All posts tagged: Christmas

Still Small Voice – Christmas 2024

A blessed Christmas to you! Today, when I awoke, the old hymn playing in my mind was: “Peace peace, wonderful peace, coming down from the Father above. Sweep over my spirit  forever, I pray, in fathomless billows of love …”  Israel remains central in our prayers, Abba Father took us out of Israel, He did not take Israel out of us! It’s a family matter. I believe today, we all are on ‘alert’ for our nations. The world is battered by the winds of war, noise and trouble. We pray for those in leadership, the good, the bad and the ugly. I bring them to the Courts of Heaven and leave them there. God’s will be done in heaven as it is on earth. How to Pray: “He is our peace, He has broken down every wall.” “Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper who love her…”               May that Peace, be extended to our family, friends and yes enemies, plus the multitudes that we pray for, …

Still Small Voice Im Dezember 2023

Jay and Meridel Rawlings, Box 47554, Ermioni, Griechenland 210 51 Unser himmlischer Vater IST die Liebe. Jesus IST Sein Geliebter. Der Heilige Geist IST der Geist der Liebe. Möge Jesus uns in dieser Zeit der weltweiten Ausbeutung, des Verlustes, des Krieges und des Kummers Frieden bringen. Ich habe eine Kopie dieses ungewöhnlichen Gemäldes ausgewählt, weil es zeigt, wer Jesus auf Erden war und für uns heute IST. Hier sehen wir einen Engel, welcher ihn in diesen letzten einsamen Stunden im Garten stärkt, während Satan im Schatten lauert. Jesus stand seiner letzten Prüfung gegenüber und fühlte sich verlassen und allein. Im Olivenhain war alles still. “Vater, wenn du es willst, lass diesen Kelch an mir vorübergehen”, flehte Jesus. Seine Antwort war ein furchtbares Schweigen. Was für eine ernste Lektion in Gehorsam und Treue. Schauen wir zurück auf die Nacht seiner Geburt, welche von der Stille der Himmelswache überschattet war. Die Heilige Familie, von der Welt «ungesehen», wurde allein gelassen und für die Welt als bedeutungslos betrachtet. Die berühmten Hirtenfelder von «Bethlehem-Ephratha» (der Ort, an welchem die …

Still Small Voice – Christmas Greetings

Jay and Meridel Rawlings.  Box 47554, Ermioni, Greece. 210 51  December 2023.                                                                                                       Our heavenly Father IS Love. Jesus IS His Beloved. Holy Spirit IS the Spirit of Love. May Jesus bring Peace to us at this time of world exploitation, loss, war, and sorrow. I chose a copy of this unusual painting because of Who Jesus was on earth and IS to us today. Here we see an angel strengthening Him in those last lonely hours in the Garden, while Satan lurks in the shadows. Jesus faced His last ordeal feeling forsaken and alone. All was quiet in the olive grove. “Father if it be your will, let this cup pass from me.” Jesus pleaded. His answer was an awful silence. What a severe …

Christmas & New Year greetings from Meridel

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year dear friends! With joy, I write my last Still Small Voice letter for 2017. Above is a photo taken at the Mandala Center on the shores of Galilee. This location rests within the biblical fishing village of Mary of Magdalene. The painting above represents the time when Jesus stood still in the midst of a moving throng of humanity and demanded: “Who touched me?” Luke 8:44a. A woman with a flow of blood for 12 years, dared to reach out and touch the tallit on Jesus’ prayer shawl. No one noticed, but He did! She had to come forward in front of all to receive her healing. Let each one reading this letter do the same. Come, reach out, push through until you touch Him. You hold the keys to your life, for only you can allow Jesus to renovate your life. Take this step now. Jerusalem The unusual photo Rt. taken by my nephew Paul Chobaniuk from Vancouver, is of the S.W. corner of the Temple Mount. In this place the Almighty said 45 times …

PM Netanyahu 2016 Holiday Greeting

We at Israel Vision and Still Small Voice send to YOU our dear frends worldwide very best wishes for Christmas and Channuka. We sense that 2017 will be a momentous year, and all who pray will be encouraged by this greeting from Mr. Netanayhu. Join us as Meridel gives personal greetings to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a reception at the International Christian Embassy. She was able to mention that the lovely life size oil painting porraits of the Presidents and Prime Ministers which hang in the entrance way to the cabinet room of Israel’s Parliament, Knesset; were painted by renowned Canadian artist, Joy Caros Rawlings of Vancouver, BC Canada. They are a gift to the country. PM Bibi’s response to Meridel was the warm Israeli expression, “Kol Ha Kavod” – meaning in English ” All the Honor or Congratulations”! These are days of unprecedented attacks on Israel by the United Nations. What is happening hearkens back to the days of the Greek occupation of the land 2,300 years ago.  Jews were not allowed to …