Still Small Voice – Fishers and Hunters

My Dear Friends: This week I heard this saying: ONLY LISTEN IF YOU WILL HEAR: “Behold, [listen carefully], I will send for many fishermen,” says the LORD, “and they will fish for them; and afterward I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them from every mountain and from every hill and out of the clefts of the rock.” Jeremiah 16:16 TJVN (The Jewish Voice News) @TJVNEWS. Tonight May 9th 2024 Breaking News: There is an incident of rioters trying to break into a hotel in Athens, Greece where a group of Israelis are staying. The local police forces are trying to take over.  This “Emergency” Aliyah Conference was held May 1st/24 in Jerusalem. Since 1971, when we first carried scriptures to the Jewish Community in the then Soviet Union, we have been fishing or encouraging Jewish Communities to return home to Israel. In 1980 Jay presented the film we co-produced, Apples of Gold to Jewish and Christian Communities all over North America.  In one synagogue in America, the well-known Rabbi brought his …

Still Small Voice – Anti-Semitism Alert

Shalom Friends: Prayers for the hostages went up around the world for 49 days. That night Oct 24th 2023, was the first of six nights of ceasefire, 120 women and children were returned Many recording artists created their own version of BringThem Home, each beautiful. This particular rendition is a prayer by Shmuel Lemmer. His audience of Holocaust Survivors each hold a photograph of a hostage. Look for his performance at the end. “For just as the new heavens and the new earth, which I make will remain and endure before Me,” declares the LORD, “So your off spring and your name will remain and endure.”  Isaiah 66:22 On the 6th day of the ceasefire, Israel demanded the return of 17 women and 2 little red-headed boys. Hamas said they are dead and blamed Israel. At 5:48 a.m. on Friday, Dec 1st, Hamas lobbed rockets into south Israel. They took responsibility for a terror attack at an East Jerusalem bus stop; 3 Israelis were shot to death, 8 wounded.  This is their way of reminding …