All posts filed under: Newsletters

Still Small Voice – Day 280

Dear Friends: “Things as we have known them are coming to an end!” Barry Wunsch Canada We live in amazing times. What matters most is not our geographical location but our spiritual location. Being in the eye of the storm, we can help many. I know you do as the Lord directs. ‘He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings, you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.’” I am being prompted by the Holy Spirit to “remain here and keep watch!” During Jesus’s agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, this was His only request of his faithless disciples. How do you respond to that? It’s not easy for sure. The news from Israel, Europe, Africa, Asia and North and South Africa is so distressing that I can no longer watch it. It causes me to tremble and deal with brokenheartedness. I am being led another way, not to look down, but to keep my gaze fixed on the eternal promises of the LORD God Almighty.  Perhaps you are experiencing this …

Wake Up!

My dear friends: In these days, knowing the scriptures helps us to ‘think’ out of the box. Our survival depends upon wisdom, knowledge, and truth from heaven’s perspective. Man does not have the answers. That is not an overstatement. In and outside of Israel people are perplexed, confounded and angry by the savagery of Oct 7th. The world has largely ignored Israel’s greatest ongoing tragedy to date. The country is clearly divided into two camps. One blames the political and military leadership for negligence which caused the disaster, coupled with how the army handled the invasion. The other religious, citizens are largely non-involved, especially by refusing to agree for their sons to serve in the IDF. How can that one attitude alone help to cement a fractured people? One side pays with their lives, the other is paid to sit in Yeshiva? What is your answer? Now an exhausted and depleted nation faces ongoing war in the North with 200,000 Israeli refugees from north and south within their own nation. They need you to stand …

Still Small Voice – Day 253

Dear Friends who care: The Hebrew year we are in is 5784, which means: the prison doors open for Joseph. We give thanks today for the IDF, rescuing 4 hostages last week, which makes 7 living, safely snatched from Hamas. We pray for the remaining 120. I am reminded of a vision my brother-in-law Keevin had during a prayer meeting. He saw Jesus walking the miserable streets of Gaza weeping for His peoples, both Jew and Arab. Many hungry frightened Gazans are being murdered by brutal Hamas today. “What one nation on earth is like Your people Israel, whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people and to make a name for Himself, and to do great and awesome things for Yourself and for Your land, before Your people whom you have redeemed for Your self from Egypt, from nations and their gods.?”  2 Samuel 7:23 Intense war has broken out on Israel’s Northern Border. Israel took out a senior military Hezbollah leader. The result is that now, missiles are falling into Israel …

The Handwriting on the Wall

My Dearest Friends: The cover photo this week is of Prophet Kim Clement. I am sharing his precise prophecies of world events given ten years ago. Please listen with your spirit. Who can deny, ‘these days are dark?’ Everywhere we turn we are assaulted by terrible news in not just one nation, but many nations. I find it overwhelming. Not wanting to send you a negative word, I have decided to skip most of the news and set our sights on the sovereignty of the LORD God! The hour is late. Evil progresses at an alarming rate. These prophecies counter the negative daily news. “The LORD will make you the head [leader] and not the tail [follower]; and you will be above only, and you will not be beneath, IF [conditional] you listen and pay attention to the Commandments of the LORD your God, which I am commanding you today to observe them carefully.” Deuteronomy 38:13 “I was first to say to Zion,’ Listen carefully, here they are [the Jews who will be restored to …


My Dear Friends: “… My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”  Psalm 45:1 This week, I am happy to announce that our book Timeless Secrets Vol. 2, Miracles Among the Nations is now available on Amazon. This week the photo above is none other than the cover of our latest book. Please tell your friends and family and church and any social groups you belong to how to get this book. It is as real as your next breath. We write about the excitement of following Messiah by faith. His whispers to our hearts led Jay and I together into many challenges. We had few answers, some thought we were presumptuous, radical, crazy, or religious! But, we had determined to listen and trust and obey no matter what life threw at us.  This book is different! We take you with us to many nations around the globe, be it the slums or a national leader’s home, in answer to the …


