
PM Netanyahu 2016 Holiday Greeting

We at Israel Vision and Still Small Voice send to YOU our dear frends worldwide very best wishes for Christmas and Channuka.

We sense that 2017 will be a momentous year, and all who pray will be encouraged by this greeting from Mr. Netanayhu.

Join us as Meridel gives personal greetings to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a reception at the International Christian Embassy. She was able to mention that the lovely life size oil painting porraits of the Presidents and Prime Ministers which hang in the entrance way to the cabinet room of Israel’s Parliament, Knesset; were painted by renowned Canadian artist, Joy Caros Rawlings of Vancouver, BC Canada. They are a gift to the country. PM Bibi’s response to Meridel was the warm Israeli expression, “Kol Ha Kavod” – meaning in English ” All the Honor or Congratulations”!

These are days of unprecedented attacks on Israel by the United Nations. What is happening hearkens back to the days of the Greek occupation of the land 2,300 years ago.  Jews were not allowed to speak or teach Hebrew, or worship in the temple. Some were so ashamed of their heritage as Jews that they had their circumcisions reversed. War broke out, and eventually the Greeks were driven out.

 Today, nations  in the Security Council of the UN hide behind their “legal authority” to continue to castigate Israel. Resolution 2334 is a gross failure of  human rights for the Palestiniansas well as the Israelis. After 5 years of war In Syria leaving 500,000 dead, millions of refugees, NOT ONE resolution was brought to bear against the Syrian and Russian backed genocide of women and children in Aleppo. Do not forget Assad’s regime is propped up by Iran.  The Bible says, “Woe unto those who call good evil and evil good.”  The Prime Minister clearly refers to this in his Christmas Message. Please pray for him and the Israeli and Palestinian people at this time. We bless you and thank you!

We know that the LIGHT will always triumph over darkness.

In HIS love,

Jay and Meridel, sons and Team