Dear Friends; “Hear this, you who trample down the needy, and do away with the poor of the land … I shall make that time like a time of mourning for an only son [who has died.]” Amos 8: 4,10e. Our cover photo this week was taken on Israel’s 76th Independence Day. The people in the photo are lying down because of missiles coming into Israel from Hamas that day. How tragic it all is. Our Prime Minister is under fire from within the nation because of the reality of never ending pain the people have had to endure since Oct 7th 2023. He is wanted by the International Court. I quote: “There is no comfort. There is life, but the wound will remain until the end of our lives. Our War of Independence has not yet ended – it continues even now.” Unquote I cannot apologize for the heaviness of my last few Still Small Voice letters. Let us HEAR what the Spirit is saying. Let us heed the warnings. History has much to …

Still Small Voice – Fishers and Hunters

My Dear Friends: This week I heard this saying: ONLY LISTEN IF YOU WILL HEAR: “Behold, [listen carefully], I will send for many fishermen,” says the LORD, “and they will fish for them; and afterward I will send for many hunters, and they will hunt them from every mountain and from every hill and out of the clefts of the rock.” Jeremiah 16:16 TJVN (The Jewish Voice News) @TJVNEWS. Tonight May 9th 2024 Breaking News: There is an incident of rioters trying to break into a hotel in Athens, Greece where a group of Israelis are staying. The local police forces are trying to take over.  This “Emergency” Aliyah Conference was held May 1st/24 in Jerusalem. Since 1971, when we first carried scriptures to the Jewish Community in the then Soviet Union, we have been fishing or encouraging Jewish Communities to return home to Israel. In 1980 Jay presented the film we co-produced, Apples of Gold to Jewish and Christian Communities all over North America.  In one synagogue in America, the well-known Rabbi brought his …

Still Small Voice – Watch, Pray and Speak up!

Shalom My Dear Friends: The days are severe. Thank you for your prayers. I begin with two eye-opening scriptures. “ … Amalek was the first of the [neighbouring] nations [to oppose Israel after they left Egypt]. But his end shall be his destruction.” Numbers 20:24 “Nor do they [terrorists] lie beside the fallen heroes of the uncircumcised, who went down to Sheol with their weapons of war, whose swords were laid [with honors] under their heads. The punishment for their sins rested on their bones, (DNA) for the terror of these [so-called] heroes was once in the land of the living.”  Ezekiel 32:27 My advisers and I discussed the film, Screams Before Silence. Do we send it to you or not? These souls had NO voice. The film was produced by the former head of Facebook. These first-hand witnesses of Oct. 7th are speaking out. I urge you to listen well. It will help to clear away the noise and confusion. Evil is Evil. Our world reflects this spirit day after day. May Jesus our …

Still Small Voice – Rejoicing!

My dear friends: This is a very short letter of thankfulness. This week was one of unsettled weather across the earth. Fierce sand storms from the Sahara filled our skies with darkness due to the sand. See the photo above.  At the same time, our family in Helsinki Finland had a snowstorm. Let us all take a moment to rejoice with the whole house of Israel, in the midst of their Passover holidays. Let us also rejoice in that we are joined together because of Messiah. One God, One people, One family. “This is the [remarkable degree of confidence which we as believers are entitled to] have before Him; that if we ask anything according to His will [that is consistent with his plans and purpose] He hears us.”  1 John 5:14 I begin with this magnificent piece, please watch it with your Bible in hand and take notes as you choose. A Touch of History: Golda Meir was and continues to be considered a Mother to her People Israel.  In 1970 Israeli Prime Minister Golda …

Still Small Voice – Passover 2024

Shalom dear Friends: A Blessed Passover season to my readers who love this Eternal Feast. My letter is lengthy, I had no way to download the information in digital form. Maybe it is for the better, as you may want to return to this again and again. Please take your time, read a little at a time if it is too much, but it is vital! “God brought Israel out of Egypt. Israel has strength like the wild ox … He will devour his adversaries. Blessed of God is he who blesses you and  cursed of God is he who curses you.” Numbers 24:8a, 9b. Warfare: Moses initiated the first Passover. He prepared his people and they had to be obedient by faith, not fully aware of what was coming. Can you picture the fathers and sons painting the doorposts and lentils of their homes with the blood of the lamb they just sacrificed for their family? A tough scene for sure, some 4,000 years ago. It had to leave an indelible memory.  The Eternal …